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Your Top 5 Disappointments in STO



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1. GM Support - Or lack thereof. If I need help with an issue, I need it now, not 24 hours later with some cut-and-paste response I'd expect from some other game company that outsourced their CS to India (we know which one it is, I think).

    2. KDF content - A major joke. Rushed release, very few fixes and additions, many major holes in leveling that require us to mindlessly grind the same content over and over again.

    3. Lack Of Exploration - Come on, where's the "seek out new life, and new civilizations"? Where's the "To boldly go where no one has gone before"? This is Starfleet, not SEAL Team Six. Heck, I'm sure even the Klingons have at least a little interest in exploration, if for no other reason than to find new peoples to conquer.

    4. Inconsistencies. If Alpha Centauri is supposed to be our closest star, at 4.37 light years distant, how do we have at least four other systems closer, including Wolf 359, which is supposed to be 7.8 light years from Earth? How can there be so many Class B stars within 100 light years of Earth, when in actuality, there's less than ten? (yes, I'm an amateur astronomer, I'm nitpicking here.)

    5. Teasing. They keep dropping these hints on this or that, and keep us in suspense, darnit! /shakefist :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Leirus wrote:
    Also: One ship wins vs Borg cubes? Laughable. Make them rare and then make them something that puts fear into the hearts of players! It could even be something like a big daily/weekly, where a borg cube is headed to system XYZ and players of both factions amass to hold it off within a certain timeframe. And all players should then get either a message ingame like: "The danger to colony XYZ has been adverted by the valiant efforts of ..." or "New recruits swell the ranks of the borg, as colony XYZ was assimilated, while our protectors failed."

    Now that makes a lot of sense, like a randomly appearing CE. +1
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Sorry, I'm not quite following the thread but the complaint about the ranks is wrong . If we're using the American Naval Ranks then 'Rear Admiral upper and lower' are correct.


    Its all toss to me i'm a Brit..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    my biggest disapointment with STO up till now is not being able to capture npc ships and ad them into a squad .i think the development team have made an errror balancing the game for 1 ship combat , i think it would have added much to my enjoyment if i responsible for the outfiting of a small squadron ,

    not early enough customising slots on my character , i mean its armour . gun and sheild . pretty basic fair tbh . my toon should have had several more equipment slots to customise .

    i think space combat should have been way slower paced and strategic , dont get me wrong i can live with it as it is , but im thinking star fleet command .

    lack of a territory control system , i really dont like a static world in my games . dynamic content is the future. not static quest hubs .this dosent need to equal pvp . there could be npc actions to counter in planetary captures with pvp mixed in perhaps

    STF s (dungeons) i hoped for new ideas for end game content not age old dungeon raiding , i can play nearly 200 other mmorpgs for that TRIBBLE
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Easy 5 Post Season 4 release.

    1. STF difficulty
    2. Lack of true Klingon ONLY PvE missions.
    3. Lack of End Game Content
    4. Hardly any Q related missions or any other Star Trek lore items
    5. Long PVP queue times
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Canmore wrote:
    i think space combat should have been way slower paced and strategic , dont get me wrong i can live with it as it is , but im thinking star fleet command .

    STF s (dungeons) i hoped for new ideas for end game content not age old dungeon raiding , i can play nearly 200 other mmorpgs for that TRIBBLE

    This, a million times this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Canmore wrote:
    my biggest disapointment with STO up till now is not being able to capture npc ships and ad them into a squad .i think the development team have made an errror balancing the game for 1 ship combat , i think it would have added much to my enjoyment if i responsible for the outfiting of a small squadron ,
    You can't even form squads with your own ships (which would already be enough for me).
    I think they plan something like that, unless they decide to create even more Oberth- Class ships, Bajoran Uniforms, Femal Skirts and Boots or similar useless TRIBBLE to wast their time on. (sorry but i couldn't find another fitting word.)

    Canmore wrote:
    lack of a territory control system , i really dont like a static world in my games . dynamic content is the future. not static quest hubs .this dosent need to equal pvp . there could be npc actions to counter in planetary captures with pvp mixed in perhaps ...
    That would be awesome, but i heavily doubt that they could do this even if they wanted.

    Canmore wrote:
    i think space combat should have been way slower paced and strategic , dont get me wrong i can live with it as it is , but im thinking star fleet command .

    STF s (dungeons) i hoped for new ideas for end game content not age old dungeon raiding , i can play nearly 200 other mmorpgs for that TRIBBLE
    I 100% agree.
    I was disapointed about exactly the same stuff too. STO should pursue new ways how a MMO should work. Especially Star Trek needs to be adressed much more, a "normal" MMO just can't fulfill the requirements that brand demands.
    STO is more a casual co-op styled game than a "classical" MMO.
    I can only speak from my perspective, but the real interesting stuff (PvP, STFs, and now even Fleet Actions) is Team only stuff.

    Everybody talks about Balance, but where is the balance between single player experience and Team players?
    Everything in this game can be played with a team, but not everything can be done alone...
    And yet they are planning to add even more STFs, making STO just another MMO for typical MMO players, instead of going new ways of making content availlable for both type of players equally.
    Thats one of the biggest disappointments for me, to be honest.

    Live long and prosper.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Yreodred wrote:

    I 100% agree.
    I was disapointed about exactly the same stuff too. STO should pursue new ways how a MMO should work. Especially Star Trek needs to be adressed much more, a "normal" MMO just can't fulfill the requirements that brand demands.
    STO is more a casual co-op styled game than a "classical" MMO.
    I can only speak from my perspective, but the real interesting stuff (PvP, STFs, and now even Fleet Actions) is Team only stuff.

    My gripe is that systems damage should be in regular ship combat. You shouldn't recieve a nerf to your ship when you die at harder difficulty levels; it should be a persistant problem to overcome in combat, and something to exploit when you've damaged a ship. Likewise, it shouldn't cost us big time to repair our ship after it's been damaged critically; it should however, take a while for repairs to be made as we have replication technology and... a crew of experienced engineers capable of making and patching up repairs; maybe based on our engineering boffs rarity level perhaps it has a % effect on how much time elapses and to what extent damage can be repaired depending on what and how critical.

    For example, Sci ships are designed as support craft without the same damage dealing capabilities or healing capabilities of engineering captains; so in exchange they have target specific systems powers added to their powers bar;

    Realistically speaking some minor damage should be repairable in combat; but knocking out someone's impulse drive at moderate to critical severity should turn the tide of combat completely, forcing us to think more strategically about how we fight, when we fight and when we don't.

    Furthermore; this stare down an armada of ships TRIBBLE and win is ludicris. The extremes damage and shielding can take in PvP don't really make sense in the Star Trek ship combat universe. Leveled Items don't make sense in a trek universe; ship restriction by rank, does. Weapon and system limitations by hull type does; these are limitations that make sense in the universe of trek, and aren't dependent on stupid, arbitrary, MMO relationships between players and the insufferable grinding necessary to procure them.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Furthermore; this stare down an armada of ships TRIBBLE and win is ludicris. The extremes damage and shielding can take in PvP don't really make sense in the Star Trek ship combat universe.

    Did you even watch any of the shows? :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Did you even watch any of the shows? :D

    Combat was driven by plot. Not always by science.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    1. End Game Content
    What endgame content?:rolleyes:

    2. Fleet Actions
    Now, with quoted insatancing, even worse than ever!

    3. Bug Fixes/ GM help
    Nah, I wouldn't say that. The Dev's here are preaty quick in fixing things. Sadly there are a huge amount of bugs in the game. As for GM help, well you better don't go there or you are lost in the void.

    4 PvP
    Can't really say. I wonder how the new ground PVP works after the Season 4 launch. As for space PVP, it's ok. At least much more agressive and direct as EVE Online.

    5. Captain's Table
    What, what? It is even possible for a monthy payer to get there? And even though, is it usefull? Not really, it is but a nice gadget.
    /end rant

    I encourage everyone to sound off in a civil manner where they feel sto falls short for them but please keep it on topic and civil or this thread will be locked faster that you can say "wishy give me a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, please."

    My biggest disapointmens:

    1. Translations for french and germans.
    I actually am really furious about this! Cryptic want our money, but is not willig to give us the possiblity to play the game. (By the way we still pay way more as the US customers) I'm not talking about all the other french and german people who can speak english, but all the other people who don't. If they don't they can't become a customer. And if they don'T speak english well, then bad luck playing the game. "Who f***g cares about customers anyway?"...riiiight!:rolleyes:
    I wouldn't say the germans are not important since we are just a "little" land compared to the USA, but we are the second biggest Star Trek fanbase on the whole world. So, ignoring german customers is simply ignoring a good oppotunity making more money.

    2. Great ideas badly integrated.
    The Foundry, one of the greatest achivements in the MMO gamedesign. And still so poor posibilities. Egoshooting mode, great idea with a lack of entanglement for the rest of the game. The RPG mode and the Ego mode are sadly 2 parallel working systems.

    3. Emblems gaining rate and the cost of ships
    Totally unrated. Just masochists do harvest the emblems to buy some of the ships. All the other customers simply buy them with AT's.

    4. Explanation of the skills and of the Items
    There are only three examples for each skill or shipitem. What about the rest?

    5. DS9 interior
    While any other mission map placed in DS9 looks great the social area DS9 looks like c**p. Where are the bajoran merchants? Where is the Sickbay (vis-
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Macumba wrote:
    ... and another dissapointment, Minigames!
    Yeah i thought there where several minigames in the making, but since the introduction of the gathering minigame and Dabo, there is nothing on the horizon as far as i know.
    Maybe useless C-Store stuff like more female boots and little skirts for some guys little barbie dolls and Oberth Class ships are more important, than the actual game.

    Live long and prosper.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    A few of my biggest gripes about the game include:

    1. I am a vice admiral,I command multiple ships and most likely thousands if not tens of thousands of individuals. why do I have to beam down myself and scan 5 alien water coolers?

    2. creative problem solving was always a big thing in the series. now why Cant I take a tribble and some chewing gum and stop a warp core breach.... or more specifically, in one of the borg STFs, why Cant I call down one of the dozens of shuttles sitting in my ships shuttle bay to give me a lift over the annoying shield walls that I cant climb over? ( or tell my ship to reduce it to ruble from orbit)

    3. The Federation and the Klingons are supposed to be in an all out war.. now why is it when I see a Klingon bird of pray floating by me in some neutral sector, I cant attempt to blow it out of the sky? he is my enemy,

    4. the glare from some planets is brighter then the sun... enough said here

    5. there is a pre-defined map. one of the biggest things that I was hoping for in star trek online when it was still being developed was an ever expanding frontier. where there would be vast and unexplored territory, nebulas and planetoids that I could find and truly say I was the first one to find them, a nebula that took me months to find, but once I found it I was able to setup my own little hub of operations for me and mine. now I know that a game needs its boarders and I understand this, but what I am talking about is possible with the right coding and design within the game. I want to be able to navigate the whole game in weeks, not hours. space is big and I want a star trek online that reflects that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Here's my top five.

    #1: People spaming about how their Fleet is needing new members, and some times go out and randomly send fleet invites to random people.

    #2: The lack of side weapon slots, and ships with the lowest ranking BO is ensign.

    #3: The huge lack of ability to customize the Xbox Game pad button and stick layout.

    #4: The Auto Pilot, I don't know why, but for some reason, if you tell it to fly to one of the next Sector block warp points, it flies like the point it's flying too is 4 light years out of bounds.

    #5: The dropped loot, I don't need warp coils, terraforming stuff, or weather control things, but yet I'm still picking them up 70% of the time, and what I want is weapons, shields, consoles, things of that nature, things I can use.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    #5: The dropped loot, I don't need warp coils, terraforming stuff, or weather control things, but yet I'm still picking them up 70% of the time, and what I want is weapons, shields, consoles, things of that nature, things I can use.

    What's worse is the KDF are getting commodities as drops and they don't have Aid the Planet missions, so the drops are literally useless. With the upcoming DOff system there now appears to be a reason to save those, but that's still at least a couple months from going live.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Not a top 5 but it's a nagging one. The Season 4 upgrade is horrible. Bug after bug after bug. I think they just took too big a jump this time. Everything was working fine before. I even had the screen studder problem fixed. I even had STO running playably on my Asus netbook. Now it's all gone.

    First problem was the screen studder, it came back hot and heavy as soon as I booted into the Season 4. I play daily, I had it fixed and it was working great the day before. Now I'm on the second lowest setting and it STILL does it on ground missions. Back to the drawing board on that.

    Second problem was I went to upgrade the netbook. It was a little studdery before but now it's not playable. It's hardly even bootable! Back to the drawing board on that.

    Next I went to Alpha Trianguli to try and finnish that accolade. well totall bummer. Alpha Trianguli Defence missions are counting on the Beta Ursea defence missions!

    So I went to memory alpha to look and see if there was anything new. I had to drop settings to the lowest just to walk around because of the studder. I went and looked at personal shields. After looking at the description for the personal shield I could not bring up any other description for anything else until I dropped out of that section and re entered.

    So I went to do an Alpha Century defence mission. I couldn't get into any enemy signal contacts. The windows would come up but I couldn't get in! Finally I found one at the crystaline entity that let me in.

    I'm just venting here but I really think Cryptic took a gamble on this one. And they are on the border of loosing.

    I was chatting with others when I was finding these bugs and they were having the same issues. Hopefully Cryptic will get it fixed soon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    gornman47 wrote:
    I also wanted what I hadn't seen before too, and something that I had always dreamed for in a Star Trek game...the ability to actually make my own starship from scratch. So as you can see high hopes"

    I agree I too was very disappointed was hoping you would be able to truly create a unique ship from scratch rather than just swapping bits around which is ok for the stock ships but I think if they could figure out how to do that then it would really open the game up for you would see pretty interesting ships not too mention different ships rather just block colours in certain areas but not in others on the hull. I for example am a huge fan of the Monarch class star ship also known as the Enterprise J mentioned in Enterprise and in the ships of the line book. I thinks its an awesome looking ship plus it has kick *** weapons!!!! lol
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Your always gonna get some teething problems with such a huge update but be patient it will all work out in the end, the problems that your describing can occurr when certain programming commands interact with others in the game but can be easily addressed with just a little re-coding not a huge deal. Besides the fact that the community will have told Cryptic about these issues means it will be a lot easier for them to deal with it rather than going through every piece of code for a particular section.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Well i haven't played in a while so i only have a few things

    1.When i saw P.E. version of STO i loved it. When looking through a post some where i saw a pic of Starfleet academy. Which got me thinking. Why not have the game start out at Starfleet Academy as the tutorial.You can practice your Class(engineering, tactical...) and learn it and what not. Then maybe do a few years later type thing and you are captain. Ive heard people complain about the Lt and everything. What im saying is that you just start out as a captain and lvl through the Lvls.

    2. I still would of like if the space combat had a Bridge commander type style of gameplay. The Bridge view would be nice but i not think its gonna be possible but in the 3rd person view i would of liked to have the attacking of Subsystem.

    3.interiors They are huge. They could fix the ships interiors and scaling them down to the normal size like we see in the shows.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Well i haven't played in a while so i only have a few things

    1.When i saw P.E. version of STO i loved it. When looking through a post some where i saw a pic of Starfleet academy. Which got me thinking. Why not have the game start out at Starfleet Academy as the tutorial.You can practice your Class(engineering, tactical...) and learn it and what not. Then maybe do a few years later type thing and you are captain. Ive heard people complain about the Lt and everything. What im saying is that you just start out as a captain and lvl through the Lvls.
    This is actually still under work. Actually this feature was intended to be released at the start of Season 4. But because this didn't got finished in time, they pushed the content behind. It is assumed that it would come in 1 or 2 month.
    2. I still would of like if the space combat had a Bridge commander type style of gameplay. The Bridge view would be nice but i not think its gonna be possible but in the 3rd person view i would of liked to have the attacking of Subsystem.
    This is not going to work. It is not the fact, that the Dev's didn't want to make yet another STC clone, but the problem they can't add the avatar into a working ship avatar. The engine simply don'T have the ability to generate ten of thousands of actual ships. And at this time no MMOG engine can do such thing!
    3.interiors They are huge. They could fix the ships interiors and scaling them down to the normal size like we see in the shows.
    As well, the dev's are working on this. There are even some proof they did something. Tne TOS bridge and interior is one, the second is the shuttle interior. Beside this the Klingon first City is another proof for their work. If I understood it right the next interior would be DS9 since the next featured episode will play near there.
    Let's hope, they'll find the time to refit our other bridges. After all, this is not such an easy task as we assume.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Only one peeve. The majority of 'new content' over the last year are items for sale for cash in the C Store.
    I suggest they give all active subscribers and lifetimers a monthly allowance of C Store points... that'll relieve a lot of animosity a LOT of people have.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    1: PVP

    PVP has not seen an change and or upgrade since launch while it is a fundamental part of the game, if you had no desire for PVP you wouldn't need the whole Klingon war story line about which quite a few people are not to happy. PVP really deserves some love and changed from more maps and game modes to better thought out balancing.

    2: Que system

    Every third Patch seems to break the Que system this is getting highly annoying seeing it takes away even more fun of PVP and now also PVE. So Fix it the damn thing and leave it alone.

    3: On demand patching.

    This is annoying, I keep having to wait for on demand patching for things I would assume are quite commonly used. Really i ratter spend an extra hour on the download.

    4: Personal weapons.

    Now with the shooter mode it is even more obvious how oversized these weapons are and my character is not the smallest around, but those rifles are thicker than her arm and longer than her legs, it is just ridiculous.

    5: Bio space in game.

    Really storage is dirt dirt dirt cheap these days and you could make the bio space ten fold and still fit it all on a single HD.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Macumba wrote:
    This is not going to work. It is not the fact, that the Dev's didn't want to make yet another STC clone, but the problem they can't add the avatar into a working ship avatar. The engine simply don'T have the ability to generate ten of thousands of actual ships. And at this time no MMOG engine can do such thing!

    Actually, in SWG you can have multiplayer ships. Where everyone can move around the ship freely during flight and combat. People can man turrets and fire them as they see fit. Someone can sit on Operations and control the droid system of the ship. Someone, usualy the owner, can actually fly the ship. Others can run around and fix system that got damaged during combat. And you can have passengers that you take from one planet to another. Plus zu can decorate the inside with all the items you want and have in your possession. You even have a loot box where loot goes in during flight, that can be shared with people on the ship if the owner wants.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Atari Community Rules and Policies ~WishStone
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Liandras wrote:

    3: On demand patching.

    This is annoying, I keep having to wait for on demand patching for things I would assume are quite commonly used. Really i ratter spend an extra hour on the download.

    you can disable the on-demand patching. when you start the game, at the screen where patching used to be, there is a link at the top to "options." Click it, and select "disable on-demand patching."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Kroke wrote:
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Atari Community Rules and Policies ~WishStone

    if you want space to be big, try setting a course and coming back 2-3 months later. honestly, the only way people are able to play this game is because the designers shortened travel time. May I remind you, Star Trek got rid of "light speed" limitations? Just assume the picture you see is resolved from subspace sensors or something and not an actual picture.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    1. No Featured Episode.
    I was really hopeful there would be a new one as this is one of my favourite parts of the game.

    2. Major jumping abilities fixed.
    Was hoping i wouldn't see enemies with super jumping skills anymore-at all-but ran into a few after Crossfire was released.

    3. BOff's transporting into the ground on Ground Missions.
    Seriously hoping this would be worked on but to no avail.

    4. Issues with enemies being in, or on top of, buildings, or being able to go into a building.
    Happens during Exploration at times if the building doesn't touch the ground that the enemy gets KBed into the building. I've had them spawn numerous times on top of buildings as well.

    5. More craftable weapons, armours, etc.
    We shouldn't be able to craft everything in the game, but a few special items would be nice. Aegis set is good, but i'd was hoping something special would be craftable for the ground as well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I only have a couple of real gripes.

    Nothing is really a threat.

    The fact that I can go up against 10 ships and not really be concerned with dying makes the game a bit...boring...at times. I don't really have to think during combat. I just need to keep pressing the space bar, applying some heals and redirecting shield power. I will eventually wear down all 10 ships. There needs to be the possibility of failing a mission (not just the trade negotiation mission or the one on Vulcan with the Romulan ambassador). The only challenge in the game right now seems to be finding something challenging to do. I know the Borg missions can be a challenge but once you've run the 15 times it gets a bit tedious.

    Several people have said this but there is no reason a Miranda Class frigate should be able to even dent the shields on a Vor'cha or Negh'var...EVER. The the enemies be tough. The Dominion almost creamed the Federation in a war, but I can beat a squad of Jem Hadar ships in a science vessel. If a ship is traveling alone and runs into a Borg cube alone the only command the Captain should give is "Helm! Divert all power to engines including life support, take a deep breath and get us the hell out of here!!!"

    Ship Damage

    If I'm taking damage let my systems fail for more than 3 seconds. If an enemy damages my engines, let me ship move at a slower rate. It's not that big of a thing to imagine. If I target my enemy's weapons and manage to damage them, let them lose a firing arc or fire less frequently. Let me be able to disable a ship (Starfleet generally only blows people up as a last resort, silly pacifists).

    I know a lot of people want Trek to be all sweetness and nice and that should be a part of it. But when things turn ugly let them be ugly. I'm would be okay if during a hard fought battle one of those infamous console explosions took place and I lost one of my BOffs. It would give me a reason to think while in battle if there was a price for losing.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Oh wait, I have one more complaint and this isn't about the game it's about some of the complaints.

    Stop complaining about ground combat not being a FPS. I dont think it was ever intended to be Call of Duty. I like that it is now doesn't take 15 minutes of slow repetative shooting to kill one guy. I also like that fact the each type of weapon has a function like in most FPS games. Is it perfect? Nope (I can't see the logic of people charging me with knives during a gun battle, but hey I'm not a Klingon). But I think it's a step in the right direction. I think given a little more time it will get better.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    OVERLOURD wrote:
    you can disable the on-demand patching. when you start the game, at the screen where patching used to be, there is a link at the top to "options." Click it, and select "disable on-demand patching."

    Cheers mate :)

    Smoother game for me that will mean, I gate having to wait once I game.
This discussion has been closed.