Hello fellow captains, I have played STO for its full two years since release and am please to bring you a build that I think anyone who wants to be a flat out BEAST in both damage and tankability will enjoy!
Type of Ship: Dreadnought Cruiser, Odyssey Star Cruiser, Assault Cruiser
Character Class: Tactical Captain
The Dragon Dreadnought
Link to Skill Planner Profile:
Power Settings:
Weapons - 114 / 90
Shields - 80 / 55
Engines - 53 / 25
Auxiliary - 51 / 30
Weapon Loadout -
Fore (PvP): Dual Phaser Beam Bank Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
or: Tricobalt Torpedo Launcher Mk XII [ACC]x3
or: Quantum Torpedo Launcher MK XII [ACC]x3
Fore (PvP): Phaser Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Fore (PvP): Phaser Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Fore (PvP): Phaser Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Phaser Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Phaser Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Phaser Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Phaser Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Deflector: MACO Deflector XII
Engine: Aegis Engine Mk X
Shield: MACO Shield Mk XII
Tactical Console: Phaser Relay Mk XI
Tactical Console: Phaser Relay Mk XI
Tactical Console: Phaser Relay Mk XI
Science Console: Field Generator Mk XI
Science Console: Assimilated Module
Engineering Console: Antimatter Spread Module
Engineering Console: EPS Flow Regulator Mk XI
Engineering Console: Neutronium Armor Mk XI
Engineering Console: EPS Flow Regulator Mk XI
Devices: Red Matter Capacitor, Subspace Field Modulator, Large Engine Battery, Large Aux Battery
Bridge Officer Layout:
LT Tac: Fire at Will 1, Attack Pattern Beta 1
Ens Tac: Tactical Team 1 ( If you went with the Tricobalt then you might want High Yield 1 instead, or Torpedo Spread 1 if you went with a Quantum)
LT CMD Eng: Emergency Power to Weapons 1, Engineering Team 2, Emergency Power to Shields 3
CMD Eng: Emergency Power to Weapons 1, Reverse Shield Polarity 1, Emergency Power to Shields 3, Aux to Structural Integrity Field 3
LT Sci: Hazard Emitters 1, Transfer Shield Strength 2
Build Use Summary: The Dragon Flagship Build is designed to be an anchor for the fleet action. The build is designed for it's Captain to be able to lead the charge straight into the heart of the battle and then act as an anchor for the entire match. Your able to tank incredible amounts of damage, while healing yourself or your allies. All the while, dishing out extensive amounts damage to either crush any opponent that dares challenge you, or help destroy your allies targets.
Tactics -
1) The secret to this build is its ability to keep your Weapons Power setting and your Shields Power setting at a permanent 125. You accomplish this through the use of four abilities, your EPTS and EPTW. Ill break it down on how you accomplish this task.
First activate EPTW 3, you'll notice that your other EPTW ability goes on a 30 second CD while your two EPTS go on a 15 second CD. When EPTS 3 comes off CD immediately activate it. Now you'll notice that as you hit EPTS 3 your EPTW 3 is still active for another 15 seconds, and your other EPTW 1 was 15 seconds way from being off CD. When you hit EPTS 3 it resets your EPTW 1 to a 15 second CD, but wait.... wasn't it already on a 15 second CD anyway. Thats correct! You managed to actually not place anything new on a CD that it wasn't already on. So you should now have EPTW 3 still active for another 15 seconds and your EPTS 3 which you just hit is active for 30 seconds, at the same time placing your other EPTS 2 on a 30 second CD and your other EPTW 1 on the same 15 second CD that it was already on.
Now when your EPTW 1 comes off CD immediately activate it, this will cause the same chain to happen again, sending your EPTW 3 onto a 30 second CD and your remaining EPTS 2 on a 15 second CD ( which EPTS 2 was already on). Now you'll have EPTS 3 and EPTW 1 active at the same time. Now to finish the chain; activate EPTS 2 immediately when it comes off its remaining 15 second CD. It will place your EPTS 3 on a 30 second CD and your EPTW 3 on a 15 second CD. Once EPTW 3 comes off CD, immediately activate it. This starts your cycle all over again, and you can now infinitely loop through these four abilities to create a chain that grants you 125 power to both shields and weapons.
Note - You can start the chain with EPTS 3 instead of EPTW 3 if you feel you want to enter the chain on a more defensive approach instead of offensive approach, the only difference will be that you activate the chain with EPTS 3 --> EPTW 3 ---> EPTS 2 ---> EPTW 1.
2) The reason why you take Transfer Shield Strength 2 instead of the Hazard Emitters being your higher ranking LT Science Spot, is because TSS2 gives you a 14% shield strength resistance vs TSS1 only giving you 6%. Meanwhile HE2 gives you 9600 hull repair and a plus 18 resistance buff vs HE1 gives you 6400 hull repair and a plus 14 resistance buff. So its better to get the extra 8% shield resistance from the TSS2 instead of the plus 3200 life and 4 resistance from the HE2.
List of Abilities that can't be changed: EPTS x 2, EPTW x 2
The Dragon Odyssey
Note - I use the same bridge layout for the Odyssey. The only difference between the Dreadknought and the Odyssey is that the Odyssey will dish out slightly less damage but will have slightly better defenses.
Link to Skill Planner Profile:
Power Settings:
Weapons - 114 / 95
Shields - 81 / 50
Engines - 47 / 25
Auxiliary - 55 / 30
Weapon Loadout -
Fore (PvP): Dual Antiproton Beam Bank Mk XI [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
or: Tricobalt Torpedo Launcher Mk XI [ACC]x3
or: Quantum Torpedo Launcher MK XII [ACC]x3
Fore (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Fore (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Fore (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Deflector: MACO Deflector XII
Engine: Aegis Engine Mk X
Shield: MACO Shield Mk XII
Tactical Console: Antiproton Mag Regulator Mk XI
Tactical Console: Antiproton Mag Regulator Mk XI
Science Console: Field Generator Mk XI
Science Console: Antimatter Spread Console
Science Console: Assimilated Module
Engineering Console: EPS Flow Regulator Mk XI
Engineering Console: EPS Flow Regulator Mk XI
Engineering Console: EPS Flow Regulator Mk XI
Engineering Console: Neutronium Armor Mk XI
Devices: Red Matter Capacitor,Subspace Field Modulator, Large Engine Battery, Large Aux Battery
Bridge Officer Layout:
LT Tac: Tactical Team 1 ( If you went with the Tricobalt then you might want High Yield 1 instead, or Torpedo Spread 1 if you went with a Quantum), Fire at Will 2
LT CMD Eng: Emergency Power to Weapons 1, Engineering Team 2, Emergency Power to Shields 3
CMD Eng: Emergency Power to Weapons 1, Reverse Shield Polarity 1, Emergency Power to Shields 3, Aux to Structural Integrity Field 3
LT Sci: Hazard Emitters 1, Transfer Shield Strength 2
Ens Sci: Polarize Hull 1
Build Use Summary: See Dreadknought Summary
Tactics - See Dreadknought Tactics.
1) The Polarize Hull allows you to swap between hazard emitters and polarize hull, meanwhile using Aux to SIF 3 to allow you to reach the optimal resistance cap.
2) The reason behind using three EPS flow regulators and only one armor, is because you only need one armor along with the Polarize Hull / Aux to SIF 3 to allow yourself the optimal resistance. So that allows you to use three EPS Flow regulators that way using the EPTW and EPTS mechanic, you'll be able to keep your weapon power above 100 at all times. This helps cushion the loss of the tactical console and keep a consistently high sustained dps, to help closer match the output of the Dreadnought Build.
The Dragon Assault
Link to Skill Planner Profile: The Dragon Assault Cruiser
Power Settings:
Weapons - 114 / 90
Shields - 80 / 55
Engines - 53 / 25
Auxiliary - 51 / 30
Weapon Loadout -
Fore (PvP): Dual Antiproton Beam Bank Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
or: Tricobalt Torpedo Launcher Mk XII [ACC]x3
or: Quantum Torpedo Launcher MK XII [ACC]x3
Fore (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Fore (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Fore (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Deflector: MACO Deflector XII
Engine: Aegis Engine Mk X
Shield: MACO Shield Mk XII
Tactical Console: Antiproton Mag Regulator Mk XI
Tactical Console: Antiproton Mag Regulator Mk XI
Tactical Console: Antiproton Mag Regulator Mk XI
Science Console: Field Generator Mk XI
Science Console: Assimilated Module
Engineering Console: Antimatter Spread Module
Engineering Console: EPS Flow Regulator
Engineering Console: Neutronium Armor Mk XI
Engineering Console: EPS Flow Regulator Mk XI
Devices: Red Matter Capacitor, Subspace Field Modulator, Large Engine Battery, Large Aux Battery
Bridge Officer Layout:
LT Tac: Fire at Will 1, Attack Pattern Beta 1
Ens Tac: Tactical Team 1 ( If you went with the Tricobalt then you might want High Yield 1 instead, or Torpedo Spread 1 if you went with a Quantum)
LT CMD Eng: Emergency Power to Weapons 1, Engineering Team 2, Emergency Power to Shields 3
CMD Eng: Emergency Power to Weapons 1, Reverse Shield Polarity 1, Emergency Power to Shields 3, Aux to Structural Integrity Field 3
LT Sci: Hazard Emitters 1, Transfer Shield Strength 2
Build Use Summary: See Dreadknought Summary
Tactics - See Dreadknought Tactics.
Character Class: Engineer Captain
Type of Ship: Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
The Dragon Excelsior
Link to Skill Planner Profile: http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=Excelsior_0
Power Settings:
Weapons - 114 / 90
Shields - 80 / 55
Engines - 53 / 25
Auxiliary - 51 / 30
Weapon Loadout -
Fore (PvP): Dual Antiproton Beam Bank Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
or: Tricobalt Torpedo Launcher Mk XII [ACC]x3
or: Quantum Torpedo Launcher MK XII [ACC]x3
Fore (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Fore (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Fore (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Aft (PvP): Antiproton Beam Array Mk XII [ACC][CRTD][CRTH]
Deflector: MACO Deflector XII
Engine: Aegis Engine Mk X
Shield: MACO Shield Mk XII
Tactical Console: Antiproton Mag Regulator Mk XI
Tactical Console: Antiproton Mag Regulator Mk XI
Tactical Console: Antiproton Mag Regulator Mk XI
Science Console: Field Generator Mk XI
Science Console: Assimilated Module
Engineering Console: Antimatter Spread Module
Engineering Console: Neutronium Armor Mk XI
Engineering Console: Neutronium Armor Mk XI
Engineering Console: EPS Flow Regulator Mk XI
Devices: Red Matter Capacitor, Subspace Field Modulator, Large Engine Battery, Large Aux Battery
Bridge Officer Layout:
LT CMD Tac: Tactical Team 1 ( If you went with the Tricobalt then you might want High Yield 1 instead, or Torpedo Spread 1 if you went with a Quantum), Attack Pattern Beta 1, Fire at Will 3
Lt Eng: Emergency Power to Weapons 1, Emergency Power to Shields 2
CMD Eng: Emergency Power to Weapons 1, Reverse Shield Polarity 1, Emergency Power to Shields 3, Aux to Structural Integrity Field 3
Ens Eng: Engineering Team 1
LT Sci: Hazard Emitters 1, Transfer Shield Strength 2
Build Use Summary: See Dreadknought Summary
Tactics - See Dreadknought Tactics.
Happy Hunting Captains!
If you have any questions or wish to thank me personally, always feel free to contact me in game. My name is Dragon@Ragnorok21
gives you the hull regen.....
and btw: nothing new here.
why are you trying to sell a standard beam boat as some sort of new build?
2) Isn't running such a high weapons power while rotating an EPTW kind of a waste?
2) You are correct about how running such a high ranking EPTW would seem pointless since there is an energy level cap at 135 but that isn't the reason for the boost of weapon power. The reason is because when you broadside for 7 beam arrays, it creates a huge drain on your weapon power level, the actual drain is around -60 which would put your weapons at around 65 to 70ish range. That's a huge drop in damage out put! The EPTW 3 is used to help cushion that drain, by using EPTW 3 you raise your weapon level the cap of 135 but all the extra energy isn't wasted, its put in an reserve box, so that when your weapon levels drop back below the 135 cap the reserve power is added back in. And when your drain is -60 dropping you to the 65-70ish range of power, that extra power from the EPTW 3 helps keep you around 90 - 105ish weapon level energy. This way, your damage out put isn't diminished by the drain of 7 beam arrays firing at once.
Pretty much what I have run... Swap out a couple things according if I am PVE or PVP set. otherwise lately the identical thing.
yeah no hidden reserves anymore. that got cut a while back. 125 is the hard cap on all powers.
Sample testing example: normal levels 114/90 ----> using EPTW1 cause it to raise to the 135 unseeable cap, creating my lowest drain to be 85.
normal levels 104/80
> using EPTW1 cause it to raise to the 125 seeable cap, creates my lowest drain at 75.
So it seems like from testing that the 135 cap is still there.
In any event, the latest on this here
Still, Dragon's design is sound. It shares many ties to common beam boat builds, but has a core mechanic that many of them lack.
if there was a real past 125 energy pool, i would be running 2 EPtW 3 all day long
EDIT: I see. Thanks for the explanation.
I noticed that has I was doing number crunching, and i agree with you. Anyone one following my build, I highly suggest following what don'tdrunk has suggested.
The mechanic is the ability to chain between two copies of EPTW1 and two copies of EPTS3. This allows you to always maintain 125 to both weapons and shields.
In 12th, it is common for us to complete elite STFs in about 6 minutes (liesurely... could probably be faster if I could stop dozing off).
One of the reasons PvE bores me to pathetic tears.
So for us... not long.
He updated it on our 12th Fleet forums, I'll make sure he gets the message to update it here.
Also I have fitted my excel refit with a ghetto version of this and it tanks amazingly already. Can't wait to see what it's like when I have it all purpled out.
Quite a shame.
I just personally like torpedoing the TRIBBLE outta my opponent, do you also know of any alternative torpedo builts that would be good. Im currently a rear engineer (40)
Ever think about picking up an extend shields and helping your teammates a bit more?
P.S. Ditch subsystem repair in your spec. It is generally agreed upon that this does absolutely nothing.