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KDF Fire Power



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    the faster you move, the higher your defensive bonus. In my Tank i run resists, which remove a % of the damage. with the aegis set, + consoles & BOff abilities, a good tank will last a long time without even needing any heals.Of course, you pay for that tankiness by loosing DPS, or some healing ability.
    & don't feel bad,Being a PVP target just makes you better. Or deader.:eek:
    I'm like a fed magnet, they all wanna kill me,.:mad:
    (maybe they are jealous of my all Orion crew?)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    Question.... A moving ship gets a Def Bonus.. and stationary ship should not get any.. Soooo why is it so hard still to get through shields?? color me stupid but.. that just don't sound right.. it should give the stationary ship a negative to shields if there's a bonus to moving.

    Could be Aegis resistances, resistance from high shield power (125 shield power nets you 35% resistance, I believe), EPtS/TSS/RSF shield resistances/regen, Tactical Team or the Borg shield regen proc. Or all of the above.

    I saw an Eng/D'Kyr tank 3 Tac/Escorts with EPtS 3, RSF, and TSS 3 (plus TacTeam) earlier today.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    32 matches... and won one. yep FUN!!!! LOL I hate this game but can't stop playing:D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Up to 48 matches 1 win... Think I'm going KDF.. this just awful.. I can't cycle through the spame of drones and **** you guys pump out... I can't watch my back side against pvp players and the damn drones.. Man I hate them... hate them hate them hate them... its like the best pvp is is around cmdr and Cpt... probably cmdr. ggrrrrrrrrrrr:mad:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    You managed to lose 16 matches in 53 mins? I'm impressed!
    I'm starting to think you'r right, maybe Klingons are OP'd after all...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Sci in cruiser works well. I give you a small tip. get 2x Emergency power to Shields II and chain them every 30s. You will see your surviability raising a lot. If you have a friend with engineer Emergency power to shields 3 works even better (cant have 2 in excelsior tho)

    Next thing, get a tactical team I and use it whenever you are under heavy fire.

    Third thing, bind your distribute shield power on spacebar, and periodically hit it (or make macro).

    For a start for sci powers get Hazzard emmiters I and Transfer shield II. Always when your shields are empty, hit auxiliary battery and use TSS to replenish them.

    for engineering power, get definilty 1x aux to SIF, because as science officer you want your aux to be higher than other careers need. And at least one engineering team.

    If there is many people shooting at you at one time, and you are not experienced in tanking yet, simply run. Do not think you can outtank more people. Maybe later 2-3, when you are experienced enough, but now, even 1 good escort will rip you, unless you learn how to work with your shields.

    Emergency power to engines I, evasive action, auxiliary to dampaners, that surpus cask you get from the ferengi all that can be used to get out of firing range if you are beeing ganked.

    You can also improve your surviability if you tweak one of your power settings to max shields (-power from EPrS), engines (to have max def bonus) and rest bonus to aux.

    Science fleet is kind of "oh **** button". It gives huge bonus to shield dmg reduction, and with conjuction of EPtS and TSS and native shield dmg reduction, it should make your very tough for 30s.

    I have been running Galaxy-R as science officer for loong time, switched to nebula lately, but still, I probably enjoyed the turtle more.

    I would advise you to play Capture and Hold scenarios for starter, to get used to your ship / powers. Arenas can be very quick and brutal, especially if you meet some premade teams.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    You managed to lose 16 matches in 53 mins? I'm impressed!
    I'm starting to think you'r right, maybe Klingons are OP'd after all...

    I departed most of them before they ended.. I just wasn't going to continue the sharade of thinking a win was possible. I dislike being farmed :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    I departed most of them before they ended.. I just wasn't going to continue the sharade of thinking a win was possible. I dislike being farmed :)

    Do not do that, you wont loose anything except ego (which a newbie shouldnt have in first place), and you will miss the rewards like merits, which you will use for respecs.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Dalnar wrote:
    Do not do that, you wont loose anything except ego (which a newbie shouldnt have in first place), and you will miss the rewards like merits, which you will use for respecs.

    I've got 36,000 as it is.. I don't think I'm hurting for merits. ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    I've got 36,000 as it is.. I don't think I'm hurting for merits. ;)

    Thats one respec only. Never hurts to have 100K+ merits for future use, when you got bored by your build/ship and want to try anything else.

    Beside, by quiting, you ruin fun for everyone else in the match and its poor sportsmanship. Quiting wont make you any better.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Question.... A moving ship gets a Def Bonus.. and stationary ship should not get any.. Soooo why is it so hard still to get through shields?? color me stupid but.. that just don't sound right.. it should give the stationary ship a negative to shields if there's a bonus to moving.
    The effect of a low defense bonus (for example, w hen stationary) is that you are more easily hit, and that the critical hit chance and critical hit severity increases. But still, if the target is hardened well with shield resistances, it might not make enough of a difference. But a target with a low defense bonus is an excellent choice to unload a Beam Overload into.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Dalnar wrote:
    Thats one respec only. Never hurts to have 100K+ merits for future use, when you got bored by your build/ship and want to try anything else.

    Beside, by quiting, you ruin fun for everyone else in the match and its poor sportsmanship. Quiting wont make you any better.

    QFT. I passed the million merits mark awhile back but its probably good to have at least 100k. If you want to try out various builds, it may be helpful to transfer your character to the Tribble test server before doing it "for real" on Holodeck.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Thats it guys.. I've had it really.. not matter what I do ship wise, officer wise... it aint working... When I can get broadsided by a Bop while flyiing a cruiser... being hit with photonic shockwave, then my shields get ripped while I'm at a loss for power, and then my hull goes down before I can get shields back up... yep.. both toons = garbage.

    This game is just one giant **** me off fest fed side. I ended up playing roughly a hundred pvp matches today, and was only involved on the winning side once. I'm sick and tired of taking it in the TRIBBLE like that.. Its not fun looosing so friggen much. I can take a loss here and there.. but GD almost 99 losses... TRIBBLE that. I'm **** canning my feds and will finish up my KDF toon who's Commander 2 right now.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    Thats it guys.. I've had it really.. not matter what I do ship wise, officer wise... it aint working... When I can get broadsided by a Bop while flyiing a cruiser... being hit with photonic shockwave, then my shields get ripped while I'm at a loss for power, and then my hull goes down before I can get shields back up... yep.. both toons = garbage.

    This game is just one giant **** me off fest fed side. I ended up playing roughly a hundred pvp matches today, and was only involved on the winning side once. I'm sick and tired of taking it in the TRIBBLE like that.. Its not fun looosing so friggen much. I can take a loss here and there.. but GD almost 99 losses... TRIBBLE that. I'm **** canning my feds and will finish up my KDF toon who's Commander 2 right now.

    Don't take this the wrong way but your likely going to get killed just as often klink sdie.

    Did you ask any of those kllinks killing you for advise at all?

    If you did, did you listen?

    Have you taken seme of that advice and tried a few things?

    Look me up in game I'll help you out. If your dying its your fault no one else. Its like any 12 set program first set is admission. Come on now... send me a mail with your build. Boffs / Weapons / Power Setings / Gear. I will give you 5-10 tips to improve. Take them or don't... join Organized PvP in game and ask people there what they thing with the same paramaters.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    man I 've listened applied said advice, changed stuff around.. I just am sick of it all... Christ you'd think I'd get some where... I'll just look forward to Old Republic's launch...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Simple solution: Play FvF.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    F&*(ing fed side of this game is the weakest link at VA level. Anything under it.. CPT.. or Cmdr rank.. its ok.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    Thats it guys.. I've had it really.. not matter what I do ship wise, officer wise... it aint working... When I can get broadsided by a Bop while flyiing a cruiser... being hit with photonic shockwave, then my shields get ripped while I'm at a loss for power, and then my hull goes down before I can get shields back up... yep.. both toons = garbage.

    That situation is something that I pride my self in being capable of doing on my Bird of Prey. It's because of the surprise attack that the Bird of Prey is supposed to be capable of doing. It really doesn't have the hull or shield capacity to stick it out in a fight by it's self for very long.

    I've been poped by that same maneuver my self in nearly every ship I'm in. It's a very tricky thing to pull off and usually requires a specific amount of buffs being stacked to utilize it.

    With a Tac, If you use Attack Pattern Alpha, Go down Fighting, Tactical Fleet, High Yield 2/Beam Overload 3, Attack Pattern Omega/Beta, Decloak with in 5km while fireing and then Shockwave while in 2km usually the shield facing is down, right as your torps fire, right as the shockwave stuns.. So.. your momentum has been altered enough to lower your defense and raise the Crit H and Crit D in addition to the Bonuses from the Tactical buffs that it nearly guarentees an instant kill. But, understand something, that is alot of Tac buffs being used to kill one target. I've seen other people do similar in Bird of Prey with Tricobolt Torps as well.

    Also understand that is something a single BoP can do by it's self. And you have to hope they are dumb enough to do that power up sequence with in 5km to you, because you'll hear it even if they are cloaked. Giving you the oppertunity to hit your buffs before they decloak and make them waste their buffs and maybe even run away to regroup if they are by themselves.

    Best thing to do, is if a shield facing starts to drop FAST, is to TRY to hit Tac team as fast as you can, then if can Transfer shield strength. It should give you enough of a cushion to avoid that particularly Deadly Alpha strike from Decloaking BoPs.

    If you have a team, and are on Ventrillo/Teamspeak, Call for help if you aren't already getting it and try to remember WHO those super damage Dealers are, and warn your team of them. That way when they start their attack run the healers can be prepared to deal with them by healing their targets, and the DPS can alpha them to kill them and take them out of the equation.

    If you want, I could take you into 1v1 Situations where I'll fly my Tac BoP and your task would be to simply practice defending against that sort of an Alpha. I'm sure many other BoP pilots who are trying to help a fellow PVPer would also offer that option as well. Because I personally would rather some one improve and have fun matches with them, then watch them leave the game, or PVP just because of some bad experiences.

    And finally, remember, this game is built more around Team play when PVP is concerned, then not. If your roll is to be a healer, Run at Max Shields, /50 Aux, And have a good majority of your Sci and Engineering skills being revolved around that task. Try to get Resistance Consoles for your Engineering slots to help you be able to damage tank. And don't be afraid to turn your heals on yourself. If your goal is to Debuff, your settings will depend on the ship and the powers your using. If your goal is Escort/BoP DPS, you will probobly run Max Weapons and /50 Engines to keep your self as maneuverable as possible and utilize Defense bonus when applicable.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I have a commander 4 level klingon. I Q up from time to time. I can show you we're not entirely OP.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I'm just going to make another fed toon and level it up to about Cmdr 8 and pvp with that. I'm guranteed no Klingon spam at least LOL

    As to that Bop Manuever.. its all well and good, but like I said.. a Bop should never be able to take out a cruiser solo... thats like saying a destroyer class ship can take out a Cruser class ship of our own navy... That just can't happen.. Two Bops.. yeah sure fine I get that.. solo... sorry.. just my opinon.

    I'll limit my VA PvP to once in a blue moon.

    Thanks guys
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    I'm just going to make another fed toon and level it up to about Cmdr 8 and pvp with that. I'm guranteed no Klingon spam at least LOL

    As to that Bop Manuever.. its all well and good, but like I said.. a Bop should never be able to take out a cruiser solo... thats like saying a destroyer class ship can take out a Cruser class ship of our own navy... That just can't happen.. Two Bops.. yeah sure fine I get that.. solo... sorry.. just my opinon.

    I'll limit my VA PvP to once in a blue moon.

    Thanks guys

    As long as a cruiser and a BOP counts for the same amount of ships in a match, the ships each needs to be able to take eachother out.

    If a BOP *couldnt* take out a cruiser, why would anyone fly them, when they would be better off in Battlecruisers?

    Ill give you one piece of advice before I give up:

    It is not the ship that kills you, its the player.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    I'm just going to make another fed toon and level it up to about Cmdr 8 and pvp with that. I'm guranteed no Klingon spam at least LOL

    As to that Bop Manuever.. its all well and good, but like I said.. a Bop should never be able to take out a cruiser solo... thats like saying a destroyer class ship can take out a Cruser class ship of our own navy... That just can't happen.. Two Bops.. yeah sure fine I get that.. solo... sorry.. just my opinon.

    I'll limit my VA PvP to once in a blue moon.

    Thanks guys

    Do you believe you would do any better in FvF? I mean,no OP KDF there..... right?:D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    I'm just going to make another fed toon and level it up to about Cmdr 8 and pvp with that. I'm guranteed no Klingon spam at least LOL

    As to that Bop Manuever.. its all well and good, but like I said.. a Bop should never be able to take out a cruiser solo... thats like saying a destroyer class ship can take out a Cruser class ship of our own navy... That just can't happen.. Two Bops.. yeah sure fine I get that.. solo... sorry.. just my opinon.

    I'll limit my VA PvP to once in a blue moon.

    Thanks guys

    just because you think it cant happen doesint mean it cant. look at the cole it almost aank to a fishing boat with explosives on it. You shouldint be son narrow minded. Also stop the crying there is no need for it. The i win buttons will be out soon for your use.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011

    It is not the ship that kills you, its the player.

    Amen. Best words ever in this thread.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    If you truly believe that leveling a new toon for PvP every time you get past commander 8 just because the klingons at RA and VA are OP and have too much spam..... go for it no one on here is stopping you :p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    There is some really good information here. There was some really good information in the other threads. I like the change of tone in this one but have you taken anyone up on their offers to help you in game? I'm pretty sure I've offered some, albeit limited, assistance before.

    One thing is for sure, no matter what your equipment (worked for or donated), ship, power levels bridge officer load out or number of matches joined, if you keep leaving them before they are done you'll never learn. Sticking in there when it's tough (with appropriate rage breaks after particularly tough rounds) even helped me improve some. I was so frustrated when I got a late start in PVP that I leveled a Klink just to learn how to do it.

    Carriers are a crutch; an excuse. The spam issue is one with a few really easy fixes that Cryptic has claimed their software engineers are working on (quite a while ago). Clean up and allow us to customize the UI so that we can better determine who we are shooting at and give us a version of tab targeting that only cycles through player ships (ignoring NPCs and spam).

    At any rate, you shouldn't feel pressured into doing anything you don't want to do. You should follow some of the advice and accept some of the offers you've been given because it's clear from your posts that whatever you are doing isn't working for you. No matter how good or bad someone might be, they can't do it alone. The good Klinks certainly don't.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    If you really want to make the Klings hurt, grab a Sci ship or 2.

    A simple Gravity Well and/or TBR can really mess with Carriers. A GravWell will trap their pets (GW 3 and sometimes even a spec'd GW 1 can destroy entire swarms of fighters) and you can TBR shove them away (while targeting their engines) so that it takes them 3 weeks to get back to the fight with their awesome turn rates.

    CPB will rip the tiny shield capacities right off of BoPs; I used to run a mildly spec'd CPB 3 with only 90 Aux about ~4000 shield drain. BoPs top out (with ship spec, Field Generators, and Covariant Cap x3s) at 7,000 IIRC. CBP 3 with some weapons fire will easily knock that out, you're even better off if someone can fit in Tachyon Beam 3.

    There's loads of other tactics for taking out Klings, but these are the 2 that are at the top of my head; After taking out BoPs and Carriers, the other Kling ships are just clones of Fed ships (some with Cloaks).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    But Klingon ships look cooler.:p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    But Klingon ships look cooler.:p

    Klingons + Aegis ftw.

    Gurambas + Borg might scare small children.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    raaven616 wrote: »
    As to that Bop Manuever.. its all well and good, but like I said.. a Bop should never be able to take out a cruiser solo... thats like saying a destroyer class ship can take out a Cruser class ship of our own navy... That just can't happen.. Two Bops.. yeah sure fine I get that.. solo... sorry.. just my opinon.
    This is a great example of why it's *always* a bad idea to try and compare a video game to real life.

    Primary armament on a real-world Ticonderoga-class cruiser: Tomahawk and Harpoon missiles, capable of sinking any ship ever built in one hit.

    Primary armament on a real-world Arleigh Burke-class destroyer: Tomahawk and Harpoon missiles, capable of sinking any ship built in one hit.

    Guided missiles have made the idea of well armored ships that can soak up damage obsolete. Protection now comes from mobility and from active defense systems in the form or automated guns and missiles. What separates a "cruiser" from a "destroyer" is that the cruiser has a larger crew and bigger stores of ammunition and fuel, allowing it to work more independently.

    Even smaller ships can be fitted with point defense systems and guided missile launchers if necessary, making them equally capable in both offense and defense. Both the offensive and defensive capability come from the weapon systems, not from the hull the are mounted on.

    In the real world, little ships can kill big ships. That's the reason the only big ships left are carriers.
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