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Your Top 5 Disappointments in STO



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Korhil wrote:
    1. Skill point cap.

    That is all. There are some things that are a little disappointing but the implementation of the skill point cap, when the game was originally advertised as not having one, was an absolutly HUGE disappointment.

    Without skill point cap, there would be no need to buy re-spec tokens.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1. The size of Cryptic's staff.
    2. Lack of Klingon missions.
    3. Lack of T5 boff slot versatility.
    4. Lack of a higher spec PC to play it on.
    5. Lack of exchange locations.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Pendra37 wrote: »
    Without skill point cap, there would be no need to buy re-spec tokens.

    heh. Well when the skill point cap was a hot-button issue, those re-spec tokens didn't actually exist. So try to keep that in mind.
    Yreodred wrote:
    I never really got what people mean when talking about removing the skill point cap.
    Do they really want to have unlimited skill points so they can skill EVERYTHING ?

    Pretty much. And initially I used to not be in favor of such an idea. But as the game has grown and I have grown with it I do see the point those players had when discussing this topic. The first hangup a lot of players have is ... the game was originally like that. No skill cap. It got beta tested that way. They snuk that in on players as a cryptic style surprise. Not quite the level of launch day surprise that the company did with Champions. But still, not a pleasant or well received change.

    Then they applied this change to a skill tree that they really didn't do a rebalancing pass on.

    The most gaping hole in their logic is the separation/tiers of beam weapon skills in the tree. In a non-capped system, it's A-OK to make the players wait till admiral level to train Polaron beams. It really sets them apart as something you do later in the game.

    In the current system, the cost disparity is illogical. Because they never went back in and addressed the disparity. The only thing that makes this even slightly tenable is the fact that each time you gain a new rank you get a free respec token. So you can conceivably switch to Polarons by respeccing when you make admiral.

    Keeping in mind, however, when the skill tree was capped, respecs didn't exist. So the change initially didn't have that recourse. And add to that, before the level cap was raised, there simply weren't enough points available to a character at admiral level for them to do more than choose a single skill to focus on at that last tier.

    I understand the point people have about the purpose the skill cap serves. However, I really do see the point that players who are upset about it were making. They have a lot of valid points.

    At the very least, the complaint demonstrates that some serious work is needed adjusting the skill tree. And I'd start with readjusting costs of skills or moving weapon skills to be more equal and reflective of what they are actually capable of doing in-game. I could see a case being made for Antiproton weapons costing what they do to max out 9 levels in them. But Chronion Projectiles? Hah.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    5. Ship Design. I was expecting something more "out of the box" With ship design ability and customization when I was looking at Screen shots and Videos when the game was being talked about. Then Walking into Beta I was disappointed in the way the ships were designed some what.

    4. Ground combat. When I thought of this, I expected a FPS type system with Bridge officer support. What I got was kind of lack luster.

    3. Exploration missions. There was alot of the Exploration nebulas that kind of disappointed me. Especially when there were suggested Ideas of being able to go out and explore space.. I didn't expect that to be limited to nebulas. I thought that there would just be "Deep Space" and that was where the exporation would have come into play. Also, the promises of being able to find random Bridge officers during those explorations never came to pass.

    2. Loading screens in space! I hate the fact that traveling from Sector to sector in sector space has LOADING SCREENS! It breaks from my experience of traveling long distances in space.. I can understand, partly, systems having loading screens as they are instanced areas. But going from Sirius Sector to Eta Erandi, for example, has a loading screen... that just feels wrong!

    1. PVP. I thought, with there being a War with the Klingons, that the Federation obviously wouldn't be rushing around trying to invade Quo'nos, but the Klingons should have been able to fly around ANY sector space (Since they really aren't as restricted by the Prime directive) and even attack systems for Conquest, or even be able to attack ships in Sector space. But instead, Klingons started Limited to 2 Sectors.. Sure they've opened up since then a few more, but Klingons can't even really do any thing in the Neutral zone, or any of the other Sectors they can go to except for PVE Missions.. And there's only 1 Open PVP area, and it's a broken, Borg infested, PVE/PVP Zone. Defnitely got disappointed in that. Not to mention the Queue system, while interesting, there's no feeling of War, or combat beyond War game feeling..

    Here's hoping that by 2012 the game has improved far beyond what it is now.. ESPECIALLY in the PVP Areas..
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    ZeroIce wrote:
    That statement is incorrect. Anyone who would like to learn about the details refuting that particular bit of mythology should take a look at this thread http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=217322. So long as forum policy is not violated people have the right to voice what changes they want to see happen and express the disappointments they have.

    ****Quoted For Epic Truth****

    As for my disappointments, simply an unfinished, unpolished product.

    5 is too small a number to accurately give specific, though Stahl certainly is making my number get smaller. :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    superchum wrote: »
    ....At the very least, the complaint demonstrates that some serious work is needed adjusting the skill tree. And I'd start with readjusting costs of skills or moving weapon skills to be more equal and reflective of what they are actually capable of doing in-game. I could see a case being made for Antiproton weapons costing what they do to max out 9 levels in them. But Chronion Projectiles? Hah.
    Now i see.
    Well if you ask me i wouldn't like to see the skill cap gone but rather the Skilltree reworked.
    For example, all the different Energy Weapon types and Torpedo types should be equal expensive IMHO.
    Ground and Space abilities should be seperated and Respecs should be cheaper.
    (30000 merits is too much IMHO. 10000 would be more than enough.)

    Captain abilities (stuff like Beam Overload III, EPTS III) should be acessible to everyone who has trainied the corresponding skill high enough, regardless of career path. IMO. :D

    But completely removing the skill cap would not be a good decision in my opinion, what's the point of everyone having all skills?
    We need more individualism not collectivism.

    Live long and prosper.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I'll say it again because its not sinking in. Bug fixes should be a higher priority.

    I've had this darned Azura personal comm code for over a week and its still not recharging. Cryptic has been aware of the issue the moment the episodes went live and still nothing.

    I was under the impression that moving QA into the same building as the rest of the sto team would improve response time for reporting/ fixing bugs. That's the impression Dan gave a few ask cryptics ago. Sill not seeing it happen. Can we have some bug fixes any time reasonably soonish, please?

    edit: the last major round of bug fixes was the 21st of April from what I can tell from the release notes. so yeah, its been a while.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    5) Cannot, even at the very least, set a course and travel to a destination while on the Bridge

    4) Lack of consistent PVP (at low levels & even 51)

    3) Long-lasting & very annoying bugs, for example: FAW issues remain unresolved / The cloak issue remains unresolved

    2) Lack of open-PVP areas (like ker'rat) & Lack of content for KDF... Doesn't bode well for any new playable factions (rom/card) anytime soon.

    1) Ground
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    What does everyone think of the new ground combat changes? Do they hit the mark or fall flat?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Mostly hit the mark for me. I could list all the things I love, but it would take too long.

    For me, most of the ground problems have pretty much been resolved.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1.) Too many uniform tops still clip horribly with the skirt options.
    2.) No decent way to scroll through the uniform list when you're not in the tailor.
    3.) The deformed escape pods on the Cochrane saucer.
    4.) NPCs in low-level DSEs that suddenly jump to a high level when there's a VA in the instance.
    5.) The fact that I can't run the game on its highest settings, while I can do exactly that with most recent games.

    I know, I know, fixes for some of these are under way. :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1) The skillpoint system that have you be competent in only one type of ship at a time.
    2) The skillpoint system that favors some weapons over other.
    3) The skillpoint system that leaves not much points to be good in space AND on ground.
    4) The skillpoint system for many other reasons i can't put here with only 5 points.
    5) The LACK of unlimited Respec option at a DECENT price.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1) Random mission variability both graphically and script wise.

    2) C store having thing for sale other than slots and renames

    3) End game and long term goals that dont revolve around doing the same thing ad nauseam

    4) Skill system that is not divided to ground and space

    5) BO skill, race,sex, trait variablility is still very limited and disjointed
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1: C-store items need to be made avalible through gameplay we pay a monthly fee whay should we pay more?? if it was a FTP game then sure but it isnt, i never had to pay anythign for costume pieaces slots etrc on world of warcraft, what makes sto so different?? beside a few million less players "hint, hint"

    2: more customization options for klingon ships

    3: better ground combat controlls, when i roll out the way i want to roll not stand up and run into a bat'leth

    4. a better skills system, with a seperate space and ground section :cool:

    rant over
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    lol seems they didnt like my truths, or the OP didnt, that is fine you both will survive. If that cant be handle, then the rest *shrugs* they definately cant handle.

    The list I have yeah 5 wouldnt even begin.

    I had written out a pretty scathing lenghy post, and every bit of it in the context of the forum rules, which is way better then most I read in these forums.

    then I deleted it and asked, "So I asked, you know, why do I have to explain to a company who I am paying money to what is wrong with their product?" Its pretty blatently obvious.

    I had a discussion with my fleet, and found wow, the twenty five folks who were in vent that night, (about a 1/3 of those online) shared more venom then I half heartedly expelled and all of it directed towards the poor handling, content, lack of improvements without game breaking bugs, and inability to stop the same repeating bug issues from occuring each update that have to be refixed. and that was just the start. I was like wow... seems a lot of folks are pretty steamed... and here I thought it was just me being cranky in my old age.

    Myself, eh *shrug* its simple. i give the group till season 5, if the process doesnt improve, then I will take Dan's advise and object with my money. It's good advice.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Angarus wrote:
    1.) Too many uniform tops still clip horribly with the skirt options.
    2.) No decent way to scroll through the uniform list when you're not in the tailor.
    3.) The deformed escape pods on the Cochrane saucer.
    4.) NPCs in low-level DSEs that suddenly jump to a high level when there's a VA in the instance.
    5.) The fact that I can't run the game on its highest settings, while I can do exactly that with most recent games.

    I know, I know, fixes for some of these are under way. :P

    Umm the fixes for those have been underway for a long time, and are still underway.
    and those are just the facts.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    CiderBelly wrote:
    1: C-store items need to be made avalible through gameplay we pay a monthly fee whay should we pay more?? if it was a FTP game then sure but it isnt, i never had to pay anythign for costume pieaces slots etrc on world of warcraft, what makes sto so different?? beside a few million less players "hint, hint"

    2: more customization options for klingon ships

    3: better ground combat controlls, when i roll out the way i want to roll not stand up and run into a bat'leth

    4. a better skills system, with a seperate space and ground section :cool:

    rant over

    PREACH it Brother!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1. Space navigation is funky, in that, I set a course for a neighboring map transfer point and the nav system tries to warp to every other neighboring map along the way since the nav takes you to the edge and just drags along it, and interacts with other transfer points I did not want to use.

    2. The unit formation and control on planet is loopy; my personnel run around like half-wits. They walk in front of my captain while I am trying to set up a target, which ends up with me targeting my own person. The worst is when I try to initiate an attack and they start shooting befor I am ready. Need better formation and command control.

    3. The whole idea of having a lieutenant as captain of a ship is ridiuclous, but that is just me.

    4. The skill tree is difficult to figure out; I don't know how many points I might have wasted on useless skills.

    5. The cut scene for transferring from bridge to space... why am I beaming out of my ship?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    sentinel64 wrote:
    1. Space navigation is funky, in that, I set a course for a neighboring map transfer point and the nav system tries to warp to every other neighboring map along the way since the nav takes you to the edge and just drags along it, and interacts with other transfer points I did not want to use.

    2. The unit formation and control on planet is loopy; my personnel run around like half-wits. They walk in front of my captain while I am trying to set up a target, which ends up with me targeting my own person. The worst is when I try to initiate an attack and they start shooting befor I am ready. Need better formation and command control.

    3. The whole idea of having a lieutenant as captain of a ship is ridiuclous, but that is just me.

    4. The skill tree is difficult to figure out; I don't know how many points I might have wasted on useless skills.

    5. The cut scene for transferring from bridge to space... why am I beaming out of my ship?

    I completly agree. I've never been happy with my boffs and their ai either. They are as dumb as rocks when it comes to using powers and positioning or really just doing anything besides standing there.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1. End game needs work still, What happened to the Genesis system that was supposed to create content (at least thats how I read it when it was touted)

    2. Lack of fulfilling KDF content.

    3. Skill tree is a mess and un-instructional, when I put points into a skill I want to see exactly what it affects not just a token example of two skills. Also the ship skills need to go, let our captains be the hero's they should be and change ships without respeccing - Oh wait see point 4.

    4. The C Store containing non fluff items.

    5. Having enough faith in the game during beta to fork out for a LTS based on what was being said on the forums by devs and what was advertised on other sites during interviews......./facepalm

    The game has come some way since it launched so some kudos is in order for that but, and its a BIG but in my eyes.
    Too much content is heading straight to the CStore. The only justification I see for it is either Cryptic see its customers as walking ATM's or they made a royal balls up when pricing the subscription. I dont imagine for one second that the license for Star Trek is cheap and if the sub price was set too low - then sorry but thats your own damn fault not ours. I guess the point is moot though as enough people seem to be willing to pay for CStore content.

    To get more people to play there needs to be a lot more content in game that is available to a regular subscription, you will not attract more players by putting more and more in the CStore especially as so many games are going FTP now.

    PVP would have been my number 6. or lack of it. And dont get me started on the catch 22 that Crypitic created in the KDF and now is used as an excuse not to make more content - - I calls shennanigans on that one.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Hi i have an additional Top 5 list of things that i find dissapointing/annoying.

    • Ground combat, i know many seem to like it, but as it is now dying goes too fast, miniguns and shotguns are not what i do connect with the word Star Trek IMHO.
      (All things considered even if i can switch back to RPG mode, you're still one or two shot by some NPCs, because Hitpoints and shields are so low now. Stuff like that must not go live!!)

    • Crypics original designs, uniforms, ships, weapons super huge useless ship interiors, it doesn't matter the look all horrible, they are annoying, i hate them.
      I just really really hate those awful overdone and cartoonish designs, that stuipd looking pylons with holes, spikes and what else, not to mention the uniforms.
      I just can't comprehend why they seem to make designs that look like made from some 12 year old fanboy, instead of finally making some more mature looking stuff.
      (no one needs such huge ground weapons, or ships that look like my son would have designd.)

    • Female clothing options, enough is enough.
      (There is so much to do, why do they still produce more and more Female stuff, there are other things more pressing IMHO)

    • Why has the only good and futuristic looking ship (2409) in the game (star cruiser) have to be a flying hospital with no firepower at all?
      (why have all ships to be that extreme, either they can tank or make damage, why can't there be some more balanced ships, as Starfleet ships are supposed to be?)

    • NOTHING NEW TO DO SINCE HALF A YEAR (except for the featured episodes).
      (Remastering old episodes is really wasted time, why couldn't they just make new or sequel epidoes?)

    Stuff like that makes me want to play STO more and more rarely.

    Live long and prosper.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Yreodred wrote:
    [*]Why has the only good and futuristic looking ship (2409) in the game (star cruiser) have to be a flying hospital with no firepower at all?
    while you're definitely entitled to your opinion Yreodred, your opinion is... considerably different from the masses on the Star Cruisers (many hate the looks, i'm not too big on them myself)

    do you think you could do better than CaptLogan, since you don't like many of the original designs? and also, define what you mean by a 'mature' design

    (this is not meant to be a rant of anything like that, it's just a sincere question, and i'm curious to know)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1) No Romulans.
    2) Bad customisation for KDF Ships and Character.
    3) No open PvP.
    4) No End Game content.
    5) No WAR
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Trek17 wrote:
    while you're definitely entitled to your opinion Yreodred, your opinion is... considerably different from the masses on the Star Cruisers (many hate the looks, i'm not too big on them myself)
    Well everyone has a different taste, but i like their flowing shape.
    The first picture, with nacelles turned upwards that ship would be my favorite if it would fit SOMEHOW to my playstyle, but TBH, it's the exact opposite.
    They made it one of the most boring to fly ships in the game IMHO.:mad:

    Trek17 wrote:
    ...do you think you could do better than CaptLogan, since you don't like many of the original designs? and also, define what you mean by a 'mature' design

    (this is not meant to be a rant of anything like that, it's just a sincere question, and i'm curious to know)
    I have really been waiting for this argument, and no i cannot do better, but i am not a ship model designer nor get i paid to be one.

    The difference between a "mature" design and one that is not, is easy to show:


    You know, my point is that cryptic ships look like some 12 year old made a scetch of a federation ship, and the modeler(s) of cryptics made a in game model of it.
    A Federation ship doesn't need to have spikes on the nacelles, or holes on the pylons or the general shape of the ship doesn't not have to be too disproportionate.
    Stuff like that is ok when used on some minor races ship but starfleet ships should show a bit of "class" and beauty.
    I am also ok if some people like stuff like that, but there should be some really good looking alternatives IMO.

    The thing is that most of cryptics Starfleet ships look just too exaggerated and like a caricature of a Starfleet ship, but not like a starfleet ship is supposed to look like IMHO.
    As i have already stated, i am not against every design cryptic has done so far, but most of them are just too excessive, their ship designs would also look so much better if the designers would make them simpler and more elegant looking.

    Adding too much details onto one single design don't neccessary make it better looking IMHO.
    Thats another thing i would call "immature", adding too much stuff on one design is something a 10 or 12 year old would do, but no skilled designer should do something like that IMHO.
    Again please take a look at that ship, and you know what i mean with too much stuff:
    There is so much stuff on that ship, there is no longer a clear general shape visible (it just looks like someone slapped some parts completely differens ship parts together), thats what i call bad design.

    Of course you are free to have a different opinion, but since you asked for more detaills. :o

    Live long and prosper.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    i did ask for more details, and i got them :) my personal opinion is that i like many of those 'unnecessary' additions, i think they look cool :D it may be because they're unnecessary that i think they're cool, but that's just my opinion

    but if i remember correctly, Starfleet ships were built for purpose, not aesthetics... even if this doesn't exactly apply in-game

    As for the JJ Enterprise, it was designed with that 'hot rod' look on purpose, just to be a new take on the ship while still being the Enterprise, while the Enterprise-A had to stay true to the original while only being slightly different... sure it may be a matter of taste, but the JJ Enterprise was allowed to be a bit different, while the A didn't have much freedom in that area

    (btw, comparing the Enterprise-C with an in-game kitbash of a ship... it doesn't really do much to your point, as the game can do whatever it wants with aesthetics, at least in my opinion... though the A to JJ comparsion is okay)

    and as for the federation aesthetics on the original ships... it's not like the federation's bound to a code of how ships are supposed to look, as they are a combination of many races... so some of those looks were influenced by that :) you may not like them, but i respect that

    and on another note, not all ships are supposed to be elegant or simple... like i said earlier, they were built for a purpose, and aesthetics aren't really important to that purpose

    still, with all said and done, i would like new variants as well, just for those who don't like the current looks :) but i'd massively prefer them after the klingons get their ship customization options
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Trek17 wrote:
    i did ask for more details, and i got them :) my personal opinion is that i like many of those 'unnecessary' additions, i think they look cool :D it may be because they're unnecessary that i think they're cool, but that's just my opinion

    but if i remember correctly, Starfleet ships were built for purpose, not aesthetics... even if this doesn't exactly apply in-game

    As for the JJ Enterprise, it was designed with that 'hot rod' look on purpose, just to be a new take on the ship while still being the Enterprise, while the Enterprise-A had to stay true to the original while only being slightly different... sure it may be a matter of taste, but the JJ Enterprise was allowed to be a bit different, while the A didn't have much freedom in that area

    (btw, comparing the Enterprise-C with an in-game kitbash of a ship... it doesn't really do much to your point, as the game can do whatever it wants with aesthetics, at least in my opinion... though the A to JJ comparsion is okay)

    and as for the federation aesthetics on the original ships... it's not like the federation's bound to a code of how ships are supposed to look, as they are a combination of many races... so some of those looks were influenced by that :) you may not like them, but i respect that

    and on another note, not all ships are supposed to be elegant or simple... like i said earlier, they were built for a purpose, and aesthetics aren't really important to that purpose

    still, with all said and done, i would like new variants as well, just for those who don't like the current looks :) but i'd massively prefer them after the klingons get their ship customization options
    So cryptics ship modelers are making ugly starfleet ships on purpose, wow i never thought on that. Well then, great job cryptic!

    Live long and prosper.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Yreodred wrote:
    So cryptics ship modelers are making ugly starfleet ships on purpose, wow i never thought on that. Well then, great job cryptic!

    Live long and prosper.
    there's nothing wrong with choices, which is what they're going for :) you may not like their designs, but a lot of others do, and that's what counts to them
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Trek17 wrote:
    there's nothing wrong with choices, which is what they're going for :) you may not like their designs, but a lot of others do, and that's what counts to them
    I was stating MY opinion on things, i never demanded that someone else should share them.
    And my opinion is still the same, STO has the worst designed Starfleet ships, uniforms, ship interiors and ground weapons i have ever seen in a Star Trek Computer Game.
    But of course you are free to have another opinion. :)

    Seeing your avatar, i must acknowledge that my JJ verse Enterprise comparison was not very poilte, well sorry for that.
    Yreodred wrote:

    Let me make another example:
    Please take a look at the Galaxy Class and the Galaxy -X:

    Galaxy Class:

    Galaxy X:

    While the Galaxy -X wouldn't look as bad with all those stuff clued on, but the third nacelle is just too much, it looks (althrough still better as most of cryptics designs) like as if a 12 year old would have "enhanced" a galaxy Class model, on his own.
    All the flowing shapes of the Galaxy Class are nearly gone, for the attempt to make i t look "cool" but they did too much with it.
    If they would have integrated the Spinal Lance Cannon more into the saucer , and maybe given the Galaxy some different but still similar Nacelles, instead of just slapping a third one on top of it, it would have looked awesome IMHO.
    That ship is of course just an example but i think i have made clear why i don't like cheap designs and
    Cryptics designs are not that better IMHO.
    Sometimes they acomplish to create some nice shapes but they add so much stuff on it, like spikes, holes and whatever they can find, the original shap is hardly to reckoginse anymore, for Example:
    (please ignore that red circle :rolleyes:)

    I hope that i have made my point a bit clearer now.

    Live long and prosper.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Trek17 wrote:
    there's nothing wrong with choices, which is what they're going for :) you may not like their designs, but a lot of others do, and that's what counts to them
    I am all for having choices but there should be at least SOME good looking there.
    THB i haven't found one single combination of assault cruisers that looks good, for example.

    In the last Ask Cryptic, DStahl said something like that there are more ship parts to come, but i am not certain how they will look like, and to be honest i fear the worst.
    The designers yet have to prove that they can create a good looking starfleet ship (thats actually not a flying hospital) ON PURPOSE, before i buy anything from them. :p

    Live long and prosper.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1. KDF growth.

    -Is needed, badly

    2. No Romulan faction yet.

    -Needs to come out to keep people interested and retain population, even if in limited staged releases.

    3. End Game Content.

    - Needs more and more interesting STF's, most now are just ground grinders.

    4. Warzones

    - need to be rethought, and have the population capacity increased, I'd like to see 50 v 50 space and ground warzones, with objectives ALA Warhammer.
This discussion has been closed.