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KDF Fire Power

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited June 2011 in PvP Gameplay
Ok.. so a few weeks ago I got into a tiff about OP KDF fire power vs that of Fed.. Sooo I took a few days away from the forums here and thought... and thought...

Shortly after a pvp match I had a KDF member challenge me to a 1v1 to see if my build was Fubar.. (I'm no master at this game, but like every Capt. Good or Bad.. Fed or Klingon I accepted) So we went at it.. I was ina Nebula class vessel. He ate me up.. Went through my shields like nothing, and I struggled to even break his. I was using all purped weapons and he was in the green. I had purp shields, engine and deflector.. nothing seemed to work.. I even switched to offensive mode.. nope couldn't punch a hole in him. Sooo I switched ships. I chose the long range recon vessel. I lasted much longer and it went back and forth for a bit, but I was in def mode and couldn't do much damage to him.. I just pretty much stalled him. In offensive mode.. much the same..

I then switched to an an Assault Cruiser, tougher hull str, and two more weapon slots. I find myself doing better in this ship, but my shields still drop rapidly.. even when just fighting a Bop for cryn' out loud. It appears their weapon cycle is faster than mine.. notice I said appears.. I'm still seeing a struggle to get through the shields even against a bop and I can't figure it out... (Please all those with smart TRIBBLE comments like "You Suck", "Your Build Sucks", "Learn to Play Your Ship") don't respond because if I wanted a child's opinon I'd ask my GF's 9 yr old.

Now I'm going to get back on and trump about KDF Drones.. Now look just hear me out.. is all I ask. I'm going to guess at the number of drones a KDF Carrier gets at being 5. Now lets put two KDF carriers two Cruisers and one Bop in a match with two Star Cruisers, Two Cruisers and One Sci ship.

KDF FIre power is: Ten drones with two weapons.. each thats twenty beam weapons alone. Then there's the Carrier's weapons at being eight each that sixteen... So just two ships with drones brings to bear, Thirty Six Weapons. Now two Cruisers at I"m guess four weapon slots fore and aft..another Sixteen weapons bringing the total to 52 weapons to bear. Last the bop which has I'm guessing two forward and two aft..if I recall from my own KDF player.. so we have a total of 56 weapons to bear total.

Fed Side, Two Star Cruisers eight weapons each thatst sixteen weapons together. Two Assault Cruisers thats eight each again total of sixteen, thats sixteen times two.. thirty two weapons to bear and finally a sci ship with three forward and three aft weapons total of six for a grand total of 42 weapons for Fed side and 56 for KDF side.

56 weapons bearing to 42 weapons to bear. So in the words of the show "Deadliest Warrior" advantage goes to KDF!! The drones brought out gives the KDF side with the other ships, 15 ships to the Feds 5. Advantage KDF. Please I welcome correction because I understand I'm no expert at this but I hope you can all see how and why I feel that the KDF bears to much advantage. I believe that when the Federation goes into battle and fights and actually wins, it is at times by sheer luck and I'll toss in there some skill.

Its aggirvating to see my shields eaten up and yet I don't have the power to return the same kind of fire power even when I'm fighting a lesser class ship. It makes no sense to me and so I get nerd rage as I heard some one call it. I'm not here to start a bickering fight and if thats how your going to reply spare me the demonstraition of your age. I'm here to discuss this as a level headed adult and want the same in return.

Now as we all should know that if one society discovers another hostile society has a particular weapon type that they don't have, it stands to reason they would build a weapon to either counter it or match it. So it only stands to reason that the Federation would themselves build carriers as well.

Thanks and I look forward to your responses.
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Oh for frell sakes. Federation does not need a carrier.

    This thread was a pretty good thread until that ending line. you talked as if you learned from your mistakes when fighting the klingons then POW QQ FEDS NEED CARRIER NAO QQ. you really had me going. you had a well thought out story. details like crazy which is something I really like. Changing of ship types. Process of learning. then QQ. seriously. Carriers are quite possibly the easist KDF ship type to kill lately. there is no OPness. Maybe you need to work on your builds some more to be able to take down certain types of ships. Maybe you need to work on your ship a little more. Whatever it is. FEDERATION DOES NOT NEED CARRIERS. We are the federation. Not the damn borg.

    I'm not going to say anymore. I hope the forum goers rip this thread apart.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    If you want help you'll need to provide more information such as the specific items, Boff skills, and most imporatantly tactics you used.

    Your understanding of gear seems to be lacking. For example, "Purple" != best. Sets and/or combo of set items are better than most purples for most things. A green turret w/+accuracy for most cases is better than the same rank turret which is purple, but with only damage boost bonuses.

    Further, turrets fire faster than beams (this isn't a KDF thing). Also CRF increases attack rate of cannons.

    Your Boff skill choices need to have purposes either as one off cournters or as a combo.

    For example TBR is a nice skill vs cannons as it will keep them out of their optimal range while keeping them w/in your beam firing arcs.

    Another option would be to use for Sci ships would be CPB, tach beam, target subsystem shields or BO, and follow with HYT or Tric.

    Tac Team w/shield boosting is a very nice combo for Shield tankers.

    What is it you're trying to do? In your team example you have 4 cruisers and a sci boat. That's little burst DPS firepower and sans team FaW how are you going to finish anything off? Why don't you drop a couple of cruisers and add another sci and an escort for more CC and burst DPS? Is your team organize or PuG? Are you playing C&H, PuGs, or Open PvPvE?


    Less rant more details.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    if you are switching ships without re-speccing, any of my Toons will eat you for lunch. Klingon or Fed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    carriers only have 6 weipons but have 18 fighters or 6 bops and the player bop has 4,3. the fighters are 1/30 a ship and have 1/50 the firepower. they have weipons that are weaker and can be killed with 1-2 shoots and what about all those mines,FF ships, and sic spam? do they not count as weipons? NO FED CARRIER EVER!:mad::mad::mad::mad:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Oh for frell sakes. Federation does not need a carrier.

    This thread was a pretty good thread until that ending line. you talked as if you learned from your mistakes when fighting the klingons then POW QQ FEDS NEED CARRIER NAO QQ. you really had me going. you had a well thought out story. details like crazy which is something I really like. Changing of ship types. Process of learning. then QQ. seriously. Carriers are quite possibly the easist KDF ship type to kill lately. there is no OPness. Maybe you need to work on your builds some more to be able to take down certain types of ships. Maybe you need to work on your ship a little more. Whatever it is. FEDERATION DOES NOT NEED CARRIERS. We are the federation. Not the damn borg.

    I'm not going to say anymore. I hope the forum goers rip this thread apart.

    (this isn't a productive response.. so thanks for not continueing)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    if you are switching ships without re-speccing, any of my Toons will eat you for lunch. Klingon or Fed.

    (Good pt and I failed to see that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    sarhamen wrote: »
    carriers only have 6 weipons but have 18 fighters or 6 bops and the player bop has 4,3. the fighters are 1/30 a ship and have 1/50 the firepower. they have weipons that are weaker and can be killed with 1-2 shoots and what about all those mines,FF ships, and sic spam? do they not count as weipons? NO FED CARRIER EVER!:mad::mad::mad::mad:

    (Weak as they maybe, they still provide an offensive ability, which should not exist if the mother ship gets blown up. They should fade off. The ability to respawn them as fast as they do, I think should warrant a longer cool down. They still provide a greater number of ships to fire against and give the advantage of having to cycle through by rapid tapping of targets. Its clutter to the Advantage of the KDF. If your not going to kill them off when the mother ship gets blown up, then lower the number to three.)

    (Good feedback. thank you)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Iamid wrote:
    If you want help you'll need to provide more information such as the specific items, Boff skills, and most imporatantly tactics you used.

    Your understanding of gear seems to be lacking.

    Absolutely. I always felt that the purps provided the best possible outfitting. When game was launched in open beta then in early launch, grabbing up purps was an indication of the best. They are listed as Very Rare so that should warrant them the better end of loot. If thats not the case, I got rid of some damn nice gear.

    Thanks for the back brief.

    For example, "Purple" != best. Sets and/or combo of set items are better than most purples for most things. A green turret w/+accuracy for most cases is better than the same rank turret which is purple, but with only damage boost bonuses.

    Further, turrets fire faster than beams (this isn't a KDF thing).

    Yeah I understood that..

    Also CRF increases attack rate of cannons.

    Your Boff skill choices need to have purposes either as one off cournters or as a combo.

    For example TBR is a nice skill vs cannons as it will keep them out of their optimal range while keeping them w/in your beam firing arcs.

    Another option would be to use for Sci ships would be CPB, tach beam, target subsystem shields or BO, and follow with HYT or Tric.

    Tac Team w/shield boosting is a very nice combo for Shield tankers.

    What is it you're trying to do? In your team example you have 4 cruisers and a sci boat. That's little burst DPS firepower and sans team FaW how are you going to finish anything off? Why don't you drop a couple of cruisers and add another sci and an escort for more CC and burst DPS? Is your team organize or PuG? Are you playing C&H, PuGs, or Open PvPvE?

    I'm running in open PVP which means all manner of dregs will join.. I'll warp out if I encounter a premade team.. I just refuse to embarass myself by going against a premade team with a rift raft team.

    I'm curiouse as to why SCI ships are touted as having the toughest shields yet mine don't seem to hold up.
    I run with EMP to shields I, Engineer Team II, Hazard Emitters for the hull, I have a sci officer to pump up my shields.. yet they just get ripped into in a 1v1.


    Less rant more details.

    (Thanks again for your comments)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Good Grief...

    Calm down. Ok, you calm, bro?
    Good. Now, read below
    I was ina Nebula class vessel. He ate me up.. Went through my shields like nothing, and I struggled to even break his.
    He was hardening his shields and balancing them. Learn to stack shield and hull resists and heals. A properly played Nebula or ANY cruiser will be very tanky.

    Please, before you get the urge to go into anymore tirades, read up on the powers, learn buff/debuff, etc. Practice by doing, and don't just blatantly say "oh klinks are op!" Fly with the top fed fleets, and against them IF YOU DARE... They will absolutely murder you and not blink while doing it. Ask for help, don't just call out "he's cheating!" "cryptic gave klings OPness!"

    I was using all purped weapons and he was in the green. I had purp shields, engine and deflector.. nothing seemed to work..
    Gear color has NOTHING to do with whether you live or die. Your power selection. timing activation, sense of awareness, and general dogfighting skills will save your bacon whereas just having purple LEET gear will leave you breathing space.

    I pvp with green/blue weapons, just the Aegis set (no borg gears), and I do ok with my BoP. I myself have pasted you a number of times, the name's Rozav and I'm a sci captain. To be honest it was fun shooting you and then seeing zone chat.

    If you want to harden your shields, try this:
    Emergency power to shields > Rotate shield frequency (if engineer) OR Transfer Shield Strength

    Quick shield balancing?
    Tac Team (any grade)

    You want to shoot (burst) someone out of the sky?
    Get an escort
    Attack Pattern Alpha > Attack Pattern Omega / Beta > Beam Overload > Cannon Rapid Fire > High Yield

    Stack, stack, stack abilities.

    This goes double when you have teammates. Stack extend shields + tac team + transfer shield strength on a teammate and he'll thank you.

    Coordinate with another escort for alpha strike? Yes please.

    Learn by doing. I will happily target your ship every chance I get to help you learn the hard way.

    If you level up a KDF captain and put him in a carrier, I will happily target that with my Fed. Even though she's an engineer if she's respecced into escorts she WILL shoot you down as you are now. And if an engineer / escort can shoot you down, Kahless help you when facing very skilled tac / defiant pilots.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    You lack even a basic understanding of the game mechanics. Message me @hurleybird in game if you want some help.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    gx4th wrote: »
    Good Grief...

    Calm down. Ok, you calm, bro?
    Good. Now, read below

    I wasn't nor am I now in a tirade. I went into an indepth explenation of my thoughts and opinon. Understand the difference before you come after me.

    If you want to harden your shields, try this:
    Emergency power to shields > Rotate shield frequency (if engineer) OR Transfer Shield Strength

    Quick shield balancing?
    Tac Team (any grade)

    You want to shoot (burst) someone out of the sky?
    Get an escort
    Attack Pattern Alpha > Attack Pattern Omega / Beta > Beam Overload > Cannon Rapid Fire > High Yield

    Stack, stack, stack abilities.

    This goes double when you have teammates. Stack extend shields + tac team + transfer shield strength on a teammate and he'll thank you.

    Coordinate with another escort for alpha strike? Yes please.

    Learn by doing. I will happily target your ship every chance I get to help you learn the hard way.

    If you level up a KDF captain and put him in a carrier, I will happily target that with my Fed. Even though she's an engineer if she's respecced into escorts she WILL shoot you down as you are now. And if an engineer / escort can shoot you down, Kahless help you when facing very skilled tac / defiant pilots.

    Also understand I am not in a fleet that pvp's nor do I use any kind of voice chat. Which I know also helps in wining matches. I play in pvp matches to work on skill and the ship of course. Thats why I waited after my last rant to approach this community with a calm and very well I thought methodology of why I felt the way I do and present a view pt. NO matter if its shared or rebuffed I put it out there. Thanks for your input.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    Also understand I am not in a fleet that pvp's nor do I use any kind of voice chat. Which I know also helps in wining matches. I play in pvp matches to work on skill and the ship of course. Thats why I waited after my last rant to approach this community with a calm and very well I thought methodology of why I felt the way I do and present a view pt. NO matter if its shared or rebuffed I put it out there. Thanks for your input.

    The number of pvp matches where you make colorful remarks in zone chat are too numerous to count. I did not come after you by reading this post alone. You've been ranting about klingons for quite some time now. Did you expect a warm and friendly hello from the very klingons you've accused of cheating or being favored by the devs?

    I suggest, at the very least, getting a defiant.

    Stay cloaked for a good while, and just observe. See how many buffs and debuffs each player has? Look at how he stacks certain buffs. How he fights defensively/offensively. Did he win or lose? What did his opponent do?

    This is not a game about gear; it is not world of gearcraft.

    Concerning carriers, i would advise you to go on observing how they fight. There are plenty of bad carrier pilots out there who were once fed captains but thought the carrier was OP. So, they switched sides, and are now getting walloped by their former faction.

    Likewise there are good carrier pilots who really know what their ship can and cannot do.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    So here is the lay out of my ship.. I have been toying around with other ships.. but I use the same gear.

    Understand I know I should respec to work with the different ships. That being said the only ship outside of the science field I have tested (I just like the looks of it..LOL ) is the Assualt Heavy Cruiser.

    My phasers:

    Phaser Beam MRK VIII [ACC] [DMG]x2 I use four of these on a sci ship.. Two forward Two Aft

    Quantum Torpedo MRK VIII [Acc] [DMG] x2

    Transphasic Torpedo MRK X AFT section

    Polorized Deflector Dish MRK X
    Super Cooled Combat Impulse Engine MRK X
    Dielectric Oscillation Resilient Shields MRK X

    Engineering Consoles:
    Ablative Hull Armor MRK VIII (+21 vs Phaser, Disruptor, Plasma,Tetryon Dmg resist)
    Diburnium Hull Plating MRK X (+32 vs Phaser and Disruptor DMG Resist)
    Ablative Hull Armor MRK VII (+17 vs Phaser, Disruptor, Plasma, Tetryon Dmg resist)
    Polydurainum Hull Armor MRK VII (+12 vs Kenitic and all other Beam Dmg resist)

    Science Consoles:
    Halon System MRK X (+16 Hazard Emitters)
    Multy Spectral Scanner (+16 Sensor Array)

    (2X) Energy Distrobution MRK X (+21 Beam Weapons)
    Phaser Relay MRK VIII (+21 Phaser Weapons)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    gx4th wrote: »
    The number of pvp matches where you make colorful remarks in zone chat are too numerous to count. I did not come after you by reading this post alone. You've been ranting about klingons for quite some time now. Did you expect a warm and friendly hello from the very klingons you've accused of cheating or being favored by the devs?

    I suggest, at the very least, getting a defiant.

    Stay cloaked for a good while, and just observe. See how many buffs and debuffs each player has? Look at how he stacks certain buffs. How he fights defensively/offensively. Did he win or lose? What did his opponent do?

    This is not a game about gear; it is not world of gearcraft.

    Concerning carriers, i would advise you to go on observing how they fight. There are plenty of bad carrier pilots out there who were once fed captains but thought the carrier was OP. So, they switched sides, and are now getting walloped by their former faction.

    Likewise there are good carrier pilots who really know what their ship can and cannot do.

    I can appreciate the validity of your comments about carrier pilots. That is true.. but that could be said about any number of captains who command any specific type of ship class.

    As to my comments in the pvp matches.. I won't lie about it.. Your right. The frustraition of it all gets the better of me and I lash out.. Something I know is not deserving of the community and I should know better.. So I'll go out on a limb here and appologize to anyone that was offended... Now having done that.. I wonder how many people will have the fortitude to appologize in return for their outbursts.

    Thanks for your feedback.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Dear Raven,

    I invite you to play a few games with TSI. I think after that you will be happy to know that the OP federation still very much has a chance. I would play with you personally but unfortunately, my computer has crashed.

    Good luck.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    So you that "leet purple gear" you have is Mk VIII.... that's a riot. You have a lot of stuff to sort out before you can even think about queuing for PvP. Level is generally more important than rarity. Also, you should be on your attack preset basically all of the time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    So here is the lay out of my ship.. I have been toying around with other ships.. but I use the same gear.

    Understand I know I should respec to work with the different ships. That being said the only ship outside of the science field I have tested (I just like the looks of it..LOL ) is the Assualt Heavy Cruiser.

    My phasers:

    Phaser Beam MRK VIII [ACC] [DMG]x2 I use four of these on a sci ship.. Two forward Two Aft

    Quantum Torpedo MRK VIII [Acc] [DMG] x2

    Transphasic Torpedo MRK X AFT section

    Polorized Deflector Dish MRK X
    Super Cooled Combat Impulse Engine MRK X
    Dielectric Oscillation Resilient Shields MRK X

    Engineering Consoles:
    Ablative Hull Armor MRK VIII (+21 vs Phaser, Disruptor, Plasma,Tetryon Dmg resist)
    Diburnium Hull Plating MRK X (+32 vs Phaser and Disruptor DMG Resist)
    Ablative Hull Armor MRK VII (+17 vs Phaser, Disruptor, Plasma, Tetryon Dmg resist)
    Polydurainum Hull Armor MRK VII (+12 vs Kenitic and all other Beam Dmg resist)

    Science Consoles:
    Halon System MRK X (+16 Hazard Emitters)
    Multy Spectral Scanner (+16 Sensor Array)

    (2X) Energy Distrobution MRK X (+21 Beam Weapons)
    Phaser Relay MRK VIII (+21 Phaser Weapons)

    Few questions -

    Why are you running mk 8 weapons? are you still a captain or at Admiral? If your at RA MK 10 or 11 is good.

    Your missing the engineering console that gives a 35% shield boost. I think its Field generator or so.

    Since I see you using a MK 10 item, clearly your are RA or higher. Upgrade all your gear into the higher ranges if you want to be more effective. Drop all of those Armor consoles as well. Currently you have nothing to support shields or any power boost.

    DMGx2 does nothing. Get something with accuracy or Crit Damage. You'll need to do more testing once you refit your ship. You can't compare a ship using MK 11 gear aganist you when your mainly running MK 8 gear. There is going to be a difference no matter how you look at it.

    Then it comes to timing/skill. You may have all of these cool abilites, but are you using them when you should or when you can? SNB is great, but save it for when he turns on his buffs and then clear them with SNB.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    StrykerV wrote:
    Few questions -

    Why are you running mk 8 weapons? are you still a captain or at Admiral? If your at RA MK 10 or 11 is good.

    Your missing the engineering console that gives a 35% shield boost. I think its Field generator or so.

    Since I see you using a MK 10 item, clearly your are RA or higher. Upgrade all your gear into the higher ranges if you want to be more effective. Drop all of those Armor consoles as well. Currently you have nothing to support shields or any power boost.

    DMGx2 does nothing. Get something with accuracy or Crit Damage. You'll need to do more testing once you refit your ship. You can't compare a ship using MK 11 gear aganist you when your mainly running MK 8 gear. There is going to be a difference no matter how you look at it.

    Then it comes to timing/skill. You may have all of these cool abilites, but are you using them when you should or when you can? SNB is great, but save it for when he turns on his buffs and then clear them with SNB.

    Abilities.. yeah I'm pretty up on that.. as to the gear.. well I run with what I have and afforded.. Since the VIII gear is just a step down from X, the amount of dps is the difference of what ten pts.?? Purchasing the gear also..well funds just don't grow on trees..LOL :) having said that.. I'm looking at some things on the exchange now.. ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »

    Polorized Deflector Dish MRK X
    Super Cooled Combat Impulse Engine MRK X
    Dielectric Oscillation Resilient Shields MRK X

    Is this the Breen set? Like most of your other equipment, that set is inferior for pvp, you need the Aegis or Borg set. If you can't get them, you should have the MkX Covariant shield [cap]x3 that you can get for 50-ish Mark of Honor at K7.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    Abilities.. yeah I'm pretty up on that.. as to the gear.. well I run with what I have and afforded.. Since the VIII gear is just a step down from X, the amount of dps is the difference of what ten pts.?? Purchasing the gear also..well funds just don't grow on trees..LOL :) having said that.. I'm looking at some things on the exchange now.. ;)

    Sorry to break it to you but, yeah, they do. I play for a while and then i have more money. They just roll in. ECs are easy to get, too easy imo.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    Abilities.. yeah I'm pretty up on that.. as to the gear.. well I run with what I have and afforded.. Since the VIII gear is just a step down from X, the amount of dps is the difference of what ten pts.?? Purchasing the gear also..well funds just don't grow on trees..LOL :) having said that.. I'm looking at some things on the exchange now.. ;)

    Have you passed the 500 day vet reward? If so, you should have access to 250 emblems. Go to ESD and buy at the center vendor all MK 12 gear sir. Best way to upgrade is with free emblems. Um, the difference is noticeable. Id say its atleast 20 or more dps. Over 4 arrays thats 80 more dps then MK 8 gear. Also the DMG buff doesnt really work as intended. Going fot Crit Damage or Crit Hit or accuracy is better. Find that kind of gear.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 you got a PM.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    But still the rule is true - equipment isn't the most important thing.

    If you die so quickly and easily, you're making the fundamental error in another area. You need to protect yourself with (shield) resistance buffs. The predominant one is Emergency Power to Shields. Any rank, but two copies, and you can cover your ship 100 % of the time. Add Tranfser Shield Strength, Science Fleet or Rotate Shield Frequency during spikes coming your way. (Spikes even happen in 1v1 - the enemy has damage buffs, check when he starts activating them and react accordingly). Use Tactical Team to reeinforce the shield that is harded and get the most out of Heal-Over-Times.

    Also, you make the mistake of simply counting weapons. There is a big difference between a beam firing at 50 weapon power and a dual heavy cannon firing at 125 weapon power.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Yeah its the Breen set up. I'm in the midst of junking it. Replaced the shields on it and that made a difference. Junking and trashing.. comming up short on funds but thats ok.. I'll make it through everything. An eye opener for sure. So transfixed with having things all purped out, I lost the reality of the abilities each item gives out. I just figured extreamly rare items were the best. That threw me when I was informed thats not the case. Most enlightening.;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 you got a PM.

    Thanks responded. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    But still the rule is true - equipment isn't the most important thing.

    If you die so quickly and easily, you're making the fundamental error in another area. You need to protect yourself with (shield) resistance buffs. The predominant one is Emergency Power to Shields. Any rank, but two copies, and you can cover your ship 100 % of the time. Add Tranfser Shield Strength, Science Fleet or Rotate Shield Frequency during spikes coming your way. (Spikes even happen in 1v1 - the enemy has damage buffs, check when he starts activating them and react accordingly). Use Tactical Team to reeinforce the shield that is harded and get the most out of Heal-Over-Times.

    Also, you make the mistake of simply counting weapons. There is a big difference between a beam firing at 50 weapon power and a dual heavy cannon firing at 125 weapon power.

    Agreed, but the differnece between 3 levels can be noticeable. Especially when you are the 3 levels lower person. Once he gets same level gear, it then depends on his play style. That is why he needs to raise his gear level then retest with those and see what is going on.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    See. I knew the PVP crowd would help you out. See why there is absolutely no use for Federation Carriers now? See now why you failed before but may be victorious now? I'm glad everyone helped you out. But my opinion was not pointless. So I would like an apology for that.

    Also. I'm a full crafter in the game on both factions. So if you have the Data Samples. I will be glad to get my butt to Qo'Nos or Memory Alpha to craft you what you need.

    Have a nice one. Glad everyone could be of help to you.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    But still the rule is true - equipment isn't the most important thing.

    With the exception that the Borg set + Cov[Cap]x3 (or other suitable replacement) shields is ridiculously OP and easily doubles the tankability of most players.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Even tho I think borg regenerative shields are superior (except for the one moment when fully buffed tac uncloaks on your from escort/bop), the aegis set is very easily obtainable for everyone and serves well for start.

    If you catch me while I'm playing (EU evening mostly) I can craft you the whole set I think. I have everything needed probably. And you can send me the mats later, if you find some and remember :--))
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Borg shields are fail in most setups. The win setup is co variant shields + all the other Borg pieces
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