Same here on my 2 accounts. Got them on the first day and nothing since.
The skill wasn't disabled :) All those people QQ for nothing
This is the underlying issue.
Ahh.. lovely. Imagine asking all your friends to charge so you can gear a toon and then suddenly, you have to learn how to play it instead of replying on the gear and exploits. The horror!! Disabling the skill doesn't affect pve on a sin in any way. Now it's back to the combo sins used before g17 gear. I still use that…
A conversion day for silver into gold coin at a specific ratio. It wouldn't damage the economy and would allow the majority of the player base to buy upgrades etc without having to pay to play.
Well.. desperate times require desperate measures I suppose. This game has been exploited and broken for far too long. A massive influx of content to hide the flaws isn't going to fix PWI or get it active again. This will just make it worse. Everything is now almost cash shop exclusive.
Enough notes to get back perfect attendance up to now?
This is why this game needs a GM or at least someone who can give info.. Its literally the only game in existance that doesnt give any information on maintenences or patches when they happen. If the wukong class is out already, it shows how desperate PWI are to keep this version of the game alive by just flooding it with…
Releasing it soon here already? PW is just polishing a t*rd at this point. It's still a t*rd d.
Nuking PvE is already at it's easiest point in the games history. With this new class and skill updates, you can see PWI is going 100% PvP focused from here on.
That was a trap to get people thinking the game was active and spend money. The game itself is active just a really low playerbase compared to any other MMO out there The support is what is inactive. The Mods simply don't care as long as they make enough money to stay in a job
We're gamers. We don't go outside enough to worry about the Covid-19. Therefore, we still should be prioritized with regular maint and such
I didn't purchase them as such, I got them from the coupons. I figured as it was PWI, the most infamous MMO of them all in terms of farming and item conversion, that it was a case of getting over 100x the mats needed in order to trade but wanted to check. I will buy and make it a different way, thanks.
Never has and never will. He pays them too much :D He's invincible ;)
It's happened again this week. trying to block across the map to prevent being bid on while at the same time, fake bidding a mass gank on a smaller faction. [img][/img]
Seems no one in my faction can log in either. Verifying the files - didn't work. Force close Arc via task manager and try log into client that way - didn't work. Getting impatient and keep spam trying to log in - didn't work.
PWI can't run a stable and smooth flowing game, even after all these years, and still talk about releasing new classes. Its the same years old problems just a different week. Issues are so simple to fix and yet they just ignore everything except the chance to make money from bi weekly shop updates.
This is what happens when you allow monkeys to try do a humans job
No. Plenty of other MMO which are more popular and have a better support system than this game to spend your money on
No it isnt worth returning. This game is exclusive cash game only. Its full of bugs, mandatory 20min DC and use of a amateur Arc platform, No support from devs or Gms, a constantly lowering playerbase.. Basically ANY OTHER mmo out there is better than this.
Found out. It goes into the storage not Inventory.
What happened to the anni mount contest too that was running?
Posted on the 25th
I bet the compo package is what they would have given us anyway with the Anni. They just lucked out with a massive bug on their end and can use it instead as the 'compensation' to please the player base and save their backs aha
These forums have been an extremely limited place for the player base for a long time regarding suggestions, opinions, arguments etc etc. There is no 'discussion' on the forums anymore because 1 or more mod will get in a huff and delete comments or whole threads. Stick to making your world chats toxic as forums is still a…
This is still the only MMORPG I know of that fudges up on a monumental scale consistently, such as this. The game has been around almost 10 years and they still don't know how to run it or avoid the simple errors. They can data pull the members, like they did with Echo for cross server fight, and individually mail the helm…
That didn't matter much tho as RW wasn't active on Et when the previous season started. A faction forgot to bid on a city so it was unclaimed for another week, thus RW couldn't trigger. Shame the xTW time still clashes with TW time on Da server though.
Problem is even when you win xTW fairly (kill all the towers before killing the dragon) people still cry its a 'dragon rush'.
Because not everyone has a huge mouth and goes around telling the world things they don't need to know. The people that need to know, already know and act as friends. Its more of a respect issue than anything else. At least you can now chill and spend more time enjoying the game, to whatever extent that might be.