Lets see, we have utility bills to keep the servers electricity supply going, wages for the network engineers, database programmers and support staff, on top of that you have wages for the janitors and the cafeteria staff. So that's what, assume $200,000 a year to start with.
Then you have to factor in the wages for the development teams (Star Trek Online development team and the Cryptic Engine development team) and the money spent ensuring they have the software/hardware they need.
Pennies a year may be a slightly off a little don't you think?
Not if the server was up running in China and the game was developed and maintained by slave prison labor
I love the ground in SWTOR and love the space battles in STO. If STO could get their ground game as good as SWTOR's they'd be the perfect scifi mmo. On the same note if SWTOR could get their space game as good as STO's they'd be on top.
I love STO space battle and I love STO ground battle. To me Ground battle is not bad at all. Kind of surprised that I actually enjoyed them.
And I love managing of my starship(equipment setup) and my crews(duty officer assignments).
Lets see, we have utility bills to keep the servers electricity supply going, wages for the network engineers, database programmers and support staff, on top of that you have wages for the janitors and the cafeteria staff. So that's what, assume $200,000 a year to start with.
Then you have to factor in the wages for the development teams (Star Trek Online development team and the Cryptic Engine development team) and the money spent ensuring they have the software/hardware they need.
Pennies a year may be a slightly off a little don't you think?
Utilities on a server is peanuts. But I'll give you your figure, triple it for development (in our dreams) and yeah... I imagine Cryptics paying a fat licensing fee to Paramount.
I'm still coming up with a number well under a dollar, so I think my point stands. But hey... let's round it up to a whopping $1 per user. Hell, let's make it $5.
$180/ year? Really? Do you REALLY want me to come up with some clever adjectives for consumers that pay $180 for a product that cost $5 to ship?
Let's see. My son will be going to college in 17 and a half years. That's $3150 that I could be putting in his pocket, but OH... SORRY... I WAS PLAYING WoW.
Utilities on a server is peanuts. But I'll give you your figure, triple it for development (in our dreams) and yeah... I imagine Cryptics paying a fat licensing fee to Paramount.
I'm still coming up with a number well under a dollar, so I think my point stands. But hey... let's round it up to a whopping $1 per user. Hell, let's make it $5.
$180/ year? Really? Do you REALLY want me to come up with some clever adjectives for consumers that pay $180 for a product that cost $5 to ship?
Let's see. My son will be going to college in 17 and a half years. That's $3150 that I could be putting in his pocket, but OH... SORRY... I WAS PLAYING WoW.
Hmm, so I take it you don't have any hobbies at all that you don't pay for?
Football? A Car? Blu ray disks? You don't buy computer games?
For some people myself included, MMo's are our hobby so £10 a month to play TOR or even £20 a month to play 2 games, is not such a great outlay.
My friend goes shooting monthly and spends over £30 on this. My friend next store is a car junky and spends all his weekends tinkering with cars and spending what I see as being a "waste of money" on little things. However it's not a waste of money to him and thats what count.
Lots of activities cost money to relax. I have 2 kids and they will be going to college in the next 10 years but do you know what, I am saving up for them as well as having my own fun however they will also being paying for college themselves too.
Hmm, so I take it you don't have any hobbies at all that you don't pay for?
Football? A Car? Blu ray disks? You don't buy computer games?
For some people myself included, MMo's are our hobby so £10 a month to play TOR or even £20 a month to play 2 games, is not such a great outlay.
My friend goes shooting monthly and spends over £30 on this. My friend next store is a car junky and spends all his weekends tinkering with cars and spending what I see as being a "waste of money" on little things. However it's not a waste of money to him and thats what count.
Lots of activities cost money to relax. I have 2 kids and they will be going to college in the next 10 years but do you know what, I am saving up for them as well as having my own fun however they will also being paying for college themselves too.
Yes. I am. If this game hadn't gone F2P I wouldn't be here. Yes I'll spend some money now and again. Bigger bridge crew, more duty officers, bank space, etc. But $180 a year? For a service that costs them pennies a year per user to run? :rolleyes: Man you people make me laugh.
You should really make sure you know some facts before making yourself look even more foolish...pennies a year to run...? /facepalm.
I still dont know why F2P'ers are even allowed on the forums...what happened to the limited access that was discussed. :rolleyes:
Originally copied (between the **) of SWTOR Forums, the threat has more than 1000 posts, is reopened and again with more than 5oo posts. MOST of the posts tell almost the same with different words.
** Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.
Bioware, what say you? **
Sry this is similar to my experience, and i CANT FIND THESE 1.5 MILL active players.
Beside that, imo the OLD HERO ENGINE is not just old, the chars and the movements are ugly in comparison to STO. How my chars jump in swtor makes me laugh (or vomit)
I played 3 month, i will never excuse BioWare never ....
what u made out of one of my favorite scifi stories ! :rolleyes:
Yes. I am. If this game hadn't gone F2P I wouldn't be here. Yes I'll spend some money now and again. Bigger bridge crew, more duty officers, bank space, etc. But $180 a year? For a service that costs them pennies a year per user to run? :rolleyes: Man you people make me laugh.
MMO's tend to have much more content than a single player game. TOR alone has hundreds and hundreds of hours of content. much more than you will find in even the largest single player games. its only profitable to make something so big by charging monthly subs. if there was no monthly sub they would make it a single player game like KOTOR. That only had about 25 hours content. if you want more you have to pay more.
thats does not even take into account future content. mmos grow and expand. they wont grow and expand without constant funding. that content is also very expensive. computer games cost millions to make. Tor cost more than most films and they only last 2-3 hours and are the exact same every time you watch it.
people blow far much more money on clothes that might wear a handful or times or going to watch their favourite sports team with no guarantee they will win or even play well.
Hmm, so I take it you don't have any hobbies at all that you don't pay for?
Football? A Car? Blu ray disks? You don't buy computer games?
For some people myself included, MMo's are our hobby so £10 a month to play TOR or even £20 a month to play 2 games, is not such a great outlay.
My friend goes shooting monthly and spends over £30 on this. My friend next store is a car junky and spends all his weekends tinkering with cars and spending what I see as being a "waste of money" on little things. However it's not a waste of money to him and thats what count.
Lots of activities cost money to relax. I have 2 kids and they will be going to college in the next 10 years but do you know what, I am saving up for them as well as having my own fun however they will also being paying for college themselves too.
They have to learn "no free rides" in this world.
Yes I do, but I won't be gouged. All the things you're talking about are fairly standard retail items. Profits on these items ususally run about 33% above the wholesale cost. If a bullet costs 60 cents to make and ship, I have no problem paying a dollar for it.
Football actually has a much lower profit margin than retail, but they have economics of scale on their side.
But P2P MMO's have a profit margin in the thousands of percent. They are GOUGING their customers.
Now I don't have a problem with that. We live in a plutocracy. Money is power. Anything that separates stupid people, or "chumps", from their money is actually a good thing. But if it's all the same to you I'm not a chump, and I'd rather suffer the snide contempt of the P2P veterans on this board than squander my families hard earned money. I'd just as soon use that money to support some legitimate businesses that are out making an honest buck, like PW, than companies like Blizzard that treat their costumers like complete TRIBBLE.
For the record this little crack set the tone for this exchange:
$180 a year is a norm....I assume you're a silver F2P'er?
EDIT: Seems like it, 2012 :rolleyes: Man you people make me laugh.
Now if this forum culture considers it OK to treat newbies with that kind of contempt then this game is going to die, but it won't be SWtOR that killed it.
All I said was that no video game is worth $180 a year. I stand by that. If ya'll wanna keep this pointless exchange up I'm game, but I've said my peace.
Originally copied (between the **) of SWTOR Forums, the threat has more than 1000 posts, is reopened and again with more than 5oo posts. MOST of the posts tell almost the same with different words.
** Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.
Bioware, what say you? **
Sry this is similar to my experience, and i CANT FIND THESE 1.5 MILL active players.
Beside that, imo the OLD HERO ENGINE is not just old, the chars and the movements are ugly in comparison to STO. How my chars jump in swtor makes me laugh (or vomit)
I played 3 month, i will never excuse BioWare never ....
what u made out of one of my favorite scifi stories ! :rolleyes:
Looking at the light, heavy, etc could be misleading. If they increase server capacity like they did not long after launch, that will be part of it. Now I haven't really played in about 3 weeks and there was a lot of normal and highs then. But since ME3 release, my time in TOR dropped a lot just like a lot of games. Then the ME3 ending has kind of turned me off gaming as much as I used to.
So PWE has nothing wrong with them in your mind? From what I heard, you are correct with how Blizzard treats their customers, but PWE is almost as bad, by not giving a damn about the customers, just their money via lottery / gambling introduced into STO (the boxes) and what seemed to be a bigger focus on the C-store.
Hey, I didn't create the MMO pricing standard, but if you feel like shooting the messenger go for it...I'll just hit RESPAWN. :rolleyes:
But I am at least enjoying how the CS over at TOR has been treating its players (or am I just lucky?) with very fast resposes most of the time, or at least acknowledging and making a real apology if the reply is an X amount of time. :cool:
Sry this is similar to my experience, and i CANT FIND THESE 1.5 MILL active players.
The game is huge, with a large, thriving population. It just requires you (the collective) to be more friendly and outgoing than most gamers are used to being in order to tap into that social structure.
I group. I chat. I socialize. My friends list is big. I'm always running into people.
NHL Hockey and Madden Football are both EA games. A lot of people buy those EA games. What's the problem with EA? They make solid sports games.
There are a LOT of reasons I boycott EA. They treat their employees like TRIBBLE. They buy excellent game studios, real innovators and leaders in their fields, just so they can shut them down or turn them into mills. I hate what they've done to Bioware (that used to be an awesome community). The straw that broke the camel's back as far as I was concerned was their crappy customer support. They stifle innovation. Jeeze I could just go on and on.
Madden Football is actually one of my big problems with EA. You're right, it's a great game. BUT...
Why do I have to buy a new $80 game EVERY year?
Think about it. What really changes? The ROSTER. That's it. Sometimes a little mini-game gets added or tweaked. These minor changes between each edition could easily be delivered as downloadable content.
For all practical purposes they are reselling us the same game over and over. This is something EA does a lot. They basically reskin racing games and first person shooters and resell them as "new".
So PWE has nothing wrong with them in your mind? From what I heard, you are correct with how Blizzard treats their customers, but PWE is almost as bad, by not giving a damn about the customers, just their money via lottery / gambling introduced into STO (the boxes) and what seemed to be a bigger focus on the C-store.
Hey, I didn't create the MMO pricing standard, but if you feel like shooting the messenger go for it...I'll just hit RESPAWN. :rolleyes:
But I am at least enjoying how the CS over at TOR has been treating its players (or am I just lucky?) with very fast resposes most of the time, or at least acknowledging and making a real apology if the reply is an X amount of time. :cool:
I'm not saying PW is perfect. Just that their pricing structure is honest.
There are a LOT of reasons I boycott EA. They treat their employees like TRIBBLE. They buy excellent game studios, real innovators and leaders in their fields, just so they can shut them down or turn them into mills. I hate what they've done to Bioware (that used to be an awesome community). The straw that broke the camel's back as far as I was concerned was their crappy customer support. They stifle innovation. Jeeze I could just go on and on.
Madden Football is actually one of my big problems with EA. You're right, it's a great game. BUT...
Why do I have to buy a new $80 game EVERY year?
Think about it. What really changes? The ROSTER. That's it. Sometimes a little mini-game gets added or tweaked. These minor changes between each edition could easily be delivered as downloadable content.
For all practical purposes they are reselling us the same game over and over. This is something EA does a lot. They basically reskin racing games and first person shooters and resell them as "new".
I have a problem with that.
I'm not saying PW is perfect. Just that their pricing structure is honest.
Your Madden complaints are very valid. And some of your accusations about EA and employees I know all too well. Actually, I only got one Madden when I upgraded the game system. Like when I got a 360, I got a Madden to play on it. That would have been my last Madden except someone I know got a job at EA so he got me the Madden and NCAA 11's for the employee price of 20 dollars each. Let's just say he quit before it was time to get ME3.
So my next full price I'll pay for Madden will be when I finally will get a next generation from now console. And I probably will wait still since I doubt it will be much different than the 360 game.
Trooper in general, especially Commando healing is getting nerfed...it;s too bad PVE and PVP will both be effected. Apparently Commando healing is too good...yet I haven't noticed anything pertaining a nerf in Sith Sorcerer lightning spam that pretty much determines a WZ.
Trying to read thru this whole thread....um No not going to do it.
Touching on the to and fro going down, Um no just coming back here I wouldnt want to make anyone angry.
To OP I okay KOTOR, and like MOST mmos the end game is LACKING, but it is a fun game none the less.
STO is getting better than when I left her, and I think some of the options here are better than biowares, period. That said, Bioware is addressing there shortcomings alot faster than Cryptic did around here.
I wont take one game over the other, they differ in many ways, and I enjoy them both and hope to continue to do so:cool:
I think where people are getting it wrong is when they enter this thread, they come in with this whole TOR VS STO mentality, and thats where where everyone falls short. I mean both games are worlds apart, though they share a central theme which is sci fi, yet they have enough in them to separate them.
The thing is Star Wars Fans vs Star Trek fans have been an ongoing issue since both the shows and the movies have made their debut. I grew up watching Star Trek, for that matter grew up watching some of the classic westerns that had some of the Star Trek actors in them, but I also remember seeing Star Wars for the first time on the BIG screen back in 1977 at the old Capital Theatre in downtown.
I don't know, is it just me? This whole Star Trek VS Star Wars issues is more prevalent in the younger generation, because it wasn't as bad back then as it is now, especially now that the gaming generation is in full bloom.
I don't know, is it just me? This whole Star Trek VS Star Wars issues is more prevalent in the younger generation, because it wasn't as bad back then as it is now, especially now that the gaming generation is in full bloom.
Actually, I have never met a person who likes the one and toally dislikes the other. I mean, sure, they are different genres, but both are entertaining shows.
However, a game without real space ship combat besides and arcade shooter won't make me subscribe, that's for sure.
I love the space combat in this game because it reminds me of Star Fox.
Tho, I don't keep up with Space Combat in TOR past the 1st Tier.
I just do it early for a fast buck.
Best space map in TOR comes like around level 40ish. The mine field one. People give up on space there before they reach it though. Especially since the first few get rehashed just with enemies with better shields so you can't one-shoot them in the late 20s through the 30s.
TOR is a brilliant game and Star Trek deserves the same treatment from a competent gaming company.
Unfortunately though I'm not a big enough Star Wars fan to justify keeping my sub. And I don't have time for mass amounts of end game content.
SWToR doesn't have massive amounts of endgame content - just a broken PvP system they are working to fix with some player input (the recent GSWToR Guild summit); and the usual 4 instance grind to gear up for the newer end game instances they are releasing. If WoW type grind raiding is your thing - that's SWToR's endgame model.
SWToR doesn't have massive amounts of endgame content - just a broken PvP system they are working to fix with some player input (the recent GSWToR Guild summit); and the usual 4 instance grind to gear up for the newer end game instances they are releasing. If WoW type grind raiding is your thing - that's SWToR's endgame model.
Ouch..... I would like to rebuke you sir......... I would LIKE too ,,,, Wish I could
Its fun still , c'mon man its getting better, its one of the better beta tests going....Lol ( did I say that ? ):rolleyes:
SWToR doesn't have massive amounts of endgame content - just a broken PvP system they are working to fix with some player input (the recent GSWToR Guild summit); and the usual 4 instance grind to gear up for the newer end game instances they are releasing. If WoW type grind raiding is your thing - that's SWToR's endgame model.
how is what any of what you said any different from sto?????? its not!!!!!!!!
how is what any of what you said any different from sto?????? its not!!!!!!!!
Well because I am bored.... Ill step up to plate.....
STO has more custom options for your toon, alot is cosmetic, but the choices are there.
I have recently returned to STO so cant list all the diff things but, exploration is better in STO, IMO, the univerce is much larger. Ships and space combat are better in STO .
Being able to make your enviroment more your own, i.e hanging accolades etc. better here.
As far as endgame, I have to tell you I think ALL mmo's are falling short on that, just some pointless daily grind to get a carrot..... no I am not happy with any of them, as I return here I am hoping for something better, but.... we will need to see, may leave as quick as I started again.:o
Well because I am bored.... Ill step up to plate.....
STO has more custom options for your toon, alot is cosmetic, but the choices are there.
I have recently returned to STO so cant list all the diff things but, exploration is better in STO, IMO, the univerce is much larger. Ships and space combat are better in STO .
Being able to make your enviroment more your own, i.e hanging accolades etc. better here.
As far as endgame, I have to tell you I think ALL mmo's are falling short on that, just some pointless daily grind to get a carrot..... no I am not happy with any of them, as I return here I am hoping for something better, but.... we will need to see, may leave as quick as I started again.:o
swtor was never ment to be a space go treking the starts type of game and exploration dun way better in eveonline then star trek will ever dream of and ask for grinding love it better in tor then sto even wow is better then sto as far as grinding gose sto is kill scan kill scan kill scan in tor and wow its may be kill 10 things but the make the story better at kill 10 of this so on where in sto its gets old very fast more so if you have played over 2 years
as far as
STO has more custom options for your toon wow has less then both but still has way more player then the both only thing sto is good at is space combat but as said it gets old fast and not to say for custom options only thing cryptic dose also do right
Not if the server was up running in China and the game was developed and maintained by slave prison labor
I love STO space battle and I love STO ground battle. To me Ground battle is not bad at all. Kind of surprised that I actually enjoyed them.
And I love managing of my starship(equipment setup) and my crews(duty officer assignments).
Utilities on a server is peanuts. But I'll give you your figure, triple it for development (in our dreams) and yeah... I imagine Cryptics paying a fat licensing fee to Paramount.
I'm still coming up with a number well under a dollar, so I think my point stands. But hey... let's round it up to a whopping $1 per user. Hell, let's make it $5.
$180/ year? Really? Do you REALLY want me to come up with some clever adjectives for consumers that pay $180 for a product that cost $5 to ship?
Let's see. My son will be going to college in 17 and a half years. That's $3150 that I could be putting in his pocket, but OH... SORRY... I WAS PLAYING WoW.
Hmm, so I take it you don't have any hobbies at all that you don't pay for?
Football? A Car? Blu ray disks? You don't buy computer games?
For some people myself included, MMo's are our hobby so £10 a month to play TOR or even £20 a month to play 2 games, is not such a great outlay.
My friend goes shooting monthly and spends over £30 on this. My friend next store is a car junky and spends all his weekends tinkering with cars and spending what I see as being a "waste of money" on little things. However it's not a waste of money to him and thats what count.
Lots of activities cost money to relax. I have 2 kids and they will be going to college in the next 10 years but do you know what, I am saving up for them as well as having my own fun however they will also being paying for college themselves too.
They have to learn "no free rides" in this world.
You should really make sure you know some facts before making yourself look even more foolish...pennies a year to run...? /facepalm.
I still dont know why F2P'ers are even allowed on the forums...what happened to the limited access that was discussed. :rolleyes:
** Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.
Bioware, what say you? **
Sry this is similar to my experience, and i CANT FIND THESE 1.5 MILL active players.
Beside that, imo the OLD HERO ENGINE is not just old, the chars and the movements are ugly in comparison to STO. How my chars jump in swtor makes me laugh (or vomit)
I played 3 month, i will never excuse BioWare never ....
what u made out of one of my favorite scifi stories ! :rolleyes:
MMO's tend to have much more content than a single player game. TOR alone has hundreds and hundreds of hours of content. much more than you will find in even the largest single player games. its only profitable to make something so big by charging monthly subs. if there was no monthly sub they would make it a single player game like KOTOR. That only had about 25 hours content. if you want more you have to pay more.
thats does not even take into account future content. mmos grow and expand. they wont grow and expand without constant funding. that content is also very expensive. computer games cost millions to make. Tor cost more than most films and they only last 2-3 hours and are the exact same every time you watch it.
people blow far much more money on clothes that might wear a handful or times or going to watch their favourite sports team with no guarantee they will win or even play well.
Yes I do, but I won't be gouged. All the things you're talking about are fairly standard retail items. Profits on these items ususally run about 33% above the wholesale cost. If a bullet costs 60 cents to make and ship, I have no problem paying a dollar for it.
Football actually has a much lower profit margin than retail, but they have economics of scale on their side.
But P2P MMO's have a profit margin in the thousands of percent. They are GOUGING their customers.
Now I don't have a problem with that. We live in a plutocracy. Money is power. Anything that separates stupid people, or "chumps", from their money is actually a good thing. But if it's all the same to you I'm not a chump, and I'd rather suffer the snide contempt of the P2P veterans on this board than squander my families hard earned money. I'd just as soon use that money to support some legitimate businesses that are out making an honest buck, like PW, than companies like Blizzard that treat their costumers like complete TRIBBLE.
For the record this little crack set the tone for this exchange:
Now if this forum culture considers it OK to treat newbies with that kind of contempt then this game is going to die, but it won't be SWtOR that killed it.
All I said was that no video game is worth $180 a year. I stand by that. If ya'll wanna keep this pointless exchange up I'm game, but I've said my peace.
Looking at the light, heavy, etc could be misleading. If they increase server capacity like they did not long after launch, that will be part of it. Now I haven't really played in about 3 weeks and there was a lot of normal and highs then. But since ME3 release, my time in TOR dropped a lot just like a lot of games. Then the ME3 ending has kind of turned me off gaming as much as I used to.
So PWE has nothing wrong with them in your mind? From what I heard, you are correct with how Blizzard treats their customers, but PWE is almost as bad, by not giving a damn about the customers, just their money via lottery / gambling introduced into STO (the boxes) and what seemed to be a bigger focus on the C-store.
Hey, I didn't create the MMO pricing standard, but if you feel like shooting the messenger go for it...I'll just hit RESPAWN. :rolleyes:
But I am at least enjoying how the CS over at TOR has been treating its players (or am I just lucky?) with very fast resposes most of the time, or at least acknowledging and making a real apology if the reply is an X amount of time. :cool:
NHL Hockey and Madden Football are both EA games. A lot of people buy those EA games. What's the problem with EA? They make solid sports games.
The game is huge, with a large, thriving population. It just requires you (the collective) to be more friendly and outgoing than most gamers are used to being in order to tap into that social structure.
I group. I chat. I socialize. My friends list is big. I'm always running into people.
There are a LOT of reasons I boycott EA. They treat their employees like TRIBBLE. They buy excellent game studios, real innovators and leaders in their fields, just so they can shut them down or turn them into mills. I hate what they've done to Bioware (that used to be an awesome community). The straw that broke the camel's back as far as I was concerned was their crappy customer support. They stifle innovation. Jeeze I could just go on and on.
Madden Football is actually one of my big problems with EA. You're right, it's a great game. BUT...
Why do I have to buy a new $80 game EVERY year?
Think about it. What really changes? The ROSTER. That's it. Sometimes a little mini-game gets added or tweaked. These minor changes between each edition could easily be delivered as downloadable content.
For all practical purposes they are reselling us the same game over and over. This is something EA does a lot. They basically reskin racing games and first person shooters and resell them as "new".
I have a problem with that.
I'm not saying PW is perfect. Just that their pricing structure is honest.
Your Madden complaints are very valid. And some of your accusations about EA and employees I know all too well. Actually, I only got one Madden when I upgraded the game system. Like when I got a 360, I got a Madden to play on it. That would have been my last Madden except someone I know got a job at EA so he got me the Madden and NCAA 11's for the employee price of 20 dollars each. Let's just say he quit before it was time to get ME3.
So my next full price I'll pay for Madden will be when I finally will get a next generation from now console. And I probably will wait still since I doubt it will be much different than the 360 game.
$80 for a Madden game? Sinse when?
Anyway...the thread seems to have gone to limbo now....
So to get back on topic: How do you guys think of Update 1.2?
I know my Commando is no longer going to have a good future...
Why not? I've only skimmed some 1.2 details.
Trooper in general, especially Commando healing is getting nerfed...it;s too bad PVE and PVP will both be effected. Apparently Commando healing is too good...yet I haven't noticed anything pertaining a nerf in Sith Sorcerer lightning spam that pretty much determines a WZ.
Touching on the to and fro going down, Um no just coming back here I wouldnt want to make anyone angry.
To OP I okay KOTOR, and like MOST mmos the end game is LACKING, but it is a fun game none the less.
STO is getting better than when I left her, and I think some of the options here are better than biowares, period. That said, Bioware is addressing there shortcomings alot faster than Cryptic did around here.
I wont take one game over the other, they differ in many ways, and I enjoy them both and hope to continue to do so:cool:
The thing is Star Wars Fans vs Star Trek fans have been an ongoing issue since both the shows and the movies have made their debut. I grew up watching Star Trek, for that matter grew up watching some of the classic westerns that had some of the Star Trek actors in them, but I also remember seeing Star Wars for the first time on the BIG screen back in 1977 at the old Capital Theatre in downtown.
I don't know, is it just me? This whole Star Trek VS Star Wars issues is more prevalent in the younger generation, because it wasn't as bad back then as it is now, especially now that the gaming generation is in full bloom.
The usual complains about balance changes. Every class is nerfed, so no class is playable anymore.
Actually, I have never met a person who likes the one and toally dislikes the other. I mean, sure, they are different genres, but both are entertaining shows.
However, a game without real space ship combat besides and arcade shooter won't make me subscribe, that's for sure.
Tho, I don't keep up with Space Combat in TOR past the 1st Tier.
I just do it early for a fast buck.
Best space map in TOR comes like around level 40ish. The mine field one. People give up on space there before they reach it though. Especially since the first few get rehashed just with enemies with better shields so you can't one-shoot them in the late 20s through the 30s.
SWToR doesn't have massive amounts of endgame content - just a broken PvP system they are working to fix with some player input (the recent GSWToR Guild summit); and the usual 4 instance grind to gear up for the newer end game instances they are releasing. If WoW type grind raiding is your thing - that's SWToR's endgame model.
Ouch..... I would like to rebuke you sir......... I would LIKE too ,,,, Wish I could
Its fun still , c'mon man its getting better, its one of the better beta tests going....Lol ( did I say that ? ):rolleyes:
how is what any of what you said any different from sto?????? its not!!!!!!!!
Well because I am bored.... Ill step up to plate.....
STO has more custom options for your toon, alot is cosmetic, but the choices are there.
I have recently returned to STO so cant list all the diff things but, exploration is better in STO, IMO, the univerce is much larger. Ships and space combat are better in STO .
Being able to make your enviroment more your own, i.e hanging accolades etc. better here.
As far as endgame, I have to tell you I think ALL mmo's are falling short on that, just some pointless daily grind to get a carrot..... no I am not happy with any of them, as I return here I am hoping for something better, but.... we will need to see, may leave as quick as I started again.:o
swtor was never ment to be a space go treking the starts type of game and exploration dun way better in eveonline then star trek will ever dream of and ask for grinding love it better in tor then sto even wow is better then sto as far as grinding gose sto is kill scan kill scan kill scan in tor and wow its may be kill 10 things but the make the story better at kill 10 of this so on where in sto its gets old very fast more so if you have played over 2 years
as far as
STO has more custom options for your toon wow has less then both but still has way more player then the both only thing sto is good at is space combat but as said it gets old fast and not to say for custom options only thing cryptic dose also do right