vngel Arc User


  • Sure is nice of you.. I think you should save them just in case it is possible one day to send between servers, or you come back to play on this server.
    in Drop Event Comment by vngel October 2008
  • Shouldn't have to work? Then how would anything that you enjoy or that makes your life better be produced? A life of self sufficiency doesn't mean you have to live in the woods without neighbors. Besides, a job doesn't have to be slavery. Go get an education and do a career you enjoy... or start your own business so all…
  • Hey aetherius. Are you in the states, and what city? I am a 3rd year, go to school in Dallas. What is your characters name in game? PM me if you don't want it on here.
  • 27 here. I'm a medical student, play in my spare time for relaxation. I also wanted to see what the whole mmorpg thing was all about, and decided a f2p is the way to do that as I am poor :p
  • Yep, made this mistake myself. I had sold enough hay to buy a cage someone was selling in game, so I did so with the intention of using both hay and cage. However, after using the cage it didn't allow me to use hay, and instead gave me the fruit quest. I think this is a game flaw personally, as using a cash shop item…
  • I too will abstain from voting. I think everything has already been said up until now through multiple threads, so I won't reiterate what those before me have already made clear... but this poll is absurd as it is clearly missing the one choice that 99% of people on these forums agree with - lower zen prices. I will not…
  • Nice, I took Senovits guide on skills (from venomancer comprehensive guide) and put in the new names. He didn't discuss some of them, so people can feel free to copy the list, add in the ones he didn't discuss, and put an opinion: Mage tree attack skills: Venomous Scarab: Max it as soon as you can. This is your spammable…
  • Thank You! I had been looking for this as well, but forgot it was under Tame Pet when I first got it. I was having the same issues as the OP.
  • Decided to take some screen shots during the boss breakout distaster while they are resetting the servers. Here is my veno, LuxVeritan (on Heavens Tear), level 16 in the picture.
  • Thank You!
  • Yep, I am stuck in tradewind village too... I was able to attack outside west Arch, but the problems started in tradewind. My pet is starvign and lost 200 loyalty, and I died 2x and lost 10% exp lol. So much for trying to participate in some boss killing.