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Subnuke doffs should be nerfed - PvP is nearly dead



  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    as usual, i am dumbfounded as to why this only has become a concern now.

    So it was ok when only a few had it, is that your stance?

    All the Cooldown/proc doffs need a very thourough rework.
  • matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited October 2012
    reynoldsxd wrote: »
    as usual, i am dumbfounded as to why this only has become a concern now.

    So it was ok when only a few had it, is that your stance?

    All the Cooldown/proc doffs need a very thourough rework.

    its always been an issue, but now that there are more out there on the market the issue has become that more pronounced and noticeable.
  • edited October 2012
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  • matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited October 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Easy. As with much that is considered "OP" by some very loud PvPers, it is a matter of fashion. It is fashionable to see this or that as OP this week or month. Wait three months, and something else will be seen as OP.

    thats not the case at all, if you wait three months (at cryptics current overpowered release schedule) there will be a lot more broken/overpowered stuff to worry about.
  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited October 2012
    Back in the day they were too expensive for most of us to buy, so we couldn't really test them, though some, like Hilbert, still had their doubts.

    This is also an item that becomes exponentially more powerful and problematic the more of them you have on a team. Until recently you had at the very most a handful of SNB doffs in a match, and even that was rare. The problems with the SNB doff become more obvious the more of them there are in circulation.
  • captkirrahecaptkirrahe Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Easy. As with much that is considered "OP" by some very loud PvPers, it is a matter of fashion. It is fashionable to see this or that as OP this week or month. Wait three months, and something else will be seen as OP.

    In three months cryptic will have added more abilities and old ones will have been changed or have stayed the same. In short, mmos always have something considered OP because people play different class' with different skill sets and play styles.
    "OP" by some very loud PvPers
    I hope its loud, because that way it might make into your extremely dense skull that most posters on the pvp forum (especially the "loud" ones.:rolleyes:) don't have some kind of personal agenda or post because they want to fit in, but do so, in the hope of making the game better for everyone.
    Your Ramming Speed III deals 52098 (99235) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to Remus.
  • edited October 2012
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  • captkirrahecaptkirrahe Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    I agree. One has to keep in mind, though, that "the PvP community" leans to a certain subset of possible builds and styles, and not all of that is due to those being the most "optimal". Some of it is fashion.

    Why are you being rude? Having a bad day?

    I don't doubt that people like Fakehilbert or Husanak post because they genuinely believe changing the game in the ways they propose will improve the experience for everyone. (I am not so sure about a few others, though.)

    I just doubt that anyone is more capable to do so than the people who have access to the game code and player statistics. Unfortunately, the devs seem to have lost a bit of self-esteem lately.

    I'm always having a bad day when someone makes generalisations about a community that, at heart, is trying to help the progress of the game. Also what you may perceive as rude, I might as being honest.

    You assume developers will be more capable than players, and while that will be true much of the time, devs have said in interviews and posts that players often find combinations that they did not think of.

    Also balance takes a mindset, some devs might not have that "ultimate balance" in mind when designing abilities, indeed gecko, in a state of game post or some such, argued that abilities can be "a little op" which I don't agree with, as it becomes too much of a slippery slope, "well that's a little op, Ill make this one a little op too" and what my be my "little op" might be someone else's, extremely imbalanced.

    Listening and talking to the playerbase is a great thing. Doing many things that a small self-proclaimed elite wants is not. There are lots and lots of people who disagree with "the PvPers" in this subforum on many things, they are just not as loud-mouthed or are alienated by the very harsh tone down here and thus wouldn't bother to post here.

    For perspectives sake, I've seen far worse forums on many different games where the tone is harsher, you need a thick skin with all the trolling, flaming and ill-informed "facts" on the internet, but I do appreciate the recent dev communication to do with balance.
    Your Ramming Speed III deals 52098 (99235) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to Remus.
  • falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    Don't mind Sophiie. He likes to say inflammatory things like that to draw as much attention to himself as possible. Apparently calling the majority of this community "loud" and only concerned for our "fashionable" builds more than the balance of this game wasn't rude to start with. This is a guy who thinks that snb doffs are fine the way they are wiping all buffs on a target every 8secs, so I really wouldn't be too worried about what he has to say. Anyone who thinks that this is balanced doesnt quite get it.

    Im starting to believe that Sophie is a secret dev account created to lash back at us...lol. His constant comments about how the devs know better than us and we should just trust them seems kind of fishy...
  • ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    Don't mind Sophiie. He likes to say inflammatory things like that to draw as much attention to himself as possible. Apparently calling the majority of this community "loud" and only concerned for our "fashionable" builds more than the balance of this game wasn't rude to start with. This is a guy who thinks that snb doffs are fine the way they are wiping all buffs on a target every 8secs, so I really wouldn't be too worried about what he has to say. Anyone who thinks that this is balanced doesnt quite get it.

    Im starting to believe that Sophie is a secret dev account created to lash back at us...lol. His constant comments about how the devs know better than us and we should just trust them seems kind of fishy...

    It sounds like something Gecko would say. Which if he were Captain ****** himself it would not surprise me.

    BTW I had alot of fun in mechwarrior last night and I bought a Dragon mech for the first time since I played on a buddy's account. (which means first time in like 3 months or so lmao) I haz evil planz.
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    Im starting to believe that Sophie is a secret dev account created to lash back at us...lol. His constant comments about how the devs know better than us and we should just trust them seems kind of fishy...

    i lol'ed
    since apprently SNB doffs are crucial to engies viability, please give free snb doffs to every player with at least 100 pvp kills

  • falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    If you think devs can ever have the time to field test a game mechanic more than the entire community can, your kidding yourself. Devs might know the numbers behind the mechanics, but it's the community using it over and over again in the field that best knows how well it meshes in the balance of the game. There isn't enough hours in a day for the limited amount or devs to thoroughly field test every change they make. This is why tribble is so important. This is why listening to feedback from their community is so important(thanks bort). Even bort admitted to testing a change in a 1v1 environment with no testing done in a 5v5 environment. What sets him apart from most the devs though is that he's listening to the feedback from these changes once they're made. I do wish they would let us help them by testing things longer on tribble, but this is still better than what we've had for years.
  • ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    havam wrote: »
    i lol'ed
    since apprently SNB doffs are crucial to engies viability, please give free snb doffs to every player with at least 100 pvp kills


    But that means sophietia still won't have any.
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    But that means sophietia still won't have any.

    win win :)
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    But that means sophietia still won't have any.

    Red Wine out of cotton. Any ideas?:P
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    It sounds like something Gecko would say. Which if he were Captain ****** himself it would not surprise me.

    BTW I had alot of fun in mechwarrior last night and I bought a Dragon mech for the first time since I played on a buddy's account. (which means first time in like 3 months or so lmao) I haz evil planz.

    Yeah, I never see anyone on when I'm playing. I really was interested in the dragon, but in instead went the Jenner route after "eliteing" my cats. I put a xl engine and 6 small lasers on it and took down an atlas the other night 1v1. Pretty damn funny. I'm sure he was pissed trying to get me in arc...lol. Took forever though.

    I still may try a dragon though after i level both jenners. A hit and run heavy just sounds very interesting to me.

    My gauss wielding k2 is still my favorite.
  • ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    Yeah, I never see anyone on when I'm playing. I really was interested in the dragon, but in instead went the Jenner route after "eliteing" my cats. I put a xl engine and 6 small lasers on it and took down an atlas the other night 1v1. Pretty damn funny. I'm sure he was pissed trying to get me in arc...lol. Took forever though.

    I still may try a dragon though after i level both jenners. A hit and run heavy just sounds very interesting to me.

    My gauss wielding k2 is still my favorite.

    Craig (his user name there is Ihasa) and I were on last night. I get on usually around 11:15 to 11:30 PM EST. I'm playin some right now cause I wanna get a preview of my new dragon. I made a high mobile sniper. 1 Guass, and 2 ER Larges. (probably going to down grade them to Larges though) it's hard to get a feel for a good setup though in pugs so I'll probably wait till after a few games tonight before I change things.

    My founders cat is awesome though. 2 LRMs, and 2 Large Lasers. very solid sniper and long range shootist.

    Also I recommend hopping on the beta TS server and lookin for teams that way. Wound up in an excellent team last night and we went on a friggin rampage.
  • edited October 2012
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  • fearganfeargan Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    . o O (Why don't all the MWO players just go away and leave the Trekkers alone? That game clearly has a universe more to their mindset, with mindless and unreasonable warmongering everywhere. And isn't it even a direct violation of mod rulings, terms of use and their beta test NDA?)

    I'd like to be the first to say that mindless and unreasonable warmongering is canon from a Klingon, Breen, Mirror universe, etc. RP point of view. Furthermore, in reality, it is a trait of all humans.

    My name is Feargan and I endorse this mindless and unreasonable warmongering in STO and hereby pledge to bring about even more of it. :D
  • ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    . o O (Why don't all the MWO players just go away and leave the Trekkers alone? That game clearly has a universe more to their mindset, with mindless and unreasonable warmongering everywhere. And isn't it even a direct violation of mod rulings, terms of use and their beta test NDA?)

    You should be jumping for joy. I think it's pretty obvious most of us are prepping for a long haul hiatus from serious STO pvp. You'll finally get the opportunity to win without a full team carrying you to victory.

    Mind you, some of us like myself will still play abit of sto, if nothing else to keep current and keep our skills relatively sharp incase something major changes For The Better, in this games abused and neglected pvp development. As to why we "won't leave the trekkers alone!" Because some of us, unlike you have made friends. Friends that likely won't be going over to the other game.

    I do have to wonder though why you pvp. Because it's fairly obvious Rping at drozana is more your speed with all the hate you have for this community.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    serious STO pvp.

    I'm not sure this word applies.

    Especially with numerous threads asking for a Cruiser buff to damage, turn and special Fed/cruiser only weapons so the non-Tac class players can be the game Damage Dealer too.
    Frankly the whole games balance is too influenced by the playerbase in certain areas and not enough in others and is changed too quickly to make the next " I can't be bothered to learn PvP" player feel like they can PvP without effort.
    My favorite so far, Balancingwise for the classes, is the introduction of a P2W Cruiser becuase the P2W bugship is the escort, so the Cruiser players need a P2W ship as well.
    (all fine with me if we get a P2W Raider as well)

    There is nothing seriuos about PvP in STO but how much money it may bring Cryptic in selling the next P2W concept to the playerbase.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »

    I'm not sure this word applies.

    Especially with numerous threads asking for a Cruiser buff to damage, turn and special Fed/cruiser only weapons so the non-Tac class players can be the game Damage Dealer too.
    Frankly the whole games balance is too influenced by the playerbase in certain areas and not enough in others and is changed too quickly to make the next " I can't be bothered to learn PvP" player feel like they can PvP without effort.
    My favorite so far, Balancingwise for the classes, is the introduction of a P2W Cruiser becuase the P2W bugship is the escort, so the Cruiser players need a P2W ship as well.
    (all fine with me if we get a P2W Raider as well)

    There is nothing seriuos about PvP in STO but how much money it may bring Cryptic in selling the next P2W concept to the playerbase.

    Hence the coming hiatus. Another Wave of players gone cryptic. You lost quite a few to GW2. What are you doing to Answer? Nothing.

    Btw you should totally try the other game. I'm sure myself and other refugees will love to game with you there.
  • falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    . o O (Why don't all the MWO players just go away and leave the Trekkers alone? That game clearly has a universe more to their mindset, with mindless and unreasonable warmongering everywhere. And isn't it even a direct violation of mod rulings, terms of use and their beta test NDA?)

    Why are you being rude? Having a bad day?
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    Why are you being rude? Having a bad day?

    I think he's just mad that the other games beta test will be over long before STO get out of beta test.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    . o O (Why don't all the MWO players just go away and leave the Trekkers alone? That game clearly has a universe more to their mindset, with mindless and unreasonable warmongering everywhere. And isn't it even a direct violation of mod rulings, terms of use and their beta test NDA?)

    TBH, I wish Piranha had left MW alone...
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »

    Hence the coming hiatus. Another Wave of players gone cryptic. You lost quite a few to GW2. What are you doing to Answer? Nothing.

    Btw you should totally try the other game. I'm sure myself and other refugees will love to game with you there.

    Recently saw GW2 at a friends. Very nice game (though I tire of fantasy settings) very intuitive and easy to learn. Lots of fun.

    MWO gave me the beta entry but my PC crapped out so I'm heading to put it on a friends PC.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • edited October 2012
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  • edited October 2012
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  • falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    How was it rude to say that?

    Right, it wasn't. You are just trolling.

    I recommend you go back and read your post again. If you can't understand how what you said is insulting, then there is very little hope of you comprehending my meaning or what the statement was intended for.

    Or...you are just trolling...
  • falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    I recommend you go back and read your post again. If you can't understand how what you said is insulting, then there is very little hope of you comprehending my meaning or what the statement was intended for.

    This btw is my best attempt at the type of contemptuous response you usually leave for us lowly pvp'ers
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