Dreamweaver Mass DC



  • Liliai - Dreamweaver_1330589035
    Liliai - Dreamweaver_1330589035 Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Looks like it's only characters that were in arch, near where event mobs were spawned. Logged into another account that was in snowy village and there are plenty of people there.

    I was in 1k when I dc'd so~
    \\\ You were born an original. Don't die a copy. \\\

    ~My Characters~
    {Liliai - 101 Mystic} ♥ {Schulyer - 101 Psychic} ♥ {Adilah - 95 Veno} ♥ {/\rri - 71 Assassin}

    *Currently taking a break from the game*
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Aw, they tried something new, for your enjoyment, and it didn't work quite right.
    Give 'em a few minutes to reset the server before you start the hatin and complainin.

    That's like saying "Oh you released 3 man eating tigers inside of an overcrowded nursery school? That's something new . . . "

    The sheer lack of thought involved in holding such an "event" inside of Arch - not to mention in west Arch is almost hilarious.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • DeadlyShots - Dreamweaver
    DeadlyShots - Dreamweaver Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    same dc ... twice b:victorygrats gm

    now talk about attacks and QQ expand damn servers -.-b:shutup
  • Zarni - Dreamweaver
    Zarni - Dreamweaver Posts: 258 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Looking into this right now--
    That's like saying "Oh you released 3 man eating tigers inside of an overcrowded nursery school? That's something new . . . "

    The sheer lack of thought involved in holding such an "event" inside of Arch - not to mention in west Arch" is almost hilarious.

    it was totally hilarious, I laughed IRL b:laugh

    nursery school though? are level 1 shop alts toddlers?

    oh ma gawd, think of the chilrenz!!!!!

    @Frankie thanks for the prompt reset :)
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    LOL Trashy!

    You know what I meant though. Not a direct example so much as an example as to how little thought was put into this "event."

    "Hey guys where should we hold this mini-invasion?"

    "Well you know how our invasion events always cause massively increased lag?"

    "Yeah, what about it?"

    "Well here's an idea. You know how people are QQing non-stop cause the lag in West Arch is so bad?"

    "Yeah what's your point?"

    "Let's hold it there!"


    "I can't imagine a downside, can you?"

    I'll say that such little mini-events are appreciated - but it's just astounding that they would hold it in an area that a fair number of people can barely even go into on a good day.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • y0urm0m
    y0urm0m Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Looking into this right now--

    Any reports back from BearClaw yet? :P
  • DangerField - Dreamweaver
    DangerField - Dreamweaver Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Ahoi there.

    I had a few random game crashes/dcs back to back, and now, when I try to log back in, I get the 'account already logged in' EVEN when I tick off 'force log'. In the past, selecting force log would get me online even with the 'account already logged in' popped up, but not now. Anybody have tips/tricks to get around this? Or, has anybody else noticed 'force log' is now failing to actually work anymore?

    -Tried ticking & unticking force log
    -Tried restarting game client completely
    -Reset my internet connection

    Thanks in advance,


    Edit: Apparently waiting 15 minutes finally 'unlogs' account from the server. However, it was rather odd that force log failed to work for a while.

    I think everybody had this issue due to server being down. I dont usually have that problem but what worked for me here was logging another server and then logging DW. I got to Character selection and "unable to connect to server".
  • Jacabus - Archosaur
    Jacabus - Archosaur Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The sheer lack of thought involved in holding such an "event" inside of Arch - not to mention in west Arch is almost hilarious.

    Its not almost hilarious it WAS hilarious.

    If I was going to spawn a mess of trash mobs OF COURSE i'd spawn it in the most populated location. Otherwise nobody would see them.

    What you would think of a broadcast of "Chimei are invading the uninhabited island east of Archosaur!!!" would you go there to fight worthless mobs? Of course not. Spawning worthless mobs in the middle of a city? Hilarious.

    Just because you got disconnected doesn't mean you gotta hate. Or maybe it does, I donno.