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What is your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?



  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    gpgtx wrote: »
    does not help the base galaxy though which is what this thread is about the galaxy retrofit with 2 nacelles and no lance

    i think that everything that help galaxy x will help galaxy retrofit, there are no big difference between this 2 ships, they suffer the same problem, engi heavie bo layout, bad turn rate and inertia.
    they are other that are specific to eatch ship but these one are big issue.

    cryptic should work on these ship with a pack realease in mind i think.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dalnar83 wrote: »
    Generally, there is couple of things that would help galaxy. if there were diminishing returns for tac consoles, the difference between 2 console and 5 console ships would not be that great.

    no, the idea to nerfed other ship to make this one viable is not good and certainly not what gecko will do anyway.
    i am more in favour of a new beam power, BFW for 1 target, this would involve no beam drain changes, no nerfed to canon or tactical console.
    escort would still be the best dps dealer, pve will not be affected since bfaw multitarget would still be best for killing npc quickly, and the beam user in pvp will not feel useless.
    more variety, more option for player, more fun.
  • emacsheadroomemacsheadroom Member Posts: 994 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I just noticed with nearly 1000 replies this is the longest thread in the Fed shipyards forum, and yet the devs still refuse to acknowledge that they made the Galaxy class into a useless piece of TRIBBLE when compared with every other top tier ship.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    well it is sure that they don't made an official comment about it, but i think that they are somehow agree with us, not just about the galaxy class, but about cruiser in general, they seem to remediate for that lately.
    the CE event who the intention was to reward more the people that heal and tank, the desire of gecko to give more resistence to cruiser ect.
    it is not a direct agreement but the intention is line up with ours, meaning, make cruiser suck less or feel usefull...again.
    it daesn't translate into something tangible for now, but i think it is the intend that count.
  • ozy83ozy83 Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    As much as I want to believe you, unless I actually see an an announcement from Gecko or any other dev stating that they want to make cruisers more competitive, I wont hold my breath.

    We've been waiting for a 10 console Galaxy X for what.. 15 months now. It'll probably be another 15 months when "We're still ironing out technical difficulties" finally stops being used as an excuse.
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  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    neo1nx wrote: »
    well it is sure that they don't made an official comment about it, but i think that they are somehow agree with us, not just about the galaxy class, but about cruiser in general, they seem to remediate for that lately.
    the CE event who the intention was to reward more the people that heal and tank, the desire of gecko to give more resistence to cruiser ect.
    it is not a direct agreement but the intention is line up with ours, meaning, make cruiser suck less or feel usefull...again.
    it daesn't translate into something tangible for now, but i think it is the intend that count.

    Gecko was pretty clear when he said beams were working as designed. Most of this thread is about increasing the DPS output of cruisers. And Geko is standing by his assessment that cruisers are where he wants them to be in terms of DPS output.

    So I'm not seeing what you're seeing. Also, the changes to EPtX powers currently on Tribble demonstrate that the developers really don't have much of a useful overall plan for engineering BOFF powers with shared cooldowns. So the Galaxy is going to be getting a bit of a nerf in May.
  • jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Cause what the galaxy needs is nerfed right? lol. Devs seem to show no insight into engineer. They make all the EPX more useful and then nerf shield hard, yay now borg can 1 shot us easier dispite our ships being the "tanks".

    What eng need is more/useful boff abilities so that galaxy isnt gimped and like usual cryptic took step forward and 2 back. And sadly DPS is going to be more important with a new tholian rep. The only good thing i see is the new uni console with +10% to beam dmg. Only problem is while this helps the galaxy it also helps every other beam cruiser thus still leaving this ship in last place.

    Im sure people think some ship must be the worst, honestly thats not true. Tons of ways to balance and make ships on par, cryptic just chooses not to.
  • gralerongraleron Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    In the end, it isn't so much that it's a particular ship, or even a class of ship that's definitively the worst, it's an entire group of bridge officer abilities. If Engineering had fewer issues with cooldown conflicts, especially at Ensign level, and had one or two additional offensive options, then cruisers--especially the Tier 5 Galaxy variants--would be in decent shape.

    Instead, come May, Cryptic is monkeying around with Emergency Power abilities in a way that does nothing but nerf cruisers. Not good.
    Vice Admiral Elaron, USS Hard Light
  • skywolf73skywolf73 Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    they will wait till 99% of players run escort and escort only. then they will scratch their heads and start wondering about balance, or just realize the guy they have in charge of said balance is a either a total moron or has such a hard on for his escort in game he sees the need to nerf anything that isnt an escort.

    we get a turn buff at lest. and warp cores will make aux builds better, allow players to get more power into engines or shield. so there is that, but nerfing tank of one class of ships across the line, and forcing cruisers that cant turn to rely on speed tanking is silly but its about where we are at.
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    neo1nx wrote: »
    well it is sure that they don't made an official comment about it, but i think that they are somehow agree with us, not just about the galaxy class, but about cruiser in general, they seem to remediate for that lately.

    You say that but until a few ago there was still talk of an armor slot to make cruisers tankier.... which is not the way to go about it.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    graleron wrote: »
    In the end, it isn't so much that it's a particular ship, or even a class of ship that's definitively the worst, it's an entire group of bridge officer abilities. If Engineering had fewer issues with cooldown conflicts, especially at Ensign level, and had one or two additional offensive options, then cruisers--especially the Tier 5 Galaxy variants--would be in decent shape.

    Instead, come May, Cryptic is monkeying around with Emergency Power abilities in a way that does nothing but nerf cruisers. Not good.

    Yup. That's the issue in a nutshell right there.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Gecko was pretty clear when he said beams were working as designed. Most of this thread is about increasing the DPS output of cruisers. And Geko is standing by his assessment that cruisers are where he wants them to be in terms of DPS output.

    So I'm not seeing what you're seeing. Also, the changes to EPtX powers currently on Tribble demonstrate that the developers really don't have much of a useful overall plan for engineering BOFF powers with shared cooldowns. So the Galaxy is going to be getting a bit of a nerf in May.

    re read my post carrefully, i didn't said that the dev are planning to make cruiser more dps friendly. but that they are somehow agree that something is wrong today in the cruiser role.
    it seem clear to me that they don't want to fall in the spiral of dps, hence they certainly won't recognize that beam are bad, because it would then force them to make them better and thus increase the run for dps even further.
    and since as of today tanking is almost useless that would put this game in a serious disparity in term of gameplay and ship choices.
    note that this is already happening but if they make the base beam mechanism better, there will be like sending us the message: no matter what ship you choose it the dps that count.
    and they certainly don't want that.

    they are not again some cruiser to do dps, yeah you can have a galor or exelsior with canon build if you want, and they can be very effective with it.
    they just don't want the beam to be effective as a dps build.

    i bielieve they are trying to restore the utility of being a tank or a healer for the cruiser, that may not be the way to go but it is a sign to me that in their minds the cruisers as of today are not " good as they are" or " wad".

    that what i was pointed out in the post
  • ricorosebudricorosebud Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Gecko was pretty clear when he said beams were working as designed. Most of this thread is about increasing the DPS output of cruisers. And Geko is standing by his assessment that cruisers are where he wants them to be in terms of DPS output.

    So I'm not seeing what you're seeing. Also, the changes to EPtX powers currently on Tribble demonstrate that the developers really don't have much of a useful overall plan for engineering BOFF powers with shared cooldowns. So the Galaxy is going to be getting a bit of a nerf in May.

    Holy Shatner, that's just what we need. As if cruiser skippers (let alone those who fly Galaxy) don't have a hard enough time to squeak out a decent performance, now we effectively get a nerf!? Seriously, this Geko cat needs to get down off his high horse and adjust things so that cruisers and sci vessels are more valuable contributors to teams. And we also need content that reflects this ideal. And this topic isn't going away, the GALAXY NEEDS TO BE FIXED.

    What is going on over there!? Lots of sticking heads in the sand and decisions ranging from not good to outright horrible. Shape it up Cryptic.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    neo1nx wrote: »
    i bielieve they are trying to restore the utility of being a tank or a healer for the cruiser, that may not be the way to go but it is a sign to me that in their minds the cruisers as of today are not " good as they are" or " wad".

    With what's on Tribble right now, that would not seem to be the path they are on.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    graleron wrote: »
    In the end, it isn't so much that it's a particular ship, or even a class of ship that's definitively the worst, it's an entire group of bridge officer abilities. If Engineering had fewer issues with cooldown conflicts, especially at Ensign level, and had one or two additional offensive options, then cruisers--especially the Tier 5 Galaxy variants--would be in decent shape.

    Instead, come May, Cryptic is monkeying around with Emergency Power abilities in a way that does nothing but nerf cruisers. Not good.

    completely agree with you, however what i was trying to pointed out is that the view on the question is changing lately, it is now widely accepted that their is something wrong with the engi power as far as the player base opinion.
    cryptic will never admitted it openly, but i think that with time and continus effort on our part we can make little progress on the question.
    all dev at cryptic are not as stubborn as gecko.
    it is also true that some of them don't have a clue about wat they are doing, the change on eptx show that.
    i am not directly impact about this changes but every dragon build user out there will, that that is not good for gameplay variety.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    With what's on Tribble right now, that would not seem to be the path they are on.

    hehehe, yeah sometime the cryptic way are starnge, or i am completely wrong and they just have effectivly lost their mind.
    if that the case then Q help us all!
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Starting May 21-st, a.k.a. 'Legacy of Romulus', a.k.a. "yet another cruiser nerf" (if the proposed things they're meddling around with now actually happen & hit holodeck) all the Galaxy captains and owners should get into their Galaxy class cruisers and run as many STFs/Fleet Actions/Rep. missions or anything that requires teaming.
    They should try to play to the best level they can and know and try to use the Galaxy in the best possible way they can. Maybe when more & more people will be forced to encounter Galaxies in their teams and see that their captains are doing their best and still is not enough and hurting the team effort, more people will start to pressure Cryptic into making the Galaxy competitive. :D

    But, really, together with the Constitution class, the Galaxy class is the most iconic starship of the IP and the visual embodiment of Star Trek. It's surreal that this ship, once not so long ago the flagship of the United Federation of Planets is not able to scratch the paint of a runabout. Even worse, it's all hapening before even the first generation of Galaxy class starships reaches the end of their recomended service cycle, even the first one has a lot of lifespan left.

    Cryptic should either improve the Galaxy's Boff/console layout to make it more competitive in their DPS centered end game, or should adjust their end-game in the manner which the CE event was created - what would be even better and not benefit only the Galaxy, but the other cruisers and science vessels as well. And fix some redundant eng. abilities. That would make the Galaxy shine even if it keeps it's current setup.
  • sgtstarfallsgtstarfall Member Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    graleron wrote: »
    In the end, it isn't so much that it's a particular ship, or even a class of ship that's definitively the worst, it's an entire group of bridge officer abilities. If Engineering had fewer issues with cooldown conflicts, especially at Ensign level, and had one or two additional offensive options, then cruisers--especially the Tier 5 Galaxy variants--would be in decent shape.

    Instead, come May, Cryptic is monkeying around with Emergency Power abilities in a way that does nothing but nerf cruisers. Not good.

    I too completely agree with this view. If the Engineering skill set had the diversity of the Science skill set, we wouldn't have these threads going around. The change in EPtX abilities doesn't affect just cruisers - it affects everyone who runs them, for better or worse.

    Right now, I'm seeing two sides of this change - both the good and bad side. The bad side is what most people are ranting about: different EPtX abilities tripping over each other with the old shared CD of 15 seconds and the new duration of the powers standardized at 20 seconds...and of course, the old CD of 45 seconds.

    However, the good side is if you're only running one set of version of an EPtX ability. Sure, we'll have a 5 second gap if we're running 2 copies of EPtS, for example. But we're also getting a shield heal every 20/25 seconds instead of 30 seconds. As for A2B builds, we'll be getting a shield heal consistently every 20 seconds with no downtime - a major buff as long as we're not running an EPtY.

    Though sadly, this change is very likely to reduce the diversity of builds, especially tanking cruisers....Or unless you're crazy like me to experiment with a Speed-Tanking Cruiser Boat :rolleyes: In that sense, we'll be seeing tons of crazy cruiser builds!! :eek:
    All hands! Prepare the popcorn and tinfoil hats! :D
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I too completely agree with this view. If the Engineering skill set had the diversity of the Science skill set, we wouldn't have these threads going around. The change in EPtX abilities doesn't affect just cruisers - it affects everyone who runs them, for better or worse.

    Right now, I'm seeing two sides of this change - both the good and bad side. The bad side is what most people are ranting about: different EPtX abilities tripping over each other with the old shared CD of 15 seconds and the new duration of the powers standardized at 20 seconds...and of course, the old CD of 45 seconds.

    However, the good side is if you're only running one set of version of an EPtX ability. Sure, we'll have a 5 second gap if we're running 2 copies of EPtS, for example. But we're also getting a shield heal every 20/25 seconds instead of 30 seconds. As for A2B builds, we'll be getting a shield heal consistently every 20 seconds with no downtime - a major buff as long as we're not running an EPtY.

    Though sadly, this change is very likely to reduce the diversity of builds, especially tanking cruisers....Or unless you're crazy like me to experiment with a Speed-Tanking Cruiser Boat :rolleyes: In that sense, we'll be seeing tons of crazy cruiser builds!! :eek:

    i am the most crazy of all, i am doing a speed tanking galaxy x, when u use it right it tank better than epts3+tss combined.
    this just tell you how much buff the escort got concerning survivability lately.
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    shpoks wrote: »

    But, really, together with the Constitution class, the Galaxy class is the most iconic starship of the IP ...

    You say that and I know you and others believe it but its just plain wrong.

    After the connie I'd wager more people are familiar with the Sovvy than the Galaxy.

    Beyond that, the Galaxy was the hero ship of ONE show, a show where it got shown up by almost everything else. When people think of the Galaxy class they think "cruise liner", "city in space", "grandeur and pomp". While memorable and iconic in its own right, its not what I would call the face of trek at all.

    On the opposite side you have the Defiant and Voyager, ships that most certainly meant business (ok, its a huge stretch with Voyager but lets pretend.... at least it put out a better, if infinitely more contrived, showing than the Galaxy). These two ships, and even the venerable NX-01 are far more memorable than the Galaxy as a whole.

    If you want to see it another way the Galaxy was boring. It was always a boring ship, no excitement at all.

    All that said, the way they have chosen to tie specific ship stats to canon ships is terrible. These are huge space ships, even the Defiant is the size of several buildings, it would be no stretch of the imagination to assume that the "shells" could be kitted out in any number of ways, so no ship would be stuck with the same stats forever. In practical game terms that would mean being able to costume swap ship costumes. So you could slap that Galaxy costume on an AC, or an Amby, or whatever you liked. Heck, make it cost a purchasable token so Cryptic doesn't feel cheated and can STILL make money off it.
  • jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Really? When i think of the galaxy i think of the dominion war era in which aside from the very few sov class ships it was the most powerful battleship that the federation had. The galaxy classes made up the core backbone of the anti dominion fleets.

    While this is 2409 ingame, and the galaxy is older. Fire power wise being less then both the excel and ambassador is just absurd. Especially its inferior to the Galor class which was 40 years behind in tech at the start of TNG to the galaxy.

    The galaxy isnt a super ship but its ingame representation is waaaayyy off mark. But put all that aside. Is the galaxy ingame representing or otherwise compeditive? No. Any ship that lacks the ability to have effect on the overall battlefield in this space combat heavy dps game is dead weight.

    Outside of pvp we dont need dedicated healers. In PVE we dont need tanks. They made speed/defense tanking so good that cruisers role is pointless. There is no trinity of ships when 1 of the 3 is so far superior that you dont need the other 2. Who needs crowd controll when you vaporize everything in 1 pass? Who needs a tank/dedicated healer when you can outrun your enemy and heal yourself?

    Cryptic has tipped the balance in the 3 classes so far to 1 side its sad. Does that mean cruisers and sci ships are completely useless? Nope. But does that mean 5 escorts can smash through content better/faster/less effort? HELL YES.

    Eng and sci powers need a major addition/tweaking same with Tac needing some new powers aka ensign based cannon powers. Boff powers havent been added to forever. Its long over due, and that could re-address the balance of the ships. Same with consoles. Sci got helped with embassy, Eng consoles needs some love like that.

    96 pages of this aught to be a huge red flag to any dev with a brain that something is wrong with this ship layout etc.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    These two ships, and even the venerable NX-01 are far more memorable than the Galaxy as a whole.

    TNG had stronger ratings than DS9 and Voyager. Toss in the syndicated reruns (which are still going, yay BBC!) and the Galaxy "beamed" into more homes than the Defiant and the Intrepid. It's not a stretch to suggest it's the second most iconic ship in Trek.
  • ozy83ozy83 Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The Galaxy is most certainly either 2nd or on par with the constitution in regards to being an icon. The only peopke I find who disagree with that tend to be those with a particular bias towards a ship. No, that doesnt mean myself, the franchise was born again through TNG and seven years as the Galaxy as the Federations flagship, The defiant and intrepud dont come close. The sovvy gains some ground for mivie screentime, but lets be faif, ony first contact was exceptiinally good, the rest not so. TNG and by example, the Galaxy had 7 years screen time, and certainly more of a following than DS9 or Voy.

    That said, this game and the ships therein are NO reflection of ship capabilites we saw on screen, not by a long shot.
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  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    When I imagine Galaxy Star Trek, I always imagine them as leaders of task forces (like Venture). I do not see them as the ships behind that use magic to heal the mirandas around that "do the bussiness".
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • skywolf73skywolf73 Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    because in tng/ds9 trek galaxies were the ones putting out the mega beams of doom backed up with a good bit of torp spam.

    the galaxy in this game would be the one every other ship would be ignoring because it is a joke.

    and the poor romulain warbird is getting the same shoddy treatment 2 of the most iconic, and i got to say the warbird is awful pretty even a good galaxy model is a pretty ship, ships in the trek universe.

    fix the bo layouts of both ships, or just give them universals, give them an extra tac console, and call it a day.
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yes the Galaxy is a strong and versitle class of ship. Yes she has some tactical flaws but that was due to the mentality of starfleet when she was designed. THis was led to the First Contact era ships and the modifying of the Galaxy to the TRUE Venture specs. While she should be a tad weaker than the sovie and other First Contact era ships she is still a powerhouse and THAT is not protrade in this game. Note Galaxy X does not count in this opinion just the Galaxy, Galaxy DW, and the Galaxy Venture.

    In previous games that featured the Galaxy she was always either at the top or in second for Feds most powerful ships. YOu cryptic is the only group to NOT DO THIS. LEARN AND FIX.

    And here's my suggestion. Have the bulk of the ships Bridge Officer slots be universal, showing the versitality seen in the show. And give the Fed there version of the BOP in that area. And improve her turn rate, we know she can turn well TNG "Bobby Trap" show that well. can a BOP or Defiant out manuver her. HELL YES but she isn't the flying brick she is in this game. Note none of this makes her an uber ship just a different and compeditve ship in the end.
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dalnar83 wrote: »
    When I imagine Galaxy Star Trek, I always imagine them as leaders of task forces (like Venture). I do not see them as the ships behind that use magic to heal the mirandas around that "do the bussiness".

    me too,but shhhhhhh!:eek::eek: you will incur the wrath of our galaxy inquisitor WAD saying these impious words:D:D
  • ozy83ozy83 Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I do wonder if it'll ever be resolved though, or left to linger at the back of the line of cruisers. It's pretty sad.
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  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ozy83 wrote: »
    I do wonder if it'll ever be resolved though, or left to linger at the back of the line of cruisers. It's pretty sad.
    Probably left to linger, until employee turnover weeds out whoever is responsible for this travesty.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Probably left to linger, until employee turnover weeds out whoever is responsible for this travesty.

    Oh...that we know exactly.......:rolleyes:
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
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