You know, my only Klis pg is just a tac Orion female, a stunning babe so beautiful I fallen in love with her...and every time i go to Qo'nos people send to me personal invitations, if they only knew...too funny!:p
You know, my only Klis pg is just a tac Orion female, a stunning babe so beautiful I fallen in love with her...and every time i go to Qo'nos people send to me personal invitations, if they only knew...too funny!:p
My first Federation officer was a Betazoid Science Officer....also a female. I find it funny if people personally invite me. As you said, if only they knew.
I've also an Fed side ing Klingon blond female wearing a black bikini, a really young and beautiful girl...when I'm in the ESD again the male feds go crazy when seeing me...:D
But my main character is a Fed male tac Captain and the Klinguns are my enemies...:D
I've also an Fed side ing Klingon blond female wearing a black bikini, a really young and beautiful girl...when I'm in the ESD again the male feds go crazy when seeing me...:D
But my main character is a Fed male tac Captain and the Klinguns are my enemies...:D
Main Fed Character: Female Betazoid Science Captain (It appealed to me more than any other. Ultimate goal is to run around in the Intrepid Retrofit.
Main Klingon Character: Male Klingon Tactical Captain. Fights anybody, especially Borg.
Well, now I greet beautiful Liara T'soni is awaiting know, Stol isn't the only great game out there...:)
My problem is once I find a great game, I stick to it like concrete. If I find another great game, I slowly lose focus on the game I was playing previously.
I'm actually playing at Stol, Mass Effect 3, Alan Wake and Skyrim, it's exciting to change environment and character, it enhances the brain capabilities...or I hope so!
But the real life...and the real women...sigh, they always win!:)
So during my drunken flying I came up with a brilliant controller healer... cause we all know I don't like just facerollin that keyboard sober.
Cmdr, Warp Plasma 3, Extend Shields 2, EPTS2, EPTS1
Lt Cmdr, Emergency Power to Aux1, Aux to structural 1, ET3 Alt EPTA1, RSP, ET3
Lt, FAW1, Attack Pattern Beta1
Ens. Tac Team
Transfer shields 1, Hazard2
Shields, Borg shield, or Maco
Deflector, Omega
Engine Omega.
Consoles, 2 SIF Generators, RCS or Neutronium, Ablative Armor
Sci, Borg, and Field Generator
Tac. 3 Energy consoles.
DOFFs. 3 Maint engineers (purple ideally of course... 2 blues and a green works as well), the Warp Plasma Doff, and a brace for impact shield distribution doff. Changed the shield distribution doff for the Warp Core engineer that gives a 20 percent change to get +20 power to all subsystems with each hit of Emergency Power. As I have 3 Emergency systems I've got a 60 percent chance of getting free extra power. which when it procs when EPS power transfer up, almost maxes out all of my subystems.
Power settings 100 weapons, 50 shields. 25, 25.
Heal bot with warp plas, and high weapon power. It's fairly flexible, and stable. So far it seems pretty straight forward. And much more entertaining to play than my old heal bot build was Ideal team would probably be 2 Recons, and a nebula. As it's missing a heal spot, you need a fairly solid team I would think. Could probably also work it with 2 Intrepids, and 2 Escorts as well.
What do you think of this future setup for my Engineering Starfleet character. It includes skill points distributed and Boffs abilities on a Star Cruiser:
What do you think of this future setup for my Engineering Starfleet character. It includes skill points distributed and Boffs abilities on a Star Cruiser:
With the increases to impulse thrusters, I should be able to mount a couple Dual Beam Banks on the Negh'var to ramp up DPS.
First thing I'd do... can the star cruiser for the AC if you want DPS. It really does make that big of a difference.
Either way, move EPTW2 down to EPTW1, upgrade to 2X epts2S. Personally if it were me I'd only run one EPTW1, EPTS2, Extend 2 and ASIF3. Lt cmdr, EPTS1, RSP1, and ET3 this will give you just as much actually -more- shield tanking power and a massively better heal in ET3.
First thing I'd do... can the star cruiser for the AC if you want DPS. It really does make that big of a difference.
Either way, move EPTW2 down to EPTW1, upgrade to 2X epts2S. Personally if it were me I'd only run one EPTW1, EPTS2, Extend 2 and ASIF3. Lt cmdr, EPTS1, RSP1, and ET3 this will give you just as much actually -more- shield tanking power and a massively better heal in ET3.
They have that too!!!
One of the first things I did with my first Klingon character was get me an Orion babe.
My first Federation officer was a Betazoid Science Officer....also a female. I find it funny if people personally invite me. As you said, if only they knew.
Why thank you XD
But my main character is a Fed male tac Captain and the Klinguns are my enemies...:D
Main Fed Character: Female Betazoid Science Captain (It appealed to me more than any other. Ultimate goal is to run around in the Intrepid Retrofit.
Main Klingon Character: Male Klingon Tactical Captain. Fights anybody, especially Borg.
My problem is once I find a great game, I stick to it like concrete. If I find another great game, I slowly lose focus on the game I was playing previously.
And mine are named Bianca (Fed) and Kagar (Klink)
But the real life...and the real women...sigh, they always win!:)
Don't listen clif, you're good! Lol. Actually I think he is leveling a fed.
Leveling both. Level 14 Engineer currently in a cruiser refit. And a 26th level Gorn in a K'tinga class cruiser.
The odd reason is that the URL had some dots in it and that screwed up the path. Those will work:
For escort build:
For cruiser build: this thread
For sci build:
I plan to check out all the advice y'all gave me after my mom gets off the and dad unknowingly brought her into the game.
So during my drunken flying I came up with a brilliant controller healer... cause we all know I don't like just facerollin that keyboard sober.
Cmdr, Warp Plasma 3, Extend Shields 2, EPTS2, EPTS1
Lt Cmdr, Emergency Power to Aux1, Aux to structural 1, ET3 Alt EPTA1, RSP, ET3
Lt, FAW1, Attack Pattern Beta1
Ens. Tac Team
Transfer shields 1, Hazard2
Shields, Borg shield, or Maco
Deflector, Omega
Engine Omega.
Consoles, 2 SIF Generators, RCS or Neutronium, Ablative Armor
Sci, Borg, and Field Generator
Tac. 3 Energy consoles.
DOFFs. 3 Maint engineers (purple ideally of course... 2 blues and a green works as well), the Warp Plasma Doff, and a brace for impact shield distribution doff. Changed the shield distribution doff for the Warp Core engineer that gives a 20 percent change to get +20 power to all subsystems with each hit of Emergency Power. As I have 3 Emergency systems I've got a 60 percent chance of getting free extra power. which when it procs when EPS power transfer up, almost maxes out all of my subystems.
Power settings 100 weapons, 50 shields. 25, 25.
Heal bot with warp plas, and high weapon power. It's fairly flexible, and stable. So far it seems pretty straight forward. And much more entertaining to play than my old heal bot build was
In my personal opinion, it looks like a tough ship to fight against, but I would like your opinion on it.
And I realized the build for the Star Cruiser also can work on a Negh'var....with minor changes:
With the increases to impulse thrusters, I should be able to mount a couple Dual Beam Banks on the Negh'var to ramp up DPS.
Has been relinked...and added another build for my KDF engineer.
First thing I'd do... can the star cruiser for the AC if you want DPS. It really does make that big of a difference.
Either way, move EPTW2 down to EPTW1, upgrade to 2X epts2S. Personally if it were me I'd only run one EPTW1, EPTS2, Extend 2 and ASIF3. Lt cmdr, EPTS1, RSP1, and ET3 this will give you just as much actually -more- shield tanking power and a massively better heal in ET3.
Try this instead.
You'll find this is much much more stable and effective.
Thank you for the advice. Would the build I had for the Negh'var be a good build? Or should that be rearranged as well?
How would I rearrange it? As it's a cruiser, it needs to do what it does best: Tank right?
Tanks do not exist for pvp.
I would put in EPTS1, EPTS2, ET3, ASIF3
EPTW1, RSP1, Extend Shields2
ens engie
I'll link the negvhar post in a sec
here's some sample negvhars to work from as well.
Alright. I might have to buy a couple of respecs in order to redo my characters.