Come on RoC, killing rare pets?



  • Puremystic - Heavens Tear
    Puremystic - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    b:sad I cant believe it, you all are still arguing about a bear-_-
    Here lets settle this once and for all Veno's don't need a rare pet, just tame one thats at your lvl like a tiogrin or however you spell it (big rock monster) those make great pets, I see lvl 80 venos still carrying one with them.So just leave them alone, they only cause drama like this to occur.

    Also the ones who just want to kill it,just go out and grind for money, seriously is it that hard for a high lvl to go and make 1mill ? No, so go and leave the bear alone it doesnt want you and appearantly you dun want it.

    P.S. Sorry bear you have been killed/tamed so many times by ppl who only want the respect or money that comes with youb:sadb:surrender
  • Rophe - Heavens Tear
    Rophe - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    LOL now you get it! LESS QQ MORE PEW PEW!!!! the RoC motto! Welcome to the Dark Side! BWUA HA HA HA HA

    That isn't the RoC motto! Hong is a self-proclaimed drama lover! RoC lives for QQ drama.
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Eh, Golem still does everything I need it to..
    (Even though I make a better tank ~_^)
  • Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear
    Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    seriously is it that hard for a high lvl to go and make 1mill ?

    A Pet is a Veno's weapon, telling them not to aim for a better weapon is just idiotic.
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    A Pet is a Veno's weapon, telling them not to aim for a better weapon is just idiotic.

    That would be a lot more relevant if the bear was a particularly good pet. It isn't.

    It's about on par with a golem. Lower defense, but more HP.

    Froggy + Golem works a lot better than bear. Can tank a lot more things a lot easier.

    Also, 99% of the venos who are trying to tame it are planning to sell it.

    They're in it for the money, m'dear.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    fuzzles wrote: »
    That would be a lot more relevant if the bear was a particularly good pet. It isn't.

    It's about on par with a golem. Lower defense, but more HP.

    Froggy + Golem works a lot better than bear. Can tank a lot more things a lot easier.

    Also, 99% of the venos who are trying to tame it are planning to sell it.

    They're in it for the money, m'dear.

    I'm in it for the bear.
  • Grgumsh - Heavens Tear
    Grgumsh - Heavens Tear Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    That isn't the RoC motto! Hong is a self-proclaimed drama lover! RoC lives for QQ drama.

    Ehh, maybe, but Hong isnt around that much anymore these days. b:cry
    But he still logs in for TW every week, hell he showed up late last week and his arrival marked when we took down Evo and wiped up Legion!b:angry
    War has made me very paranoid, and when a man starts eyeballin me it makes my Agent Orange act up and I get the urge to kill.
  • thanduril
    thanduril Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    fuzzles wrote: »
    That would be a lot more relevant if the bear was a particularly good pet. It isn't.

    It's about on par with a golem. Lower defense, but more HP.

    Froggy + Golem works a lot better than bear. Can tank a lot more things a lot easier.

    Also, 99% of the venos who are trying to tame it are planning to sell it.

    They're in it for the money, m'dear.

    dude all your oppinions make you look like a moron.
    personally i feel venos have it easy in this game. but i see no reason to go out there and kill something that might be vital for their class.

    your BS about the "balance"(yea first thing that popped to my mind was the universal well being of existance b:laugh) is just your POV, and a moron's POV none the less.
    if you want to keep the score even and not let a veno catch up to you, go on a couple TT runs, it`ll fetch you mats that cost as much as the shadou cub the veno might sell it for, if not more. or go grind for some DQ mats for coins, if your such a spoilsport that no one might wanna take you on TT runs.
    and you forget fool that its 12hour respawn time for a rare pet whereas TT respawn fast as you get the job done and redo it again.

    "Also, 99% of the venos who are trying to[insert more quoted BS here]"
    and that moronic statement is also just your POV. unless you consider your own opinion to be 99% and the rest of the PWi users' a wee 1% : /
    ofcourse not all the rest of PWi players will agree on letting a veno be, but unless you go take a poll and have some evidence to back your word up, refrain from spouting out trash ok?

    its just wrong to disrupt someone else's gameplay just so that you get your kicks after making them fail. dont act like a prick in a game just cause they cant bash your teeth in via the monitor screen...c`mon.
    and just letting others enjoy their game doesnt making you a carebear, if it does, then you can come kiss some carebear a** b:laugh
  • Krasava - Heavens Tear
    Krasava - Heavens Tear Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Quite an interesting topicb:chuckle

    Learned alot from this thread, as i know little to nothing about pets in general, much less about which are rare and which are ubiquitous. I'm probably $600 into this game, and still find myself broke, so i never even bothered with acquiring a pet. As a BM i don't really need one, albeit it'd be cool to own one, i suppose.

    Concerning the issue at hand, i think that if game mechanics allow the rares to be slain, well, that's tough. They become all that much more rareb:chuckle
    Having said that, i think it's g a y that ppl murder a pet out of spite (for the most part). If they sell for 1.6 mil, well, that's cuz someone is willing to pay that. Killing them will drive the price up, obviously. Nothing is really accomplished.

    No one is gonna teach anyone a lesson here. C'mon now! This game just shows our real personalities, to some extent. Some ppl are vain, spiteful, proud, and think they're the s h i t in real life. So they behave accordingly in the game, spoiling the experience for other folks. Well, that's just how the world turns around, it takes all kinds. Just roll with it.

    P.S. My sincerest regards to Dbora, a RoC member who had helped me TREMENDOUSLY along the way. His generocity and willingness to help whenever asked is truly impressive. Do not judge a family by coupla rotten apples. RoC has some excellent members too.b:victory
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    thanduril wrote: »
    I can barely type, yet I've decided that you're wrong. I have presented some disjointed crying and called it an argument, take that

    Mkay, m'dear. Let's get a few things straight. One of my main toons is a veno. I am completely capable of joining in the race to go get myself an adorable little bear dude, and then selling that sucker off.

    Another point, which I've already stated, is that I do not kill rare pets. Get that into your head, let it swirl around a bit. I merely encourage people to kill them, seeing as I'm not gonna get one either way.

    Furthermore, if someone's entire game experience hinges on having that one pet, then they're just gonna end up quitting as soon as something disappoints them anyway. You make it sound as though killing the spawn is some sort of villainous, dastardly deed. Get some perspective. It isn't. It's not ruining anyone's enjoyment of the game. If it is, find a different game. Because it's a damn useless bear. You can't possibly want it that bad.

    Also.. they are called rare pets. It's not supposed to be easy to get them. If they were meant to be a dime a dozen, then they would have been designed to be.

    The bottom damn line is that things are what they are. I don't feel strongly enough about it to do so, but I take comfort in the fact that if I wanted to go and kill that spawn, then I could do it, and there's not a thing you can do about it. Why? Because that's what the game was designed to be like. Killable pets just adds another level of interaction between players. I believe it was intentional. You're just one more person who's crying because the game is too hard for them.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • thanduril
    thanduril Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    fuzzles wrote: »
    Mkay, m'dear. Let's get a few things straight. One of my main toons is a veno. I am completely capable of joining in the race to go get myself an adorable little bear dude, and then selling that sucker off.

    Another point, which I've already stated, is that I do not kill rare pets. Get that into your head, let it swirl around a bit. I merely encourage people to kill them, seeing as I'm not gonna get one either way.

    Furthermore, if someone's entire game experience hinges on having that one pet, then they're just gonna end up quitting as soon as something disappoints them anyway. You make it sound as though killing the spawn is some sort of villainous, dastardly deed. Get some perspective. It isn't. It's not ruining anyone's enjoyment of the game. If it is, find a different game. Because it's a damn useless bear. You can't possibly want it that bad.

    Also.. they are called rare pets. It's not supposed to be easy to get them. If they were meant to be a dime a dozen, then they would have been designed to be.

    The bottom damn line is that things are what they are. I don't feel strongly enough about it to do so, but I take comfort in the fact that if I wanted to go and kill that spawn, then I could do it, and there's not a thing you can do about it. Why? Because that's what the game was designed to be like. Killable pets just adds another level of interaction between players. I believe it was intentional. You're just one more person who's crying because the game is too hard for them.

    you are the biggest joke ive seen on this forum fool.
    quoting another player and putting in your own words makes you look like a 3rd grader who only goes around shouting "me,me,me,me,me,I,me,me,I,me,me,me,me,me,I,,me AND DONT YOU SAY YOU OR IMA QQ"
    and please feel free Not to call me "m'dear" you fruitcake, makes me feel uncomfortable

    if you even bothered to read what i had posted before you pulled off your lame quoting stunt, it clearly mentioned that i am Not a veno class.

    if your "capable of joining in the race to go get myself an adorable little bear dude, and then selling that sucker off."
    then go do it? why come to the forums and try to convince others that you Can do it? want some encouragement before you finally grow a pair to actually achieve it?b:laugh

    so...after waiting a period of 12hours if some a**hat comes along and kills a mob you wanna tame, just for his sadistic kicks, that is not "some sort of villainous, dastardly deed"?
    and again you go putting your own moronic POV as the universally-approved perspective. you just ruined the enjoyment of those half a dozen venos there trying to tame it fool. for them it isnt a useless bear, and you cant talk on their part cause your not them. and they Did want it That Bad. dont go force your own BS a**hat opinion on others, refrain from putting both your foot down your mouth to prevent choking hazards.b:laugh

    and as per your view on "universal balance" you wanna kill em rare pets so that venos dont get ahead of you in the game aye?
    whenever someone kills a rare spawn, you sleep more peacefully and night, and refrain from crying and wetting your bed.
    now...what about those thousands of mats getting picked up every minute o.O
    you go hyperventilate everytime someone, other that your fruity self, picks up some mid grade mats.
    you suffer panic attacks whenever someone other than you gets a mold drop in a FB.
    you...omg....break out into hives whenever someone other than you kills a mob and gets that 0.01% ahead in level than you.

    and impersonating GMs and scamming other players is also possible. just cause its possible it doesnt mean that it was "designed" to happen. id feel bad if i got scammed. and if you think that it "just adds another level of interaction between players" just cause its possible, then you just need to quit playing this game fool.
    "I believe it was intentional." you belive in the most emotarded things Ever, do yourself a favour and stop believing.

    more than anyone here, You need to quit this game and find a glass bubble to live in for the remainder of your chronic a**hat life b:victory

    and FYI, while submitting tickets to PWi Top Guns, there is a option called "gameplay" there, it goes for submitting tickets about morons like you who disrupt others gameplay.
    if you wanna plant your a** on a rare mob spawn and kill those pets everytime they come by, go do so by all means. and maybe after a couple dozen tickets from angry/pissed off venos, you`ll finally know how the GMs give you the ban-hammerb:victory
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You're so cute when you're homophobic and angry. It's all I can do to stop myself from jumping your gunnels... if you know what I mean. (I mean engaging in intercourse with you)

    You really don't have much of an argument here. So far the best thing you've come up with is essentially that I'm a big ol' meanie. And that's more of a point of view than an argument anyway.

    Let's bust out the quotes..
    thanduril wrote: »
    and impersonating GMs and scamming other players is also possible. just cause its possible it doesnt mean that it was "designed" to happen.

    I hope you don't actually think of this as an argument... it's clearly different. They are actively trying to make it impossible to impersonate GMs and scam players. They can't make it completely impossible, but they can try. PW-Beijing is completely capable of making rare spawns immune to damage. But they don't want to. So they didn't.

    And furthermore, the simple fact of the matter is that hacking, impersonating and scamming are all against the rules. There are no rules against killing rare pets.

    When there are.. then people will stop doing so.

    You took my point of view awfully seriously.. m'dear.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • thanduril
    thanduril Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    that jumping gunnels talk was so lame, its just ****ing beyond me to respond to that. you got me there b:surrender

    dude no one really wants to argue with your "universal balance" and "equal pixel rights for all pixels" related BS. i mean this post is about RoC people killing rare spawns.
    not about you trying to end up as the 100% absolutely correct guy on this thread.
    as far as your 'damage immune' BS is concerned, your the one who said one of your main is a veno, then by "main" you must have meant a lvl 1-8 toon.
    cause obviously the number of times you`d endup failing to tame the mob Just Because its on max hp(being damage immune and all) might make you wanna /wrist.
    i dont even wanna go into damage immune mobs being tamable or not part.

    why be a prick when you can just go have fun playing the game and let others have fun alongside you.b:victory
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Quite an interesting topicb:chuckle
    P.S. My sincerest regards to Dbora, a RoC member who had helped me TREMENDOUSLY along the way. His generocity and willingness to help whenever asked is truly impressive. Do not judge a family by coupla rotten apples. RoC has some excellent members too.b:victory

    Then you're one of few people who understand that. It's always annoying when someone, especially a high level someone who should know better, starts hating on me in a party without even getting to know me cuz of my guild and automatically assumes I'm a prick because the world chat says so.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Xiphox - Lost City
    Xiphox - Lost City Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    didnt know rare pets were so important rofl
    Xipox-7X MG-LC-#3 in pvp rankings-b:pleased 3198 hp unbuffedb:victory
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yes they're over-rated. Aside from a select few the rare pets are only good for making cute baby pets -.-
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear
    Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear Posts: 998 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    for some people they are important.

    I don't need to have a pet at home (yes, in RL ;] ), but they're so damn cute, I want to have one badly >.<

    I don't need to have a rare pet ingame, but they're so damn cute, so I want to have one badly >.<

    but I need my ig money for other stuff... pets eat a lot... and need new skills... I need armor and want to have a better flying mount...

    btw, I have two cats at home^^

    I think it's getting very off-topic here... sorry.
    (maybe this should be closed -.-)

    Thanks to Torhn for coloring!
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    thanduril wrote: »
    you are the biggest joke ive seen on this forum fool.
    quoting another player and putting in your own words makes you look like a 3rd grader who only goes around shouting "me,me,me,me,me,I,me,me,I,me,me,me,me,me,I,,me AND DONT YOU SAY YOU OR IMA QQ"
    and please feel free Not to call me "m'dear" you fruitcake, makes me feel uncomfortable

    if you even bothered to read what i had posted before you pulled off your lame quoting stunt, it clearly mentioned that i am Not a veno class.

    if your "capable of joining in the race to go get myself an adorable little bear dude, and then selling that sucker off."
    then go do it? why come to the forums and try to convince others that you Can do it? want some encouragement before you finally grow a pair to actually achieve it?b:laugh

    so...after waiting a period of 12hours if some a**hat comes along and kills a mob you wanna tame, just for his sadistic kicks, that is not "some sort of villainous, dastardly deed"?
    and again you go putting your own moronic POV as the universally-approved perspective. you just ruined the enjoyment of those half a dozen venos there trying to tame it fool. for them it isnt a useless bear, and you cant talk on their part cause your not them. and they Did want it That Bad. dont go force your own BS a**hat opinion on others, refrain from putting both your foot down your mouth to prevent choking hazards.b:laugh

    and as per your view on "universal balance" you wanna kill em rare pets so that venos dont get ahead of you in the game aye?
    whenever someone kills a rare spawn, you sleep more peacefully and night, and refrain from crying and wetting your bed.
    now...what about those thousands of mats getting picked up every minute o.O
    you go hyperventilate everytime someone, other that your fruity self, picks up some mid grade mats.
    you suffer panic attacks whenever someone other than you gets a mold drop in a FB.
    you...omg....break out into hives whenever someone other than you kills a mob and gets that 0.01% ahead in level than you.

    and impersonating GMs and scamming other players is also possible. just cause its possible it doesnt mean that it was "designed" to happen. id feel bad if i got scammed. and if you think that it "just adds another level of interaction between players" just cause its possible, then you just need to quit playing this game fool.
    "I believe it was intentional." you belive in the most emotarded things Ever, do yourself a favour and stop believing.

    more than anyone here, You need to quit this game and find a glass bubble to live in for the remainder of your chronic a**hat life b:victory

    and FYI, while submitting tickets to PWi Top Guns, there is a option called "gameplay" there, it goes for submitting tickets about morons like you who disrupt others gameplay.
    if you wanna plant your a** on a rare mob spawn and kill those pets everytime they come by, go do so by all means. and maybe after a couple dozen tickets from angry/pissed off venos, you`ll finally know how the GMs give you the ban-hammerb:victory

    hey M O R O N, rare pets = mobs. mobs = free for all. I kill mobs to get items and exp. Where's the abuse/disrupt of gameplay there? you just wasted your time typing a useless essay-length QQ on forums. I can camp that spot and kill it every hour it spawns and GMs won't ban my ****.. you know why? It's part of the gameplay + I don't break any of the ToA A.k.A PW rules. YOU FAIL
  • tc2r
    tc2r Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    When i started game RoC owned the territory I was at, so I went with the flow and became a supporter for them. That is until today :( After a member of their faction griefed two parties for 30 mins stopping them from killing rattus Lord. it left a sour taste.(by stealing aggro and running the boss off until it reset)

    Interesting a friend of mine searches for Mikeya on the forums and this topic shows up...

    Not liking my opinion of RoC to be ruined by one person, I sought out another member of their Guild. And this is what the conversation basically ended up being o.O

    I'd heard rumors that RoC was a bunch of online bullies who think they own everything, but I didn't really believe them till this happened.
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    RoC = Reta-rds on Computers end of topic...

    maybe we can start a new kind of jokes directed at RoC just like the chuck norris ones b:victory

    RoC are where all the **** holes of Heaven's Tear meet who had the rotten luck of being in the wrong server what are you gonna use the Q word on me or are you gonna say am a carebear go ahead knock yourself dead but am with you though so even though I hate your guts RoC but am gonna go kill me some rare pets..

    a new prade just started (FIGHT THE EVIL VENOS SEND THEM ALL TO HELL AND BACK THEN BACK AGAIN) stupid **** crack piece of **** class b:angry
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    So you talked smack to him and he camped a boss. Your screenshot just proves some sort of unresolved misunderstanding.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Bookman - Heavens Tear
    Bookman - Heavens Tear Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    RoC = Reta-rds on Computers end of topic...

    maybe we can start a new kind of jokes directed at RoC just like the chuck norris ones b:victory

    RoC are where all the **** holes of Heaven's Tear meet who had the rotten luck of being in the wrong server what are you gonna use the Q word on me or are you gonna say am a carebear go ahead knock yourself dead but am with you though so even though I hate your guts RoC but am gonna go kill me some rare pets..

    a new prade just started (FIGHT THE EVIL VENOS SEND THEM ALL TO HELL AND BACK THEN BACK AGAIN) stupid **** crack piece of **** class b:angry
    the first line makes the rest of your post very ironic.
  • Wyeth - Heavens Tear
    Wyeth - Heavens Tear Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    That's fine, shortly i will...but when i am do not expect i'll be hounding any RoC member for an invite.

    What is this arrogance i detect from all these RoC individuals?


    'shortly i will' what happened to that? stfu dumb noob QQ
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Not only does he hate RoC but he hates venos. :(
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Wyeth - Heavens Tear
    Wyeth - Heavens Tear Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    lol i cant believe i didnt see this thread earlier

    crying over rare pets......if you want to get him back just get a pheonix and **** him......otherwise,

  • tc2r
    tc2r Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    So you talked smack to him and he camped a boss. Your screenshot just proves some sort of unresolved misunderstanding.

    only one Key Point.. I wasn't there to kill Rattus Lord, the two parties that Mikeya griefed were, I found the whole situation quiet funny (and shocking as I had previously thought better of RoC). I killed Rattus lord like some 20 levels ago I think.

    But yeah, I suppose the way that RoC solves it's arguements with one person in the area is by griefing the parties in that area by reseting their bosses o.O?

    It should also be stated that most of the people trying to finish their quest were soo frustrated by Mikeya that they logged off the game. Griefers make the game unenjoyable for everyone. and Blacklisting idiots like Mikeya doesn't seem to stop them from finding ways to grief people who have done nothing wrong
  • ISLEOFPEN - Heavens Tear
    ISLEOFPEN - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i know, f'k RoC. Let's all bid on RoC this week and take all their territories!
  • Wei - Heavens Tear
    Wei - Heavens Tear Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i know, f'k RoC. Let's all bid on RoC this week and take all their territories!

    STFU! Bad pandab:chuckle
  • Serjah - Heavens Tear
    Serjah - Heavens Tear Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i Know, F'k Roc. Let's All Bid On Roc This Week And Take All Their Territories!

    Yesh Pliz Maxt0rz, Bid On All Roc Lands !!!!!!!
    A patch full of glitch,
    Makes my eyes twitch.
    Should i continue playing this game or switch,
    because this is a serious problem and not a simple itch.
    Some bug abusing noob gets rich,
    While a honest players get the ditch.
    Please rollback if you wanna enrich,
    or this game would just be a ****

    by xtrm9
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Please cut the foul language people.
This discussion has been closed.