People say the Galaxy class isn't a iconic ship, Well Cryptic have no issues using the ships image for marketing, promotional or commercial use. What ship is in the top right hand corner of this forum, Galaxy class is shown in screen shots on the back of my game box, Look through the Omega slides and Galaxy turns up.
Exactly, they use it ALL the time, in fact, I'd argue it's the most represented ship in all Cryptics media to entice players to this game (the reason for that should be obvious). Yet, its the most under performing ship out of all of them.
Go figure Cryptic.
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Would be nice to give fleet versions of ships a universal boff slot. Even it's only a lt. giving players options is really what mmo's are all about. I'm not suggesting a free boff slot, just convert 1 to universal. The dev team should think about it first obviously, but imagine how many variations of ships you would see, but then again that may drive down c store purchases.
Looking back on the tv series, Picard had the galaxy setup 1 way, while the one that engaged the Jem hadar for the first time, was setup completely different.
I do agree though, out of all the paths to have the most abilities for, engineering would be the last 1 on my list.
As a fan of TNG I really looked forward to becoming Captain and getting my Galaxy Class ship. Of course I went into this blindly based on my enjoyment of the show and that this is my first MMO. Imagine my horror to discover that the Galaxy class is this big lumbering whale of a ship with the steering response of a cow.
TBO I couldn't wait to get rid of it. Now I have my Excelsior at RA I've never looked back but it is pretty awful that they effectively gimped a classic starship.
"You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon, taH pagh, taH be"
The Galaxy (especially the Fleet Version) should have no less than 2 Universal BOff slots. Lt. Cmdr and an Ensign. Fleet version would bump the Ensign Universal slot up to a Lt.
Star Trek Battles: For those who want to Play Star Trek Online as it WAS MEANT TO BE!!!
I don't understand why people continually ask for universal boff stations on the galaxy when comparable ships don't get universal slots. If engineering abilities are so bad then you should be asking for better engineering abilities, asking for your favorite ship to get special treatment is silly. The galaxy is exactly as focused into engineering as the defiant is to tactical and the intrepid to science. If engineering abilities suck so bad then that is the sensible way to address the galaxy.
and the only ship out of those 3 that doesn't suck, and isn't a hindrance to a team in a elite stf or a PvP match is the defiant as it can deliver dps. Because this is a dps centric game.
and the only ship out of those 3 that doesn't suck, and isn't a hindrance to a team in a elite stf or a PvP match is the defiant as it can deliver dps. Because this is a dps centric game.
That's a problem with the mechanics and timed optionals on top of rather wonky tanking/healing/debuffing/buffing in general. The game's DPS centric because it's the only real consistent thing that actually works in every given situation.
exactly which is why the Galaxy and Intrepid are not great ships. they are limited to eng tank or sci tank and the game mechanics don't really support these ships as they should, which is why unless the game is fixed to find effective roles for these ships, they need to be buffed to be as effective as the other ships of their class
A question to all those people that are against changing the Galaxy class, What cruisers do you fly ? and if not the Galaxy class why ?
Giving it uni boff's doesn't make any sense though and isn't likely to happen. What makes sense is to either address it through content (make tanking useful) or through more useful engineering abilities. It is a poor practice to fix an unbalanced situation by creating another unbalanced situation.
If engineering stations are so bad (and I am not saying I agree that they are but lets say for the sake of argument they are) then why not look into those engineering abilities that do damage and ask how can they be tweaked to be more useful. Personally I use EPtW in 2 stations and I enjoy it a lot, what's not to like, percentage based damage increase short term with a long term weapon power boost I can keep active nonstop with 2 stations. Yes, it's linked to other abilities, so you can't address your shields with EPtW active... but hey you want to do damage, right? I can't speak to the other engineering boff skills that are designed to do damage, those might be a good place to start.
Another possibility is to look at boarding party, and asking how we can make it more successful, as it's currently a low chance to do anything since the boarding parties can be shot down well before they get to the target assuming the target isn't killed before it gets there. Perhaps a more active disable ability would make more sense. I have never been fond of abilities where you push the button and then just hope they will do something.
It's a very lazy and unimaginative "fix" to demand universal boffs, particularly when no one else is getting them in comparable ships. I kind of think the people who are continually pushing that as the way to fix the galaxy are getting in the way of finding a solution that will actually ever come to fruition.
the Galaxy should mirror the Nebula but be slightly more powerful.
I'd be happy with with this setup on the Fleet Galaxy
Lt Tact
Lt Uni or Tact.
Cmd Engineer
Lt Engineer
Lt Sci
Or even if you Must have a ensign station
Lt Tact
Lt Uni
Cmd Engineer
Ens Engineer
Lt Cmd Sci
A loss of 6-8000k in hull strength for the extra lt station
and a 4/3/3 for console layout or even a 5-2-3 setup to lose a bit of shield tanking
Turn Rate increased from base of 6-7 so still slow moving and handicapped for a cannon
This still puts her below the Ody and Regent who have access to a Lt Cmd tact option, The Excelsior still has the Lt Cmd tact station and turn rate, but i know this would make the Galaxy competitive without replacing the Ody and Regent at the top of the cruiser tree.
The Fleet Vor'cha wouldn't have its toes stepped on that thing is an animal with a full cannon build and the Negh'var still has the Turn rate advantage.
Seriously lol, get realistic, the fleet galaxy is not going to get uni boffs and the same console layout as the fleet prometheus. I am sure you want that, I want a million dollars, but you should get real here.
Giving it uni boff's doesn't make any sense though and isn't likely to happen. What makes sense is to either address it through content (make tanking useful) or through more useful engineering abilities. It is a poor practice to fix an unbalanced situation by creating another unbalanced situation.
The game has been made dps centric and with the continuous release of more powerful weapons, gear, and passive abilities that's not likely to change. It's much easier to simply adjust the ship to fit the game then it is to adjust the game to fit the ship. Tanking is useful in STO, but can be done with 2 or 3 engineering skills on any ship. Several of the escort in this game can tank as well as the Galaxy yet also have a lot of tactical flexibility.
If engineering stations are so bad (and I am not saying I agree that they are but lets say for the sake of argument they are) then why not look into those engineering abilities that do damage and ask how can they be tweaked to be more useful. Personally I use EPtW in 2 stations and I enjoy it a lot, what's not to like, percentage based damage increase short term with a long term weapon power boost I can keep active nonstop with 2 stations. Yes, it's linked to other abilities, so you can't address your shields with EPtW active... but hey you want to do damage, right? I can't speak to the other engineering boff skills that are designed to do damage, those might be a good place to start.
No one is saying that ALL engineering skills are useless, but an overabundance of them is just redundant. The Galaxy suffers from 3 ensign level engineering slots which unfortunately is terrible. You can generally fill two of those with useful powers (2xEPtX are useful) but then your left with the third ensign that has to be used for what? These excessive engineering stations become even more useless with damage control engineers which allow you to run one copy of EPtX with near 100% up time.
Another possibility is to look at boarding party, and asking how we can make it more successful, as it's currently a low chance to do anything since the boarding parties can be shot down well before they get to the target assuming the target isn't killed before it gets there. Perhaps a more active disable ability would make more sense. I have never been fond of abilities where you push the button and then just hope they will do something.
I agree that something needs to be done about engineering skills, particularly at the ensign level if they want to leave ships with all these engineering stations.
It's a very lazy and unimaginative "fix" to demand universal boffs, particularly when no one else is getting them in comparable ships. I kind of think the people who are continually pushing that as the way to fix the galaxy are getting in the way of finding a solution that will actually ever come to fruition.
It's not lazy it's simply fixing the ship and bringing it inline with the games current content.
If engineering stations are so bad (and I am not saying I agree that they are but lets say for the sake of argument they are) then why not look into those engineering abilities that do damage and ask how can they be tweaked to be more useful. Personally I use EPtW in 2 stations and I enjoy it a lot, what's not to like, percentage based damage increase short term with a long term weapon power boost I can keep active nonstop with 2 stations. Yes, it's linked to other abilities, so you can't address your shields with EPtW active... but hey you want to do damage, right? I can't speak to the other engineering boff skills that are designed to do damage, those might be a good place to start.
engineering abilities are bad, and more precisely the ensign one, or rather the lack of them.
and this have nothing to do with firepower, we have already suggest cryptic to give more diversity, like transfert tractor beam or polarize hull to engineering, but nothing come from cryptic and nothing may ever come, so that why some people want the universal bo slot on this ship.
It's a very lazy and unimaginative "fix" to demand universal boffs, particularly when no one else is getting them in comparable ships
the one who is lazzy here if ever is cryptic by didn't do a thing on this lack since 3 years now, and to correct you since once again you seem to talk about things you don't known, the fleet negvar have a universal bo slot as well as the upcomming cstore DDeridex.
so where your arguments stand now?
and one last thing, yes, the boarding party power should be look at.... but not for what you think, it is currently overpowered as it is.
if you don't bielieve me just go on the OPVP channel on game and ask for a player name saxfire, he will show you how he can disable your ship for 7 minutes, yes 7 minutes it not a typo, all your abilities will be disable, even your weapons.
after that we can talk about boarding party again if you want.
Wait and you think the ensign tactical on the defiant is useful? LOLOLOL no... escorts use cannons, ensign tactical abilites are beam array junk and tactical team, no use to having more then 2 tactical teams running, so the tactical ensign is useless. You act like you have some unique issue.
the one who is lazzy here if ever is cryptic by didn't do a thing on this lack since 3 years now, .
In three years Cryptic has:
1- Fixed the galaxy graphics and the visuals three separate times.
2- Created a Retrofit of the ship. It launched only at T4.
3- Created the Galaxy X version.
4- Added saucer sep to the ship.
5- Fixed the saucer sep's bugs multiple times.
6- Created a Fleet Version of the Retrofit Galaxy.
In three years they've done quite a bit to this ship.
I think your use of the phrase "three years" is hyperbole.
They may need to do more to the ship. But to claim they haven't done anything to it? If that were the case, you'd still only have it as T4 option. And this thread wouldn't exist.
1- Fixed the galaxy graphics and the visuals three separate times.
2- Created a Retrofit of the ship. It launched only at T4.
3- Created the Galaxy X version.
4- Added saucer sep to the ship.
5- Fixed the saucer sep's bugs multiple times.
6- Created a Fleet Version of the Retrofit Galaxy.
In three years they've done quite a bit to this ship.
I think your use of the phrase "three years" is hyperbole.
They may need to do more to the ship. But to claim they haven't done anything to it? If that were the case, you'd still only have it as T4 option. And this thread wouldn't exist.
you obviously missread me, i was not speaking about the galaxy but about the ensign engi bo power, please... re read my post carrefully.
Wait and you think the ensign tactical on the defiant is useful? LOLOLOL no... escorts use cannons, ensign tactical abilites are beam array junk and tactical team, no use to having more then 2 tactical teams running, so the tactical ensign is useless. You act like you have some unique issue.
a third ensign tactical slot is not uber usefull indeed, but as it stand it is still more usefull than a third ensign engi power.
yes some escort in pvp use 1 dual beam bank to finish you with beam overload after they rip of your shield with their canons, just like in this video:
ho!! magic! beam overload can be put on an ensign tact slot!!!
so on how much post are you continue to expose your lack of knownlege of the game?
Just thought I'd help, so others can read what you intend to say.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
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Wait and you think the ensign tactical on the defiant is useful? LOLOLOL no... escorts use cannons, ensign tactical abilites are beam array junk and tactical team, no use to having more then 2 tactical teams running, so the tactical ensign is useless. You act like you have some unique issue.
Not all escorts go with an all cannon loadout and I agree that the defiant is not the best if that's the route you want to take. But, with that said, it is still a good ship if you plan on using a dual beam bank with B:O or a torpedo launcher and T:HY or T:S. The way this game currently works an overabundance of tactical stations are much more useful then a surplus of engineering stations.
Having only a Lt tac station gimps your tactical flexibility. Having only an Lt eng station will still allows you to tank adequately.
you obviously missread me, i was not speaking about the galaxy but about the ensign engi bo power, please... re read my post carrefully.
They've also done quite a few changes to Engineering BOFF powers. Some good, some bad, and most of them set up the situation that we're currently in with the shared cooldowns. The powers didn't all work that way at launch. Snix did most of the tweaking. In the first year of the game's existence. And yeah, they haven't done much lately that's for sure.
Just thought I'd help, so others can read what you intend to say.
he just misanderstood my post and thaught i was speaking about the galaxy when i was speaking about ensign engie power.
granted i might have write it very badly wich might have lead to that confusion.
but now you known.
One thing the nay sayers on fixing the Galaxy have failed to answer is. What cruiser do you fly ? and why do you not fly the Galaxy ?
Of course they are going to argue against a retool of the Galaxy mainly because it will no longer be their ***** to slap in PvP or have the comfort of knowing that in Gorn Minefield, SB 24 and Scout Force its no competition for 1st place.
But i would like to hear from any of the people on here, who are against beefing the Galaxy and fly cruisers as to why they don't use the Galaxy. Rather than i make assumptions.
Please give let us know why are you against the Galaxy getting updated and why if you think the ship is fine as is do you not fly it ?
One thing the nay sayers on fixing the Galaxy have failed to answer is. What cruiser do you fly ? and why do you not fly the Galaxy ?
Mirror Star Cruiser was what I was flying up until a month or so ago when I finally abandoned cruisers altogether and switched my cruiser captain out to a Kumari.
But for the longest time he flew the Assault Cruiser. I flew that because I liked the Sovereign. Especially after Logan added the yellow deflector. But when I finally got an Aegis set way back when, it changed the deflector graphic. So I switched to my Imperial skin. Which was a strange look, but for me it felt like it enhanced the look of the Aegis visuals.
At the end of the day I didn't fly the Galaxy because I didn't like the way it handled. I still have my token to spend on a retrofit ship. I've tried the Galaxy Retro on test at least two dozen times in the past couple of years.
I don't like how it handles.
I switched to a Mirror Star Cruiser because I could finally fly a star cruiser that didn't look like a flattened spoon. I got to keep the Assault Cruiser look, but carry a star cruiser build. Which I found to be very effective at support in SOME content. (mainly the protect the Kang part of that STF and the Crystaline Catastrophe Event).
I've wanted to fly an Odyssey but can't justify the cost for something that still in the end is no longer a fun type of ship to fly. I'm tired of cruisers being so much less fun to play STO end-game with. I'm done with them overall. Until something changes.
This is a huge shift for me. I stuck with this character as my main through thick and thin. And always was flying a cruiser with him. There's something just so inherently TREK about the cruiser. It always felt larger than life.
It doesn't anymore.
It's just a whole host of frustrating tradeoffs.
I won't do aux2batt. That to me defeats the purpose. It doesn't address the inherent problem with Cruisers or seek to help Cruisers or the game evolve. It's also ONE dev tweak away from being nerfed, and my experience with that kind of build is once bitten twice shy (that's not saying it will get nerfed, just that it is so open to being wrecked by one shortsighted Dev that I don't think I could handle it too well if that did happen).
So yeah, when faced with all of that, and with how much more fun my Tactical character was in the Charal, I just switched to the Kumari.
As an engineer, this captain can really kind of compensate for the glass part, and it's so much more fun having the CANNON.
Maybe they'll do something with cruisers and I'll come back to them on this guy. It feels wrong that I've abandoned the ideal. And as far as cruisers themselves go, I just never could get comfortable turning just that tinsy bit slower in the Galaxy.
Mirror Star Cruiser was what I was flying up until a month or so ago when I finally abandoned cruisers altogether and switched my cruiser captain out to a Kumari.
But for the longest time he flew the Assault Cruiser. I flew that because I liked the Sovereign. Especially after Logan added the yellow deflector. But when I finally got an Aegis set way back when, it changed the deflector graphic. So I switched to my Imperial skin. Which was a strange look, but for me it felt like it enhanced the look of the Aegis visuals.
At the end of the day I didn't fly the Galaxy because I didn't like the way it handled. I still have my token to spend on a retrofit ship. I've tried the Galaxy Retro on test at least two dozen times in the past couple of years.
I don't like how it handles.
I switched to a Mirror Star Cruiser because I could finally fly a star cruiser that didn't look like a flattened spoon. I got to keep the Assault Cruiser look, but carry a star cruiser build. Which I found to be very effective at support in SOME content. (mainly the protect the Kang part of that STF and the Crystaline Catastrophe Event).
I've wanted to fly an Odyssey but can't justify the cost for something that still in the end is no longer a fun type of ship to fly. I'm tired of cruisers being so much less fun to play STO end-game with. I'm done with them overall. Until something changes.
This is a huge shift for me. I stuck with this character as my main through thick and thin. And always was flying a cruiser with him. There's something just so inherently TREK about the cruiser. It always felt larger than life.
It doesn't anymore.
It's just a whole host of frustrating tradeoffs.
I won't do aux2batt. That to me defeats the purpose. It doesn't address the inherent problem with Cruisers or seek to help Cruisers or the game evolve. It's also ONE dev tweak away from being nerfed, and my experience with that kind of build is once bitten twice shy (that's not saying it will get nerfed, just that it is so open to being wrecked by one shortsighted Dev that I don't think I could handle it too well if that did happen).
So yeah, when faced with all of that, and with how much more fun my Tactical character was in the Charal, I just switched to the Kumari.
As an engineer, this captain can really kind of compensate for the glass part, and it's so much more fun having the CANNON.
Maybe they'll do something with cruisers and I'll come back to them on this guy. It feels wrong that I've abandoned the ideal. And as far as cruisers themselves go, I just never could get comfortable turning just that tinsy bit slower in the Galaxy.
i completely anderstand what you feel, i remember just before season 5 came i thaught i was going to abandon cruiser as well.
i was returning in my galaxy x that i have let gather dust before ( it was really bad at that time: 2 tactical console slot, less powerfull lance, less hull, 1 weapons slot less in the back ), because i was now able to survive with it in my engie toon in kerrat, but still have big problem to kill the escort player with it ( they run aways and i couldn't pursuit them ).
so i just try escort to known what was their strenght and weak point to better fight them after.
it was a clash, i just love it in pvp, when i get back to my galaxy it was horrible, so slowwwwww, no firepower.
2 things was clear in my mind, i will fly escort from now on and when i get back to cruiser from time to time i will not set them for tanking like i used to but for firepower.
even if that mean that i will die much quickly, i wanted to feel the exitment and intensity of the combat that i have experience in my defiant.
i wasn't totally prepared to let go my galaxy x so i created an other toon to use this ship exclusivly, but i will use it very differently than what i use to do.
you would ask me, but why did you get back to cruiser? well season 5 grinding came in the way, i didn't have much time to do pvp anymore and i found that for some reason i hate escort in PVE.
so i get back to my galaxy dreadnought, but this time with a tact toon and build for firepower at expense or survivability.
One thing the nay sayers on fixing the Galaxy have failed to answer is. What cruiser do you fly ? and why do you not fly the Galaxy ?
I don'tr fly the Galaxy because, honestly, I feel it is/was the WORST looking hero ship created for Star Trek. I've felt that way since I first looked at that modern (for the 1980ies) art monstrosity in 1987.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
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a third ensign tactical slot is not uber usefull indeed, but as it stand it is still more usefull than a third ensign engi power.
yes some escort in pvp use 1 dual beam bank to finish you with beam overload after they rip of your shield with their canons, just like in this video:
ho!! magic! beam overload can be put on an ensign tact slot!!!
so on how much post are you continue to expose your lack of knownlege of the game?
Ok so if I want to run a suboptimal damage set up I can gimp my overall damage for 30 seconds in order to get 1 impressive shot and drain my weapon power levels substantially. Thanks for the heads up.
I don'tr fly the Galaxy because, honestly, I feel it is/was the WORST looking hero ship created for Star Trek. I've felt that way since I first looked at that modern (for the 1980ies) art monstrosity in 1987.
this....i never liked the look of the ship..inside or looked like a flying hotel with the carpeting and wood eng flies the sony, my tac flies an advanced escort and my sci flies a vesta
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Right so the general vibe i'm getting here with the people against changing the Galaxy Class for the better is
A. Aesthetics, you don't like the look of the ship, which is fair enough, i don't like the Odyssey,
Excelsior, Ambassador or Star Cruiser in comparison
B. The ship is not FUN to play or fly. So this has me scratching my head, Galaxy users and fans want the ship to be fun. as it is not fun to use in its present state or competitive. to do that it has to be retooled. But some people are against this.:eek:
So whets it to be ? do we continue to ask for a Galaxy that is fun to use, or as fun as a fed cruiser can be i.e Excelsior,Ambassador and Sovereign/Regent, Or do we leave her as she is, a undesirable ship to use ?
Despite all her limitations i think the biggest and most welcome improvement Cryptic could really give to this ship is a better turn rate, if they don't want to change the boff and console layout. Sure she's still a passive damage dealer, but at least she may not feel like such a burden to fly.
Exactly, they use it ALL the time, in fact, I'd argue it's the most represented ship in all Cryptics media to entice players to this game (the reason for that should be obvious). Yet, its the most under performing ship out of all of them.
Go figure Cryptic.
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Iconian Season: Critical
Looking back on the tv series, Picard had the galaxy setup 1 way, while the one that engaged the Jem hadar for the first time, was setup completely different.
I do agree though, out of all the paths to have the most abilities for, engineering would be the last 1 on my list.
What? Who? Where? They are irrelevant! :P
The game is changed, I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air...
much that once was, is lost... for none now live who remember it:rolleyes:
beware! escort online:)
TBO I couldn't wait to get rid of it. Now I have my Excelsior at RA I've never looked back but it is pretty awful that they effectively gimped a classic starship.
"You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon, taH pagh, taH be"
Our Battles
That's a problem with the mechanics and timed optionals on top of rather wonky tanking/healing/debuffing/buffing in general. The game's DPS centric because it's the only real consistent thing that actually works in every given situation.
A question to all those people that are against changing the Galaxy class, What cruisers do you fly ? and if not the Galaxy class why ?
If engineering stations are so bad (and I am not saying I agree that they are but lets say for the sake of argument they are) then why not look into those engineering abilities that do damage and ask how can they be tweaked to be more useful. Personally I use EPtW in 2 stations and I enjoy it a lot, what's not to like, percentage based damage increase short term with a long term weapon power boost I can keep active nonstop with 2 stations. Yes, it's linked to other abilities, so you can't address your shields with EPtW active... but hey you want to do damage, right? I can't speak to the other engineering boff skills that are designed to do damage, those might be a good place to start.
Another possibility is to look at boarding party, and asking how we can make it more successful, as it's currently a low chance to do anything since the boarding parties can be shot down well before they get to the target assuming the target isn't killed before it gets there. Perhaps a more active disable ability would make more sense. I have never been fond of abilities where you push the button and then just hope they will do something.
It's a very lazy and unimaginative "fix" to demand universal boffs, particularly when no one else is getting them in comparable ships. I kind of think the people who are continually pushing that as the way to fix the galaxy are getting in the way of finding a solution that will actually ever come to fruition.
I'd be happy with with this setup on the Fleet Galaxy
Lt Tact
Lt Uni or Tact.
Cmd Engineer
Lt Engineer
Lt Sci
Or even if you Must have a ensign station
Lt Tact
Lt Uni
Cmd Engineer
Ens Engineer
Lt Cmd Sci
A loss of 6-8000k in hull strength for the extra lt station
and a 4/3/3 for console layout or even a 5-2-3 setup to lose a bit of shield tanking
Turn Rate increased from base of 6-7 so still slow moving and handicapped for a cannon
This still puts her below the Ody and Regent who have access to a Lt Cmd tact option, The Excelsior still has the Lt Cmd tact station and turn rate, but i know this would make the Galaxy competitive without replacing the Ody and Regent at the top of the cruiser tree.
The Fleet Vor'cha wouldn't have its toes stepped on that thing is an animal with a full cannon build and the Negh'var still has the Turn rate advantage.
The game has been made dps centric and with the continuous release of more powerful weapons, gear, and passive abilities that's not likely to change. It's much easier to simply adjust the ship to fit the game then it is to adjust the game to fit the ship. Tanking is useful in STO, but can be done with 2 or 3 engineering skills on any ship. Several of the escort in this game can tank as well as the Galaxy yet also have a lot of tactical flexibility.
No one is saying that ALL engineering skills are useless, but an overabundance of them is just redundant. The Galaxy suffers from 3 ensign level engineering slots which unfortunately is terrible. You can generally fill two of those with useful powers (2xEPtX are useful) but then your left with the third ensign that has to be used for what? These excessive engineering stations become even more useless with damage control engineers which allow you to run one copy of EPtX with near 100% up time.
I agree that something needs to be done about engineering skills, particularly at the ensign level if they want to leave ships with all these engineering stations.
It's not lazy it's simply fixing the ship and bringing it inline with the games current content.
engineering abilities are bad, and more precisely the ensign one, or rather the lack of them.
and this have nothing to do with firepower, we have already suggest cryptic to give more diversity, like transfert tractor beam or polarize hull to engineering, but nothing come from cryptic and nothing may ever come, so that why some people want the universal bo slot on this ship.
the one who is lazzy here if ever is cryptic by didn't do a thing on this lack since 3 years now, and to correct you since once again you seem to talk about things you don't known, the fleet negvar have a universal bo slot as well as the upcomming cstore DDeridex.
so where your arguments stand now?
and one last thing, yes, the boarding party power should be look at.... but not for what you think, it is currently overpowered as it is.
if you don't bielieve me just go on the OPVP channel on game and ask for a player name saxfire, he will show you how he can disable your ship for 7 minutes, yes 7 minutes it not a typo, all your abilities will be disable, even your weapons.
after that we can talk about boarding party again if you want.
In three years Cryptic has:
1- Fixed the galaxy graphics and the visuals three separate times.
2- Created a Retrofit of the ship. It launched only at T4.
3- Created the Galaxy X version.
4- Added saucer sep to the ship.
5- Fixed the saucer sep's bugs multiple times.
6- Created a Fleet Version of the Retrofit Galaxy.
In three years they've done quite a bit to this ship.
I think your use of the phrase "three years" is hyperbole.
They may need to do more to the ship. But to claim they haven't done anything to it? If that were the case, you'd still only have it as T4 option. And this thread wouldn't exist.
you obviously missread me, i was not speaking about the galaxy but about the ensign engi bo power, please... re read my post carrefully.
a third ensign tactical slot is not uber usefull indeed, but as it stand it is still more usefull than a third ensign engi power.
yes some escort in pvp use 1 dual beam bank to finish you with beam overload after they rip of your shield with their canons, just like in this video:
ho!! magic! beam overload can be put on an ensign tact slot!!!
so on how much post are you continue to expose your lack of knownlege of the game?
*Ho *Magic *Beam *Tac *So *many *posts *going to continue *knowledge *in
Just thought I'd help, so others can read what you intend to say.
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Not all escorts go with an all cannon loadout and I agree that the defiant is not the best if that's the route you want to take. But, with that said, it is still a good ship if you plan on using a dual beam bank with B:O or a torpedo launcher and T:HY or T:S. The way this game currently works an overabundance of tactical stations are much more useful then a surplus of engineering stations.
Having only a Lt tac station gimps your tactical flexibility. Having only an Lt eng station will still allows you to tank adequately.
They've also done quite a few changes to Engineering BOFF powers. Some good, some bad, and most of them set up the situation that we're currently in with the shared cooldowns. The powers didn't all work that way at launch. Snix did most of the tweaking. In the first year of the game's existence. And yeah, they haven't done much lately that's for sure.
Yeah, there's more work to be done. I won't argue against that.
I'm not too confident that work will GET done. But that's just me being pessimistic? I can admit to that.
he just misanderstood my post and thaught i was speaking about the galaxy when i was speaking about ensign engie power.
granted i might have write it very badly wich might have lead to that confusion.
but now you known.
Of course they are going to argue against a retool of the Galaxy mainly because it will no longer be their ***** to slap in PvP or have the comfort of knowing that in Gorn Minefield, SB 24 and Scout Force its no competition for 1st place.
But i would like to hear from any of the people on here, who are against beefing the Galaxy and fly cruisers as to why they don't use the Galaxy. Rather than i make assumptions.
Please give let us know why are you against the Galaxy getting updated and why if you think the ship is fine as is do you not fly it ?
Mirror Star Cruiser was what I was flying up until a month or so ago when I finally abandoned cruisers altogether and switched my cruiser captain out to a Kumari.
But for the longest time he flew the Assault Cruiser. I flew that because I liked the Sovereign. Especially after Logan added the yellow deflector. But when I finally got an Aegis set way back when, it changed the deflector graphic. So I switched to my Imperial skin. Which was a strange look, but for me it felt like it enhanced the look of the Aegis visuals.
At the end of the day I didn't fly the Galaxy because I didn't like the way it handled. I still have my token to spend on a retrofit ship. I've tried the Galaxy Retro on test at least two dozen times in the past couple of years.
I don't like how it handles.
I switched to a Mirror Star Cruiser because I could finally fly a star cruiser that didn't look like a flattened spoon. I got to keep the Assault Cruiser look, but carry a star cruiser build. Which I found to be very effective at support in SOME content. (mainly the protect the Kang part of that STF and the Crystaline Catastrophe Event).
I've wanted to fly an Odyssey but can't justify the cost for something that still in the end is no longer a fun type of ship to fly. I'm tired of cruisers being so much less fun to play STO end-game with. I'm done with them overall. Until something changes.
This is a huge shift for me. I stuck with this character as my main through thick and thin. And always was flying a cruiser with him. There's something just so inherently TREK about the cruiser. It always felt larger than life.
It doesn't anymore.
It's just a whole host of frustrating tradeoffs.
I won't do aux2batt. That to me defeats the purpose. It doesn't address the inherent problem with Cruisers or seek to help Cruisers or the game evolve. It's also ONE dev tweak away from being nerfed, and my experience with that kind of build is once bitten twice shy (that's not saying it will get nerfed, just that it is so open to being wrecked by one shortsighted Dev that I don't think I could handle it too well if that did happen).
So yeah, when faced with all of that, and with how much more fun my Tactical character was in the Charal, I just switched to the Kumari.
As an engineer, this captain can really kind of compensate for the glass part, and it's so much more fun having the CANNON.
Maybe they'll do something with cruisers and I'll come back to them on this guy. It feels wrong that I've abandoned the ideal. And as far as cruisers themselves go, I just never could get comfortable turning just that tinsy bit slower in the Galaxy.
i completely anderstand what you feel, i remember just before season 5 came i thaught i was going to abandon cruiser as well.
i was returning in my galaxy x that i have let gather dust before ( it was really bad at that time: 2 tactical console slot, less powerfull lance, less hull, 1 weapons slot less in the back ), because i was now able to survive with it in my engie toon in kerrat, but still have big problem to kill the escort player with it ( they run aways and i couldn't pursuit them ).
so i just try escort to known what was their strenght and weak point to better fight them after.
it was a clash, i just love it in pvp, when i get back to my galaxy it was horrible, so slowwwwww, no firepower.
2 things was clear in my mind, i will fly escort from now on and when i get back to cruiser from time to time i will not set them for tanking like i used to but for firepower.
even if that mean that i will die much quickly, i wanted to feel the exitment and intensity of the combat that i have experience in my defiant.
i wasn't totally prepared to let go my galaxy x so i created an other toon to use this ship exclusivly, but i will use it very differently than what i use to do.
you would ask me, but why did you get back to cruiser? well season 5 grinding came in the way, i didn't have much time to do pvp anymore and i found that for some reason i hate escort in PVE.
so i get back to my galaxy dreadnought, but this time with a tact toon and build for firepower at expense or survivability.
I don'tr fly the Galaxy because, honestly, I feel it is/was the WORST looking hero ship created for Star Trek. I've felt that way since I first looked at that modern (for the 1980ies) art monstrosity in 1987.
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Ok so if I want to run a suboptimal damage set up I can gimp my overall damage for 30 seconds in order to get 1 impressive shot and drain my weapon power levels substantially. Thanks for the heads up.
this....i never liked the look of the ship..inside or looked like a flying hotel with the carpeting and wood eng flies the sony, my tac flies an advanced escort and my sci flies a vesta
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A. Aesthetics, you don't like the look of the ship, which is fair enough, i don't like the Odyssey,
Excelsior, Ambassador or Star Cruiser in comparison
B. The ship is not FUN to play or fly. So this has me scratching my head, Galaxy users and fans want the ship to be fun. as it is not fun to use in its present state or competitive. to do that it has to be retooled. But some people are against this.:eek:
So whets it to be ? do we continue to ask for a Galaxy that is fun to use, or as fun as a fed cruiser can be i.e Excelsior,Ambassador and Sovereign/Regent, Or do we leave her as she is, a undesirable ship to use ?
Despite all her limitations i think the biggest and most welcome improvement Cryptic could really give to this ship is a better turn rate, if they don't want to change the boff and console layout. Sure she's still a passive damage dealer, but at least she may not feel like such a burden to fly.
Thoughts ?