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Winter Event Competitive Race - "The Fast and the Flurrious"



  • chiisaumachiisauma Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Reality check here.

    This is not a exploit, you dont "win" by dancing or log out and log back in or anything and were they are being "ripped to shreds"? the reward is simply Epohh tags that you only use to raise 3 specific breeds that are tied to the event, they cannot even be used on New Romulus or to trade 5 for 200 Latinum.

    We mock then for one reason, the only thing you get out of coming first is more Epohh tags ... THATS IT!

    The accolade? Place First OR Run it 20 times ... unless "the right thing" is winning and NEVER DO IT AGAIN! since the incentive is just not there and I can say that because I, at times, was the only one racing.

    And another thing, I can understand Cryptic wanting for players to just not bypass HALF the race lenght but if the race worked EXACTLY like that (trick jump) then were its the so called "exploit"? Again there is NONE.

    The only I seen was people being too busy calling names because they didnt win and this is not because of a exploit since (almost) everyone jumps but rather because they are sore losers.

    Oh lets see what happens when its working as intended and people bring their fleetmates to throw snowballs at the competition ... there is a knockback effect, nothing stops people from also throwing then during the race (besides the difficulty of targeting), will that be a exploit?

    Or will I see empty races?

    If it not such a big deal; if the rewards are so terrible; then why is the the same people using the exploit over, and over, and over to win? Trust me that you all saying "I am not getting anything useful from this" to rationalize continuously using what is obviously an exploit to rob those running the track as intended from any chance of winning or earning titles/items does NOT make anyone feel better about your repeated useage of an exploit to constantly rob them of a chance to win.

    If there is nothing in it for you; then stop exploiting, and let someone else have a chance to win when running legitimately. Hows that for some logic?

    If you are already full; do you still take the last plate of food, just so no-one else can have it? If you are not thirsty; do you take the last drink? There are words used for people who act like this, none of them are flattering, and most cannot be used here. But I think they apply perfectly to all you repeated exploit users. And somehow you wonder why others get upset at your behaviour.
  • continuum4t7continuum4t7 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Well said above poster.

    To the people saying "It's only Epohh tags", they might not be worth much to you, but just because you don't find them valuable doesn't mean others don't A collector for example would need a LOT of them to get every variation of the Epohh companions, especially since from what little I've seen of it, it comes down to the chance of getting a success or critical success in duty officer assignments.

    To the people saying "It's only a game", I grew up believing the things about becoming a better person, so when I play the game I follow these beliefs. While I would never 'cheat' myself, I know other people play STO differently so I have no issue with them 'cutting corners' as long as it doesn't take anything away from anyone else, which this exploit clearly does. Noone deserves to have their fun ruined by someone else, and then have that player turn around and say "Get over it, it's only a game."

    To the people saying "What about the Kobayashi Maru", well this excuse is flawed from the beginning because Kirk didn't break the rules to steal anything from anyone else or ruin their own experiences. He broke the rules because he didn't believe in a no win scenario and the race itself is NOT a no win scenario. I also sincerely hope you stop making up excuses for your behavior and try to have fun without ruining it for others.

    I believe that people who go out of their way to prevent other people from having fun in a game deserve to be banned from that game, and I'm lost for words when I come here and find those same people defending their appaling behavior. My final advice to these troublemakers is to play the game and enjoy yourself, just NOT at the expense of others.
  • romuzariiromuzarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    So we should all agree by now that everyone using this shortcut are A)loathsome ****s and B)Not worth the trouble anymore because come this thur they're going to be QQing when they can't win races anymore for tags.

    As far as I know Kirk never TRIBBLE the system to rob somebody of something of value so I'm wondering why it's even brought up as being in the same league as cheating at a PVP foot race. It's a clear cheat when you bypass 3/4 of the race by using it. Once this blows by we're going to have a 7 page long thread about how using rolls is also cheating because you got out rolled by the 1st place winner, or it'll be about how using frosted boots is cheating. If you don't win it's because everyone that beat you cheated. This is standard operating procedure when playing MMOs and losing at PVP content(which includes competition for claiming NMs)I'm just mocking complaining, is all, because the obvious solution to this "problem" all along has been to cheat too until it's fixed.
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    To the people saying "What about the Kobayashi Maru", well this excuse is flawed from the beginning because Kirk didn't break the rules to steal anything from anyone else or ruin their own experiences. He broke the rules because he didn't believe in a no win scenario and the race itself is NOT a no win scenario.

    Okay, so according to you cheating at a test is all right because you don't harm anyone else by doing it. (Well, if you ignore the fact that you get an unfair advantage in terms of who gets to hold a speech at the graduation ceremony, better grades give you better job chances against people who didn't cheat etc.) Kirk was the one to win the scenario no one else could. Doesn't look good in the evaluation, does it?
    I also sincerely hope you stop making up excuses for your behavior and try to have fun without ruining it for others.

    I have no need to excuse myself for anything. I stumbled by accident over a shortcut in the race and unless I'm running alone I'm going to use it just like every sane person I run against until they fix it.
    I believe that people who go out of their way to prevent other people from having fun in a game deserve to be banned from that game, and I'm lost for words when I come here and find those same people defending their appaling behavior. My final advice to these troublemakers is to play the game and enjoy yourself, just NOT at the expense of others.

    Woah, woah, woah. Who's going out of their way to prevent others from having fun? Until it is fixed EVERYBODY can jump down there. Now you have to explain to me, why it kills the fun for you to take a slightly different path for a week. It makes things less boring.
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • continuum4t7continuum4t7 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Some people just don't seem to get it, lol.
  • elandarkskyelandarksky Member Posts: 1,013 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    the response to the kobiyashi maru idea is that there is no reward being stolen from other players, whereas in the race, the exploiter cheats another person out of tags?
    [Combat (Self)] Your Bite deals 2378 (1475) Physical Damage(Critical) to Spawnmother.
  • telmatkhantelmatkhan Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Cheaters never prosper!! You don't deserve to ware that uniform!
  • blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    This is the most messed up race, actually its not a race but whose the fastest clicker game.

    If your the fastest doesn't mean you win when anyone can come up behind you and take your flag.

    Even if they fix the jump off the cliff, its still messed up if someone slower than you can still get 1st place.
  • darkstarkiriandarkstarkirian Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    This is the most messed up race, actually its not a race but whose the fastest clicker game.

    If your the fastest doesn't mean you win when anyone can come up behind you and take your flag.

    Even if they fix the jump off the cliff, its still messed up if someone slower than you can still get 1st place.

    This has happened to me a couple times today.
    *get close, start spamming ffffffff, guy behind me takes flag*...

    Plus there are a couple DQ spots that are on the track that are way too "on" the track.
    If can slide half way up a slope in one spot and not get DQ, but not leave the track in another and get DQ, the DQ lines need reviewed.

    Plus, I found a couple of odd collision spots on some of the ice rock that will stop you dead.
    [SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
    Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
    Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
    Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
  • targpetz101targpetz101 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    This has happened to me a couple times today.
    *get close, start spamming ffffffff, guy behind me takes flag*...

    I had this happen to me a couple times today. It's extremely annoying to get there first just to have to lunge for the 2nd place flag.
    This really needs fixed.
    [SIGPIC]This is not as good as it used to be...[/SIGPIC]
  • fluffytargcreamfluffytargcream Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yes, it is extremely frustrating that Cryptic can't even make a race that is without bugs.
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yes, it is extremely frustrating that Cryptic can't even make a race that is without bugs.

    It's not just the bugs, it's the TRIBBLE design of having to click the flag to actually win.

    My guess is they couldn't figure out how to actually make the code work so that it is based on who finishes first...so they just slapped the stupid clicky flags on the end.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I just discovered another flaw with that race that could give a small edge over players. Going to PM that info to Bran.
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Who else is sick of losing or getting a worse position because the stupid flag clicks don't register?

    Why even make it a race if actually finishing the race quickest doesn't matter.
  • tjchaptjchap Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    An issue I've had several times over the weekend is getting CLOSE to the edge of the track and being disqualified, when I NEVER left the track. Please make the track a little more forgiving or just give us the 2 tags for entering.

    Oh, and I agree about the weakness of the flag system. I came in a close 1st in a race, but because the other guy was a better f-keyer, he got the 1st place flag, leaving me with no time to grab any other flag. Needless to say I walked away from a race I WON with 2 tags.
    Ensign Spark Engineering Delta Squadron
    Current Location: Utopia Planetia Dilithium Processing Department
    Current Assignment: To process large quantities of dilithium for new starships.
    12th Fleet, United Federation Of Planets
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Not me I love the race
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Run it till you've won it, then stop... nothing there you can't get my other means anyways
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Mods here truly suck...just randomly deciding to merge threads on some subjects into giant threads no one reads...let leave other subjects alone.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Don't know if it's a bug or not, but first 4 times I ran the race after last Thursdays patch I couldnt complete the race:
    First time went over the cliff to test new patch- NO DQ but didn't get a flag to claim at finish line.
    Next 3 runs- ran the entire course but got DQ'd evertime because I got too close to the cliff but didn't go over.

    I've since learned to run the course properly but see others taking MASSIVE shortcuts across corners to win. Not that I'm concerned since I got all the tags and accolades I'll ever need but I kinda miss the cliff leaping sprint, this 'cheaters paradise' steeplechase is for the birds.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • tjchaptjchap Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I know this event is almost over, but I have to ask. Is there some buff or item that increases running speed besides the Frosted Boots. I usually have a better then average chance of winning these races and I DO have Frosted Boots. But i've observed some people blowing past me sometimes on the final stretch, they're behind me, AND they don't appear to be wearing Frosted Boots. I'd like to know for next year and my own peace of mind, as It makes my suspect foul play.
    Ensign Spark Engineering Delta Squadron
    Current Location: Utopia Planetia Dilithium Processing Department
    Current Assignment: To process large quantities of dilithium for new starships.
    12th Fleet, United Federation Of Planets
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Frosted Boots do not give speed boosts when on the race tracks, since the ice has the same effect. And far as I know there is nothing else that gives speed boosts.

    That said, in several races, I have seen people zip past me while I'm in First place and in a flat sprint on a straightaway. Which has me suspicious that there is somekind of exploit that circumvents the Q WW debuff.

    Also while they are checking things out, that one turn after the drop off needs to be addressed for next year. And wouldn't hurt to neutralize Cat Jumps as well.
  • jjumetleyjjumetley Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    You now what irritates me? Capturing flags at the end.

    A situation from today. I now I'm not going to win, but I'm sure I'll at least have the second place. Guess what! The guy who was first didn't grab the flag. The second flag didn't appear so I overshot the finish line with nothing (well - 2 tags - WOW!). Those who were behind grabbed the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Really Cryptic? There has to be a better way of giving out prizes at the end of the race...
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    jjumetley wrote: »
    You now what irritates me? Capturing flags at the end.

    A situation from today. I now I'm not going to win, but I'm sure I'll at least have the second place. Guess what! The guy who was first didn't grab the flag. The second flag didn't appear so I overshot the finish line with nothing (well - 2 tags - WOW!). Those who were behind grabbed the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Really Cryptic? There has to be a better way of giving out prizes at the end of the race...
    and that is why I tend not to sprint to the flag.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • jjumetleyjjumetley Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    and that is why I tend not to sprint to the flag.
    Even when there's another player four steps behind you? ;)
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    jjumetley wrote: »
    Even when there's another player four steps behind you? ;)
    I sprint until I'm ALMOST to the flag, then start mashing F as I slide the rest of the way.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • vixenjalynnvixenjalynn Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Ty for telling about the fix Brandon. I am glad to see we are going to get that fixed. Also, I have seen some other things that need to be fixed... such as KDF being able to loot other players drops from the mission they do to steal from feds... on ALL joint maps. I have witnessed this picking up my mail at ANY place that has a KDF on it. It is sad that it has to be said, but it does. Some players are stealing the recipes as we go to the exchange to look up components that can't be replicated and reselling them for higher prices and making it nearly game breaking on some. Also, the Jumja rewards are broken. i get no fudge and no winter items yet it completes. Ty for letting me post it, I already sent a ticket I just wanted to post it here to see if any others have seen it too.
  • vixenjalynnvixenjalynn Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i hate to tell you this.. but Kirk did learn that cheating didn't win when Spock died. See, in the reality of things... Kirk had Q show up for his mischief and got introduced to the Borg as a reason to get around the "no win death" thing.. since he cheated, Q thought it would be fun to see if he could actually get out alive.. all of THIS was how the Borg was introduced,as well as Q IN CANON TREK. So, I am telling you that the Kirk defense doesn't work.

    ALSO, this is in Cryptic's defense... to say they make a broken game to see if you can break it better is simply bad business. Number one, the game needs to be played EQUALLY to please the masses in the Massively part of the MMO unless you didn't know that means more than one person is pleased. For the fact that you can sit and defend it and say you use it means you violate the very contract THEY have you sign when you join.. if you don't remember, look up the Terms of Service under "USER BEHAVIOR AND CONDUCT". This will help clear up the "hacking is ok" as they go to jail.So, in essence, Cryptic doesn't like exploits because they cause loss of money in THEIR paycheck and pocket so it IS NOT in their best interest to keep it.

    Thank you for letting me vent an irritation. If you come to a game to break it... hack it or exploit it... you don't learn skill. You learned how to give yourself a lazy way to win. it takes true grit to not hack or cheat and still win. ANYONE can sit and flash spam a key.... that doesn't make you a winner. A winner is someone who challenges themselves to learn something new.
  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The race has another issue next to the cliff jumping and the last place marks.

    Its pay to win.

    Now, how do you assure that you pay to win every time? Its simple, roll a Caitian character.
    Their enhanced jumping skills allow them to skip any obstacle.

    Its not fun to race against Caitians. I'm trying to win for the fun of it and to get as many tags to support my fleet with Epohhs. Then a Caitian pops up and bam, no chance of getting first place.

    Don't get me wrong, I've had a couple of 1sts against random players. Never against Caitians.

    I'm kinda disappointed that their jumping skills aren't temporary disabled when the Q flash appears during the Join the Race stage. You know, like metamorphoses disappear during that flash.
  • alexvio1alexvio1 Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I have 0 chances to grab 1st place flag with my 300 ping if someone follow close to me. If I couldn't grab 1st place flag then I get 2-3 tags only.
  • fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Why is this all discussed in last years thread? Who necroed it? The issue with the cliff jumping was solved last year.

    The finish mechanic with the flags is meh. A close finish becomes a lottery. Today I got disqualified. I was second but hit the wrong button so I did not interact wit any flag. Then I got a message that I had left the track and was disqualified. Where are my two eppho tags?

    Cats have an advantage because they are better jumpers, but if you run the perfect line, you only have to jump once. I have beaten cats with non-cat characters. Hopping is a different matter. I am not good in hopping, I sprint and slide for turning. A good hopper beats me, but I do not see it as against the rules. Using the jump mechanic in your advantage, what is wrong with that, rolling is also ok. Everybody can do that, but you have to do it in the right way.
This discussion has been closed.