the dragon flagship build seems kinda noob to me my dreadnought cruiser galaxy x is much better then that much more turn rate and survivability in pve and pvp stf also and welll of more damage and dps
any numbers to support this claim?
better survivability is kind of useless when you come to a point where you can tank a gate and a tac cube simultaniously in an elite stf. Anything more tanky than that is basically wasted potential in some other department.
also you should post your build when makeing such claims. Otherwise you are not adding anything usefull to the thread, and i have to consider your post as a trollpost.
the dragon flagship build seems kinda noob to me my dreadnought cruiser galaxy x is much better then that much more turn rate and survivability in pve and pvp stf also and welll of more damage and dps
Well in all fairness this is an old thread so yah it could probably use some updating. With that said the dragon build at its core is still sound.
second, lol at thinking the Gal-x is as good as an assault cruiser. a well built assault cruiser of any kind is one of the best cruisers in the game.
um, look at the previous page, technically its been necroed twice since march (3-14 as one date, 5-25 the next), mods just diidnt get to it the first time.
I have been using some variant of this for awhile. I am updating my builds a little and will post when I am done.
Very solid the core is the cycled EPTx powers and can even be applied to esocorts(both blockade runner and patrol as well as a handfull of fleet variants) the weapons may be a bit dated AP certainly not being the flavor of the month for cruisers unless you love red but every cruiser captain i work with ends up taking this or aux2batt by the time they're done
any numbers to support this claim?
better survivability is kind of useless when you come to a point where you can tank a gate and a tac cube simultaniously in an elite stf. Anything more tanky than that is basically wasted potential in some other department.
also you should post your build when makeing such claims. Otherwise you are not adding anything usefull to the thread, and i have to consider your post as a trollpost.
Well in all fairness this is an old thread so yah it could probably use some updating. With that said the dragon build at its core is still sound.
um, look at the previous page, technically its been necroed twice since march (3-14 as one date, 5-25 the next), mods just diidnt get to it the first time.
Very solid the core is the cycled EPTx powers and can even be applied to esocorts(both blockade runner and patrol as well as a handfull of fleet variants) the weapons may be a bit dated AP certainly not being the flavor of the month for cruisers unless you love red but every cruiser captain i work with ends up taking this or aux2batt by the time they're done
This thread is dramatically out of date, don't necro it back. (Assuming this isn't some kind of necro-trolling anyways)