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What if Cryptic used an entire season for just KDF?



  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    keppabar42 wrote: »
    I prefer the style of the KDF, so more to actually do on their side would be ideal. However I don't expect it'd ever happen that they got a major update exclusivly for them. if they did all the fed fans would scream their heads off, and the KDF players would all die of shock! LOL

    And then we'd lose all the players. That wouldn't be good. :P

    Okay.... slight change of subject then, what do you think of a Klingon Centred Pvp-themed Season?
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    As a primarily FED player, I wholeheartedly support the idea of a Season update with nothing BUT new content, missions etc for the Klingon faction. FED have plenty of story content as is, and if Cryptic has their way, they're fine if all new stories are made up by Foundry authors. But the KDF is still lacking in the level 1-20 range, needs a better looking UI, more polish, more ships, more costumes, more customization...

    In short, KDF needs MORE!!!
  • kimmerakimmera Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    And then we'd loose all the players. That wouldn't be good. :P

    Well I for one am very much in favor of loose players, as long as they are female. And as long as we don't lose them. :)

    In fact, if there are plenty of loose female players, I don't mind at all if the male players get lost whether those male players are loose or not :)

    I think a KDF themed PvP season would sadly be a complete waste of resources, not because I don't like the idea but because based on what I have seen in other games, I have doubts about the market levels for PvP generally.

    If the market is there, though, then I am all in favor of them tapping it.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    kimmera wrote: »
    Well I for one am very much in favor of loose players, as long as they are female. And as long as we don't lose them. :)

    In fact, if there are plenty of loose female players, I don't mind at all if the male players get lost whether those male players are loose or not :)

    Very funny.
    kimmera wrote: »
    I think a KDF themed PvP season would sadly be a complete waste of resources, not because I don't like the idea but because based on what I have seen in other games, I have doubts about the market levels for PvP generally.

    If the market is there, though, then I am all in favor of them tapping it.

    I don't, I have a couple of possible ideas that would be a lot of fun. I could work, but they would have to take great care in order to make it work.
  • praghaspraghas Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I am 100% for this.
    Cloaking generators break down at first sign of language.
  • eagledracoeagledraco Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    In the 90's Expansion Packs were common in MMOs. Players buy the pack and get access to new content, new zones & new classes.

    I don't know whats stopping Cryptic from doing something similar for the KDF and then do it for the Romulans too.
  • karmapointkarmapoint Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Original Content is always welcome. Original KDF stuff is always wanted.

    IF Crypt or other group make a whole original and new kdf stuff, like episodes, uniforms, ships and all others things, is really wonderful...

    Ok, for now, just talking in an imaginary world, ok?

    I am realist, the only true way to Crypt/PW invest heavily in KDF content in the STO is if in the future CBS make a new and whole original TV Series of Star Trek with a good focus in the Klingon Empire for change. Because the TV Series, Crypt/PW *have* to invest to get a whole group of new players and keep the current ones happy with the TV series.

    Withou a new TV series with the Klingon or the Empire in the main theme, is hard to PW/Crypt invest in a free will in the KDF Faction fully just in one season.

    *Sending tons of e-mails to CBS make a Empire/Klingon themed serie*
    Brasilis Elite Squad
    PW/Crypt can't make more KDF Content?
  • darthstormstrikedarthstormstrike Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    brigadooom wrote: »
    Season 4?




    "There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
  • pr1983pr1983 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Signed. I want this, badly.
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Seeing how cryptic has completely F'd up anything they've tried to fix, band-aid fixed it so it was functional but nowhere near its original condition and then forgetting about it....

    I'd say KDF does not want a season for themselves. If the devs did the entire klingon faction would be turned into Deferi or something.
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If all of you that favor adding lots of Klingon content are really serious and committed to the cause, then you need to do a couple of things to prove yourselves to Cryptic and PWE:

    1. Start spending real money on STO. Period. If you don't or won't then there is absolutely ZERO incentive for Cryptic to expend resources and development time to add Klingon content.

    2. Start dragging every single person that you know or can find into STO and encourage them to play the Klingon faction. Double the percentage, or better, of the player base that plays the Klingon faction. Base faction numbers would be clearly evident in the daily/weekly numbers reports. More players enjoying the available content = clear evident want for the content = need for more content.

    3. Quit complaining. Quit with the shots and barbs in comments and signatures. "Quit with the negative waves, Moriarty." Negative attitudes will continue to get you squat. Positive attitudes encourage positive interaction and positive response.

    I, a lifetime STO player since closed beta, fully expect to be trashed, flamed, insulted and other wise told that I don't have a bloody damn clue as to what Cryptic has done to the KDF or not done for the KDF. But the facts and truths are there and clearly evident for anyone with open eyes.

    The challenge is in your court, Klingon fans.
  • lazarus51166lazarus51166 Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    One whole season devoted to KDF?

    That would leave the other 80% of the player base in limbo with nothing new to enjoy OR spend money on

    thats circular logic. thats like saying ford shouldn't create a 2013 model of a specific car because the people that want a 2013 model of a different car won't be getting theirs. it makes no sense and certainly isn't a valid excuse not to do something
    That would leave Cryptic in a financial bind with substantially reduced income over those 5-7 months because the resources needed to keep the 80% interested and spending money would otherwise be devoted to content that might be enjoyed by the 20% of the player base/trekkies/trekkers that actually like the Klingon story and want to play KDF.

    how so? the game is free to play now so they would not be losing sub money. the only money they get for the most part comes from the cstore sales. thats a fact. its also a fact that cryptic has repeatedly claimed that the team that creates the cstore stuff is a separate team than the actual content development team. the point being that what you have said here cannot possibly be true
    But that won't happen. The majority of the player base is not interested in the Klingon story. The majority of the trekkies/trekkers are not interested in the Klingon story. They are not interested in any other factional story. They are interested in the Fed story.

    there is nothing whatsoever to base these claims on. you're just making assumptions without any evidence
    Even if there were to be a whole brand new MMORPG developed and focused completely on and exclusively to the Klingon story, there would still not be the necessary public interest to generate enough income to make the endeavor profitable.

    this is also not based in fact. by the way, you do know there have been at least two klingon specific games produced in the past that did quite well, right?
    I don't care how much Cryptic builds out the Klingon faction, or any other faction for that matter, as none of them will ever generate the necessary interest from the general public to make the effort worthwhile and financially profitable.

    again, there is nothing to base that on as fact. such claims do not even make sense
    There's no way in heck Cryptic will devote an entire season to KDF, much as it needs it.

    But by introducing the Romulans as a bigger factor in the game, it would open up lots of potential storylines for both the KDF and the Feds. One single plot could be explored from three different sides. New options for PvP, etc.

    if they won't devote an entire season to adding to the KDF then they won't devote an entire season to developing a third faction either. to say nothing of the fact they have said that there will be no third one till the klingons are better off. the fact is, if they do not have the resources to finish something that already exists, they don't have the resources to add an entire faction to the game either. that aside, even if they somehow managed to do so, it stands to reason that such a faction would be in a far worse situation than the klingons are now. then there is the problem of diverting limited resources to the development of three factions instead of two - which stretches development even thinner than it is now. they can't even handle developing two factions right now. you think adding a third is a good idea?
    I'm pretty sure a whole season devoted to the KDF would only enrage and infuriate the vocal KDF players on the forums... all that "content" would be overwhelming to pick apart as being sub-par to whatever the dev team developed over the last two years that is not played by people who focus only on one faction in the game...

    sarcasm aside, what do you think would happen if the romulans did get into the game? the ignored KDF faction would be screaming bloody murder, and they would have every right to. not that you brought up the romulans. but its something to think about
    What a waste of development time. Now had you proposed a whole season to Romulans, that would be entirely different than catering to space ogres.

    I hope thats sarcasm
    I love the KDF, and i would love to see more focus on it. but an entire season would be silly

    and an entire season devoted to pointless fleet additions isn't silly? it would be far more productive and healthy for the game than what season 6 turned out to be
    Okay.... slight change of subject then, what do you think of a Klingon Centred Pvp-themed Season?

    an utter waste of resources. near non existant pvp, combined with ever shrinking numbers of klingon players means this would likely be dead on arrival
    I am realist, the only true way to Crypt/PW invest heavily in KDF content in the STO is if in the future CBS make a new and whole original TV Series of Star Trek with a good focus in the Klingon Empire for change. Because the TV Series, Crypt/PW *have* to invest to get a whole group of new players and keep the current ones happy with the TV series.

    Withou a new TV series with the Klingon or the Empire in the main theme, is hard to PW/Crypt invest in a free will in the KDF Faction fully just in one season.

    that makes no sense. that aside, I take it you never saw DS9...?
    Season 4?

    that.... and the 45 day patch ;)
    If all of you that favor adding lots of Klingon content are really serious and committed to the cause, then you need to do a couple of things to prove yourselves to Cryptic and PWE:

    1. Start spending real money on STO. Period.

    I don't think so. crypic claimed they made a killing on that lockbox scam. where exactly did that money go, development wise?
    2. Start dragging every single person that you know or can find into STO and encourage them to play the Klingon faction

    i've found it smarter to warn people away from the game in the current state of bs its in
    3. Quit complaining. Quit with the shots and barbs in comments and signatures. "Quit with the negative waves, Moriarty." Negative attitudes will continue to get you squat. Positive attitudes encourage positive interaction and positive response.

    what? stop telling cryptic what they're doing is not ok? you've told people to 'stop complaining' and 'shut up and leave if you don't like it' for quite awhile in various threads. you just had to slip that in here. you know what positive reactions to bad decisions and actions gets you? more bad decisions and actions. keeping quiet does NOT work. appeasement only makes the one being appeased act more boldly in their bad decisions. we ended up in a world war precisely because of that kind of thinking
    The challenge is in your court, Klingon fans

    putting it all on the KDF now then? the only one that can change the current situation is cryptic
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Point by point posts? Already?

    Let's keep this civilised, this was meant to be a constructive discussion. :D
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    My comments in red.
    pyryck wrote: »
    If all of you that favor adding lots of Klingon content are really serious and committed to the cause, then you need to do a couple of things to prove yourselves to Cryptic and PWE:

    1. Start spending real money on STO. Period. If you don't or won't then there is absolutely ZERO incentive for Cryptic to expend resources and development time to add Klingon content.

    Check. I've put my money where my mouth is.

    2. Start dragging every single person that you know or can find into STO and encourage them to play the Klingon faction. Double the percentage, or better, of the player base that plays the Klingon faction. Base faction numbers would be clearly evident in the daily/weekly numbers reports. More players enjoying the available content = clear evident want for the content = need for more content.

    You don't drag people into playing something if they don't want to. That's pi$s-poor recruiting. If people do come in, if they need help, by all means, we're pretty welcoming for newbies since the KDF community is smaller than the Federation Horde.

    3. Quit complaining. Quit with the shots and barbs in comments and signatures. "Quit with the negative waves, Moriarty." Negative attitudes will continue to get you squat. Positive attitudes encourage positive interaction and positive response.

    "Silence is Consent."
    'Nuff said.

    Besides, if Cryptic hates the KDF so much because we hurt their feelings on calling them out on stuff they've done or continue to fail to do, what are they going to do? Stop developing for the KDF?

    LOL, they already essentially are.

    I, a lifetime STO player since closed beta, fully expect to be trashed, flamed, insulted and other wise told that I don't have a bloody damn clue as to what Cryptic has done to the KDF or not done for the KDF. But the facts and truths are there and clearly evident for anyone with open eyes.

    The challenge is in your court, Klingon fans.

    No. The challenge has has always been in Cryptic's court. When it was evident how lackluster KDF development was when the game went live, the glove was thrown in front of their feet to fix this sh*t. And surprisingly, after my return of being gone almost 2 years, they still have not made the KDF a full-fledged faction, but merely a side job.

    Again, the challenge has always been in Cryptic's court. And they have continually FAILED for 2 years of this game being live.

  • ndangerndanger Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I would come back and play the game for this
    Dazed and confused at what goes on in STO since Feb 2010
  • jkstocbrjkstocbr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    New companion pet available ...... Flying Targ
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    jkstocbr wrote: »
    New companion pet available ...... Flying Targ

    It's a Targ!

    ....with a jetpack! :D
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    pyryck wrote: »
    If all of you that favor adding lots of Klingon content are really serious and committed to the cause, then you need to do a couple of things to prove yourselves to Cryptic and PWE:

    1. Start spending real money on STO. Period. If you don't or won't then there is absolutely ZERO incentive for Cryptic to expend resources and development time to add Klingon content.

    2. Start dragging every single person that you know or can find into STO and encourage them to play the Klingon faction. Double the percentage, or better, of the player base that plays the Klingon faction. Base faction numbers would be clearly evident in the daily/weekly numbers reports. More players enjoying the available content = clear evident want for the content = need for more content.

    3. Quit complaining. Quit with the shots and barbs in comments and signatures. "Quit with the negative waves, Moriarty." Negative attitudes will continue to get you squat. Positive attitudes encourage positive interaction and positive response.

    I, a lifetime STO player since closed beta, fully expect to be trashed, flamed, insulted and other wise told that I don't have a bloody damn clue as to what Cryptic has done to the KDF or not done for the KDF. But the facts and truths are there and clearly evident for anyone with open eyes.

    The challenge is in your court, Klingon fans.

    Spoken like a true gluttonous fanboy. Were you actually around this game as long as you claim you would know the development history, or lack thereof, regarding both factions. We've spent the money. We've played both sides of the ball here. We don't need some blowhard like you sitting on his high horse telling us what we "need" to do or not do. Open your eyes. More people left this game than were here until it went to F2P. If you don't want to be told you "don't have a bloody damn clue as to what Cryptic has done or not done" then don't act and speak as though you don't have a bloody damn clue. Clearly you don't have a bloody damn clue.
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I have spent a great deal of money, lifer sub, lots of Cpoints to buy this that or the other new toys, fluff bundles, more Cpoints for more Cstore services, flagship bundles and even more Cpoints for more services.Hell ive bought Cpoints just to convert them to DL. I have spent my money on STO. Ive done my bit to invest in it based on the promises not kept the KDF from day one. It has brought much change and some good growth to the KDF but nothing like the complete faction play stated since GenCon or the late days of CB & B.
    For those promises our fandom has recieved more excuses than growth.
    Someof those excuses are reasonable as no company can fortell the abuses of an incompetant owner. Others fall strictly on the head of Cryptic.

    I have brought players to the game and they all played it both through fed cap and KDF cap. Some even bought lifers on the promise of better days for the KDF in the future. All have left due to its poor growth, the apparent disinterest by Cryptic amd even the sel righteous atitudes of some fedfans. One left after 3 weeks due to his dislike of his seeing lockboxes as gambling.
    I have pushed STO as much as any fan can. It always fails to hold on due one bad experience or another.
    In my opiniom Cryptic needs to do a better job of enticing and holding on to all fans of the IP.

    Ill stop being the TRIBBLE in some of my postings, stop causticly critizing the Devs and become more positive thinking player when we fans stop seeing and hearing our desires belittled by both the Devs and feds alike.

    The ball is on the court only. It has never been in our hands. This Cryptics game. All they do is let us dribble the ball for fun from time to time, but we have never been allowed to fully play the game in a complete sense.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • xenor002xenor002 Member Posts: 424
    edited August 2012
    I don't think I can imagine such an impossible thing sadly.. :(

    Dec '07 Account
    I EARNED 1000 days...I didn't BUY it! New LTS=Death to Vet.System: 10/10/12 Never Forget
    Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
  • taergontaergon Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'd be more interested in playing KDF and therefore a KDF season if the user interface was changed.

    30 minutes after playing with that dark, red interface and I get a headache. It's such a shame since the KDF ships are beautiful, I'd love to play them.
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    That will never happen. Regardless of the content disparity, leaving out the Federation in a whole season update just isn?t going to happen.

    Content in small doses for the KDF is more likely. Hell, I would almost be happy if I had the costume options for my KDF chars that my Fed chars have. My KDF chars have one, maybe two costumes, my Fed chars have a dozen and more.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    taergon wrote: »
    I'd be more interested in playing KDF and therefore a KDF season if the user interface was changed.

    30 minutes after playing with that dark, red interface and I get a headache. It's such a shame since the KDF ships are beautiful, I'd love to play them.

    Actually, now that you mention it, that is half the reason I dislike KDF. :rolleyes:
    qjunior wrote: »
    That will never happen. Regardless of the content disparity, leaving out the Federation in a whole season update just isn?t going to happen.

    Content in small doses for the KDF is more likely. Hell, I would almost be happy if I had the costume options for my KDF chars that my Fed chars have. My KDF chars have one, maybe two costumes, my Fed chars have a dozen and more.

    You know, they could just add the mercenary set for KDF side. It would make more sense over there anyway. :P
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    One whole season devoted to KDF?

    if they won't devote an entire season to adding to the KDF then they won't devote an entire season to developing a third faction either. to say nothing of the fact they have said that there will be no third one till the klingons are better off. the fact is, if they do not have the resources to finish something that already exists, they don't have the resources to add an entire faction to the game either. that aside, even if they somehow managed to do so, it stands to reason that such a faction would be in a far worse situation than the klingons are now. then there is the problem of diverting limited resources to the development of three factions instead of two - which stretches development even thinner than it is now. they can't even handle developing two factions right now. you think adding a third is a good idea?

    You're assuming I meant short-term, like this year. And I'd agree that ain't happening.

    Cryptic won't always be playing catch up with existing game features. At some point constantly adding new systems or overhauling existing systems will start becoming counter-productive. This is an MMORPG, not "Sims In Space". They're going to need to focus on other kinds of content someday, if they want to keep players in the game.

    There WILL be a third faction, if the servers aren't shut down first. Won't be soon. Don't know when.

    But yes, adding a third faction is a good idea... someday.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • uxvorastrixuxvorastrix Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    An entire season devoted to KDF content = loss of membership.

    They've already devoted an entire season to fleets (which most members are not in), and it is my opinion that alternate playable factions should not be "full factions" equal to Fed. They should be endgame only factions.

    This game wasn't designed to be the 'r a p e and pillage klingon experience', KDF was added as bonus content.

    There are dozens of threads on this issue, and the devs have repeatedly stated that KDF as an equal faction will not happen, can not happen, so please for the love of all that is.... give it a rest already.

    Perhaps in the next Star Trek game to come out, it might be doable, but not in this one.
    D&D DM/Player since 1982 - all versions except the despised 4e
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    the devs have repeatedly stated that KDF as an equal faction will not happen, can not happen

    Yes, yes they have. The Feds will always be out in front.

    I just want to see the KDF close the gap just a little bit.

    This is what I'd like to see:

    1. KDF gets equal opportunity in any new systems that are developed. There should be parity in DO Assignments, Commendations, and Fleet Advancement, for example.

    2. PvP gets fixed for everybody. This is good for everybody, but it's especially good for KDF.

    3. KDF gets more rounded out in terms of ships, costume options, and vanity items available for them. Not equal, but better than now.

    4. Introduce a Romulan faction, in about the same state that Klingons were in when F2P launched.

    5. Introduce a Territory Control game system that works for all three factions.

    6. Work on extending KDF and Romulans together for the 1-20 level progression, so that some of the storylines for early advancement can play off each other as part of a Klingon-Romulan conflict.

    7. Now Romulans can be the red-headed, pointy-eared, green-blooded stepchildren for awhile :)
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    and the devs have repeatedly stated that KDF as an equal faction will not happen, can not happen, so please for the love of all that is.... give it a rest already.

    Completeness not equality of content is our goal. A level one to endgame fashion of play. They are already halfway there. Add the missing low level content to give the level one start and add some Storyline centric STF from a KDF PoV to the endgame that all can play and the fans are happy and the feds will not be left out at endgame, plus they will ahve new STFs to enjoy.

    I've seen every thread, every posting and every podcast dealing with this issue and have never seen or heard any statement that proves your claim. I have never seen or heard any claim from the Devs that the KDF will not be one day complete.

    I have only ever heard fedfans come out and say that the Devs said this that or the other, to the detriment of the KDF but no Devs has ever stated that they have stopped working on or have no intention of ever bring the KDF up to a complete level of gameplay

    I have seen and heard statements saying that the KDF may not be completed at this time or another due to other concerns that needed to by addressed for the viability of the game only.

    Only you and other fedfans like you, plus the momentarily downtrodden KDF fan who has lost hope, spout that teh Devs have completely abandoned the KDF.

    Show me the proof of your claims in post, thread or podcast or STFU.

    In fact let me help you out. Here is an excerpt from the GoS Dan Stahl interview and his response to Cryptics view of teh State of KDF. Show me where he says the Devs have given up on the KDF.
    Gates: According to Cryptic, what is the current state of the Klingon Empire? How does Perfect World view the KDF faction? Is there common ground between the needs and wants of PWE, Cryptic, and the player base?

    Dan: The Klingon Empire is in better shape than it ever has been, considering at launch of the game it was pretty much cut as a feature and relegated to only being monster-play like PVP similar to that in LOTRO. Over two years, while making 4 seasons worth of updates, we’ve also managed to add a solid mission progression path so that there are episodes at nearly every level from level 21 to 51, and more being added this year. So from my perspective, we’ve devoted significant resources to convert what was once PVP monster play over to a viable PVE experience up to max level with the resources on hand. Add in KDF support for new features like the Duty Officer system and Red Alerts, and the only thing the FEDs have that the KDF does not are a specific tutorial and the early content levels up to level 21. This year we will be adding Fleet advancement, new end game challenges, and Starbases for KDF as well. KDF has come a long way.

    Unfortunately, that is not how some KDF players see it. They see the KDF as the Horde in WoW and wonder why it is doesn’t have its own zones with an entirely separate content track unto itself. The game was just not made to be that at launch. The only way we’ll ever get there is if we spin up an entirely separate team of content designers to go back and make a few years’ worth of content and release it as an expansion.

    From PWE’s perspective, they are most concerned with end game PVP between factions, which actually had we kept to the original plan and just focused on KDF as a PVP only faction, perhaps we would be a lot closer to what they want to see. Finding a balance between all of the desires for the KDF is where the future lies.

    Now go find that evidence you spout as being so definate as the word of the Devs.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • grtiggygrtiggy Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Title says it all. Would you be in support of an entire season being devoted to KDF? What would you like to see if Cryptic did this? What do you think the Pros and Cons would be?
    pro: new everything for KDF and some more reasons to go KDF

    Cons: feddo's ******** they have nothing that season

    what would be in it: couple new episode arcs KDF specific possibly aftermath episodes of episodes from the fed side (i.e doomsday kuv'a magh and no i cant spell it) new space/ground sets KDF specific , raiding of feddo assets in there territory, ability to shoot freely at feddos in signal contacs and help out the Klingon NPC's under attack by them, advances in the klingon storyline and possibly the WHOLE war, abuility to take systems of the feddos and move the boarder ( PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!) abulity to attack specific fleets starbases and temporarily deny useage of some of there assets on the starbase. mission content from level 1 up through to 20 and a klingon specific tutorial , Challenge folks to batleth combat on the challenge floor on Quo'Nos and possably periodic PvP tournements with some unique ground gear rewards and/or trophys for your ship interior.

    ok i think i rambled on a bit to long here but a guy can dream right?
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    An entire season devoted to KDF content = loss of membership.

    They've already devoted an entire season to fleets (which most members are not in), and it is my opinion that alternate playable factions should not be "full factions" equal to Fed. They should be endgame only factions.

    This game wasn't designed to be the 'r a p e and pillage klingon experience', KDF was added as bonus content.

    There are dozens of threads on this issue, and the devs have repeatedly stated that KDF as an equal faction will not happen, can not happen, so please for the love of all that is.... give it a rest already.

    Perhaps in the next Star Trek game to come out, it might be doable, but not in this one.

    An entire game devoted to Fed content caused a loss of membership two years ago and dwindling numbers until F2P. What's your point?
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Season 4? Nope, wrong. What caused the drop in people playing was no new content (beyond cosmetic changes).

    Unless, we as players can provide multitudes of new KDF players spending money on KDF things, the KDF will not get a devoted Season. At the most, we can see KDF lock boxes or a KDF DOFF pack.

    They should introduce lvl 50 mini-factions, where there is a social hub, three ships (at first) for the three classes, a small craft, costume changes, specie-specific UI change (or at least allow us to change the color scheme), and a couple of intro missions.

    Then have the Foundry kick out new story arcs under the guidance of the Devs.
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