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Tweetleaks from Denis, Stahl, & Stormy, human badge, new turret, & DTNE DevDiary.



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    GT01 wrote: »
    I could definitely see a cetecean as some kind of Science DOff, and Exocomps and Horta could come both in Engineer and Sci DOff varieties.

    Geko and I have discussed some very interesting species to introduce through the duty officer system, including some unique options for the KDF as well - but I'll probably leave you guys to discover most of them on your own. More fun that way. At least for me. :cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    I'll probably leave you guys to discover most of them on your own. More fun that way. At least for me. :cool:
    Aw you tease! lmao

    I just keep getting more and more excited. Exocomps, for instance, could be SO awesome.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Also Klingons will be getting disruptors for turrets, Drones and Orbital Strike. In fact I'm working on them as I type this message.

    Do Klingons finally get their own tricorders as well?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Geko and I have discussed some very interesting species to introduce through the duty officer system, including some unique options for the KDF as well - but I'll probably leave you guys to discover most of them on your own. More fun that way. At least for me. :cool:

    ... Antedeans, maybe? ... I can dream, right?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Geko and I have discussed some very interesting species to introduce through the duty officer system, including some unique options for the KDF as well - but I'll probably leave you guys to discover most of them on your own. More fun that way. At least for me. :cool:

    Aquatic Xindi perhaps?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I dislike the ship even more now.

    No offense to the creator, but it doesn't hit me as an Enterprise.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Sonaos wrote: »
    ... Antedeans, maybe? ... I can dream, right?

    Oh, I'm pretty sure you'll like what I have planned...and then there's the one Geko came up with - my response being, "Uh, really? Seriously? Um...sure!"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Amosov wrote:
    Do Klingons finally get their own tricorders as well?

    Don't they have them already? The "scan" animation shows it and the Foundry even has it in it as well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Oh, I'm pretty sure you'll like what I have planned...and then there's the one Geko came up with - my response being, "Uh, really? Seriously? Um...sure!"

    Oh, I like where this is going. :D *grabs popcorn and waits til Season 4*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    tygerpaw wrote: »
    Don't they have them already? The "scan" animation shows it and the Foundry even has it in it as well.

    I'm still showing an old 24th century Starfleet standard issue tricorder when I scan ... which reminds as well, are Starfleet actually going to get one of the proper 25th century era tricorders too. Or at least the last type they had in the "Nemesis" film?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Oh, I'm pretty sure you'll like what I have planned...and then there's the one Geko came up with - my response being, "Uh, really? Seriously? Um...sure!"

    I bet he implemented himself - a 20feet giant gecko in the game, who just "eats" every Doff he does not like:D
    Of course with a secret accolade: "Let Gecko eat 5000 Doffs and evolve into Godzilla Gecko!" :D:D:D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Geko and I have discussed some very interesting species to introduce through the duty officer system, including some unique options for the KDF as well ...


    Since (at least initially), the DOff system will not require animated 3D models, I can see a huge potential for the more exotic species of Trek.

    Of course once we get our DOffs showing up within our ship interiors (not so subtle reminder), that might become a little trickier.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Salt vampires, Morn, and Ferengi merchants...
    please :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Oh, I'm pretty sure you'll like what I have planned...and then there's the one Geko came up with - my response being, "Uh, really? Seriously? Um...sure!"

    Selay and Anticans too?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Salt vampires, Morn, and Ferengi merchants...
    please :D

    You know, I have this lingering desire to have a ship of all bartenders.

    Or all barbers. I hope they have an advice ability. Maybe they could award a barber pole ship trophy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Geko and I have discussed some very interesting species to introduce through the duty officer system, including some unique options for the KDF as well - but I'll probably leave you guys to discover most of them on your own. More fun that way. At least for me. :cool:

    I for one would like a complete list of all duty officers :)

    Trying to organize the 6000+ for stowiki is going to be a major task as you've already mentioned.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Thomas the Cat has been trying to convince me to make an exocomp duty officer. :cool:

    Yes! Signed! Make it so!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    You know, I have this lingering desire to have a ship of all bartenders.

    Just make sure to name it U.S.S. Bottlestore Galactica.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Question: Was that floating thing really an Exocomp, or was it a KDF support drone?

    I couldn't make it out, and one of the devs mentioned KDF versions of various things and a support drone with disruptors was one of them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Oh, I'm pretty sure you'll like what I have planned...and then there's the one Geko came up with - my response being, "Uh, really? Seriously? Um...sure!"


    /TRIBBLE flanders
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Geko and I have discussed some very interesting species to introduce through the duty officer system, including some unique options for the KDF as well - but I'll probably leave you guys to discover most of them on your own. More fun that way. At least for me. :cool:

    You've just made this Trekkie giddy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Question: Was that floating thing really an Exocomp, or was it a KDF support drone?

    I couldn't make it out, and one of the devs mentioned KDF versions of various things and a support drone with disruptors was one of them.

    It's hard to make the title bar, but I *think* that says "combat exocomp." It's shaped more or less like the front end of an Exocomp, but I don't remember them having those yellow markings.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Oh, I'm pretty sure you'll like what I have planned...and then there's the one Geko came up with - my response being, "Uh, really? Seriously? Um...sure!"

    Is the plan to still have some of these races before rare BOFFS & eventually captains? :):):)

    I'd love to play FED Selay and KDF Antican!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Also Klingons will be getting disruptors for turrets, Drones and Orbital Strike. In fact I'm working on them as I type this message.

    Now that's definately cool. Although I would love my Fed Science Officer who always uses Disruptors to be able to make some sort of exchange for them. :D (And vice versa for my Orion Captain, she uses Phasers...)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Blayyde wrote:
    Now that's definately cool. Although I would love my Fed Science Officer who always uses Disruptors to be able to make some sort of exchange for them. :D (And vice versa for my Orion Captain, she uses Phasers...)

    It would be pretty sweet if they had some kinda cross-faction shops set up on Drozana and DS9.... ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    I'm pretty amenable, if we can get fitting art in the right format for it. That'd be the major sticking issue for cetecean ops as well.

    If you guys get Cetacean Ops into the game I will buy you both an ice cream cake.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Oh, I'm pretty sure you'll like what I have planned...and then there's the one Geko came up with - my response being, "Uh, really? Seriously? Um...sure!"

    Let me guess - sentient Tribble? ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Armsman wrote: »
    Let me guess - sentient Tribble? ;)

    This particular one was for Klingons. I'm pretty sure they'd object violently to a Tribble - especially a sentient Tribble - on board one of their battleships, let alone serving on their crew as part of their ship's duty roster.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    This particular one was for Klingons. I'm pretty sure they'd object violently to a Tribble - especially a sentient Tribble - on board one of their battleships, let alone serving on their crew as part of their ship's duty roster.

    LIES there not such thing as a Sentient Tribble. :D They just dumb animal that eat and reproduce. I sure hope the federation is getting a Sentient CoachRoach.! :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Will any duty officers be antagonist or others provide larger benefits in exchange for drawbacks?
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