y0urm0m Arc User


  • Any reports back from BearClaw yet? :P
  • We just had a really bad mass DC. And currently I can't get back in either.
  • priceless forum avi is priceless
  • interesting thread haha
  • Well just saying what solved my problem so hopefully other people see that CPU usage could be what happened to make their computers crash. Also, admins that read this I would seriously go back and check this problem out and make a few tweaks to how the CPU is handled for the game.
  • Mine was crashing with a blue screen too. After one of the crashes I went into my setup and checked my cpu temp....it was 80C....yeah it was BAD. I then cleaned my heat sink and cpu fan along with using the other 120mm fan in the back and I haven't had a crash since. Apparently this game kills cpu's so make sure you have a…
  • Windows XP Pro SP3 (crashed with SP2 as well) 4gb patriot dual channel kit ram amd x2 3.2gHz dual core processor nvidia 512mb 8800 GT graphix card I built this thing myself and I NEVER had any problems until now and for whatever reason I can't be in the game for longer then 5-10 minutes. Maybe some of your rendering stuff…
  • I am also having this issue. I go into the game for about 5 minutes and it just blue screens. amd 3.0gHz x2 dual core processor 4gb patriot ram dual channel 512mb Nvidia GForce 8800 I just installed a newer version of direct x9 so i guess we will see how that goes. Any other information or troubleshooting techniques to try…