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  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Jari: Are you still brain damaged? Right now. We have a suitable area on the ship.


    M Samana: I beg it would take something like this to fix that hatred.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Jari: Are you still brain damaged? Right now. We have a suitable area on the ship.


    M Samana: I beg it would take something like this to fix that hatred.

    Karen: Let's do this.

    *Ziyal. After a few minutes, Drake is ordering the ship in pursuit.*

    Drake: The R.S.S. Ottawa is en route to cut them off, but we'll get there first. I'm going to suggest you take the Elim and get on the flanks while we knock out their facing shields.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Jari: Are you still brain damaged? Right now. We have a suitable area on the ship.


    M Samana: I beg it would take something like this to fix that hatred.

    Karen: Let's do this.

    *Ziyal. After a few minutes, Drake is ordering the ship in pursuit.*

    Drake: The R.S.S. Ottawa is en route to cut them off, but we'll get there first. I'm going to suggest you take the Elim and get on the flanks while we knock out their facing shields.

    *Jari leads the way to the arena*


    M Samana: Got it.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Dani's trip to the Enterprise's location took some time to get there, but when the transport vessel carrying her comes up on the damaged vessel. The damage is obvious to all a coordinated bombing, that seems to ring in her head as well. The Republic vessel Californian had arrived by that point and had commenced repairs, with former SHIELD ships as well.. *

    Transport Captain: We are coming up on the Enterprise mam.. Does not look too good.

    Ops: Why did the rebels seek people inside the Federation?

    *On the ship Colas' investigation is going no where as the computer issue was discovered, but the leads where no where near the terminals. Same goes for Mila's investigation, Sala's help however is more of looking into Cassi..*

    *In sickbay James Jr.. is still comatose but being visited by Mila and Sala..*

    Sala: The Doctors here do good work.. the only thing missing is his eye and arm.

    Bruce: Not entirely true.. The damage from the bomb created a problem with organ failure, from blast trauma.. We transplanted what we could but we had to make a call to a cybernetics manufacturer for the more pressing issue. The radiation coming from the pieces is nasty.. This coma he is in is another matter, we can't seem to wake him from it.

    *Mila walks out, slamming her fist into the corridor wall and sliding onto the floor, sobbing.

    Dani beams aboard, meeting O'Connor at the transporter room. The two share a brief hug before O'Connor leads her towards sickbay.*

    Dani: Have any idea who's responsible?

    O'Connor: A lot of theories but nothing confirmed. We're currently running on the assumption that it's Free Delta.

    Dani: What about my husband?

    O'Connor: Nothing. It's like he vanished into thin air.

    Dani: Mila?

    O'Connor: She's fine, all things considered.

    *Dani stops him, looking confused.*

    Dani: James told me she disappeared!

    O'Connor: James? Dani, that's not possible. *They continue.*

    Dani: Meaning?

    O'Connor: I'm sorry, I thought you knew.

    Dani: Knew what?

    *They turn the corner and see Mila crying in the corridor. Dani freezes.*


    O'Connor: Captain--

    Dani: No!

    *Dani runs into sickbay.*

    O'Connor: Dani!

    *Dani freezes again, gasping as she sees James Jr on the biobed.*

    *Sala lowers her head and gets out of the way..*

    Bruce: Captain..

    *Nurse comes up to him with another chart.. *

    Another failing system on Rishi?

    *The Doctor looks beyond tired as if he has been doing meat ball surgery for at least a day and a half straight.. The EMH is still getting emitters repaired. *

    Nurse: Yes Doctor.. It doesn't look like its going to help very much..

    Bruce: *Nodding * Best we can do for the Chief is to make him as comfortable as we can.

    Dani: What... Happened...?

    Sala: James and Casval where at the communications array when the bomb went off. James shoved Casval ahead of him and got caught in the blast instead of Casval.. He hasn't come out of his room for the last several days. We all checked on him..

    *She sits down tired but still not going much of anywhere.*

    He came by for me, especially when he did not need to, I think its only right to return the favor.

    Bruce: *Finally away from Rishi..* We have a cybernetics specialist coming by to consult with us on how to proceed.

    *Outside sickbay, Quinton comes by and kneels by Mila.. not saying a word.*

    *He can see that Mila's muscles have tensed up.*

    Mila *silent rage*: I'm going to kill her...

    Quinton: *nods in silent agreement..*

    *It cuts him pretty deep seeing her like this, and James in there looking like that.*

    Have you seen Casval? He is probably not taking this well at all at the moment.

    *Mila looks at him, nodding gently before standing up and going to Casval's quarters.*

    *Casval sits in his room, he had been interviewed by security already and filed his report on the incident. He sat there in a dark room very dimly lit. He was burning with rage at everyone and everything; His father, the Federation, Free Delta, Cassi, and most of all himself.. If he hadn't been such a klutz or careless James would not be half blown up in sickbay. His tears had already dried, but felt he had no more left to shed. How could he get stronger, not to let anyone down again. *

    *His hands clench tightly, trembling with inner rage.. and speckled lightly with blood.. His nails had dug into his skin. Breaking the silence is the door chime.*

    Casval: For the love of god.. Just leave me alone!

    Mila: Cas... It's me...

    *Casval sits there.. grumbling as he snaps a finger letting the door open, but sealing it back up behind her as she enters. She can't see much, but something in her can tell that Quinton was right. Casval was not taking this well at all.*

    Casval: What is it? *he is sitting in a chair staring at the ground...*

    *Mila sits next to him.*

    Mila: I know how you feel...

    *She kneels down in front of him.*

    Listen, you and me? We're family. Nothing's ever going to take that away from us. It doesn't matter what happens or where we are: I'm here for you, and you're here for me. Right?

    *She opens her arms for a hug.*

    OOC: I think a genuinely heartwarming family moment would be good to break up the grim-dark depression. ;)

    *Casval takes the hug, he can feel burning tears again in his eyes.. Which surprises him. He is still silent.*

    Casval: The radiation is gamma radiation... *That epiphany comes to him as he takes into account the problems the patients are suffering.* The bombs.. thats how they mask them in space and subspace. Makes them just part of the back ground.

    *In James Jr's head the place around him is the colony community he remembered growing up. But its dim, ruined. A man with a gloved jeweled hand stands there watching a kindling flame at his feet. *

    Ferdian: So the child of the Elder Blood finds his way here.. *He turns to squint his eyes at him and snorts* Broken not worth the time.

    *Mila's eyes are also stinging as tears roll down her face.*

    Mila: What?

    Casval: Gamma radiation Mila that is how the bombs could hide in space. Its also why we found them so easily.

    Mila: Hold on, I thought background radiation was microwaves?

    Casval: To a point, unless weaponized.. Which this was apparently, it is also cheap to make as well. Parts are common but the science behind it is... tangible to who made it.

    Mila: Cas', you are brilliant. The investigation team needs you.

    *An hour later. Mila is meeting Wade and O'Connor.*

    O'Connor: The ion trail is faint, but it might be possible to follow it.

    Mila: Captain, I want to take a runabout after that shuttle. Whoever's piloting it undoubtedly has something to do with the attack.

    Wade: Your kidding me.. Sending just you? Your mom would kill me.. However, we could initiate the mission and move to investigate out of the ship.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Wilson takes control of the runabout as he plots the course to Bajor.. *

    Wilson: Quite a trip this is turning into.

    Sara: Hold on, why are we going back?

    Wilson: Do you think a small runabout can clear the area before the Patrol vessels and Kazon start shooting at each other?

    *He shows her the scanners*

    Give me a guess how long it would take for the Kazon here to come under fire by these patrol vessels coming to investigate the explosion?

    Sara: Can't we use slipstream?

    Wilson: Slipstream would give a power reading, and our position away. *He looks up and points* There it is..

    *They can see combat has started between the Kazon and the Patrol vessels. Federation MS streak by the new model skirted legs and tunic armor..*

    You have to get a bead on things, fly boys however won't bother looking for us. That made it a good twenty seconds. Hope you learned something from this little session.

    Sara: Why exactly do we not want the patrol to see us? They're Federation ships!

    Wilson: Oh.. we don't exactly have clearance to be here little one. Plus its a government banned zone because of all the Elibisi tech. Which means if we get caught we go to prison mining Borite for 20 years.

    Sara: Ah...

    *Looks at Tara A.*

    And why didn't you mention this?

    Tara A: I got permission.


    Not really.

    Wilson: Meaning it would be smarter if we make like a tree and leave.

    Sara: Alright.

    *The Runabout makes its way through the shoal zone and away from the battle between the Kazon and the Patrol group.*

    Wilson: When we land you might want to make this quick.

    Tara A: Make what quick?

    Wilson: We are going to be here for a while.. Better hope they don't investigate anything else.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Jari: Are you still brain damaged? Right now. We have a suitable area on the ship.


    M Samana: I beg it would take something like this to fix that hatred.

    Karen: Let's do this.

    *Ziyal. After a few minutes, Drake is ordering the ship in pursuit.*

    Drake: The R.S.S. Ottawa is en route to cut them off, but we'll get there first. I'm going to suggest you take the Elim and get on the flanks while we knock out their facing shields.

    *Jari leads the way to the arena*


    M Samana: Got it.

    *As they step into the arena, Karen gets into a corner and puts up her guard.

    Meanwhile, Tara, Jack, Emma, M Samana and HK all launch in the Elim after the Orions.*

    Emma: Tara, you looked as if you recognised these Orions...

    Tara: It's the Duranus Cartel.

    Jack: I thought P-Sec captured the last of their leaders years ago?

    Tara: All but one. Melani S'ian...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Dani's trip to the Enterprise's location took some time to get there, but when the transport vessel carrying her comes up on the damaged vessel. The damage is obvious to all a coordinated bombing, that seems to ring in her head as well. The Republic vessel Californian had arrived by that point and had commenced repairs, with former SHIELD ships as well.. *

    Transport Captain: We are coming up on the Enterprise mam.. Does not look too good.

    Ops: Why did the rebels seek people inside the Federation?

    *On the ship Colas' investigation is going no where as the computer issue was discovered, but the leads where no where near the terminals. Same goes for Mila's investigation, Sala's help however is more of looking into Cassi..*

    *In sickbay James Jr.. is still comatose but being visited by Mila and Sala..*

    Sala: The Doctors here do good work.. the only thing missing is his eye and arm.

    Bruce: Not entirely true.. The damage from the bomb created a problem with organ failure, from blast trauma.. We transplanted what we could but we had to make a call to a cybernetics manufacturer for the more pressing issue. The radiation coming from the pieces is nasty.. This coma he is in is another matter, we can't seem to wake him from it.

    *Mila walks out, slamming her fist into the corridor wall and sliding onto the floor, sobbing.

    Dani beams aboard, meeting O'Connor at the transporter room. The two share a brief hug before O'Connor leads her towards sickbay.*

    Dani: Have any idea who's responsible?

    O'Connor: A lot of theories but nothing confirmed. We're currently running on the assumption that it's Free Delta.

    Dani: What about my husband?

    O'Connor: Nothing. It's like he vanished into thin air.

    Dani: Mila?

    O'Connor: She's fine, all things considered.

    *Dani stops him, looking confused.*

    Dani: James told me she disappeared!

    O'Connor: James? Dani, that's not possible. *They continue.*

    Dani: Meaning?

    O'Connor: I'm sorry, I thought you knew.

    Dani: Knew what?

    *They turn the corner and see Mila crying in the corridor. Dani freezes.*


    O'Connor: Captain--

    Dani: No!

    *Dani runs into sickbay.*

    O'Connor: Dani!

    *Dani freezes again, gasping as she sees James Jr on the biobed.*

    *Sala lowers her head and gets out of the way..*

    Bruce: Captain..

    *Nurse comes up to him with another chart.. *

    Another failing system on Rishi?

    *The Doctor looks beyond tired as if he has been doing meat ball surgery for at least a day and a half straight.. The EMH is still getting emitters repaired. *

    Nurse: Yes Doctor.. It doesn't look like its going to help very much..

    Bruce: *Nodding * Best we can do for the Chief is to make him as comfortable as we can.

    Dani: What... Happened...?

    Sala: James and Casval where at the communications array when the bomb went off. James shoved Casval ahead of him and got caught in the blast instead of Casval.. He hasn't come out of his room for the last several days. We all checked on him..

    *She sits down tired but still not going much of anywhere.*

    He came by for me, especially when he did not need to, I think its only right to return the favor.

    Bruce: *Finally away from Rishi..* We have a cybernetics specialist coming by to consult with us on how to proceed.

    *Outside sickbay, Quinton comes by and kneels by Mila.. not saying a word.*

    *He can see that Mila's muscles have tensed up.*

    Mila *silent rage*: I'm going to kill her...

    Quinton: *nods in silent agreement..*

    *It cuts him pretty deep seeing her like this, and James in there looking like that.*

    Have you seen Casval? He is probably not taking this well at all at the moment.

    *Mila looks at him, nodding gently before standing up and going to Casval's quarters.*

    *Casval sits in his room, he had been interviewed by security already and filed his report on the incident. He sat there in a dark room very dimly lit. He was burning with rage at everyone and everything; His father, the Federation, Free Delta, Cassi, and most of all himself.. If he hadn't been such a klutz or careless James would not be half blown up in sickbay. His tears had already dried, but felt he had no more left to shed. How could he get stronger, not to let anyone down again. *

    *His hands clench tightly, trembling with inner rage.. and speckled lightly with blood.. His nails had dug into his skin. Breaking the silence is the door chime.*

    Casval: For the love of god.. Just leave me alone!

    Mila: Cas... It's me...

    *Casval sits there.. grumbling as he snaps a finger letting the door open, but sealing it back up behind her as she enters. She can't see much, but something in her can tell that Quinton was right. Casval was not taking this well at all.*

    Casval: What is it? *he is sitting in a chair staring at the ground...*

    *Mila sits next to him.*

    Mila: I know how you feel...

    *She kneels down in front of him.*

    Listen, you and me? We're family. Nothing's ever going to take that away from us. It doesn't matter what happens or where we are: I'm here for you, and you're here for me. Right?

    *She opens her arms for a hug.*

    OOC: I think a genuinely heartwarming family moment would be good to break up the grim-dark depression. ;)

    *Casval takes the hug, he can feel burning tears again in his eyes.. Which surprises him. He is still silent.*

    Casval: The radiation is gamma radiation... *That epiphany comes to him as he takes into account the problems the patients are suffering.* The bombs.. thats how they mask them in space and subspace. Makes them just part of the back ground.

    *In James Jr's head the place around him is the colony community he remembered growing up. But its dim, ruined. A man with a gloved jeweled hand stands there watching a kindling flame at his feet. *

    Ferdian: So the child of the Elder Blood finds his way here.. *He turns to squint his eyes at him and snorts* Broken not worth the time.

    *Mila's eyes are also stinging as tears roll down her face.*

    Mila: What?

    Casval: Gamma radiation Mila that is how the bombs could hide in space. Its also why we found them so easily.

    Mila: Hold on, I thought background radiation was microwaves?

    Casval: To a point, unless weaponized.. Which this was apparently, it is also cheap to make as well. Parts are common but the science behind it is... tangible to who made it.

    Mila: Cas', you are brilliant. The investigation team needs you.

    *An hour later. Mila is meeting Wade and O'Connor.*

    O'Connor: The ion trail is faint, but it might be possible to follow it.

    Mila: Captain, I want to take a runabout after that shuttle. Whoever's piloting it undoubtedly has something to do with the attack.

    Wade: Your kidding me.. Sending just you? Your mom would kill me.. However, we could initiate the mission and move to investigate out of the ship.

    Mila: I can take her! Send someone with me if you need to, but someone has to drag her back here to answer for what she did!
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Wilson takes control of the runabout as he plots the course to Bajor.. *

    Wilson: Quite a trip this is turning into.

    Sara: Hold on, why are we going back?

    Wilson: Do you think a small runabout can clear the area before the Patrol vessels and Kazon start shooting at each other?

    *He shows her the scanners*

    Give me a guess how long it would take for the Kazon here to come under fire by these patrol vessels coming to investigate the explosion?

    Sara: Can't we use slipstream?

    Wilson: Slipstream would give a power reading, and our position away. *He looks up and points* There it is..

    *They can see combat has started between the Kazon and the Patrol vessels. Federation MS streak by the new model skirted legs and tunic armor..*

    You have to get a bead on things, fly boys however won't bother looking for us. That made it a good twenty seconds. Hope you learned something from this little session.

    Sara: Why exactly do we not want the patrol to see us? They're Federation ships!

    Wilson: Oh.. we don't exactly have clearance to be here little one. Plus its a government banned zone because of all the Elibisi tech. Which means if we get caught we go to prison mining Borite for 20 years.

    Sara: Ah...

    *Looks at Tara A.*

    And why didn't you mention this?

    Tara A: I got permission.


    Not really.

    Wilson: Meaning it would be smarter if we make like a tree and leave.

    Sara: Alright.

    *The Runabout makes its way through the shoal zone and away from the battle between the Kazon and the Patrol group.*

    Wilson: When we land you might want to make this quick.

    Tara A: Make what quick?

    Wilson: We are going to be here for a while.. Better hope they don't investigate anything else.

    Tara A: 'Be quick, we're gonna be here for a while'... Getting mixed signals here, Wilson.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Jari: Are you still brain damaged? Right now. We have a suitable area on the ship.


    M Samana: I beg it would take something like this to fix that hatred.

    Karen: Let's do this.

    *Ziyal. After a few minutes, Drake is ordering the ship in pursuit.*

    Drake: The R.S.S. Ottawa is en route to cut them off, but we'll get there first. I'm going to suggest you take the Elim and get on the flanks while we knock out their facing shields.

    *Jari leads the way to the arena*


    M Samana: Got it.

    *As they step into the arena, Karen gets into a corner and puts up her guard.

    Meanwhile, Tara, Jack, Emma, M Samana and HK all launch in the Elim after the Orions.*

    Emma: Tara, you looked as if you recognised these Orions...

    Tara: It's the Duranus Cartel.

    Jack: I thought P-Sec captured the last of their leaders years ago?

    Tara: All but one. Melani S'ian...

    M Samana: Why would she start up with hitting us?


    *JAri does the same*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Jari: Are you still brain damaged? Right now. We have a suitable area on the ship.


    M Samana: I beg it would take something like this to fix that hatred.

    Karen: Let's do this.

    *Ziyal. After a few minutes, Drake is ordering the ship in pursuit.*

    Drake: The R.S.S. Ottawa is en route to cut them off, but we'll get there first. I'm going to suggest you take the Elim and get on the flanks while we knock out their facing shields.

    *Jari leads the way to the arena*


    M Samana: Got it.

    *As they step into the arena, Karen gets into a corner and puts up her guard.

    Meanwhile, Tara, Jack, Emma, M Samana and HK all launch in the Elim after the Orions.*

    Emma: Tara, you looked as if you recognised these Orions...

    Tara: It's the Duranus Cartel.

    Jack: I thought P-Sec captured the last of their leaders years ago?

    Tara: All but one. Melani S'ian...

    M Samana: Why would she start up with hitting us?


    *JAri does the same*

    Tara: She was Samana's second-in-command.

    *Orion frigate. Karen charges her.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Jari: Are you still brain damaged? Right now. We have a suitable area on the ship.


    M Samana: I beg it would take something like this to fix that hatred.

    Karen: Let's do this.

    *Ziyal. After a few minutes, Drake is ordering the ship in pursuit.*

    Drake: The R.S.S. Ottawa is en route to cut them off, but we'll get there first. I'm going to suggest you take the Elim and get on the flanks while we knock out their facing shields.

    *Jari leads the way to the arena*


    M Samana: Got it.

    *As they step into the arena, Karen gets into a corner and puts up her guard.

    Meanwhile, Tara, Jack, Emma, M Samana and HK all launch in the Elim after the Orions.*

    Emma: Tara, you looked as if you recognised these Orions...

    Tara: It's the Duranus Cartel.

    Jack: I thought P-Sec captured the last of their leaders years ago?

    Tara: All but one. Melani S'ian...

    M Samana: Why would she start up with hitting us?


    *JAri does the same*

    Tara: She was Samana's second-in-command.

    *Orion frigate. Karen charges her.*

    M Samana: But Both of us are nice now.


    *Jari dodges and stomps on Karen's leg hard*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Jari: Are you still brain damaged? Right now. We have a suitable area on the ship.


    M Samana: I beg it would take something like this to fix that hatred.

    Karen: Let's do this.

    *Ziyal. After a few minutes, Drake is ordering the ship in pursuit.*

    Drake: The R.S.S. Ottawa is en route to cut them off, but we'll get there first. I'm going to suggest you take the Elim and get on the flanks while we knock out their facing shields.

    *Jari leads the way to the arena*


    M Samana: Got it.

    *As they step into the arena, Karen gets into a corner and puts up her guard.

    Meanwhile, Tara, Jack, Emma, M Samana and HK all launch in the Elim after the Orions.*

    Emma: Tara, you looked as if you recognised these Orions...

    Tara: It's the Duranus Cartel.

    Jack: I thought P-Sec captured the last of their leaders years ago?

    Tara: All but one. Melani S'ian...

    M Samana: Why would she start up with hitting us?


    *JAri does the same*

    Tara: She was Samana's second-in-command.

    *Orion frigate. Karen charges her.*

    M Samana: But Both of us are nice now.


    *Jari dodges and stomps on Karen's leg hard*

    Tara: Exactly.

    *Orion Frigate. Karen cries out in pain before grabbing Jari's leg, taking her down and twisting it so hard there's an audible crack.*

    OOC: What's Jari's outfit?
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Jari: Are you still brain damaged? Right now. We have a suitable area on the ship.


    M Samana: I beg it would take something like this to fix that hatred.

    Karen: Let's do this.

    *Ziyal. After a few minutes, Drake is ordering the ship in pursuit.*

    Drake: The R.S.S. Ottawa is en route to cut them off, but we'll get there first. I'm going to suggest you take the Elim and get on the flanks while we knock out their facing shields.

    *Jari leads the way to the arena*


    M Samana: Got it.

    *As they step into the arena, Karen gets into a corner and puts up her guard.

    Meanwhile, Tara, Jack, Emma, M Samana and HK all launch in the Elim after the Orions.*

    Emma: Tara, you looked as if you recognised these Orions...

    Tara: It's the Duranus Cartel.

    Jack: I thought P-Sec captured the last of their leaders years ago?

    Tara: All but one. Melani S'ian...

    M Samana: Why would she start up with hitting us?


    *JAri does the same*

    Tara: She was Samana's second-in-command.

    *Orion frigate. Karen charges her.*

    M Samana: But Both of us are nice now.


    *Jari dodges and stomps on Karen's leg hard*

    Tara: Exactly.

    *Orion Frigate. Karen cries out in pain before grabbing Jari's leg, taking her down and twisting it so hard there's an audible crack.*

    OOC: What's Jari's outfit?

    M Samana: So she has a grudge?


    OoC: Probably typical orion attire.

    *JAri manages to grab Karen's head and starts twisting it trying to snap her kneck*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: i forgot I still have crime people in Pegasus lol
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Dani's trip to the Enterprise's location took some time to get there, but when the transport vessel carrying her comes up on the damaged vessel. The damage is obvious to all a coordinated bombing, that seems to ring in her head as well. The Republic vessel Californian had arrived by that point and had commenced repairs, with former SHIELD ships as well.. *

    Transport Captain: We are coming up on the Enterprise mam.. Does not look too good.

    Ops: Why did the rebels seek people inside the Federation?

    *On the ship Colas' investigation is going no where as the computer issue was discovered, but the leads where no where near the terminals. Same goes for Mila's investigation, Sala's help however is more of looking into Cassi..*

    *In sickbay James Jr.. is still comatose but being visited by Mila and Sala..*

    Sala: The Doctors here do good work.. the only thing missing is his eye and arm.

    Bruce: Not entirely true.. The damage from the bomb created a problem with organ failure, from blast trauma.. We transplanted what we could but we had to make a call to a cybernetics manufacturer for the more pressing issue. The radiation coming from the pieces is nasty.. This coma he is in is another matter, we can't seem to wake him from it.

    *Mila walks out, slamming her fist into the corridor wall and sliding onto the floor, sobbing.

    Dani beams aboard, meeting O'Connor at the transporter room. The two share a brief hug before O'Connor leads her towards sickbay.*

    Dani: Have any idea who's responsible?

    O'Connor: A lot of theories but nothing confirmed. We're currently running on the assumption that it's Free Delta.

    Dani: What about my husband?

    O'Connor: Nothing. It's like he vanished into thin air.

    Dani: Mila?

    O'Connor: She's fine, all things considered.

    *Dani stops him, looking confused.*

    Dani: James told me she disappeared!

    O'Connor: James? Dani, that's not possible. *They continue.*

    Dani: Meaning?

    O'Connor: I'm sorry, I thought you knew.

    Dani: Knew what?

    *They turn the corner and see Mila crying in the corridor. Dani freezes.*


    O'Connor: Captain--

    Dani: No!

    *Dani runs into sickbay.*

    O'Connor: Dani!

    *Dani freezes again, gasping as she sees James Jr on the biobed.*

    *Sala lowers her head and gets out of the way..*

    Bruce: Captain..

    *Nurse comes up to him with another chart.. *

    Another failing system on Rishi?

    *The Doctor looks beyond tired as if he has been doing meat ball surgery for at least a day and a half straight.. The EMH is still getting emitters repaired. *

    Nurse: Yes Doctor.. It doesn't look like its going to help very much..

    Bruce: *Nodding * Best we can do for the Chief is to make him as comfortable as we can.

    Dani: What... Happened...?

    Sala: James and Casval where at the communications array when the bomb went off. James shoved Casval ahead of him and got caught in the blast instead of Casval.. He hasn't come out of his room for the last several days. We all checked on him..

    *She sits down tired but still not going much of anywhere.*

    He came by for me, especially when he did not need to, I think its only right to return the favor.

    Bruce: *Finally away from Rishi..* We have a cybernetics specialist coming by to consult with us on how to proceed.

    *Outside sickbay, Quinton comes by and kneels by Mila.. not saying a word.*

    *He can see that Mila's muscles have tensed up.*

    Mila *silent rage*: I'm going to kill her...

    Quinton: *nods in silent agreement..*

    *It cuts him pretty deep seeing her like this, and James in there looking like that.*

    Have you seen Casval? He is probably not taking this well at all at the moment.

    *Mila looks at him, nodding gently before standing up and going to Casval's quarters.*

    *Casval sits in his room, he had been interviewed by security already and filed his report on the incident. He sat there in a dark room very dimly lit. He was burning with rage at everyone and everything; His father, the Federation, Free Delta, Cassi, and most of all himself.. If he hadn't been such a klutz or careless James would not be half blown up in sickbay. His tears had already dried, but felt he had no more left to shed. How could he get stronger, not to let anyone down again. *

    *His hands clench tightly, trembling with inner rage.. and speckled lightly with blood.. His nails had dug into his skin. Breaking the silence is the door chime.*

    Casval: For the love of god.. Just leave me alone!

    Mila: Cas... It's me...

    *Casval sits there.. grumbling as he snaps a finger letting the door open, but sealing it back up behind her as she enters. She can't see much, but something in her can tell that Quinton was right. Casval was not taking this well at all.*

    Casval: What is it? *he is sitting in a chair staring at the ground...*

    *Mila sits next to him.*

    Mila: I know how you feel...

    *She kneels down in front of him.*

    Listen, you and me? We're family. Nothing's ever going to take that away from us. It doesn't matter what happens or where we are: I'm here for you, and you're here for me. Right?

    *She opens her arms for a hug.*

    OOC: I think a genuinely heartwarming family moment would be good to break up the grim-dark depression. ;)

    *Casval takes the hug, he can feel burning tears again in his eyes.. Which surprises him. He is still silent.*

    Casval: The radiation is gamma radiation... *That epiphany comes to him as he takes into account the problems the patients are suffering.* The bombs.. thats how they mask them in space and subspace. Makes them just part of the back ground.

    *In James Jr's head the place around him is the colony community he remembered growing up. But its dim, ruined. A man with a gloved jeweled hand stands there watching a kindling flame at his feet. *

    Ferdian: So the child of the Elder Blood finds his way here.. *He turns to squint his eyes at him and snorts* Broken not worth the time.

    *Mila's eyes are also stinging as tears roll down her face.*

    Mila: What?

    Casval: Gamma radiation Mila that is how the bombs could hide in space. Its also why we found them so easily.

    Mila: Hold on, I thought background radiation was microwaves?

    Casval: To a point, unless weaponized.. Which this was apparently, it is also cheap to make as well. Parts are common but the science behind it is... tangible to who made it.

    Mila: Cas', you are brilliant. The investigation team needs you.

    *An hour later. Mila is meeting Wade and O'Connor.*

    O'Connor: The ion trail is faint, but it might be possible to follow it.

    Mila: Captain, I want to take a runabout after that shuttle. Whoever's piloting it undoubtedly has something to do with the attack.

    Wade: Your kidding me.. Sending just you? Your mom would kill me.. However, we could initiate the mission and move to investigate out of the ship.

    Mila: I can take her! Send someone with me if you need to, but someone has to drag her back here to answer for what she did!

    Wade: Not on your own.. Colas start the mission now.. with a few changes of course.

    *He passes Mila..*

    Don't forget when it comes down to it there are other victims aside from your own pain. But leadership overlooks your own wants and desires. Report to the Commander in the shuttle bay. Comms with the ship are going to be out for several days and we will look after your brother.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Wilson takes control of the runabout as he plots the course to Bajor.. *

    Wilson: Quite a trip this is turning into.

    Sara: Hold on, why are we going back?

    Wilson: Do you think a small runabout can clear the area before the Patrol vessels and Kazon start shooting at each other?

    *He shows her the scanners*

    Give me a guess how long it would take for the Kazon here to come under fire by these patrol vessels coming to investigate the explosion?

    Sara: Can't we use slipstream?

    Wilson: Slipstream would give a power reading, and our position away. *He looks up and points* There it is..

    *They can see combat has started between the Kazon and the Patrol vessels. Federation MS streak by the new model skirted legs and tunic armor..*

    You have to get a bead on things, fly boys however won't bother looking for us. That made it a good twenty seconds. Hope you learned something from this little session.

    Sara: Why exactly do we not want the patrol to see us? They're Federation ships!

    Wilson: Oh.. we don't exactly have clearance to be here little one. Plus its a government banned zone because of all the Elibisi tech. Which means if we get caught we go to prison mining Borite for 20 years.

    Sara: Ah...

    *Looks at Tara A.*

    And why didn't you mention this?

    Tara A: I got permission.


    Not really.

    Wilson: Meaning it would be smarter if we make like a tree and leave.

    Sara: Alright.

    *The Runabout makes its way through the shoal zone and away from the battle between the Kazon and the Patrol group.*

    Wilson: When we land you might want to make this quick.

    Tara A: Make what quick?

    Wilson: We are going to be here for a while.. Better hope they don't investigate anything else.

    Tara A: 'Be quick, we're gonna be here for a while'... Getting mixed signals here, Wilson.

    Wilson: 'Mixed signals Wade, I don't know what your talking about..' she says.. More Kazon coming...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *In Sickbay Dani and Sala are still sitting by James Jr.. who is still in his odd coma. *

    Sala: You haven't spoken to my father at all have you?

    *Casval finally enters the medical bay, looking fresher than he had.. Surprised to see his mother there.*

    Casval: Mom?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Jari: Are you still brain damaged? Right now. We have a suitable area on the ship.


    M Samana: I beg it would take something like this to fix that hatred.

    Karen: Let's do this.

    *Ziyal. After a few minutes, Drake is ordering the ship in pursuit.*

    Drake: The R.S.S. Ottawa is en route to cut them off, but we'll get there first. I'm going to suggest you take the Elim and get on the flanks while we knock out their facing shields.

    *Jari leads the way to the arena*


    M Samana: Got it.

    *As they step into the arena, Karen gets into a corner and puts up her guard.

    Meanwhile, Tara, Jack, Emma, M Samana and HK all launch in the Elim after the Orions.*

    Emma: Tara, you looked as if you recognised these Orions...

    Tara: It's the Duranus Cartel.

    Jack: I thought P-Sec captured the last of their leaders years ago?

    Tara: All but one. Melani S'ian...

    M Samana: Why would she start up with hitting us?


    *JAri does the same*

    Tara: She was Samana's second-in-command.

    *Orion frigate. Karen charges her.*

    M Samana: But Both of us are nice now.


    *Jari dodges and stomps on Karen's leg hard*

    Tara: Exactly.

    *Orion Frigate. Karen cries out in pain before grabbing Jari's leg, taking her down and twisting it so hard there's an audible crack.*

    OOC: What's Jari's outfit?

    M Samana: So she has a grudge?


    OoC: Probably typical orion attire.

    *JAri manages to grab Karen's head and starts twisting it trying to snap her kneck*

    Tara: Basically.

    *Frigate. Karen breaks the lock.*

    Sira: Hey, Jari, try to avoid killing her! We can't sell her if she's dead!

    *Karen grabs Jari by the hair, slamming her face into the ground a few times.*

    *Karen's wearing a basic white vest with grey shorts and a white wristband on her right arm.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Dani's trip to the Enterprise's location took some time to get there, but when the transport vessel carrying her comes up on the damaged vessel. The damage is obvious to all a coordinated bombing, that seems to ring in her head as well. The Republic vessel Californian had arrived by that point and had commenced repairs, with former SHIELD ships as well.. *

    Transport Captain: We are coming up on the Enterprise mam.. Does not look too good.

    Ops: Why did the rebels seek people inside the Federation?

    *On the ship Colas' investigation is going no where as the computer issue was discovered, but the leads where no where near the terminals. Same goes for Mila's investigation, Sala's help however is more of looking into Cassi..*

    *In sickbay James Jr.. is still comatose but being visited by Mila and Sala..*

    Sala: The Doctors here do good work.. the only thing missing is his eye and arm.

    Bruce: Not entirely true.. The damage from the bomb created a problem with organ failure, from blast trauma.. We transplanted what we could but we had to make a call to a cybernetics manufacturer for the more pressing issue. The radiation coming from the pieces is nasty.. This coma he is in is another matter, we can't seem to wake him from it.

    *Mila walks out, slamming her fist into the corridor wall and sliding onto the floor, sobbing.

    Dani beams aboard, meeting O'Connor at the transporter room. The two share a brief hug before O'Connor leads her towards sickbay.*

    Dani: Have any idea who's responsible?

    O'Connor: A lot of theories but nothing confirmed. We're currently running on the assumption that it's Free Delta.

    Dani: What about my husband?

    O'Connor: Nothing. It's like he vanished into thin air.

    Dani: Mila?

    O'Connor: She's fine, all things considered.

    *Dani stops him, looking confused.*

    Dani: James told me she disappeared!

    O'Connor: James? Dani, that's not possible. *They continue.*

    Dani: Meaning?

    O'Connor: I'm sorry, I thought you knew.

    Dani: Knew what?

    *They turn the corner and see Mila crying in the corridor. Dani freezes.*


    O'Connor: Captain--

    Dani: No!

    *Dani runs into sickbay.*

    O'Connor: Dani!

    *Dani freezes again, gasping as she sees James Jr on the biobed.*

    *Sala lowers her head and gets out of the way..*

    Bruce: Captain..

    *Nurse comes up to him with another chart.. *

    Another failing system on Rishi?

    *The Doctor looks beyond tired as if he has been doing meat ball surgery for at least a day and a half straight.. The EMH is still getting emitters repaired. *

    Nurse: Yes Doctor.. It doesn't look like its going to help very much..

    Bruce: *Nodding * Best we can do for the Chief is to make him as comfortable as we can.

    Dani: What... Happened...?

    Sala: James and Casval where at the communications array when the bomb went off. James shoved Casval ahead of him and got caught in the blast instead of Casval.. He hasn't come out of his room for the last several days. We all checked on him..

    *She sits down tired but still not going much of anywhere.*

    He came by for me, especially when he did not need to, I think its only right to return the favor.

    Bruce: *Finally away from Rishi..* We have a cybernetics specialist coming by to consult with us on how to proceed.

    *Outside sickbay, Quinton comes by and kneels by Mila.. not saying a word.*

    *He can see that Mila's muscles have tensed up.*

    Mila *silent rage*: I'm going to kill her...

    Quinton: *nods in silent agreement..*

    *It cuts him pretty deep seeing her like this, and James in there looking like that.*

    Have you seen Casval? He is probably not taking this well at all at the moment.

    *Mila looks at him, nodding gently before standing up and going to Casval's quarters.*

    *Casval sits in his room, he had been interviewed by security already and filed his report on the incident. He sat there in a dark room very dimly lit. He was burning with rage at everyone and everything; His father, the Federation, Free Delta, Cassi, and most of all himself.. If he hadn't been such a klutz or careless James would not be half blown up in sickbay. His tears had already dried, but felt he had no more left to shed. How could he get stronger, not to let anyone down again. *

    *His hands clench tightly, trembling with inner rage.. and speckled lightly with blood.. His nails had dug into his skin. Breaking the silence is the door chime.*

    Casval: For the love of god.. Just leave me alone!

    Mila: Cas... It's me...

    *Casval sits there.. grumbling as he snaps a finger letting the door open, but sealing it back up behind her as she enters. She can't see much, but something in her can tell that Quinton was right. Casval was not taking this well at all.*

    Casval: What is it? *he is sitting in a chair staring at the ground...*

    *Mila sits next to him.*

    Mila: I know how you feel...

    *She kneels down in front of him.*

    Listen, you and me? We're family. Nothing's ever going to take that away from us. It doesn't matter what happens or where we are: I'm here for you, and you're here for me. Right?

    *She opens her arms for a hug.*

    OOC: I think a genuinely heartwarming family moment would be good to break up the grim-dark depression. ;)

    *Casval takes the hug, he can feel burning tears again in his eyes.. Which surprises him. He is still silent.*

    Casval: The radiation is gamma radiation... *That epiphany comes to him as he takes into account the problems the patients are suffering.* The bombs.. thats how they mask them in space and subspace. Makes them just part of the back ground.

    *In James Jr's head the place around him is the colony community he remembered growing up. But its dim, ruined. A man with a gloved jeweled hand stands there watching a kindling flame at his feet. *

    Ferdian: So the child of the Elder Blood finds his way here.. *He turns to squint his eyes at him and snorts* Broken not worth the time.

    *Mila's eyes are also stinging as tears roll down her face.*

    Mila: What?

    Casval: Gamma radiation Mila that is how the bombs could hide in space. Its also why we found them so easily.

    Mila: Hold on, I thought background radiation was microwaves?

    Casval: To a point, unless weaponized.. Which this was apparently, it is also cheap to make as well. Parts are common but the science behind it is... tangible to who made it.

    Mila: Cas', you are brilliant. The investigation team needs you.

    *An hour later. Mila is meeting Wade and O'Connor.*

    O'Connor: The ion trail is faint, but it might be possible to follow it.

    Mila: Captain, I want to take a runabout after that shuttle. Whoever's piloting it undoubtedly has something to do with the attack.

    Wade: Your kidding me.. Sending just you? Your mom would kill me.. However, we could initiate the mission and move to investigate out of the ship.

    Mila: I can take her! Send someone with me if you need to, but someone has to drag her back here to answer for what she did!

    Wade: Not on your own.. Colas start the mission now.. with a few changes of course.

    *He passes Mila..*

    Don't forget when it comes down to it there are other victims aside from your own pain. But leadership overlooks your own wants and desires. Report to the Commander in the shuttle bay. Comms with the ship are going to be out for several days and we will look after your brother.

    Mila: Understood.

    *Soon, she and Colas are chasing Cassi's shuttle in a runabout. Mila spends a good deal of the time stretching.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Wilson takes control of the runabout as he plots the course to Bajor.. *

    Wilson: Quite a trip this is turning into.

    Sara: Hold on, why are we going back?

    Wilson: Do you think a small runabout can clear the area before the Patrol vessels and Kazon start shooting at each other?

    *He shows her the scanners*

    Give me a guess how long it would take for the Kazon here to come under fire by these patrol vessels coming to investigate the explosion?

    Sara: Can't we use slipstream?

    Wilson: Slipstream would give a power reading, and our position away. *He looks up and points* There it is..

    *They can see combat has started between the Kazon and the Patrol vessels. Federation MS streak by the new model skirted legs and tunic armor..*

    You have to get a bead on things, fly boys however won't bother looking for us. That made it a good twenty seconds. Hope you learned something from this little session.

    Sara: Why exactly do we not want the patrol to see us? They're Federation ships!

    Wilson: Oh.. we don't exactly have clearance to be here little one. Plus its a government banned zone because of all the Elibisi tech. Which means if we get caught we go to prison mining Borite for 20 years.

    Sara: Ah...

    *Looks at Tara A.*

    And why didn't you mention this?

    Tara A: I got permission.


    Not really.

    Wilson: Meaning it would be smarter if we make like a tree and leave.

    Sara: Alright.

    *The Runabout makes its way through the shoal zone and away from the battle between the Kazon and the Patrol group.*

    Wilson: When we land you might want to make this quick.

    Tara A: Make what quick?

    Wilson: We are going to be here for a while.. Better hope they don't investigate anything else.

    Tara A: 'Be quick, we're gonna be here for a while'... Getting mixed signals here, Wilson.

    Wilson: 'Mixed signals Wade, I don't know what your talking about..' she says.. More Kazon coming...

    Tara A: The patrol's up there now. Why would the Kazon try something when they're easy to catch?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *In Sickbay Dani and Sala are still sitting by James Jr.. who is still in his odd coma. *

    Sala: You haven't spoken to my father at all have you?

    *Casval finally enters the medical bay, looking fresher than he had.. Surprised to see his mother there.*

    Casval: Mom?

    *Dani stands up and hugs him.*

    Dani: I'm so glad you're safe...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Dani's trip to the Enterprise's location took some time to get there, but when the transport vessel carrying her comes up on the damaged vessel. The damage is obvious to all a coordinated bombing, that seems to ring in her head as well. The Republic vessel Californian had arrived by that point and had commenced repairs, with former SHIELD ships as well.. *

    Transport Captain: We are coming up on the Enterprise mam.. Does not look too good.

    Ops: Why did the rebels seek people inside the Federation?

    *On the ship Colas' investigation is going no where as the computer issue was discovered, but the leads where no where near the terminals. Same goes for Mila's investigation, Sala's help however is more of looking into Cassi..*

    *In sickbay James Jr.. is still comatose but being visited by Mila and Sala..*

    Sala: The Doctors here do good work.. the only thing missing is his eye and arm.

    Bruce: Not entirely true.. The damage from the bomb created a problem with organ failure, from blast trauma.. We transplanted what we could but we had to make a call to a cybernetics manufacturer for the more pressing issue. The radiation coming from the pieces is nasty.. This coma he is in is another matter, we can't seem to wake him from it.

    *Mila walks out, slamming her fist into the corridor wall and sliding onto the floor, sobbing.

    Dani beams aboard, meeting O'Connor at the transporter room. The two share a brief hug before O'Connor leads her towards sickbay.*

    Dani: Have any idea who's responsible?

    O'Connor: A lot of theories but nothing confirmed. We're currently running on the assumption that it's Free Delta.

    Dani: What about my husband?

    O'Connor: Nothing. It's like he vanished into thin air.

    Dani: Mila?

    O'Connor: She's fine, all things considered.

    *Dani stops him, looking confused.*

    Dani: James told me she disappeared!

    O'Connor: James? Dani, that's not possible. *They continue.*

    Dani: Meaning?

    O'Connor: I'm sorry, I thought you knew.

    Dani: Knew what?

    *They turn the corner and see Mila crying in the corridor. Dani freezes.*


    O'Connor: Captain--

    Dani: No!

    *Dani runs into sickbay.*

    O'Connor: Dani!

    *Dani freezes again, gasping as she sees James Jr on the biobed.*

    *Sala lowers her head and gets out of the way..*

    Bruce: Captain..

    *Nurse comes up to him with another chart.. *

    Another failing system on Rishi?

    *The Doctor looks beyond tired as if he has been doing meat ball surgery for at least a day and a half straight.. The EMH is still getting emitters repaired. *

    Nurse: Yes Doctor.. It doesn't look like its going to help very much..

    Bruce: *Nodding * Best we can do for the Chief is to make him as comfortable as we can.

    Dani: What... Happened...?

    Sala: James and Casval where at the communications array when the bomb went off. James shoved Casval ahead of him and got caught in the blast instead of Casval.. He hasn't come out of his room for the last several days. We all checked on him..

    *She sits down tired but still not going much of anywhere.*

    He came by for me, especially when he did not need to, I think its only right to return the favor.

    Bruce: *Finally away from Rishi..* We have a cybernetics specialist coming by to consult with us on how to proceed.

    *Outside sickbay, Quinton comes by and kneels by Mila.. not saying a word.*

    *He can see that Mila's muscles have tensed up.*

    Mila *silent rage*: I'm going to kill her...

    Quinton: *nods in silent agreement..*

    *It cuts him pretty deep seeing her like this, and James in there looking like that.*

    Have you seen Casval? He is probably not taking this well at all at the moment.

    *Mila looks at him, nodding gently before standing up and going to Casval's quarters.*

    *Casval sits in his room, he had been interviewed by security already and filed his report on the incident. He sat there in a dark room very dimly lit. He was burning with rage at everyone and everything; His father, the Federation, Free Delta, Cassi, and most of all himself.. If he hadn't been such a klutz or careless James would not be half blown up in sickbay. His tears had already dried, but felt he had no more left to shed. How could he get stronger, not to let anyone down again. *

    *His hands clench tightly, trembling with inner rage.. and speckled lightly with blood.. His nails had dug into his skin. Breaking the silence is the door chime.*

    Casval: For the love of god.. Just leave me alone!

    Mila: Cas... It's me...

    *Casval sits there.. grumbling as he snaps a finger letting the door open, but sealing it back up behind her as she enters. She can't see much, but something in her can tell that Quinton was right. Casval was not taking this well at all.*

    Casval: What is it? *he is sitting in a chair staring at the ground...*

    *Mila sits next to him.*

    Mila: I know how you feel...

    *She kneels down in front of him.*

    Listen, you and me? We're family. Nothing's ever going to take that away from us. It doesn't matter what happens or where we are: I'm here for you, and you're here for me. Right?

    *She opens her arms for a hug.*

    OOC: I think a genuinely heartwarming family moment would be good to break up the grim-dark depression. ;)

    *Casval takes the hug, he can feel burning tears again in his eyes.. Which surprises him. He is still silent.*

    Casval: The radiation is gamma radiation... *That epiphany comes to him as he takes into account the problems the patients are suffering.* The bombs.. thats how they mask them in space and subspace. Makes them just part of the back ground.

    *In James Jr's head the place around him is the colony community he remembered growing up. But its dim, ruined. A man with a gloved jeweled hand stands there watching a kindling flame at his feet. *

    Ferdian: So the child of the Elder Blood finds his way here.. *He turns to squint his eyes at him and snorts* Broken not worth the time.

    *Mila's eyes are also stinging as tears roll down her face.*

    Mila: What?

    Casval: Gamma radiation Mila that is how the bombs could hide in space. Its also why we found them so easily.

    Mila: Hold on, I thought background radiation was microwaves?

    Casval: To a point, unless weaponized.. Which this was apparently, it is also cheap to make as well. Parts are common but the science behind it is... tangible to who made it.

    Mila: Cas', you are brilliant. The investigation team needs you.

    *An hour later. Mila is meeting Wade and O'Connor.*

    O'Connor: The ion trail is faint, but it might be possible to follow it.

    Mila: Captain, I want to take a runabout after that shuttle. Whoever's piloting it undoubtedly has something to do with the attack.

    Wade: Your kidding me.. Sending just you? Your mom would kill me.. However, we could initiate the mission and move to investigate out of the ship.

    Mila: I can take her! Send someone with me if you need to, but someone has to drag her back here to answer for what she did!

    Wade: Not on your own.. Colas start the mission now.. with a few changes of course.

    *He passes Mila..*

    Don't forget when it comes down to it there are other victims aside from your own pain. But leadership overlooks your own wants and desires. Report to the Commander in the shuttle bay. Comms with the ship are going to be out for several days and we will look after your brother.

    Mila: Understood.

    *Soon, she and Colas are chasing Cassi's shuttle in a runabout. Mila spends a good deal of the time stretching.*

    *Wade sits there on the bridge, the Admiral's mission.. He chooses to send them too.. Since Sasha is the only one there to lead it he should pass it to her to do so. *

    Wade: Alvin... inform Sasha that she needs to gather a team and proceed with the Admiral's orders.

    Alvin: Yes sir. Our tow ship should be here soon.

    Wade: Good. We will be there for some time.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Wilson takes control of the runabout as he plots the course to Bajor.. *

    Wilson: Quite a trip this is turning into.

    Sara: Hold on, why are we going back?

    Wilson: Do you think a small runabout can clear the area before the Patrol vessels and Kazon start shooting at each other?

    *He shows her the scanners*

    Give me a guess how long it would take for the Kazon here to come under fire by these patrol vessels coming to investigate the explosion?

    Sara: Can't we use slipstream?

    Wilson: Slipstream would give a power reading, and our position away. *He looks up and points* There it is..

    *They can see combat has started between the Kazon and the Patrol vessels. Federation MS streak by the new model skirted legs and tunic armor..*

    You have to get a bead on things, fly boys however won't bother looking for us. That made it a good twenty seconds. Hope you learned something from this little session.

    Sara: Why exactly do we not want the patrol to see us? They're Federation ships!

    Wilson: Oh.. we don't exactly have clearance to be here little one. Plus its a government banned zone because of all the Elibisi tech. Which means if we get caught we go to prison mining Borite for 20 years.

    Sara: Ah...

    *Looks at Tara A.*

    And why didn't you mention this?

    Tara A: I got permission.


    Not really.

    Wilson: Meaning it would be smarter if we make like a tree and leave.

    Sara: Alright.

    *The Runabout makes its way through the shoal zone and away from the battle between the Kazon and the Patrol group.*

    Wilson: When we land you might want to make this quick.

    Tara A: Make what quick?

    Wilson: We are going to be here for a while.. Better hope they don't investigate anything else.

    Tara A: 'Be quick, we're gonna be here for a while'... Getting mixed signals here, Wilson.

    Wilson: 'Mixed signals Wade, I don't know what your talking about..' she says.. More Kazon coming...

    Tara A: The patrol's up there now. Why would the Kazon try something when they're easy to catch?

    Wilson: Kazon have never been that intelligent, plus its only a patrol.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *In Sickbay Dani and Sala are still sitting by James Jr.. who is still in his odd coma. *

    Sala: You haven't spoken to my father at all have you?

    *Casval finally enters the medical bay, looking fresher than he had.. Surprised to see his mother there.*

    Casval: Mom?

    *Dani stands up and hugs him.*

    Dani: I'm so glad you're safe...

    *Sala continues to sit there, trying to wonder what she was feeling. Then that night before this bombing. *

    Casval: Mom.. all I got was burns. She can tell he hated seeing his brother like that.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Wilson takes control of the runabout as he plots the course to Bajor.. *

    Wilson: Quite a trip this is turning into.

    Sara: Hold on, why are we going back?

    Wilson: Do you think a small runabout can clear the area before the Patrol vessels and Kazon start shooting at each other?

    *He shows her the scanners*

    Give me a guess how long it would take for the Kazon here to come under fire by these patrol vessels coming to investigate the explosion?

    Sara: Can't we use slipstream?

    Wilson: Slipstream would give a power reading, and our position away. *He looks up and points* There it is..

    *They can see combat has started between the Kazon and the Patrol vessels. Federation MS streak by the new model skirted legs and tunic armor..*

    You have to get a bead on things, fly boys however won't bother looking for us. That made it a good twenty seconds. Hope you learned something from this little session.

    Sara: Why exactly do we not want the patrol to see us? They're Federation ships!

    Wilson: Oh.. we don't exactly have clearance to be here little one. Plus its a government banned zone because of all the Elibisi tech. Which means if we get caught we go to prison mining Borite for 20 years.

    Sara: Ah...

    *Looks at Tara A.*

    And why didn't you mention this?

    Tara A: I got permission.


    Not really.

    Wilson: Meaning it would be smarter if we make like a tree and leave.

    Sara: Alright.

    *The Runabout makes its way through the shoal zone and away from the battle between the Kazon and the Patrol group.*

    Wilson: When we land you might want to make this quick.

    Tara A: Make what quick?

    Wilson: We are going to be here for a while.. Better hope they don't investigate anything else.

    Tara A: 'Be quick, we're gonna be here for a while'... Getting mixed signals here, Wilson.

    Wilson: 'Mixed signals Wade, I don't know what your talking about..' she says.. More Kazon coming...

    Tara A: The patrol's up there now. Why would the Kazon try something when they're easy to catch?

    Wilson: Kazon have never been that intelligent, plus its only a patrol.

    Tara A: So why are we staying here?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *In Sickbay Dani and Sala are still sitting by James Jr.. who is still in his odd coma. *

    Sala: You haven't spoken to my father at all have you?

    *Casval finally enters the medical bay, looking fresher than he had.. Surprised to see his mother there.*

    Casval: Mom?

    *Dani stands up and hugs him.*

    Dani: I'm so glad you're safe...

    *Sala continues to sit there, trying to wonder what she was feeling. Then that night before this bombing. *

    Casval: Mom.. all I got was burns. She can tell he hated seeing his brother like that.

    Dani: I know...

    How are you holding up?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Dani's trip to the Enterprise's location took some time to get there, but when the transport vessel carrying her comes up on the damaged vessel. The damage is obvious to all a coordinated bombing, that seems to ring in her head as well. The Republic vessel Californian had arrived by that point and had commenced repairs, with former SHIELD ships as well.. *

    Transport Captain: We are coming up on the Enterprise mam.. Does not look too good.

    Ops: Why did the rebels seek people inside the Federation?

    *On the ship Colas' investigation is going no where as the computer issue was discovered, but the leads where no where near the terminals. Same goes for Mila's investigation, Sala's help however is more of looking into Cassi..*

    *In sickbay James Jr.. is still comatose but being visited by Mila and Sala..*

    Sala: The Doctors here do good work.. the only thing missing is his eye and arm.

    Bruce: Not entirely true.. The damage from the bomb created a problem with organ failure, from blast trauma.. We transplanted what we could but we had to make a call to a cybernetics manufacturer for the more pressing issue. The radiation coming from the pieces is nasty.. This coma he is in is another matter, we can't seem to wake him from it.

    *Mila walks out, slamming her fist into the corridor wall and sliding onto the floor, sobbing.

    Dani beams aboard, meeting O'Connor at the transporter room. The two share a brief hug before O'Connor leads her towards sickbay.*

    Dani: Have any idea who's responsible?

    O'Connor: A lot of theories but nothing confirmed. We're currently running on the assumption that it's Free Delta.

    Dani: What about my husband?

    O'Connor: Nothing. It's like he vanished into thin air.

    Dani: Mila?

    O'Connor: She's fine, all things considered.

    *Dani stops him, looking confused.*

    Dani: James told me she disappeared!

    O'Connor: James? Dani, that's not possible. *They continue.*

    Dani: Meaning?

    O'Connor: I'm sorry, I thought you knew.

    Dani: Knew what?

    *They turn the corner and see Mila crying in the corridor. Dani freezes.*


    O'Connor: Captain--

    Dani: No!

    *Dani runs into sickbay.*

    O'Connor: Dani!

    *Dani freezes again, gasping as she sees James Jr on the biobed.*

    *Sala lowers her head and gets out of the way..*

    Bruce: Captain..

    *Nurse comes up to him with another chart.. *

    Another failing system on Rishi?

    *The Doctor looks beyond tired as if he has been doing meat ball surgery for at least a day and a half straight.. The EMH is still getting emitters repaired. *

    Nurse: Yes Doctor.. It doesn't look like its going to help very much..

    Bruce: *Nodding * Best we can do for the Chief is to make him as comfortable as we can.

    Dani: What... Happened...?

    Sala: James and Casval where at the communications array when the bomb went off. James shoved Casval ahead of him and got caught in the blast instead of Casval.. He hasn't come out of his room for the last several days. We all checked on him..

    *She sits down tired but still not going much of anywhere.*

    He came by for me, especially when he did not need to, I think its only right to return the favor.

    Bruce: *Finally away from Rishi..* We have a cybernetics specialist coming by to consult with us on how to proceed.

    *Outside sickbay, Quinton comes by and kneels by Mila.. not saying a word.*

    *He can see that Mila's muscles have tensed up.*

    Mila *silent rage*: I'm going to kill her...

    Quinton: *nods in silent agreement..*

    *It cuts him pretty deep seeing her like this, and James in there looking like that.*

    Have you seen Casval? He is probably not taking this well at all at the moment.

    *Mila looks at him, nodding gently before standing up and going to Casval's quarters.*

    *Casval sits in his room, he had been interviewed by security already and filed his report on the incident. He sat there in a dark room very dimly lit. He was burning with rage at everyone and everything; His father, the Federation, Free Delta, Cassi, and most of all himself.. If he hadn't been such a klutz or careless James would not be half blown up in sickbay. His tears had already dried, but felt he had no more left to shed. How could he get stronger, not to let anyone down again. *

    *His hands clench tightly, trembling with inner rage.. and speckled lightly with blood.. His nails had dug into his skin. Breaking the silence is the door chime.*

    Casval: For the love of god.. Just leave me alone!

    Mila: Cas... It's me...

    *Casval sits there.. grumbling as he snaps a finger letting the door open, but sealing it back up behind her as she enters. She can't see much, but something in her can tell that Quinton was right. Casval was not taking this well at all.*

    Casval: What is it? *he is sitting in a chair staring at the ground...*

    *Mila sits next to him.*

    Mila: I know how you feel...

    *She kneels down in front of him.*

    Listen, you and me? We're family. Nothing's ever going to take that away from us. It doesn't matter what happens or where we are: I'm here for you, and you're here for me. Right?

    *She opens her arms for a hug.*

    OOC: I think a genuinely heartwarming family moment would be good to break up the grim-dark depression. ;)

    *Casval takes the hug, he can feel burning tears again in his eyes.. Which surprises him. He is still silent.*

    Casval: The radiation is gamma radiation... *That epiphany comes to him as he takes into account the problems the patients are suffering.* The bombs.. thats how they mask them in space and subspace. Makes them just part of the back ground.

    *In James Jr's head the place around him is the colony community he remembered growing up. But its dim, ruined. A man with a gloved jeweled hand stands there watching a kindling flame at his feet. *

    Ferdian: So the child of the Elder Blood finds his way here.. *He turns to squint his eyes at him and snorts* Broken not worth the time.

    *Mila's eyes are also stinging as tears roll down her face.*

    Mila: What?

    Casval: Gamma radiation Mila that is how the bombs could hide in space. Its also why we found them so easily.

    Mila: Hold on, I thought background radiation was microwaves?

    Casval: To a point, unless weaponized.. Which this was apparently, it is also cheap to make as well. Parts are common but the science behind it is... tangible to who made it.

    Mila: Cas', you are brilliant. The investigation team needs you.

    *An hour later. Mila is meeting Wade and O'Connor.*

    O'Connor: The ion trail is faint, but it might be possible to follow it.

    Mila: Captain, I want to take a runabout after that shuttle. Whoever's piloting it undoubtedly has something to do with the attack.

    Wade: Your kidding me.. Sending just you? Your mom would kill me.. However, we could initiate the mission and move to investigate out of the ship.

    Mila: I can take her! Send someone with me if you need to, but someone has to drag her back here to answer for what she did!

    Wade: Not on your own.. Colas start the mission now.. with a few changes of course.

    *He passes Mila..*

    Don't forget when it comes down to it there are other victims aside from your own pain. But leadership overlooks your own wants and desires. Report to the Commander in the shuttle bay. Comms with the ship are going to be out for several days and we will look after your brother.

    Mila: Understood.

    *Soon, she and Colas are chasing Cassi's shuttle in a runabout. Mila spends a good deal of the time stretching.*

    *Wade sits there on the bridge, the Admiral's mission.. He chooses to send them too.. Since Sasha is the only one there to lead it he should pass it to her to do so. *

    Wade: Alvin... inform Sasha that she needs to gather a team and proceed with the Admiral's orders.

    Alvin: Yes sir. Our tow ship should be here soon.

    Wade: Good. We will be there for some time.

    *Mila looks over at Colas as they continue chasing Cassi's warp trail.*

    Mila: How long will this take?

    Colas: At least a few hours. We may be faster than her, but she has a pretty big head start.

    *After a few hours, they pick up Cassi's shuttle. Colas opens a channel.*

    Colas: Enterprise Shuttle 1, this is Runabout Stour. Cut your engines and prepare to be boarded.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Coulson is back aboard his ship with the enterprise still on the main screen.

    Coulson: i still don't like it.

    Morez: agreed. It's hard to tell if they only wanted to damage her or if there intent was to destroy her.

    Coulson: let's stay close for awhile make sure nothing else goes wrong.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Malick is seeing to matters as a nervous trooper walks up to him.

    Malick: what is it?

    Trooper: sir subject a-005 has escaped. He killed the entire facility crew and security team.

    Malick: leave

    The trooper salutes before rushing out. Malick let's a smile cross his face. This shows he was right. The subject was ready. Getting him back wouldnt be a problem. Now he could focus on making the wheels turn again.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    M Samana: Damn I wish we could have Samana here she would have more experience with this than me.


    *Jari breaks free and tries to twist Karen's arm enough to hurt*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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