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Your Top 5 Disappointments in STO

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
STO has come a long way since launch. I just wanted that to be my first statement and say how great full I am for the progress made thus far. That being said, here's my list of top 5 things that I feel disappointed me the most in spite of progress made on other fronts.

1. End Game Content

With 7 toons at max level (4 fed and 3 kdf) and every one of them has full borg gear there isn't a lot of content that I haven't completed over and over and over. While I do appreciate the foundry, the limitations of the tools are just too much to keep us from making proper STF like content where we can have puzzles to mimic the ones found made by devs. Really the only challenge at this point is to try to shave a few minutes off our best times and complete these missions faster or to see if we can complete them with a bare minimum of people to make them harder.

2. Fleet Actions

I know there has been talk about a fleet only que for quite a while but its not really on the radar at this point. Over a year after launch and we still can't do things very easily as a group. The only time we can get together for a fleet action is a ground missions after changing instances a few times and getting very lucky. Still, its quite difficult to do things with my fleet on a large scale and that's a big disappointment.

[EDIT] With the introduction of season 4, it's now super easy to set up a PvE que and actually do fleet actions with your fleet. The system is robust enough where players of all levels can participate in the event at the same time while remaining flexible so you can add a password to keep the instance totally private if you chose to do so. Eventually ,if possible, i'd like to see cross faction fleet actions some day featuring some unique and special content, but in its current form fleet actions are no longer a disappointment. Great job Cryptic, job well done.[/END EDIT]

3. Bug Fixes/ GM help

These aren't really the same thing but the sort of go together. It takes too long to get help if we are stuck or something goes wrong in a mission. More often than not the "help" comes in the form of an automated response more than 24 hours after the incident. Usually the help isn't very helpful. They just ask us to try some different things that the player can do by themselves like drop the mission and wait 15 minutes or simply say there is nothing they can do. Also, some things get pushed back for a long time and don't get fixed right away or even get the proper attention. Take cloak for example, this is a major game mechanic and has been seriously broken for over 1/4 of a year now but it took over a month and a half of that to even get acknowledged as a bug.

[EDIT] Season 4 fixed cloak and dialog pop up issues. Cryptic folks painstakingly fixed the issue on each and every single map located in the massive star trek online universe. Wow. I'd like to virtual high five everyone at Cryptic for making this happen. Yes all games have bugs, but Star Trek Online is making good enough progress at squashing these that at this time, I no longer consider this a disappointment. Thank you Cryptic.[/END EDIT]

4 PvP

I really enjoyed pvp in the beginning as it was new to me and presented a challenge that I couldn't find anywhere except in the STF's at max level. It also allowed me to easily team up with my fleet members to play together without a lot of hassle. After a year though with the same game types and maps. Actually I take that back, there are less game types because the assault game type was removed. Anyways playing the same hand full of maps over and over with the 2 game types are pretty boring at this point and the slow pace of progress made on these fronts has been a big disappointment.

5. Captain's Table

I know this last one is pretty trivial but I've been to the captains table about 5 times ever in over 3100 hours of game play. Its just that there's nothing to do there. Now I have participated in several what do you want out of the captain's table threads but those seem to fizzle out and get forgotten as soon as they are made and the discussion begins and that is a real shame and disappointment as this could be an area that really shines in sto. I was hoping that after more people hit their 400 day mark we would see some progress on this front but to date it seems that things are at a standstill yet again and this place is just an afterthought.

/end rant

I encourage everyone to sound off in a civil manner where they feel sto falls short for them but please keep it on topic and civil or this thread will be locked faster that you can say "wishy give me a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, please."
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1.) Expansion of the existing classes

    I always hoped that by now there would be other classes to choose from, or at least sub-sets of the main TAC. ENG, and SCI classes.

    They could have even created some classes that were lifeform-specific, with traits that were only used for that class.

    2.) Expansion of the Skills and the Abilities viz. Kits

    There are so few abilities that everyone capitalizes on the latest "in-thing", and I don't think this would be the case if players could train-up their own skills through research and crafting.

    Why not allow players the same sort of research + dev that you see in other successful MMO's like EVE, Star Wars Galaxies etc.

    3.) Cut scenes with those epic "on-screen" moments.

    The dialogues are monotonous and silent with the NPC's lips not even moving and making no sound. Very frustrating...

    Also the dialogues are repeated throughout the Nebulas.

    4.) Cluster-.... NPC groups

    Kill five of these, defeat five of those, scan five of these (take five valium) ....

    5.) Open space with territory control.

    Don't get me started! Where's the adventure if there is not some grand strategy in place. A central theme running throughout - what ever happened to the "Path to 2409" events? What happened to the Federation, Sela and Taris? And the Vulcans are awfully quiet...

    I want to conquer something, plant my flag and settle down to raise a family and grow crops! Give me a piece of asteroid I can buy, conquer or win in a gambling match and let me decorate it with my enemies skulls!

    95% of the planets are pointless. Why fly all the way over there when you just need to bring up the queues. PS. Only three of the maps on the queues are ever in play Cryptic. That's sad, really, really sad.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I don't have 5, but I would LOVE to see the Ranking System spread out over about Two Years of Climbing.

    btw. I like the way the OP is put together. Calm and Rational. I do not see it as a Rant.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1) No end Game

    2) Not enough STF. They are just to long also. Please do not need anyone posting I did it in 30 mins. A casual group typical takes 5 hours to do the cure. Way to long. Tiering up the weekly to STF rank would fix most of the problems here.

    3) Not being able to Scale /Tier up any ship I want. The ability to craft up a ship to the next tier would be nice

    4) The slow pace which they are adding content. Sorry people compared other MMOs STO adds new content very slow.

    5) The Price. STO is high price for what they provide. Most MMO only ask 10$USD per month and give much faster service.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1. Lack of Consistent Setting: Cryptic marketing billed STO as the future of Trek, but the setting does not reflect that. I understand Cryptic wanting to appeal to the widest audience possible, but I signed on (with a LTS no less) for a Star Trek game reflecting the Trek universe years after ST: Nemesis. With the Oberth coming to the C-Store soon, STO looks less the future of Trek and more the power of micro-transaction. A more detailed version of this issue is found here. Note that I am not trying to reignite this issue. This is my biggest disappointment with STO.
    2. Lack of KDF Content: This topic can, and has, filled entire threads. I would have played KDF much sooner had there been PvE content to support it. I think many people would have done so, as well. As it is, I love my KDF character but find myself almost dreading playing it because it's nothing but grind, grind, grind. So many opportunities have been lost as a result of the KDF being neglected. Yes, Season 4 may help. But with the Romulan faction coming, it's seems like Cryptic is trying to get the KDF out of the way to make room on their schedules for something "better" in their eyes. My motto is 'If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?' The KDF is a good example of what happens when you don't heed that motto.
    3. Bugs / Bug Reporting: I understand that bug fixes don't bring in new subs, but they can help keep existing ones. It would be unrealistic to ask for a Season of nothing but bug fixes, but how about half a Season? There are quite a few bugs that I haven't reported because, in all honesty, what's the point? I haven't seen any bug I've reported get fixed in anything resembling a timely manner, and the automated response we get seems like a 'STFU' response after the tenth bug report. Might I suggest a bug leader board? A monthly forum post listing the top 50 bugs? Something that actually makes it seem like reporting a bug actually matters? Also, is there anything we as players can do to help you guys with bugs? What kind of info do you need in a bug report? I think most people, regardless of how critical they may sound, want STO to succeed.
    4. The User-Interface: To put it bluntly, STO's UI is horrible. I've played many video games and never had the problems I have here. Powers that won't activate, buttons that won't stay where I put them, a mouse cursor that seems to cloak itself at the worst possible times. The UI was one of the main reasons I stopped playing months ago. I'm back and the UI is largely unchanged. Since other games don't have these issues, but CO and STO do, I can only assume it is a Cryptic-specific problem. Cryptic, PLEASE fix it.
    5. 'C' is for C-Store: I completely understand the lure of C-Store revenue, and that the C-Store is part of Cryptic's financial model for their games and that it won't be going away. I'm not saying that it should. I am saying that Cryptic needs to throw the players a (free) bone every now and then. Maybe have the additional liberated borg costume pieces be a reward for doing an STF. Maybe have some new ship appearance options become available as a reward for rescuing a ship that has those options. Give some stuff away in-game. It won't break Cryptic and it will make them seem much more generous and "cooler".

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I think my only disappointment when I first played the game was my own expectations were too high. I wanted so much and all the best things from all previous Star Trek titles and more. I wanted to be able to have a fully functional bridge like Bridge Commander and I wanted the macros from Klingon Academy amalgamated together. I also wanted what I hadn't seen before too, and something that I had always dreamed for in a Star Trek game...the ability to actually make my own starship from scratch. So as you can see high hopes. BUT when I first played this game (before season 2 hit) I was stunned and amazed. The game was beautiful, the episodes and story was great, still is. Although I hated those grid lines, (thank you for a toggle button!) and I currently find the ground play a little lacking-but only because I've done them a million times. Right now my only real concerns for making this game amazing and making it better than any other Star Trek game is more customizable starships and more randomness when we beam down to a planet. That's it, that's all this game really needs, it doesn't really need a fully functional bridge-although that would be awesome and I understand why they can't make it happen. Now I am sure they could make more ship parts and give us the ability to truly make our ships our creations, that would be cool. As for everything that Cryptic gives us, its just more icing and more cherries and that's perfectly alright. Cryptic keep up the good work!!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1) Lack of KDF updates. The 6 or so missions added in season 3 (I believe, so August?) was a great start....then....nothing. Wow. I've heard the figure that only 25% of players play KDF....a lot of is because there is so little (in comparison) to do. This reminds me of the housing issue in LotRO quite a bit. "Data farming" is used as a justification that people don't use housing there very much, therefore it's not worth the time to improve...but people don't use it much because it's so basic, so if it's not improved, the numbers won't go up.

    2) Lack of Bug fixes. A year later and anomalies still appear in the ground. KDF is horrid for this. Sword masters and their kin are still crazy on advanced and elite. Reminds me of SWG, and that's not a good thing (unless you're talking about housing).

    3) No new FE. With how popular these are, everything else besides bug bashing should have been put on hold to make these consistent and steady. A maximum of 3 weeks between series. I'm thinking start the series on the first weekend of the month, run for 5 weeks, then you have 3 weeks to turn around for the next. DStahl has said they are upping these but...*Jeopardy theme song*

    4) Focus on the foundry. I'm sure that many will disagree with this. Personally though, I want to better my character when I am playing. The simplest way this happens in STO is an end of mission reward, expecially for max level charactors. The foundry lacks this. It is like playing D&D back in the day and you kill the dragon or Lich or whatever the big baddy at the end is.....and he has no loot. Cryptic needs to screen foundry missions and add rewards to the cream of the crop. I have played a grand total of ONE foundry mission because of this. It had a nice story, and was about equal to most Cryptic content...but no reward = no play for me. In an interview, DStahl saids they were looking to do some sort of daily/emblem type deal, but.....*Jeopardy theme song again*

    5) With how much I and others have put into the C-store, it seems that not a lot is put back into the game. No other game has ever gotten 30+ bucks a month from me, so if I drop that dough I expect to see new things added quickly, even if it is via C-store. 2 items a month is pretty sad. The Bajoran outfits and Oberth ship do zero for me personally. I expect staff to go up with increased profits ("It takes money to make money"). Instead, we see services cut (German and French forums, etc.) This one I put entirely on Atari, I'm sure DStahl and crew would love to see more put back into the game, more staff, etc.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1. Tier System - I'm sorry but I feel this is one of the biggest flops for this game. I want to be the Captain I want to be, not what the game forces me to be. I don't want to fly the ships that are up in Tiers 3, 4 and 5, but I have no choice. This angers me.

    2. Rank System - "Oh Rear Admiral Lower Half, My Rear Admiral Lower Half." Seriously? This game was sold as "everyone is their own Captain. Really? Looks more like everyone is their own Vice Admiral to me!
    And starting at Lieutentant with a command of your own? It just reeks of Star Trek 2009. Only we aren't Cadet 3rd Class. Oh, but have no fear! Once Starfleet Academy opens, we just might still get this! :eyeroll:

    3. "Game Dev's ADHD" - The developers have a serious case of this. They do something cool as a test, or as a "beta" that the players tend to like, get the players all excited, then it's 6-9 months before we see anything else or hear anything else on what they did. My beef in particular is interiors and bridges. They brought them out, which was cool. They haven't touched them since, even though people have been screaming about them. Then, the bring out the TOS bridge / interior, which everyone LOVES, and gives thumbs up on, but suddenly we hear nothing more on it. Doubtful we'll see anything or hear anything for another 6-9 months.

    4. 2409 - I think the Dev's really hurt themselves by taking on the unknown future of Trek. They have realized this, which is why there has been so much focus lately on previous eras of Trek, but really, I have to wonder if it's too late.

    5. Foundry - Not the tools themselves. No doubt, the tools are good. But why would anyone use Foundry missions? I'd like to use them for leveling an alt for a change of scenery, but you get nothing for doing them. I don't care about gear rewards, but a little XP pop at the end might be nice, and would make this system much more valuable.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Sleeves wrote:
    5) Most MMO only ask 10$USD per month and give much faster service.

    They do? Since when? Almost every single MMO I know of (save the free ones) is $15 per month. There may be some that offer a discount if you pay for a few months in advance, but even then, the price is only likely to be $13.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    My personal flop 5:

    1) Exploration content: I love to explore but as it is it is... boring. I have spent a very long time in the different clusters and after one year I know all of the missions you can get there. Furthermore there is no kind of continuity. If I explore a new system I want to get back there if I want to. Also I want to spend more time there. Heck exploring is not scan 5 pillars and then leave again. Give me a star system with 10/15/20... missions which really let me explore it. Let my explorations mean something so if I come back later there might be a small research station leaded by my Doffs or maybe even a small colony. I know the Devs are planning to revamp Exploration but I fear the kind of massive exploration and continuity I imagine won't be possible for a long time (technical, financial).

    2) Lack of KDF content: Let's face it there is a lack but noone is denying it anyway. KDF needs more missions/ships/customs... and I hope not all of them are some C-Store stuff. On the bright side we will get more and more stuff. Another huge influx of content will come with season 4 but even then more is needed.

    3) PvP: Balance issues aside (which will never be solved) PvP is lacking a lot. For one a scoreboard is needed. Sure I'm not one of the best PvPers but I want to know how bad I am. :D Also it would give PvP more sense. Also after one year there is a serious lack of content. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't understand why it is so hard to give us new maps. Take any map of the new FE and turn it into a PvP-map. But more maps are not enough. There is also a need of new types of PvP. Territory control is the first which leaps into my mind. The second one is Open PvP. Maybe a small sector (1 block) where you can attack anyone travelling there (like challenges) and a couple of systems which are more like Ker'rat or DSE where you can always find someone to fight. Sure before you enter the system you should get a big warning not to enter if you don't want to PvP and there are not allowed to be any missions which force PvE players to enter the area.

    4) Bug Reporting: Ever tried to find a Bug you found in the database? Impossible. You can't even find your own if you are looking for it directly after submitting it. Actually I even start to think there is a huge bug somewhere eating a lot of bug reports. At least it doesn't work to search for bugs to add your own comment. Furthermore I would love to see a list of bugs Cryptic is already aware of. Nothing game breaking or exploitable obviously but something where we can see "Oh they know of it and are working on it". As it is now you sometimes get the feeling Cryptic doesn't care about bug fixes (yes I know that is not true at all) and sending in bug reports is useless. Still a subjective feeling (no matter how irrational it is) can have a huge influence.

    5) Documentation: Documentation, skill description, manual are all very bad and not easy too understand for a newcomer. Sure after a while you more or less know of all the in and outs but it makes it unnecessary hard for a new player. But Stormshade is currently working on a new manual so there might be hope. Still my personal favourite would be a wiki ingame like Guildwars is using it. (For those not playing GW you can search for a term, mission, skill... ingame and it opens a wiki entry in your browser. So yes you still have to leave the game.) The best part everyone can add something to the wiki.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Atari Community Rules and Policies ~GM Tiyshen
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1) The Game Engine
    my biggest disapointment in this game is the Game Engine itself
    that means visuals, sound, user interface 'n stuff.
    - visuals:
    in 5 player STF's, with lots of Borg i get bad "FX drop" (things like the Weapon in my hand gets invisible, the shots are not displayed, some effects are not displayed).... if this happes in 5 Player STF's this game can never be realy "massive"... and it's not my systems fault a GTX460 should be enough in any case.

    - sound:
    pretty much the same thing, i get stuttering sound as soon as there is some more activity, a simple PvP match with lots of rapid firing Escorts is enough.

    - gameplay / user interface:
    Power Missfires, with multiple MMO's and 2 games with the same engine one would think that their User Interface works in a way that is fun and not annoying. Yet i get power missfires pretty much every PVP match.
    Autofire still launches 2 torpedos instead of one and stuff like that.

    - user interface + framerate
    i just love the irony in this, i can display 100 ships and my framerate does not drop below 60... but if i open my Inventory with lots of icons BAMM 20 - 30 FPS
    yet they make a huge deal about Polygon Counts on ships but the real FPS eater in this game is the UI.

    - Anti Aliasing / visual quality
    ...i don't know what it is but even with 8x Anti Aliasing i still get pixelated edges in STO
    like THIS

    also Textures seem to be ignored for Anti Aliasing, the red stripes on the side of the Constitution class for example are allways pixelated for me.

    - Dynamic Lighting OFF @ ATI / Shadows to LOW @ Nvidia
    i think it is silly that there is NO new card on the market that is able to display this game with all features ON+HIGH due to BUGS...
    at least they are working on the ATI problem but i have seen nothing on the nvidia issue

    - PhysX
    the use of PhysX on ground is nice, yet i don't see it used anywhere in space, there are a bazillion asteroids in this game, why are they all static? make them PhysX objects that spin and move arround and react to the players ship...
    nothing!? realy?

    ok so much for the Engine...

    2) Multiplayer Aspect:

    - Auto Teaming
    i did my Breen Dailys for 500 Emblems now for multiple weeks, i was NEVER auto teamed for them, is this function broken or not even enabled for these missions?
    When i grind up my ALT's to VA1 and do the early Patrol Missions i get teamed up, but there are so few players doing these missions now that it is also rare to even see another player...

    I thought this was an MMO why do i do everything alone?

    It's even financially stupid to NOT enable Auto Teaming because the Server has to run that much more instances for every player who does these missions...

    also it would put some FUN back into the daily grind. (seriously i have put the game on easy mode and just blast through those breen as fast as possible to get it over with).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Atari Community Rules and Policies ~<GM Jahia>

    2) no swim suits for risa

    3) no hats

    4) no sun glass's

    5) no cat's paws for my catation!

    5 really isn't enough....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    In truth I only have two (actually became three) disappointments, which have been there since day one, but neither (or since it is three, none) are truly major for me.

    1) I had hoped space wouldn't be instanced quite so much as it is. Being able to see other players not only fly past you in the distance, but having "quest hubs" and being able to see other captains actually completing something, perhaps being able to offer aid if they are in some kind of distress or trouble. Not this automatic grouping up if groups are open, or always flying solo if you toggle groups closed. I think what I truly wanted was open space. I understand the problems involved and its not that big a deal. STO space does work for me the way it is.

    2) I am first a Klingon, then Fed. This is in truth a variation of the yearning for open space. I dreamed about patrolling a system in my K'tinga, cloaked, seeing a Federation ship jump in. I would have liked hailing it, ask him what business he had in Klingon space. Let him be if he was simply doing a mission or such, but attack if he was an intruder without cause. And actually there will be a 3)

    3) Or perhaps 2.5). If he was going to fight something both Fed and Klings have trouble with, say Romulans or Borg, I would have liked being able to group up with this player.


    My disappointments all come from dreams and yearnings, not actual expectations. The truth is, I like STO the way it is going. Certainly I wouldn't mind seeing something like this happening, but I am fully aware that my vision is as unlikely as Ferengi being real.

    All in all, I am happy with STO :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    What mole gave them the licences for the starship models and textures? :D
    I want them redone with proper normal maps. All of them.




    WTF ?!?!?

    Probably i should be amused. :p


    C-store. Some outfits are clipping?

    4) Manual is a joke.

    5) Starship interiors.

    The ones you get have been obviously done under great time pressure, but the ones that look good are in the c-store?

    Kinda a deal breaker for me.

    Enjoy your trap (alone).

    Which is also why i did not get this game at start and waited until the deluxe was only a tenner on steam.

    I hope you can find a good investor and maybe expand upon your team alittle bit.

    Loving lots of what you have done with the game, but as can be seen.
    All the obvious stuff (tm).

    it is lacking. :(

    I want to play this game and even wanted to get life-sub, but yeah.

    So anyway i put something in the jar now and maybe you can realise some of this. I am gonna look forward to any and all updates you are making. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    What i forgot to say! Consider making the game more modable in the future. Oblivion and Morrorwind are still goin strong, because of it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1. Tier system. I had to suffer through four tiers of ships I don't like to get to my sovereign-class. All ships should be available from the beginning and level with you.

    2. Rank system. Seriously! Admiral? No way. To quote Micheal Eddington from the DS9 Season 3 finale "No one joins Starfleet to become an Admiral. You join Starfleet to become a Captain." The rank system should have stopped either at Captain or level and rank should be seperate from one another.

    3. 2409. I believe the DEVs really hurt themselves setting the game so far in a very undesirable future. Everything is screwed up. This is a point where everyone has different opinions but I was looking forward to spent some qualitiy time with the characters I grew to like and love over the course of the prime universe and to fight alongside them. The game should have been set in 2375-2380 (somewhere in there. Either the end of DS9 or directly after Nemesis)

    4. Not enough content in the game. Foundry missions don't really count. They don't belong to the games story arc or give any rewards.

    5. No full 3D space movement. It was clearly established in Trek canon that full 3D flight exists in Star Trek. Examples include: VOY: Initiations (Season 2); ENT: The Expanse (Season 2); DS9: What You Leave Behind (Series Finale); TNG-Movie: Nemesis; TOS-Movies: The Wrath of Kahn. These are only a few but there are a lot of video clips on youtube from many other episodes that do show the occasional inverted flight, barrel roll, looping, banking etc.. It should be in this game. That this is missing from the game is for me a major game breaker.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Qft also on the movement in space. :(

    No barrel roll and loopings.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1) No Mirror Universe counterpart plotline

    2) Weapon mounts on ships not quite complex enough
    What I wouldn't give for separate torpedo and energy weapon slots...

    3) Pathetically weak Borg
    I really shouldn't be able to solo a Cube, ever. I can see the "thirty years of technological advances" argument dropping the necessary firepower to bring one down from a fleet to a five-man team, but solo? Not a chance.

    4) Distinct lack of Klingon variant ships.
    Again, explains itself

    5) General lack of things to do as KDF
    They're certainly taking strides to fix this, but they aren't taking them very fast. :\
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Jonas801 wrote:
    What i forgot to say! Consider making the game more modable in the future. Oblivion and Morrorwind are still goin strong, because of it.

    Just curious, if the game was Modable, wouldn't they need to set up separate servers for play of each Mod created by each player? In another game I played, each mod had to have its own server, or it would Crash if players came on that did not have That Particular Mod.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1) State-of-PvP/Spam
    DEV post roughly 7 month ago: L2P! Now: scorpion fighters and CTMs are released as free for all, guess what finally they acknowledge a problem :confused: /GM/Help/Bug Report/ feedback in game is.... like talking to the time-of-day calling service. (see 5)
    2) I do want a Romulan faction, don't care how unreasonable this is, and no not a c-store faction.
    3) Teaming and instancing in STO ...
    ...are waging a battle of epic proportions, the collective vs. 8472; Vulcans vs. Emotions; Domion War 2.0, Kirk vs Khan, ...
    4) Endgame
    Foundry is great, but fleets (and fleet actions) need love badly (cf.3)
    5) The UI, its clumsy, exploitable (cf. 1), and full of fail. My powers should NEVER misfire and not once every 5 min. ("never" =def: not ever, just not happening at all, not even once)

    Beyond that I see a ton of potential, it could be truly great game. and to clarify: much feedback from the forums has seen DEV responses, but concerning space pvp communications there is a great gap between the community and the Cryptic.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I like the post above from someone, who already seems to play abit longer then me.

    Anyway to answer this:
    Just curious, if the game was Modable, wouldn't they need to set up separate servers for play of each Mod created by each player? In another game I played, each mod had to have its own server, or it would Crash if players came on that did not have That Particular Mod.

    Short answer: No.

    Long answer:
    Just think of it as foundry expanded,
    only you will be able to work with the full editor in a 3d enviroment
    and be able to adjust lightning etc. in real time for you to see directly as it is ingame, which has a much more natural feel to it; aswell as having the option to add in your own prop after cryptic specifications (tm),
    meaning everybody still has the same client of course. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Jonas801 wrote:
    I like the post above from someone, who already seems to play abit longer then me.

    Anyway to answer this:

    Short answer: No.

    Long answer:
    Just think of it as foundry expanded,
    only you will be able to work with the full editor in a 3d enviroment
    and be able to adjust lightning etc. in real time for you to see directly as it is ingame, which has a much more natural feel to it; aswell as having the option to add in your own prop after cryptic specifications (tm),
    meaning everybody still has the same client of course. :)

    The primary KEY to your answer is your last sentence: "everybody still has the same client"

    That was the focus of my question. If players created Mods, then each Mod would then have to become part of every players Base program,,,Right? Same Client side, or game crash.....

    I see the Foundry as another issue, it uses existing Game Code to do its thing, and it stays on Server rather than being issued by the player.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1: Lack of persistancy
    2: Minimal replay value
    3: shallow substance
    4: Show stopping and immersion breaking bugs go on unattended for months
    5: Politics

    Jonas801 wrote:
    What i forgot to say! Consider making the game more modable in the future. Oblivion and Morrorwind are still goin strong, because of it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1. Factions, or lack thereof. The Big 3 should have been in the game at launch.

    2. End game.

    3. The C-store. I'm not against it, per se, but so much cool stuff got wasted on the c-store. I'd much rather see a lot of that kind of stuff as rewards for STFs or missions.

    4. 'Boxes' Fly to the edge of a sector and get a pop-up from traffic control. (wuh?) Missions on planets in tiny little zones. I expected space to feel bigger, and I was hoping for broad expansive spaces on iconic worlds, ala SWG.

    5. Lack of dynamic content. The galaxy is at war... yet the Klingons never raid a federation planet. 8472 stays hidden... still. The Romulans, even weakened, allow violations of their territory on a daily basis... riiiiggghhht.
    The True Way seems content to do... pretty much nothing at all. And the Borg... what are the borg doing again?
    'Events', a la Rift or City of Heroes, would be an amazing addition.


    5.1 Pop-ups.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    My only problem with the game so far, is I don't know what the hell I'm doing. lol
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Mr_Freman wrote:
    My only problem with the game so far, is I don't know what the hell I'm doing. lol

    Welcome to the Club. It Ain't lonely here, trust me. If you hang out in the Starfleet Academy Section, you will pick a Wealth of Gold Nuggets to make your play Rich quicker.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Pendra37 wrote: »
    1: Lack of persistancy
    2: Minimal replay value
    3: shallow substance
    4: Show stopping and immersion breaking bugs go on unattended for months
    5: Politics

    Not that I'm specifically disagreeing, but what do you refer to by Politics? Player cliques, Dev favouritism, or something else entirely?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1. Ground combat too slow, not very much like the show.
    I understand it's the year 2409 in the timeline. I know tech has improved since DS9 and Voy. Still, how often in the shows did it take more than 2-3 direct hits with a phaser to kill an average guy? Having an entire away team blasting away at a single, random Borg for over a minute just feels wrong.

    2. Availability of non-Federation factions.
    Add me to the chorus of "KDF could have been handled better." I understand why things happened the way they did. Things have noticeably improved for the Klingons, and I'm pleased with the progress. Still, the PvP Only thing was disappointing. Also, I'm sure quite a few Trek fans wanted to play Romulans, Cardassians, Ferengi, etc, and were let down by the Fed/KDF focus.

    3. Lack of trading, commerce, and exploration.
    I played a LOT of Freelancer. The prospect of commanding my own ship, exploring the galaxy, discovering new trade routes, blowing up pirates/Klingons/Orions/etc, all in the lore-rich Star Trek universe was an appealing one. I'm sad we didn't get a game where I can do that, but STO's pretty fun too.

    4. Galaxy feels small.
    The instanced sectors doesn't help the feeling of confinement. The recent changes to the display of Sector Space has helped a ton. However, my first impression was one of disappointment. Small zones with a handful of star systems? Not very epic feeling. Traveling from the "North" end of Romulan space to DS9 takes less time than walking the length of Millennium City.

    5. All my friends quit.
    Not really Cryptic's fault here. Half tried the beta, and quit because it was too hard/complicated for them. (Wow Players) Other half bailed after hitting RA, and had nothing to do.

    Those are my top five disapointments. Obviously, I'm still here, and enjoying STO. However, I figured I'd add my two cents, as my list items weren't showing up so far.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1. PVP: Is fun and has tremendous potential but it remains such a low priority even after all this time. New items and abilities are released without proper testing or considering their effect on all portions of the game. Feedback is often dismissed for quick "fixes" that ultimately break something else. PVP players are then left with the blame when something gets fixed in the name of balance.
    2. Difficulty: The only real challenge in this game comes from other players, buggy mechanics, or a heavy reliance on boosting enemy swarms, hit points and damage output. Elite difficulty isn't.
    3. Borg: I understand that the Borg are likely intended to becomes a playable race at some point, but it's incredibly frustrating to see Borg Cubes everywhere being destroyed like any other generic space race. The Borg should have a flavor all their own. Cubes should be rare and the thought of them should be terrifying.
    4. Customer Service and Relations: Bugs are everywhere, even ones that have been around since the start of the game but we are still on the line, still on hold. The rules are so broad that anything can be interpreted to violate them and the rest is being edited to remove content which violates forum rules and guidelines, etc. etc.
    5. PVP (2): So much wasted potential. Honestly when I got this game I never thought that PVP would be something of interest to me. Then I did it and had a blast. Then it got stale. So much neglect.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I will hook up to hales post.

    1) Ship build varieties, there are none, all PvPers run the same builds, pretty much. PvP combat is cookie cutter especially on ships. Rock, Paper, Scissors no longer works Sci rules them all.

    2) Bugs bugs bugs. Time to call and exterminator. Whether its a bug that has been around since launch, stuck in <insert> animation, the not to be named bug that I still think works, how ships are better running in reverse then forwards......

    3) the constant pandering to PvE and RPers or at least perceived.

    4) Dumb AI

    5) Balance, ties into number 1.
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