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SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
I am done with games of chance in STO. I have seen the light. And they are definitely ramping this practice up. I put money into the red boxes and came away with nothing.

LESSON LEARNED THE HARD WAY! I don't care if they release the Enterprise-F or any other "exclusive" item this way, I won't go for it, I'll just make do with what I have which is pretty darn impressive.

Live and learn!
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I am done with games of chance in STO. I have seen the light. And they are definitely ramping this practice up. I put money into the red boxes and came away with nothing.

    LESSON LEARNED THE HARD WAY! I don't care if they release the Enterprise-F or any other "exclusive" item this way, I won't go for it, I'll just make do with what I have which is pretty darn impressive.

    Live and learn!

    Way I saw it, I have money to spend and am willing to support this game, so why not risk it for a cool ship? Spent a lot, didnt get it at first, shrugged it off. Decided to try again a few days later, as I could afford a little more, and got lucky.

    Though now, with the DOff thing being released tomorrow and the Ultra Rare DOffs, I wished I didnt spend money on the winter grab bag, and instead saved it for those DOff packs :) They are available for free in game, but it's be a nice little boost in chances :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    why spend money when u can get it in game for free. Thats how I see it anyways. I do not feel the need to spend money on this. But I like the grab bags. I like the surprises :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I have been burned too badly to ever play again. I get nothing while Cryptic laughs to the bank. Never again, I swear to God.

    And look at all the lookie-loos just coming into the thread to see how much was spent...:)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    II get nothing while Cryptic laughs to the bank.

    Do you not get a door to the Star Trek universe that stays open for a littlle longer? Our lifetime money's just about ran out if it hasn't already. Anything beyond 2012's a bonus. Maybe a paid expansion pack? Who knows?

    Which brave souls would be the first to queue up and lay down coin for that would be interesting to see.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Its good more people are seeing the light. The grab bags are scams. But hey if some people need to spend their entire paycheck to figure it out, lesson learned for next time.

    And sadly, there will be a next time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I didn't plunk down money to fatten their wallets out of the goodness of my heart.

    Well, hopefully they're tracking winter box purchases and will give this out in C-Store to all accounts who put down a lot of cash on it (2500+) and didn't get it. Even if they did that (long shot, they're greedy) I'd still never play again.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I can't believe people will really waste money on grab bags. Most of what they get is junk they don't want.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Its good more people are seeing the light. The grab bags are scams. But hey if some people need to spend their entire paycheck to figure it out, lesson learned for next time.

    And sadly, there will be a next time.

    That's guaranteed. It's what happens after that that'll tell if lessons have been learned.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I see no problem with these grab bags... I bought only one, just for the kick of it, and got me a nice Gekl pet who follows me all the time :)

    I don't care about the Jem ship (don't even like escorts), and the only reason I'd like to get it is because then I could easily have 350 million EC in the bank so I can give away all my nice loot and aid new players getting gear and stuff.

    I play the race every day on each of my toons because it's fun, and I'll probably buy a few grab bags just for fun. Don't see the problem with it.

    BTW, I find it really absurd that people think that everyone should easily get an ULTRA RARE item. Same with the purple gear, STF stuff, etc. If every second player I see has it, it's not rare any more - it's common!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I see no problem with these grab bags... I bought only one, just for the kick of it, and got me a nice Gekl pet who follows me all the time :)

    I spent my last remaining hundred on one as well. I got a horta of some description which I instantly discarded lol
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    It's not "easy" if you blow real cash on it.

    What's stupid in this thread is that the people who don't have a problem are the same people not buying...i.e. not playing...which is contributing nothing to the topic. "Oh it's fine...um, for everybody else..." isn't what we're talking about. It's about playing and getting burned, and not doing it ever again.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Alright, so then I'll chime in.


    As someone, representing only myself, who grasps the concept of making decisions and being responsible for their outcome, have no problem with the grab bags.

    Yes, I spent what I would call "more than a casual amount" in the attempt to get the Bug (an endeavor in which I have failed). 7500C-Points, to be as exact as memory serves.

    "But Jexsam," you might be asking yourself, "how are you not upset? You spent something on the order of $80 and failed to get what you were after!"

    Yes, I know. I was aware from the start that it might not work out. I was aware from the start, fully conscious of the fact, that I was taking a chance, and that it might, in fact, not pan out. I was mentally prepared for the worst-case scenario. A scenario I have emerged from with no malice or malcontent. Why? Because I knew what I was getting into.

    In closing, I ask of all of you who are so infuriated by this; Were you aware going into it that you might not succeed? And if so, how can you justify being so visibly angered?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Don't disagree that it is a game of chance, obviously it is.

    But will you ever do it again? I know I won't, no matter what it is.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    What's stupid in this thread is that the people who don't have a problem are the same people not buying...i.e. not playing...which is contributing nothing to the topic.

    But... you're not buying any more either... *is confused*

    I don't buy grab bags in games. If I buy something, I want to know what I'm getting, and I want to get it on the first purchase.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I see what you were trying to do but your reasoning doesn't make sense. Try reading it again and you'll be less confused. I'll even unquote you, as I'm sure you'll want to delete your post.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Ahh! Someone blew through $750 on red boxes! He got the ship but wow. I've got NOTHING on that guy :eek:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Don't disagree that it is a game of chance, obviously it is.

    But will you ever do it again? I know I won't, no matter what it is.

    I probably will. Though I will be watching myself much harder next time. $80-something is a lot to blow on a ship, and I'm really not happy I let myself slip like that.

    With that in mind, I suppose my point is not that you shouldn't be upset. If you feel like you let yourself spend to much, it's fine to be angry; maybe you'll learn from it. My problem is with people who blame Cryptic, rather than themselves. Since you didn't blame Cryptic in your OP, I suppose that means my questions are sort of in the wrong place, but since you mentioned that "the people who don't have a problem are the same people not buying...i.e. not playing...which is contributing nothing to the topic", I figured I'd throw my voice in there since I appear to be in a great minority, being one who spent a lot but didn't ragepost afterwards.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I didn't buy any grab bags because I didn't want to get burned, I wont buy any ever. I knew from the start there would probably be no chance to get it. There is no way I would ever spend real money on random drops.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Its good more people are seeing the light. The grab bags are scams. But hey if some people need to spend their entire paycheck to figure it out, lesson learned for next time.

    And sadly, there will be a next time.

    See, I might have been tempted to play these for limited time costume unlocks like the scarves.

    But just KNOWING there is an item with less than a 1% drop ruins any enjoyment I'd get out of it.

    I think I'm done with the crates until:

    - Cryptic discloses odds.
    - No items have a droprate below 1%.

    Functionally, I guess that means I'm done with them. I'm hard pressed to think of what they could include that would change my mind.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Jexsam wrote: »

    In closing, I ask of all of you who are so infuriated by this; Were you aware going into it that you might not succeed? And if so, how can you justify being so visibly angered?

    I honestly thought Cryptic was going to westernize PW's business model and that, among other things, they would have many times over the droprate when and if they did lottery items like this so that you'd be almost assured a win by dropping $50 in. Y'Know, like everything in the grab bag having an equal 12% chance, which remains what the absence of any odds disclosures and the C-Store text seems to imply.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Happy to hear this Sekrit Agent.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    See, I might have been tempted to play these for limited time costume unlocks like the scarves.

    The Federation and Elite scarves are really nice, that's like the only saving grace for me. The boots aren't worth it, you can't even see them under your pants leg.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    What is interesting is that the executive producer spun it as if the feedback had been an equal mix of good and bad.

    Considering that the only large source of feedback (as far as I know) is the forums, I would say that is way off base. The forums seemed to be mostly a mix of negative and apathetic, with a tiny dash of positive in regards to the grab bags. I do not think I saw any posts that said, "wow, these grab bags are a terrific idea!"

    Maybe their "positive" feedback is all the money they managed to make off of us. :rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    On the bright side, I got a ton of rare Mk. XI weapons, sold a ton more, got photonic boffs on two characters and loaded up on scarves.

    On the bad side, no Bug.

    The boxes were fun until my fourth eisilum crystal horta.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    On the bright side, I got a ton of rare Mk. XI weapons, sold a ton more, got photonic boffs on two characters and loaded up on scarves.

    On the bad side, no Bug.

    The boxes were fun until my fourth eisilum crystal horta.

    I opened thirty boxes and got four photonic bridge officers. I thought, "cool", now I can make a Robert Picardo character. WRONG! You cannot even customize the uniform, much less the physical appearance.

    Sigh. At least I will corner the Horta market on the Exchange come F2P.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    What bothers me about the grab bags is they prey on a certain mindset of players, They could release the ship as a cstore purchase for 24 bucks, but they know that they will make more off the players that burn up a credit card and spend much more than is responsible.

    It's confusing to me how a game developer could ever look themselves in the mirror if this is what they are reduced to. There used to be a pride in the industry, and it was well deserved, developers looked at thier customers as fellow gamers and enthusiats, and both sides worked together to build a community around a game.

    What I've seen from cryptic in the last nine months is very sad, instead of rising to the challenge and excitement of building an expansive and creative game, they have focused on cash grabs and cstore content, bare bones development that requires no vision or talent.

    I'd love to see a paid expansion, I really would...and I'd buy it if it had merit, but I doubt they can pull something like that off, it's simply too much work and would require a level of passion and creativity that I think has departed the company.

    There are very few companies in the game world anymore that take pride in the work they do, refuse to compromise to low standards that ultimatley impact their sales more than anything else.

    I know apologists will say it's just buisness, and it's smart to milk your players this way.

    It's not just buisness, any creative product is an emotional product, making bad decisions in a game is telling the people that play it that you don't care, that they are just a paycheck to you and nothing more.

    These forums are worse than they have ever been not by fault of the players but by fault of the developers, it's time to stop putting garbage on the cstore, put your work boots on and up your standards. go play some other games like skyrim, mass effect 2, swotor and get inspired, hold yourselves to the same standards those game designers did and STO will recover and move forward, or keep doling out novelties in a gift shop and show no class.

    I should exclude the doff system from this, as I thought at least for this last nine months something creative came into existence that's Cstore dependence is minimal.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I see no problem with these grab bags... I bought only one, just for the kick of it, and got me a nice Gekl pet who follows me all the time :)

    I don't care about the Jem ship (don't even like escorts), and the only reason I'd like to get it is because then I could easily have 350 million EC in the bank so I can give away all my nice loot and aid new players getting gear and stuff.

    I play the race every day on each of my toons because it's fun, and I'll probably buy a few grab bags just for fun. Don't see the problem with it.

    BTW, I find it really absurd that people think that everyone should easily get an ULTRA RARE item. Same with the purple gear, STF stuff, etc. If every second player I see has it, it's not rare any more - it's common!

    Somehow I think this gets lost but most of the complaints Ive seen have no said that an ultra rare item should be easy to get. People in the western market tend to get the concept of making ultra rare items a challenge to obtain that's why they are ultra rare. Its the manner in which this ultra rare item was made obtainable. Putting the best escort in the game stat wise into a random ultra rare box. Mr. Spock would say highly illogical.

    Jexsam wrote: »
    Alright, so then I'll chime in.


    As someone, representing only myself, who grasps the concept of making decisions and being responsible for their outcome, have no problem with the grab bags.

    Yes, I spent what I would call "more than a casual amount" in the attempt to get the Bug (an endeavor in which I have failed). 7500C-Points, to be as exact as memory serves.

    "But Jexsam," you might be asking yourself, "how are you not upset? You spent something on the order of $80 and failed to get what you were after!"

    Yes, I know. I was aware from the start that it might not work out. I was aware from the start, fully conscious of the fact, that I was taking a chance, and that it might, in fact, not pan out. I was mentally prepared for the worst-case scenario. A scenario I have emerged from with no malice or malcontent. Why? Because I knew what I was getting into.

    In closing, I ask of all of you who are so infuriated by this; Were you aware going into it that you might not succeed? And if so, how can you justify being so visibly angered?

    While I have not spent any money I do have sympathy for the portion of people who are infuriated as you say that they spent so much and failed to get the ship. To provide some context for my sympathy I play collectable card games its a nice hobby to engage in with my kids. When booster packs are released they can have upwards of 100+ cards and some of those will be extremely rare. Never the less despite that rarity if you where to go out and spend say $700 as one report I have seen put it at (Aside from being nuts IMO) your odds of not having every single possible variation of every card in that set would be extremely low.

    So yeah I have a little sympathy for those who shelled out huge sums. Not much it was their choice but I do think the odds should have been disclosed up front.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for this thread.

    I've been contemplating buying Winter Packages. I already know the odds. I've opened 60+ packages from Gift Receipts and no ship.

    But people keep posting they opened something like 4 boxes and got one. :rolleyes: TRIBBLE is mighty tempting. I need threads like this to shake me out of not wasting money on this. lol
    Sakarak wrote:
    I opened thirty boxes and got four photonic bridge officers. I thought, "cool", now I can make a Robert Picardo character. WRONG! You cannot even customize the uniform, much less the physical appearance.

    I've had my Photonic Officer for a long time through Referral Rewards. Non-customization of them is an issue that we've been trying to get Cryptic to change for the longest. Now that more people own Photonic BO's perhaps there will be enough feedback on this to get them to change it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for this thread.

    I've been contemplating buying Winter Packages. I already know the odds. I've opened 60+ packages from Gift Receipts and no ship.

    But people keep posting they opened something like 4 boxes and got one. :rolleyes: TRIBBLE is mighty tempting. I need threads like this to shake me out of not wasting money on this. lol

    I've had my Photonic Officer for a long time through Referral Rewards. Non-customization of them is an issue that we've been trying to get Cryptic to change for the longest. Now that more people own Photonic BO's perhaps there will be enough feedback on this to get them to change it.

    Ive opened something like 22 now. Stipend and Dill exchange points. Or bought with EC off the exchange.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I got mine for $11.25

    Spent 12.5 on 1k c points and got on the 9'th package.

    I went into it not even hoping amd mow I have a nice light cruiser (the way I fly it) in which to do STFs.
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