Greetings Warriors!
I'm organizing a Klingon Awareness Week in order to bolster the KDF population and give people a good time who already have KDF characters.
For one week I and other volunteers will be organizing various gameplay events and would like to encourage a variety of players to either re-login their KDF or at least give them a try.
- Klingon "Newb" Helpers stationed on Qo'Nos whenever possible to answer questions and so on for those of you creating a Klink for the first time.
Guides include (but are not limited to):
Meth_Shadowstorm (Weeknights(except Tuesday)/Weekend)
- Featured Episode Groups
- PvP and PvE Groups
Doctor Comics - Foundry Missions Klingon Experience Foundry Mission List
Jack_Armstrong - PvE
Kolikos - PvE
- STF Groups
- Trivia Contest
Sponsored By Blade Radio and hosted by Alastor_Forthright
The festivities are scheduled for
July 10th thru July 16th,
whether Season 4 is up or not.Klingon Awareness Week could be a "Nexus of Awesome", thanks STOked!The General Schedule:KDF Sorties All day and night, every nightSTF Infected - Sunday, Wednesday
The Cure - Monday, Thursday
Khitomer Accord - Tuesday, Friday
PvP Every nightCapture the Flag Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
Arena Monday, Wednesday, Friday
KDF PvE Content Schedule (there will be overlap to make sure as many as possible get a chance to run these missions during the event week):
Lt. 10:
Bringing Down the House and
The House Always Wins Monday and Tuesday
LC. 10:
Second Star to the Right, Straight on 'til Morning and
Keep Your Enemies Closer Tuesday and Wednesday
Cm. 10:
Blood of the Empire and
Destiny Thursday and Friday
Capt. 10:
Afterlife and
The gates of Gre'thor Thursday and FridayFeatured Episode Schedule (feel free to run whatever you want but the focuses will be as follows):Breen Series Sunday and Wednesday
Devidian Series Monday and Thursday
Romulan Series Tuesday and Friday
Everything Comes to a Close Saturday July 16th with an all day party on Qo'Nos!
At this time you can come to the planet and enjoy the festivities or gather up groups and do whatever you want! Bloodwine and Pie will be there for all (Limited quantities of Pie, First come first served)
For Those just starting a KDF character here's some helpful links:
Basic KDFSpidermitch's Ship Charts
The following channels have been created for communication during the event week (feel free to join them now and begin planning mission runs, etc):
KAW-Help This is the official Klingon Awareness Week channel for help and questions
KAWPvE The PvE planning and mission formation channel.
KAWPvP The PvP planning and mission formation channel.
KlingonAwarenessWeek The general chatter and Klingon chat channel for the week.
KDFassitance Year-round KDF assistance channel.
General Volunteers (unspecified activities/whatever people want to do):
Aside from these fine folks look in the various channels listed in this posting for other KDF Vets who may just not come to the boards often or just don't check this sub-forum. Also, please remember that just because someone has volunteered for a specific field of focus doesn't mean they might not be willing to run something else!
If you'd like to volunteer to lead a group or are interested in joining in on this event please post here with your choice of events and global handle.
Reminds me of this:
Anyone want to do a series with me, just gimme a call and I'll be right there :-)
Men! To your ships, there are Tribbles that need hunting
I'll be happy to get you a sticky thread in the General Discussion when this week hits.
Could we maybe get this as a sticky a tad sooner than that in GD? My whole reason for putting it there initially was to make sure people who don't visit the forums much could see it well in advance.
I'm attempting to get more people to make Klingon characters not just get klingons to log in. Therefore being in Klingon Gameplay discussion doesn't help this much. Even a week early would be better just so people have a chance to actually see it.
Although, with the new Q'onos, he has found himself to be a newb too in trying to find where everything is.
I will be available day or night Thursday through Saturday, what times will you need me?
Will we be using the KDFAssistance channel? If so, might want to add that to the OP.
Once you have plans and are ready to have the week hit - I'll put up the word for you and we can make a sticky with a schedule, plans and similar.
my @handle is @six-of-nine
With that segway, I would like to throw in a PLUG for the "Klingon Experience Project" started by Darren_Kitlor under the Foundry Section. We are trying to get more Foundry designers to develop Klingon Missions. He has proposed a rather ambitious goal of 150 Klingon Missions by the time Season 4 is released (July 7th). We have a long wait to go, but, if we could get every Foundry designer to produce 1 to 3 Missions, we could make it... It would be nice to have a good selection of Klingon Foundry missions available when so many folks return to try out the new Klingon First City and Gorn re-template.
Let's see what people have put out there!
Not to be a drag, but the STFs will be, shall we say, 'different' when season 4 launches. They will not be finished at launch, but there are already changes that have been made. For instance, the interlink nodes are now gone. Noticed this on Cure on Tribble server last night (it was just me and another guy testing out the borg ground combat changes, so we figured the cure would be a good place, so we didn't actually do any of the gates). I think leading some people through the STFs are a great idea, but just be warned that they may not be as expected.