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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara M goes to her corner*


    *Tries gathers her strength and true to throw Kara off*


    Ethan: Please? *holds her hand*

    *Emma waits for her to be ready and starts the timer, getting in a stance as she moves towards the centre.

    Kara is thrown off, trying to reach for the knife.


    Zoe: Alright...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Terry: He isn't tense for that reason..

    *He tugs on the leash but Rusty pulls him forward giving him no choice but to follow.. *

    I guess he..

    *They soon hear it too faintly.. *

    Can't be..

    *Dani follows.*
    Mira *In her head*: Such a nice boy.. Would do well to keep him and try and have some comfort..

    *Tara tightens her fists, before loosening up and embracing Luke.*

    *Soon enough they come to an unfinished home hearing a baby crying.. Rusty barks.. and rushes in there. Terry goes in almost immediately.. Not acting out in concern.. In his mind plays one of his worst memories.. He sees flames.. and a home immolating..He comes upon rusty cuddling around a one year old.. left in a pile of insulation.. in what seemed to be cloths.. now rags.. *

    Terry: Good Boy.. *he pats the dog on the head.. *

    *Dani kneels down and picks the baby up, cradling it.*

    Dani: What are you doing here, eh?

    *Tora Zhiyal. Tara returns to her Quarters and tries to get some sleep, having got little the previous night.*

    *Mira in Tara's head..*

    Mira: Oh come on.. This isn't solving your problems sister..This is running away..

    *In the Colony*

    Terry: Why abandon a kid.. especially one this young.. We need to take it with us.. I need to see if I can find her parents. Think the twins will like having some company?

    *He looks at the one year old still crying.. in her arms..*

    Better than out here.. Come on.. Lets get going

    *He takes the coat on himself and hands it to Dani as Rusty joins back in looking at the kid in some kind of attempt to reassure it..*

    Secret Service Agent: I will get the Enterprise to beam us back to the ship. Give the kid a look over in Sickbay..

    *He keys up the Enterprise J *

    Secret Service: We need a party beam up on the location..

    *OOC: Gonna take a wild guess and say you have a good guess at who the kid is.. *

    *Tara soon falls asleep.

    Ent-J. In Sickbay, Dani is standing by an infant biobed with the EMH nearby.*

    Dani: Is she alright?

    EMH: Minor malnutrition. She'll recover in a few days.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *Present day*

    *In the port city Dagan watches and waits.. *

    *A Hooded man walks in..*

    Raspy: What do you want me to do with him when he arrives?

    Dagan: Don't kill him.. wound him if you must. I will be the one that kills him..

    Raspy: Understood..

    *He turns to walk out no steps are heard by normal ears but Dagan can hear them.. heavier thuds...*

    Dagan: Mori's PMC is an interesting take over.. Gives me what I need..

    * In the city in the core worlds..in Pegasus Raspy waits as his visor indicates the Zhiyal on its way to port.. *

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Jack is in Drake's Office.*

    Drake: Are you sure about this, Jack?

    Jack: I'm sure. It's time I figured this out, Daniel.

    Drake: Alright.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Terry: He isn't tense for that reason..

    *He tugs on the leash but Rusty pulls him forward giving him no choice but to follow.. *

    I guess he..

    *They soon hear it too faintly.. *

    Can't be..

    *Dani follows.*
    Mira *In her head*: Such a nice boy.. Would do well to keep him and try and have some comfort..

    *Tara tightens her fists, before loosening up and embracing Luke.*

    *Soon enough they come to an unfinished home hearing a baby crying.. Rusty barks.. and rushes in there. Terry goes in almost immediately.. Not acting out in concern.. In his mind plays one of his worst memories.. He sees flames.. and a home immolating..He comes upon rusty cuddling around a one year old.. left in a pile of insulation.. in what seemed to be cloths.. now rags.. *

    Terry: Good Boy.. *he pats the dog on the head.. *

    *Dani kneels down and picks the baby up, cradling it.*

    Dani: What are you doing here, eh?

    *Tora Zhiyal. Tara returns to her Quarters and tries to get some sleep, having got little the previous night.*

    *Mira in Tara's head..*

    Mira: Oh come on.. This isn't solving your problems sister..This is running away..

    *In the Colony*

    Terry: Why abandon a kid.. especially one this young.. We need to take it with us.. I need to see if I can find her parents. Think the twins will like having some company?

    *He looks at the one year old still crying.. in her arms..*

    Better than out here.. Come on.. Lets get going

    *He takes the coat on himself and hands it to Dani as Rusty joins back in looking at the kid in some kind of attempt to reassure it..*

    Secret Service Agent: I will get the Enterprise to beam us back to the ship. Give the kid a look over in Sickbay..

    *He keys up the Enterprise J *

    Secret Service: We need a party beam up on the location..

    *OOC: Gonna take a wild guess and say you have a good guess at who the kid is.. *

    *Tara soon falls asleep.

    Ent-J. In Sickbay, Dani is standing by an infant biobed with the EMH nearby.*

    Dani: Is she alright?

    EMH: Minor malnutrition. She'll recover in a few days.

    Terry: *He enters soon * Dani

    *He motions to her and his face is a bit grim as his brow is furrowed*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Terry: He isn't tense for that reason..

    *He tugs on the leash but Rusty pulls him forward giving him no choice but to follow.. *

    I guess he..

    *They soon hear it too faintly.. *

    Can't be..

    *Dani follows.*
    Mira *In her head*: Such a nice boy.. Would do well to keep him and try and have some comfort..

    *Tara tightens her fists, before loosening up and embracing Luke.*

    *Soon enough they come to an unfinished home hearing a baby crying.. Rusty barks.. and rushes in there. Terry goes in almost immediately.. Not acting out in concern.. In his mind plays one of his worst memories.. He sees flames.. and a home immolating..He comes upon rusty cuddling around a one year old.. left in a pile of insulation.. in what seemed to be cloths.. now rags.. *

    Terry: Good Boy.. *he pats the dog on the head.. *

    *Dani kneels down and picks the baby up, cradling it.*

    Dani: What are you doing here, eh?

    *Tora Zhiyal. Tara returns to her Quarters and tries to get some sleep, having got little the previous night.*

    *Mira in Tara's head..*

    Mira: Oh come on.. This isn't solving your problems sister..This is running away..

    *In the Colony*

    Terry: Why abandon a kid.. especially one this young.. We need to take it with us.. I need to see if I can find her parents. Think the twins will like having some company?

    *He looks at the one year old still crying.. in her arms..*

    Better than out here.. Come on.. Lets get going

    *He takes the coat on himself and hands it to Dani as Rusty joins back in looking at the kid in some kind of attempt to reassure it..*

    Secret Service Agent: I will get the Enterprise to beam us back to the ship. Give the kid a look over in Sickbay..

    *He keys up the Enterprise J *

    Secret Service: We need a party beam up on the location..

    *OOC: Gonna take a wild guess and say you have a good guess at who the kid is.. *

    *Tara soon falls asleep.

    Ent-J. In Sickbay, Dani is standing by an infant biobed with the EMH nearby.*

    Dani: Is she alright?

    EMH: Minor malnutrition. She'll recover in a few days.

    Terry: *He enters soon * Dani

    *He motions to her and his face is a bit grim as his brow is furrowed*

    *Dani walks over.*

    Dani: Did you find her parents?

    *OOC: Nothing on Tara?*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Present day*

    *In the port city Dagan watches and waits.. *

    *A Hooded man walks in..*

    Raspy: What do you want me to do with him when he arrives?

    Dagan: Don't kill him.. wound him if you must. I will be the one that kills him..

    Raspy: Understood..

    *He turns to walk out no steps are heard by normal ears but Dagan can hear them.. heavier thuds...*

    Dagan: Mori's PMC is an interesting take over.. Gives me what I need..

    * In the city in the core worlds..in Pegasus Raspy waits as his visor indicates the Zhiyal on its way to port.. *

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Jack is in Drake's Office.*

    Drake: Are you sure about this, Jack?

    Jack: I'm sure. It's time I figured this out, Daniel.

    Drake: Alright.

    *Raspy waits.. outside the port on top of a building.. engaging a Stealth unit as the Ship lands and moments later people and cargo get off.. *

    *Cade is being taken to a Hospital for better treatment... *

    Bruce: Doctor... I made a call to the geneticist on the Enterprise J.. I want to see if he could do anything about this..

    *Not far away Cade is groaning in pain.. Tara not far away like a glued pup.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *Anaxis IV a PMC shuttle arrives a small number of PMC personnel. Each one of the men in a dark uniforms and a few with Red caps.. Out of the Shuttle comes Big Boss looking just a little bit older and helps out another person out of the Shuttle.. Someone missing an arm and a leg one on the left and one on the right.. *

    Big Boss: I guess the Republic paid us a lot of Latinum for this Kinjal..

    *The crippled Klingon looks at him through shades over his eyes..*

    Kinjal: *In a womanly way* You always said I had a head for business.. and this is one of the ways we do that.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Present day*

    *In the port city Dagan watches and waits.. *

    *A Hooded man walks in..*

    Raspy: What do you want me to do with him when he arrives?

    Dagan: Don't kill him.. wound him if you must. I will be the one that kills him..

    Raspy: Understood..

    *He turns to walk out no steps are heard by normal ears but Dagan can hear them.. heavier thuds...*

    Dagan: Mori's PMC is an interesting take over.. Gives me what I need..

    * In the city in the core worlds..in Pegasus Raspy waits as his visor indicates the Zhiyal on its way to port.. *

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Jack is in Drake's Office.*

    Drake: Are you sure about this, Jack?

    Jack: I'm sure. It's time I figured this out, Daniel.

    Drake: Alright.

    *Raspy waits.. outside the port on top of a building.. engaging a Stealth unit as the Ship lands and moments later people and cargo get off.. *

    *Cade is being taken to a Hospital for better treatment... *

    Bruce: Doctor... I made a call to the geneticist on the Enterprise J.. I want to see if he could do anything about this..

    *Not far away Cade is groaning in pain.. Tara not far away like a glued pup.*

    Kenar: If he can help, he's welcome to...

    *Tara takes Cade's hand.*

    Tara: You're going to be alright, Cade...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Terry: He isn't tense for that reason..

    *He tugs on the leash but Rusty pulls him forward giving him no choice but to follow.. *

    I guess he..

    *They soon hear it too faintly.. *

    Can't be..

    *Dani follows.*
    Mira *In her head*: Such a nice boy.. Would do well to keep him and try and have some comfort..

    *Tara tightens her fists, before loosening up and embracing Luke.*

    *Soon enough they come to an unfinished home hearing a baby crying.. Rusty barks.. and rushes in there. Terry goes in almost immediately.. Not acting out in concern.. In his mind plays one of his worst memories.. He sees flames.. and a home immolating..He comes upon rusty cuddling around a one year old.. left in a pile of insulation.. in what seemed to be cloths.. now rags.. *

    Terry: Good Boy.. *he pats the dog on the head.. *

    *Dani kneels down and picks the baby up, cradling it.*

    Dani: What are you doing here, eh?

    *Tora Zhiyal. Tara returns to her Quarters and tries to get some sleep, having got little the previous night.*

    *Mira in Tara's head..*

    Mira: Oh come on.. This isn't solving your problems sister..This is running away..

    *In the Colony*

    Terry: Why abandon a kid.. especially one this young.. We need to take it with us.. I need to see if I can find her parents. Think the twins will like having some company?

    *He looks at the one year old still crying.. in her arms..*

    Better than out here.. Come on.. Lets get going

    *He takes the coat on himself and hands it to Dani as Rusty joins back in looking at the kid in some kind of attempt to reassure it..*

    Secret Service Agent: I will get the Enterprise to beam us back to the ship. Give the kid a look over in Sickbay..

    *He keys up the Enterprise J *

    Secret Service: We need a party beam up on the location..

    *OOC: Gonna take a wild guess and say you have a good guess at who the kid is.. *

    *Tara soon falls asleep.

    Ent-J. In Sickbay, Dani is standing by an infant biobed with the EMH nearby.*

    Dani: Is she alright?

    EMH: Minor malnutrition. She'll recover in a few days.

    Terry: *He enters soon * Dani

    *He motions to her and his face is a bit grim as his brow is furrowed*

    *Dani walks over.*

    Dani: Did you find her parents?

    *OOC: Nothing on Tara?*

    Terry: They are dead... Apparently.. the father was battling indoctrination from what we can gather an illegal salvage of the Elibisi..

    *He hands her the report from the police.. *

    She was abandoned for her protection by her mother.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Present day*

    *In the port city Dagan watches and waits.. *

    *A Hooded man walks in..*

    Raspy: What do you want me to do with him when he arrives?

    Dagan: Don't kill him.. wound him if you must. I will be the one that kills him..

    Raspy: Understood..

    *He turns to walk out no steps are heard by normal ears but Dagan can hear them.. heavier thuds...*

    Dagan: Mori's PMC is an interesting take over.. Gives me what I need..

    * In the city in the core worlds..in Pegasus Raspy waits as his visor indicates the Zhiyal on its way to port.. *

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Jack is in Drake's Office.*

    Drake: Are you sure about this, Jack?

    Jack: I'm sure. It's time I figured this out, Daniel.

    Drake: Alright.

    *Raspy waits.. outside the port on top of a building.. engaging a Stealth unit as the Ship lands and moments later people and cargo get off.. *

    *Cade is being taken to a Hospital for better treatment... *

    Bruce: Doctor... I made a call to the geneticist on the Enterprise J.. I want to see if he could do anything about this..

    *Not far away Cade is groaning in pain.. Tara not far away like a glued pup.*

    Kenar: If he can help, he's welcome to...

    *Tara takes Cade's hand.*

    Tara: You're going to be alright, Cade...

    Bruce: Gene Therapy is an idea if its possible.

    *Cade rolls over trying to relax*

    Cade: No... I just want to know if your going to be okay..
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Terry: He isn't tense for that reason..

    *He tugs on the leash but Rusty pulls him forward giving him no choice but to follow.. *

    I guess he..

    *They soon hear it too faintly.. *

    Can't be..

    *Dani follows.*
    Mira *In her head*: Such a nice boy.. Would do well to keep him and try and have some comfort..

    *Tara tightens her fists, before loosening up and embracing Luke.*

    *Soon enough they come to an unfinished home hearing a baby crying.. Rusty barks.. and rushes in there. Terry goes in almost immediately.. Not acting out in concern.. In his mind plays one of his worst memories.. He sees flames.. and a home immolating..He comes upon rusty cuddling around a one year old.. left in a pile of insulation.. in what seemed to be cloths.. now rags.. *

    Terry: Good Boy.. *he pats the dog on the head.. *

    *Dani kneels down and picks the baby up, cradling it.*

    Dani: What are you doing here, eh?

    *Tora Zhiyal. Tara returns to her Quarters and tries to get some sleep, having got little the previous night.*

    *Mira in Tara's head..*

    Mira: Oh come on.. This isn't solving your problems sister..This is running away..

    *In the Colony*

    Terry: Why abandon a kid.. especially one this young.. We need to take it with us.. I need to see if I can find her parents. Think the twins will like having some company?

    *He looks at the one year old still crying.. in her arms..*

    Better than out here.. Come on.. Lets get going

    *He takes the coat on himself and hands it to Dani as Rusty joins back in looking at the kid in some kind of attempt to reassure it..*

    Secret Service Agent: I will get the Enterprise to beam us back to the ship. Give the kid a look over in Sickbay..

    *He keys up the Enterprise J *

    Secret Service: We need a party beam up on the location..

    *OOC: Gonna take a wild guess and say you have a good guess at who the kid is.. *

    *Tara soon falls asleep.

    Ent-J. In Sickbay, Dani is standing by an infant biobed with the EMH nearby.*

    Dani: Is she alright?

    EMH: Minor malnutrition. She'll recover in a few days.

    Terry: *He enters soon * Dani

    *He motions to her and his face is a bit grim as his brow is furrowed*

    *Dani walks over.*

    Dani: Did you find her parents?

    *OOC: Nothing on Tara?*

    Terry: They are dead... Apparently.. the father was battling indoctrination from what we can gather an illegal salvage of the Elibisi..

    *He hands her the report from the police.. *

    She was abandoned for her protection by her mother.

    Dani: Oh my God...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Terry: He isn't tense for that reason..

    *He tugs on the leash but Rusty pulls him forward giving him no choice but to follow.. *

    I guess he..

    *They soon hear it too faintly.. *

    Can't be..

    *Dani follows.*
    Mira *In her head*: Such a nice boy.. Would do well to keep him and try and have some comfort..

    *Tara tightens her fists, before loosening up and embracing Luke.*

    *Soon enough they come to an unfinished home hearing a baby crying.. Rusty barks.. and rushes in there. Terry goes in almost immediately.. Not acting out in concern.. In his mind plays one of his worst memories.. He sees flames.. and a home immolating..He comes upon rusty cuddling around a one year old.. left in a pile of insulation.. in what seemed to be cloths.. now rags.. *

    Terry: Good Boy.. *he pats the dog on the head.. *

    *Dani kneels down and picks the baby up, cradling it.*

    Dani: What are you doing here, eh?

    *Tora Zhiyal. Tara returns to her Quarters and tries to get some sleep, having got little the previous night.*

    *Mira in Tara's head..*

    Mira: Oh come on.. This isn't solving your problems sister..This is running away..

    *In the Colony*

    Terry: Why abandon a kid.. especially one this young.. We need to take it with us.. I need to see if I can find her parents. Think the twins will like having some company?

    *He looks at the one year old still crying.. in her arms..*

    Better than out here.. Come on.. Lets get going

    *He takes the coat on himself and hands it to Dani as Rusty joins back in looking at the kid in some kind of attempt to reassure it..*

    Secret Service Agent: I will get the Enterprise to beam us back to the ship. Give the kid a look over in Sickbay..

    *He keys up the Enterprise J *

    Secret Service: We need a party beam up on the location..

    *OOC: Gonna take a wild guess and say you have a good guess at who the kid is.. *

    *Tara soon falls asleep.

    Ent-J. In Sickbay, Dani is standing by an infant biobed with the EMH nearby.*

    Dani: Is she alright?

    EMH: Minor malnutrition. She'll recover in a few days.

    Terry: *He enters soon * Dani

    *He motions to her and his face is a bit grim as his brow is furrowed*

    *Dani walks over.*

    Dani: Did you find her parents?

    *OOC: Nothing on Tara?*

    Terry: They are dead... Apparently.. the father was battling indoctrination from what we can gather an illegal salvage of the Elibisi..

    *He hands her the report from the police.. *

    She was abandoned for her protection by her mother.

    Dani: Oh my God...

    Terry: I'm not dropping her off with the orphanage, I can make the arrangements to have her stay with us..
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Present day*

    *In the port city Dagan watches and waits.. *

    *A Hooded man walks in..*

    Raspy: What do you want me to do with him when he arrives?

    Dagan: Don't kill him.. wound him if you must. I will be the one that kills him..

    Raspy: Understood..

    *He turns to walk out no steps are heard by normal ears but Dagan can hear them.. heavier thuds...*

    Dagan: Mori's PMC is an interesting take over.. Gives me what I need..

    * In the city in the core worlds..in Pegasus Raspy waits as his visor indicates the Zhiyal on its way to port.. *

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Jack is in Drake's Office.*

    Drake: Are you sure about this, Jack?

    Jack: I'm sure. It's time I figured this out, Daniel.

    Drake: Alright.

    *Raspy waits.. outside the port on top of a building.. engaging a Stealth unit as the Ship lands and moments later people and cargo get off.. *

    *Cade is being taken to a Hospital for better treatment... *

    Bruce: Doctor... I made a call to the geneticist on the Enterprise J.. I want to see if he could do anything about this..

    *Not far away Cade is groaning in pain.. Tara not far away like a glued pup.*

    Kenar: If he can help, he's welcome to...

    *Tara takes Cade's hand.*

    Tara: You're going to be alright, Cade...

    Bruce: Gene Therapy is an idea if its possible.

    *Cade rolls over trying to relax*

    Cade: No... I just want to know if your going to be okay..

    Tara: I'll be fine... just worry about yourself, okay?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *Big Boss and his men meet up at the over head of the cadets.. With some Republic officials..*

    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Present day*

    *In the port city Dagan watches and waits.. *

    *A Hooded man walks in..*

    Raspy: What do you want me to do with him when he arrives?

    Dagan: Don't kill him.. wound him if you must. I will be the one that kills him..

    Raspy: Understood..

    *He turns to walk out no steps are heard by normal ears but Dagan can hear them.. heavier thuds...*

    Dagan: Mori's PMC is an interesting take over.. Gives me what I need..

    * In the city in the core worlds..in Pegasus Raspy waits as his visor indicates the Zhiyal on its way to port.. *

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Jack is in Drake's Office.*

    Drake: Are you sure about this, Jack?

    Jack: I'm sure. It's time I figured this out, Daniel.

    Drake: Alright.

    *Raspy waits.. outside the port on top of a building.. engaging a Stealth unit as the Ship lands and moments later people and cargo get off.. *

    *Cade is being taken to a Hospital for better treatment... *

    Bruce: Doctor... I made a call to the geneticist on the Enterprise J.. I want to see if he could do anything about this..

    *Not far away Cade is groaning in pain.. Tara not far away like a glued pup.*

    Kenar: If he can help, he's welcome to...

    *Tara takes Cade's hand.*

    Tara: You're going to be alright, Cade...

    Bruce: Gene Therapy is an idea if its possible.

    *Cade rolls over trying to relax*

    Cade: No... I just want to know if your going to be okay..

    Tara: I'll be fine... just worry about yourself, okay?

    Cade: Your not fine.. Even I can tell that..
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Terry: He isn't tense for that reason..

    *He tugs on the leash but Rusty pulls him forward giving him no choice but to follow.. *

    I guess he..

    *They soon hear it too faintly.. *

    Can't be..

    *Dani follows.*
    Mira *In her head*: Such a nice boy.. Would do well to keep him and try and have some comfort..

    *Tara tightens her fists, before loosening up and embracing Luke.*

    *Soon enough they come to an unfinished home hearing a baby crying.. Rusty barks.. and rushes in there. Terry goes in almost immediately.. Not acting out in concern.. In his mind plays one of his worst memories.. He sees flames.. and a home immolating..He comes upon rusty cuddling around a one year old.. left in a pile of insulation.. in what seemed to be cloths.. now rags.. *

    Terry: Good Boy.. *he pats the dog on the head.. *

    *Dani kneels down and picks the baby up, cradling it.*

    Dani: What are you doing here, eh?

    *Tora Zhiyal. Tara returns to her Quarters and tries to get some sleep, having got little the previous night.*

    *Mira in Tara's head..*

    Mira: Oh come on.. This isn't solving your problems sister..This is running away..

    *In the Colony*

    Terry: Why abandon a kid.. especially one this young.. We need to take it with us.. I need to see if I can find her parents. Think the twins will like having some company?

    *He looks at the one year old still crying.. in her arms..*

    Better than out here.. Come on.. Lets get going

    *He takes the coat on himself and hands it to Dani as Rusty joins back in looking at the kid in some kind of attempt to reassure it..*

    Secret Service Agent: I will get the Enterprise to beam us back to the ship. Give the kid a look over in Sickbay..

    *He keys up the Enterprise J *

    Secret Service: We need a party beam up on the location..

    *OOC: Gonna take a wild guess and say you have a good guess at who the kid is.. *

    *Tara soon falls asleep.

    Ent-J. In Sickbay, Dani is standing by an infant biobed with the EMH nearby.*

    Dani: Is she alright?

    EMH: Minor malnutrition. She'll recover in a few days.

    Terry: *He enters soon * Dani

    *He motions to her and his face is a bit grim as his brow is furrowed*

    *Dani walks over.*

    Dani: Did you find her parents?

    *OOC: Nothing on Tara?*

    Terry: They are dead... Apparently.. the father was battling indoctrination from what we can gather an illegal salvage of the Elibisi..

    *He hands her the report from the police.. *

    She was abandoned for her protection by her mother.

    Dani: Oh my God...

    Terry: I'm not dropping her off with the orphanage, I can make the arrangements to have her stay with us..

    Dani: Okay. The Doc says she'll be fine in a few days.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *Big Boss and his
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Terry: He isn't tense for that reason..

    *He tugs on the leash but Rusty pulls him forward giving him no choice but to follow.. *

    I guess he..

    *They soon hear it too faintly.. *

    Can't be..

    *Dani follows.*
    Mira *In her head*: Such a nice boy.. Would do well to keep him and try and have some comfort..

    *Tara tightens her fists, before loosening up and embracing Luke.*

    *Soon enough they come to an unfinished home hearing a baby crying.. Rusty barks.. and rushes in there. Terry goes in almost immediately.. Not acting out in concern.. In his mind plays one of his worst memories.. He sees flames.. and a home immolating..He comes upon rusty cuddling around a one year old.. left in a pile of insulation.. in what seemed to be cloths.. now rags.. *

    Terry: Good Boy.. *he pats the dog on the head.. *

    *Dani kneels down and picks the baby up, cradling it.*

    Dani: What are you doing here, eh?

    *Tora Zhiyal. Tara returns to her Quarters and tries to get some sleep, having got little the previous night.*

    *Mira in Tara's head..*

    Mira: Oh come on.. This isn't solving your problems sister..This is running away..

    *In the Colony*

    Terry: Why abandon a kid.. especially one this young.. We need to take it with us.. I need to see if I can find her parents. Think the twins will like having some company?

    *He looks at the one year old still crying.. in her arms..*

    Better than out here.. Come on.. Lets get going

    *He takes the coat on himself and hands it to Dani as Rusty joins back in looking at the kid in some kind of attempt to reassure it..*

    Secret Service Agent: I will get the Enterprise to beam us back to the ship. Give the kid a look over in Sickbay..

    *He keys up the Enterprise J *

    Secret Service: We need a party beam up on the location..

    *OOC: Gonna take a wild guess and say you have a good guess at who the kid is.. *

    *Tara soon falls asleep.

    Ent-J. In Sickbay, Dani is standing by an infant biobed with the EMH nearby.*

    Dani: Is she alright?

    EMH: Minor malnutrition. She'll recover in a few days.

    Terry: *He enters soon * Dani

    *He motions to her and his face is a bit grim as his brow is furrowed*

    *Dani walks over.*

    Dani: Did you find her parents?

    *OOC: Nothing on Tara?*

    Terry: They are dead... Apparently.. the father was battling indoctrination from what we can gather an illegal salvage of the Elibisi..

    *He hands her the report from the police.. *

    She was abandoned for her protection by her mother.

    Dani: Oh my God...

    Terry: I'm not dropping her off with the orphanage, I can make the arrangements to have her stay with us..

    Dani: Okay. The Doc says she'll be fine in a few days.

    Terry: Alright.. Keep an eye on her.. and yourself..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    *Big Boss and Kinjal reach the over head with the Republic officials as some are not very welcoming of his presence. The trainer of the Cadets is there to along with the President..*

    Big Boss: Madam President.

    *He lights a cigar and puffs out some smoke..*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *Big Boss and his
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Terry: He isn't tense for that reason..

    *He tugs on the leash but Rusty pulls him forward giving him no choice but to follow.. *

    I guess he..

    *They soon hear it too faintly.. *

    Can't be..

    *Dani follows.*
    Mira *In her head*: Such a nice boy.. Would do well to keep him and try and have some comfort..

    *Tara tightens her fists, before loosening up and embracing Luke.*

    *Soon enough they come to an unfinished home hearing a baby crying.. Rusty barks.. and rushes in there. Terry goes in almost immediately.. Not acting out in concern.. In his mind plays one of his worst memories.. He sees flames.. and a home immolating..He comes upon rusty cuddling around a one year old.. left in a pile of insulation.. in what seemed to be cloths.. now rags.. *

    Terry: Good Boy.. *he pats the dog on the head.. *

    *Dani kneels down and picks the baby up, cradling it.*

    Dani: What are you doing here, eh?

    *Tora Zhiyal. Tara returns to her Quarters and tries to get some sleep, having got little the previous night.*

    *Mira in Tara's head..*

    Mira: Oh come on.. This isn't solving your problems sister..This is running away..

    *In the Colony*

    Terry: Why abandon a kid.. especially one this young.. We need to take it with us.. I need to see if I can find her parents. Think the twins will like having some company?

    *He looks at the one year old still crying.. in her arms..*

    Better than out here.. Come on.. Lets get going

    *He takes the coat on himself and hands it to Dani as Rusty joins back in looking at the kid in some kind of attempt to reassure it..*

    Secret Service Agent: I will get the Enterprise to beam us back to the ship. Give the kid a look over in Sickbay..

    *He keys up the Enterprise J *

    Secret Service: We need a party beam up on the location..

    *OOC: Gonna take a wild guess and say you have a good guess at who the kid is.. *

    *Tara soon falls asleep.

    Ent-J. In Sickbay, Dani is standing by an infant biobed with the EMH nearby.*

    Dani: Is she alright?

    EMH: Minor malnutrition. She'll recover in a few days.

    Terry: *He enters soon * Dani

    *He motions to her and his face is a bit grim as his brow is furrowed*

    *Dani walks over.*

    Dani: Did you find her parents?

    *OOC: Nothing on Tara?*

    Terry: They are dead... Apparently.. the father was battling indoctrination from what we can gather an illegal salvage of the Elibisi..

    *He hands her the report from the police.. *

    She was abandoned for her protection by her mother.

    Dani: Oh my God...

    Terry: I'm not dropping her off with the orphanage, I can make the arrangements to have her stay with us..

    Dani: Okay. The Doc says she'll be fine in a few days.

    Terry: Alright.. Keep an eye on her.. and yourself..

    Dani: I will.
    *Big Boss and his men meet up at the over head of the cadets.. With some Republic officials..*

    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Present day*

    *In the port city Dagan watches and waits.. *

    *A Hooded man walks in..*

    Raspy: What do you want me to do with him when he arrives?

    Dagan: Don't kill him.. wound him if you must. I will be the one that kills him..

    Raspy: Understood..

    *He turns to walk out no steps are heard by normal ears but Dagan can hear them.. heavier thuds...*

    Dagan: Mori's PMC is an interesting take over.. Gives me what I need..

    * In the city in the core worlds..in Pegasus Raspy waits as his visor indicates the Zhiyal on its way to port.. *

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Jack is in Drake's Office.*

    Drake: Are you sure about this, Jack?

    Jack: I'm sure. It's time I figured this out, Daniel.

    Drake: Alright.

    *Raspy waits.. outside the port on top of a building.. engaging a Stealth unit as the Ship lands and moments later people and cargo get off.. *

    *Cade is being taken to a Hospital for better treatment... *

    Bruce: Doctor... I made a call to the geneticist on the Enterprise J.. I want to see if he could do anything about this..

    *Not far away Cade is groaning in pain.. Tara not far away like a glued pup.*

    Kenar: If he can help, he's welcome to...

    *Tara takes Cade's hand.*

    Tara: You're going to be alright, Cade...

    Bruce: Gene Therapy is an idea if its possible.

    *Cade rolls over trying to relax*

    Cade: No... I just want to know if your going to be okay..

    Tara: I'll be fine... just worry about yourself, okay?

    Cade: Your not fine.. Even I can tell that..

    *A Republic Commander is in the overhead with him as they watch Triss and Kara.*

    Commander: So, what do you think?

    *Hood's Landing.*

    Tara: I've been having nightmares... of Mira...
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *Tara M gets into a stance and moves to the center*


    *Triss pins her*


    Ethan: Alright come on let's head to sickbay. *gets up slowly*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara M gets into a stance and moves to the center*


    *Triss pins her*


    Ethan: Alright come on let's head to sickbay. *gets up slowly*

    *Emma throws a quick combination of jabs before backing off, smiling almost like she's playing with Tara M.

    Anaxis IV. Kara tries to throw her off.

    Shade. Zoe supports him, staggering slightly as they head for sickbay.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *Tara M puts up a guard*


    *Triss is determined to keep her pinned*


    Ethan: See you do need some medical attention.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara M puts up a guard*


    *Triss is determined to keep her pinned*


    Ethan: See you do need some medical attention.

    *Emma puts hers up as well.*

    Emma: Waiting.

    *She smiles jokingly.

    Anaxis IV. Kara stays pinned for the full 5 seconds.*

    Chloe: Alright, that's 5.


    Zoe: I was fine until I was carrying your big head! *Smiles.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *Tara M tries kicking her*


    Triss: alright. *gets up*


    Ethan: Sure you were. *carefully gives her a quick kiss*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara M tries kicking her*


    Triss: alright. *gets up*


    Ethan: Sure you were. *carefully gives her a quick kiss*

    *The kick scores a glancing blow, prompting Emma to back off.

    Anaxis IV. Kara slowly gets up as well.*

    Chloe: Best way to survive a knife fight; don't get in one. Most soldiers won't kill you hand-to-hand if they can knock you out for less trouble. Alternatively, get help. Going one-on-one in a knife fight is extremely dangerous even when both combatants are armed.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *Tara M seems satisfied with the kick*


    Triss: Got it.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara M seems satisfied with the kick*


    Triss: Got it.

    *Emma smiles a little, before tackling Tara M to the ropes and locking up, trying to throw a knee to the abdomen.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    Tara M: Ow. *takes the knee. She shoves Emma off*


    Triss: *To Kara* Not bad.


    Ethan: *in sickbay while a doctor looks over them both. Alex is worrying over Kira nearby.* So what hurt you? *looks at Zoe*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: Ow. *takes the knee. She shoves Emma off*


    Triss: *To Kara* Not bad.


    Ethan: *in sickbay while a doctor looks over them both. Alex is worrying over Kira nearby.* So what hurt you? *looks at Zoe*

    *Emma backs up and puts her guard up again, circling Tara M.

    Anaxis IV. Kara smirks back.*

    Kara: Could say the same about you. Y'know, if you hadn't gotten lucky.


    Zoe: Some big guy with shock gauntlets. He caught my leg...
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *Tara M circles too*


    Triss: Well you certainly got lucky. With a certain someone. *teasing look*


    Ethan: And you didn't tell me? No wonder you had a hard time walking.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara M circles too*


    Triss: Well you certainly got lucky. With a certain someone. *teasing look*


    Ethan: And you didn't tell me? No wonder you had a hard time walking.

    *Emma throws a middle kick.

    Anaxis IV. Kara punches her in the arm.*

    Chloe: Alright, you two, return to your seats.


    Zoe: I didn't want to worry you.
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