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What is your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?



  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    After the connie I'd wager more people are familiar with the Sovvy than the Galaxy.

    Beyond that, the Galaxy was the hero ship of ONE show, a show where it got shown up by almost everything else. When people think of the Galaxy class they think "cruise liner", "city in space", "grandeur and pomp". While memorable and iconic in its own right, its not what I would call the face of trek at all.

    On the opposite side you have the Defiant and Voyager, ships that most certainly meant business (ok, its a huge stretch with Voyager but lets pretend.... at least it put out a better, if infinitely more contrived, showing than the Galaxy). These two ships, and even the venerable NX-01 are far more memorable than the Galaxy as a whole.

    If you want to see it another way the Galaxy was boring. It was always a boring ship, no excitement at all.

    The Galaxy was featured in TNG, a number of Movies, DS9, and a tiny bit in Voyager. So it is rather recognizable and has been seen by many people. As the Hero Ship in TNG it did not get spanked by every ship out there. Picard did not generally want to get engaged in battle and when he DID engage in battle against opponents that were not blatantly super powered (like the Borg Cube, which BTW they ultimately DID destroy... Let us just keep that in mind) the Galaxy either Held its own or Dominated. It was not a push over but the TNG version of Starfleet was not some military bent on destroying everything in sight and the Enterprise was meant more as Diplomatic vessel than a main battleship for the fleet.

    In DS9 we got to watch the Galaxies blowing away Galors and other ships like it was child's play and they hardly broke a sweat. That was both impressive and a bit awe inspiring.

    The Enterprise D got destroyed ONCE while the Defiant got blown up in DS9 and was going to be destroyed again in First Contact until the Director for DS9 objected and instead it was just crippled into nonfunctionality and set to drift until some Starfleet vessel came by to salvage it.

    Voyager got her nacelles pwned by the Kazon... I think that says it all for that ship.

    So I would have to say that your assertions are rather baseless in all respects. The Sovereign has had a more glorious run so far but it has not really seen that much action as of yet.

    skywolf73 wrote: »
    and the poor romulain warbird is getting the same shoddy treatment 2 of the most iconic, and i got to say the warbird is awful pretty even a good galaxy model is a pretty ship, ships in the trek universe.

    fix the bo layouts of both ships, or just give them universals, give them an extra tac console, and call it a day.

    I fear this for the D'deridex... I agree it is one iconic and beautiful ship. It could always send a chill down the spine seeing one of those big monsters decloak and go nose-to-nose with the Enterprise. They were always "We are up in your face. What are you going to do about it?" in their approach. So to have them turned into another Failaxy is really painful...

    I agree with the solution though... The D'deridex is a WARSHIP... It should be focused on making things go BOOM. That was its only real function in the shows.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the USS Phoenix a nebula class in TNG a very close ship to the galaxt (same saucer, engineering section, and nacelles had the same number of phaser arrays and the same main phaser arrays) destroyed cardassian ships left and right when the captain went rouge.

    one ship and i think that is the closest thing we have to the galaxy's and nebula's combat potential as TNG was not a war time show like DS9.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gpgtx wrote: »
    the USS Phoenix a nebula class in TNG a very close ship to the galaxt (same saucer, engineering section, and nacelles had the same number of phaser arrays and the same main phaser arrays) destroyed cardassian ships left and right when the captain went rouge.

    one ship and i think that is the closest thing we have to the galaxy's and nebula's combat potential as TNG was not a war time show like DS9.

    nothing the cardasians had could touch that nebula. that several decades of war suddenly ended because galaxy and nebula class showed up on the front. it lasted decades because starfleet was made up mostly of a bunch of excelsior class, a ship only about even with a galor with modern equipment. they finally started building more advanced ships in the 2360s and 70s, took them long enough.

    on an in game note, we are going to be spared the ruining of the EPt skills after all. all the positive changes they made to all the skills with all the on holodeck up time, great news. the value of ens level eng skills is now back from negative territory, to about 0 again.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    One question, for all players from all walks of STO (PVE, PVP, RP, etc):

    Your honest opinion: How open would you be if people suggested legitimate builds for the Galaxy-R and Fleet Galaxy?

    By "open", I mean critique the build, offer suggestions, etc., but not stray into "the Galaxy stats should be better" or "Failaxy should be axed in favour of Ambassador". Purely remaining on the topic of a build for the existing Galaxy-class ships in the game.
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  • blitzy4blitzy4 Member Posts: 839 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think they should update the retrofit, and unlock all the tier 4 and 5 skins for it. There are a ton of customization options if they make the ship better.
    "..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino

  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    One question, for all players from all walks of STO (PVE, PVP, RP, etc):

    Your honest opinion: How open would you be if people suggested legitimate builds for the Galaxy-R and Fleet Galaxy?

    By "open", I mean critique the build, offer suggestions, etc., but not stray into "the Galaxy stats should be better" or "Failaxy should be axed in favour of Ambassador". Purely remaining on the topic of a build for the existing Galaxy-class ships in the game.

    I'll start. Here is my dedicated Galaxy pilot's build, complete with his ground and space equipment, Duty Officer complement, reputation passives, and skill tree layout. Suggestions, aside from the obvious "get better gear"?
  • gashnallgashnall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cryptic got it right, it's TNG that made it impractical. Think about it, tactical was not the main focus of the Enterprise, it's engineering capabilities were featured on far more shows than it's tactical (aka saucer separation) was.

    It's true in the dominion war they played a key role, but so did the Miranda. As we saw in AGT, the Galaxy's were of limited use, the Enterprise at least being set for scrapping. So it's not out of the question that the galaxy is facing a serious decline in it's value.

    This thinking is 100% wrong, the main advantage of the Galixy class is its Modular design, the same ship could be outfitted to do many jobs, the Enterprise had a focus on science and exploration however The U.S.S. Enterprise left drydock with about 35% of its internal space left unused for mission specific equipment. it IS cannon that in teh Dominion wars the Galixy was put on the front lines by removeing science systems and replacing them with more punch. there was varients that were used as troop transports as well.
    If you look at the Soverign class its considered a failure of a starship due to the fact that many of its upgrades had to be removed due to power limitations infact GE had to redesign the warpcore to the type VIII which was still not good enough the ship wasnt as fast at warp as the Galixy and they had to remove the Regenerative sheilds which prevented the ship for exceding warp 5 due to the massive power drain, all of these issues they later fixed and improved on with the Prometius but only because it has 3 Antimatter reactors.

    http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/sovereign.html Read construction history

    TL;DR Galixy should have universal slots by default and the Soverign was a failure the first few years...
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You do realize that all of your information regarding the Sovereign's development history was pulled from Star Trek: Bridge Commander, right? None of it is canon.
  • projectfrontierprojectfrontier Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gashnall wrote: »
    This thinking is 100% wrong, the main advantage of the Galixy class is its Modular design, the same ship could be outfitted to do many jobs, the Enterprise had a focus on science and exploration however The U.S.S. Enterprise left drydock with about 35% of its internal space left unused for mission specific equipment. it IS cannon that in teh Dominion wars the Galixy was put on the front lines by removeing science systems and replacing them with more punch. there was varients that were used as troop transports as well.
    If you look at the Soverign class its considered a failure of a starship due to the fact that many of its upgrades had to be removed due to power limitations infact GE had to redesign the warpcore to the type VIII which was still not good enough the ship wasnt as fast at warp as the Galixy and they had to remove the Regenerative sheilds which prevented the ship for exceding warp 5 due to the massive power drain, all of these issues they later fixed and improved on with the Prometius but only because it has 3 Antimatter reactors.

    http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/sovereign.html Read construction history

    TL;DR Galixy should have universal slots by default and the Soverign was a failure the first few years...

    What is a "Galixy"?

    And I did read the construction history (as well as most of the rest before getting bored) of that link you provided - did you? Your synopsis of the Sovereign project is, how do we say, wrong.
  • adabisiadabisi Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have no issues withthe galaxy class starhip and its fleet version...A very powerful ship that is the epitome of the tank in an MMO....'the ability to take a beating" and still arrive alive.

    I run 3 cruisers on my 12 toons. the galaxy X and the galaxy along with the federation flaghip.

    I enjoy them all and know how to use them effectively.

    The problem folks have in this game is DPS envy. This is purely my observation but a truthful one.

    During the Crystalline event I was one of a few ships that was able to stand at .25 range from the crystalline and not die. It allowed me to heal myself and my team or others and place 1st place over and dps monsters playing in the groups hands down everytime.

    The problem is not with the class of ship, the galaxy, it is what the game revolves around and that is a DPS centric MMo that makes players feel that DPS or go home because you suck.

    Well I have news for ya......I survive far more effectively and delliver steady dps in my cruisers and science vessels then in any escorts.

    If you want to have DPS go fly a glass jaw..thats is their job..if you want to fly a cruiser it is not a dps platform.....why, after all these months, do people still not see that a cruiser is never going to wrestle DPS from the jaws of the escort? They will contine to try though....
    Today we fight the GAULS......monstrous and HAIRY beyond reason.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    edalgo wrote: »
    Did anyone see the stats for the fleet D'Deridex????

    That's what the fleet Galaxy should be.

    Ick. 5 turn rate, no matter how boss the BOFF slots are, is still ick to me.

    However, this thread brings good news.

    Hi all,

    Sorry for the prolonged silence on the EPtX front, but until we had made a final decision on what we were going to do with these powers, I didn't want to risk miscommunication on the issue. We are planning to revert the cooldowns of these abilities back to their Holodeck recharge times, while maintaining the QoL upgrades to Weapons, Auxiliary, and Engines which are currently on Tribble. The duration of all Emergency Power buffs will be 30 seconds across the board.

    While we do want to create situations in which players choose between survivability and damage and make conscious choices about what powers they use when, we've decided it's more important right now to make all Emergency Power choices viable than it is to disrupt the metagame that's evolved around builds with ensign-level Engineering powers. My hope is that now, every time you get an Engineering Bridge Officer with an Emergency Power ability of any sort, you will feel like you could conceivably benefit from slotting that officer without retraining them. We may make further adjustments to these powers in the future as part of our ongoing quest to keep the game fun for all players, but for now, this is what we're planning on doing.


    So that's a positive sign. Engineering heavy ships, like the Galaxy, have an issue that I'm hoping the devs are noticing through the feedback given in discussion like this very thread.
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Galaxy is a multifunction vessel capable of doing many things at once. And a powerful ship. her only real flaw is the thinking of her designers. She was design during peace and in the end not powerful enough thus the Sovereign which is more tactically designed. The Venture started to address this problem and they serve well during DW. But being a multi role ship thus Uni slots.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    adabisi wrote: »
    I have no issues withthe galaxy class starhip and its fleet version...A very powerful ship that is the epitome of the tank in an MMO....

    a "very powerful ship"? is that a joke?

    and sorry the galaxy retrofit IS NOT the epitome of the tank in this game.
    the odyssey science cruiser, the odyssey operation cruiser, the fleet star cruiser and heck! even the fleet support cruiser retrofit is more better suit for that title.

    During the Crystalline event I was one of a few ships that was able to stand at .25 range from the crystalline and not die. It allowed me to heal myself and my team or others and place 1st place over and dps monsters playing in the groups hands down everytime.

    placing yourself 1st in that event is not a benchmark validation that this ship is doing well.
    everyone and their mother are able to place 1st in CE event, there is a thread about that, it even surprise some guys who did it with their galaxy retrofit where they were not in the process intend to do so.
    Well I have news for ya......I survive far more effectively and delliver steady dps in my cruisers and science vessels then in any escorts.

    i don't known with who you play with, but no cruiser and science vessel pilot is going to delivers steady dps as a good escort captain can, as fot the survival part even that is questionable to said the least with the latest mechanics that have been introduced since season 5 concerning the defense score of these ship.
    i known some escort that have 100% defense score constantly at normal speed and that can go to 135% under evasive maneuver, but you known what a defense score is right?
    heck! even gecko recognize in his 4hours interview in podcast ugc that the escort as of today are too much tanky.
    If you want to have DPS go fly a glass jaw..thats is their job..if you want to fly a cruiser it is not a dps platform.....why, after all these months, do people still not see that a cruiser is never going to wrestle DPS from the jaws of the escort? They will contine to try though....

    and again thank for your so commun stereotype attempt to make us look like the " we want escort cruiser ship" guys, but it will not cloud the problem that this ship is performing less good than a simple non cstore ship.

    try again
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Geeez, why people repeat the story about tanks. Did noone realize yet that there is NO NEED for tanks in STO ? This is not WOW, you can complete 100% of the group content without tank - or rather the plated rogues here tank well enough and quite franky, they also have powerful healing potions.

    Even if I would accept the "heavy engineering = tank" nonsense, it is not true. Because best tank is combination of ENG + SCI. Because you need as many as possible tanking skills on SEPARATE subsytems.

    With that said, it is pointless to dicuss builds here, as they will be heavily changed with the romulan expansion.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    One question, for all players from all walks of STO (PVE, PVP, RP, etc):

    Your honest opinion: How open would you be if people suggested legitimate builds for the Galaxy-R and Fleet Galaxy?

    By "open", I mean critique the build, offer suggestions, etc., but not stray into "the Galaxy stats should be better" or "Failaxy should be axed in favour of Ambassador". Purely remaining on the topic of a build for the existing Galaxy-class ships in the game.

    every builds that offer refreshing gameplay or unortodoxe idea is most welcome.
    no matter what the gear level, what important is the intention behind the build.

    it will not solve the inherent problem of the ship but who care?
    found new way to enjoy this ship with what we have for now is still a good challenge to force us to enhanced ourselves.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    interestingly on the last priority one interview with geko he said they are planning on going back to older ships and bringing them up to snuff with the newer ships that are coming out

    he even listed the Galaxy and nebula by name so hope maybe???? never gave a date so it could be years but hey at least they admit that they need help

    here is the interview http://priorityonepodcast.com/priority-one-podcast-episode-125-supplemental-romulan-rivera/
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gpgtx wrote: »
    interestingly on the last priority one interview with geko he said they are planning on going back to older ships and bringing them up to snuff with the newer ships that are coming out

    he even listed the Galaxy and nebula by name so hope maybe???? never gave a date so it could be years but hey at least they admit that they need help

    here is the interview http://priorityonepodcast.com/priority-one-podcast-episode-125-supplemental-romulan-rivera/

    Honestly, I don't think the Nebula needs much help. I know someone who flies one with [-Th] consoles and the thing puts out so much damage that it's nearly impossible to draw aggro away from it.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i agree as well i have a nebula and it's pretty nice ship as is. the actual question was about the nebula specifically then geko mentioned the d'kyr, galaxy dread, then galaxy retro and finally just said most of the older ships
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Honestly, I don't think the Nebula needs much help. I know someone who flies one with [-Th] consoles and the thing puts out so much damage that it's nearly impossible to draw aggro away from it.

    The Nebula? How?
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Nebula? How?

    Here is her ship's Gateway page. I'll see if I can get her to give me the skill tree.
  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    on an in game note, we are going to be spared the ruining of the EPt skills after all. all the positive changes they made to all the skills with all the on holodeck up time, great news. the value of ens level eng skills is now back from negative territory, to about 0 again.

    LOL@Bold. Well... That is... Spiffywell then.

    adabisi wrote: »
    I have no issues withthe galaxy class starhip and its fleet version...A very powerful ship that is the epitome of the tank in an MMO....'the ability to take a beating" and still arrive alive.

    The problem folks have in this game is DPS envy. This is purely my observation but a truthful one.

    During the Crystalline event I was one of a few ships that was able to stand at .25 range from the crystalline and not die. It allowed me to heal myself and my team or others and place 1st place over and dps monsters playing in the groups hands down everytime.

    The problem is not with the class of ship, the galaxy, it is what the game revolves around and that is a DPS centric MMo that makes players feel that DPS or go home because you suck.

    Well I have news for ya......I survive far more effectively and delliver steady dps in my cruisers and science vessels then in any escorts.

    If you want to have DPS go fly a glass jaw..thats is their job..if you want to fly a cruiser it is not a dps platform.....why, after all these months, do people still not see that a cruiser is never going to wrestle DPS from the jaws of the escort? They will contine to try though....

    lol... First: Sitting very close to the CE and healing is fine and well but if you are letting those large shards break on your bow then you are not doing your team any favors because they heal the CE majorly.

    Second: They changed the parameters to allow you to heal YOURSELF to 1st place in that event. When it was the typical "He who deals the most damage wins" model then you would have failed to reach first place every time. Whereas my Odyssey got it with ease.

    Third: What point is there in having a dedicated Tank that cannot hold Aggro or deal worthwhile damage? The problem here is this: Escorts set up properly (Even the B'rel for crying out loud) can tank the biggest baddest NPC's in the game effectively and still deal far more damage than you can. Can you tank more than they can? Yes, of course you can. Are there ships that can tank even more than you? Yes, I can think of two off the top of my head. However, having all that extra grit is not really that important with the way the game is currently setup so it is a moot point.

    Fourth: Steady damage is good and I highly recommend AGAINST the utter Glass Cannon that is Tactical in an Escort builds but the sad truth is that an Engineer in an Escort can pound the enemy in the face with a Freight Train of damage while never blowing up. It is easier to survive in a well built tanking Cruiser but if you have what it takes to do it the Escort way you really make things like the Galaxy absolutely obsolete.

    Fifth: There is a silver lining... Cruisers can still offer a good mix of damage dishing, survivability, and healing everyone around them which can make them an extreme team player. If you can keep all the other ships alive then you are doing a HUGE favor to your overall DPS, especially if you also bring some hard punch. This however is not where the Galaxy fits in... It is not well designed in its BOFF seating to be able to do all these things at once. It can deal mediocre damage at best and heal itself very well. It can be set up to heal others decently well but will sacrifice some of its own tank and more of its damage... It is just not very competitive with other Cruisers for versatility...
  • ozy83ozy83 Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hasukurobi wrote: »
    Escorts set up properly (Even the B'rel for crying out loud) can tank the biggest baddest NPC's in the game effectively and still deal far more damage than you can. Can you tank more than they can? Yes, of course you can. Are there ships that can tank even more than you? Yes, I can think of two off the top of my head. However, having all that extra grit is not really that important with the way the game is currently setup so it is a moot point.

    Quoted for truth.
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  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The B'Rel is not an escort. It's a raider. Slightly different style of ship that follows different design/development rules with a different itemization budget. It may seem semantic at first, but it's not. The KDF's raptors are built more like the federation's escorts. And the raiders all have complete universal console layouts and pay a hefty price for that in itemization budget. They are DPS oriented ships, yes. But they're significantly different from escorts.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The B'Rel is not an escort. It's a raider. Slightly different style of ship that follows different design/development rules with a different itemization budget. It may seem semantic at first, but it's not. The KDF's raptors are built more like the federation's escorts. And the raiders all have complete universal console layouts and pay a hefty price for that in itemization budget. They are DPS oriented ships, yes. But they're significantly different from escorts.

    sorry only have that to said:)
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gpgtx wrote: »
    interestingly on the last priority one interview with geko he said they are planning on going back to older ships and bringing them up to snuff with the newer ships that are coming out

    he even listed the Galaxy and nebula by name so hope maybe???? never gave a date so it could be years but hey at least they admit that they need help

    here is the interview http://priorityonepodcast.com/priority-one-podcast-episode-125-supplemental-romulan-rivera/

    yep, you finally anderstood what i was saying 4 pages ago:)
    well it is sure that they don't made an official comment about it, but i think that they are somehow agree with us, not just about the galaxy class, but about cruiser in general, they seem to remediate for that lately.
    the CE event who the intention was to reward more the people that heal and tank, the desire of gecko to give more resistence to cruiser ect.
    it is not a direct agreement but the intention is line up with ours, meaning, make cruiser suck less or feel usefull...again.
    it daesn't translate into something tangible for now, but i think it is the intend that count.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Here is her ship's Gateway page. I'll see if I can get her to give me the skill tree.

    Interesting. My Fed SCI currently uses one, so I'm curious to try something new with her.

    Edit to add: The BOFF slots are wrong on her ship's page. There's an extra Universal slot in there.
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The latest changes on tribble make 3 engineerings ensigns not that bad, as you can have the flexibility of having them all EP powers and cycle two depending on the situation. With that said, universal ensign would be most welcome.

    Another change the ship needs is the change to saucer separation.

    First, it should be natural ability without console. Second the separate state should have this bonuses added:

    +30% energy damage
    +30% torpedo damage

    This would turn a separated galaxy into a 4 tac console ships, where one console is used for torpedoes. While reducing it surviability to be lower than other cruisers.

    With these two simple changes, the Galaxy could be unique cruiser where it can transform between a tank to dmg mode.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • purvee1purvee1 Member Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Has anyone gotten on Tribble to test out how a Galaxy/Gal-X behaves with 4x RCS thrusters and thrusters skill?
    I only ask as apparently RCS consoles got a serious re-working
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    purvee1 wrote: »
    Has anyone gotten on Tribble to test out how a Galaxy/Gal-X behaves with 4x RCS thrusters and thrusters skill?
    I only ask as apparently RCS consoles got a serious re-working

    Yeah. The RCS boost is essentially adding a magnitude of 1. So 1 RCS console now works like 2 RCS consoles. And so on and so forth.

    It's a nice boost. The ship still turns slow though. And you have to consider the tradeoffs to stack 4. Is it worth the loss in armor? And really the best way to turn a whaleboat is still BOFF powers. Which come with tradeoffs of their own.
  • captainwestbrookcaptainwestbrook Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    purvee1 wrote: »
    Has anyone gotten on Tribble to test out how a Galaxy/Gal-X behaves with 4x RCS thrusters and thrusters skill?
    I only ask as apparently RCS consoles got a serious re-working

    I didnt try with 4x but I tried with 1 very rare Mk XI and I think I did get a turn rate boost of 1.2. (From 4.2 deg/s to 5.4 deg/s - that's what my stats screen told)
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