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Got tier 5 - REALLY ANGRY



  • peter1z9peter1z9 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The new system is far better than the old for getting XII MACO, Omega, KHG. Players are no longer at the mercy of a random number. In my year of playing I only ever got the KHG XII deflector. I like being guaranteed the reward for putting enough work into it.

    However, putting the Borg set in the new system is just a slap in the face to new toons. It was very easy to get before, probably too easy. But now it's only slightly less expensive than the other sets. They should have at least made it half the cost of what it is or just given it away as mission rewards for the Undine Storyline missions. How the devs (and even worse some veteran players) can justify putting it in at the current cost is beyond me.
    "Our Bugs are working as intended" - Cryptic
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    If you cap dil refinement everyday it only takes about 2 weeks worth of dil to make a full space set. That is easy compared to what many players went through under the old system. Some people would have to run an STF 50-100 times before a piece they needed dropped.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • oanidoanid Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    partsource wrote: »
    I fought and fought and fought some more to get to tier 5, hoping I could finally unlock some really cool MK XII set. I was EXTREMELY shocked to find out after all that work, how much those kits cost!!! Considering the difference from any other Mk, what's the point in investing in that?

    I was expecting that because it requires borg processors, it would require less dilithium or marks. I even read somewhere on the forum that it was 8000 dil per component and 10 processors. THAT would have been reasonable.

    Come on, this is just TOO persistent IMO. And now with dil-zen values being messed up, I wouldn't even consider 'paying' for dilithium.

    THIS IS WHY people won't pay for this game.

    Troll is troll
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Just a note to the people who keep bringing up the "ground gear saved time" argument:

    As of right now ground set visuals are bugged, I should say BLOCKED.

    That's right, for some people you cannot obtain them AT ALL.

    With no promise of a fix e-v-e-r. So you can close your little rulebook on that one.

    That totally aside we all know you earned more before s. 7 (not just dil).

    So while you maybe didn't get ground sets for playing space missions because you were too lazy, you were still getting stuff like end game weapons for your ship daily...

    What really happend was, I am now totally blocked from getting ground visuals and I lost a lot of my in-come PLUS I had to waste 2 months doing reputation for items like the flamethrower (removed) and entourage (a consumable).

    JUST so you could get out of playing ground, well 1-0 to you I guess...
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I had the same problem. The tailor on ESD just couldn't allow me to select the parts. I went to DS9 tailor and everything worked. Make sure you select the show items and that you have enabled visuals for your armour. Hope it works for you :)

    Dont forget there is also a project to unlock the visuals now. i imagine some people dont know about that.
  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    3000 mark, 100k dilithium, for one full XII space set.. don't you think it's a little too much? i think it is. fortunately, i had those sets before S7 with some of my toons, and because of the pricing, i don't really plan to farm out with the others, nor buy zen for trade it to dili, just to pay for those high prices.

    Well said... That is more the sort of thing a FLEET should be grinding up not ONE PERSON.
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Thanks for the encouragement and trying to help.

    Unfortunately I know what I am doing and so if only it was as easy as an error on my part.

    The visuals unlocks are several in fact.
    1. is where the accolades are bugged (and even 2 different types as far as I know).
    2. is where you don't get ANY costume unlock projects showing in your rep tab (buying items back does nothing)
    3. Is problems with helmets and chest gear, old gear that people already had been using before.

    The response so far is "we can't reproduce it".

    And my reply to that, season 7 was supposedly a huge favour done to save players time so the irony of every day that goes by no fix is just astronomically laughable...

    AND that totally invalidates the praise of the rep system even by biasd people (TLFG, too lazy for ground).

    Since I am f2p I won't ask for my money back or anything, just saying calling out the "time saved" argument is false since we royally wasting it as we speak.
  • neos472neos472 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    vestereng wrote: »
    Thanks for the encouragement and trying to help.

    Unfortunately I know what I am doing and so if only it was as easy as an error on my part.

    The visuals unlocks are several in fact.
    1. is where the accolades are bugged (and even 2 different types as far as I know).
    2. is where you don't get ANY costume unlock projects showing in your rep tab (buying items back does nothing)
    3. Is problems with helmets and chest gear, old gear that people already had been using before.

    The response so far is "we can't reproduce it".

    And my reply to that, season 7 was supposedly a huge favour done to save players time so the irony of every day that goes by no fix is just astronomically laughable...

    AND that totally invalidates the praise of the rep system even by biasd people (TLFG, too lazy for ground).

    Since I am f2p I won't ask for my money back or anything, just saying calling out the "time saved" argument is false since we royally wasting it as we speak.

    I have pre S7 MACO armour and have had none of the problems you have been having so it may be something on your end or something just a shot in the dark
    manipulator of time and long time space traveler
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I had the Mk XII Omega ground set pre-season-7 but could not get the full Omega costume unlock until I hit T5 Omega rep. At that point, an alternate-Omega costume unlock project became available for 3k dilithium, some Omega marks, and a few other odd-ball components. Once the 2-minute project was done, the tailor gave me access to the full Omega costume.

    The same was true for the MACO Mk XII costume. I owned none of the MACO Mk XII ground gear until I hit T5 Omega. I crafted the Mk XII armor, shield, and battle rifle, but I still had no access to the full MACO costume until I completed the T5 MACO ground gear appearance upgrade project.

    Now I have access to both full Mk XII MACO and Omega costumes.
  • issvanoraissvanora Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Sadly its not all true. I unlocked the whole tailoring options for the honor guard. Style 1 + 2 + 3. Thats all the costume pieces for the honor guard set Not the adaptave. And the cleaveage and helmets arnt working. Better said the whole option to add a helm like my Main had before S7 is gone.

    Same for making new outfits on my Pre S7 maco / Omega toon cant pick a helmet anymore while she has the whole sets unlocked.

    Secondly the stance for the Honor guard for females makes them walk as if there feet are bent so far inside the only way she could walk like that was when she would go flat face every two steps.

    I will try to see if a different tailor gives me the helmet options. But so far Qo'Nos one and DS9 one refuse to give me the options for helms / Cleavage armor piece. While I dont have a male toon I cant reply how the uniforms work for them.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    neos472 wrote: »
    I have pre S7 MACO armour and have had none of the problems you have been having so it may be something on your end or something just a shot in the dark

    I have the pre S7 KHG and Omega and dont have the issues either but I've read that the pre S7 pieces don't mix with the post S7 pieces which kills the visuals as well as the accolades. If you have an incomplete pre S7 set it's best to dump it and start over, and write off the pre S7 accolade.

    New and improved
    (working as intended)
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Since I didn't have any STF ground pieces before Season 7, I can't confirm this. If you had already obtained 1 or 2 pieces of the Mk XII ground set before Season 7, but not the full set, then selling your STF ground gear to a vendor and buying it back will fix the accolade so you can get the Costume Unlock project.
  • melkelzedekmelkelzedek Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I am a lifer, been here since the start of closed beta. The new rep system to me is awesome. It is a good way to get everyone at least trying the stfs and trying to do good to get extra rewards. I have no problem getting sets, just takes a few missions. I have all the sets on my main, even picked up reman set for fun. The reason I am posting is this, I saw above where a guy says do you feel special after spending dilithium for your set you could have had free before season 7.... yes, I did cure ground elite over 200 times and only got one set piece.... how many could I have gotten in this new system? All of them I tell ya. lol And I would have had a lot of marks and such to turn into dilithium. I love the rep system, put it on pvp we need a boost in players!

    BTW: Still waiting on pvp accolades to be fixed none of them are updating....:P
  • xapocalypseponyxxapocalypseponyx Member Posts: 577 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I dont understand why so many people struggle with the concept of the RNG and how unfair it is.

    it does not matter what you personally experience.

    It does, actually. There seems to have been two very different experiences with the old system. I was blissfully ignorant of any problem with the old system, until reading about it on the forums. I just expected to get the tech drops I wanted, under the old system and I had no reason to doubt I would get them.

    When I heard about the Rep system coming, I took two new characters that I had started, but left lingering and began leveling them up, so I could get the gear for free. One character had a better head start and time constraints left me with only the one ready for ESTFs, before S7 hit. Again, I thought it unremarkable that I obtained multiple full sets for this character before time expired. They are still sitting in my bank, waiting for any new ships I may purchase.

    I struggle with the concept because it was so easy for me. If people say they went months or years with no joy, I have to accept that. But I sure miss being able to outfit a new ship instantly and inexpensively with a full MkXII set and multiple choices of MkXII weapons.

    Heck, maybe a better solution would have been to unbind the tech. I could have outfitted a fleet with my excess tech and made some good EC in the process. Seriously. Even though I would occasionally trade tech for Dil, I still had around 30 complete Prototype space sets, when I cashed out my main before S7. FYI, I joined at F2P launch.
  • redsoniavrelredsoniavrel Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I struggle with the concept because it was so easy for me. If people say they went months or years with no joy, I have to accept that. But I sure miss being able to outfit a new ship instantly and inexpensively with a full MkXII set and multiple choices of MkXII weapons.

    You were lucky, very lucky and so was I mostly, the only thing I had to wait for was the maco gun for the ground set and even then it was only around 30 or 35 runs of CGE. I recently levelled a new character and within 2 days I had a Mx X ground set. That was guaranteed, all I had to do was fulfil requirements and I got it. It wasn't down a random number generator and what's more, I didn't get to see some other guy run off with my prize. I really don't see why so much fuss has been made about all this, what's so unfair about having to work for the better stuff? You need the optionals still for accolades and costumes (afaik) and the better your gear, the more likely you are to get it, and I wouldn't do hive on elite without decent gear either. And before I get flamed about how it's asking us to grind for stuff we already have, I got all the Mk space and ground gear I wanted to before S7 on my main too and I personally think the new way of getting gear is fairer. Not knowing when or even if you were going to get the gear was torture, the new system is just about waiting and putting in the effort/time.
  • mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Are you joking right? you need to grind for just 1 month and there you go, the best sets in the game for you. You can spend months and months grinding in others MMOs to just get 1 piece of the best set in the game.

    Stop being a little girl
    Division Hispana
  • haravikkharavikk Member Posts: 278
    edited January 2013
    Personally I'm okay with the costs; what's the point in having Mk XII Very Rare gear in the first place if it's too easy to get a hold of? It's also not surprising that the bonuses are relatively minor, though some certainly do need tweaking, particularly those which have identical stats to the Mk XI counter-parts; I'm getting the Mk XII's anyway in the hope that they will be tweaked in future.

    Otherwise the other main problem is that item sets don't combine across levels, which is annoying when you're accumulating a new set at a higher level. Mk XI and Mk XII items should at least count towards lower level item set bonuses (so a Mk XII item could be used to complete a Mk X set, but you'd only get the Mk X bonus stats).
  • sparhawksparhawk Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    haravikk wrote: »
    Otherwise the other main problem is that item sets don't combine across levels, which is annoying when you're accumulating a new set at a higher level. Mk XI and Mk XII items should at least count towards lower level item set bonuses (so a Mk XII item could be used to complete a Mk X set, but you'd only get the Mk X bonus stats).

    I like this suggestion.
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