I myself have been here since open beta as a lifer(my main, borg engineer still uses the crash test tribble title from s1 test),im just not using the lifer forum tags,i dont know if i should believe stahl when he says the game is really profitable atm and STO has a bright future or not but since ive been here as long as i have and my experience with other games/companies i know what to expect.funny thing is if doomsayers in this thread remember ppl have been doomsaying since launch and look where we are at now. :cool:
And in response I'd ask exactly where the 'doom-sayers' are in this thread? I merely remarked that prices are currently too high for me to consider purchasing what Cryptic is offering. I also predicted that at some point we'd see $99 ships (or bundles) in the C-Store which to me seems a logical progression of the increasing monetization of the game.
And what you regard as ill-informed, heat of the moment doom calling I see more as an inevitable progression of the current chain of decision making underpinning the game.
You're still not getting it, so I'll be plainer:
I'm not trying to get into a whole, "I'm right, you're wrong" kind of deal. Time will only tell what it will tell, and I am completely accepting of that, because I am being objective and realistic.
You, and plenty of other people in this thread, are not. You are basing your arguments and opinions on pretty much nothing substantial.
Meanwhile I, and a handful of other people in this thread, are trying to be reasonable and rational about things. Which is being not-so-kindly ignored or downplayed. Thanks.
I don't care either way.
And honestly, I'd rather play the game that Cryptic has than the game you, and others like you, are.
(which in case you missed it, is doom speaking and hyperbolic nonsense.)
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a video game to play.
And in response I'd ask exactly where the 'doom-sayers' are in this thread? I merely remarked that prices are currently too high for me to consider purchasing what Cryptic is offering. I also predicted that at some point we'd see $99 ships (or bundles) in the C-Store which to me seems a logical progression of the increasing monetization of the game.
I suppose you think the prices will get cheaper?
I would like to point out that you said right b4 cryptic shuts down it would offer $99 ships,and no i dont think they will get cheaper,unless you look at a quickie sell like the steamrunner pack for $10.i just dont see their price system changing much.the bug ship is how they mooch money when that attach it to something.the c-store ships are comparable in price to what other games offer.like my reference to WoT as similar thread had shown up there at some point from the f2p babies who wanted the benefit of "gold" tanks without paying for them.due to the prices of some of the tanks in that game being $50 for a SINGLE tank. Ppl QQed but look where WoT is now the game gets reliable patches every month with new maps/tech trees etc cause of those of us who wanted more out of the game. (in that game the term is wallet warrior or paypal paratrooper btw rofl)
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. - Thomas Jefferson
It is not logical to charge more than the market can stand. If $99 ships will sell better than $50 ships interms of overall profit then yes they will be charged accordingly. There is no evidence to suggest that price point is on the horizon at all.
And I never said it was 'on the horizon' - I simply said 'before this game closes its doors' - (which it will at some point because everything ends). I'm not expecting these bundles to suddenly double in price but $5 will be added here and $10 there - or perhaps they'll start 'bundling' these ships with bridges (as the Vesta should have had) and that'll give them all the more reason to charge a 'premium' - and hey - since you guys all bought 3 'variants' of the same ship for $50 - you'd be willing to do that for again for $75 if we threw in a bridge too wouldn't you? Of course you would.
And I never said it was 'on the horizon' - I simply said 'before this game closes its doors' - (which it will at some point because everything ends). I'm not expecting these bundles to suddenly double in price but $5 will be added here and $10 there - or perhaps they'll start 'bundling' these ships with bridges (as the Vesta should have had) and that'll give them all the more reason to charge a 'premium' - and hey - since you guys all bought 3 'variants' of the same ship for $50 - you'd be willing to do that for again for $75 if we threw in a bridge too wouldn't you? Of course you would.
nope on the last sentence,a new bridge should come with the ship regardless the Oddy set that standard.specially when each Oddy variant gets it own unique bridge(iirc).so like i said the devs shouldnt really change anything price wise in the c-store the ships seem to be in the sweet spot someone mentioned earlier as is.
Edit: If anything we should be poking the devs to make coresponding bridges for the vesta pack like they did the Oddy.
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. - Thomas Jefferson
You hit the nail right on the head there, cheaper items will sell a whole lot more, hence drawing in more revenue in the long term, but it seems most people here are too stupid to figure that out.
The thing is, Cryptic has bean counters in some form or fashion. They know how many are selling. They know what the market will bear.
I think it would be smarter to have more choices of more inexpensive items. Break out the consoles, the ship skins, and bridges as separately priced items. Sell texture unlocks, decals, and other things for smaller amounts. Sell convenience items like on-demand trade freighters or summonable crafting stations. And price then to sell often.
This is what LotRO does, in addition to actual paid expansions.
But, I'm not privy to the internal data. It's entirely possible that this is in fact what's necessary to keep the game financed.
A lot of sto's playerbase is the older end , with jobs , so buying a ship occasionally isnt exactly breaking the bank , and they seems to be priced based on this
not saying they couldnt , or shouldnt be cheaper , but thats just the way it is
Not defending either side of this thread, just read it and like to supply my 2 cents of stating it costs $0 to mod ships into a game, case and point: http://starfleetcommand3.filefront.com/
And there's umpteen other sites for SFC, Armada, BC, etc etc etc.
It costs zero to do it yourself, and no one is being paid for the work. Devs have to eat, too you know. STO is a commercial product, and development/assets/etc. cost time, money, and manpower to implement, especially in an MMO.
I have no intention to disparage modders or their work. True, modders sometimes create work that is more valuable than stuff that is sold (house mods in skyrim are better than the official hearthfire DLC), but your example is in no way a fair comparison. Modders do their work out of love. They have their own day jobs. Cryptic devs do not. STO and whatever else is part of their livelihood (as well as their company's financial health).
You can't seriously expect them to give you this stuff for free just because modders (who have no genuine stake in seeing the games they mod fail or succeed) make similar products for entirely different games (that are not MMOs, by the way, nor free-to-play).
I am not rich by any means, but from my perspective, having some insight on how much it costs to develop content for a game, the price is high, but unfairly so. If you don't like it, don't buy it, or wait for a sale. It's as simple as that.
The company will set the price based on the best return.
There will be a minimum price which will cover the costs.
There will be a maximum price that would not sell well.
In between these two is a sweet spot, the best price the market can stand with the best return based on the metrics of previous purchases.
They may indeed sell more ships at a lower price but there will be a price point whereby they sell the maximum number of ships to the maximum number of people. This is the price they currently use.
Therefore the price is unlikely to change unless market forces dictate a change. There will always be those that can't afford something and state if you lower the price I would buy it, but if they did that they would lose money because they are already selling the maximum number they can and the few extra purchases at a lower price would not make up for the less purchases at a higher price.
Sales 101
Bravo, and kudos to you. Of all the posts in this thread that have been "quoted for truth", this is one of the only ones that merits the action.
I doubt anyone in this thread is in a position to truly see how well or badly Cryptic is doing financially. Only they, PWE, and people stealing their records are in a position to know and make a genuine, accurate analysis.
What works for one business(selling tons of cheap items to high volumes of people) might not work for another (selling premium items to a small number of dedicated consumers). Clearly, Cryptic and PWE believe that this is their sweet spot. Only time can truly tell if they're right.
If they're right, then they're right, and STO will go on. If they're wrong, then they'll reverse course, or fail, and you and the whiners will have the last laugh. Bully for you.
i'm not talking about converting STO into a modder's game. I'm talking about the principle of getting information - ideas and models from very good gamers to expand STO!!
And its quite stupid to say that is "unrealitic". I never said They should give it to us for free. I said the PLAYERS would contribute their ideas to the developers to make it easier for them to make stuff instead of spending most of their time brainstorming.
does not matter CBS will have the finally say on ships....not to mention legal issues.
i'm not talking about converting STO into a modder's game. I'm talking about the principle of getting information - ideas and models from very good gamers to expand STO!!
And its quite stupid to say that is "unrealitic". I never said They should give it to us for free. I said the PLAYERS would contribute their ideas to the developers to make it easier for them to make stuff instead of spending most of their time brainstorming.
My analogy was to say that it costs money to implement new content, and that in a free-to-play game, players are more likely to pay a cost directly as new content enters the game, since there is theoretically no barrier to entry. If subscriber fees alone could pay for the resource expenditure, STO would not have gone free in the first place. Without subscriber fees and box sales to subsidize the new content, a direct proportional cost is much more likely, and that is the case here.
I was in no way saying that Cryptic should disregard player input. They put in the Vesta because a lot of novel nerds wanted it. They returned dil to STF rewards because the forums blew up. They're listening, and the ones complaining about their wondrous ideas getting ignored should first ask themselves if their ideas are all that good in the first place.
Then your answer notes that it costs nothing to mod content into the game. True, but as I said, it's not a fair or realistic comparison. Ideas are free, and players are constantly offering them, both good and bad (more often than not the latter). When someone needs to get paid, everything changes.
I don't think its that expensive. To me the price is right. For one the game is F2P, for a game like this. Why not pay some to the company so they can keep it going for us to enjoy. They could go back to only pay to play. And charge us 15.00 regardless how many hours you log on. Next, I'm not a "ship collector" that wants to have all their ships. So by the time I pick out one of those top level ships it will be a big deal for me. Almost the rush of buying a new car.
If the $ isn't your way, just grind it out and do the zen transfers on the exchange. Then you can get the ship completely free, just it will take you a while. Or grind it down to where you pay like 1/2 the price to add zen to it. There is many ways to get the ship you want.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
People will say its over pirced who have a budget and non unending cash flow. People who are doing well money wise will say its no so bad. So debating that point is useless. Now I cant believe I am going to say this, because I am sure someone from pw will remove these ships from the game as obtainable via ranking.
The new ships are bought by a couple kinds of people, people who want those ships, the people who just like to collect, and the bads who think those ships give them auto win in stfs/pvp. The truth is none of the c store ships are needed say the tactical officer escorts. Those ones are only needed if your trying to do things via canon.
On the klingon side you can get the Negh'var, retorfit Vor'cha, and a sweet heavy bird of prey for end game. Your pretty much set on the Klingon side with those three ships. Never been a fan of carriers in the star trek online world, as it does not belong in the star trek world. So I do not count them.
On the Federation side the science ship is admittedly pretty ugly for end game, but the cruisers you can choose between an assault or a retrofit galaxy class starship. On the tactical end all you have is the Advanced escort, as fleet escort looks nothing like a Federation ship. My biggest gripe with the Advanced is there is no canon to support the Prometheus class using cannons.
My point is as soon as I saw the new prices for the cstore, I said I am never buying another ship again with RL money. So I stick to the ships I have, and I think it would wise if more people noticed the ships I mentioned. They may not be sleek or the coolest thing but they get the job done nicely. It wasnt until after this catastrophe of season 7 that I deiced I am never getting anything from the cstore or cryptic/pw ever again RL money wise.
In your mind... you compare hacking a long dead game to content development for a live MMORPG?
What is this I don't even --
IT COSTS MONEY to pay people to develop a game. Are you willing to sit there and work FOR FREE for 8-10 hours a day on meshes and skins? Of course you are. After all you don't have bills to pay or food to by. How silly of me to even THINK that people need to be paid for their work.
Volunteer effort to mod dead games is totally different than live MMORP development. Totally different.
You missed my point entirely (and the context of what I was saying). I wasn't defending Cryptic's costs OR the fact that people complain the ships cost too much.
The price point they set has been the standard since F2P launched and I have no complaints, and gladly grind, pay, or both when something comes out that I am interested in. I was simply responding to somebody saying basically in all circumstances you have to pay somebody to add content to a game (they did NOT specify MMOs, nor was I referring to them in any way).
Umm news flash: CBS has say on specific things that only have nothing to do with canon.
As for other things, last time I checked, the Roddenberry estate has the final say on things that DIRECTLY affect canon. So if that happens, the Roddenberry estate is what decides what is used and what is not.
CBS has all say on what Cryptic can and cannot do on their IP when it comes to ships and canon...CBS owns Star Trek not the Roddenberry estate they can ask for things and CBS can say yes out of courtesy, but if they wanted to they pretty much don't have to listen what anyone from the Roddenberry estate as to say, but CBS and the Star Trek people are not that bad which is why they allow fan made movies and stuff as long as no one profits off it.
Only the best ship in the game right there. The fed version is physically the largest ship of any and the kling version, which is no. 2, loads heavy cannons and you can spam your bop in and out of cloak for the awesomeness of it ! (supposedly they have a special cloack with no CD)
There are no better ships to grind in while you watch tv and having the biggest ship there is simply bawss
And if you want to nitpick the ships in regards to canon let's talk about all ships of ANY star trek series having shuttles they could launch that were NOT "non-combat pets".
Or let's talk about the tng enterprise's turn speed compared to what you see on tv
Or let's talk about the tng enterprise's turn speed compared to what you see on tv
You know, to be honest the Galaxy has always appeared sluggish onscreen. There have been moments where she's turned quickly, but from what I recall those were usually instances where she's gone to warp in a hurry. In a lot of the battle scenes that feature Galaxy-class ships, they often wallow about like a space whale much like their STO incarnations do ('Yesterday's Enterprise', 'Sacrifice of Angels', Star Trek Generations), or they sit still ('Survivors', 'Best of Both Worlds', 'The Jem'hadar').
I'm not saying the STO Galaxy couldn't benefit from an extra degree increase in turn rate, but really being a space whale fits what I see on TV.
But if you are into the whole thing explain where all the shuttles went.
Ultimately you like the ship or you don't minus of course cruisers that really do just plain suck
When I fly out and do 300+ stf's I am going to worry a lot more about having fun than if it fits what some writer came out with randomly 30 years ago...
It's nice to think that your purchases go straight to Cryptic and as a consequence back into the game, but they don't.
Cryptic is a wholly-owned subsidiary of PWE - every nickel you spend goes into PWE's pockets then they decide what proportion of that they want to spend on Cryptic or their other projects.
Paying these crazy prices doesn't guarantee that Cryptic will get more money. All it guarantees is that they'll be told to make more ships and continue charging these prices (or more, if they can get away with it).
The WoT story is nice though - something like that I could support since it benefits many more people than just the Devs/Publishers.
This is correct,
PW bought Cryptic Studios and it's games for $50 Million Dollars. Up to the 2nd Qtr this year PW made $24 Million dollars in net profit...
They have shareholders and staff to pay, they have projects that aren't retail yet requiring expenditure (Neverwinter)
and most of all they have fat bonus' to pay themselves.
People who think that the money they spend goes back to Cryptic to improve the game are so completely ignorant of how business works that it's not even funny. Heck all you have to do is look at the game it's a half assed bug filled mess at the moment that needs some serious TLC.
I keep reading "If it was a little cheaper, I'd have bought it!" and the only thing I can think is "...never worked sales, have you?"
I'm a sales person. My main product sells for 25 bucks. It sells for that amount because, after all the dust has settled, I make anywhere from 2 to 4 bucks profit on each sale (the dust being things like 'rent for the location' and 'payroll' and what not). Yet I have people every single day tell me how they'd buy five if I'd sell them for 10 bucks.
My response? "Oh goody. I'd sell just enough to have completely lost money on the sale! Exactly what I want!"
Are Z-Store ships expensive? Sure. But I wouldn't be surprised if they're priced in such a way to cover costs, and have only a few bucks profit left over. Sure, they *could* sell them cheaper...and make no profit. And if a business isn't making profit, they're not gonna stay open. It's called the free market. Perhaps people should study it a little before they talk about costs.
But as it is, selling 3 vesta ships, with the only differences being extra consoles slots, and not providing certain specifications in the C-store, is extremly unappealing. The onyl reason they added that awful ship is because a minority of people think that the 'Destiny' books are super-awesome (even though, frankly, the three 40th Anniversary Crucible books are far superior to any other Star Trek books written; akin to Dan Simmons 'Hyperion' series).
Hoooo i love Hyperion series it was the best sci/fi books i read.
Honestly i don't know what think about the way who take this game, i start STO in the beta (closed beta i think, not sure) and at the start i was surprise by the store but it was only cosmetic things, and with the time they start to sell ship and really better ship. But it was really optionnal for enjoy the game but i was worry about that.
Now we need dilithium for everything, even for make EC. We need dil for fleetbase, for ship for stuff for EC ....
What i don't i s when you are gold member ( you py a subscription) or lifer in fact you have the same limitation than free member because even if you have Zen each month you need pay more if you want enjoy the game and all the features.
I can understand the shop and the lockbox ( i still think is a good idea for make money) BUT stop forget people who pay every months or the lifer
We support you !!! we give money every months and now we need to pay in plus like all free members ?????? i can't deal with that !
To be fair, the current bugs popped up when season 7 was implemented. It happens with EVERY game. Before it was implemented i never encountered any bugs.
No, no I'm not talking about new bugs I'm talking about legacy ones, ones that are still in the game from seasons ago, of which there are many, I'd say a good 15-20% of episode missions still contain bugs that can stop them from being completed.
Just go look at the Gameplay bugs thread , clearly you're not playing that much if you've never encountered any bugs before Season 7.
To be fair, the current bugs popped up when season 7 was implemented. It happens with EVERY game. Before it was implemented i never encountered any bugs.
then we must have been playing different games.
there are bugs everywhere even before season 7, hell even before season 6.. and season 5...
there are some bugs that go back to release and some of them have been reclassified from bugs to "working as intended".
the infamous "if you do anything" decloaking bug that has plagued the klingons for example.
And in response I'd ask exactly where the 'doom-sayers' are in this thread? I merely remarked that prices are currently too high for me to consider purchasing what Cryptic is offering. I also predicted that at some point we'd see $99 ships (or bundles) in the C-Store which to me seems a logical progression of the increasing monetization of the game.
I suppose you think the prices will get cheaper?
So, doom calling. Right.
You're still not getting it, so I'll be plainer:
I'm not trying to get into a whole, "I'm right, you're wrong" kind of deal. Time will only tell what it will tell, and I am completely accepting of that, because I am being objective and realistic.
You, and plenty of other people in this thread, are not. You are basing your arguments and opinions on pretty much nothing substantial.
Meanwhile I, and a handful of other people in this thread, are trying to be reasonable and rational about things. Which is being not-so-kindly ignored or downplayed. Thanks.
I don't care either way.
And honestly, I'd rather play the game that Cryptic has than the game you, and others like you, are.
(which in case you missed it, is doom speaking and hyperbolic nonsense.)
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a video game to play.
And I never said it was 'on the horizon' - I simply said 'before this game closes its doors' - (which it will at some point because everything ends). I'm not expecting these bundles to suddenly double in price but $5 will be added here and $10 there - or perhaps they'll start 'bundling' these ships with bridges (as the Vesta should have had) and that'll give them all the more reason to charge a 'premium' - and hey - since you guys all bought 3 'variants' of the same ship for $50 - you'd be willing to do that for again for $75 if we threw in a bridge too wouldn't you? Of course you would.
Edit: If anything we should be poking the devs to make coresponding bridges for the vesta pack like they did the Oddy.
The thing is, Cryptic has bean counters in some form or fashion. They know how many are selling. They know what the market will bear.
I think it would be smarter to have more choices of more inexpensive items. Break out the consoles, the ship skins, and bridges as separately priced items. Sell texture unlocks, decals, and other things for smaller amounts. Sell convenience items like on-demand trade freighters or summonable crafting stations. And price then to sell often.
This is what LotRO does, in addition to actual paid expansions.
But, I'm not privy to the internal data. It's entirely possible that this is in fact what's necessary to keep the game financed.
Who knows?
My oldest post (that I can find)
Location: Houston, TX
Former Cryptic User #11424
Stop the easily abused and unfair auto-silence "feature"!
not saying they couldnt , or shouldnt be cheaper , but thats just the way it is
Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
It costs zero to do it yourself, and no one is being paid for the work. Devs have to eat, too you know. STO is a commercial product, and development/assets/etc. cost time, money, and manpower to implement, especially in an MMO.
I have no intention to disparage modders or their work. True, modders sometimes create work that is more valuable than stuff that is sold (house mods in skyrim are better than the official hearthfire DLC), but your example is in no way a fair comparison. Modders do their work out of love. They have their own day jobs. Cryptic devs do not. STO and whatever else is part of their livelihood (as well as their company's financial health).
You can't seriously expect them to give you this stuff for free just because modders (who have no genuine stake in seeing the games they mod fail or succeed) make similar products for entirely different games (that are not MMOs, by the way, nor free-to-play).
I am not rich by any means, but from my perspective, having some insight on how much it costs to develop content for a game, the price is high, but unfairly so. If you don't like it, don't buy it, or wait for a sale. It's as simple as that.
Bravo, and kudos to you. Of all the posts in this thread that have been "quoted for truth", this is one of the only ones that merits the action.
I doubt anyone in this thread is in a position to truly see how well or badly Cryptic is doing financially. Only they, PWE, and people stealing their records are in a position to know and make a genuine, accurate analysis.
What works for one business(selling tons of cheap items to high volumes of people) might not work for another (selling premium items to a small number of dedicated consumers). Clearly, Cryptic and PWE believe that this is their sweet spot. Only time can truly tell if they're right.
If they're right, then they're right, and STO will go on. If they're wrong, then they'll reverse course, or fail, and you and the whiners will have the last laugh. Bully for you.
does not matter CBS will have the finally say on ships....not to mention legal issues.
My analogy was to say that it costs money to implement new content, and that in a free-to-play game, players are more likely to pay a cost directly as new content enters the game, since there is theoretically no barrier to entry. If subscriber fees alone could pay for the resource expenditure, STO would not have gone free in the first place. Without subscriber fees and box sales to subsidize the new content, a direct proportional cost is much more likely, and that is the case here.
I was in no way saying that Cryptic should disregard player input. They put in the Vesta because a lot of novel nerds wanted it. They returned dil to STF rewards because the forums blew up. They're listening, and the ones complaining about their wondrous ideas getting ignored should first ask themselves if their ideas are all that good in the first place.
Then your answer notes that it costs nothing to mod content into the game. True, but as I said, it's not a fair or realistic comparison. Ideas are free, and players are constantly offering them, both good and bad (more often than not the latter). When someone needs to get paid, everything changes.
If the $ isn't your way, just grind it out and do the zen transfers on the exchange. Then you can get the ship completely free, just it will take you a while. Or grind it down to where you pay like 1/2 the price to add zen to it. There is many ways to get the ship you want.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
The new ships are bought by a couple kinds of people, people who want those ships, the people who just like to collect, and the bads who think those ships give them auto win in stfs/pvp. The truth is none of the c store ships are needed say the tactical officer escorts. Those ones are only needed if your trying to do things via canon.
On the klingon side you can get the Negh'var, retorfit Vor'cha, and a sweet heavy bird of prey for end game. Your pretty much set on the Klingon side with those three ships. Never been a fan of carriers in the star trek online world, as it does not belong in the star trek world. So I do not count them.
On the Federation side the science ship is admittedly pretty ugly for end game, but the cruisers you can choose between an assault or a retrofit galaxy class starship. On the tactical end all you have is the Advanced escort, as fleet escort looks nothing like a Federation ship. My biggest gripe with the Advanced is there is no canon to support the Prometheus class using cannons.
My point is as soon as I saw the new prices for the cstore, I said I am never buying another ship again with RL money. So I stick to the ships I have, and I think it would wise if more people noticed the ships I mentioned. They may not be sleek or the coolest thing but they get the job done nicely. It wasnt until after this catastrophe of season 7 that I deiced I am never getting anything from the cstore or cryptic/pw ever again RL money wise.
You missed my point entirely (and the context of what I was saying). I wasn't defending Cryptic's costs OR the fact that people complain the ships cost too much.
The price point they set has been the standard since F2P launched and I have no complaints, and gladly grind, pay, or both when something comes out that I am interested in. I was simply responding to somebody saying basically in all circumstances you have to pay somebody to add content to a game (they did NOT specify MMOs, nor was I referring to them in any way).
CBS has all say on what Cryptic can and cannot do on their IP when it comes to ships and canon...CBS owns Star Trek not the Roddenberry estate they can ask for things and CBS can say yes out of courtesy, but if they wanted to they pretty much don't have to listen what anyone from the Roddenberry estate as to say, but CBS and the Star Trek people are not that bad which is why they allow fan made movies and stuff as long as no one profits off it.
No carriers !
Only the best ship in the game right there. The fed version is physically the largest ship of any and the kling version, which is no. 2, loads heavy cannons and you can spam your bop in and out of cloak for the awesomeness of it ! (supposedly they have a special cloack with no CD)
There are no better ships to grind in while you watch tv and having the biggest ship there is simply bawss
And if you want to nitpick the ships in regards to canon let's talk about all ships of ANY star trek series having shuttles they could launch that were NOT "non-combat pets".
Or let's talk about the tng enterprise's turn speed compared to what you see on tv
I'm not saying the STO Galaxy couldn't benefit from an extra degree increase in turn rate, but really being a space whale fits what I see on TV.
But if you are into the whole thing explain where all the shuttles went.
Ultimately you like the ship or you don't minus of course cruisers that really do just plain suck
When I fly out and do 300+ stf's I am going to worry a lot more about having fun than if it fits what some writer came out with randomly 30 years ago...
What about ship mines
Or probes
This is correct,
PW bought Cryptic Studios and it's games for $50 Million Dollars. Up to the 2nd Qtr this year PW made $24 Million dollars in net profit...
They have shareholders and staff to pay, they have projects that aren't retail yet requiring expenditure (Neverwinter)
and most of all they have fat bonus' to pay themselves.
People who think that the money they spend goes back to Cryptic to improve the game are so completely ignorant of how business works that it's not even funny. Heck all you have to do is look at the game it's a half assed bug filled mess at the moment that needs some serious TLC.
I'm a sales person. My main product sells for 25 bucks. It sells for that amount because, after all the dust has settled, I make anywhere from 2 to 4 bucks profit on each sale (the dust being things like 'rent for the location' and 'payroll' and what not). Yet I have people every single day tell me how they'd buy five if I'd sell them for 10 bucks.
My response? "Oh goody. I'd sell just enough to have completely lost money on the sale! Exactly what I want!"
Are Z-Store ships expensive? Sure. But I wouldn't be surprised if they're priced in such a way to cover costs, and have only a few bucks profit left over. Sure, they *could* sell them cheaper...and make no profit. And if a business isn't making profit, they're not gonna stay open. It's called the free market. Perhaps people should study it a little before they talk about costs.
Hoooo i love Hyperion series it was the best sci/fi books i read.
Honestly i don't know what think about the way who take this game, i start STO in the beta (closed beta i think, not sure) and at the start i was surprise by the store but it was only cosmetic things, and with the time they start to sell ship and really better ship. But it was really optionnal for enjoy the game but i was worry about that.
Now we need dilithium for everything, even for make EC. We need dil for fleetbase, for ship for stuff for EC ....
What i don't i s when you are gold member ( you py a subscription) or lifer in fact you have the same limitation than free member because even if you have Zen each month you need pay more if you want enjoy the game and all the features.
I can understand the shop and the lockbox ( i still think is a good idea for make money) BUT stop forget people who pay every months or the lifer
We support you !!! we give money every months and now we need to pay in plus like all free members ?????? i can't deal with that !
No, no I'm not talking about new bugs I'm talking about legacy ones, ones that are still in the game from seasons ago, of which there are many, I'd say a good 15-20% of episode missions still contain bugs that can stop them from being completed.
Just go look at the Gameplay bugs thread
then we must have been playing different games.
there are bugs everywhere even before season 7, hell even before season 6.. and season 5...
there are some bugs that go back to release and some of them have been reclassified from bugs to "working as intended".
the infamous "if you do anything" decloaking bug that has plagued the klingons for example.
Do you even Science Bro?