tc2r Arc User


  • real ones I remember: "Yeah.. I know the tank has full health, thas why i'm only spamming wellspring"~ (during fb51 boss fight from other cleric... never wanted to stop healing to make a point soo badly) "No, pure heart heals better you stupid newb, thats why I only use it and wellspring" ~ same cleric said the above -_-…
  • either way you're doing an awesome thing, I hope it works out for you ^.^. Alot of people are really selfish with their coin and stuff, but events help to break up the bore of grinding, I HOPE it works out for the best for you :) plus if this is a first try, who cares if it flops, you learn from it :) !
  • you're making it very hard for me to educate you/inform you without calling you a biased newb... -_- but i will try! K first of all, ALL classes have benefits and weaknesses. yes a cleric can heal, but i promise they don't have the health or the endurance that a barb or a BM has. So if you're going to try to…
  • don't bash him so much guys, he's a newb to pvp who just wanted (dueling) to do something nice for the lower lvls. All we ask is that you learn about what you'll be judging. In straight dueling, anything but outside items is allowed. INCLUDING flying, healing, pets, stuns, etc, town portal even (cept on that island idk how…
  • ::ediited by self for harshness:: no kiting, face to face vs barb/bm, potions allowed? Your rules are really unfair and even anti normal dueling rules, where potions are not allowed as is most outside substances (speed pots, etc). What you encourage here is the newb way of thinking in which idiot barbs and bms believe all…
  • awwww, put i put a lot of thought into the event's historic title "The day perfect world stood still" :( Well GMs, if you manage to minimize the lag, Hats off to you on an awesome event idea... however I hate to be those lwr lvl players questing there (oh well for them). Kinda Curious, how will you balance the level range…
  • Who cares, I dub this event "The day perfect world stood still" Aka THE LAGGIEST DAY IN GAME EVER! lmao do the GMs really plan these events? lets take a lag ridden town and throw an wraith attack at it, from all corners of the town, and see how much ppl cry LMAO what about catshops? LMAO what about auctioning ppl.. LMAO I…
  • "please don't be an **** to the 20 ppl waiting in line"~ Prompos quote from a person thinking they have the right to tell others what to do.... "Banned" ~ Quote from GM, a person who has the right to tell a person what to do. "I admire enraged from being upfront" ~ what exactly are u again?.... either way, bittersweet.
  • INFINITUM Check us out, read our charter. We are helpful, fun, have lots of contest and HATE drama, aka we don't do it, you wont find drama with us. :P We're like a Club really. :) Try us out, if you're intrested stay, if not feel free to leave, we'll understand... But know this, very few ever leave.
  • Mature, fun, helpful... there is no better, ! Give us a try, if you dont' like us, leave, no questions asked... course we've said this about 80times, very very few have left.
  • ^.^ The GMs showed up today at Heavens tear and oh wow, I guess we know where they stand, It IS infact against TOS to do what the ksers were doing. GRIEFING tons of other players. And as such, the GMs begin banning all of them/teloporting them to other sides of the map... you should have heard Enrage crying ... they must…
  • Also just to help you all not be idiots.... Beautiful Shards are BLUE TITLED!!! Blemished are WHITE Beautiful Shards +32 of stuff Blemished, NOT +32...
  • And If I list some shards in my catshop for a higher price then normal, and lable the catshop "Shards, 70k" and people buy these shards, why should I be held accountable for their stupidity?. If I in NO WAY false advertise my products, then it is NOT a scam. When you put a limit on what people are suppose to price their…
  • How you ask? well in the time it takes me to write this post I could have increased my pockets by 300k o.O. very quickly if you know how to do it right, It can be done... but the more that know the secret, the less profitable it becomes ^.^. However it can be done.
  • didn't think to do that, was so P/Oed at the LINES of raptors panthers and Kirin in Arch, the fact that nobody had normal wings (or for that matter anything other than watcher of the skies) and everyone had a pet who was on when server came back up (aka when I first joined) that I simply told the guild about it and posted…
  • quick question what the hell could they have planned for us that would put me on the same playing field as my friend who in the course between Thursday and today has made 80mil w/o doing much of anything? Whatever they would have planned would benefit EVERYONE, including those like him. I'd just for once like to see one…
  • I'm through arguing pointlessly with you as you try to derail the subject from what is REALLY at fault. the fact that the benefits of the exploit have been left in this game. Which hurts EVERYONE else who did not exploit or reep it's benefits.
  • listen, if you don't bother learning how things work, don't bother posting "smart remarks" Just because it cost something in cashshop doesn't mean it sells the same IN GAME. I could sell 50 panthers for 800k before you could sell 1 panther (unspurred) for 1mil in game before this weekend. Learn how stuff works, it's called…
  • I'm trying hard not to quit but this is utter bS. you're talkin to a hustler who has been working hard to earn the coins he has (and I was before update by no means rich, but getting there) but Now it seems that that hill i was climbing IS a mountain. Now it's not "just got to get to 3 mil" its "Just have to hustle to…
  • Just wanted to add that I appriciate that the GMS worked so hard and did do what they have so far. I am thankful of all of their hard work to fix this. And have even more respect for them that they'd admit to what they worded was "an epic fail".
  • who cares... you can REDO ALL OF THAT, I just hope you exploited your gold enough to have about 900mil, that way in the future if they DONT do a rollback, you'll still be able to afford stuff. I wont. I didn't use or exploit any coins, which means that I, like many of the players here, will instantly become what will be…
  • Yeah see this is stupid, Arguing for not having a rollback only makes you look selfish. FIRST A ROLLBACK WONT MAKE YOU LOSE STUFF YOU HAD BEFORE LAST MAINTENCE!!!!!!! AKA ANYTHING YOU HAD FROM YESTERDAY IS STILL THERE. I was on right after the update. I started my catshop with 56 fruits, and over night (yeah left pc on)…
  • Yeah see this is stupid, Arguing for not having a rollback only makes you look selfish. I was on right after the update. I started my catshop with 56 fruits, and over night (yeah left pc on) ALL of them sold. my friends did otherwise and sold their items as well. When we found out that the game was glitched, we all agreed…
  • only one Key Point.. I wasn't there to kill Rattus Lord, the two parties that Mikeya griefed were, I found the whole situation quiet funny (and shocking as I had previously thought better of RoC). I killed Rattus lord like some 20 levels ago I think. But yeah, I suppose the way that RoC solves it's arguements with one…
  • When i started game RoC owned the territory I was at, so I went with the flow and became a supporter for them. That is until today :( After a member of their faction griefed two parties for 30 mins stopping them from killing rattus Lord. it left a sour taste.(by stealing aggro and running the boss off until it reset)…