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Skyrocketing Costs and Gear Nerfing Threaten to Force Me Out



  • nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,628 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    vestereng wrote: »
    Well not me that's for certain ;P

    I couldn't agree more that you can obtain everything by grinding that's great.

    I am just saying there is no point in letting us regrind for old content and try to pass it off as new.


    Like I said in my last post if there really is new content I'd love to hear about it until then

    I'd agree with you if it were not for the fact that they've added various new rewards in the reputation tiers. People are very quick to ignore that point and attempt to make this soly about the gear. If people want those new rewards, then go get them. It IS genuine entitlement to think otherwise, old content or not.

    There will apparently be new Romulan content, including instances. I'm eager to see if they are on par with the STFs and what their quality/format will be. Either way, thats completely new.

    psymantis wrote: »
    I don't think you understand, either by choice or ignorance. Let me try to explain:
    • At the moment it costs no Dilithium.
    • After the change both this and the Doff upgrades/downgrades will cost Dilithium.
    • Dilithium is restricted to a maximum of 8.5k per day.
    • Using Dilithium for new things means they can't be used for existing things like getting a new C-Store ship. Y'know, the only thing to look forward to while we wait for new content.
    • In order to get more than 8.5k you need to pay real money.

    I can't explain it any simpler.

    At the moment I play to earn Dil to trade for Zen. Then I buy a new ship. That's my reason for continuing to play after hitting level 50. If the dil is used up every day for other things that were previously free then I'm getting nothing out of the game so I see myself only playing rarely when new content comes out. I did that with another game and only check in at festive periods when an event might be going on, play for a short time then not for months. When Officer Reports no longer worked I stopped playing until they were fixed.

    Now if the game had something other than Dil to aim for then that'd be fine but there isn't. So taking the Dil away takes away the reason for playing so much for me.

    It sounds like your trying to make Cryptic responsible for the decisions you make on how to spend your dilithium. You want to eat the whole cake now and not just the slice you decided to pick first.

    Dilithium is a necessary timegate to the new system. It is the tradeoff for guaranteed drops that "People" were so passionately begging for. It recognizes time spent playing the STFs (and the wider game). Yes, it also recognizes those who want to spend money to avail of a shortcut in time, but thats not 'new news' for a free to play game.
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm saying Season 7 is consistent in continuing the mantra of "No content is locked behind a paywall. You can get everything for free with enough time, but you can get it quicker with cash". Welcome to free to play.

    Whilst i don' think where there yet. We are heading more and more for a situation where the degree of dilithium gating on verything makes aquiring things freely so impossibble on a timescale level that the fact that you can technichlly do it is bassiclly meaningless. Not practicablly possibble is the same as impossibble in real terms, Even if technichally their diffrent.
  • trenttylertrenttyler Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    nynik wrote: »
    Dilithium is a necessary timegate to the new system. It is the tradeoff for guaranteed drops that "People" were so passionately begging for. It recognizes time spent playing the STFs (and the wider game). Yes, it also recognizes those who want to spend money to avail of a shortcut in time, but thats not 'new news' for a free to play game.

    Why is Dilithium needed as a time gate for EVERYTHING? that is absurd, if you had said, "Well it gets people to spend 10 times what the would in our F2P model as they do in a Monthly sub model", then i would agree.

    There is no reason every bit of new content needs to be a dilithium sink.

    This was what players warned about when the Cstore first opened, and the minority was shouted down by the majority and the Devs promise of this EXACT scenario never happening.

    Guess we were right, but it is truly sad when we cant get a bugged fixed, but they can make a new ship every 4 weeks that cost you upwards of a hundred currency of your choice, sad day indeed.
  • carcharodon1975carcharodon1975 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    carl103 wrote: »
    Whilst i don' think where there yet. We are heading more and more for a situation where the degree of dilithium gating on verything makes aquiring things freely so impossibble on a timescale level that the fact that you can technichlly do it is bassiclly meaningless. Not practicablly possibble is the same as impossibble in real terms, Even if technichally their diffrent.

    True,I don't 'have' to spend money on transport if I want to make a journey around the world,technically I can walk the entire distance.....
    The PWE/Cryptic sweatshop...not where the game is made,but where the game is played!

    Take back your home,end the grind!

    Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    You can walk on water. Quick tell the vatican :p.

    I know what you meant though ;).
  • walshicuswalshicus Member Posts: 1,314 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    blitzpig wrote: »
    Well, it's been obvious for quite some time that this title no longer has anything what so ever to do with Star Trek, other than a few ship models and uniforms.

    Any and all Star Trek content and "feel" is done with after the Romulan tour of duty posting.

    I have leveled up three characters now, and each time the feeling of the game being over got more pronounced after the end of the Romulan missions tree.

    This is now just another MMO grind your way to riches economics simulator. No different than any other MMO out there.

    Once again, true fans of the Star Trek IP are left out in the cold.

    It's sad because this game had lots of promise at the beginning, but the lack of vision and storyline writing ability killed it.

    Those of us who are real fans of Start Trek never wanted a grind to win MMO, we wanted Star Trek.

    We didn't get it.

    So long.

    BlitzPig_ElAurens, Commanding Task Force Three.

    Signing off, permanently.

    You wanted hours of new mission content every week. That wasn't sustainable. You wouldn't keep a game afloat doing that.

    But we still have hours of mission content through the Foundry. And the secret is you can get your gaming fill doing nothing but Foundry. On easy you don't have to worry about gear or doffs or dilithium. You can do that now. So where are the grounds for complaint when you can do that for free and enjoy that Star Trek feeling?
    http://mmo-economics.com - analysing the economic interactions in MMOs.
  • trenttylertrenttyler Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Very much this^ For the past couple season it seem that there is a very well organized hate machine in Zone chat and on these forums, there message is basically a simple one; bash any thing that Cryptic does and make at least ten snarky comments a day about lock boxes ( yes we get it you hate them and they are evil :rolleyes: ) And there really seems to be no other purpose to this but to bash and troll.

    That's why it's really important to form your own opinion about things.

    While i wouldn't call it a hate machine, it has gone on longer than the "Last Couple" of seasons. There has been a minority voice since Closed Beta, that gets accused of hating the game any time they bring a horrible change up.

    This started with the change to the Skill tree the weekend before open Beta, and has brought attention to most of the bone headed moves and lack of bug fixing since day one.

    You may not agree with them, but for the most part, they get issues brought to the forefront, and get yelled down every time. This is sad IMHO, because most things they have tried to talk about are now in game, and can you say it is honestly for the better?
  • outlaw51825outlaw51825 Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    trenttyler wrote: »
    While i wouldn't call it a hate machine, it has gone on longer than the "Last Couple" of seasons. There has been a minority voice since Closed Beta, that gets accused of hating the game any time they bring a horrible change up.

    This started with the change to the Skill tree the weekend before open Beta, and has brought attention to most of the bone headed moves and lack of bug fixing since day one.

    You may not agree with them, but for the most part, they get issues brought to the forefront, and get yelled down every time. This is sad IMHO, because most things they have tried to talk about are now in game, and can you say it is honestly for the better?

    Here here. I've been following these changes, and i'll be honest. If they make it into the game as is. I wont be playing much. I need HD space and this game is quickly become a waste of it. I want to add Rift's new expansion and hopefully guild wars 2 before the year's end. I liked this when i came back to it. It was a nice break from DCUO which had launched another expansion i didnt really want and it became more expansion gated content which they promised that wouldn't be.

    People need to wake the **** up. I have 430 Gigs on my HD. Why should i waste the 5-10 this one takes when i can put something far better in it if season 7 goes live Hmm?
  • vahdovahdo Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I completely agree with (what I think is) the most of the posts in this thread.

    I tend to say, STO was more fun playing back in Season 5, when we had no Doffs or Starbases or grind missions. Of yourse we had little content, but that content was fun to play.

    It was my favourite game and not just because its name was Star Trek, but now... we grind and grind and grind... things which will make it easier for us to grind even more.
    It has become and will even more with S7 what PWE stand for.

    As Sekritagent said in his OP, there not much Star Trek anymore in the game :(

    Perhaps in an alternate Universe, STO would have taken a better way ;)
    Join Date: December 2009
  • pointedearspointedears Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    No, it really isn't. Here's the numbers you're not seeing:

    A full set of Mk XII Gear costs 3000 Marks, 15 Elite Marks, and ~100,000 Dilithium.

    Attaining Tier 5 in Omega Rep costs 1,686 Marks, 0 Elite Marks, and ~80,000 Dilithium.

    People that have already obtained a full set of the Mk XII gear of their choosing no longer have the need to spend the currency listed in above. In fact, along the way to obtaining that gear, it's incredibly likely that they've picked up a good chunk of EDCs, Salvage and Tech, all of which they have no use for (because they already have their desired gear), and will all be converted into Omega Marks which now have a purpose for them, should they choose to use them.

    Their extra 'reward' is the fact that the system will cost them less. Considering the prices involved here, that's not something to be ignored.

    Bort you just dont get it do you ? cmon man you were one half of the best ever video podcast for this game so I know youve got intelligence but where is it ?

    How about people who are 1/3rd or 2/3rds of their way through a set ? what happens to them ? making people having to run through hoops just to get back to where they were ? that isnt acceptable it really isnt.

    It wouldnt take that much effort to run a script that looks at peoples STF accolades in terms of how many they have run of each one and their overall accolade progress towards the 300 accolade.

    I really really do not like the way this whole scheme is being forced onto the players and is ill thought out, bordering on shambles, of a system

    The original drop system was a way to keep players playing for STF gear. It wasnt a guarenteed thing it was just a nice additional bonus if you got it. Whilst this system takes the random drop factor out of it it no less cheapens and de values the whole STF gear.

    STF gear should be earned. You have the 300 accolade (not in game and cant remember what its called now) but your not telling me you cant have a system that every 50 stf runs you earn a piece of mk 12 gear. 3 for space or 3 for ground etc so every 50 runs of a particular stf you earn a piece of mk 12 gear. This could continue beyond the 300 run mark

    What your proposing is just giving away the gear which is a big insualt and a big middle finger to those of us who have done every single thing asked of us and run these STF's till we no longer can or have been burnt out by them. IS IT REALLY FAIR ? YOUR DAM RIGHT IT ISNT

    All you need to do with the current system is take the random factor out of it but make the gear a reward, a sign of having played the game at the highest possible level and earning your wings so to speak.

    Whilst this system could have been considered acceptable at the start when STF's were launched you cant just force this on everyone now. Its crazy and ludicrous and the best way i can describe it is "star treks next gen experience NGE" yes you know which game im talking about that forced an NGE on its players and fell hard on its face.

    Unless the whole system is taken back to the drawing board and reworked this game will fall HARD on its face and where as now you have people lining your pockets with money after season 7, if this change is forced, then no one will be handing money over. Do you understand that ? are the developers so detached from the people who play this game so much ?

    im not gonna say anymore as this will fall on deaf ears but I am deeply disappointed at the way in which cryptic/pwe have brushed the star trek ip with mud and taken adavnatge of each and every single player stealing their money from them. People love this game so they are bound to consume content, so why punish them for consuming every single bit of content in the game ?

    Instead of slowing people down the devleopers should be adding content and fixing bugs and being happy that people play this game. Im a big star trek fan id love to work on this game, just remember that as a developer its not a right ITS A DAM PRIVELEGE

    so is it really fair to say to the community f you, you will like this and we dont give a s**t what you as players think.

  • outlaw51825outlaw51825 Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I feel sorry for one of my friends who just invested in life time...If this goes through...wow. I hope he can press a lawsuit for a refund.

    Thanks Pointed. You made a decision for me a hell of a lot easier to make.
  • pointedearspointedears Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    defalus wrote: »
    Just to add to what others have said:


    stop trolling you know i dont like it when you troll :(

  • psymantispsymantis Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    nynik wrote: »
    It sounds like you're trying to make Cryptic responsible for the decisions you make on how to spend your dilithium. You want to eat the whole cake now and not just the slice you decided to pick first.

    No. I want the amount of Dil that is required at the moment to remain as it is so I can spend the Dil I earn as I want, not be forced into using it for things that don't need any (or much) at the moment. I don't want everything all at once. I Doff and occasionally run an STF while saving Dil to eventually buy a new ship. That's my enjoyment in the game and all I want is for it to continue.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have heard about another change coming that actually make some sense:

    They plan to remove the mail system as a infinite bank storage for some players.

    Which is probably a good thing as they have to keep all that data on there system and of course if you want more bank space - guess what - you can buy more with ZEN! And if you are storing doffs - well you can buy more doff space with ZEN

    Don't know how they will do it - maybe after x amount of days the mail will get automatically deleted.

    At least this is not another dilth tax
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    I have heard about another change coming that actually make some sense:

    They plan to remove the mail system as a infinite bank storage for some players.

    Which is probably a good thing as they have to keep all that data on there system and of course if you want more bank space - guess what - you can buy more with ZEN! And if you are storing doffs - well you can buy more doff space with ZEN

    Don't know how they will do it - maybe after x amount of days the mail will get automatically deleted.

    At least this is not another dilth tax


    This sucks.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    Centre are you being sarcastic? I am sure they see this as closing a MASSIVE exploit of the bank system.

    (color black on "this sucks" - planting hidden messages eh centre??)
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    2. Dilithium will NO LONGER be a reward for stf's
    3. The new romulan stuff will just be another mega grind.

    #2 has been flat-out denied. Tribble is not giving out dilithium for STFs, but this has been stated to be a bug.

    #3 probably depends on your point of view, since just about any content (including leveling missions) could be considered a grind, depending on how you look at it.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    Centre are you being sarcastic? I am sure they see this as closing a MASSIVE exploit of the bank system.

    Believe it or not, I actually mean that somewhat serious. Cause, well, this is the main way I store stuff now. Particularly since Starbases were implemented.

    I wouldn't mind it if bank space were cheaper, or somehow earnable (The only redeeming quality of DDO). But it lets me store anything! And it's free! Doffs, Boffs, commodities, items as long as they aren't bound... It's what the account bank should have been. Not only that, but the ingame banks have CAPS as to how big you can make them.

    That's just mean. :(
    levi3 wrote: »
    (planting hidden messages eh centre??)

    And suddenly everyone began highlighting all of my posts.....
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Believe it or not, I actually mean that somewhat serious. Cause, well, this is the main way I store stuff now. Particularly since Starbases were implemented.

    I wouldn't mind it if bank space were cheaper, or somehow earnable (The only redeeming quality of DDO). But it lets me store anything! And it's free! Doffs, Boffs, commodities, items as long as they aren't bound... It's what the account bank should have been. Not only that, but the ingame banks have CAPS as to how big you can make them.

    That's just mean. :(

    And suddenly everyone began highlighting all of my posts.....

    1) I am sure Cryptic considers it a exploit to close

    2) I am sure they fiqure that it will cut down on their data storage - and possibly force people to by more bank and account wide bank space.

    Actually it the only change so far that i have heard about that actually makes som business sense - i mean everyone knows it's an exploit - so you can't complain like the other crazy changes they are planning.

    Again - using some text in black? trying to put subliminal messages into peoples minds?
  • eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2012
    All Star Trek shows endured for no longer than 7 seasons. However, all Star Trek shows really had their best showing off in their final seasons (DS9 in Season 7 while TNG and VOY had their peaks at Season 6).

    I hope that STO is going to endure for another 7 seasons at least, however please in a more positive way than it seems to happen. The majority of the forums (which represents a part of the player base and if you cumpare it, it could even be close to half of the whole playerbase) disagrees with all these changes of dilithium pricing and reward systems.

    I take no side yet, I will see when it's live. When I don't like what I see, I might just take another nine month break (like back in the year of hell) and return when Season 8 has already gone live for some time, that is if the game makes it that far.

    ~ Meowz
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
  • standupguy86standupguy86 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Believe it or not, I actually mean that somewhat serious. Cause, well, this is the main way I store stuff now. Particularly since Starbases were implemented.

    I wouldn't mind it if bank space were cheaper, or somehow earnable (The only redeeming quality of DDO). But it lets me store anything! And it's free! Doffs, Boffs, commodities, items as long as they aren't bound... It's what the account bank should have been. Not only that, but the ingame banks have CAPS as to how big you can make them.

    That's just mean. :(

    And suddenly everyone began highlighting all of my posts.....

    I have to agree here, It seems like there just isnt any 'free to play' left. They keep creeping in on whats left thats free. Sure we can log on and fly around and do a few missions. But absolutely everything is tied to the CStore.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    1) I am sure Cryptic considers it a exploit to close

    2) I am sure they fiqure that it will cut down on their data storage - and possibly force people to by more bank and account wide bank space.

    Actually it the only change so far that i have heard about that actually makes som business sense - i mean everyone knows it's an exploit - so you can't complain like the other crazy changes they are planning.

    I know... still is a disappointing move with nothing to make up for it. :(

    There is a distinct possibility that you are on to me....
  • carcharodon1975carcharodon1975 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    1) I am sure Cryptic considers it a exploit to close

    2) I am sure they fiqure that it will cut down on their data storage - and possibly force people to by more bank and account wide bank space.

    Actually it the only change so far that i have heard about that actually makes som business sense - i mean everyone knows it's an exploit - so you can't complain like the other crazy changes they are planning.

    Again - using some text in black? trying to put subliminal messages into peoples minds?

    If they do I'll just create a free account,create a fleet with that toon and buy all the fleet bank tabs.....and I'll name that fleet Free Bank Space. Problem solved for me,and they have a new 'storage problem' :D
    The PWE/Cryptic sweatshop...not where the game is made,but where the game is played!

    Take back your home,end the grind!

    Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I know... still is a disappointing move with nothing to make up for it. :(

    There is a distinct possibility that you are on to me....

    You have been caught - you subliminal messanger you!
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    If they do I'll just create a free account,create a fleet with that toon and buy all the fleet bank tabs.....and I'll name that fleet Free Bank Space. Problem solved for me,and they have a new 'storage problem' :D

    If their response to your solution is a monthly dilth storage fee to all fleets(kind of like in real life if you have a storage locker) - I think you might want to rename you fleet - could get ugly for you.:eek:
  • carcharodon1975carcharodon1975 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have to agree here, It seems like there just isnt any 'free to play' left. They keep creeping in on whats left thats free. Sure we can log on and fly around and do a few missions. But absolutely everything is tied to the CStore.

    I've said it before...there is no such thing as 'free' to play,we all pay in one way or another sooner or later.F2P is a very misleading term,especially with PWE.
    The PWE/Cryptic sweatshop...not where the game is made,but where the game is played!

    Take back your home,end the grind!

    Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    You sir have killed me...well played :)
  • carcharodon1975carcharodon1975 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    If their response to your solution is a monthly dilth storage fee to all fleets(kind of like in real life if you have a storage locker) - I think you might want to rename you fleet - could get ugly for you.:eek:

    A monthly Dilithium storage fee for (fleet) bank slots would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.You will see a mass exodus of players if they implement that.
    The PWE/Cryptic sweatshop...not where the game is made,but where the game is played!

    Take back your home,end the grind!

    Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
  • walshicuswalshicus Member Posts: 1,314 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have to agree here, It seems like there just isnt any 'free to play' left. They keep creeping in on whats left thats free. Sure we can log on and fly around and do a few missions. But absolutely everything is tied to the CStore.

    I don't understand this thinking at all. EVERYTHING can be acquired for free, with NO money investment in this game (well, outside of Veteran Rewards).

    In subscription MMO's you'd grind for ages to get end-game gear. In STO you can grind for dilithium to buy gear. You can grind for dilithium to buy Zen to buy CStore goods. It's pretty much the same thing, only in STO you have the option of accellerating that grind by putting the money you would have spent on the subscription into Zen. The option.
    http://mmo-economics.com - analysing the economic interactions in MMOs.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    A monthly Dilithium storage fee for (fleet) bank slots would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.You will see a mass exodus of players if they implement that.

    make it so
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