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The most stupid moments in Star Trek



  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I gotta disagree there. She did sometimes figure out more than that.

    Don't forget, her telepathy/empathy was also the center for some interesting episodes. . .

    Eyes in the Dark. Creepy episode, that. . .and the originator of the concept of 'Tyken's Rift'
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Don't forget, her telepathy/empathy was also the center for some interesting episodes. . .

    Eyes in the Dark. Creepy episode, that. . .and the originator of the concept of 'Tyken's Rift'
    YES... the only flaw to the awesomeness of that ep was that we never saw the aliens again....
    Why do *we* get to live in the Alpha quadrant, for that matter?
    Actually.... I blame the Vulcans for that. It looks almost like the line seperating the alpha and Beta quadrants was drawn there just to place the Romulans in the Beta quadrant.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    voporak wrote: »
    More on Voyager:

    Bio-neural gel packs: They get sick. They get sick and suddenly half the ship stops working. Who thought it would be a good idea to make things essential to the ship that can get sick?
    Nah, so what, bio-neural gep packs get sick, computers malfuctions or get infected with computer viruses, or suddenly become sentient and do weird stuff.

    I mean, what kind of stuff do we have
    TOS: New computer to control starships goes mad and starts destroying Starfleet ships
    TOS: Nomad is an old earth probe that unites with an alien probe, resulting in much deadly hilarity
    TNG: Holodeck malfunctions and becomes a deadly trap containing a fistful of Datas or some such.
    TNG: Holodeck creates a holographic person so intelligent that it realizes its holographic nature and manipulates events to get "free".
    TNG: Starship Computer creates a sentient lifeform that creates havoc with crew.
    DS9: Old Cardassian computer program activates, decides a rebellion is going on and plans to kill everyone on the station.
    VOY: Computers ar infected by biological virus and start malfunctioning.

    That VOY episode could just have been about a regular computer virus - the biological part was just a novelty...

    Computer Tech is a crapshot in Startrek.

    Mustrum "Without wanting to imply VOY was a good show" Ridcully
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    rheatitan wrote: »
    No they weren't dropped they were just offered better money for working in stargate :P

    Jaffa! Kree! :D

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Eyes in the Dark. Creepy episode, that. . .and the originator of the concept of 'Tyken's Rift'

    That bit where the body bags sit up is probably the creepiest trek moment.

    Cast and crew seem to hate that episode for some reason.
  • flyingtargflyingtarg Member Posts: 105 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2012
    vonbon wrote: »
    A few stupid moments for me

    Worf Fights: I thought Worf was Awesome, but every time he got into a fight..he lost, and not just lost..he lost always in quite a pitiful way. Oh no crates..

    Security Teams: Your a security guy you have a phaser, and someones being mauled by a huge 7 foot monster with muscles bigger then your head...so what do you do..you run at them and try to hit/grab them good job...

    Wesley Crusher: Enough said.

    The holodeck episode on Voyager when stuck in beowulf

    Speaking of Worf losing fights...


    Ok, so maybe Worf is terrible at fighting. But at the very least he's a senior officer with valuable insight and useful advice for Captain Picard and his fellow officers...right?


    ...ok, so just what is he good for then?
    Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
    Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
  • godemperorphooeygodemperorphooey Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Starfleet not using the Organians more. I mean, you have a race of pure energy super beings that detest war and violence, and you don't use them against the Borg? I'm pretty sure the Borg can't assimilate beings of pure energy and the Feds were on friendly terms with a few such races. Could've dealt with the Dominion problem as well. I mean, it would've been anti-climactic and not good TV, but it would've been good astropolitical policy.
  • robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    ...ok, so just what is he good for then?

    He was very good at not waiting for responding to hail. That sped things up quite a bit by not waiting for people to "answer the phone" in a tense situation.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Ah... that Worf gets PWNed video made me laugh... it has multiple clips of several fights, and conveniently cuts out where he pummeled his opponent..... heh, one of the clips shows a guy getting up after Worf he almost knocked him out cold...
    My character Tsin'xing
  • hotstuff1701hotstuff1701 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    Speaking of Worf losing fights...


    Ok, so maybe Worf is terrible at fighting. But at the very least he's a senior officer with valuable insight and useful advice for Captain Picard and his fellow officers...right?


    ...ok, so just what is he good for then?

    My friends and I still use the term "Worf Syndrome", for whenever a character that is supposedly tough gets his tail handed to him JUST so another character (usually Data, in Worf's case) can look really REALLY tough when he one-shots the bad guy. :-)

    Seriously, Worf got beat down soooooo many times, just so Data would look more impressive when he beat down the thing that just kicked Worf's butt.

    That said, Worf was really good a kicking other Klingon butts (not only did he kill one would-be Chancellor, Duras, he later killed the actual ruling Chancellor, Gowron, both in one-on-one duels).

    Once Worf got on DS9, he got a lot better, pretty much peaking when he beat multiple Jem'Hadar to DEATH, one-by-one, all bare-handed.

    Still, he had to endure a lot of jobbing to put Data over on his way there.
  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Actually speaking of fights.

    The Klingons boarding in Way of the Warrior. They were absolutely useless. Aside from the fact that they wait until at least 4 of them have been shot before remembering to draw their disruptors (should beam aboard with them drawn), Klingons are supposed to be one of the strongest races in the Galaxy. Yet a Human, a Trill, and a Bajoran are able to beat up 3 a piece with like 1 hit each (seriously, Dax KO'd one by kicking him in the shin). I know Starfleet give their officers some self-defence training, but surely the KDF do too, and Klingons grow up in a warrior culture that puts a lot of emphasis on single combat. Klingons should've wiped the floor with them.

    Did Changeling Martok (spoilers for anyone who hasn't watched all of DS9, btw) send his reject squad over or something?
  • yuzralyuzral Member Posts: 160 Media Corps
    edited August 2012
    Probably - along with the ones who were politically inconvenient, served dead gagh at breakfast and couldn't shoot straight. Classic forlorn hope really.

    Edit: Although a competent boarding action would start by beaming in a large-ish shrapnel bomb with half a second on the fuse...
    Blatant self-promotion: Producer of the Delta Rising Tribble Timewarp, Foundry Frolics and more: http://www.youtube.com/user/Yuzral
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    For me it has to be a scene in Enterprise after T'Pol attends movie night:

    "Captain, I'm picking up biosigns. In the words of Dr. Frankenstein, it's alive!"

    Even the most diehard of Ent supporters have cringe at that.
  • greenlightracergreenlightracer Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    kirksplat wrote: »
    For me it has to be a scene in Enterprise after T'Pol attends movie night:

    "Captain, I'm picking up biosigns. In the words of Dr. Frankenstein, it's alive!"

    Even the most diehard of Ent supporters have cringe at that.

    That actually doesn't bother me.

    What bothers me is TNG and Data.

    I'm a diehard Voy fan and I think it gets a bad wrap undeservedly especially when the main gripe is its inconsistencies, wheres TNG seemingly gets away with it. You can find enough inconsistencies with Data himself and all the plots that surround him to blow Voy away.

    Really? The most advanced peice of AI ever can't use contractions? He can learn new languages, some not even humaniod, but can't use contractions? His advanced intelligence can't issue a simple IF/THEN in his programming language? IF can not, THEN can't. Wow. my cell phone can do that.

    Also... the whole "Data is special" argument in so far as that him and his intelligence can't be duplicated. Pretty sure its called a schematic gentlemen. Scan, Replicate, Duplicate.

    I could go on and on, but those are two of my biggest pet peeves and stupid moments in trek.

    Real Join Date: Oct. 2009

  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Data has no schematics because the egomaniac that made him kept the schematics in his head, the Pinocchio routine with Data got old fast but the whole 1st season of TNG had me wishing that the bridge of the Enterprise D would get hit by a meteor killing all aboard so they could start fresh with a crew that wasn't lobotomized.
    Things really didn't get interesting for me until after they had killed off Tasha Yar.

    For me Star Treks most stupid moment was the entire series Enterprise, the only good episode IMHO were the alternate universe ones and my favorite moment was when Hoshi poisons Archer.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Actually... Data's positronic brain was a peice of tech unknown to Starfleet science until they encountered Data. Also... they couldn't seem to figure out how to get it to have an active network of pathways.... Replicating the physical components apparently wasn't too hard, the issue was avoiding a cascade failure when turning it on.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • smazazelsmazazel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    the WHOLE temporal cold war in Enterprise I mean come on there was SOOO much more to write about like the damn EARTH-romulan war!!!! and the building of the federation ect but to put in races that NEVER talked about or shown in ANY other star trek! xindi, Denobulan, Suliban, ect. I mean really come on when you are a prequel don't ADD races explore the ones you ALREADY have. still Temporal cold war was stupid and just a lazy cop-out.
  • greenlightracergreenlightracer Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Actually... Data's positronic brain was a peice of tech unknown to Starfleet science until they encountered Data. Also... they couldn't seem to figure out how to get it to have an active network of pathways.... Replicating the physical components apparently wasn't too hard, the issue was avoiding a cascade failure when turning it on.

    too me, this counts as a stupid moment in trek ;-)

    Real Join Date: Oct. 2009

  • bds007bds007 Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Actually... Data's positronic brain was a peice of tech unknown to Starfleet science until they encountered Data. Also... they couldn't seem to figure out how to get it to have an active network of pathways.... Replicating the physical components apparently wasn't too hard, the issue was avoiding a cascade failure when turning it on.

    Which even Data himself could not replicate.
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    <Picard> Worf, we need your blood to save the life of a captured Romulan soldier.

    <Worf> I cannot, sir. My personal code of ethics and religious beliefs, which are protected by the Federation, dictate that I do not attempt to save the life of a purely hostile individual who is a member of the military force of the race that has on repeated occasions attempted to cripple and destroy my homeworld and the star-nation which I proudly serve and with whom we pointlessly parlay instead of preparing for the war that they have spent the last several years trying to provoke and likely will eventually cause deliberately when it suits their purpose, assuming a slip of the tongue isn't used as an excuse to start the war in a random encounter with a random Romulan captain.

    <Picard> We must have understanding blah blah blah blah peace blah blah blah blah more stuff like that blah blah blah understanding blah blah so please volunteer.

    <Worf> If you order me, I would do it, as it would easily satisfy my ethics code, and it would keep in consideration diplomatic concerns.

    <Picard> Because I would have to bend my ideals in the slightest, and regardless of the fact that simply making peace with the Romulans would doubtlessly require hundreds or thousands more compromises of far more dubious ethical standing and practicality than this, I will now forget everything I just said and refuse to meet you halfway.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    Speaking of Worf losing fights...


    Ok, so maybe Worf is terrible at fighting. But at the very least he's a senior officer with valuable insight and useful advice for Captain Picard and his fellow officers...right?


    ...ok, so just what is he good for then?

    HA terrible methinks not :) Remember Gowron? :D
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    <Data> I have made contact with a sweet innocent girl whose home is about to be destroyed and her race wiped off the face of the plamet.

    <Picard> Clearly a little girl can prevent her world from being destroyed, and us showing the tiniest bit of compassion and effortlessly saving a civilization that is powerless to save themselves would bend Starfleet's ideals. Pull the plug.

    <Data> Aye, sir.

    <Little Girl> Please don't leave me to die a death that is horrible beyond description!

    <Picard> Solely because it would personally cause me distress and not because of the dismay of the other senior staff, junior crew members, random joes off the street who would be hard pressed to let a little girl die, and even the dismay of an android incapable of emotion, I rescind my order to cut off contact and indirectly murder her in the name of an abstract ideal that was never designed for this particular situation.
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    Speaking of Worf losing fights...


    Ok, so maybe Worf is terrible at fighting. But at the very least he's a senior officer with valuable insight and useful advice for Captain Picard and his fellow officers...right?


    ...ok, so just what is he good for then?

    The man killed the head of state of the Federation's most powerful ally, then became the head of state, then named his own successor in the span of 5 minutes, which likely saved the war effort because the previous head of state was an egomaniac. I think there is something to be said for that.
  • podsixpodsix Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    smazazel wrote: »
    the WHOLE temporal cold war in Enterprise I mean come on there was SOOO much more to write about like the damn EARTH-romulan war!!!! and the building of the federation ect but to put in races that NEVER talked about or shown in ANY other star trek! xindi, Denobulan, Suliban, ect. I mean really come on when you are a prequel don't ADD races explore the ones you ALREADY have. still Temporal cold war was stupid and just a lazy cop-out.

    They PLANNED TO.

    Then ratings weren't what the network hoped (probably due to losing so many UPN affiliates) and the series was given notice that it was going to be cancelled. Which is why we fast-forwarded out of the temporal cold war and into the Xindi, and then got that really weird "years later" and at the same time "holographic re-creation of the events as viewed from the TNG era" patchwork ending.

    I'm personally a big fan of Enterprise, but I only watched the first season during it's initial run, because our town lost it's only UPN affiliate then. I think their "3 episode arc" model was brilliant, and I think the show got a bad rap. But then there's lots of DS9 fans who think every other show sucked.
  • jg2112jg2112 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    In the latest movie around vulcan when the woman says "We won't reach a safe distance unless we leave immediately", and yet they still make it away when they don't leave immediately.
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    podsix wrote: »
    They PLANNED TO.

    Then ratings weren't what the network hoped (probably due to losing so many UPN affiliates) and the series was given notice that it was going to be cancelled. Which is why we fast-forwarded out of the temporal cold war and into the Xindi, and then got that really weird "years later" and at the same time "holographic re-creation of the events as viewed from the TNG era" patchwork ending.

    I'm personally a big fan of Enterprise, but I only watched the first season during it's initial run, because our town lost it's only UPN affiliate then. I think their "3 episode arc" model was brilliant, and I think the show got a bad rap. But then there's lots of DS9 fans who think every other show sucked.

    IMO, Enterprise had the odds stacked way against it from the very beginning.

    It came hot on the heels of Voyager. Mama Paramount was looking at it mighty carefully after Voyager alienated so many people. Plus, it had to be a prequel, so it had to conform to tons and tons and TONS of backstory, ergo lots of things we take "for granted" (e.g. knowing about the Cardassians, even) were things they simply couldn't.

    They also needed to keep the technology still Star Trekish, but plausible - no mean feat, considering how barbaric the TOS tech was compared to the TNG tech everyone had been watching for the last 15 years. They had to preserve the "cool factor" of later ships (which supposedly outmatched the NX Enterprise) but have their own "cool factor" which says "even though I'm centuries behind I can still kick butt!"

    So essentially they had EVERYONE breathing down their necks. As such they did not get the fair shake that TNG did, and by the time it came into its own it was too late. One might say "they messed up," and maybe they did, but the odds were way, way, WAY stacked against it, and further loaded by some questionable choices (like the very existence of UPN - there's a reason there is no more UPN).

    I didn't watch Ent much while it was on (very busy time in my life), but I've watched some episodes over the last few years, and, really, it wasn't half bad. Had they the proper time and TLC I think it would have been a great series, but it just wasn't meant to be.

    That said it may have been a wiser decision, from both a business and lore standpoint, to make a series about the Excelsior featuring Sulu. George Takai was, as I recall, lobbying hard for this. I was disappointed when ti never happened, and still kind of wonder what might have been there, as, while still a retro-series, it would have had a LOT more breathing room.
  • drogyn1701drogyn1701 Member Posts: 3,606 Media Corps
    edited August 2012
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    Speaking of Worf losing fights...


    Ok, so maybe Worf is terrible at fighting. But at the very least he's a senior officer with valuable insight and useful advice for Captain Picard and his fellow officers...right?


    ...ok, so just what is he good for then?

    See its not that Worf was bad at fighting, it was just his bad luck that every time the Enterprise ran into an uber-powerful enemy, Rick Berman and his documentary crew just happened to be there to film it :D
    The Foundry Roundtable live Saturdays at 7:30PM EST/4:30PM PST on twitch.tv/thefoundryroundtable
  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    They could have made another spinoff series of Star Trek set in TNG era and it would be a winner, but no they had to make a prequel. That is sketchy to begin with because you're making a Star Trek to capitalize on the franchise but that franchise has an established history of events, if you don't follow that history, you're doomed.
    Enterprise took everything in the Star Trek canon and flushed it down the toilet.
    Vulcans aren't really logical, they are paranoid manipulators that need to take drugs to be around humans because they think humans stink. Romulans whose nature is not supposed to be known until the TOS era and were flying around in nuclear powered sublight ships until they borrowed designs from Klingons at that time are instead flying around in advanced ships little different than the ones used in TNG era. The NX-01 Enterprise design a clear ripoff of the Akira with pylons inverted having an appearance that is more advanced than the designs that are to follow 70 years later. Scott Bakula as a ships captain, come on, why don't we just plop Howdy Doody in the captains chair, go away quantum boy and take your little dog with you!
    Enterprise should have been about the building of the Federation and the Earth Romulan war, instead it was about stupid and much overused time travel in the Temporal Cold War and when the producers realized that was killing them they cooked up the war with the Xindi, all with alien parties never seen before or since.
    Plus the obligatory nonsense of the token bimbo in a cat suit and things like the decontamination chamber, yes let's all get sweaty in our underwear and cover each other in vasoline, won't that be fun? Aw yuck...
    No every episode of Enterprise should sealed into a container and fired into the sun and the producers behind it should go the same route.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • godemperorphooeygodemperorphooey Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Actually, thinking about it, I would say the absolute dumbest moment in Trek was the 2009 movie. I was looking for to an actual reboot of the series, I think that would have been a great thing, just push the reset button, take the general structure and characters of the original, rework it for modern audiences and aesthetics, add some new elements while tipping its hat to the old on occasion, and let it stand alone on its own merits. But instead we have a tenuous link to the old canon which seems to only serve as a way to TRIBBLE all over it, plus the plot was just stupid and there were so many ridiculous moments.

    It could have been so epic, but alas, JJ Abrams, I suppose we shouldn't have expected more.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    drogyn1701 wrote: »
    See its not that Worf was bad at fighting, it was just his bad luck that every time the Enterprise ran into an uber-powerful enemy, Rick Berman and his documentary crew just happened to be there to film it :D
    Actually he had a bunch of seriously bad-TRIBBLE moments too. The allasomorph fight ended with both parties thinking of the other as a skilled opponent, despite the fact that Worf's opponent was a shapeshifter who could make herself much larger and stronger with ease.

    Then in First Contact he ripped a bunch of Borg apart by himself!
    My character Tsin'xing
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