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Ask Cryptic: August 2012 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    specter153 wrote: »
    will there be a romulan empire faction as of season 7 or no?

    Will the Klingon empire finally get a back-fill of story content for the lower levels to bring it on par with the Fed side as a "complete" faction starting from the lowest level and working ALL the way up? For season 7... Or, will we move on to introducing other "incomplete" factions?

  • paulymanpaulyman Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I can understand the frustration some at Cryptic may have with the forums. Even this thread people are asking some of the very same questions over and over again that I have seen answered over and over again. Honestly I up until this past week was 90% of the time on the side of Cryptic in these discussions. Recent developments have even tested my faith.
    So my question...

    When is Cryptic/Perfect World going to make a serious commitment to player satisfaction? By this I mean thinking about things in the game from a players perspective. When we are told things are coming soon and they never happen that is unacceptable. When new content is hyped and built up then snatched away that is unacceptable.

    I am particularly unhappy with what was done to Nukara. You guys seem to think our player base is larger and more active than what it is. If a small fleet has one or five dedicated players who commit 2 hours out of their day to do a repetitive grind for the good of their small fleet what is the harm to the game? To me it seems counter to good business because they are filling up on fleet marks so their focus is dilithium and doffs and doff packs cost zen. Dilithium is converted from zen which lowers the value of zen on the dilithium exchange which means less free zen being handed out in game.

    Of course you can go the easy road and answer the same questions you do every month. Or just randomly pick answers from the following list..

    Not in the immediate future
    Planned for season 7
    We are working on it
    Liscensing agreements will not allow that at this time
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    What is the reasoning behind the pricetags of new fleet ships, and C-store items (why are they more expensive, especially since they do not offer as much as previous items in comparison)

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Any timeline on when we'lkl see the promised rewards of a fleet tribble & Very Rare DOFF for Tribble Weekend about a month ago? Still waiting! Wouldn't think it would be THAT hard. Kind of expected it with S6 rollout, since, well, we were basically testing S6 on Tribble that weekend (Tholian missions + starbase stuff).

    & will it be account-wide, or just on specific characters we'd copied over to Tribble at the time. Will future Alts be able to claim the same rewards when we create them, or just the alts active at the time the rewards go live?

  • ghostofachanceghostofachance Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Is there any chance of STO allowing players to promote their Bridge Officers to Captain after their obtaining the Admiral ranks? Also, I would love it if, somehow, Flag officers could reassign their Bridge Officers to positions aboard other ships they own (i.e. CDR Bloggs, XO of USS Alpha Beta promoted to Captain and reassigned to CO of USS Gamma Delta, both owned and under command of RADM Smith, taking Lt. Adams with him as Bridge Officer. Two new bridge officers needed for RADM Smith?s Flagship as a result.) and give the Flag Officer the ability to assign missions to his other ships, much like Captains can issue assignments to Duty Officers now. As it currently stands, all Bridge Officers I have are maxed out so I gain points I am unable to use.
  • maxxinamaxxina Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Re-done exchange in S7 ? Yes/No
  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    paulyman wrote: »
    Of course you can go the easy road and answer the same questions you do every month. Or just randomly pick answers from the following list..

    Not in the immediate future
    Planned for season 7
    We are working on it
    Liscensing agreements will not allow that at this time

    The answer to your question is planned for Season 7, which is not scheduled in the immediate future, but is coming soon. We are working on it. But licensing agreements will not allow us to roll that answer out at this time.



    DISCLAIMER: I am not in any way associated with Cryptic, PWE, CBS, Paramount or anyone in any type of authority position who could give an official answer. I just thought the above was amusing. ;)
  • valenn1valenn1 Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Is there any chance for a ferasan ship?
    Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...

  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Why isnt the Excalibur/Vesper/Exeter in the fleet store? We all know you can lock out ship skins so CBS not allowing a T5 connie has nothing to do with it.

    So CBS doesn't want a T5 connie, I get it.

    Can we please get a ship class that looks slightly constitution-esque from a distance then?
    Maybe make it a bigger more modern version? There is absolutely no reason why Starfleet couldn't design a modern ship that looks somewhat like it.

    Will we ever see some of the design the next Enterprise runner up ships introduced?

    Will the Odyssey or Excelsior ever get variants?

    Also, the 1000 day Ship variant for the veteran rewards, Can you share some details? Will there be a version for each career class? (please say yes, please say yes :D )

  • zulisvelzulisvel Member Posts: 518 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    On September 29, 2011 the 250 Emblems were removed from the 500 day Veteran Reward. Almost one year later there has still be no replacement reward added at 500 days. At the time I was approximately 67 days away from 500 days so admittedly this is still a sore point for myself. Will a replacement for the removed Emblems ever be added to the 500 day reward? And if not will something at least be done for players who had active subscriptions while the reward was available but had not yet reached 500 days before Sept. 29?
  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    maxxina wrote: »
    Re-done exchange in S7 ? Yes/No

    Please, oh please! If nothing else as FIXED exchange that actually WORKS CORRECTLY??

  • dant158#3249 dant158 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The link between pvp and teamwork and cooperation (in essence, what fleets are all about), is an evident (even intrinsic) one. With that in mind, are there plans to add fleet marks as a reward for PvP, as has been widely requested and almost unanimously supported from PvP'ers and PvE'ers alike on the forums? If so, can you give us a time frame?

    When (realistically) can PvP expect to see any sort of serious developer time? Up until now, it seems like any work that gets done for PvP is done 'off the clock' so to speak in the form of 'pet projects' by certain upstanding individuals amongst the development team (you know who you are).
    Are we talking season 8 or 9 maybe?
  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Any plans to integrate the bridge officer and/or duty officer systems into a single promotion / training system? Even a crafting-like system? Where you could "build" your officers and train them up into DOFFs or BOFFs, or even switch back & forth, as needed? I know, it would require an entiure rework of the system. But, I think the game could potentially be better for it. Though, I'm not sure how it would impact the exchange, per se. That would likely have to be reworked too for a more fine-tuned searching based on specific skill sets, abilities, personality or physical attributes, etc. Assuming "crafted" officers could then be in some way 'sold' as-crafted.

  • daboholicdaboholic Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Are there any plans to fix the problems with Trill spots?

    - There's a missing patch at the collarbone
    - The texture down the side of the torso is stretched
    - They stop too high above the ankle
    - They don't work properly with aliens
  • husnock1husnock1 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Will the Romulan and Cardassian NPC space mobs ever get new ships?

    By which I mean, completely original designs? They're currently the only major enemy factions without a single truly original ship design between them, unlike the Breen, Gorn, Orions, Nausicaans, Tholians, etc... Even the Dominion and Borg each have at least one new ship we've never seen before (Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort and Fighter, and Unimatrix Command Ship, respectively).

    Especially considering the new Fleet events that just got introduced, both could use some new 2409-style ship designs to give us and them some variety (it is the spice of life, after all), as well as new toys to play with for the Foundry authors.
  • tobar26thtobar26th Member Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    First of all the same question I ask each month - any news on Into the Hive?

    Secondly - any new content in the pipeline over the next month or two?

    Are any UI updates in the works for the Fleet Starbase system? Particularly looking at donating data samples as being extremely painful and frankly, dull to do one at a time.

    Way back in the day we had Starships floating around outside ESD windows, any chance we might see these return one day, either to ESD or our own starbases?

    Near the start of the game's public launch we were told the reason we had so much space dust, asteroids etc etc was to do with getting an idea of distance in space, yet our Starbase system is very near bare. Any chance we can get a little....colour in there some time?

    Bridge officers have started appearing in Off Duty uniform when reporting for duty. Is this a sign of things to come?

    Similarly - are there any new account bound uniforms on the cards?

    Can we get more account bank unlocks? It's an awesome system.

    zulisvel wrote: »
    On September 29, 2011 the 250 Emblems were removed from the 500 day Veteran Reward. Almost one year later there has still be no replacement reward added at 500 days. At the time I was approximately 67 days away from 500 days so admittedly this is still a sore point for myself. Will a replacement for the removed Emblems ever be added to the 500 day reward? And if not will something at least be done for players who had active subscriptions while the reward was available but had not yet reached 500 days before Sept. 29?

    Actually this is a very valid point that I forgot about....yeah, let's sort that :)

    Yeah...sorry, kind of a long list there.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1) With the recent change to Zen making the C-store prices look more costly (look, not be) will there be anything done to make purchases more worth the money? I.e. more options with costumes or more unlocked with ships like bridge or interiors?

    2) When will skins and complexions make the change to full body? as of yet they all either end awkwardly at the neck (infected) or have noticeable blank spots (trill). As it stands, a lot of these types don't work in a lot of the purchased uniforms .

    3) With all the new things coming for fleet and such when will the Character creator get a well deserved update, and could we get a hint as to some new traits that might be in the works?

    4) With the addition of fleet gear as well as elite fleet gear, will we be getting any set bonuses or costume options? I personally would love a fleet armor option like fleet uniforms, but just a more armored visual.
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Why do almost none of the new Missions reward Dilithium?

    It was said that Dilithium would be the "Time Based Currency" of STO.
    Yet i spend a lot of time and don't get any Dilithium for it
    Defera, Nukara, Shuttle Event, Fleet Missions, Episode Replay, to name a few.
    The Foundry wrapper is also far from *time based*.


    WHEN will STF gear (requisitions!) become Account Bound?

    (and don't give me the exploit speech, you can't exploit if you only make the requisitions Account Bound!)

    Same for LOBI?
    (make free Lobi bound, and make payed LOBI Account Bound -> no exploits possible)


    Now that Gozer is gone, who is the "champion" for PvP, and when will the weekly PvP updates resume?


    When will the cloaking device be fixed (as in, you get decloaked on every single Boff Text Popup in the game?)


    Can we please have more Engines that go faster than warp 10, like the Borg Engine?
    All my Chars are using the Borg Engine because it's the fastest, i don't even care for Maco and Omega Space Sets because of this. (/me = Hardcore DOffer, nothing more important than Sector Space SPEED)


    Ferasan Ship, WHEN? (can't start my kdf furry char if i don't know if i should go SCI/TAC/ENG, don't make me wait a year like you did with the Caitian's)


    When will the Morn Character Species come to the C-Store?
  • kexx062782kexx062782 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Will the art team be able to go back and touch up models that have errors? Such as asymetrical placement of weapons hardpoints on the Armitage/Zephyr model or the fact that all of the in-game Remans have the wrong color eyes/Irises.

    Every Reman shown on film has bright yellow Irises.
  • guriphuguriphu Member Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Can we get fleet marks for PvP?
  • matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited July 2012
    The fleet weapons are a major letdown, why did you decide to go with dmgx3 as the "selling point" for these weapons?

    Why doesnt pvp matches offer any sort of fleet rewards?

    Whats the update on the pvp update?
  • derekanjo5derekanjo5 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Will we ever see an updated version of the tr-116?
  • ufpdodgersufpdodgers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Here is a question I know a lot will want to ask,

    Will the discount on Fleet Ships for anyone who has already bought a T5 C-store ship be applied to lower Tier C-store ships with a scaling discount.

    Example: T5 = 75% discount, T4 = 50%, T2 = 25% (left out T3 as any ships there have T5 Retrofits).


    What ever happened to the Doff assignment to turn a Green, Blue or Purple Doff into 3 of a lower tier?, it was in the notes for S6 back on Tribble.

    One last one

    Will the Fleet Exploration Cruiser have it's Engineer Ensign changed to a Universal Ensign?, the Fleet Negh'var has one and those 2 ships have always been counterparts in terms of Boff layout until now. (the Defiant and Intrepid could use one to)
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hello a couple of questions. One the romulans when we will see them. Also can we make it easier for small fleets to get what they need for there fleets. I have a fleet of 10 and we are slowly getting to where we can get to tier one. And will we be able to craft from our starbases. Just a thought thanks.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You mentionned in a previous "ask cryptic" that your content has to be repetable to be worth making it. You also mentionned that episodes were not repetable and that it was difficult to justify creating new ones. Why not rewarding some dilithium for playing one or several missions a day? Most of us don't need the current rewards, which is most of the times a green or a blue armor, but a new daily mission consisting in playing existing episodes would allow most of us to play the stuff we like to contribute to the new starbases instead of playing the same STF for the 250th time. Have you ever considered it?
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • stevewaysteveway Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Will the ferengi lock box consoles be availIable again?
  • maddinm214maddinm214 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1. When we will see one Map for the hole galaxy?
    2. What happen with the diplomacy mission on DS9 when we are ambassador?
    3. Can we expect, subtitles for the intro?
    4. Did we become social Missions on vulcan or risa and so on?
    5.Why is the galaxy claas a technical ship althrouth in TNG is this a science ship?
    6. When we see more translations?
    7. When we see the bonus for testing season 6 on tribble?
    8.. Will be the academy be extended?

    Thx for your Answering for my Questions.
    Live long and prosper
  • kexx062782kexx062782 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    daboholic wrote: »
    Are there any plans to fix the problems with Trill spots?

    - There's a missing patch at the collarbone
    - The texture down the side of the torso is stretched
    - They stop too high above the ankle
    - They don't work properly with aliens

    Good catch. In this vein, will the problem of different races head details not matching bodies ever be addressed?

    IE. Tellarite Females wrinkled skin on their heads obviously doesn't match the normal human skin on their torsos...
  • jonathanlonehawkjonathanlonehawk Member Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Why isnt the Excalibur/Vesper/Exeter in the fleet store? We all know you can lock out ship skins so CBS not allowing a T5 connie has nothing to do with it.

    I am wondering this as well.

    Also, is the t5 Constitution restriction only for the TV show ship or also for ST1-ST6 ship? (The Movie refit)
    Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    1: It was mentioned when the Account bank came out that there would be account-bound items. What happened to this? Why is it that we aren't allowed to put bond items in out Account bank? We've already earned the items.

    2: When will we be able to buy more Account bank slots?

    3: You guys did an awesome job with the Tholian Lock Boxes. Now that you have the formula as correct as it'll get, would you be open to taking suggestions about the next Lock Box, and maybe its rewards?

    4: Have you considered putting an item on the C-Store that would allow players to refine more Di per day, perhaps the same kind of purchase as the EC increase?

    5: It was said a long time ago that you guys were working on a way to promote BOffs into Captains, and vice versa. Is that still on the table, or has that been scrapped (if it has, why)?
This discussion has been closed.