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  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Sam: What the hell?!

    *Outside. Blake is just staring at the carnage the defence platforms have caused behind him.*

    Blake: Oh my god...

    PACES, target the nearest platform.

    *Armada flies at the platform, dodging weapons fire, taking a few hits, before literally smashing into the satellite. As it stabilises, he activates his right Nano-Pulse blade and tears into it, ripping the plating off before punching into it.*

    PACES: Sir, at this range, the explosion will do inconceivable damage to the armour, or worse, your skeletal structure!

    Blake: Noted!

    *He uses the impulse jets to fly a few meters away before firing his palm-phasers into the hole he made. The Platform explodes and the blast sends him flying into the hull of a Shedai Cruiser. A forcefield comes up, trapping him as he looks around the Bridge, and sees Tal standing in the centre, staring at him.*

    Blake *Voice modulated*: Aww... TRIBBLE.

    *OOC: Now going to bed. Be back at 13:00 UTC (15 hours) (at latest).*

    James: Sam.. We need to land and land fast...

    *Taps his helmet and brings up Wax*

    Wax, how long until the Dominion gets here?

    Wax: They are still about an hour or so out...

    James: Tell them we are being picked apart here... Plus we still have Species 9042 out there regenerating.. We need them to hurry.

    Wax: On it..


    *Dorman comes up*

    Dorman: A little busy James what can I do for you?

    James: Spread out we don't need the capital ships taken out... We need Voporak and his wing to attack the orbital defense grid and if they can the ring..

    Dorman: Got it..
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OOC: I've been busy with school, that stuff in general, etc., so I kinda fell behind in the story. I'll try to find where I last read up to.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    OOC: I've been busy with school, that stuff in general, etc., so I kinda fell behind in the story. I'll try to find where I last read up to.

    OOC: We all know the feeling.. So go ahead man.. catch up. Its the last day of my vacation and I have work the next 2 days then 3 exams after school starts again.. So yup gonna be busy...*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ooc: oh the fun of life

    Tal stands aboard the bridge looking at armada.

    Tal: how stupid do you really think we are. My master is ready for you. And will see to it that you all are defeated.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: oh the fun of life

    Tal stands aboard the bridge looking at armada.

    Tal: how stupid do you really think we are. My master is ready for you. And will see to it that you all are defeated.

    Preston: Now now... I do have some use for him.. Do it Tal... Override his AI
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Preston: Now now... I do have some use for him.. Do it Tal... Override his AI

    Tal walks over to armada. Slightly annoyed. He sets his hand on the suit and and a small flash where he makes contact.

    Tal: it is done.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Tal walks over to armada. Slightly annoyed. He sets his hand on the suit and and a small flash where he makes contact.

    Tal: it is done.

    Preston: Go and destroy the fighters and escorts..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *As Armada speeds off Preston looks to Tal... *

    Preston: Commander I will need you to man your position and get ready for the Dominion... I do imagine Councilor Odo managed to send ten thousand vessels.. We need to counter them..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *As Armada speeds off Preston looks to Tal... *

    Preston: Commander I will need you to man your position and get ready for the Dominion... I do imagine Councilor Odo managed to send ten thousand vessels.. We need to counter them..

    Tal: as you wish. We will deal with them.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *As Tal is beamed aboard his vessel, Preston views a shuttle dodging the enemy fire...*

    Preston: *Sending a mental feel so James could feel...*

    Oh James... I am about to do something extremely wicked... If you are near by feel my presence...

    *Shutting off his mind.. and blocking other newtypes..*

    *Bringing up tactical*

    What is the enemy strength at now?

    Tactical: They have lost twelve percent of their forces since the battle began... The orbital weapons and cannons are certainly helping our ships and bringing down their escorts and fighters... Also softening up their ships for ours to bring them down...

    Preston: How will they fare when the Dominion arrive?

    Tactical Chief: We will be hard pressed then.. but even then we should be able to hold. The Dolos will hold the line.

    Preston: We will see.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    As tal beams to his ship.

    Tal: have the death seaker battle group meet us at the following coordinates we will cur off the dominion there.

    Officer: aye sir.

    Harvest bridge
    Sparks fly as the ship keeps getting hit.

    Devon: report

    Officer: sir shields are down to 45% we have hull breach on deck 18 section c. We have lost 4 torpedoe bays. Phaser bank charge is at 35%. We have also lost 2/3 of our fighters sir.

    Devon: damn continue firing on the closest ships. Put the warp engines power to weapons and shields.

    Officer: sir that will disable warp drive completely.

    Devon: unless we survive warp drive will be the least of our worries.

    Jacob flies through mass of enemy fighters and ships.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *OOC: Gonna be gone a very big chunk of the day... Relatives I need to visit..*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Preston: Now now... I do have some use for him.. Do it Tal... Override his AI
    logang19 wrote: »
    Tal walks over to armada. Slightly annoyed. He sets his hand on the suit and and a small flash where he makes contact.

    Tal: it is done.
    Preston: Go and destroy the fighters and escorts..

    Blake: What the--?

    *Blake can't control the armour as it heads straight for the allied formation.*


    *The armour locks down and all the power shuts off. PACES is taken offline and the back-up computer takes over.*


    Wipe system memory and reboot PACES from last activation.

    Computer: Stand-by.

    *A progress bar appears on his HUD (the only thing on his HUD), filling after about 30 seconds.*

    Reboot complete.

    Blake: Reactivate armour, Matthews 1-0-0-Omega-Obsidian-Delta, enable.

    *The armour reboots.*

    PACES: My apologies, sir.

    Blake: Don't beat yourself up over it.

    PACES: Sir, the Weapons Platforms are still doing extreme damage to the fleet.

    Blake: Lock in a course for the closest one.

    *Armada flies to the next Platform, stabbing into it with the nano-pulses and ripping the hull open a little.*

    Okay, release one of the micro-torps. Set it for remote detonation.

    *The suit releases a micro-torp, which Armada slips inside the platform. He does the same for 20 more before flying clear of the last one.*

    Open a channel to Preston.

    PACES: Open.

    Blake: Hey, Preston, guess what? I don't like people hijacking my armour... OR my AI!

    Here's a little gift from me to you!

    Do it, PACES!

    *Each of the 20 Weapons platforms explode from the inside out, forming a hole in the net.

    R.S.S. Republic, Bridge.*

    Sam: That's our way in!

    All escorts, flood that gap and rip the enemy fleet to pieces! Ground transports, that's your hole!

    Go now!

    *The troop transports head for the Halo, with the escorts covering them. When an enemy fighter goes after the Vanguard Shuttle, Armada smashes into it before knocking out another two with his micro-torps.*

    Hawk *Over comm*: Thanks!

    Armada *Over comm*: Any time.

    *OOC: For future reference, if it says 'Blake' then it's Blake's normal voice or Blake's voice from the perspective of inside the suit. If it says 'Armada', it's Blake's modulated voice from outside the suit or over the comm.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ooc: I will be gone most the day as well. So this may be my only post today.

    Tal as he nears the dominion fleet watchs the attack. And can't help but laugh at the futile attempt they are making. They have no idea what awaits them on the actual station. He is somewhat sad he won't be able to deal with there landing parties. Oh well he thinks killing a few dominion will help.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Armada and the Transports arrive at the Halo's hull. As the transports attempt to use their ZPBs or Omega Disruptors to burn through, they find they're not doing anything.*

    Transport Delta-Romeo 1-1 *Over comm*: Delta-Romeo 1-1 to Command, we can't burn into the station - the armour is too strong. Please advise.

    Armada *Over comm*: Hold on, D-R 1-1. Let me try something.

    *Armada flies up to the hull, giving PACES time to scan it. Inside the armour.*

    Blake: Will the lance get through?

    PACES: We will run out of power before we penetrate, sir.

    Blake: What about the trike?

    PACES: The blast will be extensive, however, penetration is possible.

    *Outside the armour.*

    Armada *Over comm*: Alright everyone, get back!

    *Armada flies away by about 20 meters, and everyone else flies 30. Armada switches for the Lance and Tricobalt Micro-torp. He locks onto a small gap between the armour plates before firing. The explosion impacts his shield and blasts him back slightly, but successfully breaches the armour... but it doesn't get through the hull.*

    Oh, for crying out--!

    *He switches for the transphasic micro-torps, firing one each at 4 points of the bare hull. The explosion gets through, and the transports move in.*

    Transport Delta-Romeo 1-1 *Over comm*: This is Delta-Romeo 1-1! We are beginning insertion! Alpha and Armada, requesting cover.

    Alpha 1 *Over comm*: This is Alpha Wing, copy that!

    Armada *Over comm*: This is Armada, copy.

    *Armada flies to a point where he can see most of the battle, so he can cover the transports. Alpha Wing comes in, disengaging their engines and coming to a stop in defensive positions around the transports.

    After a few minutes, an atmospheric containment field is established around the hull breach and the section of the Station corridor pressurised. The troops (MACO, Honour Guard, Iconian Marines and Republic Assault Operations) quickly enter the station from the bottom of the transport's troop bay (which had it's artificial gravity offline to make the transfer easier) before the transport detaches to make way for the next one.

    A half hour later, the last Transport (the Vanguard Shuttle) deploys it's cargo and maintains lock on the hull (why? Well, it protects the containment field). Armada flies through the shuttles aft hatch, which Hawk opened, before the hatch seals and the troop bay pressurises. Hawk walks into the bay from the cockpit, wearing his Vanguard Armour (Assault Ops, with red highlights and minus the helmet). He nods to Armada before gesturing to the lower hatch leading into the station.*

    Hawk: After you.

    *Armada flies slowly to the hatch, grabbing onto the rim while letting his momentum carry him into the station and adjust him to it's gravity plating. He then enters the station fully.

    Hawk kicks off the deck, floating up to the ceiling before pushing himself down to the hatch, doing the same thing Armada did - holding onto the rim of the hatch, letting his momentum carry him into the Station while his orientation adjusts to the Station's grav-plating. He then enters the station fully, taking his bow off his back and deploying it.

    Sanders looks at Armada.*

    Sanders: Who are you?

    Armada: Armada. I'm a friend of Halsey's.

    Sanders: Well then, welcome aboard.

    *He turns to the troops, with Forest and Hawk standing either side of him.*

    Listen up! Our primary objective is the destruction of this facility! Team 1, you're with me and the rest of Vanguard! We'll head to the Primary Reactor and plant charges there!

    Team 2, you're with Armada! You'll head towards the Tactical Nerve Centre and Communications Array! We need to take those Defence Platforms offline completely, before the Dominion arrives!

    Teams 3 and 4, you'll hold this position at all costs! Team 4, be advised, you and Team 5 may be called to act as reserves for Teams 1 and/or 2!

    Alright! Let's get to it!

    *The teams head out, with Armada nodding to the Colonel in charge of Team 2, consisting of Assault Ops and MACOs, before leading them along their route.*

    Colonel Smith: Figures we get the hard job.

    Armada: I wouldn't say that. Vanguard and Team 1 are going for the Reactor, which is bound to be heavily defended.

    *Hawk looks to Sanders*

    Hawk: Cap, we are going to need a little extra power. *Nods to Forest.*

    Sanders: Doctor?

    Forest: Right.

    *Forest taps a device on his wrist, which flashes red before transforming Forest into the Destroyer. The Destroyer lets out a roar.*

    Destroyer: Let's smash something!

    *Hawk, Sanders and the Destroyer lead Team 1 towards the Reactor, while the last 3 teams stay near the Insertion Point, Teams 3 and 4 taking up defensive positions.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Tal and his forces have engaged the dominion. When tal recieves word the station has been bordered.

    Tal :maintane attack vector I will return shortly.

    Tal soon beams back to the station ready to engage any landing parties.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Tal feels no mercy for those aboard this station. They will all die. The ones headed forbthe command center he almost feels pitty for them. He stands in the shadows waiting to make his move on the men near him.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Tal feels no mercy for those aboard this station. They will all die. The ones headed forbthe command center he almost feels pitty for them. He stands in the shadows waiting to make his move on the men near him.

    OOC: Technically, Armada is headed for Tactical Control, where the Weapons Platforms are being operated from, not the Command Centre.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Technically, Armada is headed for Tactical Control, where the Weapons Platforms are being operated from, not the Command Centre.

    OOC: Now going to bed. Be back at 13:00 UTC (13 hours).
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *OOC: Wow.. A little too easy eh? *

    *James and the rest of the teams soon find themselves in the massive structure, given the intricacy outside the inside is much more vast... and full of mazes. There is energy here and a strange song playing... An instrumental *

    James: This place is beautiful but... there is... I just don't know what it is...

    *Looks to a fellow ground team grunt*

    Stay close I don't want any surprises.

    *As they close up to a corridor twisting off into three directions ...*

    James: Well the first of many it seems...

    Far Cry team what is your position...

    *Blood curdling screams and phaser fire and explosions...*

    Damn it...

    *Gyunei and Kela walk out from the middle path with a mob of armed soldiers all white in the eyes... Then more arrive from all the crevasses*

    Gyunei: I am afraid Admiral that you have lead your men to their deaths... *takes a shattered helm of a MACO officer and tosses it..* Your teams are now walking into a trap..

    *All around the station the teams are soon locked into mortal combat with these ground troopers heavily trained and with powers of Newtypes.. So far the edge goes to the station hordes.*

    James: Your the hostile presence I sensed...

    Gyunei: That depends on what you feel Admiral.. Anything can be frightening... or hostile...

    *The battle breaks out as Gyunei and Kela attack James and Sam and their team... Its not pretty as they fall back to a different tunnel to the side... *

    *Kela soon attacks James but James merely knocks her to the side easily with and rough kick and sends her into a wall. Her playful demeanor now like a hostile cat...*

    James: She is hostile now...

    *Gyunei soon finds himself attacking several Alliance members and doesn't need to try as he kills them with ease... A Klingon comes out of the bunch and attacks but even he can't bring him down... *

    *James turns to Sam*

    James: We need a way out and need one fast.

    *Kela finds her self wondering through the tunnels and stumbles upon more enemies of hers and she attacks with all fury..*

    *Outside the orbital cannons are still doing their job but there is a small hole that the fleet is trying to mass on... Dorman and his vessel are heading the front as they try and hold their position.*

    Dorman: Where is the damned Dominion?

    Ops: They are being held up by a Large fleet of Shedai and Republic vessels. It is getting nasty over there... Then we have Species 9042 now moving toward us... both orbs are now moving and will be here in 3 hours...

    Dorman: Not unless they attack the greater force which is the Dominion...

    *A explosion rocks the bridge as a console erupts killing 3 crewmen... exposing the circuitry and beams.*

    Dorman: Report!

    *He looks down and finds his XO impaled by a large metal pole*

    Dorman: Damn it.. You you just got your field promotion report!

    Seni: Sir, our shields are at 50 percent and there is a hull breach on decks 3 and 10..

    Plus sick bay is being overwhelmed by injured...

    Dorman: Who ever isn't dead needs to get treated and get back to their post. We are not out of this TRIBBLE fest anytime soon and if we aren't we are royally screwed.

    Seni: Yes sir!

    Dorman: *As a medic takes care of his reopened cut * Someone put that Damned fire out!!!

    *the Orbs soon make their way and one breaks away and charges straight into the Dominion Fleet sending out its hordes of blade like vessels into the mass wreaking havoc on them as they have no defenses against them...*

    *The third Freedom class vessel Bright's vessel*

    Bright: How long til the Orb gets here?

    W: One broke off and has attacked the Dominion the other is on its way less than two hours...

    Bright: Damn... Get Halsey on the horn or Armada...

    W: Right...

    *The channel is open*

    Bright: Halsey the orb is on its way here the other is making mincemeat out of the Dominion... We need that counter measure... and we need it up within an hour or we are all dead..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Dorman and his bunch are soon focusing on the Dolos Carriers*

    Dorman: Focus all fire on the Carrier we need breathing room and cover...

    Seni: Aye sir relaying orders..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob is on the bridge of the harvest as consoles explode. It is only him and 5 others on a bridge made for about 25 people.

    Jacob: report!!

    Officer: sir we have lost primary shields. Engines are down and we have list main weapon power.

    Jacob: re route all available power to the shields.

    The ship is rocked again by a heavy blast. As sparks fly and a strut falls from the ceiling

    On the station tal takes his time dealing with an unsuspecting maco team as he steps out of the shadows. The nearest maco yells as they all turn the first one fires which he easily deflects while drawing his own energy sword he smiles a cruel smile as he impales the maco. And does so to the whole team leaving the team leader for last. He plays with him for a few moments before stabing him in the heart.

    Tal: so pathetic and week. Dealing with the rest of your teams will be of no problem to my compatriots.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *OOC: Wow.. A little too easy eh? *

    *James and the rest of the teams soon find themselves in the massive structure, given the intricacy outside the inside is much more vast... and full of mazes. There is energy here and a strange song playing... An instrumental *

    James: This place is beautiful but... there is... I just don't know what it is...

    *Looks to a fellow ground team grunt*

    Stay close I don't want any surprises.

    *As they close up to a corridor twisting off into three directions ...*

    James: Well the first of many it seems...

    Far Cry team what is your position...

    *Blood curdling screams and phaser fire and explosions...*

    Damn it...

    *Gyunei and Kela walk out from the middle path with a mob of armed soldiers all white in the eyes... Then more arrive from all the crevasses*

    Gyunei: I am afraid Admiral that you have lead your men to their deaths... *takes a shattered helm of a MACO officer and tosses it..* Your teams are now walking into a trap..

    *All around the station the teams are soon locked into mortal combat with these ground troopers heavily trained and with powers of Newtypes.. So far the edge goes to the station hordes.*

    James: Your the hostile presence I sensed...

    Gyunei: That depends on what you feel Admiral.. Anything can be frightening... or hostile...

    *The battle breaks out as Gyunei and Kela attack James and Sam and their team... Its not pretty as they fall back to a different tunnel to the side... *

    *Kela soon attacks James but James merely knocks her to the side easily with and rough kick and sends her into a wall. Her playful demeanor now like a hostile cat...*

    James: She is hostile now...

    *Gyunei soon finds himself attacking several Alliance members and doesn't need to try as he kills them with ease... A Klingon comes out of the bunch and attacks but even he can't bring him down... *

    *James turns to Sam*

    James: We need a way out and need one fast.

    *Kela finds her self wondering through the tunnels and stumbles upon more enemies of hers and she attacks with all fury..*

    *Outside the orbital cannons are still doing their job but there is a small hole that the fleet is trying to mass on... Dorman and his vessel are heading the front as they try and hold their position.*

    Dorman: Where is the damned Dominion?

    Ops: They are being held up by a Large fleet of Shedai and Republic vessels. It is getting nasty over there... Then we have Species 9042 now moving toward us... both orbs are now moving and will be here in 3 hours...

    Dorman: Not unless they attack the greater force which is the Dominion...

    *A explosion rocks the bridge as a console erupts killing 3 crewmen... exposing the circuitry and beams.*

    Dorman: Report!

    *He looks down and finds his XO impaled by a large metal pole*

    Dorman: Damn it.. You you just got your field promotion report!

    Seni: Sir, our shields are at 50 percent and there is a hull breach on decks 3 and 10..

    Plus sick bay is being overwhelmed by injured...

    Dorman: Who ever isn't dead needs to get treated and get back to their post. We are not out of this TRIBBLE fest anytime soon and if we aren't we are royally screwed.

    Seni: Yes sir!

    Dorman: *As a medic takes care of his reopened cut * Someone put that Damned fire out!!!

    *the Orbs soon make their way and one breaks away and charges straight into the Dominion Fleet sending out its hordes of blade like vessels into the mass wreaking havoc on them as they have no defenses against them...*

    *The third Freedom class vessel Bright's vessel*

    Bright: How long til the Orb gets here?

    W: One broke off and has attacked the Dominion the other is on its way less than two hours...

    Bright: Damn... Get Halsey on the horn or Armada...

    W: Right...

    *The channel is open*

    Bright: Halsey the orb is on its way here the other is making mincemeat out of the Dominion... We need that counter measure... and we need it up within an hour or we are all dead..

    OOC: One tiny problem; Sam's not with the Away Teams. She's on the Republic, helping Ramez lead the attack.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: One tiny problem; Sam's not with the Away Teams. She's on the Republic, helping Ramez lead the attack.

    Ooc: oh well he can change that.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *R.S.S. Republic, Bridge. The comm's lit up with battle chatter coming in from the whole fleet. There are small pockets of debris on the bridge.*

    David: Lieutenant, turn off the comm!

    Ops: Aye, sir!

    Sam: Helm, bring us around to 310 Mark 49! Weapons, prepare a spread of Phased-Quantum Torpedoes and a Lateral ZPB Sweep!

    Helm: Aye, Captain!

    T'mar: ZPBs and torpedoes ready!

    *As the ship comes around, Sam sees an enemy Cruiser fill the Viewscreen.*

    Sam: Steady as she goes, helm!

    David: Sir?

    Sam: Steady...

    *The ship is almost filling the screen, now.*

    NOW! Fire all weapons!


    *The ship remains on the screen while the helmsman banks the Republic off as it fires it's spread of torpedoes and fires the ZPBs in a lateral sweep, hitting the cruiser's hull. The Quantums phase into the hull and explode inside the ship, while the Beams cut into the armour plating and hit several other ships.*

    Dana: We hit their starboard power coupling!

    Sam: Nice work, Ensign!

    Helm: Thank you, Captain! Just... don't ask me to do it again...

    *Sam pats the Ensign on the shoulder before turning to Dana.*

    Sam: Dana, where's the Freedom?

    Dana: She's trying to push through the hole in the defence net.

    Sam: The Harvest?

    Dana: She's getting hit hard. Their primary shields have failed.

    *Sam turns back to the helmsman.*

    Sam: Helm, get us to the Harvest, full impulse!

    *She turns to T'mar.*

    T'mar, if you see anything pass into our beam arcs on the way, fire at will!

    T'mar: Understood.

    Sam: Bridge to Engineering! Commander, if you can get any more power to the shields, we'll need it in about 2 minutes!

    Mitchell *Over comm*: What are you planning to do, fly into a sun?!

    Sam: Something like that!

    *David looks at her, analysing the look on her face.*

    David: Danube IV?

    Sam: Danube IV.

    David: Oh boy. Ops, you're going to want to configure the Deflector to fire a focused Quantum Energy Beam in 2 minutes.

    Ops: Understood.

    David: Captain, we had fold-space drive at Danube.

    Sam: But we didn't have Mr Davis either.

    Helm: I think you may be overstating my skill, sir.

    Sam: Well, this'll be the test.

    David: And if this doesn't work?

    Sam: Think of this as your big chance to get away from it all!

    *Sam sits in her chair, and David looks at her.*

    David: You're certifiably crazy, you know that?

    *As the Republic nears the Harvest, Sam looks at the viewscreen.*

    Sam: Helm, set a collision course.

    Helm: Captain?

    Sam: Trust me.

    *The Republic heads straight at the Harvest, full throttle.*

    Ops, extend shields around the Harvest and keep 'em there, no matter what.

    Ops: Aye.

    *The Republic is seconds from collision with the Harvest as the shield extends around her.*

    Sam: Helm, set course, Bearing 056 Mark 5, Warp 1! ENGAGE!

    *The helmsman frantically taps his console and the Republic pulls out of it's collision course, missing the Harvest Bridge by meters, before hitting Warp 1. The shield bubble stretches across and knocks out the attacking ships' shields and shedding some of the armour, also knocking some of them off course.*

    Now, bring us about!

    Ops, stand by on that Deflector Beam!

    *The Republic comes around, lining up three of the enemy ships.*

    Tactical, Quantum torpedoes!

    Ops, FIRE!

    *The Republic fires a focused Quantum Beam, which pierces two of the ships and tears into the third, destroying them. That leaves just 3 ships left attacking the Harvest, all neatly bunched together, trying to react to the Republic's unorthodox tactics.*

    Helm, Picard Manoeuvre! T'mar, stand by to fire at all three ships!

    *The Republic goes into Warp 1 again, stopping short of the enemy ships, before firing 3 torpedoes into each ship, destroying them.*

    Helm: I wouldn't be surprised if history remembers that as the Samantha Allington Manoeuvre!

    Sam: Republic to Harvest, sorry about scaring you guys over there. You can change your underwear now.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: One tiny problem; Sam's not with the Away Teams. She's on the Republic, helping Ramez lead the attack.

    *OOC: May I say that I think she needs to be.. There are things she needs to see too.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob: captain I didn't barely see you they need more help on the station though.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Preston tabs the comm..*

    Preston: Tal has our little project been released ?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Preston tabs the comm..*

    Preston: Tal has our little project been released ?

    Tal is chocking a maco before impaling him.

    Tal: yes they have been.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *James fires off several blasts knocking several enemy troops down to the ground dead...*

    *Another wave attacks as he exits another corridor... *
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