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Season 7 Update! More Changes Inbound! Posted Nov 20, 2012



  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Personally I cannot think of many missions made by Cryptic which last 15minutes or more. Having to find foundry missions which do would be extremely difficult.

    Surely a mission which mimics Cryptics own design philosophy of scan 5 things, shoot 5 groups should be the minimum permissible?

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    First, this all sounds good so far,
    with 11 Characters i have a hard enough time keeping up with the reputation projects as it is,
    cutting the duration time in half will not help me, but i guess i'm the exception there ;P
    With one or three characters a 2 day wait until you need to do something again is clearly to long / as in boring.

    but now to the dark side (prepare for possible rage):
    dastahl wrote: »
    If you want the 1440 Dilithium from the Foundry daily - you must play a Foundry mission that "qualifies" - meaning it has to be at least 15 minutes of gameplay.

    We've held off on making this change in the hopes that players would police the simple missions and have them removed - but it just didn't happen.


    really WOW!

    We told you loud and clear what was going on.

    We posted it on the Forums
    We reported it in-game, you did not remove ONE of the missions i reported, and i heard the same from other players.
    We had Podcasts like STOked, Foundry Files and Priority One talk about it or at least mention it.
    We gave you "constructive feedback" everywhere and in every form we could!

    And now you tell us we did not police the system?


    YOU did not even bother to read the Reported Missions and did let them stay in the first place!
    (just like the hundreds and thousands of bug reports that never see a fix)

    YOU did even, after clearly knowing about the Situation, ADD 50 Fleet Marks to the Clickies!

    Actions speak louder than words and with this Action you were inferring that you are OK with the clickies and that we do them! (or you would have fixed the problem first and then added better rewards).

    Do not Tell me that it is OUR fault for not "policing the system".

    At least from my perspective we did all we could.

    And personally, after seeing that everybody did them, i felt like loosing out so i joined the clicky club.
    I'm not mad that they are gone, fixing them was the first step in the right direction.

    But really, we had so many constructive posts on the Forum how Foundry Rewards are not working for anyone...
    first you have the clickies, then you have that lousy 1440 per day wrapper quest, that is in no way a reward if you play REAL foundry missions, do me the favor, go and play 3 random REAL Foundry missions (that don't tell you how long they take) this afternoon, see how long it will take you!

    I can easily spend 2 - 5 hours with 3 Foundry missions, thats a whole afternoon gone, and all i get are lousy 1440 for it? I should be able to get the full 8000 dil per day out of the Foundry if i play THAT long.

    If i play three 15 minute missions that barely qualify for the wrapper, then yes 1440 is ok for that.
    But not if i play REAL Foundry Missions that can take HOURS.

    Even now after the fix for problem 1, problem 2 still persists and i demand a solution.
    Doesn't have to be now, all on your own schedule, but something has to happen there at some point.

    My initial idea was a Foundry Token Store, much like the Lobi Store.
    Now of course, the logical course of action would be a Foundry Reputation System with it's own unique Rewards.

    And honestly i'm baffled that STFs got a Reputation System first, the STFs had a perfectly functioning Reward System and had a huge community formed around them that was happy to play them.
    The Foundry Reward system was BROKEN, and it still is and anything to get people to play more Foundry is a good thing.

    IMHO Foundry should have been the first System to get the Reputation System.

    But i guess with STFs handing out *FREE* Purple Mk XII items, and too much dilithium and those 3 noobs who did not get their helmets as a nice PR excuse to change it all up, it had a higher priority for the Bean Counters at Cryptic to nerf STFs than to fix an actual broken reward System like the Foundry has.

    Anyway, that reason is out of the way now, next Rep Systems have to be PvP and Foundry ...in Season 8!

    dastahl wrote: »
    We will look into increasing the reward if the average length of Foundry missions that players are playing is greater than 15 minutes - but we're waiting to see if players will stop using these missions as an "easy" way to get Dilithium.

    What happened to the "build it and they will come" approach?

    I will be HAPPY to play 5 hour Foundry missions IF it is worth the TIME. (if you call it a time based currency then why does it not reward currency by time spend? eh?)

    Build a Reward System that awards you depending on the TIME you've spend (accurate by the MINUTE!).
    And people will not bother with lousy 15 minute missions.

    Some Foundry junkies might even have the option to ONLY play Foundry from now on without being forced into other content that they don't like but need to do to get some dilithium.

    How hard can it be to have a timer ticking in the background, pausing while idle, or at least using an average mission duration system to calculate a proper reward per mission?

    With Neverwinter coming soon i would expect such "tech" (code) to already exist or at least be on some Schedule of somebody, either in the STO or the Neverwinter or the "Tech" team.
    If not then get the wheel spinning.

    Foundry needs:
    #1 time appropriate numeric rewards (dilithium / XP / EC / whatever)
    #2 Reputation System for some real unique rewards.
    #3 no "daily" limit in form of a 3/3 quest.
  • kelmorbranonkelmorbranon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I admit, I was wrong to immediately brush off S7 as "the beginning of the end" of STO. It's good to know the Devs are listening & acting accordingly. S7 turned me off, but the incoming changes will make things more fun for myself & those that have shared my dislike for certain aspects that came with the new season.

    Good deal, Devs. You're restoring my faith in you.
    "If your conscience is bothering you, you should sooth it with the knowledge that you may have just saved the ENTIRE Alpha Quadrant. And all it cost was the life of one Romulan senator, one criminal, & the self-respect of one Starfleet officer. I don't know about you, but I call that a bargain." - Elim Garak
  • cairellacairella Member Posts: 0
    edited November 2012
    so not that all of this isn't great......but what about all the players that are having issues with the game that have the intel graphics cards....saying that this wasn't happening untill season 7 should say something or is this something that is being played on the down low? I love what you are doing but If i can't play the game properly to benifit from any of this it doesn't do me any good... Can we get someone to comment on this issue instead of just letting us all run around like a flock of unkempt sheep.... At least make it known that you hear what we're going through...heck lie to us even and say that you're looking into it.

    ~~ Signed,

    A frustrated Player...
  • milestfoxmilestfox Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    cairella wrote: »
    so not that all of this isn't great......but what about all the players that are having issues with the game that have the intel graphics cards....saying that this wasn't happening untill season 7 should say something or is this something that is being played on the down low? I love what you are doing but If i can't play the game properly to benifit from any of this it doesn't do me any good... Can we get someone to comment on this issue instead of just letting us all run around like a flock of unkempt sheep.... At least make it known that you hear what we're going through...heck lie to us even and say that you're looking into it.

    ~~ Signed,

    A frustrated Player...

    I do believe the answer is: Intel Graphics is not a graphics card. It is integrated graphics.. meant for business graphics, web page viewing.. perhaps flash games. Please do not expect it to be capable of playing any REAL games. I'd recommend upgrading to something worthy of gaming on, before blaming the game.

    That said, the game also crashes at launch when running the current nVidia beta drivers on any card below the 5xx series. It didn't do this before S7 either, so it probably is something to do with improvements to the graphics engine that led to new requirements.
  • cairellacairella Member Posts: 0
    edited November 2012
    milestfox wrote: »
    I do believe the answer is: Intel Graphics is not a graphics card. It is integrated graphics.. meant for business graphics, web page viewing.. perhaps flash games. Please do not expect it to be capable of playing any REAL games. I'd recommend upgrading to something worthy of gaming on, before blaming the game.

    Once again I could play this game on HIGH settings with NO problems untill season 7 any other game i can play perfectly fine, ones that are more demanding than this game is... I appreciate your advice but I only have problems with this game.
  • ragingloliragingloli Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am having a really nice "told you so" moment.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    webdeath wrote: »
    And what about the Foundry? Making your own PVP maps would have been a new and outstanding way to make use of the foundry and kept PVPing fresh and exciting IMHO.
    Want! Want! Want! Want! Want! Want! Want!

    Hehe... I can guess how complicated the behind the scenes changes would have to be, but it'd be AWESOME!
    My character Tsin'xing
  • cameltoe77cameltoe77 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    We will also be running a full month of Feature Episode Replay where all the limited time rewards from all four series will be available all month long. So if you've got some new characters that need these special items, December is going to be your chance to catch up.

    Wash, Rinse, Repeat.....

    Omega Conversion Crates can be opened immediately.

    ...TRANSLATION: The revolt has been postponed.

    The anniversary event will also offer a new special free ship for both Fed and Kdf players much like we gave away the Odyssey during last year's event.

    No tribble. I'm hurt. What's that smell? I.......I kinda think it smells like a shuttle!:rolleyes:
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    The number of players that were earning 1440 dilithium on all of their ALTs by running simple Foundry missions (ie - click one thing on Earth Space Dock) and then selling that Dilithium to the exchange, then buying it back on their main forced us to make this change.

    If you want the 1440 Dilithium from the Foundry daily - you must play a Foundry mission that "qualifies" - meaning it has to be at least 15 minutes of gameplay.

    We've held off on making this change in the hopes that players would police the simple missions and have them removed - but it just didn't happen.

    If we had a better solution for the Foundry daily, we would go with it - but for now - Sorry you have to play at least a 15 minute long mission.

    We will look into increasing the reward if the average length of Foundry missions that players are playing is greater than 15 minutes - but we're waiting to see if players will stop using these missions as an "easy" way to get Dilithium.

    This is the ONE thing I thought was fair when S7 came over. And I think it fixes you're issue as well as actually allows some of the awesome missions made by players to be seen.

    As for some of us need to learn manners in your original post? Ummmm.....out right lying to us, don't deny it, you know you did, and sneaking in changes without telling any one is a bit unmannerly too. Just saying. Don't do blatantly bad things if you cannot take the heat.
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • spacebreederspacebreeder Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    The number of players that were earning 1440 dilithium on all of their ALTs by running simple Foundry missions (ie - click one thing on Earth Space Dock) and then selling that Dilithium to the exchange, then buying it back on their main forced us to make this change.

    If you want the 1440 Dilithium from the Foundry daily - you must play a Foundry mission that "qualifies" - meaning it has to be at least 15 minutes of gameplay.

    We've held off on making this change in the hopes that players would police the simple missions and have them removed - but it just didn't happen.

    If we had a better solution for the Foundry daily, we would go with it - but for now - Sorry you have to play at least a 15 minute long mission.

    We will look into increasing the reward if the average length of Foundry missions that players are playing is greater than 15 minutes - but we're waiting to see if players will stop using these missions as an "easy" way to get Dilithium.

    people are only doing these missions due to the stupid amount of dill sink holes u have added of fleet star bases 200k for alimited time / tier upgrades of 325k to 500k and now embassy and the stupid rep system u cut dill rewards u need to cut dill on these to match ur cuts so players dont feel there doing a 9-5 job for TRIBBLE!!!!
  • sirsrisirsri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    There were several goals in Season 7 that were interelated.

    These included:
    • Increase the Dilithium Earn Rate of the avg. Level 50 player
    • Close Dilithium Loopholes
    • Normalize Dilithium earn rates per hour across the various ways you can earn it
    • Reduce the 42 currencies needed for STF gear
    • Introduce an Alternate Advancement system so players can earn more Captain Powers without increasing the Skillpoint cap
    • Increase participation in Fleet Actions

    Your first goal is framed, as you have discussed it, badly. Repeatedly. It's an unclear goal, and it may be muddying your thinking.

    Do you mean you want the average player who has a level 50 earning more dilithium per day on their account? Almost by definition the changes you made could not possibly accomplish this, because a person cannot reasonably earn 30 or 40k dilithium per day for long without investigate officer reports quickies.
    Are you including marks (notably omega marks) in this calculation? Because those marks are significantly deferred?
    Do you mean you want each level 50 character (not player) to be earning more dilithium? That's madness. Players can trivially have 4 or 5 level 50 characters, they aren't going to play for 10 hours a day, doing the same most efficient solo content, nor even 4 or 5 of high intensity play.
    When you do this analysis do you think about different ship types? Time wasted flying around is a lot more on a cruiser than an escort, even in sector space. If you push people towards more efficient play you homogenize the game to escorts = win, that's bad overall.
    It's not clear how you're counting dilithium (per account, per character etc. Given that transfering dilithium between characters incurs a less than 1% loss rate you should only be considering per account). It's not clear what you mean by average player how many hours, doing what. You don't even touch on the critically important problem of distribution (that someone with 30 characters was able to make 43k dilithium in about an hour, which was the point of your 'normalization' fix, because that was, to put it politely, bad, but that problem applies on a less dramatic scale to every other dilithium source too).

    Normalizing dilithium rates is and was not quite what you wanted to do, nor what you accomplished. You simply moved the most efficient source of dilithium from laughably trivial (which was bad) to eta eridani and pi canis content. Well, and the 480 for a daily lore mission. You want the most efficient dilithium to be for content you're encouraging (in general this should be foundry content, just enough that people have to play actual foundry missions not trivial ones). We'll have to see how that plays out when the foundry comes back up.

    The next most efficient thing for dilithium should be the most challenging content. The problem here is that that's ESTFs and they are the most efficient I think but only if you include marks and neural processors which you can't and shouldn't spend until into january. It's hard to motivate yourself to play for a reward you aren't going to get for months when you don't even know what it will be.

    After that, sure, daily fleet action. Which would be fine, if you had actually fixed the fleet actions. But you just took horrid content and said 'go do that, it's efficient', without the slightest effort to actually make the content someone would want to do. Well except federation minefield, that one is actually polished. Yes yes you're doing that to the gorn one, that should have happened before you made these changes, not after, and the gorn fleet action was fixable you are just choosing not to. Leaving in the placing system makes fleet actions even more undesirable because they are actually adversarial with your teammates. If you can't be first or second you have no reason to participate other than enough to get credit, and if you're jockeying for first or second place you don't want to do anything that might help anyone else in the group because that might give them a purple item and not you.

    And after those are solo content which you can sleep through. Right now a lot of the solo content (notably pi canis) is the most efficient content. By far. Oops.

    Yes yes, you reduced the 42 currencies to two (one of which you named after a political party in the UK, oops) but you did it so unbelievably badly. Why not just tell people what the conversion rate was? Oh right, because you were giving people a bad deal on the good items. 1 EDC was worth about 1/23rd what purple stuff was in terms of dilithium, so you gave people a bad conversion rate. You should have (and could have easily) made the conversion rate more transparent or just made it much closer to the dilithium rates. As it was people who did not cash in lost out compared to those who did, especially because it takes so much more time to earn dilithium now.

    You say elsewhere that ultimately if bad stuff goes live it's your fault. And I agree. The problem is that you keep making mistakes that are both predictable and fixable in advance, and you make them even after people have explained the problem to you in a clear fashion on tribble. Whether that means you're just bad at this portion of your job and need to find someone better, or need a better channel of information I don't know, but whatever it is you need to fix it. You cannot keep making mistakes that TRIBBLE some players and not others, or causing player uproar and then a day later scrambling to fix it. Your entire business model right now that you tout as so successful in giving you a better team is premised on 'addicts can't leave' and everything you have in game is worth real money. That puts you one mistake away from losing a lot of customers if they decide you've robbed them. You need to do better. And I mean you personally. If you seriously, honestly, cannot predict problems like the dilithium on ESTFs, the exploit-ability of investigate officer reports, the rage over the conversion crates in advance, the hatred of fleet actions etc, you need to find someone who does, and give them that portion of your job.
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    milestfox wrote: »
    That said, the game also crashes at launch when running the current nVidia beta drivers on any card below the 5xx series. It didn't do this before S7 either, so it probably is something to do with improvements to the graphics engine that led to new requirements.

    Don't run beta drivers then? :confused:
  • luxchristianluxchristian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Time for a STO Season 7 Update

    So there is plenty to look forward to in Season 7 and we thank you for continuing to share your feedback and comments with us. Thank you for the both the kudos and the criticism (although some of you need to learn some manners). We get better with every season and we have you to thank for that. We do listen, and while we don't always immediately react, we do deliberate and make changes based on ideas and feedback you submit. The QA team is still crunching through all of your bug reports and we expect to have major issues ironed out soon.

    Daniel Stahl
    Executive Producer
    Star Trek Online

    Yep, the tone is harsh in some subforums :cool:

    It is good to see that the dev's don't do any changes just because some children are whining in the threads but are wainting until more data is gained.

    Now I really want to know what S8 is bringing us :-P
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Are the following bugs fixed ( not in list,hence my question ) :

    -Very first mission ( stranded in space ) : away team gets beamed aboard the Azura 160 meters away from your own location .Yep, still not fixed at season 7 ! And this is the first mission new players see !

    - Occasionally being unable to populate ship stations .Only 100% certain way to fix is to switch ships at shipyard and switch back again .

    - chat bugs , when changing characters fleetchat of another character ( usually the one you just logged out ) remains visible .Even if you switched from Fed to KDF ! Also very often fleetchat is N/A in pulldown menu - after changing zones and/or characters - even though you can read it and you could access it previously .Only solution is to logout completely and log back in .

    just a few I thought of ...
  • blitzy4blitzy4 Member Posts: 839 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    Latest change of removing the "Fleet Action Daily" Dilithium reward, is a big step BACKWARDS, much like the travesty that was the sudden removal of STF Dilithium.

    Quite the contrary. It removes the interest in playing some of the fleet actions if your not in a fleet, or one that isn't doing fleet progression.
    "..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino

  • kirimuffinkirimuffin Member Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What a great list of changes! And it sounds like Crosby has all but confirmed the Yesterday's Enterprise tie-in, which will (I'm hoping!) make the people who want an Ambassador happy. :)

    Y'all are great. I know I complain a lot, but really, I love this game. Thank you for building it.
  • kartimozkartimoz Member Posts: 57
    edited November 2012
    Dear Daniel,

    thank you for the good news - good jobs are much appreciated! ;)
  • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This does a lot to restore my confidence in STO and I'm now considering a purchase from the C-Store. Thanks for not only listening, but also following through with changes, Dan.
  • squidheadjaxsquidheadjax Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    topset wrote: »
    I honestly can't believe it!

    Cryptic devs listening to the playerbase and implimenting pretty much all of their constructive criticism? I am EXTREMELY impressed. Well done, this could be the start of something magical.

    I still can't exactly bring myself to trust, but I want to thank our new Undine overlords for possibly kidnapping and replacing the dstahl I grew to mislike before the f2p transition. I still fondly remember my Sarcastic Venom Award, tho.

    But as they say, time heals all wounds. Also zoning out on painkillers, a Steam sale, about 40 Reinforcement DOff Packs, a Jem'hadar fighter, the forfeiture of any standing to criticise the system, and being able to liberally use the word DOff and giggle.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Unable/unwilling to comment beyond:
    1. adding loot back into STF's = good
    2. Unlocking conversion crates @t1 = good
    3. removing tier restriction to dilith conversion = good
    4. adding substantial FM reward to FA's = good

    My interest in a serious play of the new content has increased ever so slightly.

    ...Now if we KDF could EVER get the Fleetship upgrade discount problem addressed we might have an interesting game again.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    There were several goals in Season 7 that were interelated.

    These included:
    • Increase the Dilithium Earn Rate of the avg. Level 50 player
    • Close Dilithium Loopholes
    • Normalize Dilithium earn rates per hour across the various ways you can earn it
    • Increase participation in Fleet Actions

    So while we've removed some of the ways you could earn Dilithium, we've added or are adding several more than will help us achieve the goals above.

    While some of the goals were tackled immediately, it has taken several days of data mining to see where we could shift and still hit our goals while addressing player feedback.

    Depending on your play style, you may very well have seen an immediate reduction in how you were earning Dilithium - however we are hopeful that with these changes, you will find the way that you will be able to continue to enjoy the game and earn more Dilithium while doing so. It isn't going to be perfect, but we will continue to adjust to help out the average player and the enthusiest hardcore player.

    I am one of the people that has seen a reduction in my dilithium. I haven't logged on that much, but when I do, I am playing the way I used to: some Ground PvP, a few PvE queues, DOffing. I've added some stuff in Tau Dewa and New Romulus, but that's really it.

    While I appreciate that Fleet Actions have become easier to play, since more people are playing them, I don't want to be forced to play them for my dilithium. I should be able to keep doing what I have been doing, and earn dilithium for my time in game like anyone else. If you want dilithium to be a time-based reward, why not reward everything that takes time with dilithium?

    Alternatively, if you added Starbase 24's ground portion and the DS9 ground Fleet Action back into the game, I would play those all day long. I played SB24 ground all the time until it was removed for no reason.
  • cpthardcovercpthardcover Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I see exactly nothing in the initial post to complain about.
  • obsidiusrexobsidiusrex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This update sounds excellent. I was concerned (as were many others) about removing another source of Dilithium by way of fleet dailies, but with the intended additional sources to be added by month's end, I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll still be able to support my fleet while buying MkXII gear for my characters.
    I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
    And remember to follow the rules.
  • flyingcatmanflyingcatman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    This is a glorious change! Just hoping I will be able to play the patch today, cause I am going to be spending lots of time at my family during Thanksgiving...

    KDF really shouldn't be complaining. Sounds like they still get two ships, the Winter Event one and the Third Anniversary one. Reputation system was already pretty nice before, now this is even nicer. Can't really find a negative thing.
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    The number of players that were earning 1440 dilithium on all of their ALTs by running simple Foundry missions (ie - click one thing on Earth Space Dock) and then selling that Dilithium to the exchange, then buying it back on their main forced us to make this change.

    If you want the 1440 Dilithium from the Foundry daily - you must play a Foundry mission that "qualifies" - meaning it has to be at least 15 minutes of gameplay.

    We've held off on making this change in the hopes that players would police the simple missions and have them removed - but it just didn't happen.

    If we had a better solution for the Foundry daily, we would go with it - but for now - Sorry you have to play at least a 15 minute long mission.

    We will look into increasing the reward if the average length of Foundry missions that players are playing is greater than 15 minutes - but we're waiting to see if players will stop using these missions as an "easy" way to get Dilithium.

    It really is unbalanced. 1 10-15 minute Cryptic mission = 1440 dil. vs. 3 15-20 min. (bare minimum) Foundry missions = 1440 dilithium.

    Dastahl, if you have some free time over the holidays, I invite you to sit down and play 3 real foundry missions in one setting. Then ask yourself what you should have gotten for it.
  • redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Yes - I should have mentioned this - It has been our top priority bug since Season 7 went live. We have a potential fix going out tomorrow - and if it isn't completly fixed we'll keep hammering on it until it works.

    One thing I've noticed is that if you are running the Klingon Scouting Force Fleet Action - you can usually prevent getting booted from the map by minimizing the contact that pops up when you enter. Just don't hit continue and you should be allowed to stay in the map.

    We will squash this bug as soon as we can.
    So where does this bug rank in priority?

    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,684 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i wont to know when more kdf ships are coming out somthing well thought out like the vesta for my kdf sci. :(

    but loot back yer!!!!!!!! ive been missing it :)
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »

    Daniel Stahl
    Executive Producer
    Star Trek Online


    Now forget about work and go enjoy the Holidays with your family and friends.

    Happy Thanksgiving.


    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • vinru821vinru821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Now i can be excited to play this weekend again!
This discussion has been closed.