Please take vids. I gave this toolbag a hai welcome last night in OPVP and left it at that figuring he'd get his teeth kicked in PvPing and learn on his own, but if I'd seen this TRIBBLE sandwich hold the bread I'd have had a bit more to say.
@gaylileos, When I asked who you were (after you called OPVP carebears) you said "A guy who has PvP'd for years in many MMOs." That's great. If that's really the case, what you should have figured out by now is that MMO PvP communities are less forgiving of their young members than a Breakfast Hen, and that's a fictional bird that lays its eggs directly into a frying pan. You have given this particular PvP community the impression that you are new and rude. Hai and welcome.
Jorf, If you need a scrub to round out a team please let me know, I'd love to get in on this. Although if he's reflective of his fleet you'd probably be fine shortmanning it.
_______________ CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that? Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
Well, I don't think that decreasing the impact of buffs and powers in STO is a bad thing.
Decreasing the impact.... lol it effectively removes them from the match :rolleyes:
If the SNB D-OFF. simply increased cool-down times, and that was cleared by Science Team; then it would impact BUFFS but not break them. It would also use up Science Team so that Science Ships could use other De-Buffs like VM or other abilities. However, having all of your Buffs stripped once, twice or three or more times between every 30seconds is crazy broken!!!
What? The proc chance is 100%? Why haven't I noticed this in the queues?
Ah, right. Because that's not the case.
Maybe you did not realize it, but when I wrote:
"Then maybe you should not rely on those ongoing powers as much"
I actually meant it.
^^^^ This comming from the guy that doesn't use EPTS and who says that Siphon drones, now coined: Sophie drones, are easily countered by BFAW in a 5 man premade with 2 or more carriers. :P
If you were not so painfully wrong, i'd cry laughing. As it is, because of cool-down times to proc instances over multiple copies of the D-OFF; the chance is effecitvely 100% chance to PROC between cool-down timeres. Do you grasp that? :rolleyes:
I still think the SNB Doffs need an adjustment as its too easy to design around a free debuff proc chance even at .5%.
Frankly I think the game has too many ways to lockdown/shutdown/permahold targets and the Devs need to stop leaning to such gameplay in thier designs.
Of course my input may be invalid as I know I'm just an enthusiast of PvP.
Decreasing the impact.... lol it effectively removes them from the match :rolleyes:
If the SNB D-OFF. simply increased cool-down times, and that was cleared by Science Team; then it would impact BUFFS but not break them. It would also use up Science Team so that Science Ships could use other De-Buffs like VM or other abilities. However, having all of your Buffs stripped once, twice or three or more times between every 30seconds is crazy broken!!!
One of Sophie's favorite tactic is to imply that you're just too dense to understand some point she's trying to make. She'll explain why you're a cute little moron while ignoring the realities of the situation, insulting you while demanding you be polite, and getting off topic while suggesting you start another thread if you bring up a related issue affecting the topic at hand.
Don't bother with her, she'll only troll you. Rest assured that those not suffering from chronic rectal cranial intrusion agree with you.
Edit: NVM, I see you know her history.
_______________ CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that? Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
I wonder if the devs might, for some inexplicable reason, feel similar about some PvPers.
Let me tell you this: yday I helped somebody I didn't know at all to do a pve ground mission :eek:. And many pvp players are like that. The problem is when somebody comes here trashing you for all the wrong reasons and let some silly ego do the talking.
And to get back to the thread topic, jorf's idea is the most appealing for me, subnuc doffs to increase cool downs, but not by too much (maybe similar to sci's subnuke for 3 of them), followed by nixus's which applies a cool down reduction for sci's subnuc.
Hear! Sons of Kahless
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill...
One of Sophie's favorite tactic is to imply that you're just too dense to understand some point she's trying to make. She'll explain why you're a cute little moron while ignoring the realities of the situation, insulting you while demanding you be polite, and getting off topic while suggesting you start another thread if you bring up a related issue affecting the topic at hand.
Don't bother with her, she'll only troll you. Rest assured that those not suffering from chronic rectal cranial intrusion agree with you.
Sigh. A couple of points need to be said to your incredible show-off of lack of understanding my posts in general, and the one above in particular.
1. I don't troll, I disagree. That may be something very alien to you, but it is in fact very important in debates to have different points of view and different opinions. I suggest you get used to it, because later, in your adult life, you will need to be able to deal with it a lot.
2. I never said anything like anyone was a moron, and I would not want to be understood that way. While I disagree with teleon22, I don't think he must be stupid or anything like that. I do believe, however, that he has a very decided opinion on the matter at hand and is not aware that it is actually possible to disagree rationally with his view.
3. I am a man. Really. I know it is not common for men to be reasonable and use calm logic in your surroundings (where it apparently is the domain of women alone), but everywhere else in the world, it is quite common, so please correct your misconception.
Actually Redricky is right.
In point number 1 you imply he is a child without openly saying it in a very condescending manner. Thats the type of insult you give quite often when someone disagrees with you in your thread.
In point number 3 you imply (again) ina condescending manner that he is unreasoning and irrational in attitude and thus not capa ble of disagreeing as a man.
Both those veiled insults discredit your second point.
A lot of your threads and posts do this when someone disagrees with your cemented opinions on a subject.
I sent you a private challenge invite for 1v1. You saw it was me, and left. "Oh, you are RedRicky" and left the match. Not d/c'd, because you were still in OPVP and the forums immediately after.
For someone who RP's ("commands" his ship, wants to be captain) you were RPing a scared little girl. I'm just preserving your immersion.
Well, actually, that helpful spirit is a general STO attitude, I think. I have yet to encounter a serious player of this game who would not be helpful when asked in-game.
Yes, this is a quality you have exploited from day 1 by posting seemingly honest requests for help, then trolling those who give you honest answers.
_______________ CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that? Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
Sigh. A couple of points need to be said to your incredible show-off of lack of understanding my posts in general, and the one above in particular.
1. I don't troll, I disagree. That may be something very alien to you, but it is in fact very important in debates to have different points of view and different opinions. I suggest you get used to it, because later, in your adult life, you will need to be able to deal with it a lot.
2. I never said anything like anyone was a moron, and I would not want to be understood that way. While I disagree with teleon22, I don't think he must be stupid or anything like that. I do believe, however, that he has a very decided opinion on the matter at hand and is not aware that it is actually possible to disagree rationally with his view.
3. I am a man. Really. I know it is not common for men to be reasonable and use calm logic in your surroundings (where it apparently is the domain of women alone), but everywhere else in the world, it is quite common, so please correct your misconception.
Yeah Sophie, nothing in this post seems like a troll to me...
I can't remember where your from Sophie, but I think the majority of us here are pretty open minded. If you like surrounding yourself with men, we won't judge you. Most of us however prefer the "company" of women
Using your sexual preference as a "logical" argument really isn't relevant at all
No, he is not. He is just receiving his own medicine. If he can't stand that, then maybe he should be less that way himself first, hm?
See, you accuse me if "veiled insults" when I was replying to someone who insults me all the time. How is that not measuring with double standard?
I accussed you of nothing. I pointed out that you do, without any doubt or hesitation, throw vieled insults at any who disagree with you while claiming the moral high ground as the attacked.
You are as guilty as those you condemn for actions you attribute to them.
Anybody who knows how to read can see it.
Its not a double standard becuase I was not defending redricky and his insults towards you. I was only pointing out that you are not blameless or beyond reproach in that you also insulted him, veiled though it was in form.
I have explained how he misunderstands, by conveniently ignoring your constant misbehavings.
I misunderstood nothing. I can see a church by daylight like any other.
Nor was I ignoring redricky's behavior. I was commenting on the hypocracy of yours instead.
A insult hidden in politelty worded reply is still an insult.
So we agree that it is a mere act of defense, and a very low-level one at that, I believe it is customary to regard that as acceptable everywhere on the planet.
It may have been a knee-jerk defense to being insulted but it still was an insult given, something you stated you do not do to others that is evidently not true.
You haven't figured out that my response was not about the insults between you and redricky only that he is right in that you do, in your own clever way, insult those who disagree with you quite often and do so with a what I can only think is a sense of higher moral standing becuase you do it so very well veiled in the language you use.
I'm fully acceptable that you countered his insults with your own and merely wished to point out that while yours may be the clever way of doing it, you still throw insults as many do and are as tainted by your actions as anyone.
As to the SNB DOffs, they need a balance pass to fix the issue they cause in PvP. Free debuffs that mimic a captain ability should not be so easy to come by ingame.
A insult hidden in politelty worded reply is still an insult.
It may have been a knee-jerk defense to being insulted but it still was an insult given, something you stated you do not do to others that is evidently not true.
You haven't figured out that my response was not about the insults between you and redricky only that he is right in that you do, in your own clever way, insult those who disagree with you quite often and do so with a what I can only think is a sense of higher moral standing becuase you do it so very well veiled in the language you use.
I'm fully acceptable that you countered his insults with your own and merely wished to point out that while yours may be the clever way of doing it, you still throw insults as many do and are as tainted by your actions as anyone.
As to the SNB DOffs, they need a balance pass to fix the issue they cause in PvP. Free debuffs that mimic a captain ability should not be so easy to come by ingame.
I wonder what his diagnosis would be if he were given a psychological screening. My guess would be Borderline Personality Disorder with Narcissistic Tendencies... Just Sayin'
Of course, even the "Sigh"s when he starts posts reminds me of Mikey and I used to say the same about him.
And no, DOFFs shouldn't mimic captain abilities, period. Nothing should.
I wonder what his diagnosis would be if he were given a psychological screening. My guess would be Borderline Personality Disorder with Narcissistic Tendencies... Just Sayin'
Of course, even the "Sigh"s when he starts posts reminds me of Mikey and I used to say the same about him.
And no, DOFFs shouldn't mimic captain abilities, period. Nothing should.
Possibily, though most would be shocked to find that when tested we all have a disorder of the personality in some form or fashion.
I had to have them every year for ten years, at one time in my past, and I can tell you the results where quite shocking the first few times.
After that one learns to accept the truth and iether change it or learn to live with it.
I agree that DOffs should not mimic Captain abilities in any form, though I would have no afront to a DOff that lowers the Cd on a Captain ability.
Does the Attack pattern DOff effect ApA or mimic the use of ApA in form?
Possibily, though most would be shocked to find that when tested we all have a disorder of the personality in some form or fashion.
I had to have them every year for ten years, at one time in my past, and I can tell you the results where quite shocking the first few times.
After that one learns to accept the truth and iether change it or learn to live with it.
I agree that DOffs should not mimic Captain abilities in any form, though I would have no afront to a DOff that lowers the Cd on a Captain ability.
Does the Attack pattern DOff effect ApA or mimic the use of ApA in form?
Never used attack patterns doffs, but I remember (possibly wrong) they don't affect apa. That's why I wasn't too interested in them. But I hope they won't in the future either... I think some ppl here complained about chaining apo due to the doffs, even though global cool down should not be affected.
Edit: I really hope cryptic doesn't plan on adding more variety in the game by adding things that emulate captain abilities such as apa doff, subnuc doff (already there) or rotate shield freq. or whatever career specific. In theory sounds cool but basically creates a realm of issues and complications.
Hear! Sons of Kahless
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill...
What the hell is going on here. Whats the fuzz all about?
Look, Subnuke doffs, I dont call them OP, I'd rather not call out for OP'ness to soon.
Do they add to the quality of PvP? No.
Why not? Because PvP is about skill and knowledge. Meaning?;
Putting Subnuke doffs on any ship only adds a critical (Death) chance based factor to a PvP match, and thats exactly what we dont want. Not with this kind of effect. Sure, Weapon procs are fine, but we're talking about Subnukes, a Sci captain ability basically. Let it not have the cooldown and debuff effect, the most devastating part of a Sci captain is his ability to one click stip all your abilities, including ALL resistance (Except your passives).
But, what we want in PvP is not a 5 man premade to each use 3 subnuke doffs, its lame, and I've practically already experienced on a PvP match is going with this. The only kills the opponent team got which massively used those doffs where because of the subnuke doffs (and some shield phaser procs)
Do we really want such PvP? I doubt many would. The skill level in STO PvP is already at a miserable level for 90% of the players.
Now, for the PvE QQn and PvP haters, what are you crying about? Subnuke in PvE has literally no $@#$@# of meaning. Subnuke in PvP is a very powerful tool, yet in PvE it sucks and its total TRIBBLE.
Just my opinion on it.
Edit: Oh and btw, I will use those doffs myself in some occasions now i know how effective they can be,
Adapt is the only way to equalize.
Please take vids. I gave this toolbag a hai welcome last night in OPVP and left it at that figuring he'd get his teeth kicked in PvPing and learn on his own, but if I'd seen this TRIBBLE sandwich hold the bread I'd have had a bit more to say.
@gaylileos, When I asked who you were (after you called OPVP carebears) you said "A guy who has PvP'd for years in many MMOs." That's great. If that's really the case, what you should have figured out by now is that MMO PvP communities are less forgiving of their young members than a Breakfast Hen, and that's a fictional bird that lays its eggs directly into a frying pan. You have given this particular PvP community the impression that you are new and rude. Hai and welcome.
Jorf, If you need a scrub to round out a team please let me know, I'd love to get in on this. Although if he's reflective of his fleet you'd probably be fine shortmanning it.
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
Hehe, gotta love teammates with TT. I always carry ST... and enough AoE damage to destroy most boarding parties.
Some people are really stubborn aren't they?
Decreasing the impact.... lol it effectively removes them from the match :rolleyes:
If the SNB D-OFF. simply increased cool-down times, and that was cleared by Science Team; then it would impact BUFFS but not break them. It would also use up Science Team so that Science Ships could use other De-Buffs like VM or other abilities. However, having all of your Buffs stripped once, twice or three or more times between every 30seconds is crazy broken!!!
^^^^ This comming from the guy that doesn't use EPTS and who says that Siphon drones, now coined: Sophie drones, are easily countered by BFAW in a 5 man premade with 2 or more carriers. :P
If you were not so painfully wrong, i'd cry laughing. As it is, because of cool-down times to proc instances over multiple copies of the D-OFF; the chance is effecitvely 100% chance to PROC between cool-down timeres. Do you grasp that? :rolleyes:
Frankly I think the game has too many ways to lockdown/shutdown/permahold targets and the Devs need to stop leaning to such gameplay in thier designs.
Of course my input may be invalid as I know I'm just an enthusiast of PvP.
One of Sophie's favorite tactic is to imply that you're just too dense to understand some point she's trying to make. She'll explain why you're a cute little moron while ignoring the realities of the situation, insulting you while demanding you be polite, and getting off topic while suggesting you start another thread if you bring up a related issue affecting the topic at hand.
Don't bother with her, she'll only troll you. Rest assured that those not suffering from chronic rectal cranial intrusion agree with you.
Edit: NVM, I see you know her history.
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
Let me tell you this: yday I helped somebody I didn't know at all to do a pve ground mission :eek:. And many pvp players are like that. The problem is when somebody comes here trashing you for all the wrong reasons and let some silly ego do the talking.
And to get back to the thread topic, jorf's idea is the most appealing for me, subnuc doffs to increase cool downs, but not by too much (maybe similar to sci's subnuke for 3 of them), followed by nixus's which applies a cool down reduction for sci's subnuc.
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill...
I'm going to see about getting SOB together.
Btw I've beaten your Fleet with a pug group already two times in a row.
Actually Redricky is right.
In point number 1 you imply he is a child without openly saying it in a very condescending manner. Thats the type of insult you give quite often when someone disagrees with you in your thread.
In point number 3 you imply (again) ina condescending manner that he is unreasoning and irrational in attitude and thus not capa ble of disagreeing as a man.
Both those veiled insults discredit your second point.
A lot of your threads and posts do this when someone disagrees with your cemented opinions on a subject.
Count me in if you need another tac for this.
TRIBBLE | -Show Me Your Critz-
Svarog | Veles | et al.
I'm only a moderate PVPer... but... if you can use my heals... or an observer... i'd be happy to watch and learn a few things at the same time.
I sent you a private challenge invite for 1v1. You saw it was me, and left. "Oh, you are RedRicky" and left the match. Not d/c'd, because you were still in OPVP and the forums immediately after.
For someone who RP's ("commands" his ship, wants to be captain) you were RPing a scared little girl. I'm just preserving your immersion.
Yes, this is a quality you have exploited from day 1 by posting seemingly honest requests for help, then trolling those who give you honest answers.
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
Yeah Sophie, nothing in this post seems like a troll to me...
I can't remember where your from Sophie, but I think the majority of us here are pretty open minded. If you like surrounding yourself with men, we won't judge you. Most of us however prefer the "company" of women
Using your sexual preference as a "logical" argument really isn't relevant at all
I accussed you of nothing. I pointed out that you do, without any doubt or hesitation, throw vieled insults at any who disagree with you while claiming the moral high ground as the attacked.
You are as guilty as those you condemn for actions you attribute to them.
Anybody who knows how to read can see it.
Its not a double standard becuase I was not defending redricky and his insults towards you. I was only pointing out that you are not blameless or beyond reproach in that you also insulted him, veiled though it was in form.
Lol soph, this may be the sig line for some people... Awwww, it sounds like a lil' girl that wants her doll back... :P
Seriously, lets not change thread topic, I won't answer your posts unless are related. Or make your own thread for that, lol.
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill...
have a good day.
^^^^ This is a great solution!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill...
Look, Subnuke doffs, I dont call them OP, I'd rather not call out for OP'ness to soon.
Do they add to the quality of PvP? No.
Why not? Because PvP is about skill and knowledge. Meaning?;
Putting Subnuke doffs on any ship only adds a critical (Death) chance based factor to a PvP match, and thats exactly what we dont want. Not with this kind of effect. Sure, Weapon procs are fine, but we're talking about Subnukes, a Sci captain ability basically. Let it not have the cooldown and debuff effect, the most devastating part of a Sci captain is his ability to one click stip all your abilities, including ALL resistance (Except your passives).
But, what we want in PvP is not a 5 man premade to each use 3 subnuke doffs, its lame, and I've practically already experienced on a PvP match is going with this. The only kills the opponent team got which massively used those doffs where because of the subnuke doffs (and some shield phaser procs)
Do we really want such PvP? I doubt many would. The skill level in STO PvP is already at a miserable level for 90% of the players.
Now, for the PvE QQn and PvP haters, what are you crying about? Subnuke in PvE has literally no $@#$@# of meaning. Subnuke in PvP is a very powerful tool, yet in PvE it sucks and its total TRIBBLE.
Just my opinion on it.
Edit: Oh and btw, I will use those doffs myself in some occasions now i know how effective they can be,
Adapt is the only way to equalize.