I have both a BoP and a Raptor, and I find I have much more fun in the Raptor - the amount of forward damage that my baby can put out is nothing short of astonishing.
I have a BOP and a Cruiser at the General level and I flew a K'Tinga (for nostaglia reasons) at Commander. The BOP for me is awesome and I often end up doing the most damage in PVP. Mostlybecause I use two science officers an engineer officer and a tactical Lt in the universal slots. But I may try out the raptor for TRIBBLE's and giggles, just to give it another chance.
But the key to a BOP is the universal slots, as a tac officer my toon uses the powers of the other classes to bring the juice into the fight, but I agree it is all about style.
This is what works for me
Tactical Consoles 3+cannons 1+polaron
1 pol DHC 1pol DBB 1 Phaser DHC 1 Quan torp front
1 Pol turret 1 pol beam array 1 phaser turret
ens- HY1, BO1, TacTeam1
lt HY2, TarENGINEsys2
LTC-APO1, CSV2(apo1 serves to break tractor among others)
ENG- MONOtitanium(+KINETIC res), Neutronium(+energy/Kinetic resist), ENgine+6
ET1(hull repair and resist), RSP (shield immunity and replenish)
SCI HAZ SYSTEMx2(inc PH1 and Haz Emitters)
PH1(energy resist+ immunity to TRACTOR BEAM), HE1 or 2(Hull HOT + Kinetic Damage Resist)
Engine- Hyper-Impulse [aux] with [spd] or [turn]= this is greatly important when evasive+eng batt + full engine power to get out of focus fire
Deflector- Positronic with +38 emitters
Shield- "MY" Preference is Resilient, why?...+5% absorption,5% bleedthrough(i am taking even less damage from all sources.)
Eng Batteries, Shield Batteries
100/25/40/35(it is higher with spec and whatnot)
Throttle= full throttle
If you dont know by now your Defense= Throttle position+ Engine Power-mine is 60.2-65%.......this means 65% chance of opponents shots to miss......Key is to take minimal damage while causing massive chaos type damage. The player will also need to realize..RAPTOR's are not tanks.....deal as much as you can evasive and regroup. I still c escorts and Raptors and BOP's park and shoot...and explode shortly therafter.
anyways there is what works and a few observations...take it or leave it...I DONT CARE.
Happy Hunting,
Sto'Vo'Kor Fleet Diplomat
In speccing with 9 points in cannons unlocks RF3 all the rest of the abilities CAN be trained at the Training officer at Qo'Nos or ESD(i just threw up mentioning that for feddies) but i do need a challenge every once and awhile.
Keep those numbers in your mind. that is the power settings you will have(as a base) when you select attack then minimalize shield power. This is what I chose as a basis of ESCORT hunting as what most desent escort pilots will be flying cause they want to do the most damage.
Next i thought which of the subsytems, if taken off line , has the least amount of counters to restore it.
Shield SUbsystem......need i post all the shield replenish abilities
Weapon subsys......waste of time
Aux subsystem......too situational based
I chose and specced for phaser, disruptor, quantum, and polaron
Phaser( chance of taking 1 random subsys offline) yay
Polaron(-25 power lvls all subsys) yay
disruptor(10% damage resist debuff) yay but not as cool as above 2.
IT works try it for a week for me and post your results.
You may even be able to catch me off guard(if you are a feddie reading this. this spec works for the defiant as well)
Give me a challenge.
Happy Hunting
Sto'Vo'Kor Fleet
P.S. in your opening volley VS. a group of feds I suggest using CSV2 and no other buffs to get the group to ALL pop there defensive abilites while freaking out then use rsp, evasive+engine battery + full engine power fly in a staight line to max distance cloak and come back. this should allow the other klingons behind you to take out the group rather easily cause the feddies will have used thier highest mitigation abilities.
Might be a good idea to pop BFI and PH1 and APO to make survival of this tactic possible.
Is it relevant for you to call individuals names in the thread? No, perhaps next time you should think about what you wrote and be far more polite. I recognize what i did was wrong, though there is no reason for you to call names. Therefore i have reported you for your remark towards me.
As for the topic, yes i was wrong to say what i did however to answer the header of the question. I like the Raptor, it is an unique ship however it would be nice to see far more diversity to the design and more customization.
Why do I fly a Raptor? TO be honest I keep changing ships. I used to fly my Raptor, then switched to a Negh'var, then tried a BoP and then came back to Raptor. I no longer used the BoP but I often switch between Negh'var and Raptor. I'm a Tactical Officer and no ship has more firepower than a Raptor. I usually use the AUX setting until I get witin 4km of my target and then switch to WEAPONS just prior to decloaking. BO + CRF at this range will drop the shields in mere seconds and I then just fire a tricobalt. 9 times out of 10 this will result in a clean kill. Evasive maneuvers and re-cloak complete the attack strategy. Watch out for science vessels with FBP however
Using this strategy is also very good with Borg probes and Breen Plesh frigates. Target the center one and the tricolbatlt AoE will do the rest. 3 kills in one shot.
I fly the Raptor for a couple of different reasons
It is sturdy with a base hull strength (BG) of 33K, 3K shy of a fed cruiser base strangth. The BoP has a base of 24K making it fragile IMHO.
It has greater firepower and more console support versus the BoP. Granted, the universal Boff slots give the BoP a great deal of flexibility in how it is configured (I personally us an EN Boff in the CDR slot), the Raptor is a pure Tactical Ship w/ standard console support...enables additional specing on board that the BoP does not have.
The BoP has the best turn rate of any ship in the game. Nothing compares to it, not even a Raptor; however, the Raptor has a very respectable turn rate and can turn as well as my Fed Escort.
I fly the Raptor for a couple of different reasons
It is sturdy with a base hull strength (BG) of 33K, 3K shy of a fed cruiser base strangth. The BoP has a base of 24K making it fragile IMHO.
It has greater firepower and more console support versus the BoP. Granted, the universal Boff slots give the BoP a great deal of flexibility in how it is configured (I personally us an EN Boff in the CDR slot), the Raptor is a pure Tactical Ship w/ standard console support...enables additional specing on board that the BoP does not have.
The BoP has the best turn rate of any ship in the game. Nothing compares to it, not even a Raptor; however, the Raptor has a very respectable turn rate and can turn as well as my Fed Escort.
I agree, it is rather diverse to a certain degree in its configuration, which i personally like alot and i think that is why and i couldn't pin point what i was trying to say about what i liked in regards to the Raptor.
I fly the Raptor for a couple of different reasons
It is sturdy with a base hull strength (BG) of 33K, 3K shy of a fed cruiser base strangth. The BoP has a base of 24K making it fragile IMHO.
I think you mean 3k shy of a Negh'var (Klingon cruiser - 36k base hull) as all the Fed cruisers all have 39k base hull.
It has greater firepower and more console support versus the BoP. Granted, the universal Boff slots give the BoP a great deal of flexibility in how it is configured (I personally us an EN Boff in the CDR slot), the Raptor is a pure Tactical Ship w/ standard console support...enables additional specing on board that the BoP does not have.
Agreed... for a tac, Raptor is the *serious* option
The BoP has the best turn rate of any ship in the game. Nothing compares to it, not even a Raptor; however, the Raptor has a very respectable turn rate and can turn as well as my Fed Escort.
Indeed, except for the Defiant retrofit which turns significantly tighter.
A new pilot here... I liked the looks (thanks to Spidermitch for showing me!) and swithced to raptor from my K'Tanco. I then simply fell in love with the handling and damage potential.
Why Raptor?
I like how it looks. I like how it behaves under fire. I like the damage it can do and yet how vulnerable it can be. Be ever vigilant and think about your tactics or die often , its that simple (a rule that applies for all vessels and classes though).
To be sincere, at first, since STO was announced, I wanted to fly a different ship. First of all, of course, Bird of Prey a design that I loved since Undiscovered Country (first ST-movie I watched). Another was a Neghvar. Beautiful spacecraft, flagman of the Empire a colossal titan of Dominion War (pity, they did not show much of it in DS9). Later, though, it turned out that NeghVar is a vessel primary for engineering class and not for tactical. BoP was excellent, quick but lacked hull and weapons strength for my taste (taste, and limited PvP skills... "premature battle cloak/uncloak"). So, reluctantly, at first, I chose Raptor.
Now, being Captain 7, after many PvE missions and certain amount of PvP combat (despite my victories are greatly outnumbered by losses STO space battles are simply great) Raptor is exelent vessel to fly.
Maybe, one day, Cryptic will finally create huge PvP zones without annoying queues. And there, hundreds of ships will clash into battle like in glorious days of Dominion War. Raptors, by all means, among them.
I will buy BoP5 tier 5 and NeghVar anyway, when my character hit General rank. Beautiful ships.
I love my raptor. As a engineering officer i often find myself alive after a heated pvp battle. Recently been pvping with a pack of raptor pilots...the kill ratio is simply awesome until you meet a fed cruiser ball and its a looooong battle. Against a pre made its usually a tough fight but against pugs its usually 1 sided. But then i'm only a cmdr. So that might change as i rank up. But hey..DBB + Beam Overload and HYT with plasma torp and 1km range...ouch i say. Plus with EPtS and RSF. I can usually limp out alive hehe. I still don't understand why i have polarize hull......
I still don't understand why i have polarize hull......
As a raptor, you can get by with AP:O to break tractor beam locks. I just have PH on my BoP because my cmdr and lt cmdr slots are currently in use with non-tacs.
Whereas a BoP is all agility and alpha strikes and no skin and the Battle Cruiser is a powerful but slow turning brick wall of pain and fedball-busting fury, the Raptor, for me, takes the best of both the BoP and BC and combines them into one ship. I can alpha strike & run OR I can hang with the BCs and help drain shields and hammer away at the Sci ships to speed up the massacre.
But then again, i'm only a Commander.
It's also a good choice for someone who is used to playing Fed as it is the Escort of the bunch.
Picked one up last night when one of my alts hit Lt. Cdr. I liked the idea of my character in one as opposed to the cruiser, and I am just loving the thing. Right now, it rips through shields like nothing. I might stick with Raptors for a while
I climbed in one a couple of days ago so I could TRIBBLE around in something a little different and a little less lolOP than the BoP:rolleyes:. I don't know what I think about it yet. Obviously there are a few people out there who can use it well but so far I'm not happy with my own performance in it. I do miss my battle cloak but the extra hull has been really nice when I've scored a decent team (or at least had some decent people flying around me for support).
On a related note, I'm not really fond of the way it looks. It's an ugly ship. I'd rather, if I was going to stick with it for a bit longer, have a BoP skin for it, lol.
I do miss my battle cloak but the extra hull has been really nice when I've scored a decent team (or at least had some decent people flying around me for support).
Yes a good team makes it shine. If you don't have a good team I recommend lots of movement batteries.
Attack patterns ftw!
Can't wait until my next rank...
But the key to a BOP is the universal slots, as a tac officer my toon uses the powers of the other classes to bring the juice into the fight, but I agree it is all about style.
Tactical Consoles 3+cannons 1+polaron
1 pol DHC 1pol DBB 1 Phaser DHC 1 Quan torp front
1 Pol turret 1 pol beam array 1 phaser turret
ens- HY1, BO1, TacTeam1
lt HY2, TarENGINEsys2
LTC-APO1, CSV2(apo1 serves to break tractor among others)
ENG- MONOtitanium(+KINETIC res), Neutronium(+energy/Kinetic resist), ENgine+6
ET1(hull repair and resist), RSP (shield immunity and replenish)
SCI HAZ SYSTEMx2(inc PH1 and Haz Emitters)
PH1(energy resist+ immunity to TRACTOR BEAM), HE1 or 2(Hull HOT + Kinetic Damage Resist)
Engine- Hyper-Impulse [aux] with [spd] or [turn]= this is greatly important when evasive+eng batt + full engine power to get out of focus fire
Deflector- Positronic with +38 emitters
Shield- "MY" Preference is Resilient, why?...+5% absorption,5% bleedthrough(i am taking even less damage from all sources.)
Eng Batteries, Shield Batteries
100/25/40/35(it is higher with spec and whatnot)
Throttle= full throttle
If you dont know by now your Defense= Throttle position+ Engine Power-mine is 60.2-65%.......this means 65% chance of opponents shots to miss......Key is to take minimal damage while causing massive chaos type damage. The player will also need to realize..RAPTOR's are not tanks.....deal as much as you can evasive and regroup. I still c escorts and Raptors and BOP's park and shoot...and explode shortly therafter.
anyways there is what works and a few observations...take it or leave it...I DONT CARE.
Happy Hunting,
Sto'Vo'Kor Fleet Diplomat
In speccing with 9 points in cannons unlocks RF3 all the rest of the abilities CAN be trained at the Training officer at Qo'Nos or ESD(i just threw up mentioning that for feddies) but i do need a challenge every once and awhile.
Keep those numbers in your mind. that is the power settings you will have(as a base) when you select attack then minimalize shield power. This is what I chose as a basis of ESCORT hunting as what most desent escort pilots will be flying cause they want to do the most damage.
Next i thought which of the subsytems, if taken off line , has the least amount of counters to restore it.
Shield SUbsystem......need i post all the shield replenish abilities
Weapon subsys......waste of time
Aux subsystem......too situational based
I chose and specced for phaser, disruptor, quantum, and polaron
Phaser( chance of taking 1 random subsys offline) yay
Polaron(-25 power lvls all subsys) yay
disruptor(10% damage resist debuff) yay but not as cool as above 2.
IT works try it for a week for me and post your results.
You may even be able to catch me off guard(if you are a feddie reading this. this spec works for the defiant as well)
Give me a challenge.
Happy Hunting
Sto'Vo'Kor Fleet
P.S. in your opening volley VS. a group of feds I suggest using CSV2 and no other buffs to get the group to ALL pop there defensive abilites while freaking out then use rsp, evasive+engine battery + full engine power fly in a staight line to max distance cloak and come back. this should allow the other klingons behind you to take out the group rather easily cause the feddies will have used thier highest mitigation abilities.
Might be a good idea to pop BFI and PH1 and APO to make survival of this tactic possible.
Please read the forum header before you post a non-helpful POST IN THE RAPTOR FORUMS.
Get a CLUE. This forum is not about the vor'cha refit.
Sto'Vo'Kor Fleet Diplomat
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the [URL=" http://forums.startrekonline.com/announcement.php?f=70&a=2"]Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines[/URL] ~InfoNinja
Is it relevant for you to call individuals names in the thread? No, perhaps next time you should think about what you wrote and be far more polite. I recognize what i did was wrong, though there is no reason for you to call names. Therefore i have reported you for your remark towards me.
As for the topic, yes i was wrong to say what i did however to answer the header of the question. I like the Raptor, it is an unique ship however it would be nice to see far more diversity to the design and more customization.
Using this strategy is also very good with Borg probes and Breen Plesh frigates. Target the center one and the tricolbatlt AoE will do the rest. 3 kills in one shot.
It is sturdy with a base hull strength (BG) of 33K, 3K shy of a fed cruiser base strangth. The BoP has a base of 24K making it fragile IMHO.
It has greater firepower and more console support versus the BoP. Granted, the universal Boff slots give the BoP a great deal of flexibility in how it is configured (I personally us an EN Boff in the CDR slot), the Raptor is a pure Tactical Ship w/ standard console support...enables additional specing on board that the BoP does not have.
The BoP has the best turn rate of any ship in the game. Nothing compares to it, not even a Raptor; however, the Raptor has a very respectable turn rate and can turn as well as my Fed Escort.
I agree, it is rather diverse to a certain degree in its configuration, which i personally like alot and i think that is why and i couldn't pin point what i was trying to say about what i liked in regards to the Raptor.
I think you mean 3k shy of a Negh'var (Klingon cruiser - 36k base hull) as all the Fed cruisers all have 39k base hull.
Agreed... for a tac, Raptor is the *serious* option
Indeed, except for the Defiant retrofit which turns significantly tighter.
I like how it looks. I like how it behaves under fire. I like the damage it can do and yet how vulnerable it can be. Be ever vigilant and think about your tactics or die often , its that simple (a rule that applies for all vessels and classes though).
To be sincere, at first, since STO was announced, I wanted to fly a different ship. First of all, of course, Bird of Prey a design that I loved since Undiscovered Country (first ST-movie I watched). Another was a Neghvar. Beautiful spacecraft, flagman of the Empire a colossal titan of Dominion War (pity, they did not show much of it in DS9). Later, though, it turned out that NeghVar is a vessel primary for engineering class and not for tactical. BoP was excellent, quick but lacked hull and weapons strength for my taste (taste, and limited PvP skills... "premature battle cloak/uncloak"). So, reluctantly, at first, I chose Raptor.
Now, being Captain 7, after many PvE missions and certain amount of PvP combat (despite my victories are greatly outnumbered by losses STO space battles are simply great) Raptor is exelent vessel to fly.
Maybe, one day, Cryptic will finally create huge PvP zones without annoying queues. And there, hundreds of ships will clash into battle like in glorious days of Dominion War. Raptors, by all means, among them.
I will buy BoP5 tier 5 and NeghVar anyway, when my character hit General rank. Beautiful ships.
As a raptor, you can get by with AP:O to break tractor beam locks. I just have PH on my BoP because my cmdr and lt cmdr slots are currently in use with non-tacs.
It hits the pocket.
Whereas a BoP is all agility and alpha strikes and no skin and the Battle Cruiser is a powerful but slow turning brick wall of pain and fedball-busting fury, the Raptor, for me, takes the best of both the BoP and BC and combines them into one ship. I can alpha strike & run OR I can hang with the BCs and help drain shields and hammer away at the Sci ships to speed up the massacre.
But then again, i'm only a Commander.
It's also a good choice for someone who is used to playing Fed as it is the Escort of the bunch.
- Best offense.
- TRIBBLE defense.
- Cloak for first strike but not running.
Oh, and it looks mean.
On a related note, I'm not really fond of the way it looks. It's an ugly ship. I'd rather, if I was going to stick with it for a bit longer, have a BoP skin for it, lol.
Yes a good team makes it shine. If you don't have a good team I recommend lots of movement batteries.