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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Alendiak wrote:
    Not really, if he leaves the match there's a chance of someone else joining it.

    Yes, but it's even more rare for an entire team of 5 to just decide to not respawn then it is for 4 players to keep at it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    mvs5191 wrote: »
    Leaving the match because it's a lost cause not only screws you over, but the opposing team as well.

    Suppose you're the last one left, or everyone else on your team takes your message and leaves as well? What's the other team supposed to do? Sit there, 14-X, and have wasted all of that time?

    well if I'm the last one... I'm not concerned about the other 14 players on the klingon side..

    Here's what I ran into last night.. Capture and hold... three of us warped in.. Then one fed warped out.. leaving us with two on fed side.. I announced the departer told the others that myself and the other fed player weren't going to come out.. then five more fed players came in.. I then informed them a fed team had formed with a large base and we came out. Simple as that.. :) It was a close match too.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    Here's what I ran into last night.. Capture and hold... three of us warped in.. Then one fed warped out.. leaving us with two on fed side.. I announced the departer told the others that myself and the other fed player weren't going to come out.. then five more fed players came in.. I then informed them a fed team had formed with a large base and we came out. Simple as that.. :) It was a close match too.
    Okay so what is the worst that can happen? you die a few times, respawn and the match is over.
    I mean you still get the same rewards as the other team that stomped you right? leaving the match will just make the other team mad, and possibly your own team mates.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Hammel105 wrote: »
    Okay so what is the worst that can happen? you die a few times, respawn and the match is over.
    I mean you still get the same rewards as the other team that stomped you right? leaving the match will just make the other team mad, and possibly your own team mates.

    There's another reason to stay. It gives you valuable practice against a very coordinated group. I've seen no win scenarios as both the stompee and the stomper, from my fed and klings. You just might take out one of their guys, and sometimes that one victory amidst defeats tastes sweeter than being on the other fence rolling over PvE'ers.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    gx4th wrote: »
    There's another reason to stay. It gives you valuable practice against a very coordinated group. I've seen no win scenarios as both the stompee and the stomper, from my fed and klings. You just might take out one of their guys, and sometimes that one victory amidst defeats tastes sweeter than being on the other fence rolling over PvE'ers.

    ^^ Perfect. Well done, Sir. :cool:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    gx4th wrote: »
    There's another reason to stay. It gives you valuable practice against a very coordinated group. I've seen no win scenarios as both the stompee and the stomper, from my fed and klings. You just might take out one of their guys, and sometimes that one victory amidst defeats tastes sweeter than being on the other fence rolling over PvE'ers.

    Hard pressed to take out one KDF amongst a gang of them LOL. Look guys I understand what your saying. However I just won't be some one's punching bag.. Its not in me to let people pound on me. You don't learn a damn thing with three or four people constantly gunning you down..

    You do learn doing 1v1 and even 2v1.. but when there's an armada of KDF on your TRIBBLE.. I'm sorry thats just not practicle to stick around. Especially if you respawn and your getting nailed on top of the respawn pt from all sides, which happens with cracked planet alot. If there's only two or three Feds vs six or eight KDF.. yeah I'll just stay and collect merits. It would be no different if feds out numbered a KDF team 7 to 2 and camped a KDF station.. its just not fun being on the end of that kind of game play. I don't believe in camping a spawn, I don't believe in trash talking an outnumbered team. I guess thats just a sense of fair play that I have. Shoot me if I don't hold to some of your personal ideals about how this game is played and how I should play it.

    That aside, again I am greatful for the assistence rendered to get me on the straight and narrow with a build.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    Hard pressed to take out one KDF amongst a gang of them LOL. Look guys I understand what your saying. However I just won't be some one's punching bag.. Its not in me to let people pound on me. You don't learn a damn thing with three or four people constantly gunning you down..

    You do learn doing 1v1 and even 2v1.. but when there's an armada of KDF on your TRIBBLE.. I'm sorry thats just not practicle to stick around. Especially if you respawn and your getting nailed on top of the respawn pt from all sides, which happens with cracked planet alot. If there's only two or three Feds vs six or eight KDF.. yeah I'll just stay and collect merits. It would be no different if feds out numbered a KDF team 7 to 2 and camped a KDF station.. its just not fun being on the end of that kind of game play. I don't believe in camping a spawn, I don't believe in trash talking an outnumbered team. I guess thats just a sense of fair play that I have. Shoot me if I don't hold to some of your personal ideals about how this game is played and how I should play it.

    That aside, again I am greatful for the assistence rendered to get me on the straight and narrow with a build.

    lol some of the best times i have had in game is 1 vs 5 or more. but i do have an understanding of the game. i cant take them all out buy one maybe two ok will one =)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    Shoot me if I don't hold to some of your personal ideals about how this game is played and how I should play it.
    I see... Challenge accepted :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    Hard pressed to take out one KDF amongst a gang of them LOL. Look guys I understand what your saying. However I just won't be some one's punching bag.. Its not in me to let people pound on me. You don't learn a damn thing with three or four people constantly gunning you down..

    You do learn doing 1v1 and even 2v1.. but when there's an armada of KDF on your TRIBBLE.. I'm sorry thats just not practicle to stick around. Especially if you respawn and your getting nailed on top of the respawn pt from all sides, which happens with cracked planet alot. If there's only two or three Feds vs six or eight KDF.. yeah I'll just stay and collect merits. It would be no different if feds out numbered a KDF team 7 to 2 and camped a KDF station.. its just not fun being on the end of that kind of game play. I don't believe in camping a spawn, I don't believe in trash talking an outnumbered team. I guess thats just a sense of fair play that I have. Shoot me if I don't hold to some of your personal ideals about how this game is played and how I should play it.

    That aside, again I am greatful for the assistence rendered to get me on the straight and narrow with a build.

    I'm not saying you should stay in or warp out. I'm not here to debate the ethics of the matter, because frankly a lot of us (myself included) are lacking in it. We can be jerks both when we're the ones being shot and when we're the ones shooting. I don't apologize for my tactics just like I don't expect others to for their tactics.

    No, you can't control what those klingons do, what they say, and how they feel when they're shooting you. Just like they can't control whether you warp out or not.

    The only person I can fully control is me, so I just take my beatings as learning tools, along with every fight I've been on in PvP. Just enjoy the game with its good and bad moments and apply the experience to new tactics and builds.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    Hard pressed to take out one KDF amongst a gang of them LOL. Look guys I understand what your saying. However I just won't be some one's punching bag.. Its not in me to let people pound on me. You don't learn a damn thing with three or four people constantly gunning you down..

    You do learn doing 1v1 and even 2v1.. but when there's an armada of KDF on your TRIBBLE.. I'm sorry thats just not practicle to stick around. Especially if you respawn and your getting nailed on top of the respawn pt from all sides, which happens with cracked planet alot. If there's only two or three Feds vs six or eight KDF.. yeah I'll just stay and collect merits. It would be no different if feds out numbered a KDF team 7 to 2 and camped a KDF station.. its just not fun being on the end of that kind of game play. I don't believe in camping a spawn, I don't believe in trash talking an outnumbered team. I guess thats just a sense of fair play that I have. Shoot me if I don't hold to some of your personal ideals about how this game is played and how I should play it.

    That aside, again I am greatful for the assistence rendered to get me on the straight and narrow with a build.

    Hmmm... you say that "you don't learn a damn thing..." and that is a problem. If "three or four people" are attacking you ask yourself why you are in that position. Are you working with others as a team? Are you communicating to that team? Why are you in a situation by yourself and multiple opponents? Also spawn camping mostly happens when you don't move away from the spawn point or don't move away far enough before engaging the enemy. Unless you are in a C&H you shouldn't be in a 7 vs 2; teams in arenas are mostly even, i say mostly because there are some who warp out :D. So yeah, I'd say there are a lot of lessons to be learned that you haven't yet. It isn't all space bar pounding and mouse clicking. And your sense of "fair play" seems like a buffet where you pick and choose what you like. I mean spawn camping is bad but ruining a match by leaving because you are losing isn't?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    Hard pressed to take out one KDF amongst a gang of them LOL. Look guys I understand what your saying. However I just won't be some one's punching bag.. Its not in me to let people pound on me. You don't learn a damn thing with three or four people constantly gunning you down..

    You do learn doing 1v1 and even 2v1.. but when there's an armada of KDF on your TRIBBLE.. I'm sorry thats just not practicle to stick around. Especially if you respawn and your getting nailed on top of the respawn pt from all sides, which happens with cracked planet alot. If there's only two or three Feds vs six or eight KDF.. yeah I'll just stay and collect merits. It would be no different if feds out numbered a KDF team 7 to 2 and camped a KDF station.. its just not fun being on the end of that kind of game play. I don't believe in camping a spawn, I don't believe in trash talking an outnumbered team. I guess thats just a sense of fair play that I have. Shoot me if I don't hold to some of your personal ideals about how this game is played and how I should play it.

    That aside, again I am greatful for the assistence rendered to get me on the straight and narrow with a build.

    Let me ask you this....would you hold back if the odds were in favor of the team you are on? Or would you blast those poor,poor Klingons anyway....you know,payback for all the butthurt they gave you?:rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    SHARKFORCE wrote: »
    Let me ask you this....would you hold back if the odds were in favor of the team you are on? Or would you blast those poor,poor Klingons anyway....you know,payback for all the butthurt they gave you?:rolleyes:

    I was in a match today where the feds outnumbered Klingons. We drove the Klingons back to the base. I stayed a far enough distance away that any Klingon player could get out of there, a prep for a fight. The other feds.. ehh they were still all over the station. I don't play like. I don't spawn camp. Sorry not my thing:cool:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Victory275 wrote: »
    Hmmm... you say that "you don't learn a damn thing..." and that is a problem. If "three or four people" are attacking you ask yourself why you are in that position. Are you working with others as a team? Are you communicating to that team? Why are you in a situation by yourself and multiple opponents? Also spawn camping mostly happens when you don't move away from the spawn point or don't move away far enough before engaging the enemy. Unless you are in a C&H you shouldn't be in a 7 vs 2; teams in arenas are mostly even, i say mostly because there are some who warp out :D. So yeah, I'd say there are a lot of lessons to be learned that you haven't yet. It isn't all space bar pounding and mouse clicking. And your sense of "fair play" seems like a buffet where you pick and choose what you like. I mean spawn camping is bad but ruining a match by leaving because you are losing isn't?

    Victory275. well of late, since the getting some new things, and modified a few bridge officers, I'm more durrable so I last a bit longer. Today I ended up being the last target of the matches so yeah I ended up being in the middle of a "Custer's Last Stand" scenario. Thats ok.. I dont mind that. Thats a now win situation so I try to hang tight until reenforcements arrive back from spawning. If I don't, hey thems the breaks. I've gotten use to that Bop Ram and fire routine and come up with a decent counter to it when I think its in the works.

    As to the battles... Let me tell you of an old saying... "Pick your battles don't let the battles pick you" ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    As far as i can tell, you were un-aware of just how to play your ship. Let me give you a few pointers(from a BoP captain)

    1- A BoP has an average of 5 seconds at peak firepower, after 15 or so seconds the tide turns against him
    2- to stop a BoP in his tracs use photonic shockwave, then tractor beam or gravity well him, and if you can warp plasma
    3- dont be alone, a BoP ambush is tough to survive 1 on 1, and BoPs work best in Squads

    A clever BoP captain can get out of most situations, i actually renamed my Ship the IKS GINGERBREAD MAN for my knack of getting out by the skin of my teeth. My experience is that i am not hard to kill, just hard to catch long enough to kill.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    A clever BoP captain can get out of most situations, i actually renamed my Ship the IKS GINGERBREAD MAN for my knack of getting out by the skin of my teeth. My experience is that i am not hard to kill, just hard to catch long enough to kill.

    I saw a player toon named " security escort III" once. I also named on of my ships U.S.S. SNB. Figured between trying to pick out the players using SNB and trying to call out the ship SNB, the other side would be frustrated or confused when someone says SNB. Maybe fire a random ST for no reason. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    [OrganizedPVP] Talo Crixx@Jesse_Heinig: Can I call you BJ? Everyone loves BJs
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    [OrganizedPVP] Talo Crixx@Jesse_Heinig: Can I call you BJ? Everyone loves BJs

    They are wholesale!
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