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Season 7 Update! More Changes Inbound! Posted Nov 20, 2012



  • adorkabledoriadorkabledori Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hmmm, lets see, its not the server as I've been online for many hours... ;), so check you connection or clean you PC once in a while, make sure you defrag it too, as it slows everything if you don't! ;)

    Lols, there is nothing wrong with my connection, nor that my pc isn't clean (fyi, fresh install since today due to a new CPU) and my HDD's get defragged each week.

    BTW, I am not the only one that has connection issues since the patch, or are not reading the zone chat in game ?
  • psymantispsymantis Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    sfhq wrote: »
    I believe these changes are fair. Thanks :) .

    One note, the foundry daily. 3 *good* well done foundry missions go anywhere from 45mins to 1h30mins.

    I would strongly encourage looking into altering this dil reward, and perhaps if possible devise a mission length scaled dil reward algorithm so if someone lands a 1h long mission they'd end up with about the same amt of dil as they do with 3 15 min missions.

    Dunno how much of that would be possible based on the coding of the game but figured I'd suggest something. There are some truly good missions hiding in the foundry and anything that would help the players explore more missions is welcome news.

    Maybe it could simply be time-based with the Officer report mission awarding a completion after 15 minutes. That way you do as many or as few as you want and still get the same dil after 45 minutes. If you stay to complete the mission or leave then it's up to you after the 45 mins is up. That would also help if you find yourself in a badly made mission that drags on and on because of a confused layout or objectives.

    The only way someone could exploit it is by standing idle but they'd be spending the same amount of time so it doesn't matter.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    @ dastahl

    Save me whining and complaining about it all over the forums, I'll try the more... mature approach here and ask you both directly, and nicely.

    The Season 7 changes you made to the Duty Officer System; specifically the dilithium prices when exchanging the more common duty officers for the rarer ones, and the cost of dilithium to set up the doff cadre assignment (inc the Andorian/Tellarite/Vulcan duty officer recruitment). I know I'm not alone in not liking the prices you've added too all of these assignments / exchanges, and would like to know if there are any plans to reduce them.

    It's a costly venture at the moment, especially when so much dilithium is being put into fleet and outpost projects (fleet progress is something you're apparently encouraging, though I'm finding it is instead suffering). Dilithium costs elsewhere are taking the focus away from some of the smaller fleets and other aspects of the game.

    The Duty Officer system was a big part of how I played, and due to the season 7 changes surrounding them, I can't say I enjoy the effort I must now go to in order to acquire the dilithium for these assignments and exchanges. Granted, nobody is expecting to be a 5-minute job (such as the duty officer report assignment) but not everyone has an unlimited amount of time to play the game, and as such, are suffering by grinding dilithium just so that they can get a couple of rare or very rare duty officers. It seems a bit unfair.

  • mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Very good news

    Thanks guys.
    Division Hispana
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    any word on the new doff packs yet it says today so where are they servers are back up and nadda
  • pointedearspointedears Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Time for a STO Season 7 Update


    ************ edit : dstahl says a lot of things ************

    See you online and Happy Holidays!

    Daniel Stahl
    Executive Producer
    Star Trek Online

    So the metrics finally show what a load of crock season 7 was and the damage that has been done to 7 player levels ?

    You know Dan it wasnt hate being shown by players prior to season 7 it was the people who love and play this game warning you at the ludcious changes ? we tried giving you constructive feedback but at each and every stage it was poo pooed ? why ? why should anyone come back to STO now and be messed around the way you have messed around players and broken up communities that were thriving pre season 6 (namely STF and PVP communitys) ?

    It does strike me either of ignorance or an agenda that is higher than yourself ? dont get me wrong im trying to be constructive here, as someone with 23 toons with most of them maxxed out, season 7 was the biggest let down since the game went live. Ive been around since day 1 and lived through it all but, with season 7 i do feel the game took a turn for the worse.

    Since season 7 launched ive only logged in a couple of times and looked at the huge daily grind list and thought to myself why ? I work a 9 - 5 mon to fri and I get paid to do that. I dont get paid to play STO however. Dont you think its unrealistic to expect people (especially those who ran STF's to death) to then say well hey its ok you can go do it all again.

    Dont get me wrong I appreciate no doubt a lot of good hard work by various devs has gotten overshadowed by this, and whilst I see potential, I currently have no motivation to log in and grind everything every day. The longer you grind the more you find yourself looking at other games thinking, you know what, I just wanna log in, shoot stuff, and have FUN.

    Bring the fun back to STO then sure the players may come back, but right now STO has strong competition from other MMOs and games that are launching/are currently out.

    Can we please end this madness and go back to the STO we all know and love not the STO thats being driven by greed ?

    Yours sincerely .... A disappointed STO player.
  • lordhooklordhook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'll believe after seeing all the changes implemented. Meanwhile there's something else that was not answered:

    When will this change?
    daxiii23 wrote: »
    well lets stay with the reassignment for a moment, lets say i have all white doffs and i want to change into one purple, costs as follows:
    white to green:
    5 whites + 500 dil = 1 green
    green to blue
    5 greens + 2500 dill = 1 blue
    blue to purple
    5 blues + 5000 dill = 1 purple

    5x5000 + 5x(2500) + 25x(500) = 50k dil

    so one purple BOFF costing now 50k dilithium and 25 white boffs???
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So ... , after 32 pages I'll ask :

    Will these proposed changes bring back my previous S.5-6 EC/Dil earnings (all drops included) from 2-4 hour E.STF gaming ?


    Yeah ... . Kind of figured as much .

    Go on guys , keep on clapping . Hard .
    Don't let reality bite you in the a$$ .
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lordhook wrote: »
    I'll believe after seeing all the changes implemented. Meanwhile there's something else that was not answered:
    daxiii23 wrote: »
    well lets stay with the reassignment for a moment, lets say i have all white doffs and i want to change into one purple, costs as follows:
    white to green:
    5 whites + 500 dil = 1 green
    green to blue
    5 greens + 2500 dill = 1 blue
    blue to purple
    5 blues + 5000 dill = 1 purple

    5x5000 + 5x(2500) + 25x(500) = 50k dil

    so one purple DOFF costing now 50k dilithium and 25 white doffs???
    When will this change?
    Let us make sure we're all talking about the same thing. ;) But otherwise, yeah. Check four posts back.

    flash525 wrote: »
    Taking into account the Dilithium Rewards we get for daily missions, the minimum reward is 480 Dilithium Crystals. The maximum reward for a daily is 1440. Therefore, I'd think the compromise a simple one:

    5 Common for 1 Uncommon = 480 Dilithium Crystals.
    5 Uncommon for 1 Rare = 960 Dilithium Crystals.
    5 Rare for 1 Very Rare = 1440 Dilithium Crystals.

    This would be (I feel) an acceptable compromise.


    Also, the Duty Officer Cadre Assignments ~ These are what, 1000 Dilithium Crystals right now? For a random selection of Common and Uncommon Duty Officers? Don't you think that's a little excessive too? Keep the 48 hours if you must, but again, I ask you to reduce the costs of these assignments. It wouldn't be so bad if these produced Rare and Very Rare Duty Officers, but they don't.
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    xsharpex wrote: »
    thank you for letting us know that our feedback and constructive criticism...

    If that was considered "constructive criticism" I'd hate to see what a full blown hissy-fit looks like.
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Thank you for the post. It was practically all good news as far as I can tell. As one of the returning players you mentioned (I've been away for about 6 months), I am enjoying Season 7, overall, but I did think the grindwheel was pressed too hard. I am pleased to see you guys easing it off some. It's appreciated, and makes S7 all the better.

    I'm looking forward to the tid-bits mentioned about December's Winter Wonderland. Sounds cool. Likewise your Denise Crosby drop. I'm saddened to hear the Featured Episode is being reduced to a one-shot though, all the more so if it includes DC's voice acting (would love that to stretch more than one mission). C'est la vie, I guess. :rolleyes:

    Any word on an Fleet Assault Cruiser/Sovie? I heard-tell it was on Tribble for a while, but removed. Will it be coming back? That's the ship I'm holding out for, if I'm being honest. And speaking of Tribble, what's the status of our S7 Tribble Testing prize(s)?
    dastahl wrote: »
    Good catch - the Excelsior should be able to get to this sector. I'll punt that over to the ship team.
    Upgrades to the Excel would be fantastic!

    Again, thanks for your updates.

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • fuzzyjedifuzzyjedi Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Good catch - the Excelsior should be able to get to this sector. I'll punt that over to the ship team.

    As an Excelsior fanatic, this was the first thing I noticed after S7, it'd be great to get a firmware update for our transwarp computers with new coordinates!
  • trellabortrellabor Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Why have you still not fixed the BoFF assignment issue? I'm sick and tired of having to reassign my BoFF's to their Bridge Station's every single time I switch ships! It wipes out all my skills in my quick bar despite the face it's locked. This is extremely frustrating and a GLARING issue for all players. Stop making mistakes and then backtracking, you keep digging yourselves a hole and never get around to fixing the FUNDAMENTAL problems which plague this game - holes in your programming. I literally fell THROUGH DS9 trying to complete a mission last night and eventually got so fed up getting stuck clipping through walls (Doom?) and restarting I just abandoned it. Problems like this is why I abandoned this game many Season's ago and will be doing the same now since I see a patch was laid out last night to fix your major boo-boo's yet nothing was implemented to repair any bugs that make this game mostly unplayable. If PWE/Cryptic was a Auto manufacturer you'd have the biggest recall on your hands right now in Human history. People got fed up with Hellgate for the same reason - programming woes that never got fixed. Takes but a Google search to figure out what happened to that game/parent company which now in it's 3rd iteration is still a dead horse getting beat on.

    Fix your game, then make it fancy. A polished TRIBBLE is still a TRIBBLE.
    The o3 - Killed you good
  • vorga113vorga113 Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    So there is plenty to look forward to in Season 7 and we thank you for continuing to share your feedback and comments with us. Thank you for the both the kudos and the criticism (although some of you need to learn some manners).

    Here's a thought Dan, why don't you practice what you preach?

    When the STF dilithium reward disappeared between Tribble & Holodeck, your response was to throw the development team under the bus. Do you think that's displaying good manners?

    All the dilithium reward changes are supposedly there to rebalance the game and make it easier for the little guy but even after the STF climb down it doesn't feel like you've achieved this. Wouldn't it be good manners to explain exactly what it is you are trying to do? Such as "We're aiming for x dilithium per player per hour" and then back it up with a little hard data to show any progress towards that goal. And if you find you are moving further away from the goal, admit you are getting wrong, after all that would only be showing good manners.

    You also annoyed a large number of people with the changes Doff system, wouldn't it be good manners to explain the reason for the change? From the outside it looks like a very crude attempt to further monetise part of the game. However if there was a real reason, a real problem to fix, if you'd shown some manners and explained the problem who knows someone in the community might have come up with a more sensible solution or at least been less annoyed about the changes.

    And then we have Wednesday's patch which caused problems for a large number of players. Wouldn't it just good manners to apologise for any inconvience caused, when these kinds of problems arise?

    dastahl wrote: »
    ...some of you need to learn some manners.

    There's a saying about glasshouses and stones that I can't quiet remember.
  • usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    vorga113 wrote: »
    Here's a thought Dan, why don't you practice what you preach?

    When the STF dilithium reward disappeared between Tribble & Holodeck, your response was to throw the development team under the bus. Do you think that's displaying good manners?

    All the dilithium reward changes are supposedly there to rebalance the game and make it easier for the little guy but even after the STF climb down it doesn't feel like you've achieved this. Wouldn't it be good manners to explain exactly what it is you are trying to do? Such as "We're aiming for x dilithium per player per hour" and then back it up with a little hard data to show any progress towards that goal. And if you find you are moving further away from the goal, admit you are getting wrong, after all that would only be showing good manners.

    You also annoyed a large number of people with the changes Doff system, wouldn't it be good manners to explain the reason for the change? From the outside it looks like a very crude attempt to further monetise part of the game. However if there was a real reason, a real problem to fix, if you'd shown some manners and explained the problem who knows someone in the community might have come up with a more sensible solution or at least been less annoyed about the changes.

    And then we have Wednesday's patch which caused problems for a large number of players. Wouldn't it just good manners to apologise for any inconvience caused, when these kinds of problems arise?

    There's a saying about glasshouses and stones that I can't quiet remember.

    tbh i think you are asking more than they are willing to give

  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The Reputation System, including the STFs are getting some major changes over the next two weeks. Here is a rundown of what is going to happen over the next several Holodeck updates.

    Omega Conversion Crates can be opened immediately. You will no longer need to achieve T3 in Omega Fleet to open these.
    Reputation XP Project timers are dropping from 40 hours to 20 hours across all Tiers. If you have a project in progress, it will not change, but any new projects after the update will be adjusted. We are also looking into adding the ability to drop a project.
    All XP Reputation Projects (projects that reward progress towards your next Tier) will now grant 240 Dilithium (on average) upon completion. If you complete 4 XP Rep Projects a day, you should earn about 960 Dilithium per day from it. These are in addition to the Marks to Dilithium conversion Projects. Once you've completed a Reputation System, these XP Projects will go away, but the Marks to Dilithium conversion projects will remain.
    Reputation Projects that convert Marks to Dilithium are being moved from unlocking at T5 to being available immediately. This allows you to convert Omega Marks and Romulan Marks to Dilithium similar to how you could trade STF items for Dilithium previously.
    Loot drops are getting added to STF mobs as well as to bosses.
    End of STF Loot Rolls are returning. There will once again be a chance to earn special rewards at the end of STFs or Romulan Mark events. These special rewards will be Bonus marks, Borg Neural Processors, or other items needed for Reputation rewards.
    Reputation Advancement Projects (the ones that unlock each tier) are having their timers reduced from 1 hour to 15 mins. and we are removing Dilithium inputs from these Tier Up projects.
    The amount of commodities needed for Romulan Reputation projects is being reduced due to the lack of drops on New Romulus. We will be adding more drops to New Romulus in the future either through enemy kills or daily missions.
    All Reputation Projects are being changed so that you need to claim the reward upon completion. This puts it in line with how Duty Officer assignments work so you can see the rewards you are getting from each project.


    So basically they are now going and giving instant gratification, and ALSO reducing costs. I think the only thing I approved of while reading this was the return of loot drops to STFs. The rest, especially the part with the reputation system, has left me with a feeling of disgust.

    Somebody, ANYBODY, explain to me why reducing the amount of time it takes to tier up in the rep system is a good thing? How does that foster commitment to the game, and teach us to be patient and EARN our rewards? How does that NOT go in the direction of instant gratification? Please. Convince me.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • jkstocbrjkstocbr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    - thread merge made the post redundant -
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Are you saying you liked waiting forty hours to make any progress at all?

    I don't disagree with the patience aspect, but how can you defend forty hour cooldowns? Twenty is perfect, since it doesn't alienate me or anyone else who has the time from playing a little every day. On forty hours I have to wait two days before I can move on, and that's stupid. Waiting a whole hour just to advance a tier was stupid, too. Fifteen minutes is also stupid, but at least it's a lot shorter. The way I see it, if I have the xp to tier up, let me pay the cost and, y'know, tier up.

    These changes hit the nail on the head regarding Rep progression. If that upsets you, oh well.
  • themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »

    In January we'll be releasing an Andorian Ship on the Federation side to be quickly followed by the STO 3 Year Anniversary Event. This special celebration will be released with a new one-off Feature Episode. If you were at the Star Trek convention in San Francisco this last weekend, Denise Crosby would have you believe that this episode is going to be all about Tasha Yar and Sela. We'll see... anything can happen.

    Working title: Yar's Revenge.

    It'll be a shuttle mission. You have to pick holes in a massive energy shield while dodging attacks from the enemy within... and send back telemetry to aim the giant cannon.

    *runs like hell*
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Time for a STO Season 7 Update


    Not everything is sunshine and roses, though. As we mentioned in previous posts, we continue to monitor the Dilithium economy reaction to the changes in Season 7 and as previously stated, we will be making some additional adjustments which we feel will address issues that have been discussed. Some of those changes are going to happen in an update tomorrow (Wednesday Nov 21) and some of them are going to happen in the following week's update on Nov 29. If we feel more changes are necessary after that, we will certainly make them because our goal is to keep the game balanced while ensuring that players are having fun. Even though we've managed to get more Dilithium into more players hands, we agree that STF runs and Dilithium have been a challenging change that needs to be addressed and we are going to continue to do so.

    Our end goal has always been to put more Dilithium into the hands of the average player. The above changes should help get us there and put more Dilithium back into STFs.

    Daniel Stahl
    Executive Producer
    Star Trek Online

    Expenditures of Dilithium has increased and we still have a refining cap of 8k/day :P

    There was nothing wrong with Season 6, it should NOT have been "fixed".
    I'll grind STF's for Dilithium because that's the best part of STO, now.
    Will I give PWE more of my REAL money?
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • wirtddwirtdd Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    vorga113 wrote: »
    Here's a thought Dan, why don't you practice what you preach?

    When the STF dilithium reward disappeared between Tribble & Holodeck, your response was to throw the development team under the bus. Do you think that's displaying good manners?

    All the dilithium reward changes are supposedly there to rebalance the game and make it easier for the little guy but even after the STF climb down it doesn't feel like you've achieved this. Wouldn't it be good manners to explain exactly what it is you are trying to do? Such as "We're aiming for x dilithium per player per hour" and then back it up with a little hard data to show any progress towards that goal. And if you find you are moving further away from the goal, admit you are getting wrong, after all that would only be showing good manners.

    You also annoyed a large number of people with the changes Doff system, wouldn't it be good manners to explain the reason for the change? From the outside it looks like a very crude attempt to further monetise part of the game. However if there was a real reason, a real problem to fix, if you'd shown some manners and explained the problem who knows someone in the community might have come up with a more sensible solution or at least been less annoyed about the changes.

    And then we have Wednesday's patch which caused problems for a large number of players. Wouldn't it just good manners to apologise for any inconvience caused, when these kinds of problems arise?

    There's a saying about glasshouses and stones that I can't quiet remember.

    Well said.
  • purvee1purvee1 Member Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Otherwise I would hope that the quote in my signature would point to the opposite for the future of teh KDF fan.

    I gotta love your eternal optimism, Roach, but you know how skeptical us KDF types are (with some justifiable reason I might add).

    I hope your right, I really do. Just one season of no Fed content at all. In any way shape or form. The Fed rage would give me months of comedy reading.:P
    But until I see hard cold details which are guarenteed (so the patch notes the day before the patch) I'll not get my hopes up.
  • markarichmarkarich Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    The number of players that were earning 1440 dilithium on all of their ALTs by running simple Foundry missions (ie - click one thing on Earth Space Dock) and then selling that Dilithium to the exchange, then buying it back on their main forced us to make this change.

    If you want the 1440 Dilithium from the Foundry daily - you must play a Foundry mission that "qualifies" - meaning it has to be at least 15 minutes of gameplay.

    We've held off on making this change in the hopes that players would police the simple missions and have them removed - but it just didn't happen.

    If we had a better solution for the Foundry daily, we would go with it - but for now - Sorry you have to play at least a 15 minute long mission.

    We will look into increasing the reward if the average length of Foundry missions that players are playing is greater than 15 minutes - but we're waiting to see if players will stop using these missions as an "easy" way to get Dilithium.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. It's not one 15 minute long foundry mission , it's THREE. The foundry just came up today and I immediately went to try an investigate officer reports mission because our fleet is sorely in need of fleet marks since the opening of season 7. I have invested over 45 minutes at this point and still am in need of one more foundry mission to complete the investigate off reports daily. I'm sorry but an extra hour of foundry missions every day is NOT what anybody should be forced to do to obtain a measly 50 fleet marks.
    The investigate officer report daily was CRUCIAL to fleets(especially small or medium size fleets) to obtain the outrageous fleet mark requirements for fleet projects and upgrades. It was also crucial that the 3 foundry missions not take up a tremendous amount of time as there are a myriad of other responsibilities and items that need to be procured to advance the fleet.
    By instituting this "15 minute minimum" qualification time for foundry missions to qualify for investigate officer reports daily, you are A. Finding another way to slowly drain the life out of the fleet system. B. adding another annoying grindfest facet to the STO gameplay experience. & C. Subconsciously creating animosity towards the the whole foundry system and foundry writers - foundry projects are supposed to be a way that player/members can express their creative talents and showcase them to the general STO community. Foundry projects SHOULD be a way for the community to enjoy the fruits of other members imaginations and, ultimately, become a treasure trove of content that can possibly be pulled into the STO cannon at a later date if said missions are of high quality. I thoroughly enjoy taking my spare STO time and perusing the foundry to find mission descriptions that seem appealing to me and playing said missions. By FORCING me to have to MAKE time daily and require me to play 3 LONG foundry missions; you're only succeeding in making the foundry seem like a grinding daily chore to me. Eventually I and others will not see the foundry missions as a useful creative outlet and tool, but, rather, something to disdain as an additional daily headache.

    Either return investigate daily officer reports to it's previous season 6 structure OR change the requirement for investigate officer reports from 3 foundry missions to only one(that is fair) - otherwise you risk slowly destroying both the foundry and the fleet system in one fell swoop.
  • dnaangel9dnaangel9 Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Good changes Cryptic.

    Now you only need to add Fleet Marks to PVP.

    Amongst many other things..like a PvP reward system with PvP gear drops, a leaderboard system. 1v1 ques with matchmaking.

    "who cares about PvP, no one bothers" - yea because there's no real incentive to do so.

    Personally I love PvP, Nothing beats going up against a REAL player who has polished, researched and worked over their builds to be effective in and out of PvP. It kills me to see so many clueless players flying around. Give more incentive to PvP and watch players scratch their heads when they realize they have a setup that really is as bad as people make fun of them for.
  • innuwarriorinnuwarrior Member Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I like the new change, at least its a step in the right direction. There will always be ppl you can't please and all but on the whole, not quite season 6 lvl of dil gain but better than it was.

    I only have one major complaint, fix the fleet action queue for sb24 and cie. Nothing I hate more than getting into an already going instance. Just got out of an instance where it was more than halfway done. I have a competitive nature and that gets on my nerve more than anything, come on 5 of 20 neg'var gone in SB24. What kind of a chance do I have if half the players there are any good at all.

    That more than anything now gets me pest off, real pest off at game. I have a competitive nature and thats like slapping me in the face with my hand bound behind my back, gets me all worked up. Got right out the game to calm down.

    Jamal : Tactical space specialist. USS Bug Warrior and many others
    E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
    Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
    Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I said most of my thoughts in a thread I made here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=6741161#post6741161

    That is all.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    vorga113 wrote: »
    There's a saying about glasshouses and stones that I can't quiet remember.
    Those who lives in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Least I think that's it. That is to say unless you already knew that and were merely being sarcastic with your mention of the quote, in which case I submit to you. :P
  • vesolcvesolc Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    First fix your hardware than we can talk about new content and such:rolleyes:
  • vorga113vorga113 Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    usscapital wrote: »
    tbh i think you are asking more than they are willing to give

    Trust me I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen. But ultimately everything what happens in STO is Dan Stahl's responsiblity, even the players venting, have some of the responses to Season 7 been less than cordial? Yes, but who was it that implemented massive changes to the game even after being repeatedly told by the dedicated Tribblers that it would cause an unholy storm? <Answers on a postcard>
    If Dan didn't like the reaction then maybe he should go brush up on Newton's Laws of Motion to look for the reason. Also it doesn't help that Dan's missives come across as 99% marketing of the next shiny toy to distract people, 1% vague acknowledgement that there might be a problem but without taking any responsibilty for introducing it. If Dan wants people to be polite maybe he should stop coming across as a snake-oil salesman.
This discussion has been closed.