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Caitian Carrier: Just admit you don't care about KDF.



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Lack of content is what has kept the KDF in the state it is in, and not your premise that they are losing their lack of uniqueness.
    Lack of content is why the faction has not grown. It offers nothing but shinnies to entice the player to play.
    Their ships all have different hulls, skins, shield ratings, turn rates, BOFF layouts, etc. vs. Feds.

    Escort versus Raptor at LTC.. The Hull , shields and a 1 point difference in turnrate for the KDF are the only differences between the two. BOff layout is the same with no exceptions for iether the base vessels offered or thier refits.

    Escort versus Raptor at Cpt The Hull , shields and a 1 point difference in turnrate fort he Feds are the only differences between the two. BOff layout is the same with the exceptions of the Tactical Escort refit which has a Esnign Engineer, LT tactical, LT Science, LT engineer and a Commander Tactical BOff set-up and the Pach raptor which has the same set-up with the Ensign Engineer switched for a tactical instead.

    Escort Versus Raptor at Ra/VA & BG The Hull and shields and a +1 point bonus difference in turnrate of the Tactical Escort retrofit over the Qin raptor is the only difference as they have the exact BOff set-up. The Exception comes in the Advanced Escort has a different BOff set, the Fleet Escoert has a different BOff set and the MVA Escort that has a further different BOff set.

    The whole vessels of the line can be done this way and it'll show that for the most aprt KDF vessels merely mimic the feds except where the Feds have something esxtra thats different from the norm or the KDF clone has an extra ability the feds lack. Thats not being unique, thats being reskinned.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Anyone got an image of what a Caitian carrier would even look like?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yeah same thing goes with a Tier 5 Constitution.

    Also you're wrong. Players have to pay for the Kar-Fi Carrier.

    That is strange. I got mine for free without c-points. And that was only a few weeks ago.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    i just have to words for you. arms race
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    i just have to words for you. arms race

    Only really happens with good weapons. Fighters in STO aren't. A carrier's first and most powerful weapon is lag.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Teleon wrote: »
    Anyone got an image of what a Caitian carrier would even look like?

    Good question. I was wondering the same thing. I'm sure the hull would be long and curvy much like a long and slender caitain :P. As for the nacelles, who knows how those would be incorporated.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Manx wrote: »
    Only really happens with good weapons. Fighters in STO aren't. A carrier's first and most powerful weapon is lag.

    The only Klingon Carrier that gives me any trouble at all is, the ones that use those dang blue beams that take my shields down rapidly. I do not know how to defend against them other than shooting the little pests down, which means I’m not shooting at the carrier. Really annoying!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Teleon wrote: »
    The only Klingon Carrier that gives me any trouble at all is, the ones that use those dang blue beams that take my shields down rapidly. I do not know how to defend against them other than shooting the little pests down, which means I’m not shooting at the carrier. Really annoying!

    Yea, tachion drones are a pain. Personally, I drop black holes on them; repulsors probably work too.

    I suppose most ships would have to rely on things like fire at will though.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Teleon wrote: »
    Anyone got an image of what a Caitian carrier would even look like?

    Yes. ;)
    ---- edit ----
    I would name my Caitian carrier the USS Prego Kitty and spit out litters of Kitten Fighters all over the place... :)
    Caitian Carrier designs:

    Long Range Exploraton Carrier

    Exclusive New Carrier Costume Skin

    The C-Store version is sure to be a Top Seller with a fully interactive Brig, Sick bay and an Auto-Self Destruct when your debuffed by hostile Boarding Partys.

    The Free Version will be less inspired.

    The Caitian Carrier will come with Dual Beams for PvP, and have a free ability Beam Overload and Subsystem Targeting.

    It will also for those carrier Captains, a new Uniform Piece!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yes. ;)
    Give me a moment.

    Oh really? I've been looking online for a bit and couldn't find one. I found a Cat carrier though... :(

    Figures.... I saw your edit. LOL! :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yes. ;)
    ---- edit ----
    I would name my Caitian carrier the USS Prego Kitty and spit out litters of Kitten Fighters all over the place... :)
    Caitian Carrier designs:

    Long Range Exploraton Carrier

    Exclusive New Carrier Costume Skin

    The C-Store version is sure to be a Top Seller with a fully interactive Brig, Sick bay and an Auto-Self Destruct when your debuffed by hostile Boarding Partys.

    The Free Version will be less inspired.

    The Caitian Carrier will come with Dual Beams for PvP, and have a free ability Beam Overload and Subsystem Targeting.

    It will also for those carrier Captains, a new Uniform Piece!

    Maybe it's because I am easy to entertain but this post has me typing through tears of mirth! Great job.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yes. ;)
    ---- edit ----
    I would name my Caitian carrier the USS Prego Kitty and spit out litters of Kitten Fighters all over the place... :)
    Caitian Carrier designs:

    Long Range Exploraton Carrier

    Exclusive New Carrier Costume Skin

    The C-Store version is sure to be a Top Seller with a fully interactive Brig, Sick bay and an Auto-Self Destruct when your debuffed by hostile Boarding Partys.

    The Free Version will be less inspired.

    The Caitian Carrier will come with Dual Beams for PvP, and have a free ability Beam Overload and Subsystem Targeting.

    It will also for those carrier Captains, a new Uniform Piece!


    This should be nominated for, like, best post ever in the history of the STO forums. I would quote it in my sig, but I'd get in trouble again. The reason my post has no smileys is because there aren't any good enough right now for this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yes. ;)
    ---- edit ----
    I would name my Caitian carrier the USS Prego Kitty and spit out litters of Kitten Fighters all over the place... :)
    Caitian Carrier designs:

    Long Range Exploraton Carrier

    Exclusive New Carrier Costume Skin

    The C-Store version is sure to be a Top Seller with a fully interactive Brig, Sick bay and an Auto-Self Destruct when your debuffed by hostile Boarding Partys.

    The Free Version will be less inspired.

    The Caitian Carrier will come with Dual Beams for PvP, and have a free ability Beam Overload and Subsystem Targeting.

    It will also for those carrier Captains, a new Uniform Piece!

    LMAO, Now I really miss my Wifes cat.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Teleon wrote: »
    Anyone got an image of what a Caitian carrier would even look like?

    This was the first concept posted on twitter a week or so ago:

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I figured I should be the one to say this. A while ago Captain Geko made a tweet about about something of a Caitian Carrier which brought up the whole federation carrier dispute which is almost as consistant as my Tier 5 Constitution Dispute that I love arguing about. Cryptic. I know CBS is on your tail 24/7, Hell I even spent a day trying to dig to see who your CBS corespondent is who doesn't even show his/her face on the forums. We have gone 2 years without a complete Klingon faction. Yet you want to give something ORIGINAL to the KDF to the feds? Are you trying to kill the 2nd faction? the second this thing comes out the KDF population will go down a lot and believe me with all the freebers hopping on lately I've seen up to Qo'Nos First City #100. Why are you doing this? Please tell me. I am an avid fan of Both factions but it seems so much to me that you enjoy torturing one.

    I highly doubt I am going to get a response but I hope logical people like Katic and Roach come in this thread to fend for the Blade Of Destiny. The Bat'Leth wielders must have some originality.

    You do know the catian carrier was a joke made by UGC on twitter.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Kalic89. All this Phased out stuff is getting annoying. Starfleet and the KDF may like to make things bigger. but thats where Retrofits of older ships come around. so they can be the old glories of the fleets. I don't care what CBS says. anything that is a shell can be plastered with new tech to make it just as good as the new stuff. Look at the Excelsior Retrofit.

    Besides didn't Will Riker once say that the good thing about being an Admiral is you get to pick your ship.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yes. ;)
    ---- edit ----
    I would name my Caitian carrier the USS Prego Kitty and spit out litters of Kitten Fighters all over the place... :)
    Caitian Carrier designs:

    Long Range Exploraton Carrier

    Exclusive New Carrier Costume Skin

    The C-Store version is sure to be a Top Seller with a fully interactive Brig, Sick bay and an Auto-Self Destruct when your debuffed by hostile Boarding Partys.

    The Free Version will be less inspired.

    The Caitian Carrier will come with Dual Beams for PvP, and have a free ability Beam Overload and Subsystem Targeting.

    It will also for those carrier Captains, a new Uniform Piece!

    Best Post ever, Thank you much for a good laugh.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yeah same thing goes with a Tier 5 Constitution.

    Also you're wrong. Players have to pay for the Kar-Fi Carrier.

    No you're wrong, half wrong. You can get the Kar'Fi carrier free if your a gold member with your Veteran Ship Token upon reaching LG, which gives KDF 2 carriers, which are free...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    No you're wrong, half wrong. You can get the Kar'Fi carrier free if your a gold member with your Veteran Ship Token upon reaching LG, which gives KDF 2 carriers, which are free...

    ... but only for Gold Members that have payed/played for 600 days. ie subscribed monthly for 20 months, spending $300 total or bought an LTS for $300 and waited 20 months...

    ... so there is still only one free Carrier, the other one had to be paid for somehow.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    It's about dollars and cents. Less than 20% of players play KDF, so they don't get the love that Feds do because with limited resources they prefer making things for the 80% plus than the less than 20%. d

    A caitian carrier was not a joke. It will make money when the game is now f2p and that's what interests them.

    I have 8 max ranked KDF characters. I still want a Fed carrier.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Oh, they care about the KDF, but only so far as they can sell things to the KDF.
    • That's the only reason we got more ships.
    • That's the only reason we got the redone Qo'Nos.
    • That's the only reason we got the Bortas.

    Now, if you really want to keep the Feds from getting a Carrier, here's how you do it:

    Go into every Fed Carrier and/or anti-KDF thread and demand they justify it. Demand they show the hard canon foundation for it (they won't be able to). Demand they show why Carriers are a logical addition to Trek (they aren't, see this for ideas). Demand they prove the KDF has an unfair advantage (and throw this in their face when they try).

    Instead of being on the defensive wild Targ chase, be the Warriors you are, and go on the attack.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Katic wrote: »
    Oh, they care about the KDF, but only so far as they can sell things to the KDF.
    • That's the only reason we got more ships.
    • That's the only reason we got the redone Qo'Nos.
    • That's the only reason we got the Bortas.

    Now, if you really want to keep the Feds from getting a Carrier, here's how you do it:

    Go into every Fed Carrier and/or anti-KDF thread and demand they justify it. Demand they show the hard canon foundation for it (they won't be able to). Demand they show why Carriers are a logical addition to Trek (they aren't, see this for ideas). Demand they prove the KDF has an unfair advantage (and throw this in their face when they try).

    Instead of being on the defensive wild Targ chase, be the Warriors you are, and go on the attack.

    ... Sometimes I don't like you because of the things you say...
    ... but then you turn around and say the sweetest things ever...
    *gets down on one knee, holds a Diamond ring up to Katic*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    ... Sometimes I don't like you because of the things you say...
    ... but then you turn around and say the sweetest things ever...
    *gets down on one knee, holds a Diamond ring up to Katic*

    I had to show my husband this one.

    He asked if you know us in real life because I often do make him dislike me.

    I hit him.

    I may be a stubborn, hard-headed, argumentative be'. But I'm the KDFs stubborn, hard-headed, argumentative be'!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Frankly, carriers are too slow and cumbersome for my liking. I'd rather have a Caitian escort ship with a turn-rate as good as the defiant retrofit's. If Caitians are stealthy and nimble, shouldn't their ship designs and ship tactics reflect this? It just seems odd to me that the Caitians would choose a yacht over a speed boat.

    It is not the carrier that are fast and nimble, but the fighters. Once the Dralthi and Drakhri have their prey on the run, the Gorthri and Gratha swoop in and tear their throats out. Sivar be praised!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Katic wrote: »
    Oh, they care about the KDF, but only so far as they can sell things to the KDF.
    • That's the only reason we got more ships.
    • That's the only reason we got the redone Qo'Nos.
    • That's the only reason we got the Bortas.

    Now, if you really want to keep the Feds from getting a Carrier, here's how you do it:

    Go into every Fed Carrier and/or anti-KDF thread and demand they justify it. Demand they show the hard canon foundation for it (they won't be able to). Demand they show why Carriers are a logical addition to Trek (they aren't, see this for ideas). Demand they prove the KDF has an unfair advantage (and throw this in their face when they try).

    Instead of being on the defensive wild Targ chase, be the Warriors you are, and go on the attack.

    show me the canon where Klingons get carriers. in fact the only ship i remember carrying enough fighters to be considered a carrier in hard canon was the scimitar but then again that thing had everything, i bet it had a ball pit that shinzon would play in when he was upset. As i remember the only factions in hard canon to have fighters were the Federation and the Remuns
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    decronia wrote:
    Not really. You can have all theunique features in the world, it would not help the lack of content. It is the lack of content that put more people off than the unique features will attract. Add to that would you want people playing KDF because they want to play it or just for the "unique" feature?

    I tried playing KDF side and gave up as running around the city is so eye gougingly dull as starter quests. Compare that to the Fed starter quests and there really is no comparison. The only reason I haven't deleted my KDF character is because she has the 2nd anniversary ship and incase they improve the content. They could have mirrored the quests with little faction tweaks and it would be a lot better than the current starters.

    There is no doubt that the Fed leveling experience is superior. No doubt. But once you get to max level, there is just as much KDF content (or lack thereof) as Fed content. Same Kerrat, same PVP, same STFs, same featured episodes, etc. And IMHO the Doff system has better missions and the dilithium grind is slightly less annoying due to better options (half can be made in a Pi Cantis run). So you might want to give you Klink another try.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Katic wrote: »
    • That's the only reason we got the redone Qo'Nos.

    Wait, when did the Qo'noS revamp sell anything to anyone?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Jexsam wrote: »
    Wait, when did the Qo'noS revamp sell anything to anyone?

    I think she means that the revamp "sold" people on the KDF faction as it didn't look totally appalling to them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    kalic89 wrote:
    show me the canon where Klingons get carriers. in fact the only ship i remember carrying enough fighters to be considered a carrier in hard canon was the scimitar but then again that thing had everything, i bet it had a ball pit that shinzon would play in when he was upset. As i remember the only factions in hard canon to have fighters were the Federation and the Remuns

    The Scimitar didn't actually carry "fighters", but "flyers" (the size of shuttlepods) and even when faced with 3 enemy ships the Remans didn't bother launching them, which indicates how useful they would've been.
    The "fighters" the Feds used were the size of yachts and probably don't need a carrier vehicle (not that there are many shutlebays that could hold them anyway) and there's also the question why operating fighters must mean carriers as well.
    There's also the difference that the KDF is a purely military organisation with almost purely military ships while Starfleet is not and a carrier is useless to them outside a war and unlike the Defiant also bulky and really expensive.
    So it fits a warfaring faction while the the other might opeate small craft from starbases and planets as a defensive measure.
    And lastly the Klingons don't have a "carrier" in the sense that it transports fightercraft, they have a mobile outpost and drydock purely intended as an invasion platform for other worlds.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Jexsam wrote: »
    Wait, when did the Qo'noS revamp sell anything to anyone?
    mister_dee wrote:
    I think she means that the revamp "sold" people on the KDF faction as it didn't look totally appalling to them.

    Bingo, a F2P player visiting the old Great Hall and seeing the condition it was in compared to the revamped ESD would be less likely to keep playing a KDF toon or buy KDF items from the C-Store.

    It wasn't done out of the goodness of their hearts Jex.
This discussion has been closed.