We are old (+30)
We are mature (see above and dont go by the definition)
We like TSO better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek)
We like to Rollplay (TOS)
We are social before gameplay
We think Kirk could kick Picards A$$!
We are funny (at least I am)
We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium)
We are relaxed (no online requirement)
We have an online Blog (http://sto-tos.blogspot.com/)
We have a website with a Fleet Application http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/
We would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit
TOS Veterans Fleet is still new and so we're open to suggestios and ideas about how we do what we do. It's the people who join who will determine which directions we go.
Ultimately, we're hoping to find friendly, creative people who have an interest in classic Trek and a desire to share that interest and have fun with STO (spelling and grammatical skills not required). We have a TOS theme, but can make room for a lot of creative backstories within it.
Most of us are relaxed and casual, some of us are stressed and on all the time. Most of us are lifers, and have been on since BETA. All of is are old. Don't make us angry!
If you're a TOS fan (you bleed red, blue, and gold--or lime greenish), you're mature (30+), and are a relaxed, casual player, this may be the fleet for you.
Like a lot of other members, I've got a real life that doesn't always make a lot of time for playing a computer game. We all undertand that there are other demands on your time and we'd never ask for anything you aren't able to give. We focus on helping everyone get the most out of the game in whatever way they see fit.
I'm also frankly astonished at the level of creativity, helpfullness, cooperation, and friendliness that people in the fleet have been displaying. I waited a long time to join a fleet, and I'm glad I chose this one. This is a great group of people.
We have folks interested in all facets of the game, from PvP to role-playing to The Foundry. We're also developing a TOS backstory collectively--everyone can contribute. And we're creating bios for are characters and sharing them.
In the year 2408 after the Klingon and Gorn invade Cestus III a Starfleet Committee chaired by Admiral Jorel Quinn passed motion to explore other options and possibilities in order to build up the Federation with commanders and ships. "We need to promote exceptional officers quickly. We need our captains leading away teams. Starfleet needs to look at our whole command structure and do what works now, not what worked 30 years ago."
A Starfleet diplomat was sent back to the late 2260's to speak with Starfleet in order to round up several possible exceptional commander candidates and as many star ships as they could refurbish from the decommissioned roster.
The chosen captains were given ships that were pre programmed with precise calculations in order to carry out the light-speed breakaway factor to artificially-created time warp in order to time travel back to the 2408.
Once the initial five captain were sent, Starfleet would keep their eye out for any such qualified command personnel to join the fleet and to help fight the war in the future.
You may be that commander!
We are a mature (30+) fleet. Our play style is relaxed with no time obligations. We believe that all fleet members should have a say in decisions. Our ruling council members are here to answer questions and participate in conversations, not dictate commands. We want to keep our fleet bank stocked with good items at all levels to help everyone out.
We have a TOS theme. The backstory of our fleet revolves around a group of captains and ships brought from the year 2269 to fight for the Federation. We mean this story to be a collaborative effort, so discussion, ideas, and expansions are welcome. Fleet characters should have bios that relate in some way to this backstory, and we are happy to brainstorm how to do that collectively. We mean our TOS theme and backstory to be fun and not a burden.
We are interested in all facets of the game. We plan to run occasional fleet actions with Connies. We also have plans to use The Foundry to create TOS-era adventures, flesh out our backstory and character biographies, and play with ideas that members have
Star Trek Online The Original Series (TOS) Veterans Fleet is dedicated to the greatness that is the original series, Star Trek, from which all other Trek flows!
The TOS Veterans Fleet is for mature casual players in their 30's and 40's that wish to participate in fun, fellowship and sharing of STO knowledge.
We are a mature fleet with an interest in maintaining the spirit of the original series through gameplay and the use of TOS era uniforms and equipment in game.
Fleet Ambassador KATRA
TOS Vetrans Fleet =/\= ======================== =/\=
Ambassador KATRA, Fleet Council
U.S.S. Raak -C-NCC-93375
TOS Vetrans Fleet is Recruiting!
Check our Website for more info. http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/ =/\= ======================== =/\=
We are old (+30)
We are mature (see above and dont go by the definition)
We like TSO better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek)
We like to Rollplay (TOS)
We are social before gameplay
We think Kirk could kick Picards A$$!
We are funny (at least I am)
We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium)
We are relaxed (no online requirement)
We have an online Blog (http://sto-tos.blogspot.com/)
We have a website with a Fleet Application http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/
We would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit
Mature (30+) relaxed casual fleet looking for fleet members that like The Original Series (TOS) and want to contribute to a story line that takes them from 2269 to the future to help fight in a war that would be their future.
We are a TOS themed and retrofitted to fight in the 25th century but we need you and your enthusiasm (and a few backstories) to help us out. We're creating the story behind our fleet together. Some of us are writing log entries. Some are writing fiction. Some are coming up with great new ideas.
We're also devoted to helping each other make the most of the game in whatever way. We don't take ourselves too seriously, but want to have fun with STO and with the Star Trek universe.
We are either 30 something or 40 something so you may define us as mature.
We have starter this fleet to create a relaxed fleet for casual or active members with an emphasis on fun and a strong social aspect. It is expected that captains may bail out of a mission to return to Starbase Mariner 10 in order to make lunches, dinner or feed the baby. To us family like is as important as the prime directive. That is a non Kirk version of the Prime Directive!
Very few rules and everyone have a say in the direction of the fleet. We do have one wish that all members have the TOS uniform for Fleet actions and possible a 23rd century Ship and you are familiar with our Fleet backstory. We understand that all members may not be into the roll playing but just humour us and build your character bio to correspond. http://sto-tos.blogspot.com/
We are under the philosophy that everyone had their own gifts and abilities to bring to the fleet so if you wish to be active in forming the fleet in any way please let us know. Also know that you are more than welcome to just be a part of the fleet.
Star Trek Online The Original Series (TOS) Veterans Fleet is dedicated to the greatness that is the original series, Star Trek, from which all other Trek flows!
The TOS Veterans Fleet is for mature casual players in their 30's and 40's and beyond that wish to participate in fun, fellowship and sharing of STO knowledge.
We are a mature fleet with an interest in maintaining the spirit of the original series through gameplay and the use of TOS era uniforms and equipment in game.
I was just looking through the previous posts in this thread trying to think of something new to say.
Aside from a focus on TOS (and not all members have strictly TOS characters, though we're working together to create bios that fit with a TOS-centric backstory), we may seem a little all over the place. And to a certain extent, that's true.
We're still forming, still finding our footing, still deciding exactly what we want to be as a fleet. We're determined that all members should have a role in deciding that. There are no dictators here.
We're mature (30+), have real lives that we have to attend to, friendly, and helpful. If that sounds good to you, and if you want a place that you can explore STO from a lot of different angles, then you might give us try. We definitely need people who have good ideas, are creative, and want to have fun.
And remember, the USD to Quatloo exchange rate is really good right now, so you may want to plan a vacation to Triskelion. (Just be sure to pack your Lirpa.)
I just wanted to say hello from THE 300 and invite your fleet to our TOS event.
I've had an eye on your fleet for a bit now, I really like the TOS theme your fleet is working with. The majority of our fleet is made up of 30+ gamers as well. We would love to see you guys at our event and get to know you. You can contact me (Giles@Steelthorn) or Drake (below) if you would like to get in contact with us; our fleet website is www.the300.net. We also have been forming a group of allied guilds for sharing events and rubbing elbows, just give us a shout if you are interested.
Due to popular demand, we will be having a special 'TOS' Holo-Event. We will pay homage to James T. Kirk and the Original Series through a scheduled Replay Event. There are a couple of suitable replay missions, mostly from the Devidian story arc, that take place in the TOS-Setting; all present members will be voting the mission we will play.
Starting time: 4:30 p.m. (EST) Saturday April 16, 2011
Point of Contact: Mary L. Drake@FrancisDrake.
- Meet at ESD/Sol in system, prior to docking in lowest possible instance (#1)
- beam down to ESD, have a tour and invite possible TOS-looking players to the event
- group photo at Club 47
- flying to mission location in formation and complete it.
- Post mission, split up for PvP groups and do a couple of TOS-PvP's
All attending personnel are required to do so dressed in an original series uniform (Any TOS-Set will qualify, Wrath of Khan is available to all) and naturally with your fleet logo displayed. For guidance, please make use of the color charts provided:
Command, Helm
Science, Medical
Operations, Tactical, Engineering
- only TOS gear should be visible like Type I-III phaser weapons or TOS-Style disruptors, etc. Disable visuals for kits, Armour, etc.
- if possible use a TOS Constitution class with original weapon load-out, if not available
- there are also a couple of other lower tier ships that qualify (use good judgment)
- disable all visible equipment on ship/character (no Borg visuals, etc)
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It's generated some definite interest.
If I can pull myself out of my post-tax-day stupor, I'll do my best to be there. If only I could slingshot around the sun, go back in time, and re-amortized the adjustable interest on my fifth mortgage.
Where's Samuel T. Cogley when you need him!?! (Though I'm not sure he did tax law...)
Since I'm here, I'll mention, once again, that we're happy to welcome any mature players (30+) who are looking for a low-stress, friendly, TOS-themed fleet of peers.
We are old (+30)
We are mature (see above and dont go by the definition)
We like TSO better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek)
We like to Rollplay (TOS)
We are social before gameplay
We think Kirk could kick Picards A$$!
We are funny (at least I am)
We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium)
We are relaxed (no online requirement)
We have an online Blog (http://sto-tos.blogspot.com/)
We have a website with a Fleet Application http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/
We would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit
We're a group of mature (30+) and friendly players with real lives who share a interest in classic Trek. If you watched TOS afterschool as a kid, prized your model Connie, had a plastic phaser pistol, or just enjoy the original, join in for a little fantasy and a lot of fun and friendship.
We're interested in all facets of the game. We've got plans for The Foundry. And we're developing a fleet backstory together and sharing character bios. We are retrofitted to fight in the 25th century but we need you and your enthusiasm and creativity to help us out.
To read some of the developing backstory of our fleet, see:
And remember, if you happen to pass through the barrier at the edge of the galaxy and your friend's eyes start to glow, it's probably best to kill him while you can.
TOS Veterans Fleet is still new and so we're open to suggestios and ideas about how we do what we do. It's the people who join who will determine which directions we go.
Ultimately, we're hoping to find friendly, creative people who have an interest in classic Trek and a desire to share that interest and have fun with STO (spelling and grammatical skills not required). We have a TOS theme, but can make room for a lot of creative backstories within it.
I have been following your career for several years now, ever since your return from the Delta quadrant. You were willing to do anything required to save your ship and crew. Now the time has come to save the Federation itself!
My name is Heinrich Schelton. I do not know if your busy Starfleet schedulewho could not benefit from your advice or seek your audience!enables you to keep up with advances in social mathematics, but I am well-known in that area. I have sent you a copy of my book, The Socio-Topological Evolution of the Federation, signed, of course, and with an inscription especially for you. I am excited at the prospect of further discussing my ideas with you. I am sorry to say that I meet so few women who combine such high intelligence with such a lovely visage!
The aspects of my work that I must bring to your attention today involve the future. My calculations show that the Federation is in grave danger from multiple sourcesalmost too many to be plausible! It is as if we are puppets in some twisted game! There are enemies lurking in every quarter of the galaxy, some known and some as-yet unknown, and within the Federation itself! I have recently solved a high-level Asimov equation that suggests the return of the ancient Iconians!
Yes, difficult to believe, I know. And yet we must! The equations do not lie! And there is only one wayequally unbelievable and yet absolutely certainto rescue the future. We must turn to the past! We must rely on the strength of a Starfleet that was more robust and willing to take chances! We must travel back in time and retrieve JAMES T. KIRK! I fear the delay in doing so has already made matters far worse. My current calculations indicate that a single Kirk will no longer be sufficient.
Once we have the original, I am confident that he can be cloned. Only FIVE KIRKS will be able to save us!
I write you because I know that you are a woman who is willing to take risks. In many ways, you are closer to Kirk than any other current member of Starfleet. You are certainly no Picard! I have approached other members of Starfleet and Federation officials with my proposals, but none have been able to understand either the urgency of events or the mathematical certainty of my calculations. In you, however, I see a soulmate, one who is able to perceive the boldness of my ideas and their rightness.
I have cleared out my schedule for the next several days and eagerly await the invitation to talk more. If do not object, I know of a lovely little place in San Francisco were we could meet and enjoy a fantastic meal at the same time!
I would like to officially welcome Dr._Sskarno to the TOS Veterans Fleet. We are building this fleet one person at a time and I have to say that every one of them are fan-friggin-tastic!
I can't wait to be back home again so I can see them all again.
As one of the fan-friggin-tastic members of this fleet, Welcome Dr. Sskarno. I'll look forward to seeing you on the fleet website.
We're open to any other fan-friggin-tastic STO players out there too. if you're mature (30+), looking for a TOS-themed fleet, and want to be around people who understand that you have a busy life outside the game, you're more than welcome.
We are either 30 something or 40 something so you may define us as mature.
We have starter this fleet to create a relaxed fleet for casual or active members with an emphasis on fun and a strong social aspect. It is expected that captains may bail out of a mission to return to Starbase Mariner 10 in order to make lunches, dinner or feed the baby. To us family like is as important as the prime directive. That is a non Kirk version of the Prime Directive!
Very few rules and everyone have a say in the direction of the fleet. We do have one wish that all members have the TOS uniform for Fleet actions and possible a 23rd century Ship and you are familiar with our Fleet backstory. We understand that all members may not be into the roll playing but just humour us and build your character bio to correspond. http://sto-tos.blogspot.com/
We are under the philosophy that everyone had their own gifts and abilities to bring to the fleet so if you wish to be active in forming the fleet in any way please let us know. Also know that you are more than welcome to just be a part of the fleet.
We are old (+30)
We are mature (see above and dont go by the definition)
We like TSO better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek)
We like to Rollplay (TOS)
We are social before gameplay
We think Kirk could kick Picards A$$!
We are funny (at least I am)
We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium)
We are relaxed (no online requirement)
We have an online Blog (http://sto-tos.blogspot.com/)
We have a website with a Fleet Application http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/
We would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit
I have joined with this great bunch of people. If you want to be able to enjoy STO with some good socializing while still having a life outside the game, we are for you. If you want a huge Fleet that makes you feel like you joined the military with reports, roll calls and mandatory Fleet actions, this is NOT the Fleet for you.
proud to be part of the TOS Veterans. I won't promise free cake or cookies. mostly because we don't have any. but i will say that the other night a few officers from the fleet got together to run "what lies beneath" and it turned into an hour of shooting devidians while quoting Ghostbusters over Vent.
so in a nutshell, if that sounds like what you are looking for, you need look no further.
I have joined with this great bunch of people. If you want to be able to enjoy STO with some good socializing while still having a life outside the game, we are for you. If you want a huge Fleet that makes you feel like you joined the military with reports, roll calls and mandatory Fleet actions, this is NOT the Fleet for you.
That reminds me Dr._Sskarno, do you have your reports done?? lol
Seriously though I can't wait to get out there to a fleet action with 25 of us on Vent. Again Vent is not at all mandatory but it is fun just to hear the funny little accents from the south.
If you have been hesitant to join a fleet because you wouldn't have anything in common with anyone cause you are old school (in more ways than one!) you really should check us out!
We are out to have fun first and foremost, so please drop on in!
If Kirk is your captain, you have found a safe haven!
We are mature (see above and dont go by the definition)
We like TSO better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek)
We like to Rollplay (TOS)
We are social before gameplay
We think Kirk could kick Picards A$$!
We are funny (at least I am)
We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium)
We are relaxed (no online requirement)
We have an online Blog (http://sto-tos.blogspot.com/)
We have a website with a Fleet Application http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/
We would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit
TOS Veterans Fleet is still new and so we're open to suggestios and ideas about how we do what we do. It's the people who join who will determine which directions we go.
Ultimately, we're hoping to find friendly, creative people who have an interest in classic Trek and a desire to share that interest and have fun with STO (spelling and grammatical skills not required). We have a TOS theme, but can make room for a lot of creative backstories within it.
See our blog for a little bit of the developing storyline behind our fleet:
And our website is setup so you can come aboard:
Check us out and if you need to take a nap, just check us out later... we understand
Or email me KATRA@aots.ca
KATRA@James_BaileyTOS Vetrans Fleet
=/\= ======================== =/\=
Ambassador KATRA, Fleet Council
U.S.S. Raak -C-NCC-93375
TOS Vetrans Fleet is Recruiting!
Check our Website for more info.
=/\= ======================== =/\=
See our blog for a little bit of the developing storyline behind our fleet:
And our website is setup so you can come aboard:
Like a lot of other members, I've got a real life that doesn't always make a lot of time for playing a computer game. We all undertand that there are other demands on your time and we'd never ask for anything you aren't able to give. We focus on helping everyone get the most out of the game in whatever way they see fit.
I'm also frankly astonished at the level of creativity, helpfullness, cooperation, and friendliness that people in the fleet have been displaying. I waited a long time to join a fleet, and I'm glad I chose this one. This is a great group of people.
We have folks interested in all facets of the game, from PvP to role-playing to The Foundry. We're also developing a TOS backstory collectively--everyone can contribute. And we're creating bios for are characters and sharing them.
Please see the blog for a little bit of the developing storyline behind our fleet:
Our website is now setup so you can come aboard:
A Starfleet diplomat was sent back to the late 2260's to speak with Starfleet in order to round up several possible exceptional commander candidates and as many star ships as they could refurbish from the decommissioned roster.
The chosen captains were given ships that were pre programmed with precise calculations in order to carry out the light-speed breakaway factor to artificially-created time warp in order to time travel back to the 2408.
Once the initial five captain were sent, Starfleet would keep their eye out for any such qualified command personnel to join the fleet and to help fight the war in the future.
You may be that commander!
Find out More about the Fleet:
Sign up on the fleet website, look around and if you wish to be a part of the fleet, please fill out the application form. http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/
Ambassador KATRA
We are a mature (30+) fleet. Our play style is relaxed with no time obligations. We believe that all fleet members should have a say in decisions. Our ruling council members are here to answer questions and participate in conversations, not dictate commands. We want to keep our fleet bank stocked with good items at all levels to help everyone out.
We have a TOS theme. The backstory of our fleet revolves around a group of captains and ships brought from the year 2269 to fight for the Federation. We mean this story to be a collaborative effort, so discussion, ideas, and expansions are welcome. Fleet characters should have bios that relate in some way to this backstory, and we are happy to brainstorm how to do that collectively. We mean our TOS theme and backstory to be fun and not a burden.
We are interested in all facets of the game. We plan to run occasional fleet actions with Connies. We also have plans to use The Foundry to create TOS-era adventures, flesh out our backstory and character biographies, and play with ideas that members have
Find out More about the Fleet:
Sign up on the fleet website, look around and if you wish to be a part of the fleet, please fill out the application form. http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/
Ambassador KATRA
The TOS Veterans Fleet is for mature casual players in their 30's and 40's that wish to participate in fun, fellowship and sharing of STO knowledge.
We are a mature fleet with an interest in maintaining the spirit of the original series through gameplay and the use of TOS era uniforms and equipment in game.
Please see the blog for a little bit of the developing storyline behind our fleet:
Our website is now setup so you can come aboard:
TOS Vetrans Fleet
=/\= ======================== =/\=
Ambassador KATRA, Fleet Council
U.S.S. Raak -C-NCC-93375
TOS Vetrans Fleet is Recruiting!
Check our Website for more info.
=/\= ======================== =/\=
We are mature (see above and dont go by the definition)
We like TSO better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek)
We like to Rollplay (TOS)
We are social before gameplay
We think Kirk could kick Picards A$$!
We are funny (at least I am)
We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium)
We are relaxed (no online requirement)
We have an online Blog (http://sto-tos.blogspot.com/)
We have a website with a Fleet Application http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/
We would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit
We are a TOS themed and retrofitted to fight in the 25th century but we need you and your enthusiasm (and a few backstories) to help us out. We're creating the story behind our fleet together. Some of us are writing log entries. Some are writing fiction. Some are coming up with great new ideas.
Check out some of what we're up to at:
We're also devoted to helping each other make the most of the game in whatever way. We don't take ourselves too seriously, but want to have fun with STO and with the Star Trek universe.
Check out the new (adding more every day) website at http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/ and join in for a little fantasy and a lot of fun and friendship.
We have starter this fleet to create a relaxed fleet for casual or active members with an emphasis on fun and a strong social aspect. It is expected that captains may bail out of a mission to return to Starbase Mariner 10 in order to make lunches, dinner or feed the baby. To us family like is as important as the prime directive. That is a non Kirk version of the Prime Directive!
Very few rules and everyone have a say in the direction of the fleet. We do have one wish that all members have the TOS uniform for Fleet actions and possible a 23rd century Ship and you are familiar with our Fleet backstory. We understand that all members may not be into the roll playing but just humour us and build your character bio to correspond. http://sto-tos.blogspot.com/
We are under the philosophy that everyone had their own gifts and abilities to bring to the fleet so if you wish to be active in forming the fleet in any way please let us know. Also know that you are more than welcome to just be a part of the fleet.
Sign up on the fleet website, look around and if you wish to be a part of the fleet, please fill out the application form. http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/
Ambassador KATRA
The TOS Veterans Fleet is for mature casual players in their 30's and 40's and beyond that wish to participate in fun, fellowship and sharing of STO knowledge.
We are a mature fleet with an interest in maintaining the spirit of the original series through gameplay and the use of TOS era uniforms and equipment in game.
Please see the blog for a little bit of the developing storyline behind our fleet:
Our website is now setup so you can come aboard:
Aside from a focus on TOS (and not all members have strictly TOS characters, though we're working together to create bios that fit with a TOS-centric backstory), we may seem a little all over the place. And to a certain extent, that's true.
We're still forming, still finding our footing, still deciding exactly what we want to be as a fleet. We're determined that all members should have a role in deciding that. There are no dictators here.
We're mature (30+), have real lives that we have to attend to, friendly, and helpful. If that sounds good to you, and if you want a place that you can explore STO from a lot of different angles, then you might give us try. We definitely need people who have good ideas, are creative, and want to have fun.
Please see the blog for a little bit of the developing storyline behind our fleet:
Our website is now setup so you can come aboard:
And remember, the USD to Quatloo exchange rate is really good right now, so you may want to plan a vacation to Triskelion. (Just be sure to pack your Lirpa.)
I've had an eye on your fleet for a bit now, I really like the TOS theme your fleet is working with. The majority of our fleet is made up of 30+ gamers as well. We would love to see you guys at our event and get to know you. You can contact me (Giles@Steelthorn) or Drake (below) if you would like to get in contact with us; our fleet website is www.the300.net. We also have been forming a group of allied guilds for sharing events and rubbing elbows, just give us a shout if you are interested.
Due to popular demand, we will be having a special 'TOS' Holo-Event. We will pay homage to James T. Kirk and the Original Series through a scheduled Replay Event. There are a couple of suitable replay missions, mostly from the Devidian story arc, that take place in the TOS-Setting; all present members will be voting the mission we will play.
Starting time: 4:30 p.m. (EST) Saturday April 16, 2011
Point of Contact: Mary L. Drake@FrancisDrake.
- Meet at ESD/Sol in system, prior to docking in lowest possible instance (#1)
- beam down to ESD, have a tour and invite possible TOS-looking players to the event
- group photo at Club 47
- flying to mission location in formation and complete it.
- Post mission, split up for PvP groups and do a couple of TOS-PvP's
All attending personnel are required to do so dressed in an original series uniform (Any TOS-Set will qualify, Wrath of Khan is available to all) and naturally with your fleet logo displayed. For guidance, please make use of the color charts provided:
Command, Helm
Science, Medical
Operations, Tactical, Engineering
- only TOS gear should be visible like Type I-III phaser weapons or TOS-Style disruptors, etc. Disable visuals for kits, Armour, etc.
- if possible use a TOS Constitution class with original weapon load-out, if not available
- there are also a couple of other lower tier ships that qualify (use good judgment)
- disable all visible equipment on ship/character (no Borg visuals, etc)
If I can pull myself out of my post-tax-day stupor, I'll do my best to be there. If only I could slingshot around the sun, go back in time, and re-amortized the adjustable interest on my fifth mortgage.
Where's Samuel T. Cogley when you need him!?! (Though I'm not sure he did tax law...)
Since I'm here, I'll mention, once again, that we're happy to welcome any mature players (30+) who are looking for a low-stress, friendly, TOS-themed fleet of peers.
To learn a little more about the story behind our fleet, see:
We're always open to new ideas and members' creativity. Everyone gets a say.
Our website is now setup so you can come aboard:
We are mature (see above and dont go by the definition)
We like TSO better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek)
We like to Rollplay (TOS)
We are social before gameplay
We think Kirk could kick Picards A$$!
We are funny (at least I am)
We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium)
We are relaxed (no online requirement)
We have an online Blog (http://sto-tos.blogspot.com/)
We have a website with a Fleet Application http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/
We would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit
We're interested in all facets of the game. We've got plans for The Foundry. And we're developing a fleet backstory together and sharing character bios. We are retrofitted to fight in the 25th century but we need you and your enthusiasm and creativity to help us out.
To read some of the developing backstory of our fleet, see:
To check out the new (adding more every day) website, see:
And remember, if you happen to pass through the barrier at the edge of the galaxy and your friend's eyes start to glow, it's probably best to kill him while you can.
TOS Veterans Fleet is still new and so we're open to suggestios and ideas about how we do what we do. It's the people who join who will determine which directions we go.
Ultimately, we're hoping to find friendly, creative people who have an interest in classic Trek and a desire to share that interest and have fun with STO (spelling and grammatical skills not required). We have a TOS theme, but can make room for a lot of creative backstories within it.
See our blog for a little bit of the developing storyline behind our fleet:
And our website is setup so you can come aboard:
Check us out and if you need to take a nap, just check us out later... we understand
Dear Kathryn (if I may),
I have been following your career for several years now, ever since your return from the Delta quadrant. You were willing to do anything required to save your ship and crew. Now the time has come to save the Federation itself!
My name is Heinrich Schelton. I do not know if your busy Starfleet schedulewho could not benefit from your advice or seek your audience!enables you to keep up with advances in social mathematics, but I am well-known in that area. I have sent you a copy of my book, The Socio-Topological Evolution of the Federation, signed, of course, and with an inscription especially for you. I am excited at the prospect of further discussing my ideas with you. I am sorry to say that I meet so few women who combine such high intelligence with such a lovely visage!
The aspects of my work that I must bring to your attention today involve the future. My calculations show that the Federation is in grave danger from multiple sourcesalmost too many to be plausible! It is as if we are puppets in some twisted game! There are enemies lurking in every quarter of the galaxy, some known and some as-yet unknown, and within the Federation itself! I have recently solved a high-level Asimov equation that suggests the return of the ancient Iconians!
Yes, difficult to believe, I know. And yet we must! The equations do not lie! And there is only one wayequally unbelievable and yet absolutely certainto rescue the future. We must turn to the past! We must rely on the strength of a Starfleet that was more robust and willing to take chances! We must travel back in time and retrieve JAMES T. KIRK! I fear the delay in doing so has already made matters far worse. My current calculations indicate that a single Kirk will no longer be sufficient.
Once we have the original, I am confident that he can be cloned. Only FIVE KIRKS will be able to save us!
I write you because I know that you are a woman who is willing to take risks. In many ways, you are closer to Kirk than any other current member of Starfleet. You are certainly no Picard! I have approached other members of Starfleet and Federation officials with my proposals, but none have been able to understand either the urgency of events or the mathematical certainty of my calculations. In you, however, I see a soulmate, one who is able to perceive the boldness of my ideas and their rightness.
I have cleared out my schedule for the next several days and eagerly await the invitation to talk more. If do not object, I know of a lovely little place in San Francisco were we could meet and enjoy a fantastic meal at the same time!
Completely Yours,
Heinrich Schelton
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
For more background on our fleet, stay tuned to:
Also, our website is now setup so you can come aboard:
I can't wait to be back home again so I can see them all again.
Please see the blog for a little bit of the developing storyline behind our fleet:
Our website is now setup so you can come aboard:
We're open to any other fan-friggin-tastic STO players out there too. if you're mature (30+), looking for a TOS-themed fleet, and want to be around people who understand that you have a busy life outside the game, you're more than welcome.
Please see the blog for a little bit of the developing storyline behind our fleet:
Our website is now setup so you can come aboard:
Here's a link to the event pics if you want to check them out...
Best Regards,
We have starter this fleet to create a relaxed fleet for casual or active members with an emphasis on fun and a strong social aspect. It is expected that captains may bail out of a mission to return to Starbase Mariner 10 in order to make lunches, dinner or feed the baby. To us family like is as important as the prime directive. That is a non Kirk version of the Prime Directive!
Very few rules and everyone have a say in the direction of the fleet. We do have one wish that all members have the TOS uniform for Fleet actions and possible a 23rd century Ship and you are familiar with our Fleet backstory. We understand that all members may not be into the roll playing but just humour us and build your character bio to correspond. http://sto-tos.blogspot.com/
We are under the philosophy that everyone had their own gifts and abilities to bring to the fleet so if you wish to be active in forming the fleet in any way please let us know. Also know that you are more than welcome to just be a part of the fleet.
Sign up on the fleet website, look around and if you wish to be a part of the fleet, please fill out the application form. http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/
Ambassador KATRA
We are mature (see above and dont go by the definition)
We like TSO better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek)
We like to Rollplay (TOS)
We are social before gameplay
We think Kirk could kick Picards A$$!
We are funny (at least I am)
We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium)
We are relaxed (no online requirement)
We have an online Blog (http://sto-tos.blogspot.com/)
We have a website with a Fleet Application http://stotosveteransfleet.guildlaunch.com/
We would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit
We just really want to build this fleet right, one officer at a time!
so in a nutshell, if that sounds like what you are looking for, you need look no further.
That reminds me Dr._Sskarno, do you have your reports done?? lol
Seriously though I can't wait to get out there to a fleet action with 25 of us on Vent. Again Vent is not at all mandatory but it is fun just to hear the funny little accents from the south.
We are out to have fun first and foremost, so please drop on in!
If Kirk is your captain, you have found a safe haven!
You can follow the story at:
You can join the fleet at: