Thanks for answering my question, Heretic. Just missed one part that I couldn't glean from your reply. You state, "On Holodeck, those who have already hit T4 will get the purple quality officer in addition to their existing white bridge officer."
My question pertains to what if I've been holding on to my token for the white boff? When the re-issue comes, can I redeem for 2 purples instead of 1 white and 1 purple?
New question: to get the special doff for KDF side, do we have to lvl a KDF alt as well, or by virtue of lvling a Fed character to T3 unlocks it for both factions?
My question pertains to what if I've been holding on to my token for the white boff? When the re-issue comes, can I redeem for 2 purples instead of 1 white and 1 purple?...
Though wouldn't this be grossly unfair to receive 2 Purples, when everyone who has already used their tokens only getting 2 whites out of it???
A more interesting question is 'Is the Diplomacy BO purchase token use it or loose it?', as evidently this token is about to be removed from the game...
I was wondering if it's still possible to add more variety in the traits required by assignments. For example...most, if not all sector based science missions gain a benefit from Eidetic Memory and Logical, but nothing else. Shipboard science missions need Eidetic Memory, Logical, and Teamwork. Is there any way some science missions could benefit from some other traits? Otherwise, I'll only be looking for those specific traits in all my science Doffs.
Thanks for answering my question, Heretic. Just missed one part that I couldn't glean from your reply. You state, "On Holodeck, those who have already hit T4 will get the purple quality officer in addition to their existing white bridge officer."
My question pertains to what if I've been holding on to my token for the white boff? When the re-issue comes, can I redeem for 2 purples instead of 1 white and 1 purple?
New question: to get the special doff for KDF side, do we have to lvl a KDF alt as well, or by virtue of lvling a Fed character to T3 unlocks it for both factions?
1 White and 1 Purple.
The duty officers will be cross-faction; my understanding is that any character on Holodeck will be able to claim them if you get to T3 on either faction on Tribble. (Salami Inferno may step in to correct me on that, one, though, so don't take that as definitive...)
Though wouldn't this be grossly unfair to receive 2 Purples, when everyone who has already used their tokens only getting 2 whites out of it???
A more interesting question is 'Is the Diplomacy BO purchase token use it or loose it?', as evidently this token is about to be removed from the game...
If you don't use it but have earned it prior to the system going live on Holodeck, you should still be able to claim your white bridge officer.
I was wondering if it's still possible to add more variety in the traits required by assignments. For example...most, if not all sector based science missions gain a benefit from Eidetic Memory and Logical, but nothing else. Shipboard science missions need Eidetic Memory, Logical, and Teamwork. Is there any way some science missions could benefit from some other traits? Otherwise, I'll only be looking for those specific traits in all my science Doffs.
Spreading these out is a continuing work in progress. I expect more iterations of this before we go live. That being said, it is the design of the system for some traits and some specializations to be only nichely or situationally useful, and some being much more popular.
Got, now I understand. Will wait for final info on the special doff though for each faction. On the other hand, I'll roll a KDF on Tribble just to be certain
Thanks again for the replies, Heretic, keep up the great work, we appreciate it
...Will wait for final info on the special doff though for each faction. On the other hand, I'll roll a KDF on Tribble just to be certain...
DOffs or not, if you do roll a Tribble KDF and rank him/her, you get additional rewards separate from the DOff system and Fed Ranking:
Reach L31 - Get Dilithium (as w/Feds, the amount is undetermined, but "meaningful").
Reach L51 - Get a Bonus Ship Slot and a Unique Title that is different from the Fed's award title.
The duty officers will be cross-faction; my understanding is that any character on Holodeck will be able to claim them if you get to T3 on either faction on Tribble. (Salami Inferno may step in to correct me on that, one, though, so don't take that as definitive...)
I would really like to take this as a definitive, so could we please get a definitive, 'definitive' answer. I have reached T3 in Diplomacy and even though i set assignments every night before bed, i don't see myself ever getting T2 in anything else (i am close to T1 in Military now).
I have put as much time as i can into testing on Tribble, but university comes first and i am swamped with work. I would just like some 'set-in-stone' clarification on this matter, once and for all, just to put my mind at ease, if thats okay.
And thank you for all of your wonderful work Heretic, i truly adore the Duty Officer System.
Heretic's reply to my previous question is definitive, he stated reach ANY T3 commendation. Diplomacy is included.
As I understand it, there's gonna be a reshuffling on either Tue or Thursday this week to bring the diplomacy Xp in line with the rest of the commendations, so...if you want your special doff, diplomacy is easiest atm.
I would really like to take this as a definitive, so could we please get a definitive, 'definitive' answer. I have reached T3 in Diplomacy and even though i set assignments every night before bed, i don't see myself ever getting T2 in anything else (i am close to T1 in Military now).
I have put as much time as i can into testing on Tribble, but university comes first and i am swamped with work. I would just like some 'set-in-stone' clarification on this matter, once and for all, just to put my mind at ease, if thats okay.
And thank you for all of your wonderful work Heretic, i truly adore the Duty Officer System.
Salami just confirmed this, so barring any changes from higher up the food chain, this is our plan.
I would like to thank the Academy, the wonderful Heretic who i could not have done this without, William Shatner, the cast of Firefly...*embraces and holds aloft a Gold Doff Award*
Salami just confirmed this, so barring any changes from higher up the food chain, this is our plan.
Thank you for your response Heretic, and thank Salami too.
And i meant what i said, it truly is a wonderful addition to STO. I'm swamped with work (and a horrible cold) at the moment, so since Sunday all i've been able to do is assign Doffs and check back with them the night after. The fact that i have gone from the latter part of Captain 8 to RA 1 this evening whilst orbiting ESD is testament to how incredible this is to STO players. To be able to level during those times when free time is not in abundance is something i've felt missing in this game (and many other games i might add). I simply can not wait for this to go live and i will miss a good few of my current Doffs when it finally does.
And while i still have a few issues here and there with this whole F2P Matrix and so on, its hard not to remain positive about the future when you get to sample such a wonderful feature as this. Along with the F2P Blogs and the fact that feedback has been noted and addressed, i am smiling at the moment (despite a runny nose).
Spreading these out is a continuing work in progress. I expect more iterations of this before we go live. That being said, it is the design of the system for some traits and some specializations to be only nichely or situationally useful, and some being much more popular.
Has there been any consideration to individual trait quality? It may not be appropriate for all traits (FF notably), but maybe some people are more Diplomatic than others. The individual traits could be colored White (now), green, blue and possibly purple.
This would add some more variety between DOffs without requiring more traits to be added.
I noticed you changed humans to make the traits more diverse, however I keep running into problems with my Alt character lacking "Diplomacy" traits on his Doffs.. my Main toon on Tribble doesn't have this problem.
May I suggest that the "tweak" might have gone a tad too random... might have over corrected a bit... a lot of missions want the Diplomacy trait..
I rarely post except to sook or sook at others for sooking, but jebus guys, this DOFF system is fantastic.
Aside from small glitches (stated rewards not directly matching earnt rewards - eg: submitted bug about receiving dual heavy phaser cannon when the mission said dual heavy disruptor cannon, and other issues mentioned here previously) this system feels really solid. It makes you feel like you really are a captain of a large group of people, not just the couple that follow you around when you go wandering around on the ground.
The DOFF assignment process itself puts me in mind of the Assassin's Guild missions in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - which I loved - and now leaves me hoping you'll add an "Oh Sh!*" button like AC:B had - one that would summon all your ground assigned DOFFs to join the fray until the current mob is dealt with (with the chance of them actually dying for good).
I agree with previous statements about more post-mission info being a must, and I think you're already a long way there. But you know what? I'd be damned happy to see the system hit Holodeck even in it's current, mildly glitchy, state
Really awesome work, Cryptic. Now about that new hair tech...
I'm a little better now. Monday was my worst day by far. I still have chills up and down my arms and back, and when i sniff, i snort lol, which is very attractive Hopefully i will be back to normal soon.
And while i still don't have much time during these week days, i am currently RA4 now thanks to the Duty Officers. I have 20 Assignments running at the moment, with around 12 i think completed by tomorrow night after i get back from uni, and that should put me to RA5. I should be able to do the last few levels over Friday and Saturday.
I'm hoping to have a look at the STF's then and maybe carry on with my KDF test character (Cm5 at the moment). Again this one is being leveled solely via the Duty Officer System, and while it is very slow compared to my Fed, the fact that you can earn XP is so good
so i noticed today after the patch that i no longer can see what rarity my doffs are. when you clicked on then you could see if they were common, rare, very rare, etc, but it no longer shows. just letting you know not sure if that was intended or not.
so i noticed today after the patch that i no longer can see what rarity my doffs are. when you clicked on then you could see if they were common, rare, very rare, etc, but it no longer shows. just letting you know not sure if that was intended or not.
I think they decided to hide that aspect of things - it was creating confusion because in the rest of the game, quality and rarity are linked, where with doffs a white very rare was still still just a white, everything except obtaining new ones is driven by quality.
I think they decided to hide that aspect of things - it was creating confusion because in the rest of the game, quality and rarity are linked, where with doffs a white very rare was still still just a white, everything except obtaining new ones is driven by quality.
It's still there, but we hid it since it wasn't affecting anything other than collectability and was mostly confusing people.
Not sure if this has been requested, or if there's an option and I missed it, but is it possible to have a 'recently acquired' tab or section for doffs?
That way, instead of searching out through my chat log for names, and then looking in the long list, I can go straight to and see what I just got.
Not sure if this has been requested, or if there's an option and I missed it, but is it possible to have a 'recently acquired' tab or section for doffs?
That way, instead of searching out through my chat log for names, and then looking in the long list, I can go straight to and see what I just got.
The "Request Duty Officers" tab currently does exactly this. Note that if you navigate away from that tab the list will be cleared.
I'm working on some spreadsheets of the ones I've come across so far. I've added the Fed DOff vendor, but not the KDF vendor yet.
I was merely curiuos. Thanks for the efforts!
I hoping that once a master listed is viewed, we (as players) may find that certain afeared DOff abilities (like the BFI heal boost) will be seen to have countering DOff abilities that can offset thier advantages, thus alieviating certain player fears of thier OPness in PvP.
Alss, does anybody know how to take a DOff off ship assingment?
I have a Green Chef and wish to make baked tribble but he is assigned as ship Chef (i guess- he shows in the roster) but I cannot use him for the missions.
Has anybody found they have a severe shortage of doffs unless they buy from the c-store? I can only pull one mission at a time currently. *goes back to reading thread for tips*
Has anybody found they have a severe shortage of doffs unless they buy from the c-store? I can only pull one mission at a time currently. *goes back to reading thread for tips*
I had to return to the "recruiting" areas (ESD, ESD orbit, SFA mainly) often in the hopes of hitting a cadre assignment. Even then I was unable to do any Espionage and many Military missions because I never had appropriate DOffs.
I seriously doubt the DOff system escaped the gross monetization the rest of the F2P Beta is afflicted with, so it's probably a safe bet that buying DOff packs is an intentional (and encouraged) part of the design. Of course, since the DOff system is actually fun, playing it for days or weeks on end doesn't seem grindy. Kudos to Heretic for that.
My question pertains to what if I've been holding on to my token for the white boff? When the re-issue comes, can I redeem for 2 purples instead of 1 white and 1 purple?
New question: to get the special doff for KDF side, do we have to lvl a KDF alt as well, or by virtue of lvling a Fed character to T3 unlocks it for both factions?
A more interesting question is 'Is the Diplomacy BO purchase token use it or loose it?', as evidently this token is about to be removed from the game...
1 White and 1 Purple.
The duty officers will be cross-faction; my understanding is that any character on Holodeck will be able to claim them if you get to T3 on either faction on Tribble. (Salami Inferno may step in to correct me on that, one, though, so don't take that as definitive...)
If you don't use it but have earned it prior to the system going live on Holodeck, you should still be able to claim your white bridge officer.
Spreading these out is a continuing work in progress. I expect more iterations of this before we go live. That being said, it is the design of the system for some traits and some specializations to be only nichely or situationally useful, and some being much more popular.
Thanks again for the replies, Heretic, keep up the great work, we appreciate it
Reach L31 - Get Dilithium (as w/Feds, the amount is undetermined, but "meaningful").
Reach L51 - Get a Bonus Ship Slot and a Unique Title that is different from the Fed's award title.
Just FYI.
I would really like to take this as a definitive, so could we please get a definitive, 'definitive' answer. I have reached T3 in Diplomacy and even though i set assignments every night before bed, i don't see myself ever getting T2 in anything else (i am close to T1 in Military now).
I have put as much time as i can into testing on Tribble, but university comes first and i am swamped with work. I would just like some 'set-in-stone' clarification on this matter, once and for all, just to put my mind at ease, if thats okay.
And thank you for all of your wonderful work Heretic, i truly adore the Duty Officer System.
As I understand it, there's gonna be a reshuffling on either Tue or Thursday this week to bring the diplomacy Xp in line with the rest of the commendations, so...if you want your special doff, diplomacy is easiest atm.
This. Wins the thread.
Salami just confirmed this, so barring any changes from higher up the food chain, this is our plan.
I would like to thank the Academy, the wonderful Heretic who i could not have done this without, William Shatner, the cast of Firefly...*embraces and holds aloft a Gold Doff Award*
Thank you for your response Heretic, and thank Salami too.
And i meant what i said, it truly is a wonderful addition to STO. I'm swamped with work (and a horrible cold) at the moment, so since Sunday all i've been able to do is assign Doffs and check back with them the night after. The fact that i have gone from the latter part of Captain 8 to RA 1 this evening whilst orbiting ESD is testament to how incredible this is to STO players. To be able to level during those times when free time is not in abundance is something i've felt missing in this game (and many other games i might add). I simply can not wait for this to go live and i will miss a good few of my current Doffs when it finally does.
And while i still have a few issues here and there with this whole F2P Matrix and so on, its hard not to remain positive about the future when you get to sample such a wonderful feature as this. Along with the F2P Blogs and the fact that feedback has been noted and addressed, i am smiling at the moment (despite a runny nose).
Keep up the good work
Excellent! Thanks for the response!
This would add some more variety between DOffs without requiring more traits to be added.
May I suggest that the "tweak" might have gone a tad too random... might have over corrected a bit... a lot of missions want the Diplomacy trait..
Aside from small glitches (stated rewards not directly matching earnt rewards - eg: submitted bug about receiving dual heavy phaser cannon when the mission said dual heavy disruptor cannon, and other issues mentioned here previously) this system feels really solid. It makes you feel like you really are a captain of a large group of people, not just the couple that follow you around when you go wandering around on the ground.
The DOFF assignment process itself puts me in mind of the Assassin's Guild missions in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - which I loved - and now leaves me hoping you'll add an "Oh Sh!*" button like AC:B had - one that would summon all your ground assigned DOFFs to join the fray until the current mob is dealt with (with the chance of them actually dying for good).
I agree with previous statements about more post-mission info being a must, and I think you're already a long way there. But you know what? I'd be damned happy to see the system hit Holodeck even in it's current, mildly glitchy, state
Really awesome work, Cryptic. Now about that new hair tech...
I place him right beside my other tribbles. Sure there cannot go anything wrong!
Feel better soon.
Thank you, thats very kind.
I'm a little better now. Monday was my worst day by far. I still have chills up and down my arms and back, and when i sniff, i snort lol, which is very attractive Hopefully i will be back to normal soon.
And while i still don't have much time during these week days, i am currently RA4 now thanks to the Duty Officers. I have 20 Assignments running at the moment, with around 12 i think completed by tomorrow night after i get back from uni, and that should put me to RA5. I should be able to do the last few levels over Friday and Saturday.
I'm hoping to have a look at the STF's then and maybe carry on with my KDF test character (Cm5 at the moment). Again this one is being leveled solely via the Duty Officer System, and while it is very slow compared to my Fed, the fact that you can earn XP is so good
I was gonna buy a get well soon card, but TRIBBLE that...I want a Feel Better NOW card "Demetri Martin"
Not a Purple tribble?
Wouldn't one that eats other tribbles actually be the top of the tribble food chain, hence necessitating the highest color grade?
I think they decided to hide that aspect of things - it was creating confusion because in the rest of the game, quality and rarity are linked, where with doffs a white very rare was still still just a white, everything except obtaining new ones is driven by quality.
It's still there, but we hid it since it wasn't affecting anything other than collectability and was mostly confusing people.
That way, instead of searching out through my chat log for names, and then looking in the long list, I can go straight to and see what I just got.
The "Request Duty Officers" tab currently does exactly this. Note that if you navigate away from that tab the list will be cleared.
has someone made a master list yet?
I'm working on some spreadsheets of the ones I've come across so far. I've added the Fed DOff vendor, but not the KDF vendor yet.
I was merely curiuos. Thanks for the efforts!
I hoping that once a master listed is viewed, we (as players) may find that certain afeared DOff abilities (like the BFI heal boost) will be seen to have countering DOff abilities that can offset thier advantages, thus alieviating certain player fears of thier OPness in PvP.
Alss, does anybody know how to take a DOff off ship assingment?
I have a Green Chef and wish to make baked tribble but he is assigned as ship Chef (i guess- he shows in the roster) but I cannot use him for the missions.
I had to return to the "recruiting" areas (ESD, ESD orbit, SFA mainly) often in the hopes of hitting a cadre assignment. Even then I was unable to do any Espionage and many Military missions because I never had appropriate DOffs.
I seriously doubt the DOff system escaped the gross monetization the rest of the F2P Beta is afflicted with, so it's probably a safe bet that buying DOff packs is an intentional (and encouraged) part of the design. Of course, since the DOff system is actually fun, playing it for days or weeks on end doesn't seem grindy. Kudos to Heretic for that.