Here is what the KDF has had to put up with since Launch. Presented by the awesome Peregrine Falcon. See how much we get the bad end of the stick. How much promises were made but were cut short due to feds crying. take a look.
Here is what the KDF has had to put up with since Launch. Presented by the awesome Peregrine Falcon. See how much we get the bad end of the stick. How much promises were made but were cut short due to feds crying. take a look.
I may have to add that to my siggy, I forgot about it.
Oh I can't wait until Mr Blood Whine shows up.....:rolleyes:
I declare, there is no sweeter vintage of Blood Whine than the "levi3" vintage. He has certainly made a name for himself as the foremost whiner whiner. His tears are so delicious!
Here is what the KDF has had to put up with since Launch. Presented by the awesome Peregrine Falcon. See how much we get the bad end of the stick. How much promises were made but were cut short due to feds crying. take a look.
Well I am not to level 25 so I can't even play a Klingon yet. When I signed up I thought that in itself is somewhat lopsided. A more "fair" system would give you a choice then not allow you to play the other side until you progressed in the game.
I am not a big fan of science fiction or Star Trek, but I love my MMOs and that whole "No Klingon until 25" got me puzzled. That would be as strange as no Orc until level 40 in Warcraft.
I'm asking because I truly do not know, but when was the last release of a Fed only mission?
That would be the First Contact day mission(with a brand new zone just for that mission). However, all of the FEs are written from a Fed angle, then have a very shallow KDF story tacked onto them. When you play them on your KDF it doesnt really "feel right". The same was definitely true of the Friday the 13th mission, which was a Fed based story all the way around. It is also true of the upcoming colony invasion mission.
I think people hate the incessant crying on the forums as opposed to actually hating a fictional race in a video game.
I'm asking because I truly do not know, but when was the last release of a Fed only mission?
I probably don't want to get involved in this but I believe it was the Season 2 (July 2010) level cap increase, the Borg arc was the set of missions. The Undine front was cross faction IIRC with the Feds getting the Borg and the KDF the Sto Vo Kor missions (which are still some of my favourite missions in the game).
That would be the First Contact day mission(with a brand new zone just for that mission). However, all of the FEs are written from a Fed angle, then have a very shallow KDF story tacked onto them. When you play them on your KDF it doesnt really "feel right". The same was definitely true of the Friday the 13th mission. It is also true of the upcoming colony invasion mission.
Good point about the FC mission, I'd forgotten about that.
Although it's nothing compared to Alpha (which was pretty fun, IMO).
Yes the 'dual side" of the shared missions have a shallow KDF story, that's true.
I just think people hate the crying more than they hate the faction.
Good point about the FC mission, I'd forgotten about that.
Although it's nothing compared to Alpha (which was pretty fun, IMO).
Yes the 'dual side" of the shared missions have a shallow KDF story, that's true.
I just think people hate the crying more than they hate the faction.
If by "crying" you mean talking about something you arent happy about, that means 99% of the posts on the forum are "crying", including the posts from people who arent happy about the KDF players complaining. In fact, I'd say there are far more Fed players complaining about the things they are unhappy with(end game content, STFs, PvP, time gated content, lock boxes, etc) than there are KDF players doing the same, simply because there are far more Fed players than KDF players.
If by "crying" you mean talking about something you arent happy about, that means 99% of the posts on the forum are "crying", including the posts from people who arent happy about the KDF players complaining. In fact, I'd say there are far more Fed players talking about the things they are unhappy with(end game content, STFs, PvP, time gated content, lock boxes, etc) than there are KDF players.
Also, what's ironic about Feds being upset about PVP, if the KDF continues to be neglected by the Devs, Feds can look forward to PVPing amongst themselves. Meanwhile, KDF players are considered to be whiners just because we want a complete faction...pfft! The more love given to the KDF, the more people will play that side, and PVP will be better especially after the PVP overhaul.
Dan Stahl recently said he had an idea about adding in Romulans... Don't let these guys cut corners all the time or else the game will continue to be filled with incomplete and loose content with only one fully playable faction.
I think people hate the incessant crying on the forums as opposed to actually hating a fictional race in a video game.
I'm asking because I truly do not know, but when was the last release of a Fed only mission?
Well let me think on this for a bit..... oh yeah!
I believe it was called launch day :rolleyes:
Can you tell me how many KDF only missions were released on launch day?
All joking aside labeling legit complaints from players of a clearly under develop game faction as whining is just asinine.
The Federation faction had pretty much all it needed at launch and received many improvements since.
Fed players screamed for a cloaking device and they got it.
Fed players demanded universal Bridge Officer Slots and they got them.
Fed players wanted more playable species and they got them.
Fed players pleaded for more end game level ships and they got them.
Fed players held their breath till they turned blue for Carriers and they got them.
Not to mention that the new Fed Battle Carrier has an incredibly nice turn rate for a Carrier
Tell me how long will it be before the Feds start asking for the 2nd hanger bay for that new Escort Carrier because Id really like to know :rolleyes:
The KDF asks for more KDF only mission content so that they can level a new Character from level 1 to cap and more Varity in the amount of endgame level ships that they have available and were labeled Whiners.
Im trying not to Fed bash because I enjoy playing my Fed toons from time to time but it upsets me when the KDF asks for a better gaming experience for their faction and it quickly gets labeled has Whining.
Hello Pot meet Kettle only in the KDF case that Kettle is in actuality a Sauce Pan :mad:
If by "crying" you mean talking about something you arent happy about, that means 99% of the posts on the forum are "crying", including the posts from people who arent happy about the KDF players complaining. In fact, I'd say there are far more Fed players complaining about the things they are unhappy with(end game content, STFs, PvP, time gated content, lock boxes, etc) than there are KDF players doing the same, simply because there are far more Fed players than KDF players.
By crying I mean people making random, potential flame-bait threads as they over react to a new Federation ship that will sell extremely well (and therefore generate revenue for the game).
Unless there was some thread titled "We hate the KDF" that I missed and this thread is just a reaction to that.
The simple fact is that the KDF has received the lion share of faction locked story content since the game launched. For a development team that is constantly behind the content curve and understaffed, this is not something to be under appreciated- but it constantly is.
The simple fact is that few players are content with the state of story or end game content. The KDF does not have that market cornered. Thankfully Cryptic has realized that and made virtually all content releases since the launch of the game available to BOTH factions, giving the KDF the only real faction locked missions since the launch of the game.
When Alphas was launched, where were the cried from the KDF players that it was not fair to the Feds that they did not get a mission? What about the Fek'Ihri series? I don't recall any KDF players being upset that the Federation did not have state of the art story content.
The KDF has received a great deal of content and access since the launch of the game. At some point, players will have to be realistic about their expectations and not fly into a rage every time their sibling gets a new toy. You have received quite a few toys yourselves.
The simple fact is that the KDF has received the lion share of faction locked story content since the game launched. For a development team that is constantly behind the content curve and understaffed, this is not something to be under appreciated- but it constantly is.
The simple fact is that few players are content with the state of story or end game content. The KDF does not have that market cornered. Thankfully Cryptic has realized that and made virtually all content releases since the launch of the game available to BOTH factions, giving the KDF the only real faction locked missions since the launch of the game.
When Alphas was launched, where were the cried from the KDF players that it was not fair to the Feds that they did not get a mission? What about the Fek'Ihri series? I don't recall any KDF players being upset that the Federation did not have state of the art story content.
The KDF has received a great deal of content and access since the launch of the game. At some point, players will have to be realistic about their expectations and not fly into a rage every time their sibling gets a new toy. You have received quite a few toys yourselves.
The fact is that KDF now have a whopping 9 faction specific missions. NINE.
It had zero at game launch.
The Federation has almost 50 faction specific missions.
yeah...we got enough, we should just be happy we've got any attention at all and be quiet, huh?
The main problem is that the game is biased towards Federation gameplay as it is... and in every way. Developmentally, you start as a Federation captain. You're halfway to cap before you even unlock KDF gameplay, and I'd wager that most folks would rather max out their first toon before starting a new one.
On top of that, all of the shows and movies are Federation-centric. Yeah, there are Klingon fans out there, but by and large the majority of fans want to play Federation, since that is where the development of the franchise largely takes place.
So right off the bat you have more weight on the Federation side.
The problem with this particular thread (not the one you linked, this one right here) is that it comes off as a temper tantrum. I prefer to play KDF. Anyone who plays KDF sees what is blatantly obvious - they're lacking in PvE content, they're lacking in number of ships available. They're lacking. It's obvious. It's a fact. It's underdeveloped. You can raise this issue without resorting to name calling and making claims that everything revolves around "fed whining." It comes off as immature, abrasive, and annoying.
Feds can get away with being immature, abrasive, and annoying, like in the link you posted, because the game has inherent biases towards interest and activity in Federation gameplay. The KDF doesn't have that luxury. My biggest fear is that all of these temper tantrums and all of the name calling by KDF players actually drives away folks that might be interested in playing KDF.
I want a fully developed KDF. I want story-driven PvE content. I want good mission rewards. I want more KDF ships. I want KDF on par with the Feds. I just don't think shooting ourselves in the foot is the way to get there.
The problem with this particular thread (not the one you linked, this one right here) is that it comes off as a temper tantrum. I prefer to play KDF. Anyone who plays KDF sees what is blatantly obvious - they're lacking in PvE content, they're lacking in number of ships available. They're lacking. It's obvious. It's a fact. It's underdeveloped. You can raise this issue without resorting to name calling and making claims that everything revolves around "fed whining." It comes off as immature, abrasive, and annoying.
Feds can get away with being immature, abrasive, and annoying, like in the link you posted, because the game has inherent biases towards interest and activity in Federation gameplay. The KDF doesn't have that luxury. My biggest fear is that all of these temper tantrums and all of the name calling by KDF players actually drives away folks that might be interested in playing KDF.
I want a fully developed KDF. I want story-driven PvE content. I want good mission rewards. I want more KDF ships. I want KDF on par with the Feds. I just don't think shooting ourselves in the foot is the way to get there.
Yes. Yes! A thousands times YES. Came here to say this, but you've said it so well. Thank you.
The KDF has received a great deal of content and access since the launch of the game. At some point, players will have to be realistic about their expectations and not fly into a rage every time their sibling gets a new toy. You have received quite a few toys yourselves.
and yet Starfleet still has more toys, more faction specific content, more character appearance options, more attention from the dev team via blogs.
I don't really care where it was at launch. I wasn't foolish enough to sign up for that. where things are now is what we should talk about.
in spite of all the new toys, much of which is lower tier stuff, kdf is not a 1-50 faction, and likely will never be one. why split the audience for Starfleet trinkets?
realistically, they messed up. the economics don't make sense to fix it, let alone splinter the player base with a second mini-faction like the Romulans.
if you expect kdf players to like it, you'd be mistaken. thanks for giving us a faction that is maybe 50% complete?
still, the game lacks endgame content, so all the trinkets are doubly strange to the kdf side.
edit: I'd apologize for the "foolish" comment, but if I had gotten a lifetime sub, I'd feel foolish about it.
If you look at the Fedbear forums there's already multiple threads begging for several different "next" ships when the decals and plastic on these are still fresh and shiny. Shouldn't you play with the toys you just got before you beg Cryptic Mommy for another new one?
And thats part of the issue. It works and then a good part of the forum going feds come in and whine again for the next toy before the new smell has even left.
If we KDF whine about our plight and desire for a complete level of gameplay we are crucified for it by those same feds whom whined at us for whining.
Being the majority in a game is one thing, lording it over all those whom are not in the majority is just lame and shows the bad character of those feds whom do it.
Frankly, until Levi3thefedwhinewhiner came on the scene the amount of KDF outcry was low, hell it was almost quiet until some idoit fed came along to try and kick us in the moQ again as if we KDF fans sit around and tear our hair out in frustration becuase some fling some harsh words. pffft.
to be honest i freely admit as a fed player theres stuff id love to see released , but at the same time i dont see why they cant develop the KDF more , surely they must realise more people would play a klink if they could start out as one :rolleyes:
to be honest i freely admit as a fed player theres stuff id love to see released , but at the same time i dont see why they cant develop the KDF more , surely they must realise more people would play a klink if they could start out as one :rolleyes:
why would they want people to play KDF from level 1 now? honestly, what's in it for them?
they have every reason to leave the KDF unfinished. all the cool pay to play trinkets are fedside. I'm not talking about new ships. it is the clothing, the rest of the shiny stuff, in addition to ships.
there is every reason to keep building Starfleet and string along the KDF. it will make back more $
why would they want people to play KDF from level 1 now? honestly, what's in it for them?
they have every reason to leave the KDF unfinished. all the cool pay to play trinkets are fedside. I'm not talking about new ships. it is the clothing, the rest of the shiny stuff, in addition to ships.
there is every reason to keep building Starfleet and string along the KDF. it will make back more $
because they should ? :rolleyes: fleshing out the kdf will bring more revenue in the long term
irrelevant. your uniqueness and $$$ will service the Federation. resistance is futile.
they should also add the Romulans, but the setup of this game and their cstore would prohibit it almost entirely. I don't see a logical reason for them to finish the KDF, let alone launch another splinter faction.
/ if cstore purchases could track cross faction (ie 3250 c for unlocking the defiant, b'rel, and mogai), it might work. It is too far past that point now.
That would be the First Contact day mission(with a brand new zone just for that mission). However, all of the FEs are written from a Fed angle, then have a very shallow KDF story tacked onto them. When you play them on your KDF it doesnt really "feel right". The same was definitely true of the Friday the 13th mission, which was a Fed based story all the way around. It is also true of the upcoming colony invasion mission.
It's all just so wrong.
The Dominion / DS9 missions definitely felt wrong. Here you are, a reknowned member of the KDF, handing control over one of the most vitally strategic, and easily fortified points in the quadrant, back over to the Federation, whom the Klingon Empire is at war with. The reinforcements being used are not Klingons, but Starfleet, and no ploy on snaking out a way for the Empire to retain control over DS9. The format, styling of the quest was obviously a last minute, half hearted attempt to just make the quest available on the KDF side.
There's more examples out there, but this is but one that makes me frown on these epic "generic" missions. They're clearly written and made for one faction, and no care given to make it immersively suitable for the other one.
... And people are in a rush for the Romulan Star Empire to be playable, considering how backwards the Klingons are? The Romulans would be in a state like the KDF was when the game went live.
I may have to add that to my siggy, I forgot about it.
Oh I can't wait until Mr Blood Whine shows up.....:rolleyes:
I declare, there is no sweeter vintage of Blood Whine than the "levi3" vintage. He has certainly made a name for himself as the foremost whiner whiner. His tears are so delicious!
I think people hate the incessant crying on the forums as opposed to actually hating a fictional race in a video game.
I'm asking because I truly do not know, but when was the last release of a Fed only mission?
I am not a big fan of science fiction or Star Trek, but I love my MMOs and that whole "No Klingon until 25" got me puzzled. That would be as strange as no Orc until level 40 in Warcraft.
That would be the First Contact day mission(with a brand new zone just for that mission). However, all of the FEs are written from a Fed angle, then have a very shallow KDF story tacked onto them. When you play them on your KDF it doesnt really "feel right". The same was definitely true of the Friday the 13th mission, which was a Fed based story all the way around. It is also true of the upcoming colony invasion mission.
I probably don't want to get involved in this but I believe it was the Season 2 (July 2010) level cap increase, the Borg arc was the set of missions. The Undine front was cross faction IIRC with the Feds getting the Borg and the KDF the Sto Vo Kor missions (which are still some of my favourite missions in the game).
EDIT:I'd forgotten about the FC day mission.
Good point about the FC mission, I'd forgotten about that.
Although it's nothing compared to Alpha (which was pretty fun, IMO).
Yes the 'dual side" of the shared missions have a shallow KDF story, that's true.
I just think people hate the crying more than they hate the faction.
If by "crying" you mean talking about something you arent happy about, that means 99% of the posts on the forum are "crying", including the posts from people who arent happy about the KDF players complaining. In fact, I'd say there are far more Fed players complaining about the things they are unhappy with(end game content, STFs, PvP, time gated content, lock boxes, etc) than there are KDF players doing the same, simply because there are far more Fed players than KDF players.
Also, what's ironic about Feds being upset about PVP, if the KDF continues to be neglected by the Devs, Feds can look forward to PVPing amongst themselves. Meanwhile, KDF players are considered to be whiners just because we want a complete faction...pfft! The more love given to the KDF, the more people will play that side, and PVP will be better especially after the PVP overhaul.
Dan Stahl recently said he had an idea about adding in Romulans... Don't let these guys cut corners all the time or else the game will continue to be filled with incomplete and loose content with only one fully playable faction.
Well let me think on this for a bit..... oh yeah!
I believe it was called launch day :rolleyes:
Can you tell me how many KDF only missions were released on launch day?
All joking aside labeling legit complaints from players of a clearly under develop game faction as whining is just asinine.
The Federation faction had pretty much all it needed at launch and received many improvements since.
Fed players screamed for a cloaking device and they got it.
Fed players demanded universal Bridge Officer Slots and they got them.
Fed players wanted more playable species and they got them.
Fed players pleaded for more end game level ships and they got them.
Fed players held their breath till they turned blue for Carriers and they got them.
Not to mention that the new Fed Battle Carrier has an incredibly nice turn rate for a Carrier
Tell me how long will it be before the Feds start asking for the 2nd hanger bay for that new Escort Carrier because Id really like to know :rolleyes:
The KDF asks for more KDF only mission content so that they can level a new Character from level 1 to cap and more Varity in the amount of endgame level ships that they have available and were labeled Whiners.
Im trying not to Fed bash because I enjoy playing my Fed toons from time to time but it upsets me when the KDF asks for a better gaming experience for their faction and it quickly gets labeled has Whining.
Hello Pot meet Kettle only in the KDF case that Kettle is in actuality a Sauce Pan :mad:
By crying I mean people making random, potential flame-bait threads as they over react to a new Federation ship that will sell extremely well (and therefore generate revenue for the game).
Unless there was some thread titled "We hate the KDF" that I missed and this thread is just a reaction to that.
The simple fact is that few players are content with the state of story or end game content. The KDF does not have that market cornered. Thankfully Cryptic has realized that and made virtually all content releases since the launch of the game available to BOTH factions, giving the KDF the only real faction locked missions since the launch of the game.
When Alphas was launched, where were the cried from the KDF players that it was not fair to the Feds that they did not get a mission? What about the Fek'Ihri series? I don't recall any KDF players being upset that the Federation did not have state of the art story content.
The KDF has received a great deal of content and access since the launch of the game. At some point, players will have to be realistic about their expectations and not fly into a rage every time their sibling gets a new toy. You have received quite a few toys yourselves.
This thread seems to fit that same definition, except was posted by a Fed player:
The fact is that KDF now have a whopping 9 faction specific missions. NINE.
It had zero at game launch.
The Federation has almost 50 faction specific missions.
yeah...we got enough, we should just be happy we've got any attention at all and be quiet, huh?
The main problem is that the game is biased towards Federation gameplay as it is... and in every way. Developmentally, you start as a Federation captain. You're halfway to cap before you even unlock KDF gameplay, and I'd wager that most folks would rather max out their first toon before starting a new one.
On top of that, all of the shows and movies are Federation-centric. Yeah, there are Klingon fans out there, but by and large the majority of fans want to play Federation, since that is where the development of the franchise largely takes place.
So right off the bat you have more weight on the Federation side.
The problem with this particular thread (not the one you linked, this one right here) is that it comes off as a temper tantrum. I prefer to play KDF. Anyone who plays KDF sees what is blatantly obvious - they're lacking in PvE content, they're lacking in number of ships available. They're lacking. It's obvious. It's a fact. It's underdeveloped. You can raise this issue without resorting to name calling and making claims that everything revolves around "fed whining." It comes off as immature, abrasive, and annoying.
Feds can get away with being immature, abrasive, and annoying, like in the link you posted, because the game has inherent biases towards interest and activity in Federation gameplay. The KDF doesn't have that luxury. My biggest fear is that all of these temper tantrums and all of the name calling by KDF players actually drives away folks that might be interested in playing KDF.
I want a fully developed KDF. I want story-driven PvE content. I want good mission rewards. I want more KDF ships. I want KDF on par with the Feds. I just don't think shooting ourselves in the foot is the way to get there.
Yes. Yes! A thousands times YES. Came here to say this, but you've said it so well. Thank you.
and yet Starfleet still has more toys, more faction specific content, more character appearance options, more attention from the dev team via blogs.
I don't really care where it was at launch. I wasn't foolish enough to sign up for that. where things are now is what we should talk about.
in spite of all the new toys, much of which is lower tier stuff, kdf is not a 1-50 faction, and likely will never be one. why split the audience for Starfleet trinkets?
realistically, they messed up. the economics don't make sense to fix it, let alone splinter the player base with a second mini-faction like the Romulans.
if you expect kdf players to like it, you'd be mistaken. thanks for giving us a faction that is maybe 50% complete?
still, the game lacks endgame content, so all the trinkets are doubly strange to the kdf side.
edit: I'd apologize for the "foolish" comment, but if I had gotten a lifetime sub, I'd feel foolish about it.
And thats part of the issue. It works and then a good part of the forum going feds come in and whine again for the next toy before the new smell has even left.
If we KDF whine about our plight and desire for a complete level of gameplay we are crucified for it by those same feds whom whined at us for whining.
Being the majority in a game is one thing, lording it over all those whom are not in the majority is just lame and shows the bad character of those feds whom do it.
Frankly, until Levi3thefedwhinewhiner came on the scene the amount of KDF outcry was low, hell it was almost quiet until some idoit fed came along to try and kick us in the moQ again as if we KDF fans sit around and tear our hair out in frustration becuase some fling some harsh words. pffft.
why would they want people to play KDF from level 1 now? honestly, what's in it for them?
they have every reason to leave the KDF unfinished. all the cool pay to play trinkets are fedside. I'm not talking about new ships. it is the clothing, the rest of the shiny stuff, in addition to ships.
there is every reason to keep building Starfleet and string along the KDF. it will make back more $
because they should ? :rolleyes: fleshing out the kdf will bring more revenue in the long term
irrelevant. your uniqueness and $$$ will service the Federation. resistance is futile.
they should also add the Romulans, but the setup of this game and their cstore would prohibit it almost entirely. I don't see a logical reason for them to finish the KDF, let alone launch another splinter faction.
/ if cstore purchases could track cross faction (ie 3250 c for unlocking the defiant, b'rel, and mogai), it might work. It is too far past that point now.
It's all just so wrong.
The Dominion / DS9 missions definitely felt wrong. Here you are, a reknowned member of the KDF, handing control over one of the most vitally strategic, and easily fortified points in the quadrant, back over to the Federation, whom the Klingon Empire is at war with. The reinforcements being used are not Klingons, but Starfleet, and no ploy on snaking out a way for the Empire to retain control over DS9. The format, styling of the quest was obviously a last minute, half hearted attempt to just make the quest available on the KDF side.
There's more examples out there, but this is but one that makes me frown on these epic "generic" missions. They're clearly written and made for one faction, and no care given to make it immersively suitable for the other one.
... And people are in a rush for the Romulan Star Empire to be playable, considering how backwards the Klingons are? The Romulans would be in a state like the KDF was when the game went live.
Both factions getting goodies together? Sounds like a wonderful concept. Too bad Cryptic never gets the memo.