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Your Top 5 Disappointments in STO



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Only five? Well gornamn47 has most of mine but I would have to agree with 99% of the preceding posters too.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    No Tier 5 Constitution for my TOS themed characters and Bridge set.

    That I payed for both! :eek:

    T5 D'kyr ship from Enterprise instead? :confused:

    Too long between somethings in STO! (somethings are anything happening like updates new missions and C-Store stuff :))

    PvP is basically just super hero powers driven by macros.

    Team only missions are a waste of time, I have enough to do in RL I shouldn't have to schedule to do a mission.

    Not a lot of Klingon customization options?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Add "real" Neutral Zones and a vast Zone Control combat system that works hand and hand with PvE. Zone Control allows players to control outposts, sectors, and siege starbases in epic fleet battles. Not only would this increase players, it would also improve fleet alliances and create endless PvP.

    Imagine assaulting a starbase in space with a fleet while player away teams beam down. Warfare on two fronts.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1. Level cap. This never made sense to me. 90% of my time playing STO has been long after reaching the level cap. I find it hard to believe that I'd simply stop being able to improve my skills and learn new ones once I reached an arbitrary number of points. Part of this has to do with Cryptic originally advertising no level cap, then hastily putting one in.

    2. Ground combat. I shouldn't be slowly picking away at an enemy's health with a weapon that in the Trek universe, can obliterate a whole building with its maximum setting. Also alien ensigns that hit as hard as Klingon swordmasters that ignore everything and run up to me and chase me down, need to be removed from the game last year, not when season 4 is released.

    3. Boff limitations on starships. All ships should have universal stations. Why does any ship limit its boffs to certain levels at all, besides the painfully poor excuse of game balance? Captain professions provide a good limiting factor already, as do weapon types that can be used on different ship classes. All escorts should be able to use a commander engineer. All cruisers should be able to use a commander sci officer.

    4. Sector space claustrophobia. I'm not exploring the galaxy. I'm traveling through a series of large pizza boxes. I'm trapped by invisible walls. I can't go out into the unknown at all.

    5. Too much war. War and space combat was never a large part of Trek until DS9. All I seem to do in STO is fire phasers at everything I encounter because the plot demands it. I can't negotiate surrender of opponents to save lives. I can't find non-violent ways of dealing with situations. The only time the Enterprise in TNG engaged in an all-or-nothing mega battle was in an alternate universe with the Klingons. Why is everything out to kill me, and why am I out to kill everything?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    While I do not consider myself a complete noob anymore, but I would still like to post these issues I discovered about STO that might be holding other people back from downloading and trying STO.

    Issue 1:
    Download speed for the game is dramatical and should be increased drasticly…
    I could see my beard grow during the download… It took nearly 12 hours (at about 90-120 kb/s - EVE online was 900-950 kb/s as reference) to download the client (about 7 Gb), while patching 1,7 Gb after that took less then 15 minutes.

    Issue 2:
    I started playing probably little over a month ago, got 1 fed to Captain 5 and 1 KDF to Lt.Commander 8 so far. However my issue is from before that… The so-called trail. This is bad, really really bad if you have no experience with STO. Sure you get to do space and ground combat, but to really get the hang of how things really work it is way to short. Many MMO’s give at least 1 week to try the game, with limited excess to the Exchange, Bank and whatever thing you can imagine. STO on the other hand dumps you straight in a battle against the Borg which appearently are easy battles despite me being a noob (I remember seeing dozens of Feds clashing against 1 Cube and nobody knew if they were going to survive), next you are supposed to protect some transport vessel, that battle was even easier then the Borg fights. My biggest annoyance about the above was that after that the only locations you are allowed are Sol system including space station and Sector space where you arrive after leaving Sol. Whining at every solar system that you must pay before being allowed to enter. If you don’t want to give a new player everything… Give them a week to decide what to do and in addition the Starbase 24 assault before whining about having to pay.

    Issue 3:
    When I started playing I read every piece of information that game provided me, but still it took me a few days of playing before I discovered I had a Bank account and were the Exchange was… Maybe I am a slow learner, but an NPC (like the admiral for example, you already have to visit him) forcing you to visit several locations in Earth Space Station for a nice reward goes a long way in making sure people know what to expect from the game.

    That is all for now…
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I agree with many of my comrades of STO, I believe all those issues are very good to mention and for you developers to please address and take care of, since we pay your salaries. . . No offense intended, it is just I have dealt with many customers, and keeping them happy has kept me employed. . .

    My major gripe is a very simple one. . . Don't give us things and then take them away from us. . . ! Here is an example: When I first started STO you had to do exploration missions to get exploration points, which in turn you could buy very nice items with in the ship yard. . . But when you advanced in rank, the exploration points that you turned in for an item automatically bound the item to you. . . Now this was utterly stupid for a Vice Admiral to go in search of level one particles and for the heck of it did the beginning exploration missions that were still available to him/her and then turn it in for a level 2 item that was bound to them.

    Yes we could sell them for a little credits, but it just didn't make sense to keep doing. . . So then in one of your recent patches the items you purchased with the exploration points were no longer bound, which was totally AWESOME! Because now to put low level items into our fleet bank I didn't have to use up all the particles I have been scanning for. . . I just get in there today and go to turn in some exploration points and the items are again bound to me. . . This SUCKS!

    First you took the quality of the items we could trade the points for down from rare to uncommon, and now you make the items bind to us AGAIN. . . Hated it the first time and Hate it even more now. . . How can this possibly be hurting Criptic or Atari? Come on guys and gals Please throw us a bone here.

    Many things are improving for which I humbly thank you greatly, but if your just going to take them away again, like this example, then what is the point of playing? This linked with the previously addressed disappointments, just takes the heart out of us Star Trek Fans. :(
    Thank you for your time and efforts so far! Keep it up there is still lots of hope!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    >>> Exploration <<<<

    Nuf said
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    If I were a developer, I'd be encouraged (I think) by the fact that few of the lists agree.

    My list:

    1] Ground skills versus space skills should have separate point pools. The result of the current system is that ground PvP has died, because it is sub-optimal to spread your points across both areas.

    2] The increase in the level cap from RA1 to VA1. Bad because it took us from having easily acquired gear (Marks) to much more expensive gear (Emblems). Switching from, say, phasers to antiproton is now a royal pain. This increases grind and reduces fun. (And btw I agree that the max rank, somehow, should have been Captain.)

    3] The inability to control my PvE gaming session in the sense that if I say "Gee, I'd like to fight Romulans on the ground tonight", I have no (certain) way to do that, except to re-run a few select missions. There are no fixed zones that just have a certain population of enemies.

    4] The lack of PvE enemy variety, which means you fight battleships in your starter cruiser. Leveling would be a bit more exciting if the first time you saw an enemy Neg'var you were of an equivalent tier.

    5] Lack of PvE challenge. (I'm not talking about stupid death penalties.) Unfortunately, IMO, the only answer to this is better A.I., which is not so easy to do. Also, this is one game were it makes little sense that one always fights groups of enemies as opposed to a single ship.

    I don't find any of these issues real deal-breakers, although I think #1 is fairly important.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Just trying to be constructive, not negative!

    1) Ship Limitations - I want to fly an Akira class vessel at max rank. I think unlocking ship types as you rank up is a good idea, but with the refits and C-store ships being added, I think enough people will want this.

    2) Bugs - Too many bugs with new content. I know it is tough to balance time to improve existing content or make new content, but too often existing content does not work and does not get fixed for months down the line. Examples are the Undine Fleet Action and the STFs after Season 2 was released.

    3) Emblems/Marks - Change it to one universal reward system, then later you can worry about what to use for rewards. Example: combine all emblems, marks of valor, marks of exploration into one less-generic currency. Scale rewards for each rank. At higher ranks you get more currency, but things cost more as well. This way it benefits all players of all levels. They can see short term and long term rewards for their work.

    4) PvP - I know myself and other players try to pvp more, but when we do the queue doesn't work, or we get into a bugged match that traps players or lets one side win all the time. My thought would be to fix all the bugs, and temporarily replace the existing queue system with a random queue. No more 2 players in queue for each map, put them all together and get pvp going. Once the bugs are gone and people pvp more, we can put back the queue for specific types.

    5) Fleets - Fleets are dying. Even with the Foundry, there is nothing that ties people together. The fleets that still exist are groups of close friends, but for a player that does not know anyone else in STO there isn't much of a benefit to joining. We need something that rewards players and fleets for being together. Fleet instances of Fleet Actions. Fleet vs Fleet pvp using a queue, not inviting each player individually. Fleet starbases I've heard of, but again, it needs to reward the players in some way and not just look good.

    Hope this helps!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Cyllus wrote: »
    1. Factions, or lack thereof. The Big 3 should have been in the game at launch.

    2. End game.

    3. The C-store. I'm not against it, per se, but so much cool stuff got wasted on the c-store. I'd much rather see a lot of that kind of stuff as rewards for STFs or missions.

    4. 'Boxes' Fly to the edge of a sector and get a pop-up from traffic control. (wuh?) Missions on planets in tiny little zones. I expected space to feel bigger, and I was hoping for broad expansive spaces on iconic worlds, ala SWG.

    5. Lack of dynamic content. The galaxy is at war... yet the Klingons never raid a federation planet. 8472 stays hidden... still. The Romulans, even weakened, allow violations of there territory on a daily basis... riiiiggghhht.
    The True Way seems content to do... pretty much nothing at all. And the Borg... what are the borg doing again?
    'Events', a la Rift or City of Heroes, would be an amazing addition.

    My name is Talas and I support this post in it's entirety. The Big 3, Romulans, Federation, Klingons all as playable factions all with their own tutorial. This would have allowed for more PvP options to boot.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1. Level cap. This never made sense to me. 90% of my time playing STO has been long after reaching the level cap. I find it hard to believe that I'd simply stop being able to improve my skills and learn new ones once I reached an arbitrary number of points. Part of this has to do with Cryptic originally advertising no level cap, then hastily putting one in.

    2. Ground combat. I shouldn't be slowly picking away at an enemy's health with a weapon that in the Trek universe, can obliterate a whole building with its maximum setting. Also alien ensigns that hit as hard as Klingon swordmasters that ignore everything and run up to me and chase me down, need to be removed from the game last year, not when season 4 is released.

    3. Boff limitations on starships. All ships should have universal stations. Why does any ship limit its boffs to certain levels at all, besides the painfully poor excuse of game balance? Captain professions provide a good limiting factor already, as do weapon types that can be used on different ship classes. All escorts should be able to use a commander engineer. All cruisers should be able to use a commander sci officer.

    4. Sector space claustrophobia. I'm not exploring the galaxy. I'm traveling through a series of large pizza boxes. I'm trapped by invisible walls. I can't go out into the unknown at all.

    5. Too much war. War and space combat was never a large part of Trek until DS9. All I seem to do in STO is fire phasers at everything I encounter because the plot demands it. I can't negotiate surrender of opponents to save lives. I can't find non-violent ways of dealing with situations. The only time the Enterprise in TNG engaged in an all-or-nothing mega battle was in an alternate universe with the Klingons. Why is everything out to kill me, and why am I out to kill everything?

    I agree with all of the above. to add to #5, the war in STO feels half-hearted not proper at all. If a war is going on, there's going to be a frontline, probably at the neutral zone. You wouldn't have enemy ships moving around the heart of the Federation (nor the other way around). There are too many Klingons serving in Starfleet. Let's face it, if Worf, a Klingon who was raised BY HUMANS is siding with Klingons on this issue, I don't realistically see many Klingons staying with Starfleet. To sum up, the Federation vs Klingon Empire war just feels like an excuse for PvP to exist; it has no substance.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    #5 Exploring space is boring. There is no uncharted space to explore. There are already Klingons and Romuland and any other enemy/ally already there. I just cannot imagione what the devs were thinking when they implemented a deep space exploration quest that had defend a federation/ally base from klingons.....The deepest parts of space or any frontier are usually unknown to all and what you would encounter would be new aliens...new planets....new viruses that kill your crew.......but instead we defend a base from Klingons......lovely. I would almost rather catalogue gaseous anomolies and measure space dust and a type 2 comet.

    #4 PVP is boring and static. There is no reason to PVP as the Federation is not in any peril..nor are any disputed planets being conquered by their enemies. The war feels like, for those of you who are historians, sitzkrieg or a phony war.

    #3 Too much instancing....so much that it does not allow, at this current time, to sit on the bridge of your cruiser and watch the stars go by as you warp to Risa or the Mutara nebula.

    #2 I do not like the term end content as it leads one to believe the end of the game is near and only 1 MMO can lay claim to having a "end of the game" see DDO....... there is nothing to do for people who are max level.....STO has the lighest amount of end content I have ever seen after a year. Very dissapointing.

    DRUM ROLL......#1 The whole ST experience with all its movies and books does not translate very well into an MMO .....especially since my crew and i have killed more then several hundred enemy ships....many of them capital ships.....and received no ACE of the Federation...no ticker tape parades for destroying , like RAMBO, an entire army with a bow....there is far too much combat in terms of destroying ships.....how many Birds oF PREY have I destroyed...way more then any Empire could field........How many of their capital ships have i turned into dust.......enough that the Klingons would sue for peace.......

    VERY IMPORTAND NOTE TO DEVS Immersion is truly an art form...if the creators of a game or a movie or a book cannot keep people immersed then they are doing rather poorly. We all must suspend or reality a bit to watch movies and to play games but STO does not even try to make it realistic.......destroy a whole fleet? no worries they will be back tomorrow.....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    garravesh wrote: »
    #5 Exploring space is boring. There is no uncharted space to explore. There are already Klingons and Romuland and any other enemy/ally already there. I just cannot imagione what the devs were thinking when they implemented a deep space exploration quest that had defend a federation/ally base from klingons.....The deepest parts of space or any frontier are usually unknown to all and what you would encounter would be new aliens...new planets....new viruses that kill your crew.......but instead we defend a base from Klingons......lovely. I would almost rather catalogue gaseous anomolies and measure space dust and a type 2 comet.

    Sadly, this is the end result of setting a game like this in the post-TNG era.

    From the time of TNG on, the majority of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants had been explored and charted, and Starfleet became more of a "beat cop" walking the streets looking for crime, rather than being pioneers, adventurers and explorers.

    This is one of the reasons that I long pushed for a TOS era MMO. I know TOS isn't the most popular era with many of the TNG era fans, but it would be much easier to capture "the spirit" of Trek if it were set in an era where there was still lots of exploring to do, new species to meet and still have Klingons and Romulans hiding in every nebula.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    garravesh wrote: »
    #5 Exploring space is boring. There is no uncharted space to explore. There are already Klingons and Romuland and any other enemy/ally already there. I just cannot imagione what the devs were thinking when they implemented a deep space exploration quest that had defend a federation/ally base from klingons.....The deepest parts of space or any frontier are usually unknown to all and what you would encounter would be new aliens...new planets....new viruses that kill your crew.......but instead we defend a base from Klingons......lovely. I would almost rather catalogue gaseous anomolies and measure space dust and a type 2 comet.

    #4 PVP is boring and static. There is no reason to PVP as the Federation is not in any peril..nor are any disputed planets being conquered by their enemies. The war feels like, for those of you who are historians, sitzkrieg or a phony war.

    #3 Too much instancing....so much that it does not allow, at this current time, to sit on the bridge of your cruiser and watch the stars go by as you warp to Risa or the Mutara nebula.

    #2 I do not like the term end content as it leads one to believe the end of the game is near and only 1 MMO can lay claim to having a "end of the game" see DDO....... there is nothing to do for people who are max level.....STO has the lighest amount of end content I have ever seen after a year. Very dissapointing.

    DRUM ROLL......#1 The whole ST experience with all its movies and books does not translate very well into an MMO .....especially since my crew and i have killed more then several hundred enemy ships....many of them capital ships.....and received no ACE of the Federation...no ticker tape parades for destroying , like RAMBO, an entire army with a bow....there is far too much combat in terms of destroying ships.....how many Birds oF PREY have I destroyed...way more then any Empire could field........How many of their capital ships have i turned into dust.......enough that the Klingons would sue for peace.......

    VERY IMPORTAND NOTE TO DEVS Immersion is truly an art form...if the creators of a game or a movie or a book cannot keep people immersed then they are doing rather poorly. We all must suspend or reality a bit to watch movies and to play games but STO does not even try to make it realistic.......destroy a whole fleet? no worries they will be back tomorrow.....
    Sadly, this is the end result of setting a game like this in the post-TNG era.

    From the time of TNG on, the majority of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants had been explored and charted, and Starfleet became more of a "beat cop" walking the streets looking for crime, rather than being pioneers, adventurers and explorers.

    This is one of the reasons that I long pushed for a TOS era MMO. I know TOS isn't the most popular era with many of the TNG era fans, but it would be much easier to capture "the spirit" of Trek if it were set in an era where there was still lots of exploring to do, new species to meet and still have Klingons and Romulans hiding in every nebula.


    These are also very much good facts, the developers should read what Mr. Garravesh wrote it sums up [my] problems with the game perfectly. I like the game but those are my disappointments.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    oh here's a new one. Getting a mk x green engine for a vice admiral reward. gee thanks so much for that level appropriate reward. great job programmers. it's really discouraging when you manage to even mess up on the really simple stuff.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Continuing to put resources on selling cosmetic items instead of fixing bugs.
    Continuing to put resources on selling cosmetic items instead of fixing bugs.
    Continuing to put resources on selling cosmetic items instead of fixing bugs.
    Continuing to put resources on selling cosmetic items instead of fixing bugs.
    Continuing to put resources on selling cosmetic items instead of fixing bugs.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    the c-store and the over-focus on it, very few of the MMOs i p2p have any sort of 'cash shop' those that do have a handful of purely cosmetic gimmick items, not ships/weapons/xp boosts...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Sorenzy wrote: »
    Continuing to put resources on selling cosmetic items instead of fixing bugs.
    Continuing to put resources on selling cosmetic items instead of fixing bugs.
    Continuing to put resources on selling cosmetic items instead of fixing bugs.
    Continuing to put resources on selling cosmetic items instead of fixing bugs.
    Continuing to put resources on selling cosmetic items instead of fixing bugs.


    You forgot to Number them so that we can see how many you listed......:rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    No Endgame Constitution Class Retrofit.

    No Endgame Constitution Class Retrofit.

    No Endgame Constitution Class Retrofit.

    No Endgame Constitution Class Retrofit.

    No Endgame Constitution Class Retrofit.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    No Undine stuff

    people wanting a tier 5 constitution class

    not enough smart pakleds

    the spoon heads still exist

    no Terran domination.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    At least a federation T5 Constitution is a lot more realistic than a Federation Carrier.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    Lack of Kdf content.


    Liberated borg from life time reward dont look like a borg its just a fancy eye peaice where our armor and hands with nano tubes ready to assimilate stuff ( refers to st voy seven of nine repeated nano tubeing things. )

    the boff liberated borg should have a custom kit like the one from Kithomer accord.


    Limited time bridge officers reman and breen to be permanent for lifers.
    sad thing we cant get them i missed the breen and i will not pay 10 million credits for one for each of my toons.
    or at least put them on the C store


    Klingon CLoak bugg never fixed.


    better explained tutorial about bridge officers skills highlight the ones mark #3 that cannot be trained so we know wich one is good.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    LtEliz wrote:
    Limited time bridge officers reman and breen to be permanent for lifers..

    I'm Sorry. What?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    You forgot to Number them so that we can see how many you listed......:rolleyes:

    There are 5 on that list. Five:).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    At least a federation T5 Constitution is a lot more realistic than a Federation Carrier.

    I would say its the other way around.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I've always been disappointed with the (1) interior maps, especially the random explorations in the nebulas and clusters. But (2) exterior ground maps are also disappointing. Textures look good, but the constrained environment and linear approach make such missions tedious and boring. I thought I could use the Foundry to create interior maps as I envision, but alas, (3) the Foundry doesn't allow it. Genesis and Foundry need some more tender loving care.

    (4) Ship interiors are still not visually appealing. It would be nice to have weekly missions requiring the Captain to check in on various nodes within the ship, like a supervisor. I was definitely disappointed to see that the (5) "Scan Medical Supplies" mission still has my BOFFs teleporting in under the map, falling 100s of meters to the bottom, and then laying there unconscious, forcing me to abandon the mission.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    For those of you upset with endgame content it looks like you're going to get the next round of love after season 4 hits. More end game... more loot.... more stf's? I say yes, please.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1. C-store price gouging (coupled with immersion destroying in game advertising) + monthly sub

    It's bad enough to have a micro-transaction store on top of a monthly sub. Having it so obviously overpriced compared to what the rest of the industry charges for DLC simply draws ire and loses subs. Advertising in game hurts the integrity of the game. I've personally found a solution to have the C-store goodies I want while not feeling ripped off. Going into more details would land me an infraction, but smart people should be able to catch my drift :p

    2. PvP

    On top of being ignored and neglected to death and losing an entire game mode since launch, Cryptic continues to make poor decisions that **** off PvPers and drive people away. Cloaking tractor mines and FAW come to mind.

    3. Exploration

    'Nuff said. The random location generator is actually very nice, but there's nothing to do there.

    4. AI

    blind outside of 10km, loaded with hit points, flys towards me and randomly uses two or three powers? Was this coded in an afternoon by a college dropout? AI strive to behave more like a human player would in PvP.

    5. Formulaic

    Kill five of this, scan five of that. Boring! Also the fact that no choices have consequences means that STO fails the majority of definitions for "what an RPG is"

    ...and I have to throw this in here

    6. Arrogance

    When you decide to nerf efficient engines, and people start 50 pages of discussion telling you why you are wrong, don't just throw on blinders because 'you know better'. This arrogance also leads to the belief that devs can know whats best from the outside looking in. This is false. Even average PvPers have a better understanding of the game balance than the devs do. Devs need to actually play the game they've made or they'll never see what the community sees.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    hurleybird wrote: »
    1. C-store price gouging (coupled with immersion destroying in game advertising) + monthly sub

    It's bad enough to have a micro-transaction store on top of a monthly sub. Having it so obviously overpriced compared to what the rest of the industry charges for DLC simply draws ire and loses subs. Advertising in game hurts the integrity of the game. I've personally found a solution to have the C-store goodies I want while not feeling ripped off. Going into more details would land me an infraction, but smart people should be able to catch my drift :p

    2. PvP

    On top of being ignored and neglected to death and losing an entire game mode since launch, Cryptic continues to make poor decisions that **** off PvPers and drive people away. Cloaking tractor mines and FAW come to mind.

    3. Exploration

    'Nuff said. The random location generator is actually very nice, but there's nothing to do there.

    4. AI

    blind outside of 10km, loaded with hit points, flys towards me and randomly uses two or three powers? Was this coded in an afternoon by a college dropout? AI strive to behave more like a human player would in PvP.

    5. Formulaic

    Kill five of this, scan five of that. Boring! Also the fact that no choices have consequences means that STO fails the majority of definitions for "what an RPG is"

    ...and I have to throw this in here

    6. Arrogance

    When you decide to nerf efficient engines, and people start 50 pages of discussion telling you why you are wrong, don't just throw on blinders because 'you know better'. This arrogance also leads to the belief that devs can know whats best from the outside looking in. This is false. Even average PvPers have a better understanding of the game balance than the devs do. Devs need to actually play the game they've made or they'll never see what the community sees.

    Quoted for TRUTH.

    I'd like to add that there has to be priority of fixing bugs and game play issues before adding uniforms and any cosmetic things to your over priced C-store. I don't understand what's going on with the C-store anyways. In every game ever made with micro-transactions the game is free to play. So why do we have to pay a premium for the game on a monthly basis + microtransactions??? $15 is too much, even $9.99 would be better.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    hurleybird wrote: »
    1. C-store price gouging (coupled with immersion destroying in game advertising) + monthly sub

    It's bad enough to have a micro-transaction store on top of a monthly sub. Having it so obviously overpriced compared to what the rest of the industry charges for DLC simply draws ire and loses subs. Advertising in game hurts the integrity of the game. I've personally found a solution to have the C-store goodies I want while not feeling ripped off. Going into more details would land me an infraction, but smart people should be able to catch my drift :p

    2. PvP

    On top of being ignored and neglected to death and losing an entire game mode since launch, Cryptic continues to make poor decisions that **** off PvPers and drive people away. Cloaking tractor mines and FAW come to mind.

    3. Exploration

    'Nuff said. The random location generator is actually very nice, but there's nothing to do there.

    4. AI

    blind outside of 10km, loaded with hit points, flys towards me and randomly uses two or three powers? Was this coded in an afternoon by a college dropout? AI strive to behave more like a human player would in PvP.

    5. Formulaic

    Kill five of this, scan five of that. Boring! Also the fact that no choices have consequences means that STO fails the majority of definitions for "what an RPG is"

    ...and I have to throw this in here

    6. Arrogance

    When you decide to nerf efficient engines, and people start 50 pages of discussion telling you why you are wrong, don't just throw on blinders because 'you know better'. This arrogance also leads to the belief that devs can know whats best from the outside looking in. This is false. Even average PvPers have a better understanding of the game balance than the devs do. Devs need to actually play the game they've made or they'll never see what the community sees.

    All this^^ and the FEDside is way too BLUE.
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