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Post your worst STF experiance



  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I had a bad STF the other day. It was a PublicEliteSTF run group (95% of the time they succeed!), but their damage output was just so low that I had no other option than to leave the game.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • ussackermanussackerman Member Posts: 275 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2013
    I don't know if this has been discussed before, but my worst STF experience was an IGE PUG. What made it so bad was that one member of the team managed to lock the rest of us behind the final force field and stayed by it doing emotes for at least the next 20 minutes until we started dropping out 1 by 1 out of frustration. At one point he even told us he was going afk.

    What a jerk!!!
  • edited September 2013
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  • satanailofhwbgsatanailofhwbg Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    deokkent wrote: »
    Not my worse ISE really, but what happened in it sure made it special/memorable enough to mention it here. I believe this was a match setup through publicelitestf channel. But it went so wrong that I started thinking that maybe it wasn't a private ise.

    I've seen this. I think that newbies confuse KASE with ISE (damn, who thought up the tactics "shoot the nanites, ignore the cube!?"). And the worst is that you can't do anything about it.
  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I've seen this. I think that newbies confuse KASE with ISE (damn, who thought up the tactics "shoot the nanites, ignore the cube!?"). And the worst is that you can't do anything about it.

    Maybe it's actually CSE, that would account for the ignoring the cube part, and there is a perfectly viable (although not necessarily efficient) strategy in CSN and CSE where everyone splits up and attacks each set of probes and cube simultaneously, and handles all spawns that come from it. (It's actually pretty good for pugs, where you don't want to put too much pressure on any one member.)
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Why people don't read the walkthroughs before even attempting elite STFs is beyond me, they are there for a good reason.
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • edited September 2013
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    • shurato2099shurato2099 Member Posts: 588 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      Had a Khitomer Vortex (Normal) a couple of days ago that's pretty memorable. Not my worst STF experience, those are Hive Onslaughts of late, but it stands out.

      It was a pug, which is fine for normals levels and things were going well when two members drop for no apparent reason. That left three of us to both take down generators/transformers, deal with spheres as they popped up and ride herd on the probes heading for the gate.

      We didn't make the optional, a couple of probes slipped by while we got our act together, but we held it from there and actually succeeded in the mission. Donatra with just the three of use was ... interesting.
    • chakittychakitty Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      A couple days ago I PUGed an ISE. I know, PUGing was my first mistake. This group had to have been total noobs as I had to have had the highest DPS in the whole group and I was on my main eng toon flying a Vesta. We got the intro cube and spheres fine, then after popping the cube over the left transformer and taking out the gen I targeted, I went to keep the nanite spheres at bay while everyone else took out the transformer. Worked fine, especially as my GW was supplemented by someone dumping warp plasma around the nanite spheres. Then on to the right side. I think it's going to go well, despite an assault cruiser that seems unable to leave the respawn waiting room. We pop the cube, and go to work on the gens. Once again, after popping my gen I head to work on delaying the nanite spheres. That's where things went to *bleep* in a hurry. The person who used EWP on the first side tried it again while going with EM running and left big holes in his loop of warp plasma. This allowed the nanite spheres to escape once my GW went bye-bye. And the transformer wasn't even down to 75% yet. Well, optional blown, oh well. Get the nanites cleared up and I take on the transformer by myself while everyone else is busy going after normal spheres. I'm too busy hitting one power after another to try to take down the transformer in time to be able to type asking for help. More nanites get to the transformer and heal it after I single-handedly get it down to 50%. After that we just can't keep the nanites off the map or at bay long enough to take down that transformer. Seeing as it's a lost cause, I abandon the group and take the leaver penalty, which for some reason didn't stop me from jumping right back into another instance for the same STF.
    • satanailofhwbgsatanailofhwbg Member Posts: 158 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      I had a funny CSE the other day. At the start, I slowly begin to move to the right (for a change), then I see ALL 4 of the other players full-impulse to the right...and yes, I guess I had to deal with the BoPs - fair enough, I did. BUT for some reason, those 4 decided do do RML. And I went left to deal with the spawning raptors, disregarding anything else that didn't shoot at me. I found it rather funny to watch 4 players struggle with 3 raptors....yes, that was their penalty :D
      After nearly 10 minutes, they brought down the middle cube, and then I started playing (I don't consider the routine GW, fighters on attack, APB3+FAW2, then fighters on recall playing). We got the optional. So...this is my new approach - If you think you're captain Kirk, I'll let you suffer, no, I won't let the PuG fail, but you will suffer. I think I'm evil... :D
    • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      chakitty wrote: »
      A couple days ago I PUGed an ISE. I know, PUGing was my first mistake. This group had to have been total noobs as I had to have had the highest DPS in the whole group and I was on my main eng toon flying a Vesta. We got the intro cube and spheres fine, then after popping the cube over the left transformer and taking out the gen I targeted, I went to keep the nanite spheres at bay while everyone else took out the transformer. Worked fine, especially as my GW was supplemented by someone dumping warp plasma around the nanite spheres. Then on to the right side. I think it's going to go well, despite an assault cruiser that seems unable to leave the respawn waiting room. We pop the cube, and go to work on the gens. Once again, after popping my gen I head to work on delaying the nanite spheres. That's where things went to *bleep* in a hurry. The person who used EWP on the first side tried it again while going with EM running and left big holes in his loop of warp plasma. This allowed the nanite spheres to escape once my GW went bye-bye. And the transformer wasn't even down to 75% yet. Well, optional blown, oh well. Get the nanites cleared up and I take on the transformer by myself while everyone else is busy going after normal spheres. I'm too busy hitting one power after another to try to take down the transformer in time to be able to type asking for help. More nanites get to the transformer and heal it after I single-handedly get it down to 50%. After that we just can't keep the nanites off the map or at bay long enough to take down that transformer. Seeing as it's a lost cause, I abandon the group and take the leaver penalty, which for some reason didn't stop me from jumping right back into another instance for the same STF.

      If the optional is gone it's best to forget the transformer and everyone deal with the spheres before it gets messy.
    • yaisuke15yaisuke15 Member Posts: 421 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      I PuGed Hive Onslaught, yes I know, stupid, yesterday with my new Mirror Patrol Escort, the Fafnir. Suffice to say, I wanted to see what the hype of it was, the escorts, so I jumped in one and say the queue for HON was at four and thought to test out the escort. I died once during the first part, only because I wasn't used to flying an escort.

      This is where it went down the drain.

      We had four people in escorts, me being an engineer though, and a cruiser engineer doing this. I thought, we have a tank and four escorts to dish out max dps right? Wrong. All four escorts were either lanced, plasma bolt torpedoed, or borg plasma torpedo spreaded. Suffice to say, the cruiser quit after we ran into a wall for the third time.

      We of course did the whole Narnia charge, then I got lanced, yes I did. And then the other escorts were killed within a few seconds after my by the big and little torpedoes and one got lanced.

      We charged two more times, with me lasting a few seconds longer than everyone else the last time but then took a Plasma Bolt torpedo to the face. We then all decided to quit, of course they could get out of there first, but then I left as soon as I could.

      I decided, f**& dps all together and just jumped back in my Dreadnought so that I could tank, aggro and crowd control.
      "Look at me I'm a target!"
      "Fire the Lance on my mark... MARK!
      "How many times have we gone into the breach again R'shee?"
      My proposal for a Galaxy bundle
    • edited September 2013
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    • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      deokkent wrote: »
      If anything should be attacked are the nanite spheres, you either keep them at bay or blow them up as fast as possible before they get to the transformer.

      You can tell them that until you're blue in the face. Many an optional has been lost because of people chasing normal spheres.
    • chakittychakitty Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      jake81499 wrote: »
      You can tell them that until you're blue in the face. Many an optional has been lost because of people chasing normal spheres.

      I know, that was the problem in that STF I left. People went after the normal spheres and wouldn't help while I was doing everything I could to try to take down the transformer and that meant that there were nanite spheres were popping up every few seconds and not getting stopped. It was then that I considered the run a lost cause and left the instance.
    • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      deokkent wrote: »
      Nope normal spheres are harmless and won't even fight you with their stupid misuse of epte. If anything should be attacked are the nanite spheres, you either keep them at bay or blow them up as fast as possible before they get to the transformer. As far as I'm concerned, engaging normal spheres before transformer is a huge waste of time. Unless you can manage to blow them all up within 10sec, then maybe I might reconsider my position.
      jake81499 wrote: »
      You can tell them that until you're blue in the face. Many an optional has been lost because of people chasing normal spheres.
      chakitty wrote: »
      I know, that was the problem in that STF I left. People went after the normal spheres and wouldn't help while I was doing everything I could to try to take down the transformer and that meant that there were nanite spheres were popping up every few seconds and not getting stopped. It was then that I considered the run a lost cause and left the instance.

      I'm not saying to go for the spheres from the start. I'm saying that IF the optional is gone (and I am assuming this means there are now spheres all around) you should deal with them. Chakitty said: "...More nanites get to the transformer and heal it after I single-handedly get it down to 50%. After that we just can't keep the nanites off the map or at bay long enough to take down that transformer."

      When people know what they are doing the spheres don't even get near the transformer by the time it blows up.
    • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      I'm not saying to go for the spheres from the start. I'm saying that IF the optional is gone (and I am assuming this means there are now spheres all around) you should deal with them.

      If a group can't manage to save the optional they usually don't have the spare DPS to take down the normal spheres, they can barely get the Nanite Spheres down long enough to kill the transformer (or in some cases, can't). The normal spheres are a distraction you typically can't afford to indulge in.
    • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      If a group can't manage to save the optional they usually don't have the spare DPS to take down the normal spheres, they can barely get the Nanite Spheres down long enough to kill the transformer (or in some cases, can't). The normal spheres are a distraction you typically can't afford to indulge in.

      I've been to a few in which the DPS (or lack of it) was not exactly the issue (ok, if the DPS was very high the situation could have been fixed). Someone who blows up a generator on the first attack run, attacking both sides at the same time, concentrating on the incoming spheres as soon as the generators blow up instead of the transformer, etc...
    • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
      edited September 2013

      "DPS DPS DPS". The game does not revolve around DPS.

      Can you kill a ship in a reasonable timeframe? Can you kill multiple ships in a reasonable timeframe? That is what matters. Not a statistic that tells you your BFAW is spitting out numbers, but not spitting out ship kills.

      It's my personal opinion that people should begin to focus on killing effectively, before they go and criticise others as if they know everything.
      stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
      Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
      My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
    • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
      edited September 2013

      "DPS DPS DPS". The game does not revolve around DPS.

      Can you kill a ship in a reasonable timeframe? Can you kill multiple ships in a reasonable timeframe? That is what matters. Not a statistic that tells you your BFAW is spitting out numbers, but not spitting out ship kills.

      It's my personal opinion that people should begin to focus on killing effectively, before they go and criticise others as if they know everything.

      That's exactly what i am preaching all the time.
      FAW only raises the statistcs, but has little uses besides clearing mine/fighter spam.
      What is needed is a power similar to Scatter volley just for beam weapons IMO.
      "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

      A tale of two Picards
      (also applies to Star Trek in general)
    • satanailofhwbgsatanailofhwbg Member Posts: 158 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      FAW is very god ability if you know when to use it.
      I have 3 reasons for it (I have 1 copy of it)

      1. To spread APB3 on targets that my teammates are shooting
      2. To get all the mobs' attention. (yes, you need to be prepared to tank it)
      3. To shoot at 2-3 targets next to each other (CSE and KASE) if more - I prefer to use subsystem targeting to deal with my immediate target.

      So here are 3 additional uses of FAW besides cleaning mines or fighter spam (TBR does better at both though)
    • edited September 2013
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    • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
      edited September 2013
      FAW in solo play is very good, you get 3+ frigates/escorts attacking you at once, use FAW and the third is dying at the same time as the second you target followed by 1 or 2 shots at whatever is left over. Fleet alerts using FAW all 4 of the others on the team can be doing 1 incoming group and I can get the other down to a couple of targets by the time they are finished, and if not then everything on my side will be without shield facings and/or hull damage making it easy for the rest of the team to mop them up.

      FAW in an STF when there are targets being healed like transformers or gates is a complete waste and can blow a generator early in ISE, so its best to wait until the spheres show up and the gates are no longer being healed.

      Like any skill it takes practice on when to use it and when to concentrate fire. as for being useless and just raises stats thats bull****.
      Join Date: Nobody cares.
      "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
    • edited September 2013
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    • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      reyan01 wrote: »
      Just had one of THOSE instances of CSE - you know the one; where someone pops a cube too early and it becomes of a game of pointlessly protect the Kang.

      After a very long, tedious, session of trying to protect the Kang from swarm after swarm of Borg Raptors/BOP's etc with no progress being made, I'd just about had enough, then noticed that the Kang was at 15% health and the whole thing was a waste of time. So I bailed,

      FYI it is SOP in most premade STFs to pop RML and just nuke the raptors at the cubes.

      Leaving all three cubes up and playing pure defense often leads to failing the optional on time (not to mention people dying all the time because its 1 or 2 on each spawn point).

      Put one person midway between L and M who will alternate the BOPs, and have the other 4 all take out the right one.

      Three move to M (it is important that one of these three makes sure to take out the raptors as they spawn, let none get by), and one moves to help the other guy on L raptors if he needs it, once M pops, all on L. No one ever goes anywhere near Kang.

      If everyone is on the same page, and youve got a L/M guard with sufficient DPS/crowd control, its bloodwine for all at about the five minute mark. yes it really does go that fast.
      Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
      Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
      Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
    • satanailofhwbgsatanailofhwbg Member Posts: 158 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      FYI it is SOP in most premade STFs to pop RML and just nuke the raptors at the cubes.

      Leaving all three cubes up and playing pure defense often leads to failing the optional on time (not to mention people dying all the time because its 1 or 2 on each spawn point).

      Put one person midway between L and M who will alternate the BOPs, and have the other 4 all take out the right one.

      Three move to M (it is important that one of these three makes sure to take out the raptors as they spawn, let none get by), and one moves to help the other guy on L raptors if he needs it, once M pops, all on L. No one ever goes anywhere near Kang.

      If everyone is on the same page, and youve got a L/M guard with sufficient DPS/crowd control, its bloodwine for all at about the five minute mark. yes it really does go that fast.

      The point is, that usually the attacking 4 can't handle the middle cube and the spawning raptors afterwards. I've seen it countless times.
    • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      During the H20Rat event I had a KASN run that went as smooth as clockwork. Why? Everyone smashed the probes! Seriously. there was no one assigned to probe duty. When they spawned peeps switched targets to kill them then went back to shooting holes in the gates.
      My character Tsin'xing
    • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      reyan01 wrote: »
      Well, just had what was possibly the worst instance of ISE I've ever encountered.

      The team was a Sci in a Recluse, and Eng in a Scimitar, a Sci in an Odyssey and a Tac in a Sovereign - and me using my Vesta.

      Talk about fail! The first cube took a little longer than usual, which didn't inspire confidence. Then the team fly to the right; now, I am not saying that there is anything necessarily wrong with that and I've certainly been in instances where the team opted to start on the right - no problem with this at all as long as the usual 'procedure' is adopted.

      However, in this particular instance the Scimitar and Recluse start shooting at the cube, the other two kill a transformer between them. Spheres spawn and the idiots spend the next ten minutes fighting spheres instead of doing anything even remotely useful. Seriously - ten minutes passed and they all they had managed to do was die quite a few times themselves and kill all of two transformers. That was it. Two transformers.

      Have to admit, I did help out at first, but it was so obvious that the team were out of their depth that I posted (in team chat) that they should perhaps consider trying Infected on normal before jumping into Elite. I then bailed as the instance was simply too painful to spend another second in and the penalty was well worth it on this occasion.

      Assuming that they continued, I shudder to think how long that instance must have lasted!

      Hey, for all you know they could still be at it right now, wondering when ISE's fail mechanic will kick in. :rolleyes:
      I ask nothing but that you remember me.
    • satanailofhwbgsatanailofhwbg Member Posts: 158 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      During the H20Rat event I had a KASN run that went as smooth as clockwork. Why? Everyone smashed the probes! Seriously. there was no one assigned to probe duty. When they spawned peeps switched targets to kill them then went back to shooting holes in the gates.

      Unfortunately, most of the people that should be in the KASN queue are in the KASE queue (I rarely see more than 20-25 in each of the normal queues for the space borg STFs)
      My new tactic is - let the other 4 of the team go to one side and let me take the other. I smash probes, cubes, transformers and when I get the gate to 40-50%, they are done with their side. And after a hundred or so times, they get their Quadra Sigma Distinguished Service Medal. Easy-peasy.
    • carasucia83carasucia83 Member Posts: 568 Arc User
      edited September 2013
      chakitty wrote: »
      A couple days ago I PUGed an ISE. I know, PUGing was my first mistake. This group had to have been total noobs as I had to have had the highest DPS in the whole group and I was on my main eng toon flying a Vesta. We got the intro cube and spheres fine, then after popping the cube over the left transformer and taking out the gen I targeted, I went to keep the nanite spheres at bay while everyone else took out the transformer. Worked fine, especially as my GW was supplemented by someone dumping warp plasma around the nanite spheres. Then on to the right side. I think it's going to go well, despite an assault cruiser that seems unable to leave the respawn waiting room. We pop the cube, and go to work on the gens. Once again, after popping my gen I head to work on delaying the nanite spheres. That's where things went to *bleep* in a hurry. The person who used EWP on the first side tried it again while going with EM running and left big holes in his loop of warp plasma. This allowed the nanite spheres to escape once my GW went bye-bye. And the transformer wasn't even down to 75% yet. Well, optional blown, oh well. Get the nanites cleared up and I take on the transformer by myself while everyone else is busy going after normal spheres. I'm too busy hitting one power after another to try to take down the transformer in time to be able to type asking for help. More nanites get to the transformer and heal it after I single-handedly get it down to 50%. After that we just can't keep the nanites off the map or at bay long enough to take down that transformer. Seeing as it's a lost cause, I abandon the group and take the leaver penalty, which for some reason didn't stop me from jumping right back into another instance for the same STF.

      If you use this build with GW and TBR, sitting between 4-5k from you GW, you'll never have that problem again :D
      "So my fun is wrong?"

      No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
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