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Tweetleaks from Denis, Stahl, & Stormy, human badge, new turret, & DTNE DevDiary.



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Katic wrote: »

    The starfleet delta statement was mostly a concession for AngelSilhouette's reaction to "AMG WAI DO HUMANS HAVE A LOGO THAT IS NOT STARFLETT". Most of my post was to point out that Starfleet is not Earth/Human only. Even the UFP logo is a logo for the UFP... Not Earth. Not Vulcan. Not Telar. Not Andoria. Likewise, Starfleet is an agency of the UFP... again, not Earth, not Vulcan, not Telar, not Andoria. What, we can concede that each of these worlds still have their own logos, but not Earth? That would be like saying that the UN has to use the American flag because the USA was one of the founding nations.

    However, if you can't wrap your mind around Earth/Humans having a non-Starfleet logo... There's still little deltas in the Earth logo, so you can have that.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Except that Starfleet started out as Earth's space force. Once the UFP was formed, apparently earth's tiny (at least it appeared to be so in ST: Enterprise when the UFP was starting) space force became the sole representative of the UFP. Perhaps it was because we were more adaptable than the Vulcans, less warlike than the Andorians, and less... Piggy than the Tellarites. :p In any case, it was Earth's Starfleet that became the military representation of the UFP. There would be no reason for earth to create another space force that did the same thing, since Starfleet is headquartered on Earth. If the Earth government could create another branch and divert funding to create a defence fleet, they could just as easily create a defence fleet within the Starfleet structure.

    I don't think that the various other planetary governments were forced to dissolve their space forces and let Starfleet take over, however, only the Earth space force was chosen as representative of the UFP. In that role, it has become more than just an Earth government space force; however, just because it has grown to be more, it does not mean that it has simultaneously become less in abandoning its role as Earth's space force. While the UFP could be considered a futuristic analogue of the UN, Starfleet is not the futuristic analogue of the UN Security force. A more modern analogue would be if the US Navy and Coast Guard were consolidated and it alone was chosen to represent the security and defence arm of the UN, and that wherever it went, it represented the UN first and the USA second. The USA would not suddenly be without a naval defence, as ships would remain to defend us; however more ships would likely be built to patrol the globe.

    My guess is that all of these separate badges are being made with future content in mind, specifically, for the faction who won the last poll that Cryptic did about an upcoming Featured Series: Federation splinter faction (e.g. Maquis)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Oh, I don't think you'll be disappointed...

    Oooohhh >:D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Except that Starfleet started out as Earth's space force. Once the UFP was formed, apparently earth's tiny (at least it appeared to be so in ST: Enterprise when the UFP was starting) space force became the sole representative of the UFP. Perhaps it was because we were more adaptable than the Vulcans, less warlike than the Andorians, and less... Piggy than the Tellarites. :p In any case, it was Earth's Starfleet that became the military representation of the UFP. There would be no reason for earth to create another space force that did the same thing, since Starfleet is headquartered on Earth. If the Earth government could create another branch and divert funding to create a defence fleet, they could just as easily create a defence fleet within the Starfleet structure.

    I don't think that the various other planetary governments were forced to dissolve their space forces and let Starfleet take over, however, only the Earth space force was chosen as representative of the UFP. In that role, it has become more than just an Earth government space force; however, just because it has grown to be more, it does not mean that it has simultaneously become less in abandoning its role as Earth's space force. While the UFP could be considered a futuristic analogue of the UN, Starfleet is not the futuristic analogue of the UN Security force. A more modern analogue would be if the US Navy and Coast Guard were consolidated and it alone was chosen to represent the security and defence arm of the UN, and that wherever it went, it represented the UN first and the USA second. The USA would not suddenly be without a naval defence, as ships would remain to defend us; however more ships would likely be built to patrol the globe.

    Germany was the military force of the EU last I heard and that doesn't make the EU German.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Germany was the military force of the EU last I heard and that doesn't make the EU German.

    Lol no.



    That's the closest there is, a fully unified armed force would be better due to cost savings and making american evangelicals release books going on about EU as a new superpower and the antichrist though, the heart attacks some people would experience would also be very funny.

    Anyway I don't think anyone who's been in the UFP a long time has their own military, more likely each world gets a small battlegroup(er peace group not at all military group?) and those people wear the markings of their respective worlds. We could say that this is something new that was brought after the dominion war and first contact so they'd no longer be embarassingly caught off guard by sneak attacks or unable to defend major worlds following heavy criticism of starfleet's poor performance.

    Also I want the drones not those ugly exocomp things.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Also I want the drones not those ugly exocomp things.

    Well! im sure they have been "upgraded". i wouldnt mind if they had legs for example now. :P and the drones shoot dont they? so they'll have to adapt them aswell to be able to do that. *crosses fingers*.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Well we can always grab something like Replicaters... wait wrong franchise. They were cute though.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Anyway I don't think anyone who's been in the UFP a long time has their own military, more likely each world gets a small battlegroup(er peace group not at all military group?) and those people wear the markings of their respective worlds. We could say that this is something new that was brought after the dominion war and first contact so they'd no longer be embarassingly caught off guard by sneak attacks or unable to defend major worlds following heavy criticism of starfleet's poor performance.

    Speaking of the Dominion War, Betazed's planetary defense force was mentioned in there (I'd have to check, but I think it was In the Pale Moonlight). The Tenth Fleet was assigned to the planet, but Starfleet wasn't in the system when the attack happened. The planet had its own fleet... Of course, that fleet was obsolete and poorly maintained, having not seen military action since the joining the Federation, but it was still there, and it did manage to hold off the Dominion for ten hours, so it was at least strong enough that the battle didn't decay into a total turkey shoot, or if it was it was at least large enough that the turkey shoot took a while.
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