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What is your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?



  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    angrytarg wrote: »
    Until then, they seem to only rely on D'D warbirds with sophisticated cloaking tech to catch opponents off guard and blow them away.

    the d'deridex is especially interesting among the 3, because it appears to so totally depend on its cloaking device and surprise when it attacks things. late in the dominion war, when you see them being used as ships of the line, they just get hammered. over and over they have shown poor survivability when out in the open, receiving MUCH more damage when hit then kdf and fed hulls. in TNG, the posturing instead of actually fighting show, after they had decloaked and made their threats, the romulan commanders were very wary to actually get in a fight from that point, unless they outnumbered the enterprise. proboly because of how screwed they would be if a galaxy full array discharge hit anywhere on their hull.

    they seem to be built to deliver an overpowering blow from cloak and end the fight before the enemy can fight back, thus the output on that massively powerful forward canon its got. credited in 1 episode of destroying DS9 in a single pass, wile its shields were down. the station was later able to tank and hull tank klingon and dominion fleets later, but not long before all it took was 1 d'deridex. in tin man it was able to strip 10% of a galaxy class's shields per shot too.

    im only just a little very disappointed the d'deridex in game is another super fat tank with quite possibly the highest hitpoints if i recall right. way to go, again, on that paying close attention to how the ship did in canon cyptic, and for not putting the DHC hard points on top of each other on the nose, again bravo.

    wile im on the subject of romulan ships, they also go the scimitar hilariously wrong too! not only is the model scaled about 20% to large, but it also gets to be the god ship the fan boys seem to think it is. as if overpowering a sovereign is somehow the most impressive thing ever, because 'everybody' just assumes its the most powerful thing out there, when thats not even close. unlike the d'deridex, the scimitar was armed primarily with a large number of small guns, covering every single fireing arc. because these are cannons, fired out of gun barrels, and not arrays that have fireing arc with everything in their line of sight, it takes a lot of them to cover these arcs. in the battle, you see it plinking away over and over again, witting all the ships down with a bunch of relatively small shots, firieng from every angle like i said, even an obscure angle like strait up, when it did that fake out to the valdor. there was no d'deridex tier guns on this ship, its a super weapon cradle, designed to fight off multiple lesser attackers wile it delivers its superweapon to the target, not go toe to toe with the various big gun battleships of the 3 factions. it would lose to all 3 of them.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    after seeing how the enterpise-F is loaded out (and the other 2 the bortasqu' has 2 cannon boff powers but only one cannon) i now see why the D was portrayed as so weak. it probably was outfitted with a similarly TRIBBLE set up by cryptic

    when picard got the E he probably set it up himself instead of using what cryptic gave him making it just appear to be a god ship he just was no longer a fresh 50 and completed all the reps and with his 8 space passives became uber elite
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    They already did. The change to the Team system was rolled out at the same time as the Galaxy update. It made the ship's layout a lot more bearable, but it's still redundant.

    no, they did not.
    he was speaking about console value, boff abilities and gameplay focus. these have remained the same.

    the removal of the share cooldown in team abilitie do improve the galaxy overall, but so daes it for the exelsior, and i don't even mention ship with a lt commander eng and science ( tact team+ eng team3 + science team 3:eek:)

    in the end, for the galaxy you still have to choose between HE, TSS and now ST.
    wich one, one will remove?
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Or keep from completely losing an optional. Especially in PuGs.

    There was one Mirror instance where my engineer kept the station from going offline by tanking and healing. Orbited above the station in a Venture-X, constantly throwing heals/extend shields to Vathil, running the draw fire cruiser command and BFaW and drawing aggro until the rest of the team got their s**t together and came to the rescue.

    It was a desperation move and I still can't believe that I pulled it off. I suppose there ARE limited circumstances where tanks can be useful in PvE.

    i do exactly that with an alt engi in a galaxy x, but this circumstance have been made possible only because we were with news/unexperimented players or that they played with abandoned toons that are undegear.
    with a normal or a good team this scenario will not be possible.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    neo1nx wrote: »
    no, they did not.
    he was speaking about console value, boff abilities and gameplay focus. these have remained the same.

    the removal of the share cooldown in team abilitie do improve the galaxy overall, but so daes it for the exelsior, and i don't even mention ship with a lt commander eng and science ( tact team+ eng team3 + science team 3:eek:)

    in the end, for the galaxy you still have to choose between HE, TSS and now ST.
    wich one, one will remove?

    the galaxy R benefited a tiny amount from the system cooldown change, MUCH less then ships with just 2 ENS eng, those can actually use ET3. or cruisers with an LTC sci, which like you mentioned could use ET3 and ST3. everything benefited from the change, the galaxy actually benefited the least, of all ships! it really is amazing when you think about it.
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    neo1nx wrote: »
    it is not the ship, it is the entire game...well, sure!:rolleyes:
    Yes, it in fact is. That is why the game was referred to as "Escorts Online" a not even year ago. That's why tactical console slots and BOFF seats are more valuable overall than other options. That's why Cruisers now have comm arrays and Science Vessels have secondary deflectors and an improved sensor scan and Escorts, Raptors, etc got nothing. That's why there has been a drastic change in gameplay of new PvE queue events recently compared to old queues. The game is way imbalanced favoring tactical gameplay while science and engineering aspects are belittled, and the devs have been taking measures to rebalance it.
    neo1nx wrote: »
    and there is not just the tactical way to change the galaxy retrofit you known, anyway if you think kryptic will change his entire game for the galaxy retrofit to better fit in, don't hold your breath either.
    The Galaxy isn't the only problem. It's just the biggest. And fixing the imbalance I'm referring to will not only fix the Galaxy.

    And holding my breath for a rebalance? Actually, they've been implementing rebalances along the lines of this logic for a while. See the several examples earlier in this very post.
    They already did. The change to the Team system was rolled out at the same time as the Galaxy update. It made the ship's layout a lot more bearable, but it's still redundant.
    It's a step in the right direction.

    Bottom line: Change the game to where EVERY 10-console combination is useful and every existing BOFF seating is useful and you'll have a more diverse range of choices. But if you downplay science and engineering, you'll cut your choices into a fraction of what they could be. And diversity of choices is part of what makes a healthy MMORPG environment.
  • huntorhuntor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Like I said in my thread, one of the possible solution would be able to use the Galaxy parts for the dreadnought (and the fleet one) in the ship customization menu at ESD. Of course only if you own the bundle. So you can have the dreadnought that look like the Galaxy if you want.

    We can do the same with the other bundles, why not this one?
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    huntor2 wrote: »
    We can do the same with the other bundles, why not this one?
    Because the Exploration Cruiser and the Dreadnought Cruiser are different ships, rather than different variations of the same ship.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Because the Exploration Cruiser and the Dreadnought Cruiser are different ships, rather than different variations of the same ship.

    Considering I main the Dreadnought, they are VERY different.
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    What is the problem with the T4 Galaxy free ship being Captian?

    Boldly going where no thread has gone before.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    age03 wrote: »
    What is the problem with the T4 Galaxy free ship being Captian?

    Boldly going where no thread has gone before.

    This thread is about the T5 retrofit, dumbass.
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  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    starswordc wrote: »
    This thread is about the T5 retrofit, dumbass.

    i just ignore 90% of what he types
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Yes, it in fact is. That is why the game was referred to as "Escorts Online" a not even year ago. That's why tactical console slots and BOFF seats are more valuable overall than other options. That's why Cruisers now have comm arrays and Science Vessels have secondary deflectors and an improved sensor scan and Escorts, Raptors, etc got nothing. That's why there has been a drastic change in gameplay of new PvE queue events recently compared to old queues. The game is way imbalanced favoring tactical gameplay while science and engineering aspects are belittled, and the devs have been taking measures to rebalance it.

    these change wasn't aim at the galaxy, but was introduced to bring up to part the cruiser line wich was really suffering compare to romulan ship and escort.
    and this is a brilliant example that you could change the game all you want, it will not change the galaxy efficiency in comparison to other ship if you don't do something with it bo layout first.

    do the galaxy is better after these change? yes.
    do the galaxy was brought up to part with other cruiser after these changes? no.
    no, no and no.
    it "unique" bo layout ( if i may said so ) was even removed by the galaxy reboot, rendering this ship ( if that wasn't obvious enought already ) completely useless.
    it is just a bad skin of the galaxy x now:rolleyes:

    because, mind you,, fleet rcs ARE usefull, it is just that you get the least out of it with a galaxy.
    science console ARE usefull, it is just that the galaxy retrofit only got 2 slot for them.

    gravity well, photonic shocwave are usefull, it is just that the galaxy retrofit didn't have acces to them.
    HE, TSS, TRACTOR BEAM REPULSOR ( with doff ), ST, PH, ARE usefull, it is just that the galaxy can only choose 2 of them

    you can change science power, science console all you want to make them better, if the galaxy didn't have acces to them it will not matter.
    in fact it will wider the gap even further.

    there is no change to the game that can be made that will render a ship with that turnrate/speed/inertia, no ltcommander science, no lt commander tact, only 2 tact console and all that engi bo power something that can be made better than any other combination.

    if that happened, if engi power were change to a way that makes all the other stats i mentioned something that we can discarded, it will mean that every ship that didn't have enought engi power will be useless ( 80% of in game ship? ).
    and BOP will be king.

    55 turnrate and 90 inertia? what for? i got my supper OP engie power.
    ST3, gravity well, photonic shocwaves, scramble sensor 3, viral matrix? what for? i got my supper OP engie power.
    attack pattern omega, bo 3, torp spread 3? what for? i got my supper OP engie power!!!
    tactical console? now you must be kidding me right? did you forget i got my supper OP engie power?
    flanking? HAHAHA, engi POWAAAAA.
    integrated battle cloack,enhanced crit and ambush time, mmm, let me think.... HO YES! engie powaaa!!

    a ship efficiency is the result of all of it combined stasts and bo power.
    a ship that got the least in 99% of all its stats, can not be made better than an other no matter what changes you bring to the stats.
    it is mathematical and logical.

    the base stats of the galaxy must be change if one want it to be relevant.
    there no other choices, all the rest are dream of people who don't fully anderstand how the game sinergy work.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited April 2014
    The Fleet Galxy is still the worst fleet ship i believe

    nothing has changet

    The Gal-x isnt much better.........still at the bottom

    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

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  • wildweasalwildweasal Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    jellico1 wrote: »
    The Fleet Galxy is still the worst fleet ship i believe

    nothing has changet

    The Gal-x isnt much better.........still at the bottom


    sometimes its not the ship its YOU i knwo people that vape in the gal x right now and before it was (rebooted) so does that mean they are super captains and others just suck? hell i know guys that hold off 3 or 4 guys beating on them in pvp with the fleet glaxy so are they uber or do some of the people complaining just suck? at using this ship that is every ship is not for everybody
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    neo1nx wrote: »
    these change wasn't aim at the galaxy, but was introduced to bring up to part the cruiser line wich was really suffering compare to romulan ship and escort.
    and this is a brilliant example that you could change the game all you want, it will not change the galaxy efficiency in comparison to other ship if you don't do something with it bo layout first.
    Of course it wasn't aimed at the Galaxy. It shouldn't be.

    And if you're directing all those sarcastic remarks about the "engie powers" to me, save your breath. I realize that the current BOFF setup is TRIBBLE, and I've been advocating new engineering BOFF abilities to make use of the Galaxy's overspecialization for a while now. I just think that new powers is a better solution than what the general "Galaxy revamp II" mentality is.
  • huntorhuntor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Because the Exploration Cruiser and the Dreadnought Cruiser are different ships, rather than different variations of the same ship.

    Still, I think we should be able too. That will stop all the whining around it.
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    starswordc wrote: »
    This thread is about the T5 retrofit, dumbass.
    I am not dumbass you Frack head.Then thread tital should be changed then Frack Head.

    Don't add more fire please gpgtx
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    huntor2 wrote: »
    Still, I think we should be able too. That will stop all the whining around it.
    I'm not so sure about that. =p
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    wildweasal wrote: »
    sometimes its not the ship its YOU i knwo people that vape in the gal x right now and before it was (rebooted) so does that mean they are super captains and others just suck? hell i know guys that hold off 3 or 4 guys beating on them in pvp with the fleet glaxy so are they uber or do some of the people complaining just suck? at using this ship that is every ship is not for everybody

    There, ladies, gentleman, and transgendered species. Right there is the wisest thing I have seen all day.

    The Galaxy-R is handicapped due to its boff stations, and most cruisers can do a better job tanking/healing than it can. The Aux2Bat technique gives the ship its second life, and really, it should be placed in a different category of comparison due to its advantages and disadvantages. ie, place it in a category of only aux2bat optimized cruisers (FAHCR, FACR, and Avenger).
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  • sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    You guys be nice to age03. We need someone here to post the occasional irrelevant or off-topic comment to keep the thread going!
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    There, ladies, gentleman, and transgendered species. Right there is the wisest thing I have seen all day.

    The Galaxy-R is handicapped due to its boff stations, and most cruisers can do a better job tanking/healing than it can. The Aux2Bat technique gives the ship its second life, and really, it should be placed in a different category of comparison due to its advantages and disadvantages. ie, place it in a category of only aux2bat optimized cruisers (FAHCR, FACR, and Avenger).

    You know what would help immensely? If it got the new Sensor Analysis.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    There we go, SENSOR ANALYSIS for the Failaxy-R, fits perfectly and true to its role as an explorer.
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    There we go, SENSOR ANALYSIS for the Failaxy-R, fits perfectly and true to its role as an explorer.

    It'd still be outclassed by the science variant of the Odyssey, but hey, baby steps.
  • gogereavergogereaver Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    galaxy is a tank healer. and before the damage creep and frigging easy button it had a role. now not so much.
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    gogereaver wrote: »
    galaxy is a tank healer. and before the damage creep and frigging easy button it had a role. now not so much.

    It can still carry a team in ISE, even if it isn't optimal. That said, I did have a run where an Excelsior was only doing ~800-900 more DPS than I was, but it took twice the amount of damage my Galaxy did because it was drawing all the aggro. Even with tons of threat generation in the build and the Attract Fire command active, I wasn't able to pull the attention of anything in the instance until the Excelsior was dead. Food for thought, Mr. Rivera.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It can still carry a team in ISE, even if it isn't optimal. That said, I did have a run where an Excelsior was only doing ~800-900 more DPS than I was, but it took twice the amount of damage my Galaxy did because it was drawing all the aggro. Even with tons of threat generation in the build and the Attract Fire command active, I wasn't able to pull the attention of anything in the instance until the Excelsior was dead. Food for thought, Mr. Rivera.

    Working as intented, the Excelsior is just so much cooler (sic!).
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  • sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Not sure what this counts for, but I did a run recently with some guys from Star Trek Battles, The Vault PvE event. And we facerolled it in STB builds. Me in my C-store Gal X(My Fleet X is reserved for my best gear), two Gal Rs, and an Oddy, and one other thing. May have been a Galaxy, may have been a heavy escort or something. Can't remember.

    These are far from optimized builds, but these guys are pretty good pilots. My X was using Mk XII Commons. 2 beam arrays up front, a DHC and a Quantum torp. Photon in back and three beam arrays. I was using Heavy Graviton Beam to fill in the gap between Lance shots.

    The Galaxy may be one of the weakest ships in the game, but if flown right, and as Kym pointed out in the past, built right, they can carry their weight and more in PvE.

    I'm still with you guys though, the ship still needs something more. It's still missing something...
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ...but its still the worst ship by a fairly large margin. and everything you said about the galaxy R being good enough in end game qued pvp can be said about tier 3 ships too
  • sevmragesevmrage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Oh, I know. Forgive me, I had been up way too long at that point. It had been the first time in a long time that I had flown with other Galaxies, so I was in a good mood. Made me miss having a basic Galaxy of my own.

    I can't help but wonder... What is left to talk about? We've discussed everything in deep length, multiple times in this thread. We've wondered about the "reboot" and expressed bitter dissappointment over it, suggestions have been made ten times over. The thread is starting to die down. Trolls aside, do we have the numbers to get anything done anymore? Would there be a point where we move on to making the best of a bad deal, or do we keep a vicious cycle going on and on until the forums or interest die, accomplishing nothing in the process?
    Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
    My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
    khayuung wrote: »
    Firstly, be proud! You're part of the few, the stubborn, the Federation Dreadnought Captains.
This discussion has been closed.