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Ask Cryptic: August 2012 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • chrismmillerchrismmiller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Are there plans to update the rewards for the Diplomatic missions? If I am thinking correctly, they still reward only 10 points, just as they did before the switch to the Duty Officer assignments. Since my next rank up is 50,000 points, it's taking a while even with the officer assignments. I would love to get my character to Ambassador!
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    why is the kar'fi being left behind and what else are you going to take away from kdf
  • eurrsk47eurrsk47 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Will we see be able to see playable Xindi characters along with npcs and doffs someday?
    Live Long and Prosper!
    Or Die Trying!
    ==== Try my new Foundry Mission: "Operation Demon Storm" ====
  • ilovekaylabeelilovekaylabeel Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    when will the iconians be revealed; what are the long-term plans concerning leveling up after level 50; will there be any tier six or tier seven ships?
  • bookreader84bookreader84 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Were are dropping keys in Elite STFs? Were is a galaxy pack? were is the voyager pack? When are we going to see more LTS perks? we shelled 2-300$ on the game and we dont get a lot of bonus features, maybe 2-3 free box opens daily as the drop rate of good stuff is negligible. And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add more KDF stuff!!
  • switchngcswitchngc Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    3. The addition of timers to Nukara hasn't been met with enthusiasm, will this be undone?

    You made many, Many valid points (sadly, I don't see any of them, particularly the ones related to $$$ actually being answered, or if they are we will just get some fluff that doesn't really answer the question. However, the item I quoted is one I would definitely like to see answered. I'm not so sure it is the timers that are the issue though... as much as the timers in addition to the timegating.

    As it stands there is no reason to do the Nukura missions more than once, the only real rewards are only useful on Nukura for one and with the timers and timegating you can get more Fleet Marks (double if in a good team) doing 2 of the shorter PVE ques that take 30 min total than you can by doing ALL of the Easy and Medium missions (inside and outside) and waiting on the timers. And during non-event times you can get the same number of marks doing the PVE ques in the same time span as you can get during the even times on Nukura, but Nukura give nothing of value during non-event times (and don't try to say the Tholian boxes you get are of value, they are only of value if you intend to do Nukura more and even then only until you get the Tholian set as everything else is basically trash (99% EV suits? really? those are immediately trashed unless you are just starting out as there are so many of them they are worthless, even the purples).

    Granted, the ability to get upwards of 1000 Marks in a 2 hour event is a little excessive, but the way it is I will never step foot back on Nukura again as I have no incentive to do so. If Nukura is going to have timers then it needs to give fleet marks all the time (and double during the event assuming you actually want people to go there. And if you don't want people to go there then I find it ironic that you charge $7 for a single character unlock of an item that is ONLY somewhat useful there (and not at all useful if you have the Tholian set). Anyhow, I know it isn't stated in the form of a question, but that is the "clarification" I wanted to make to that question.
  • eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2012
    What do you think about accountbound status of items? Like if it changed from bound to accountbound, meaning you could share the items within your account bank, butt you couldn't trade them with other players. That way it would be easier to get all those EDC's, Lobies, Salvies etc. to the right character. :)

    ~ Meowz
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
  • phase325phase325 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    will The Foundry Come Back This Year ?
  • flazizlle0flazizlle0 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Last "Ask Cryptic" you hinted that the Romulan faction can be considered storyline. Does that mean we'll finally be seeing that faction next major update? And if we do will the Romulan fleets have starbases already or will we have to wait for another update to see Romulan starbases?
  • rtk142rtk142 Member Posts: 613 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hoping some of my questions get answered this month

    What's with explore strange new worlds/chart the b'tran cluster being on a 24 hour timer when other dailies like defera, traelus, and investigate officer reports are on a 20 hour timer

    Why isn't there a character select screen so we don't have to keep entering our passwords to select a different character?

    Any chance we'll ever see more long hair options for men? As it is now, they look like they belong on cheesy guys from the 70s with beer guts.

    Will the KDF Marauding Bridge officers ever be customizable? I get it doesn't make sense for them to be in their Starfleet uniform, but they could wear KDF stuff couldn't they? At least let us change skintones and facial features.

    How about some love for races from Enterprise like the Suliban, Tandarans, Denobulans, and others?

    Why do npcs every so often briefly beam out then back in or whatever it is they do?

    Can we please get a dedicated trasnporter room beam in point for the academies so we can end the game of "guess where on the grounds we'll beam into"?

    Can something be done about the fleet bank lag?
    Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
  • burstdragon323burstdragon323 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    Are there any plans to add Fleet Marks to current events, like Starbase 24/Scout Force/Minefield/Mirror Universe Event?
  • ackreedackreed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I will look more in the future and have one question for the klingon content.

    It is possible that will Season 8 a pure klingon Update with new missions, new ships and another klingon stuff like a pet similiar the tribble of the Feds. It would be great, when the klingon are on the same level like the Federation PVE.


  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    in one of the last Ask Cryptic's you told us that the "one big Sector Space" is not going to happen any time soon for Tech reasons.

    If so, then how about fixing up the long list of issues and annoyances with the current Sector Space, spawning and facing in the wrong direction, invisible walls, BOff popups that won't go away once out of range (change it to the same UI element that is used for Planets? the one in the center...).

    Or my personal pet peeve that there is no direct connection from Romulan to Cardassian space, the result is that Klingons below Marauding Rank 3 have to fly ALL THE WAY around Sirius! (which is just horribly time consuming, and extra bad for DOffers that need to fly through the different Sectors all the time).

    Fleet Bases.
    Please make sure that we get a good Preview about any Special Projects in the future,
    i am sure many Fleets would have skipped that "Flowers" project for 200k dil if they had known that it really only places a few Flowers from Mrs. O'Brien in the Base...
    and if we don't like what those do to our base, we can't even switch the Visual OFF again :(

    Some more customization here please!

    Xbox 360 Gamepad Support!

    log out / log in, type Password, only to swap characters?
    Can this PLEASE be made easier?
    I have 11 Characters by now, i type in my Password like 100 times a day... and that is no exaggeration, might actually be a good bunch more on a good day.
  • hylanvahrhylanvahr Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Are there plans for special Duty Officer assignments exclusively for members of a fleet that can score fleet marks upon success?
  • apulseapulse Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Could you tell us some fun statistics in Star Trek Online?
    For an example like: How many Tholian box which has been opened, how many Foundry maps is published every week and so forth.
  • mikewendellmikewendell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You have a forum moderator who can't even send a PM correctly which has interfered with being able to do their "job" correctly. You also have an employee who has shown me that they are unable to use the forums software correctly.

    Why are both these folks still in the positions that they're in?

    What's being done to improve customer satisfaction?

    Not like these will be answered but I'll throw them out anyway.
  • switchngcswitchngc Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I would like to know the reasoning for adding so many new currencies to the game, particularly after having removed so many and converting them to Dilithium because "there were too many currencies in the game". Lets see, maybe I won't miss any...
    1. Energy Credits
    2. Gold Pressed Latinum
    3. Dilithium (refined)
    4. Dilithium (unrefined)
    5. Common Unreplicatable Materials
    6. Uncommon Unreplicatable Materials
    7. Zen
    8. Fleet Marks
    9. Fleet Credits
    10. EDC
    11. Lobi
    12. Rare Borg Salvage
    13. Prototype Borg Salvage
    14. Fleet Modules

    Did I get them all?
  • argent007argent007 Member Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    Are there any plans at letting us purchase, accountwide, the ISS prefix for our starships, as well as the mirror paint scheme

    Also, would it be possible to get a Voyager Bundle featuring a Delta Flyer II with the pop-out impulse engines to provide a speed boost (only usable on Delta shuttles), and photonic missiles like what was used on the Mk 1 Delta

    Finally, would it be possible to get a greater Cryptic presence on these forums during the weekend, instead of letting us stew and fume all weekend
  • darcanisdarcanis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1) As the only member of my small fleet working on progressing the base, is there any word on rewarding fleet marks for foundry missions? I realize you want people to use the STF Fleet missions, but they get boring real fast when you are doing them until you see them in your sleep. Why not promote foundry missions with fleet marks and reward accordingly. I just got 45 fleet marks on a STF that took 20 min. Why not at least 25 for 30 min mission and progress from there depending on mission time. That or add fleet marks to rewards for old seasons storyline as inventive to replay them all.

    2) Add traits to auction house to make searching for weapons and doffs with certain traits easier and faster. Also ability to search all doffs per dept (Tactical, engineering, etc..)

    3) Any chance of better rewards for foundry content developers? Maybe adding select missions to official storylines and rewarding the author tangible rewards like choice of blurays, collectibles, or outfits? After all these higher quality missions and stories would add much needed content and are essentially free development for Cryptic, so even a collectible prize such as models or seasons of shows is far cheaper than what you pay a developer. Win win situation.

    4) For those who hate powerful weapons in PVP is it possible to nerf them when in PVP situation and leave them full powered in PVE situations so those of us who don't PVP can feel powerful in our combat against bots and not humans.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Got a few questions here that are merely peaceful this time :)

    1. With season 7 story will we see anything regarding worf the revenge against martok/or undine story of worf doing what no other klingon has done before since worf did state once it could not have been joining starfleet :)

    2. Being that the federation has a escort flight deck will we be seeing something similar for the kdf in the lines I was thinking of either a raptor, orion escort, nausicaan siphon pod escort, or ferasan escort?

    3. Any chances of the Bat'leth warriors circle in the First City being a place we can actually do live action battles in the First City.

    4. In regards to #3 and the way that melee combat currently works where it is not up to par with using energy weapons, as well as its not really usable in stfs or the new ground instances due to the lack of damage or assimilation aspect. As well as when using the swords nausicaan/tegular it is extremely choppy and makes your eyes bleed. Are there going to be changes made to relieve these negative aspects?

    5. It has been over a month now since the request/demand for linking Cryptic Accounts to PWE accounts but with all the tickets and forum threads out there where it saves the Cryptic Account name every time where you have to retype it and these tickets just get marked as resolved when the issue is not resolved can we expect any resolution to this any time soon?

    6. Any chance that bugs that affect the KDF for most part but pretty much anyone who uses a cloak such as when optional tabs do not pop up for those with regular cloaks until they decloak but with the b'rel they auto pop up because of the enhanced battle cloak as well as any one who has a cloak it will break upon recieving dialogue or using tactical only skills that do not affect the target when activating them such as tactical fleet.

    7. Can we expect in season 7 with the discussed progressive system for STF's to have it gated where when joining a que you are only grouping with people on specific level of gameplay... Some stfs are just impossible when dealing with very green players if the que is the only place to get people and usually they are not even properly equipped to do them.

    8. Are we going to see new fleet events or actions that go deeper into the respects of both factions such as first contacts, peace talks for federation side... and conquering random systems for the KDF side?

    9. With PvP being discussed very vaguely if it is going to be improved is there going to be any additional staffing with GM support because as internet gaming or MMORPG's have become more popular to even contend with more popular pvp games in the sense of STO becoming actually fun to do PvP the rise of cheating will explode exponentially and as it is now the GM staff is so under manned right now that even simple little issues take 6 months or more to be resolved.

    10. Any chance we can see the transphasics revamped a bit more to the idea Heretic had about them being very high in damage but a high cooldown. I believe it would be more beneficial since a b'rel using them has to stay constantly decloaked to deliver damage in the regard that it does now which the game mechanics work more in favor of the person being attacked than it does to a balanced situation in combat.

    11. Are we ever going to see any decent looking KDF uniforms for the z-store/c-store? There is only one really good one and most of us get stuck with 1 PSG piece left and almost impossible to ever find good teams to do that one and when you do odds are it will never drop.

    12. Any plans of redoing the Kits on KDF side to feel more KDF... I would really love to see some kits in regards to things such as what was talked about in TOS like the Klingon Nerve Gas Kits for a Sci and some Targ Handler Kits, etc.

    13. This is the last one but I know its on everyones mind because if you do STF's you go no Fleet Marks, and if you don't do STF's you don't get things to get Dilithium for end game. So I would just suggest you get a mixture of both for all of these fleet actions/events.
  • keeny75keeny75 Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hi I was wondering if the devs have any plans to put something exclusive in to the capitans table as there is nothing in there that you can't obtain in a fleet base?

    This makes the capitans table a little redundant and no longer a selling point to become a lifer.

    Keeny, England U.K.
  • webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Are there any plans to improve Ker'rat and make it a better place to PVP?

    What ever happened to the project to make a Red Alert PVP System where the KDF could attack Convoys and the Federation could come and try to stop it?

    Are there any Plans to add PVP to Fleet Star Bases, and if so can you divulge any tidbits about them?

    Are there any Plans to add PVP Map Creation ability to the Foundry?

    Are there plans to give PVPers a way to earn Fleet Marks via Arena and/or Capture and hold/Shanty Town Assault?

    Are there any plans to add a way to earn Dilithium to the Fleet Event Maps?

    Are there any plans to add a way to earn Fleet Marks to STFs?

    Are there going to be adding any Fleet marks to Fleet Encounter maps? (Crystaline Entinty for example)

    Will there be any Doff Missions, Duty Officers, or Doff Packs that can be earned only with either Fleet Marks or Via PVP?

    Will there ever be a penality or a way to remove unwanted players who AFK from or leave PVP Matches?

    And finally with the Olympics in full swing as of this question, what would be considered the favorite Olympic Sport that Cryptic watches?
    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
  • dj1636dj1636 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Are there any plans for a Custom Bridge and Interior for the Caitian Atrox Carrier?
  • bridgernbridgern Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1.) Please make a Fleet version of the B'Rel the most iconic ship the Klingons ever had!

    2.) How many missions are we going to get in Season 7?

    3.) How will we get addional missions after Season 7?

    4.) When can we expect to get the new Sovereign +1?

    5.) Can we have two version of the Fleet Advanced Escort, one with the Boff Layout of the MVAM - Prometheus and one with the Boff layout of the Advanced Escort?

    6.) What happened to the Galaxy - X and her ability of "Saucer Seperation"
  • enyfeostoenyfeosto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    When will you be fixing the Deep Space Nine transwarp bug? It has been around since the doff system came out for some of us.

    I now have the same bug with the fleet starbase transwarp. When will this be fixed. and why is it only affecting certain characters.
  • phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Are there ways we'll be able to search for fleets based on factors like starbase level, number of members, and users active within a given period of time?

    Anything outside of the Foundry we can expect to see before Season 7?
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
    KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
  • gstein766gstein766 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It's a month later, time to ask, "How's that Vesta coming along?"
  • drakomagidrakomagi Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Are we ever going to see the return of the "Defend X Sector Block" missions to achieve those accolades for people who love to gain accolades? Are we also going to see some improvements to the Accolade UI to make navigating them more easier, such as selecting a certain group of accolades?
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ok one last request from me...

    We have 2 Ship Devs now, correct?

    Would it be possible to let one of them work on the NEW C-Store / LockBox / whatever Ships, and give the other one the priority to fix and polish the old Ships that are looking more and more like temporary placeholders?

    There is a HUGE list of Ship Errors ( http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=163481 )
    with every C-Store Ship that list gets a bit longer, but never really shorter.

    Keep in mind, for new F2P Players those *old* Ships are still new.
    And you are currently trying to re-sell those old models to us through the Fleet System, some Polish would certainly be feasible.

    Those Ships are the #1 selling point of your Game, please give them the Love that they require.

    I don't want to hear a "perhaps if we have some time at some point", no!
    Put it on the Schedule! 1 Week "old Ship polish time" per month for at least one of those two guys.

    When Captain Logan updated the Tier 5 Retrofits (Galaxy, Intrepid, Defiant, Sovereign), he did not update the Low Poly Models that appear in the distance,
    the Shape of the Ships is changing rather obviously and on the Sovereign i can even see the Yellow deflector turning into the (old) blue Deflector
    (Full HD Screen, i can see that stuff pretty big actually, wouldn't mind if i could turn that view distance a bit higher... like 400% maybe?).

    The K'T'inga has it's low and high poly models completely reversed (engines glow when far away from screen).
    The Gorn Player Ships change scale by 200% from low to high poly model,
    i don't think it's even the same ship.... (those are C-Store Ships !)

    ...and thats only on top of my head.
  • jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Any chance off additional ship skins coming out for the T5's and/or Fleet Ships? For example, say, a Prometheus skin in the "2409" style, as made famous by the Odyssey/Venture/Exeter/Thunderchild/Armitage/etc?
This discussion has been closed.