The sona were known to have joined the Dominion during the dominion war, therefore for me they would be better served becoming playable when/if the cardassians become playable.
The Suliban should have been what the hirogen are at the moment. They would have been a great species for the romulans to ally with as both have lost their homeworld and selia could have got them on board by promising them a new homeworld in Romulan space
Anyway to answer the question. Two species really stick out as possible candidates. The first (and personally the ones I think are the best choice) are the Chalnoth
They are a warrior race with only the strong taking leadership positions, the klingons coming in and conquering them and them then serving the klingons would make sense.
Though as an alternative to the Xindi, I'd fully support a return of the Retro Gorn KDF side. I can think of a ton of ways this could be incorporated into the KDF content release in S8 as well, such as explaining the visual differenes and so on. I know they're not a "new" species per say, but the presence of both Gorn types in-game together opens up the playing field for a lot of content KDF side if done right.
I never really did understand why the "retro" Gorn became unavailable to choose from, an excuse could easily be made up to explain why there are two different looking versions of Gorn.
I don't consider a new playable race content and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks the same. I'm not trying to stomp on your topic either. It's hard to stay optimistic when when they don't deliver on their promises. New ships give me something new for my max level toons to do. New races though... I've played through the KDF content on 4 toons! The last one, was purely leveled by DOff's due to being bored with the great content on the KDF side. What is there, is great and some of the best content in-game. Stary arc missions are the key to getting players to play the KDF side and more races. I am all for more races and the return of the original Gorn look, and so on. But I have no reason to purchase a new race without something to do with it. Fed side, you can split it up more as there is an abundance of content to pick and choose to play. KDF side, you have what there is and it's still not enough.
Whether or not you consider a new playable race content or not; logically it is. When the Ferasan species were added it opened up a whole new side to the KDF faction for me and over 150 other players at the very least (which means playing old content from a new perspective in a fresh, enjoyable way), all of whom purchased that species and to this day still play them.
The point you're missing is that even with season 7, new content for both factions is being added (yes Cryptic caters greater to the Federation and we know that's because they make more money from it, but the KDF faction player numbers are growing, I say this from experience playing, not from factual numbers but if numbers were presented I'm 99% sure I'd be correct).
With season 8 rumour suggests that more content will be added to the KDF faction; Stahl has stated on numerous occasions that Cryptic does intend to finish or at least polish off the KDF faction, and bring it up to a satisfactory level.
You can argue all you like that there's not enough content to justify Cryptic adding more KDF playable species, BUT you're not taking into consideration that I have not created this thread asking for new playable species to be added to the KDF now or soon, but at least by season 8 which will be a number of months away.
What I am doing here is giving forum members a chance to discuss which species they would like to eventually see added to the KDF faction down the road, and down the road more content of various other types, such as ships, story missions, etc... Will be added AS WELL AS new playable species.
they'd make good mercenaries like the Nausicaans are.
I could not agree with you more, one of my 3 votes is going on the Chalnoth. They simply fit the KDF faction, if anything the Klingon's would see them as worthy warriors and at least see them as cannon fodder.
I'd like to see every canon race in the Star Trek franchise represented in the game somehow. The way the franchise is written, of course, it is always possible to have new races added at any time.
Talaurians. Most definitely. Son'a. Yes.
But more than this, and I see it as more important, is to develope more depth. Klingons are ruled by a number of Great Houses. We see so many espionage Doff missions. Those great houses have territories, planets, resources, and feuds. Expand on that. Letheans should have their own story lines as they expand their influence in subtle ways. Gorn, same. Orions, same. Etc.
All these planets in all these star systems. Every time the series had a new story on a new planet. Lots of room to grow inward.
Also, yes I agree with you also, you bring up a good point, there is most definitely great potential behind each playable species for the addition of more story content.
Now this species to me just shouts "I'm a dinosaur", they look pretty damn cool to me so that's the only reason I want them in. Now sure we have evidence that suggests they were apart of the UFP, but nothing to say that they decided to break off from the UFP to join the Klingons, not a lot of info on them at all so plenty for Kestral (STOs story writer) to come up with.
The kasheeta are on the federation council, i agree that they would be nice additions to the klingons, as they could be the saurians of the empire as it were.
However i just don't think that game wise you could properly fit them into klingons without making it sound forced
If the Selay will be joining the Federation, then it only makes sense that the Antican's will be joining the KDF, right?
I've suggested that before and I would like to see some races added like that, with an accompanying mission.
In general, I think that whenever assets get added to the C-Store, Lockbox, or Lobi Store there should be a marketing budget that pays for a content designer who pops out a quick "product placement" mission. It could be something simple like "Hearts and Minds" but I think it would make sense.
If the asset's there, I think a mission should use it.
The kasheeta are on the federation council, i agree that they would be nice additions to the klingons, as they could be the saurians of the empire as it were.
However i just don't think that game wise you could properly fit them into klingons without making it sound forced
Indeed, however that was in 2285... And a lot can happen in 124 years, which lands us 2409, the time of which Star Trek Online is based.
They look cool, I want them (that's my only illogical human explanation I can give you)!
Yes I don't see why not stoleviathan99...
I'm signing off for the day now, catch you all tomorrow!
I'll second the Sheliak, but have no idea how to make them playable since they're more obscure than the Tholian. IF I had to choose a playable species I could live with Xindi reptilian.
I disagree with using the Xindi, only on the basis that I don't think the sub-races should be split across factions without some kind of active storyline to explain it.
I could live with the Talarians... their culture is probably more like the Klingons than any of the other KDF races. Only, I'm not sure how they would be distinct from Klingons in terms of traits. If they're basically just more human-looking "Klingons", then it's only cosmetic and not strictly necessary.
I found a couple of other races that looked promising --
The Corvallens were a humanoid species of mercenaries who often engaged in interstellar commerce. They were known to operate near the Romulan Star Empire and at least one Corvallen freighter visited Deep Space 9 in the 2370s.
So basically, they're a race of mercenary traders and smugglers that would fit in quite well with the Orions, Nausicaans, and Letheans. On top of that, if they got the same kinds of vendor discounts that Starfleet Ferengi do, then the KDF could have parity in that.
They were known for a criminal organization, the notorious Markalian smuggling operation.
Many Markalians worked in the freight business and, apart from the smuggling operation, some were employed by various other criminal individuals.
Again, they'd fit right in with some of the other KDF races. Either they or the Corvallens could get the same vendor discounts that Ferengi do. Or, alternatively, maybe they could sell items to vendors at a higher profit to reflect their propensity toward shady deals.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Now I'm not saying there definitely will be a new playable species available to the KDF by season 8,
False premise. There won't be a new playable species. You are beating a dead horse.
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
I disagree with using the Xindi, only on the basis that I don't think the sub-races should be split across factions without some kind of active storyline to explain it.
Which makes perfect sense since 2367 are the events of "In the Mind's Eye".
And "Perfect Mate" makes no refence to Klingon space.
There is exactly one reference to Klingons in that episode:
"I'm afraid my premature emergence from stasis has left me a little... vulnerable to the desires I sense from men. Nevertheless, this is who I am, Captain. You might as well ask a Vulcan to forgo logic... or a Klingon to be nonviolent. I cannot change, and I don't want to until it's time for me to bond with my permanent mate."
What other reference is there?
It also makes no sense to me that those two should be the same species, because how could an conquered world under Klingon control be at war with another world?
I may have been mistaken. Regardless of that, there is the question of the actual chronological order of the two episodes. Mind's Eye doesn't have a stardate. Despite the broadcast order Perfect Mate could have preceded it. However it doesn't matter. The backstory of the Kriosians and Valtese has it that they used to be a powerful insterstellar empire until they were nearly destroyed by civil war. The Kriosian planet mentioned in Mind's Eye could simply be a colony world of the former Kriosian empire. It's not referred to by a proper name. And based on the description of the former state of the Kriosian Empire, we would expect them to have had at one time dozens of worlds. Valt and Krios Prime were the two most powerful of them.
Hirogen: are allies of Sela, a Romulan...
PVP: Will never be properly balanced as long as they keep adding new stuff. The only way for PVP to be properly balanced requires the game to become boring and stagnant.
Sheliak: I sooo want to see them. The issue is that they're a non-humanoid race. They'd be loads of fun to play with though.
Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...
Sheliak: Obviously opposed to the Federation. I could see them aligned with the KDF to expand their colonial efforts unhindered by the UFP's rules & regulations. It would also be nice to see a non-humanoid race to add to the "bestial" vibe that other KDF races share. They are only briefly mentioned & partially seen in canon, so the Devs could really go to town on this one.
Selay: Similar to the ideas above. There is a lot of room for creative interpretation here. The Selay and Anticans obviously were way off from Federation admission & the Devs could come up with an excellent backstory. It would be nice to have another somewhat non-humanoid race in there as well.
Gorn: It would be AWESOME to see the other two races/castes of the Gorn that are mentioned in STO's own softcanon novel. Perhaps you could add a version similar to the Original TOS look & then one that looks smaller & more raptor-like as seen in Enterprise for the other two Gorn Races. Some parts could be swapped in-between models perhaps?
I think it would really benefit faction parity if we could get female models for Gorn, Nausicaan, & Letheans. I've seen perpetuals concept art for Nausicaan females & it looks great. Perhaps just different color variations & horns for the Gorn to show Gender (like the difference between Catians & Ferasans). I'm not sure what you could do with Letheans... maybe hair?
No to all Enterprise prequal series races. Can't stand most of the new races from this show nor the dependence on time distorting plot lines.
No to Reman/Romulan. This should be its own faction.
No to Fek. This is the KDF boogyman, not an ally.
No to Antedeans, the fish people who won't fly unless in statis?
No to Antican, eating live food good, eating enemies alive bad.
No to Chalnoth, anarchists are too much even for the KDF.
No to Chodak, no soft cannon plz.
No to Gorn, 1 version is enough.
No to Kasheeta, they're a fed species.
No to Sheliak, Xenophobes wouldn't work w/KDF.
No to Son'a, the seem to be on their last leg and weak, KDF would just take w/e tec they had.
Yes to Kriosians, KDF took them before, why not again.
Yes to Hirogen, lots of cultural overlap and even instinctive overlap.
Yes to Talarians, but they're a bit too much of an overlap in a boring way unlike the Hirogen.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
Also, yes I agree with you also, you bring up a good point, there is most definitely great potential behind each playable species for the addition of more I of course am referring to the Talaurians. A melf like race of extratertextular semi omnipotent quasi sarcastic quadrupeds from the planet tau stinki epsidani who to the best of my knowledge have no literary existence whatsoever.
But to clarify. I do not think we necessarily need more playable races or factions. Given we can create aliens of nearly every biped type it isn't necessary to make every canon race a playable one or a faction. I simply agree they should be represented as NPCs, plot foils, and story lines. Making character abilities to reflect the various race abilities for each canon race and making them available then making costume skins to roll said character is sufficient.
(Is it really necessary to correct someone for a misspelling of a word when you obviously knew perfectly well what I meant. How incredibly arrogant. Bad form. -1 internets from you, sir.)
Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER
Something like that, yes A Xindi storyline that explained why some, all, or none of them allied with the KDF or the Federation. If they're going to suddenly appear as playable species, they should be grafted in not shoved in without explanation.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
But to clarify. I do not think we necessarily need more playable races or factions. Given we can create aliens of nearly every biped type it isn't necessary to make every canon race a playable one or a faction. I simply agree they should be represented as NPCs, plot foils, and story lines. Making character abilities to reflect the various race abilities for each canon race and making them available then making costume skins to roll said character is sufficient.
Depends on whether they're going to expand the costume and trait options for aliens or not. Some species aren't important enough to merit being a separate race... but if you simply can't create them in the AlienGen, players are just out of luck.
The two races I suggested have somewhat unique looks and, if given the right traits, could make up for the fact that the KDF don't have playable Ferengi and can't benefit from the vendor discount. I don't think I'd want one, but somebody else might.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Indeed, however that was in 2285... And a lot can happen in 124 years, which lands us 2409, the time of which Star Trek Online is based.
They look cool, I want them (that's my only illogical human explanation I can give you)!
Yes I don't see why not stoleviathan99...
I'm signing off for the day now, catch you all tomorrow!
They do look very cool! I would at least like to have Xindi Missions they could even be time travel missions, I really wish Gorn were a playable faction, perhaps they could team up with the KDF, They would have their own ships though, they have some of the most unique ships in all sci fi. For now I have made decent Xindi reptillians and Xindi Arboreals as well as a Chalnoth - the protruding teeth and antedean - the sideways facing eyes and fin as well as some other canon races with custom alien tool
A TIME TO SEARCH: ENTER MY FOUNDRY MISSION at the RISA SYSTEM Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
(Is it really necessary to correct someone for a misspelling of a word when you obviously knew perfectly well what I meant. How incredibly arrogant. Bad form. -1 internets from you, sir.)
No need for the sarcasm I was simply seeking clarification (not using arrogance). There's no way I could know if you meant a different species or if you had made a spelling error. Thank you for the confirmation.
I'd be in support of having the Sheliak, Chalnoth, or Talarians added. Maybe with unique ship designs for them (I'd love to see what they cook up for a species like the Sheliak). Also, a ship for the Ferasans.
My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
Oooh.... Here's one people may have forgotten, Chameloids! Chameloids were known to live near KDF space in the TOS era. It'd definately add a fun new twist to the KDF.
The Suliban should have been what the hirogen are at the moment. They would have been a great species for the romulans to ally with as both have lost their homeworld and selia could have got them on board by promising them a new homeworld in Romulan space
Anyway to answer the question. Two species really stick out as possible candidates. The first (and personally the ones I think are the best choice) are the Chalnoth
They are a warrior race with only the strong taking leadership positions, the klingons coming in and conquering them and them then serving the klingons would make sense.
The second are the Shliak.
However they might be better used as a featured series, or as part of the iconian grand plan.
So my vote goes Chalnoth
I never really did understand why the "retro" Gorn became unavailable to choose from, an excuse could easily be made up to explain why there are two different looking versions of Gorn.
Whether or not you consider a new playable race content or not; logically it is. When the Ferasan species were added it opened up a whole new side to the KDF faction for me and over 150 other players at the very least (which means playing old content from a new perspective in a fresh, enjoyable way), all of whom purchased that species and to this day still play them.
The point you're missing is that even with season 7, new content for both factions is being added (yes Cryptic caters greater to the Federation and we know that's because they make more money from it, but the KDF faction player numbers are growing, I say this from experience playing, not from factual numbers but if numbers were presented I'm 99% sure I'd be correct).
With season 8 rumour suggests that more content will be added to the KDF faction; Stahl has stated on numerous occasions that Cryptic does intend to finish or at least polish off the KDF faction, and bring it up to a satisfactory level.
You can argue all you like that there's not enough content to justify Cryptic adding more KDF playable species, BUT you're not taking into consideration that I have not created this thread asking for new playable species to be added to the KDF now or soon, but at least by season 8 which will be a number of months away.
What I am doing here is giving forum members a chance to discuss which species they would like to eventually see added to the KDF faction down the road, and down the road more content of various other types, such as ships, story missions, etc... Will be added AS WELL AS new playable species.
I could not agree with you more, one of my 3 votes is going on the Chalnoth. They simply fit the KDF faction, if anything the Klingon's would see them as worthy warriors and at least see them as cannon fodder.
Did you mean the Talarian species?
Also, yes I agree with you also, you bring up a good point, there is most definitely great potential behind each playable species for the addition of more story content.
That beast is known as the "Foundry"... NOW GET BACK TO WORK! :P
My second vote goes to the Antican species.
If the Selay will be joining the Federation, then it only makes sense that the Antican's will be joining the KDF, right?
My third vote goes to the Kasheeta species.
Now this species to me just shouts "I'm a dinosaur", they look pretty damn cool to me so that's the only reason I want them in. Now sure we have evidence that suggests they were apart of the UFP, but nothing to say that they decided to break off from the UFP to join the Klingons, not a lot of info on them at all so plenty for Kestral (STOs story writer) to come up with.
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
However i just don't think that game wise you could properly fit them into klingons without making it sound forced
I've suggested that before and I would like to see some races added like that, with an accompanying mission.
In general, I think that whenever assets get added to the C-Store, Lockbox, or Lobi Store there should be a marketing budget that pays for a content designer who pops out a quick "product placement" mission. It could be something simple like "Hearts and Minds" but I think it would make sense.
If the asset's there, I think a mission should use it.
Indeed, however that was in 2285... And a lot can happen in 124 years, which lands us 2409, the time of which Star Trek Online is based.
They look cool, I want them (that's my only illogical human explanation I can give you)!
Yes I don't see why not stoleviathan99...
I'm signing off for the day now, catch you all tomorrow!
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
I could live with the Talarians... their culture is probably more like the Klingons than any of the other KDF races. Only, I'm not sure how they would be distinct from Klingons in terms of traits. If they're basically just more human-looking "Klingons", then it's only cosmetic and not strictly necessary.
I found a couple of other races that looked promising --
So basically, they're a race of mercenary traders and smugglers that would fit in quite well with the Orions, Nausicaans, and Letheans. On top of that, if they got the same kinds of vendor discounts that Starfleet Ferengi do, then the KDF could have parity in that.
Again, they'd fit right in with some of the other KDF races. Either they or the Corvallens could get the same vendor discounts that Ferengi do. Or, alternatively, maybe they could sell items to vendors at a higher profit to reflect their propensity toward shady deals.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
False premise. There won't be a new playable species. You are beating a dead horse.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
LOL, you mean create content ??
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Hirogen: are allies of Sela, a Romulan...
PVP: Will never be properly balanced as long as they keep adding new stuff. The only way for PVP to be properly balanced requires the game to become boring and stagnant.
Sheliak: I sooo want to see them. The issue is that they're a non-humanoid race. They'd be loads of fun to play with though.
My character Tsin'xing
Sheliak: Obviously opposed to the Federation. I could see them aligned with the KDF to expand their colonial efforts unhindered by the UFP's rules & regulations. It would also be nice to see a non-humanoid race to add to the "bestial" vibe that other KDF races share. They are only briefly mentioned & partially seen in canon, so the Devs could really go to town on this one.
Selay: Similar to the ideas above. There is a lot of room for creative interpretation here. The Selay and Anticans obviously were way off from Federation admission & the Devs could come up with an excellent backstory. It would be nice to have another somewhat non-humanoid race in there as well.
Gorn: It would be AWESOME to see the other two races/castes of the Gorn that are mentioned in STO's own softcanon novel. Perhaps you could add a version similar to the Original TOS look & then one that looks smaller & more raptor-like as seen in Enterprise for the other two Gorn Races. Some parts could be swapped in-between models perhaps?
I think it would really benefit faction parity if we could get female models for Gorn, Nausicaan, & Letheans. I've seen perpetuals concept art for Nausicaan females & it looks great. Perhaps just different color variations & horns for the Gorn to show Gender (like the difference between Catians & Ferasans). I'm not sure what you could do with Letheans... maybe hair?
No to Reman/Romulan. This should be its own faction.
No to Fek. This is the KDF boogyman, not an ally.
No to Antedeans, the fish people who won't fly unless in statis?
No to Antican, eating live food good, eating enemies alive bad.
No to Chalnoth, anarchists are too much even for the KDF.
No to Chodak, no soft cannon plz.
No to Gorn, 1 version is enough.
No to Kasheeta, they're a fed species.
No to Sheliak, Xenophobes wouldn't work w/KDF.
No to Son'a, the seem to be on their last leg and weak, KDF would just take w/e tec they had.
Yes to Kriosians, KDF took them before, why not again.
Yes to Hirogen, lots of cultural overlap and even instinctive overlap.
Yes to Talarians, but they're a bit too much of an overlap in a boring way unlike the Hirogen.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter I of course am referring to the Talaurians. A melf like race of extratertextular semi omnipotent quasi sarcastic quadrupeds from the planet tau stinki epsidani who to the best of my knowledge have no literary existence whatsoever.
But to clarify. I do not think we necessarily need more playable races or factions. Given we can create aliens of nearly every biped type it isn't necessary to make every canon race a playable one or a faction. I simply agree they should be represented as NPCs, plot foils, and story lines. Making character abilities to reflect the various race abilities for each canon race and making them available then making costume skins to roll said character is sufficient.
(Is it really necessary to correct someone for a misspelling of a word when you obviously knew perfectly well what I meant. How incredibly arrogant. Bad form. -1 internets from you, sir.)
Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER
Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
Something like that, yes
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Depends on whether they're going to expand the costume and trait options for aliens or not. Some species aren't important enough to merit being a separate race... but if you simply can't create them in the AlienGen, players are just out of luck.
The two races I suggested have somewhat unique looks and, if given the right traits, could make up for the fact that the KDF don't have playable Ferengi and can't benefit from the vendor discount. I don't think I'd want one, but somebody else might.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
They do look very cool! I would at least like to have Xindi Missions they could even be time travel missions, I really wish Gorn were a playable faction, perhaps they could team up with the KDF, They would have their own ships though, they have some of the most unique ships in all sci fi. For now I have made decent Xindi reptillians and Xindi Arboreals as well as a Chalnoth - the protruding teeth and antedean - the sideways facing eyes and fin as well as some other canon races with custom alien tool
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
No need for the sarcasm I was simply seeking clarification (not using arrogance). There's no way I could know if you meant a different species or if you had made a spelling error. Thank you for the confirmation.
My character Tsin'xing
As much as I would love to have a Ferasan ship in game (as I'm proud to be the leader of the largest Ferasan fleet in game), that's off topic.
Interesting thought though.
The OP votes have been updated...
My character Tsin'xing
So I can do my Kharndingo char.
All hail QEW!