The Channel is Public, TEACH players how to play.... Only trolls, and greifers arenot allowed, there are plenty of channels that offer quality over quantity, but no channels that provide a faster teaming then ours. the vast majority of elitestf teams are adequite, very few underpreform
CHANNEL IS CURRENTLY PRIVATE: Please mail either me (@BrokenMirror) or @Tilarta for an invite.
That's an intriguing concept of "public" you have there. :rolleyes:
TEACH players how to play
Yes, because a channel dedicated to eliteSTF, where people organize elite STF games, is precisely the place where you'd want novice to be taught.
It seems the reason why so many people been using the channel from the first place is lost upon you.
This is going to be easier than I had originally thought.
Expect a mail from me soon, Elitestf has always been my favourite channel and I've met some great people. I was genuinely gutted to find out that after leaving the channel because of the griefers that I couldn't get back in.
Really glad to see that there is life in the channel as it was great fun teaching others how to play STFs and gaming with some great guys and gals.
How nice to find this thread due to a search on forums on "@comptola".
And only from yesterday, too. Great.
I'm most pleased to be amongst your first victims.
So it's not that comptola is a humourless hack, it's that he's strictly following your rules of "KILL ALL FUN AND DESTROY THE CHANNEL CAPS!!!111111".
My guess is that a lot of people are going to be booted and at around the cut mark you'd start pulling back on the bootings because you'll end up realizing what so many in such games have realized before: you have not the population to maintain a jackass totalitarian regime when the game is low on population and competition on head-count is high.
What's the cut-mark? When the channel is mostly dead (as it was yesterday, now I begin to understand WHY) or full of suck *** newbies (since you have no policy to weed those out and that explains the recent increased stream of mongs I've had the misfortune to plow through onto my ignore.txt) who can't play and lame around the channel and you've dropped to half of your previous capacita.
So, have fun ruining the quality of the channel. After so many months of asking for the booting of muttons who can't play STF worth a dime you've instead gotten around to kicking the elites who came to play at the elite level bracket (because, you know, channel's name is EliteSTF, go figure...).
I'm going on a guess here that all the channel mods are your fleetmates, too?
Time to start a new channel I guess (ironically, due to all the newbie infiltrators onto the channel, I've begun a while ago engaging in just that, cropping the top of the elite who dominate their field and carry massive DPS onto a new channel).
Post Scriptum:
It's (the consensus) Need on Mk XIIs and Prototypes, Greed on the rest. Incase you didn't know.
Also, it might not be the best of ideas to take a channel by brute force and land harsh on people without giving them fair ample advance notice and easing them in instead. But GG with that.
Although, honestly, we could as well just go need on everything, since it wouldn't matter mechanically. No one really "need" something more than the rest in Elite STF (although it's a good indicator for newbies and selfish jerks you'd want to weed out, which is why we keep using it).
Post-Post Scriptum:
"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
(Because, while you might be humourless, it's a fine trait of the human species that I intend to celebrate forth.)
A visage of the new STF funny channel in all its glory. Where a mod/his tyrant landlord's rules can't stand someone making fun of them for going off on someone who got a bit hyper and used caps, twice (OMG! NOT TWICE!!! BURN THE WITCH!!!!) with some additional testimonies (of whom shall remain nameless to hide their identity from retribution by grumpy TRIBBLE chan mods).
The screenshot you posted says it all. You acted a fool in the channel, broke the rules and after serveral attempts to reason with you, I finally was forced to boot you from the channel. I even offered to let you back in, all you had to do was PM me and vent a little. I'm all about that. There are plenty of people who acted a fool, PM'ed me to complain and in the end, calmed down and got back to playing. I'm proud of my success rate thus far and will continue to be as fair minded and forgiving as possible. See you in the STF's!
Yes, because a channel dedicated to eliteSTF, where people organize elite STF games, is precisely the place where you'd want novice to be taught.
It seems the reason why so many people been using the channel from the first place is lost upon you.
This is going to be easier than I had originally thought.
I think you missed the part where NORMAL STF runs are allowed as well.
However, the Elite STFs hardly require magical super powers to get through. If someone is willing to listen and take a small amount of advice they can easily help contribute to a team being successful. The fact someone needs to be taught something isn't a problem, it's the folks who simply refuse to listen that are the problem.
I'd much rather run with someone who has never ran a STF before but is wiling to listen than the guys who post things like "no n00bs..." or "better know wtf to do and not TRIBBLE up". I'd rather fail a mission with some decent guys than steamroll it with a bunch of a-holes.
Thankfully Elite STF channel DOES have a lot of really great guys in there and anyone who is serious about wanting to run STFs, and is willing to be flexible and ask for help/advice when needed, should check the channel out. The more STF players the better!
I do not take the Elitestf channel seriously now, though it is good that steps are being made to take it back to the time when it wasn't just another spam channel with peeps that had no clue how to do the stf's on normal, let alone elite!
I think you missed the part where NORMAL STF runs are allowed as well.
No one ever needed PERMISSION to run Normal in EliteSTF.
As a matter of fact, people have sporadically used the channel to run normal whenever they were leveling/gearing alts, and plenty of people were happy to help.
If someone is willing to listen and take a small amount of advice they can easily help contribute to a team being successful. The fact someone needs to be taught something isn't a problem, it's the folks who simply refuse to listen that are the problem.
EliteSTF channel was being used by elite players to conduct elite games. Quick, simple, fun for everyone.
It's not fun when you have to teach people.
If you have to stop and hold people's hands through then it loses the point.
It's not fun when the whole team and performance suffer due to some nubs.
And like you said, most of them don't even listen.
the Elite STFs hardly require magical super powers to get through.
True. They do, however, require certain performance level.
When newbies enter Elite STF without the proper gear all they do in effect is just mooch off the team members who do carry their load on their own and now need to carry the nub(es)'s as well.
Especially if you want the optionals.
And it doesn't take more than one dufus to ruin a STF (in particular in cure).
So, really...they're just a hindrance and a source of frustration. :mad:
I'd much rather run with someone who has never ran a STF before but is wiling to listen than the guys who post things like "no n00bs..." or "better know wtf to do and not TRIBBLE up". I'd rather fail a mission with some decent guys than steamroll it with a bunch of a-holes.
While I, and just about everyone else I played elite STF with, would rather have a fun smooth session without the frustration of having to babysit people who are incompetent or don't belong and have a good victory, with the optionals, and keep our morale high from session to session. Every. Time. We. Play.
Instead of having nimrods cripple us time and again, bringing failure time and again.
Wasting what precious little time we get to play, because some of us have day jobs and families and errands to take care of. So it's important to us to not have 30 minutes go down the drain due to pug-material.
and is willing to be flexible and ask for help/advice when needed, should check the channel out. The more STF players the better!
There were plenty of times of people asking questions, trying to find out a better build or otherwise improve their gameplay. And there used to be small debates on such topics from time to time.
Now, however, with the channel being under strict rule of tyranny, it seems unlikely to happen anymore.
FYI, quoting an entire large block of text without actually referencing much of it (ergo, no reason to quote it as it's largely irrelevant) or merely referencing a single sentence out of the entirety of it (the screenshot in this regard) instead of just the sentence itself is considered rude, spamming and generally a sign of poor netiquette.
Aye, it says it all indeed.
Some poor shmo posted in caps, twice, OMG TWICE!!!! THIS IS THE ALPHA OMEGA!.
You started coming down hard on him. In a channel that was, to a day before (when you posted this thread and decided to start moderating the channel), pretty easy going between its members.
Infact, if that guy WAS going to spam caps consistently, he'll be drowned in a sea of boos by the other members and get on everyone's ignore.txt. Mostly his problem.
So, yeah, I goofed off, because I felt you're being a TRIBBLE for no good reason. Because the channel was light hearted for the most part and none would've even paid attention to the guy's TWO SMALL LINES OF CAPS!!! had he not used caps afterof.
But for you, mr. need to show presence and use your boot button to feel important, this was a MAJOR VIOLATION OF THE RUUUUUUUUUULESSSSSSS!!!
You acted a fool in the channel, broke the rules and after serveral attempts to reason with you, I finally was forced to boot you from the channel.
Reason? Somehow I think I can easily differ to both your ability to grasp the concept of reasoning as well as your qualifications in the field of psychology (in which reasoning is a very important topic).
Forced, yes. Because I dared to question your authority or your logic. Yep, I put a gun to your head, alright.
Who even knows you? Who even knows this thread? Who even knows any of your fail fleet of circle jerk who were a running joke for STF vets?
As I previously said, very poor manner by which to enact changes onto a social environment by unknown landlord that was missing for who knows how long, but skipping that...
I even offered to let you back in, all you had to do was PM me and vent a little.
I did PM you. I said I'm in-fact very calm and that you're acting like a puffsmoker, which is quite amusing.
It was in the other screenshot that was removed because you ran to your fleet buddy forum mod since *GASP* someone posted negatively about your takeover.
Took him about 15 seconds to show up for a thread that was buried deep down in the PVE sub-forum (at the time), good work BTW.
I'm all about that. There are plenty of people who acted a fool, PM'ed me to complain and in the end, calmed down and got back to playing. I'm proud of my success rate thus far and will continue to be as fair minded and forgiving as possible. See you in the STF's!
Ah-huh. Is that what your official version going to be?
No. You don't want someone to complain. You don't want someone to vent.
No. What you want is them to grovel on four for his-all-mighty-need-to-feel-important-on-the-Internet and beg to be let back in.
You want them to apologize for daring to give lip to Your-Highness, isn't that what it's about?
After all, if a calm PM is all that was required, then my very first PM would've resolved it, no? :rolleyes:
Infact, when I refused your offer it must've bugged you so much that someone won't grovel to appease your ego that you insisted to give me a 'second chance' and pm me that I should rethink it.
Must've singed pretty hard when I told you fat chance I'm talking to you again or coming back to channel and put you on ignore, seeing as how you come here just to show up.
Heh. How pathetic.
Odd that the ignore doesn't work on the forums too, since they share a DB with the game, but I'm sure I can find a way to fix that as well.
Thanks. Your fail has brought much amusement to me. This was already a rather good birthday (eek, so many dozens of candles on the cake! where did the time go? probably working and partying, heheh!), but you just sprinkled sugary toppings all over the cake.
Here, I brought you a slice, too (hint: the's a lie!).
I do not take the Elitestf channel seriously now, though it is good that steps are being made to take it back to the time when it wasn't just another spam channel with peeps that had no clue how to do the stf's on normal, let alone elite!
Quite on the contrary.
For all these years everyone asked for the channel to be pruned of clueless pugs.
Now, instead, they let anyone in (who'll spam and be ruining STFs) and boot the elites.
The channel is more of a joke now than it ever was before.
Expect a mail from me soon, Elitestf has always been my favourite channel and I've met some great people. I was genuinely gutted to find out that after leaving the channel because of the griefers that I couldn't get back in.
Really glad to see that there is life in the channel as it was great fun teaching others how to play STFs and gaming with some great guys and gals.
You know, you don't have to leave a channel if you don't want to see it anymore. You can just turn it off. Right-click your chat window, and uncheck any channel that you don't want displayed.
I think you missed the part where NORMAL STF runs are allowed as well.
However, the Elite STFs hardly require magical super powers to get through. If someone is willing to listen and take a small amount of advice they can easily help contribute to a team being successful. The fact someone needs to be taught something isn't a problem, it's the folks who simply refuse to listen that are the problem.
I'd much rather run with someone who has never ran a STF before but is wiling to listen than the guys who post things like "no n00bs..." or "better know wtf to do and not TRIBBLE up". I'd rather fail a mission with some decent guys than steamroll it with a bunch of a-holes.
Thankfully Elite STF channel DOES have a lot of really great guys in there and anyone who is serious about wanting to run STFs, and is willing to be flexible and ask for help/advice when needed, should check the channel out. The more STF players the better!
I agree on all of these points.
Elites are JUST as easy as normals. The ONLY difference is the borg hit harder DPS-wise in Elites and have a few more HP. Other than that, the strategy does not change . . . the tactics remain consistent . . . but the loot is better XD
I also run a lot of new people through. Some of them are MUCh better players than the "vets". When i spoke of private channels above, and how the mods "screen" them for their playstyle, it was NOT for knowledge of the STF . .. it was to find out "Is this a team player? Or is it a person who thinks they know all and will not be part of the greater whole?" THSOE are the oens I like to see sifted out.
I have played a LOT of STFs. I am not going to sit here and say "Over 1000" or any of that TRIBBLE, because you have to have NO life to be counting that high . . . but I have done a lot of them and the first question I ask of a group when i join them is "Okay guys, thanks for welcoming me. What do you need me to do?" Because it;s their group and not mine and i refuse to be hot headed and know-it-all.
Unfortunately not everyone will agree to this, and this post WILL get flamed but w/e. We all are students untilt he day we die . . . period.
I am pretty sure you just contradicted yourself. I still also fail to see why the word leader got some people angry.
He's too busy having his head in the clouds he's yet to realize what's pretty clear if one had actually read the previous posts.
But it seems he got angry enough from my negative feedback and righteous arguments that he went to try and boot me only to discover that I'm not there.
Its not for elite ppl, its for everyone...
This pretty much sums it up.
1) They're changing the nature of the channel in a manner that'll TRIBBLE it up ("open the flood gates! let the pugs in!").
2) They've no idea why almost everyone were in that channel anyway (because pug queuing is **** and they wanted people who can get the job done).
Elites are JUST as easy as normals. The ONLY difference is the borg hit harder DPS-wise in Elites and have a few more HP. Other than that, the strategy does not change . . . the tactics remain consistent . . . but the loot is better XD
It's more than just "a few". And due to that difference there are some things you can do in Normal that you wouldn't be able to do in Elite.
It also forces a much tighter margin of performance out of this involved, as someone without proper gear becomes a liability to the team effort.
Simple example:
I can easily and quickly clear the bops in CSE on my own, which leaves the rest of the team free to work the cubes without having to worry over them demolishing the Kang.
If this task is delegated to someone who is ill-geared, it doesn't matter if he's "a teamplayer". He could listen until the cows come home, he won't be able to eliminate them on his own.
The team will have to care for helping him to take them down as an on-going concern. The overall group effort is diminished. The DPS is much lower. Removing the nanite sphers and the cubes then become a much slower and harder process.
The optional timer is likely to run out, and if the team DPS is severely low to begin with (too many cruisers/sci-eng) then when you encounter Neghvars it's quite a possibility that they won't be stopped in time and destroy the Kang.
Seems to me that you have a high affinity towards tutelage and a rather high scorn towards veterans (or, say, Elite/Expert veterans).
Perhaps, overall, your way of enjoying the game differs from others. And you'd have more fun focusing on educating novices/playing with friends rather than in general playing the STF itself.
Although, there's one thing you seem to have wrongly perceived, "know-it-all" veteran and being a "teamplayer" are not mutually exclusive.
An actual good, elite, veteran is omni-capable and will adjust to situation/group needs.
I don't think I ever, personally, ran into a situation where someone was adamant to what they'll do and went contrary to group's wishes/strategy.
After a group forms up people usually volunteer to carry positions they know they're capable of out-taking with excellence.
Because everyone knows their individual strengths and weaknesses (assuming they are elite veterans; fake ones can't tell and think they're great at everything even when failing miserably. This is also true for RL employees - good ones know what their capabilities and limits are and organize their work accordingly and give good schedule estimates).
However, should the group or its leader wish to execute something and assign different tasks, everyone always aligned up with the plan.
And yes, there are novices who are better than some of the would-be veterans who still don't know how to play the game (and for that matter, they're noobs).
I've recruited quite a few from pug STFs and honed their knowledge and ability. These usually are proto-elites waiting to be discovered.
I'm not against newbies, I'm against newbies in an Elite STF since that just hurts everyone involved.
There are a few that are out there, but they do not advertise (and rightfully so - otherwise the poor mods and leaders of those channels would be getting spammed like mad from people wanting to join). You get into them by networking and meeting members of those channels.
If you happen to team with members of such channels, and you are doing good in your group and they like your play style, trust me . . . you'll get an invite sooner or later if you show interest and want it.
You would be surprised how many of those channel owners also have EliteSTF up to grab randoms during slower times of the day. That is actually how I got networked into a channel i am in now and am all the happier for it, and now also subscribe to both channels for much the same reasons.
It truly is a sad state the Internet society is in.
An attitude that is oft observed on Wikipedia and is well documented by that website's detractors and criticizers:
Whenever an argument is raised to which those who do not agree cannot respond they cop-out by accusing the other side as being trolls.
Instead of calmly and rationally debating the matter, whenever someone proposes a differing opinion or one that contradicts a "holy cow" (sensitive issue or one that has a polarized popular stance on), immediately they resolve to tossing foul words and pretend that other side is non-existent via methods of character assassination.
There are a few that are out there, but they do not advertise (and rightfully so - otherwise the poor mods and leaders of those channels would be getting spammed like mad from people wanting to join). You get into them by networking and meeting members of those channels.
If you happen to team with members of such channels, and you are doing good in your group and they like your play style, trust me . . . you'll get an invite sooner or later if you show interest and want it.
You would be surprised how many of those channel owners also have EliteSTF up to grab randoms during slower times of the day. That is actually how I got networked into a channel i am in now and am all the happier for it, and now also subscribe to both channels for much the same reasons.
I was being 99% sarcastic; but, you had no way of knowing that. Not only do I already have literally everything that can be gotten from the stfs for both of my characters, I *seriously* doubt any of these "super-duper-secret-channels" would actually have anything to offer me
I for one agree with the current rules where there is no restrictions on Need usage.
I'm gong to be frank here, no I'm not trolling. I'm just being honest. I will click need on everything that passes thru Need or Greed unless it's a green lock box, it's something someone asks beforehand that they really do need, or my team has established a Need/Greed rule. If others Need on stuff as well, then that's fine too. But I will not let the QQing of a few peeps make me change that philosiphy. Or click Greed on anything. Seriously, where did this "click Greed on things" philsophy come from? Need is a function of the loost system, thus I intend to use it.
On the subject of loot rolls, the current system is a little pointless. Need/greed should just be Roll.
The only time having a separate "I want that in some form or another" rolling option is when something different happens to the loot depending on which you chose.
Under the current system, everything should be Need or pass if you have no interest in it. If they changed things so that if you win something by a need roll its bound to that character, then greed would have a purpose.
Edit: Needing on something would also, naturally, remove any vendor value (IE, you cant get any EC from it).
I was being 99% sarcastic; but, you had no way of knowing that. Not only do I already have literally everything that can be gotten from the stfs for both of my characters, I *seriously* doubt any of these "super-duper-secret-channels" would actually have anything to offer me
Ah. Yeah all I saw was a question and answered it as best as I could. Sorry for misunderstanding you. LOL. Grats on having your gear, though.
Though the channels we refer to are not in any way secret at all. They are just small channels with people who already know each other and play well together. Much like a fleet . . . just channel only, really.
Congratulations. You're doing a very good job at killing off EliteSTF as a viable way to group up with people to have some fun.
Ill say it again, there is only one thing in the channel that causes *any* disruption at all: the moderators. If you just sat back and didnt have a temper tantrum when people didnt follow a bunch of unnecessary rules, there would never be any problems.
People advertising for Vault or CE groups never impeded STF's forming. Muting the entire channel for hours at a time when you cant have your way does.
Oh, and by the way, just in case someone tries to get tetchy: no, Ive never looked for vault groups. Ive only ever done it once, and never will again. I think its a waste of time and a very poor idea (gating content, etc).
THIS ^^^
Your Mods are a bit of a joke lol, they each appear to be following their own brand of rules of guidelines, some mute players for one thing while others dont care. One even threatened to Mute me when i tried to make a Vault team, he was rude and bordered on threatening, and yet i look at your guidelines up top and see that it IS allowed? You guys really are killing the channel to such a point that >Channel Name< is gaining members, which is a shame as you have made a great channel that you yourselves are killing.
They didn't really make it. That's kind of why it's getting this bad now. They never understood what stood behind it in the first place.
And what do you expect from a fleet of failures who vie for attention/recognition as being worth any in a half dead game? A moderator team that's actually decent, humble and reasonable?
Might as well ask for Cryptic to fix Klings and deliver the Romulan faction.
On the subject of loot rolls, the current system is a little pointless. Need/greed should just be Roll.
The only time having a separate "I want that in some form or another" rolling option is when something different happens to the loot depending on which you chose.
Under the current system, everything should be Need or pass if you have no interest in it. If they changed things so that if you win something by a need roll its bound to that character, then greed would have a purpose.
Edit: Needing on something would also, naturally, remove any vendor value (IE, you cant get any EC from it).
It has come to my attention that some (only a small amount of people) have trouble following Rule 7.
I'll repeat it here for your benefit:
7. DON'T MAKE PEOPLE SAY INAPPROPRIATE or SPAM THINGS TO GET ON TEAMS (Random lengths of letters/ or things that would normally be censored or not for children)
Yes, we get it, it's funny, but it's not permitted.
And that's the end of it.
In case you're not clear on this point, swearing and crude references to anatomical functions are violations of Rule 7.
And in case you feel like arguing with or insulting the channel moderators, refer to Rule 11:
All this achieves is to get you kicked out of the channel.
It has come to my attention that some (only a small amount of people) have trouble following Rule 7.
I'll repeat it here for your benefit:
7. DON'T MAKE PEOPLE SAY INAPPROPRIATE or SPAM THINGS TO GET ON TEAMS (Random lengths of letters/ or things that would normally be censored or not for children)
Yes, we get it, it's funny, but it's not permitted.
And that's the end of it.
In case you're not clear on this point, swearing and crude references to anatomical functions are violations of Rule 7.
And in case you feel like arguing with or insulting the channel moderators, refer to Rule 11:
All this achieves is to get you kicked out of the channel.
That's an intriguing concept of "public" you have there. :rolleyes:
Yes, because a channel dedicated to eliteSTF, where people organize elite STF games, is precisely the place where you'd want novice to be taught.
It seems the reason why so many people been using the channel from the first place is lost upon you.
This is going to be easier than I had originally thought.
I would like to know if english speaker as second language are allowed or not.
Pretty much every STF requires communication to suceed, so understanding your english speaking teammates is pretty much a necessity.
Really glad to see that there is life in the channel as it was great fun teaching others how to play STFs and gaming with some great guys and gals.
The screenshot you posted says it all. You acted a fool in the channel, broke the rules and after serveral attempts to reason with you, I finally was forced to boot you from the channel. I even offered to let you back in, all you had to do was PM me and vent a little. I'm all about that. There are plenty of people who acted a fool, PM'ed me to complain and in the end, calmed down and got back to playing. I'm proud of my success rate thus far and will continue to be as fair minded and forgiving as possible. See you in the STF's!
I think you missed the part where NORMAL STF runs are allowed as well.
However, the Elite STFs hardly require magical super powers to get through. If someone is willing to listen and take a small amount of advice they can easily help contribute to a team being successful. The fact someone needs to be taught something isn't a problem, it's the folks who simply refuse to listen that are the problem.
I'd much rather run with someone who has never ran a STF before but is wiling to listen than the guys who post things like "no n00bs..." or "better know wtf to do and not TRIBBLE up". I'd rather fail a mission with some decent guys than steamroll it with a bunch of a-holes.
Thankfully Elite STF channel DOES have a lot of really great guys in there and anyone who is serious about wanting to run STFs, and is willing to be flexible and ask for help/advice when needed, should check the channel out. The more STF players the better!
No one ever needed PERMISSION to run Normal in EliteSTF.
As a matter of fact, people have sporadically used the channel to run normal whenever they were leveling/gearing alts, and plenty of people were happy to help.
EliteSTF channel was being used by elite players to conduct elite games. Quick, simple, fun for everyone.
It's not fun when you have to teach people.
If you have to stop and hold people's hands through then it loses the point.
It's not fun when the whole team and performance suffer due to some nubs.
And like you said, most of them don't even listen.
True. They do, however, require certain performance level.
When newbies enter Elite STF without the proper gear all they do in effect is just mooch off the team members who do carry their load on their own and now need to carry the nub(es)'s as well.
Especially if you want the optionals.
And it doesn't take more than one dufus to ruin a STF (in particular in cure).
So, really...they're just a hindrance and a source of frustration. :mad:
While I, and just about everyone else I played elite STF with, would rather have a fun smooth session without the frustration of having to babysit people who are incompetent or don't belong and have a good victory, with the optionals, and keep our morale high from session to session. Every. Time. We. Play.
Instead of having nimrods cripple us time and again, bringing failure time and again.
Wasting what precious little time we get to play, because some of us have day jobs and families and errands to take care of. So it's important to us to not have 30 minutes go down the drain due to pug-material.
Don't worry, they'll soon be walking my path.
There were plenty of times of people asking questions, trying to find out a better build or otherwise improve their gameplay. And there used to be small debates on such topics from time to time.
Now, however, with the channel being under strict rule of tyranny, it seems unlikely to happen anymore.
FYI, quoting an entire large block of text without actually referencing much of it (ergo, no reason to quote it as it's largely irrelevant) or merely referencing a single sentence out of the entirety of it (the screenshot in this regard) instead of just the sentence itself is considered rude, spamming and generally a sign of poor netiquette.
Aye, it says it all indeed.
Some poor shmo posted in caps, twice, OMG TWICE!!!! THIS IS THE ALPHA OMEGA!.
You started coming down hard on him. In a channel that was, to a day before (when you posted this thread and decided to start moderating the channel), pretty easy going between its members.
Infact, if that guy WAS going to spam caps consistently, he'll be drowned in a sea of boos by the other members and get on everyone's ignore.txt. Mostly his problem.
So, yeah, I goofed off, because I felt you're being a TRIBBLE for no good reason. Because the channel was light hearted for the most part and none would've even paid attention to the guy's TWO SMALL LINES OF CAPS!!! had he not used caps afterof.
But for you, mr. need to show presence and use your boot button to feel important, this was a MAJOR VIOLATION OF THE RUUUUUUUUUULESSSSSSS!!!
Reason? Somehow I think I can easily differ to both your ability to grasp the concept of reasoning as well as your qualifications in the field of psychology (in which reasoning is a very important topic).
Forced, yes. Because I dared to question your authority or your logic. Yep, I put a gun to your head, alright.
Who even knows you? Who even knows this thread? Who even knows any of your fail fleet of circle jerk who were a running joke for STF vets?
As I previously said, very poor manner by which to enact changes onto a social environment by unknown landlord that was missing for who knows how long, but skipping that...
I did PM you. I said I'm in-fact very calm and that you're acting like a puffsmoker, which is quite amusing.
It was in the other screenshot that was removed because you ran to your fleet buddy forum mod since *GASP* someone posted negatively about your takeover.
Took him about 15 seconds to show up for a thread that was buried deep down in the PVE sub-forum (at the time), good work BTW.
Ah-huh. Is that what your official version going to be?
No. You don't want someone to complain. You don't want someone to vent.
No. What you want is them to grovel on four for his-all-mighty-need-to-feel-important-on-the-Internet and beg to be let back in.
You want them to apologize for daring to give lip to Your-Highness, isn't that what it's about?
After all, if a calm PM is all that was required, then my very first PM would've resolved it, no? :rolleyes:
Infact, when I refused your offer it must've bugged you so much that someone won't grovel to appease your ego that you insisted to give me a 'second chance' and pm me that I should rethink it.
Must've singed pretty hard when I told you fat chance I'm talking to you again or coming back to channel and put you on ignore, seeing as how you come here just to show up.
Heh. How pathetic.
Odd that the ignore doesn't work on the forums too, since they share a DB with the game, but I'm sure I can find a way to fix that as well.
Thanks. Your fail has brought much amusement to me. This was already a rather good birthday (eek, so many dozens of candles on the cake! where did the time go? probably working and partying, heheh!), but you just sprinkled sugary toppings all over the cake.
Here, I brought you a slice, too (hint: the's a lie!).
Quite on the contrary.
For all these years everyone asked for the channel to be pruned of clueless pugs.
Now, instead, they let anyone in (who'll spam and be ruining STFs) and boot the elites.
The channel is more of a joke now than it ever was before.
You know, you don't have to leave a channel if you don't want to see it anymore. You can just turn it off. Right-click your chat window, and uncheck any channel that you don't want displayed.
EDIT: Fox ur not even in the channel, stop complaining about it!
I am pretty sure you just contradicted yourself. I still also fail to see why the word leader got some people angry.
I agree on all of these points.
Elites are JUST as easy as normals. The ONLY difference is the borg hit harder DPS-wise in Elites and have a few more HP. Other than that, the strategy does not change . . . the tactics remain consistent . . . but the loot is better XD
I also run a lot of new people through. Some of them are MUCh better players than the "vets". When i spoke of private channels above, and how the mods "screen" them for their playstyle, it was NOT for knowledge of the STF . .. it was to find out "Is this a team player? Or is it a person who thinks they know all and will not be part of the greater whole?" THSOE are the oens I like to see sifted out.
I have played a LOT of STFs. I am not going to sit here and say "Over 1000" or any of that TRIBBLE, because you have to have NO life to be counting that high . . . but I have done a lot of them and the first question I ask of a group when i join them is "Okay guys, thanks for welcoming me. What do you need me to do?" Because it;s their group and not mine and i refuse to be hot headed and know-it-all.
Unfortunately not everyone will agree to this, and this post WILL get flamed but w/e. We all are students untilt he day we die . . . period.
He's too busy having his head in the clouds he's yet to realize what's pretty clear if one had actually read the previous posts.
But it seems he got angry enough from my negative feedback and righteous arguments that he went to try and boot me only to discover that I'm not there.
This pretty much sums it up.
1) They're changing the nature of the channel in a manner that'll TRIBBLE it up ("open the flood gates! let the pugs in!").
2) They've no idea why almost everyone were in that channel anyway (because pug queuing is **** and they wanted people who can get the job done).
It's more than just "a few". And due to that difference there are some things you can do in Normal that you wouldn't be able to do in Elite.
It also forces a much tighter margin of performance out of this involved, as someone without proper gear becomes a liability to the team effort.
Simple example:
I can easily and quickly clear the bops in CSE on my own, which leaves the rest of the team free to work the cubes without having to worry over them demolishing the Kang.
If this task is delegated to someone who is ill-geared, it doesn't matter if he's "a teamplayer". He could listen until the cows come home, he won't be able to eliminate them on his own.
The team will have to care for helping him to take them down as an on-going concern. The overall group effort is diminished. The DPS is much lower. Removing the nanite sphers and the cubes then become a much slower and harder process.
The optional timer is likely to run out, and if the team DPS is severely low to begin with (too many cruisers/sci-eng) then when you encounter Neghvars it's quite a possibility that they won't be stopped in time and destroy the Kang.
Seems to me that you have a high affinity towards tutelage and a rather high scorn towards veterans (or, say, Elite/Expert veterans).
Perhaps, overall, your way of enjoying the game differs from others. And you'd have more fun focusing on educating novices/playing with friends rather than in general playing the STF itself.
Although, there's one thing you seem to have wrongly perceived, "know-it-all" veteran and being a "teamplayer" are not mutually exclusive.
An actual good, elite, veteran is omni-capable and will adjust to situation/group needs.
I don't think I ever, personally, ran into a situation where someone was adamant to what they'll do and went contrary to group's wishes/strategy.
After a group forms up people usually volunteer to carry positions they know they're capable of out-taking with excellence.
Because everyone knows their individual strengths and weaknesses (assuming they are elite veterans; fake ones can't tell and think they're great at everything even when failing miserably. This is also true for RL employees - good ones know what their capabilities and limits are and organize their work accordingly and give good schedule estimates).
However, should the group or its leader wish to execute something and assign different tasks, everyone always aligned up with the plan.
And yes, there are novices who are better than some of the would-be veterans who still don't know how to play the game (and for that matter, they're noobs).
I've recruited quite a few from pug STFs and honed their knowledge and ability. These usually are proto-elites waiting to be discovered.
I'm not against newbies, I'm against newbies in an Elite STF since that just hurts everyone involved.
There are a few that are out there, but they do not advertise (and rightfully so - otherwise the poor mods and leaders of those channels would be getting spammed like mad from people wanting to join). You get into them by networking and meeting members of those channels.
If you happen to team with members of such channels, and you are doing good in your group and they like your play style, trust me . . . you'll get an invite sooner or later if you show interest and want it.
You would be surprised how many of those channel owners also have EliteSTF up to grab randoms during slower times of the day. That is actually how I got networked into a channel i am in now and am all the happier for it, and now also subscribe to both channels for much the same reasons.
An attitude that is oft observed on Wikipedia and is well documented by that website's detractors and criticizers:
Whenever an argument is raised to which those who do not agree cannot respond they cop-out by accusing the other side as being trolls.
Instead of calmly and rationally debating the matter, whenever someone proposes a differing opinion or one that contradicts a "holy cow" (sensitive issue or one that has a polarized popular stance on), immediately they resolve to tossing foul words and pretend that other side is non-existent via methods of character assassination.
It works for politicians, after-all.
I was being 99% sarcastic; but, you had no way of knowing that. Not only do I already have literally everything that can be gotten from the stfs for both of my characters, I *seriously* doubt any of these "super-duper-secret-channels" would actually have anything to offer me
I'm gong to be frank here, no I'm not trolling. I'm just being honest. I will click need on everything that passes thru Need or Greed unless it's a green lock box, it's something someone asks beforehand that they really do need, or my team has established a Need/Greed rule. If others Need on stuff as well, then that's fine too. But I will not let the QQing of a few peeps make me change that philosiphy. Or click Greed on anything. Seriously, where did this "click Greed on things" philsophy come from? Need is a function of the loost system, thus I intend to use it.
The only time having a separate "I want that in some form or another" rolling option is when something different happens to the loot depending on which you chose.
Under the current system, everything should be Need or pass if you have no interest in it. If they changed things so that if you win something by a need roll its bound to that character, then greed would have a purpose.
Edit: Needing on something would also, naturally, remove any vendor value (IE, you cant get any EC from it).
Ah. Yeah all I saw was a question and answered it as best as I could. Sorry for misunderstanding you. LOL. Grats on having your gear, though.
Though the channels we refer to are not in any way secret at all. They are just small channels with people who already know each other and play well together. Much like a fleet . . . just channel only, really.
THIS ^^^
Your Mods are a bit of a joke lol, they each appear to be following their own brand of rules of guidelines, some mute players for one thing while others dont care. One even threatened to Mute me when i tried to make a Vault team, he was rude and bordered on threatening, and yet i look at your guidelines up top and see that it IS allowed? You guys really are killing the channel to such a point that >Channel Name< is gaining members, which is a shame as you have made a great channel that you yourselves are killing.
And what do you expect from a fleet of failures who vie for attention/recognition as being worth any in a half dead game? A moderator team that's actually decent, humble and reasonable?
Might as well ask for Cryptic to fix Klings and deliver the Romulan faction.
That would be a really awesome system.
Chat is an imprecise method, as it scrolls constantly and I may be doing something else ingame which requires my full attention.
Whereas, if I have the mail in front of me, it'lll be easy to do.
I'll repeat it here for your benefit:
7. DON'T MAKE PEOPLE SAY INAPPROPRIATE or SPAM THINGS TO GET ON TEAMS (Random lengths of letters/ or things that would normally be censored or not for children)
Yes, we get it, it's funny, but it's not permitted.
And that's the end of it.
In case you're not clear on this point, swearing and crude references to anatomical functions are violations of Rule 7.
And in case you feel like arguing with or insulting the channel moderators, refer to Rule 11:
All this achieves is to get you kicked out of the channel.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Clean em out