Its more than just down to equipment, Stf's brought alot of people together in the game esp whithin fleets. Now people are simply not interested to grind on 10 characters. i have started the first tier of the new system, read what others have said about it and no it isnt for me, or anyone else i know obviously since they have all stopped playing the game.
This is what people aren't getting when they say "the system is fine" or "we just need to reduce the time".
It's pretty much destroyed the community aspects of STFs and replaced it with isolation and asian style grind. I'm waiting to be allocated my own virtual office cubicle ... did you get that memo about STF reports peter?
Not only that but for STF's me weren't never truly end-game I did them to get the gear I needed to help new fleet members and to get Dilthium for advancing the fleet, which is a long drawn out end-game process. Now the fleet is on the back burner and in danger of being disbanded and my interest in the game if this weekend is anything to go by will wain.
This. With removal of loot bags and large part of dilithium from STFs (if you think that 960+ 1/5 of 1k dil project is roughly the same amount, you are deluding yourself) Craptic managed to kill off the social side of STFs, they are no longer a fleet-bonding activity, just a tedious chore. No need to gear for Borg, since all everyone needs is one ISE run every 2 days. If anyone is queueing for other STF, its for the sake of good old times.
I wouldn't be surprised if removing the player counters from queue window and disabling private games were intentional in order to obscure dwindling numbers of players playing STFs/FAs.
May 2013, automatic permanent ban for mentioning gold-seller sites pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should. moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
I guess for me what it boils down to is the new rep system was designed for someone coming new into the game. It's really based on leveling a toon from scratch. Us veterans have done that, but we are forced to do it again. I think along with the crate it should have been taken into account how many hours we have already played and maybe started us at a higher tier.
I guess for me what it boils down to is the new rep system was designed for someone coming new into the game. It's really based on leveling a toon from scratch. Us veterans have done that, but we are forced to do it again. I think along with the crate it should have been taken into account how many hours we have already played and maybe started us at a higher tier.
It's not even that for me, the damage has been done to the community and fun in the game especially with STFs and it's really killing whats left of the small fleets.
Heavens forbid a new player ever wants to start their own fleet... no chance.
I see a lot of people saying "I ran STF's for 3 days" or "I farmed STF's for a week" and I got full mk xii.
Well, what does that mean? 18 hours/day. 80 STF's/day. What?
Most players don't have the time or the patience to do that. You still ran hundreds of STF's to get what you wanted. Run hundreds of STF's now, and you'll have the same result. The only difference is that it won't be random and you can't do it immediately. You've got to wait a little. I realize that's tough, but it's not that tough. This new system is more accessible to the vast majority of players. I don't love it, but I understand why casuals might like it. Patience is a virtue or so I'm told.
Let's look at other games. WoW and DCUO are the 2 games I'm most familiar with outside this one. In both of those games, there's a waiting period before you can do endgame content again. It's not half an hour like STO. It's 3 days or a week. So, maybe you'd prefer that system. Do your Infected Ground Elite STF and then have to wait 7 days before you can do it again. Now how long will it take to get your mk XII set?
Having said all that, I have no doubt I'll be outraged when I see the cost to get mk XII gear. I'm expecting 10000 Omega Marks and 500,000 dilithium or something equally insane. I will at that point be just as angry about the system as many of you are right now.
I don't think there's many (any?) here that support the Mk XII gear being unobtainable to those that didn't grind the STFs.
But it's worth mentioning that a Mk X ground or space set could be had in as little as 15 Elite runs (of ISE or whatever) on the double EDC days. Mk XI is double that - so 30 STFs.
15 Elite STFs would have netted you 15k minimum Dilithium and most likely some Rare/Proto Salvage.
So you're looking at:
15 runs:
Full Mk X space or ground set
15,000+ Dilithium
A nice Mk X or XI weapon (or two, or three) or some bonus Dilithium
Maybe 500,000 to 1,000,000 ECs in vendor trash
This was pretty much guaranteed.
Now you have to pay 15k Dilithium for one piece of the set and you'd have to run more than 15 STFs to earn that Dilithium.
As many have said before me, if Cryptic wanted you to get the Mk XII stuff easier they could have done one of two things:
1) Adjust the drop rate.
2) Allow you to buy it with EDCs.
Getting the equipment 'easier' is BS spin on what their true intention was - making us buy our rewards.
I see a lot of people saying "I ran STF's for 3 days" or "I farmed STF's for a week" and I got full mk xii.
Well, what does that mean? 18 hours/day. 80 STF's/day. What?
Most players don't have the time or the patience to do that. You still ran hundreds of STF's to get what you wanted. Run hundreds of STF's now, and you'll have the same result. The only difference is that it won't be random and you can't do it immediately. You've got to wait a little. I realize that's tough, but it's not that tough. This new system is more accessible to the vast majority of players. I don't love it, but I understand why casuals might like it. Patience is a virtue or so I'm told.
Let's look at other games. WoW and DCUO are the 2 games I'm most familiar with outside this one. In both of those games, there's a waiting period before you can do endgame content again. It's not half an hour like STO. It's 3 days or a week. So, maybe you'd prefer that system. Do your Infected Ground Elite STF and then have to wait 7 days before you can do it again. Now how long will it take to get your mk XII set?
Having said all that, I have no doubt I'll be outraged when I see the cost to get mk XII gear. I'm expecting 10000 Omega Marks and 500,000 dilithium or something equally insane. I will at that point be just as angry about the system as many of you are right now.
The flaw in your logic is that, in the new system, you don't get the gear for doing all of those runs. You get the option to buy the gear...
Plus it really screws the casual/new players even more. No more easy retro borg or mk11 gear, now you must grind and pay for even the low level stuff.
I see a lot of people saying "I ran STF's for 3 days" or "I farmed STF's for a week" and I got full mk xii.
Well, what does that mean? 18 hours/day. 80 STF's/day. What?
Most players don't have the time or the patience to do that. You still ran hundreds of STF's to get what you wanted. Run hundreds of STF's now, and you'll have the same result. The only difference is that it won't be random and you can't do it immediately. You've got to wait a little. I realize that's tough, but it's not that tough. This new system is more accessible to the vast majority of players. I don't love it, but I understand why casuals might like it. Patience is a virtue or so I'm told.
Let's look at other games. WoW and DCUO are the 2 games I'm most familiar with outside this one. In both of those games, there's a waiting period before you can do endgame content again. It's not half an hour like STO. It's 3 days or a week. So, maybe you'd prefer that system. Do your Infected Ground Elite STF and then have to wait 7 days before you can do it again. Now how long will it take to get your mk XII se.
3-4 hour a day at most(9-12 STFs a day), if your competent enough to get optionals the salvage came extremely fast, you'd have a full set of MK XII weapons in less than a week, and probably at least one or two pieces of set gear.
I'd say it usually took ~60-70 eSTF runs to get all the weapon salvage, and honestly that's estimating high. It only took 7 or so to put yourself in a full Borg assimilated set. On my main, I had everything but my Engine by 100 runs, and that engine took me another 2-300.
STO doesn't have enough content to follow a WoW lockout model, nor is the content is does have of high enough quality or length.
I don't think there's many (any?) here that support the Mk XII gear being unobtainable to those that didn't grind the STFs.
But it's worth mentioning that a Mk X ground or space set could be had in as little as 15 Elite runs (of ISE or whatever) on the double EDC days. Mk XI is double that - so 30 STFs.
15 Elite STFs would have netted you 15k minimum Dilithium and most likely some Rare/Proto Salvage.
So you're looking at:
15 runs:
Full Mk X space or ground set
15,000+ Dilithium
A nice Mk X or XI weapon (or two, or three) or some bonus Dilithium
Maybe 500,000 to 1,000,000 ECs in vendor trash
This was pretty much guaranteed.
Now you have to pay 15k Dilithium for one piece of the set and you'd have to run more than 15 STFs to earn that Dilithium.
As many have said before me, if Cryptic wanted you to get the Mk XII stuff easier they could have done one of two things:
1) Adjust the drop rate.
2) Allow you to buy it with EDCs.
Getting the equipment 'easier' is BS spin on what their true intention was - making us buy our rewards.
I see a lot of people saying "I ran STF's for 3 days" or "I farmed STF's for a week" and I got full mk xii.
Well, what does that mean? 18 hours/day. 80 STF's/day. What?
Most players don't have the time or the patience to do that. You still ran hundreds of STF's to get what you wanted. Run hundreds of STF's now, and you'll have the same result. The only difference is that it won't be random and you can't do it immediately. You've got to wait a little. I realize that's tough, but it's not that tough. This new system is more accessible to the vast majority of players. I don't love it, but I understand why casuals might like it. Patience is a virtue or so I'm told.
Let's look at other games. WoW and DCUO are the 2 games I'm most familiar with outside this one. In both of those games, there's a waiting period before you can do endgame content again. It's not half an hour like STO. It's 3 days or a week. So, maybe you'd prefer that system. Do your Infected Ground Elite STF and then have to wait 7 days before you can do it again. Now how long will it take to get your mk XII set?
Having said all that, I have no doubt I'll be outraged when I see the cost to get mk XII gear. I'm expecting 10000 Omega Marks and 500,000 dilithium or something equally insane. I will at that point be just as angry about the system as many of you are right now.
This is my assumption as well. And the drop rate was insane. My kdf toon got the mark 12 shield on like the third infected space. But i ran cure for the last 2 weeks averaging 4 or 5 times a night and didnt even get a salvage let alone a tech. So at most 70 runs and nada.
And that was the complaint for casual players; that the random drop system basically said you can only run stf's until you complete the set. So i elieve they purposefully made it so you dont "need" to run them. But could if you want to.
And the neural borg drop where you need 5 for 1k dili isnt actually that bad. They kept the same rate for the edcs. 5 runs on elite got you 10 edcs an that was turned for 1100 dili.
But i also agree that gettin tier 1 should simply open the tier 1 store. Not a project for it.
I told my fleet mates it would be up to them to continue or stop contributing dilth to the SB projects, since we have T2 Fed and KDF SB's with adv fleet items.
After seeing the requirements for the new system, most of them have either stopped playing or reduced their time playing. We all loved the gear drops from the stfs as well as the chance to get the tech or salvage and most of us have mutli toons so it makes it very difficult to properly play each one. Since the dilth exchange is in the tank I told them to hold on to their dilth and use for their on purposes.
So our 4 to 5 man fleet SBs will be at a stand still, I'm sure as others are also.
This is my assumption as well. And the drop rate was insane. My kdf toon got the mark 12 shield on like the third infected space. But i ran cure for the last 2 weeks averaging 4 or 5 times a night and didnt even get a salvage let alone a tech. So at most 70 runs and nada.
And that was the complaint for casual players; that the random drop system basically said you can only run stf's until you complete the set. So i elieve they purposefully made it so you dont "need" to run them. But could if you want to.
And the neural borg drop where you need 5 for 1k dili isnt actually that bad. They kept the same rate for the edcs. 5 runs on elite got you 10 edcs an that was turned for 1100 dili.
But i also agree that gettin tier 1 should simply open the tier 1 store. Not a project for it.
I ran 6 a day generally. Three ground in the evening and three space in the morning. I had my full ground and space sets before I had the 50 mission accolade.
That includes full both tiers of full MACO and the last tier of Omega. Getting the final parts of Omega did seem to take forever, but that's still less than month's worth of work for my sets.
I told my fleet mates it would be up to them to continue or stop contributing dilth to the SB projects, since we have T2 Fed and KDF SB's with adv fleet items.
After seeing the requirements for the new system, most of them have either stopped playing or reduced their time playing. We all loved the gear drops from the stfs as well as the chance to get the tech or salvage and most of us have mutli toons so it makes it very difficult to properly play each one. Since the dilth exchange is in the tank I told them to hold on to their dilth and use for their on purposes.
So our 4 to 5 man fleet SBs will be at a stand still, I'm sure as others are also.
True you need to spend another 40 hours per each item in addition to the 58 days of permission unlock.
The whole we are helping the casuals argument is invalid, htf can it be our problem you don't have time to play.
So the whole damned server has to wait for you to spend quality time with your wife watching survivor until we can play and get all our items locked up because you gave up on ground missions.
Royally to hell with that, if you don't have time to play be gone. Everyone who is actively supporting the "well I can get my sets new!" are actively sabotaging this game
I can replace "don't have time to play" with "don't have patience" and repeat your statement and it makes just as much sense.
They could have just as easily made those into projects instead that we would have to unlock, rather than resetting everyone to 0.
I ran 3-4 ESTFs a night for about 3 months, probably 4 nights out of the week. I have a single character with just about everything MK XII, every tech, and missing the maco gun. All I needed to do was run KASE until I got it.
Now, I have to run the same 3-4 ESTFs, yet again, for the same amount that I ran before to get everything I had, just to get to the point where I can ask for permission to BUY the gun I need to complete my set.
They should just replace the dilithium requirement with Fleet Marks and decrease the wait time by 20 hours per project. That MIGHT give me an incentive to run through this crazy gauntlet of BS.
[Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent
Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
so apparently there'a a new patch for tribble. it's going to cut all project timers for tier 1 and 2 projects from 40 hours to 20 hours. it's a start. back to the negotiation tables. this is starting to look more and more like the NHL lockout.
let's keep store unlocks at 40 hours.
move all consumables to a store unlock
make all equipment requisition projects 1 hour
add additional ways of generating reputation
if we can't get rid of the system, let's make some reasonable requests to help shape the way it's implemented.
So, once you get to Tier 3, 4, and 5, where a lot of us are at (MK XII, etc), we're still sitting at the same spot we were before. Not good enough. Not even close.
[Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent
Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
so apparently there'a a new patch for tribble. it's going to cut all project timers for tier 1 and 2 projects from 40 hours to 20 hours. it's a start. back to the negotiation tables. this is starting to look more and more like the NHL lockout.
let's keep store unlocks at 40 hours.
move all consumables to a store unlock
make all equipment requisition projects 1 hour
add additional ways of generating reputation
if we can't get rid of the system, let's make some reasonable requests to help shape the way it's implemented.
More suggestions:
* Combine everything to just Marks....get rid of the 3 different types of marks
* All missions should provide generic Marks and dil...simplify the currencies and rewards
* cut the price down on the equipment req's...right now, it is double taxation...
* Give some kind of teaser daily rewards for folks to login
The old system, I could buy Mk XI gear with EDC and I knew what to expect...this new system is just too expensive. I have to grind to have the right to buy, then dump/grind more stuff to purchase?
I want to do Trek stuff, .... not farm things like Cartman in his mom's basement playing WOW.
so apparently there'a a new patch for tribble. it's going to cut all project timers for tier 1 and 2 projects from 40 hours to 20 hours. it's a start. back to the negotiation tables. this is starting to look more and more like the NHL lockout.
let's keep store unlocks at 40 hours.
move all consumables to a store unlock
make all equipment requisition projects 1 hour
add additional ways of generating reputation
if we can't get rid of the system, let's make some reasonable requests to help shape the way it's implemented.
None of this will fix the damage done to was once a vibrant STF community.
Whilst we're making some minor progress lets not forget what the overall change has cost us.
In addition I think what we are seeing here in S7 was an attempt to test how receptive we would be to the PW development model for their other games
They dipped their toes and got scolded... lets see what happens next.
They say it takes 2-3 months to unlock the entire rep system, just to get mk xii gear. When I originally started playing this I hit level 50 in five days, ran maybe 20 elite stfs and had my full space gear and weapons. it takes 2 projects running back to back longer than it did for me to get my full space loadout, how is this new system better??
lol. we will never forget. i certainly will not. sharpe has not powered a stf since season 7 began. there's still a lot of work to be done, though.
We had some awesome times brother. PESTF used to be such a vibrant place... if we could get that atmosphere back I wouldn't care if an tier upgrade took 3 days
True I've been putting together my thoughts on paper and may post it what I think in full at a later date
We had some awesome times brother. PESTF used to be such a vibrant place... if we could get that atmosphere back I wouldn't care if an tier upgrade took 3 days
True I've been putting together my thoughts on paper and may post it what I think in full at a later date
pestf is only going to get worse, especially with what's happened. undergeared and underprepared is going to be the new status quo. i've got enough people on my friends list and via fleet to keep my powered stfs going for a good while. i hate to be that guy, but most of the people that's going to be flooding that channel are the sames ones here supporting the system. they can battle through this system with people like themselves. they dug their respective holes, let them pew pew in it with their blue mk xi weapons and green consoles.
This is what people aren't getting when they say "the system is fine" or "we just need to reduce the time".
It's pretty much destroyed the community aspects of STFs and replaced it with isolation and asian style grind. I'm waiting to be allocated my own virtual office cubicle
This. With removal of loot bags and large part of dilithium from STFs (if you think that 960+ 1/5 of 1k dil project is roughly the same amount, you are deluding yourself) Craptic managed to kill off the social side of STFs, they are no longer a fleet-bonding activity, just a tedious chore. No need to gear for Borg, since all everyone needs is one ISE run every 2 days. If anyone is queueing for other STF, its for the sake of good old times.
I wouldn't be surprised if removing the player counters from queue window and disabling private games were intentional in order to obscure dwindling numbers of players playing STFs/FAs.
pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should.
moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
It's not even that for me, the damage has been done to the community and fun in the game especially with STFs and it's really killing whats left of the small fleets.
Heavens forbid a new player ever wants to start their own fleet... no chance.
Well, what does that mean? 18 hours/day. 80 STF's/day. What?
Most players don't have the time or the patience to do that. You still ran hundreds of STF's to get what you wanted. Run hundreds of STF's now, and you'll have the same result. The only difference is that it won't be random and you can't do it immediately. You've got to wait a little. I realize that's tough, but it's not that tough. This new system is more accessible to the vast majority of players. I don't love it, but I understand why casuals might like it. Patience is a virtue or so I'm told.
Let's look at other games. WoW and DCUO are the 2 games I'm most familiar with outside this one. In both of those games, there's a waiting period before you can do endgame content again. It's not half an hour like STO. It's 3 days or a week. So, maybe you'd prefer that system. Do your Infected Ground Elite STF and then have to wait 7 days before you can do it again. Now how long will it take to get your mk XII set?
Having said all that, I have no doubt I'll be outraged when I see the cost to get mk XII gear. I'm expecting 10000 Omega Marks and 500,000 dilithium or something equally insane. I will at that point be just as angry about the system as many of you are right now.
But it's worth mentioning that a Mk X ground or space set could be had in as little as 15 Elite runs (of ISE or whatever) on the double EDC days. Mk XI is double that - so 30 STFs.
15 Elite STFs would have netted you 15k minimum Dilithium and most likely some Rare/Proto Salvage.
So you're looking at:
15 runs:
Full Mk X space or ground set
15,000+ Dilithium
A nice Mk X or XI weapon (or two, or three) or some bonus Dilithium
Maybe 500,000 to 1,000,000 ECs in vendor trash
This was pretty much guaranteed.
Now you have to pay 15k Dilithium for one piece of the set and you'd have to run more than 15 STFs to earn that Dilithium.
As many have said before me, if Cryptic wanted you to get the Mk XII stuff easier they could have done one of two things:
1) Adjust the drop rate.
2) Allow you to buy it with EDCs.
Getting the equipment 'easier' is BS spin on what their true intention was - making us buy our rewards.
The flaw in your logic is that, in the new system, you don't get the gear for doing all of those runs. You get the option to buy the gear...
Plus it really screws the casual/new players even more. No more easy retro borg or mk11 gear, now you must grind and pay for even the low level stuff.
Season 7 is just ****ty.
3-4 hour a day at most(9-12 STFs a day), if your competent enough to get optionals the salvage came extremely fast, you'd have a full set of MK XII weapons in less than a week, and probably at least one or two pieces of set gear.
I'd say it usually took ~60-70 eSTF runs to get all the weapon salvage, and honestly that's estimating high. It only took 7 or so to put yourself in a full Borg assimilated set. On my main, I had everything but my Engine by 100 runs, and that engine took me another 2-300.
STO doesn't have enough content to follow a WoW lockout model, nor is the content is does have of high enough quality or length.
Yep and yep agree and agree...
and as Weyland will know STF's used to be a fun community orientated thing to do... now not so much if at all.
This is my assumption as well. And the drop rate was insane. My kdf toon got the mark 12 shield on like the third infected space. But i ran cure for the last 2 weeks averaging 4 or 5 times a night and didnt even get a salvage let alone a tech. So at most 70 runs and nada.
And that was the complaint for casual players; that the random drop system basically said you can only run stf's until you complete the set. So i elieve they purposefully made it so you dont "need" to run them. But could if you want to.
And the neural borg drop where you need 5 for 1k dili isnt actually that bad. They kept the same rate for the edcs. 5 runs on elite got you 10 edcs an that was turned for 1100 dili.
But i also agree that gettin tier 1 should simply open the tier 1 store. Not a project for it.
After seeing the requirements for the new system, most of them have either stopped playing or reduced their time playing. We all loved the gear drops from the stfs as well as the chance to get the tech or salvage and most of us have mutli toons so it makes it very difficult to properly play each one. Since the dilth exchange is in the tank I told them to hold on to their dilth and use for their on purposes.
So our 4 to 5 man fleet SBs will be at a stand still, I'm sure as others are also.
I ran 6 a day generally. Three ground in the evening and three space in the morning. I had my full ground and space sets before I had the 50 mission accolade.
That includes full both tiers of full MACO and the last tier of Omega. Getting the final parts of Omega did seem to take forever, but that's still less than month's worth of work for my sets.
Thats the sad truth
I can replace "don't have time to play" with "don't have patience" and repeat your statement and it makes just as much sense.
You can... but it costs 20,000 Dil and 5,000 Zen
Because the system needed to be fixed for the long haul. Also, you don't have any of the Romulan stuff or the Captain skills.
I ran 3-4 ESTFs a night for about 3 months, probably 4 nights out of the week. I have a single character with just about everything MK XII, every tech, and missing the maco gun. All I needed to do was run KASE until I got it.
Now, I have to run the same 3-4 ESTFs, yet again, for the same amount that I ran before to get everything I had, just to get to the point where I can ask for permission to BUY the gun I need to complete my set.
They should just replace the dilithium requirement with Fleet Marks and decrease the wait time by 20 hours per project. That MIGHT give me an incentive to run through this crazy gauntlet of BS.
[Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent
Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
let's keep store unlocks at 40 hours.
move all consumables to a store unlock
make all equipment requisition projects 1 hour
add additional ways of generating reputation
if we can't get rid of the system, let's make some reasonable requests to help shape the way it's implemented.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
[Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent
Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
100 % agree !!! lol
system Lord Baal is dead
More suggestions:
* Combine everything to just Marks....get rid of the 3 different types of marks
* All missions should provide generic Marks and dil...simplify the currencies and rewards
* cut the price down on the equipment req's...right now, it is double taxation...
* Give some kind of teaser daily rewards for folks to login
The old system, I could buy Mk XI gear with EDC and I knew what to expect...this new system is just too expensive. I have to grind to have the right to buy, then dump/grind more stuff to purchase?
I want to do Trek stuff, .... not farm things like Cartman in his mom's basement playing WOW.
Delirium Tremens
Tier 4 Starbase, Tier 3 Embassy
None of this will fix the damage done to was once a vibrant STF community.
Whilst we're making some minor progress lets not forget what the overall change has cost us.
In addition I think what we are seeing here in S7 was an attempt to test how receptive we would be to the PW development model for their other games
They dipped their toes and got scolded... lets see what happens next.
20 hours for all projects max.
Remove the token Dilithium cost for upgrading to the next Tier - it's insulting and smacks of Cryptic not being able to have the rep system their way.
Move all store projects to the 'upgrades' slot so we can continue to earn rep whilst buying stuff.
Store projects should take an hour at the most.
Extend the time for the BNP hand-in - seriously, why 15 seconds? That could take an hour and I wouldn't care - it's in an upgrade slot anyway.
Review the Doff requirements - for those of us not in a fleet and not wishing to join one, the Doff costs at Tier 1 alone are punitive.
Unlock the Omega Crates at Tier 1.
Re-introduce the optional and end-game loot for STFs (salvage can be replaced with Omega Marks and/or BNPs).
lol. we will never forget. i certainly will not. sharpe has not powered a stf since season 7 began. there's still a lot of work to be done, though.
True I've been putting together my thoughts on paper and may post it what I think in full at a later date
pestf is only going to get worse, especially with what's happened. undergeared and underprepared is going to be the new status quo. i've got enough people on my friends list and via fleet to keep my powered stfs going for a good while. i hate to be that guy, but most of the people that's going to be flooding that channel are the sames ones here supporting the system. they can battle through this system with people like themselves. they dug their respective holes, let them pew pew in it with their blue mk xi weapons and green consoles.
But they could have at least started us at the level we had already attained...