yeah im geting continual "mapservers" (server not responding) ive had up to 360+ on counter, if its working properl it shuold boot me after 30secs or so. acount server seems to be closing then openng port on me every few mins, sometimes more often seems to last 30-40 secons, sometimes if i log out early it wount be able to authenticate but within a few seconds i can reconect to acount server, other times it seems to open port befor it boots me, which leads to alot of ruber banding. wondering if theres not some kind of virus in acount server cause i havnt seen a mesage saying hardware is fried and there routing around it, but it seems alot similar to if they were
If there was a Virus on the STO servers, then everyone would be effected by it, and thats simply not the case...
But the symptoms you're describing seems to indicate that you're suffering from dropped packets somewhere between your ISP connection and the STO servers. And its not possible to tell who the responsible party is without further information, such as the Trace Route and Net Test results...
I'm also getting a lot of lag and that rubber-banding thing where characters jump all over the place and I'm also getting server disconnects. I live in Hamburg.
This seems to be a common problem with this game judging from Google searches I've done and the problems seem to date back to when the game was released!
I get server not responding messages all the time and they last anywhere from 20 seconds to over 300. It makes the game unplayable. Any advice would be much appreciated.
yes iv ran that program and from what i seen everything is perfect on my end
the 1st column everything is 1100ks/s 2ns column is 44kb/s and up 3rd column is 1400kb/s and im still gettin server not responding every 5 mins followed by a disconnected from server and i dont have any thing running besides sto
Getting server not responding and lag alot. I just play since 2 days or so and played a few MMOs before even with servers in USA but not one of them was so bad about laggin/rubberbanding like this one.
I like the game from what I could play without lags but these things destory my fun. My homestead (heh ever wanted to use that word ) is NRW near Aachen and Cologne.
The funniest thing is that WHILE I have a server not responding message in game my tracert to gives ~160-200ms so it has to be smth on the server.
As someone before pointed out there are plenty of threads about this topic since the game was released and still many people complain. You can't tell me that all these people have bad ISPs
Another thing I read was, that one should open ports on his router to get better ping...HELL NO! The f... did you write for a ****ty code if you have to open ports for an MMO that's just plainly stupid.
The funniest thing is that WHILE I have a server not responding message in game my tracert to gives ~160-200ms so it has to be smth on the server......
Uhmmm.... Values above 150ms are considered BAD, and are a indication of network congestion on that link...
Not really in their own post they write ping under 180ms is considered good. Also how do you want to get a ping under 100ms if they only have servers in USA when you are not from the USA or Canada or Russia. There is no way, because even if you use the proxy you either have bad ping to proxy (like US proxy) or from proxy to gameserver. Okay you can't play the same way as with a ping under 100ms or even under 50ms, but still in a MMORPG it's not so bad to have a bit higher ping.
I mean 160ms at the end of the tracert not on the way, so the last line of the latest tracert I made (btw not playing currently just testing it for fun) was
12 186 ms 177 ms 138 ms
As you can see I even got below the 150ms you said, but as I said in post #1 from me: Even when I have a high ping in game I have a low tracert ping and as I assume they servers are in the same datacenter, so they have something bad there and not on the way to it.
Not really in their own post they write ping under 180ms is considered good. Also how do you want to get a ping under 100ms if they only have servers in USA when you are not from the USA or Canada or Russia. There is no way, because even if you use the proxy you either have bad ping to proxy (like US proxy) or from proxy to gameserver. Okay you can't play the same way as with a ping under 100ms or even under 50ms, but still in a MMORPG it's not so bad to have a bit higher ping..
There seems to be some misunderstanding here.. a normal 'ping' shows the total latency in a connection from start to finish...
A trace route output shows the latency from node to node along the path the packet stream takes. So the values your seeing is the latency of the response from packets sent by the previous node. Because of this, it is possible to get one or two BAD values, while the others remain outstanding on their latency. This is also why trace route is useful as a diagnostic tool, as it can pinpoint which node along your connection path is having performance issues...
Okay here is a full tracert with a 65packets ping and the nettest. The reason I found why the nettest was so bad is that I don't open the ports in my router, because after all it is a security risk and I don't want to set my pc into a DMZ so that I all other pcs in my network are safe
I would really like to know WHAT the nettest is testing and why one should have such high values on there. I played games like Everquest 1/2, Battlefield and SWTOR without problems with a much weaker internet connection which couldn't even get close to 300kb/s in any direction. In that games I never had issues only when someone was downloading a file I sometimes lagged a bit but never so bad like in STO. And yeah I played on US Server
Routenverfolgung zu [] ?ber maximal
30 Abschnitte:
1 1 ms 2 ms 1 ms [***.***.***.***]
2 31 ms 30 ms 29 ms []
3 30 ms 30 ms 28 ms [195.71.
4 31 ms 29 ms 30 ms [62.53.
5 52 ms 53 ms 97 ms
6 81 ms 57 ms 52 ms
7 133 ms 137 ms 134 ms [130.11
8 156 ms 136 ms 134 ms [154.54
9 234 ms 200 ms 214 ms [66.28.
10 233 ms 249 ms 207 ms [154.54.46.
11 236 ms 184 ms 192 ms
12 201 ms 169 ms 248 ms
Okay here is a full tracert with a 65packets ping and the nettest. The reason I found why the nettest was so bad is that I don't open the ports in my router, because after all it is a security risk and I don't want to set my pc into a DMZ so that I all other pcs in my network are safe
I would really like to know WHAT the nettest is testing and why one should have such high values on there. ...
7 133 ms 137 ms 134 ms [130.11
8 156 ms 136 ms 134 ms [154.54
9 234 ms 200 ms 214 ms [66.28.
10 233 ms 249 ms 207 ms [154.54.46.
11 236 ms 184 ms 192 ms
12 201 ms 169 ms 248 ms
P.S. I just removed my routers IP ^^
The simple explanation... Trace Route checks for latency. Net Test checks sustained throughput of bandwidth, as well as network access through router gateways and Firewalls... (And Cryptic does warn you need a BROADBAND QUALITY Internet connection to play STO, no doubt because of the needs to support on-demand patching.)
From the looks of your Trace Route, it appears there is an issue with the Cogent Communication Trans-Atlantic link (London to Boston?). You might want to post your Trace Route results into this thread on the Official PWE Tech Support Forum...
But the symptoms you're describing seems to indicate that you're suffering from dropped packets somewhere between your ISP connection and the STO servers. And its not possible to tell who the responsible party is without further information, such as the Trace Route and Net Test results...
This seems to be a common problem with this game judging from Google searches I've done and the problems seem to date back to when the game was released!
the 1st column everything is 1100ks/s 2ns column is 44kb/s and up 3rd column is 1400kb/s and im still gettin server not responding every 5 mins followed by a disconnected from server and i dont have any thing running besides sto
I like the game from what I could play without lags but these things destory my fun. My homestead (heh ever wanted to use that word
The funniest thing is that WHILE I have a server not responding message in game my tracert to gives ~160-200ms so it has to be smth on the server.
As someone before pointed out there are plenty of threads about this topic since the game was released and still many people complain. You can't tell me that all these people have bad ISPs
Another thing I read was, that one should open ports on his router to get better ping...HELL NO! The f... did you write for a ****ty code if you have to open ports for an MMO that's just plainly stupid.
I mean 160ms at the end of the tracert not on the way, so the last line of the latest tracert I made (btw not playing currently just testing it for fun) was
As you can see I even got below the 150ms you said, but as I said in post #1 from me: Even when I have a high ping in game I have a low tracert ping and as I assume they servers are in the same datacenter, so they have something bad there and not on the way to it.
A trace route output shows the latency from node to node along the path the packet stream takes. So the values your seeing is the latency of the response from packets sent by the previous node. Because of this, it is possible to get one or two BAD values, while the others remain outstanding on their latency. This is also why trace route is useful as a diagnostic tool, as it can pinpoint which node along your connection path is having performance issues...
I would really like to know WHAT the nettest is testing and why one should have such high values on there. I played games like Everquest 1/2, Battlefield and SWTOR without problems with a much weaker internet connection which couldn't even get close to 300kb/s in any direction. In that games I never had issues only when someone was downloading a file I sometimes lagged a bit but never so bad like in STO. And yeah I played on US Server
P.S. I just removed my routers IP ^^
From the looks of your Trace Route, it appears there is an issue with the Cogent Communication Trans-Atlantic link (London to Boston?). You might want to post your Trace Route results into this thread on the Official PWE Tech Support Forum...
and see if PWE can kick Cogent Communications a few more times over their Boston Hub gateway to the STO Servers...